the industrial revolution - · invention & innovation and the industrial...

Post on 20-May-2018






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2.1 The Industrial Revolution

Students will:

2.1.1. Know, understand and be able to explain the new ideas and innovations

which led to the Industrial Revolution.

2.1.2. Analyze elements of social change/conflict during the Industrial period.

2.1.3. Understand, and be able to explain, how governments and workers

responded to issues of industrialization.

2.1.4. Comprehend the economic conditions which led to industrialization and

furthered its development.

The Industrial Revolution (1750 – 1850)

• A period intense and rapid technological advancements

• Brought permanent social and economic changes

• England was the first and fastest nation to industrialize

Why England?

1. An Agrarian Revolution

2. Population growth

3. Investment Capital

4. Natural Resources

5. Colonial Empire

Agrarian Revolution

• Scientific revolution brought better understanding of agriculture• Eg; Crop Rotation

• Farming Inventions• Seed drill

• Expansion of farmlands

• Periods of good weather

• New crops (potato)

Population Growth/Shift

• Increased food supply led to increase in population

• Enclosure movement – landowners evicted families from common lands

• People moved to cities in large numbers, labour supply increased

Investment Capital

• The Capitalist economic ideas of Adam Smith were prominent

• Laissez-faire market economy allowed business to operate free from government control

• Entrepreneurs had money to invest in business ventures

Natural Resources

• Many rivers for power/transportation

• Abundance of coal and iron ore, essential for manufacturing

• Many natural harbours for shipping

Colonial Empire

• England’s colonies were essential to industrialization

1. They were the source of many raw materials

2. They provided markets to export finished goods

The British Empire in 1750

Invention & Innovation and the Industrial Revolution

Research and Report on the following

1. Flying Shuttle

2. Spinning Jenny

3. Water Frame

4. Steam Engine (James Watt)

5. Iron & Steel manufacturing

Specifically take note of:• What the invention could do• What impact it had on society• Who invented it• When it was invented

Industrialization Quiz

1. What was the first country in Europe to industrialize?

2. What is one aspect of the “Agrarian revolution” that led to industrialization

3. Name a natural resource that was important as a raw material for industrialization

4. What economic system made industrialization possible?

5. The flying shuttle, spinning jenny and power loom all worked to faster produce what kind of products?

Flying Shuttle

• 1733

• John Kay

• Allowed weaving looms to be operated a faster pace

• Doubled worker productivity

• Increased demand for thread/yarn, which could not be met, until…

Spinning Jenny

• 1766

• James Hargreaves

• Was able to spin cotton fibre into thread at a faster rate

• Threads were considerably weak

Water Frame

• 1767

• Richard Awkwright

• Water-powered spinning device

• Faster than previous methods, with stronger thread

Steam Engine

• James Watt

• Developed from 1763 – 75

• Used a coal fired boiler to create steam and crank a piston

• Steam engines were used to run factory machines of all types and in many vehicles including trains

Iron & Steel Manufacturing

• 1856

• Henry Bessemer

• Introduced process for mass-producing steel

• Iron ore was smelted, then oxygen used to remove impurities

Decline of Cottage Industry

• Many farmers in their countryside home also produced textiles goods in their spare time – Cottage Industry

• These were time consuming to make, but could be sold at a high price

• New inventions made it quicker and easier to produce cloth and fabric• Inventions?

• Mass production kills the cottage industry

The Luddites

• A group of English textiles workers led by Ned Ludd

• Destroyed the weaving machines that were taking their jobs.

• luddite - one whom opposes new technologies

What characterized factory work?

• Low wages

• Dangerous working conditions

• Long Hours

• No benefits/insurance

• Child Labour

Adam Smith (1723 – 1790)

• Scottish economist & philosopher

• Wrote “The Wealth of Nations”

• Advocated for free-markets and laissez-faire economics

• Described “The Invisible Hand”

Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)

• German philosopher & economist

• Wrote “The Communist Manifesto” in which he described society being made up of two classes

• Proletariat – labour force

• Bourgeoisie – Elite factory owners

• Believed the workers (proletariat) were enslaved and cheated by the wealthy elites (bourgeoisie)

• Predicted class warfare which would result in communism

• Is this a fair representation? • To whom might the cartoon be sympathetic? • What might you say the cartoon fails to acknowledge?

The rise of labour unions

• The labour movement began with the realization that workers had more power collectively.

• By forming and joining Labour Unions employees could place greater demands on their employers, with the threat of strike action if demands were not met.

• Unions have been effective based on their strength and size and the availibity of outside labour (Scabs).

• In some cases employers hired strikebreakers to use threats and violence to intimidate strikers and force people back to work.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• Written by John Peters Humphrey of Hampton, NB and Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the US

• There are 30 articles

• What do they say?

• What events influenced their creation?

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Triangular trade

What is going where?

Triangular Trade

• England• Imports: Cotton, Tobacco, Rum, Sugar, Molasses

• Exports: Finished goods (textiles, metal goods)

• African Colonies• Imports: Finished goods (textiles, metal goods)

• Exports: Slaves

• American/Caribbean Colonies• Imports: Slaves

• Exports: Cotton, Tobacco, Rum, Sugar, Molasses

Origins of the Slave Trade

• Trade – The act of importing and exporting goods to/from a nation

• Mercantilism – Nations amassing wealth by exporting more goods than they import

• Raw Materials – Natural resources used to make finished goods (cotton clothing)

• Colonialism – Empire establishing colonies in other parts of the world for the purpose of 1) extracting natural resources/raw materials for trade and 2) Creating markets for export

What do these images tell us about slavery?

Auction Advertisement - 1769

Abolitionism – The movement to end slavery

• Became prominent in England

• Caused great division in the US

Josiah Wedgewood

Aunt Jemima - Misrepresentation

• The stereotypical character trope of “mammy” was used by the Quaker Oats company for marketing

• Depicted the “happy slave”

“Gordon” – Escaped Slave

• 1863 Gordon was found by Union Army soldiers in Louisiana

• Photographed and used to inspire abolitionist feelings and recruit soldiers for the Union Army

Abolishment of Slavery

• 1833 – England• Slave trade ended

• All slaves in England and colonies given their freedom

• Slave owners compensated by Government

• 1861 – 1865 - US Civil War fought over the issue of “states rights”• Emancipation Proclamation, executive order by Abraham Lincoln gave slaves

their freedom

• Southern States proclaimed independence, fought for it and lost

Historical Thinking

• Perspective taking • “What would it have been like?”

• Continuity & Change• “What is the difference between change and progress?”

• Cause & Consequence• “What actions, beliefs, and circumstances are responsible for major changes

in society?

• Understanding Ethical Dimensions• “what responsibilities do historical crimes and sacrifices impose upon us


The Impact of Industrialism Assignment• 2 page MLA format research paper on one of the following

topics• Due Monday, March 26th

1. Explain the evolution of worker‘s rights, and the implications of these rights, for workers at the time of industrialization and now• Choose a specific issue, (e.g. child labour) conduct research

and compare how the issue was handled in the 19th century compared with now.

2. Compare and contrast one aspect of the Industrial period with a modern, evolving industrialized society (e.g. Fort McMurray in 2012 vs London in 1852)

3. What ethical issues continue to be linked to industrialization? How should a modern, progressive society deal with these?

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