the internetintranet vs. extranet •look at page 70 •internet is accessible to everyone...

Post on 09-Sep-2020






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The Internet

Chapter 3


• 1969 as a way for the government to network defense contractors, universities and government organizations

• 1980 National Science Foundation (NSF) added networks to ARPANET and called it the INTERNET

• 1990 GUI created by Tim Berners Lee

• 1994 World Wide Web Consortium founded

• 1995 Private Networks joined Internet


• Large collection of networks

• The Web is just one part of the larger network

• Internet hardware includes computers, servers, communication lines

• Internet software allows user to access the files stored on the servers

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

• Business that allows customers computers to access the Internet through its own network

• Monthly fee is charged

• ISP has one or more severs that link together local and regional netowrks and route data over the Internet

• Look at Figure 3.1 page 67

Internet Protocols

• Set of rules and procedures specifying how data is formatted and transmitted between computers

Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

– Contains specific info that allows computers to

identify each other and exchange data

– Each computer has a numeric internet protocol or IP address

– is the IP address that takes you to the domain address

– The domain address is easier to remember so people use it

Other Internet Protocols (or rules)

• HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol used to transfer files from a web server to a web browser

• FTP: file transfer protocol downloads and uploads files to the internet

• Telnet: allows a computer access to another remote location like a library catalog

• Gopher: uses Veronica and Jughead software to allow users to search text based sources

Internet Resources

• Email • Listserv • FTP Site • Newsgroups • Chat Rooms • IRC • IM • Online Gaming • Look at definitions on page 69

Intranet vs. Extranet

• Look at page 70

• Internet is accessible to everyone

• Intranet is accessible only to members of an organization (our M drive)

• Extranet can be accessed by outside or remote users who have authorization (QNS)


• Uniform Resource Locator is a unique web address that contains the following components (page 72)

• http: is the protocol

• www is the world wide web

• calhoun is the domain name

• is the domain name extension

• Hs is the folder and index.htm is the file accessed

Domain Name Extensions

• .com

• .edu

• .gov

• .org

• .mil

• .net

• .biz

• .info

Web Browser

• Request, retrieve, and views web pages

• Internet Explorer, Firefox

• Platform Differences among Web Browsers: – Design: margin, text wrap, size, color all vary in

web browsers

– Restrictions: not all browsers support all features. i.e. JAVA

– Accessibility: allows differently abled individuals access

Retrieving a Page

• Look at page 73

Preview Web Pages

• Pages look different in different browsers

• Preview page in the following:

– Internet Explorer

– Netscape Navigator

– Mozilla

– Firefox

– Safari

• Activity 3A Previewing in diff. browsers

Search Engine

• Application that locates information on Web

• Google

• AltaVista

• Excite

• Yahoo

Search Tools

• Keyword Search: entering one or more keywords into a search engine – The engine searches the Inernet for web sites with

matches to that word

– Returns the results or hits to the user

– Don’t make keywords too general

• Boolean Search specifies how the search engine should locate the page by using the following operators: AND, OR, NOT

• Activity 3B

Web Site Development

• Software

– Applications required to create web pages

– Applications required to create web page components

Applications to Create pages

• Text editors (notepad)

• WYSIWYG (Dreamweaver)

– What You See Is What You Get

Applications to Create Web Page Components

• Photoshop

• Fireworks

• Flash

• Quick time

• Java

• Page 79

Hardware and Connectivity

• To connect to the Internet the user must have:

– Processor


– Hard Drive

– Video

Input/Output Devices

– Monitor

– Printer

– Scanner

– Camcorder, microphone, speaker, camera

Publishing A Site

• Moving files from the developers hard drive to a web server or from your working directory to the web server that is hosting the page

• Web hosting service gives access to a web server (GODADDY)

– Must have high speed to upload

– Must have storage space

– Technical support


• External link the user outside of the home page

• Internal take user within user’s web site

Acceptable Use Policies

• Page 84

• Download only freeware or what you buy

• Don’t use forbidden sites or abuse organization email

• Do not use internet for personal use


• Discuss netiquette

• Don’t tell others your name

• Don’t tell others where you live


• Commercial software is copyrighted • Shareware can be downloaded for a small fee • Freeware can be downloaded for free • Page 85 • Intellectual Property • Fair use • Citing Sources • Page 86 • Digital Citation page 88

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