the individuals & interpersonal relationships 7

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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lecturing presentation on interpersonal and intrapersonal communication



Session 10 Introduction to Communication Science

After completing this lesson, you will understand why…

• Is it important to understand the role of communication in the ongoing activities of individuals.

• Through our lives, we developed self concept and self-awareness .

• In life, people faces many stages and types of relationship.

• Communication plays a central role in development & evolution of human relationship.


CommunicationIn often happens when you

imagine, think, analyze, and solve problems in your head

It is an internal dialogue and may take place even when you are alone, with someone, or in public

Prinsip 1:

Proses Simbolik

Komunikasidalam diri kitaberperanpenting dalamperkembangandiri sebagaiindividu dan membentukinterpretasiterhadaplingkungansekitar

Basic Activities of Human Communication

1. Reacting: Memproses pesan secara visual/auditori/tactile/olfactory/gustatory

2. Acting: Memulai komunikasi verbal/non-verbal

3. Interacting: Terlibat dalam pengiriman/pertukaran pesan

dengan orang/objek lain

Dalam memprosespesan, kita melaluitahappenginterpretasianpesan sebelumsampai ke tindakankomunikasi

Proses Interpretasi Pesan

Message Describe Classify Evaluation Action





Secara rutin, manusia memproses informasi & mengembangkan interpretasi berdasarkan

pengalaman, yang pada akhirnya menghasilkanpersonal theory (teori berdasarkan


1. Cognitive Hardware -- perangkat fisik(indra)

2. Cognitive Software teori berdasarkanpengalaman

Cognitive Development

Learning Process

• Bayi yang baru lahir tidak paham bahasa, simbol, konsep & gagasan untukberkomunikasi

• Bayi belajar lewat pengalaman & indra, setelah dewasa mereka belajar melalui media komunikasi lainnya

Self - Development

Menurut Herbert Mead, ada tiga

proses tahapan yang dilewati

manusia untuk mampu

berpartisipasi dalam masyarakat

sosial. Tahapan tersebut adalah

preparatory stage, play stage &

game stage.

Tahap pertama :

→ Belum mampu

memandang perilakunya


→ Meniru perilaku orang

lain yang ada di sekitarnya

dan mencoba memberikan


→ Mulai belajar

menangkap makna dari

bahasa yang


Pada tahapan kedua, anak mulai belajarberperan seperti orang lain. Berperilakuseperti ayahnya, ibunya, guru, dsb. Melaluibermain peran yang beraneka ragam itu anakmempelajari pola-pola perilaku individulainnya.

Tahap ketiga, merupakan tahapan di manaanak melatih ketrampilan sosialnya. Di sini, ia belajar bagaimana memenuhi harapanorang lain.


Mind is the ability to use symbols

that have common social meanings.

→ Human must develop minds

through interaction with others.

Self is imagining how we look to

another person.

The looking glass self is our ability

to see ourself as another see us.

→ We imagine how we appear to

others, their judgement of our


Mind, Self and Society

We learned about ourselves from the way others treat us, view us and

label us

Self-concepts provide an important motive for behavior.→Beliefs, values, feelings and assesments about the

self, affect behavior

Self-fulfilling Prophecy is a prediction about yourself

causing you to behave in such a way that it comes


We develop self-concepts through interaction with others







Society are the web or social

relationships humans create

and respond to

→ Interaction takes place

within a dynamic social

structure (culture, society)

Particular Others are

individuals who are significant

to us (family, friends)

Generalized Others are the

attitude of the whole


Interpersonal Relationships

• refers to face-to-face- communication between two people

example: doctor-patient, teacher

student, parent-child, husband-

wife, two close friend, etc

• Every participant can get the

reaction from the others.



Ciri-ciri Interpersonal

CommunicationSteward L. Tubbs dan Sylvia Moss (dalam Deddy Mulyana, 2005)

berada dalam jarak yang dekat. mengirim dan menerima pesan verbal

atau non-verbal secara simultan dan spontan.

Tujuan Komunikasi Antar-Pribadi

1) Mengenal diri sendiri dan orang lain

2) Mengetahui dunia luar

3) Menciptakan dan memelihara hubungan menjadi


4) Mengubah sikap dan perilaku

5) Bermain dan mencari hiburan

6) Membantu

Proses Transaksional

1. Komunikasi interpersonal sebagai proses.

2. Komponen-komponen dalam komunikasi interpersonal saling tergantung.

3. Para pelaku komunikasi interpersonal bertindak dan bereaksi.

Any question…?

A RELATIONSHIP… is formed whenever reciprocal message

(interpersonal communication) processing


Types of Relationships

1. Dyadic and Triadic Relationships• Majority of our relationships are dyad (2 person units)• Each dyadic relationship fulfills particular ends

(husband-wife, teacher-student, doctor-patient)• Triad relationships may get very complex.• In triad, difference of opinions can be resolved by

voting, when in dyad, negotiation is the only means to decision making.

Task and Social Relationships

Task relationships developed for the purpose of coordinated action – completion of a task or project

While social relationships provide a means of diversion, recreation, intimacy or companionship.

Short and Long Term


Short Term Long Term

Low investment High Investment

Little history Lengthy history

Identities negotiable Identities fixed

Casual & Intimate


• Relationships can be charac-

terized in terms of “depth”

or level of intimacy

• In more intimate relationships,

a person is disclosing much

information about his/her

opinion or beliefs


Reciprocity in Self-Disclosure

• In the beginning…people match disclosure


I’m from New York

I like pumpkin pie.

When I was six, I fell out

of a tree and broke my arm.

I’m from California

I like apple and blueberry pie.

I never broke any bones before.


Reciprocity in Self-Disclosure

• In an established relationship,

reciprocity occurs less often:

I really can’t stand my mother. That stinks. Can I help?

Thanks for sharing your secret.I have to tell you this huge secret…


Social Penetration Theory

Early in Relationship



Number of Topics



Little Depth


Little Breadth




Number of Topics



Social Penetration Theory

As the Relationship Develops


& Breadth

Depth: How personal or private the

information is:

• Superficial: Your favorite foods and


• Intimate: Your educational background

and your feelings about it.

• Very Intimate: Feelings about your

adequacy in sexual behavior.

Breadth: the different

domains of disclosure

- biographical data

- preferences (food,

clothing, music, etc.)

- goals and


- convictions


philosophical, moral)

- deeply held

fantasies and fears

- concept of self

(who am I?)

How the theory applies to every day life? Let’s look at one

episode of “Friends”, titled "Rachel and know“,

which appeared during the second season of the show.

This episode offers examples which relate to the Social

Penetration Theory.

• The story is about the first date that occurs between Rachel and Ross (two characters who have been friends previously and decide to date.)

• Taylor and Altman base their theory on the idea of how people develop closeness within a relationship. To encorporate their ideas they created the onion model which shows the layers which must be peeled away in order to create closeness in a relationship.

How did Rachel and Ross gain relational closeness?

Biographical data...

• The couple exchanges

information that is

normal of every day

talk such as "Hi, how

are you? How was your

day?..." This is the

layer where they flirt in

a discrete manner and

are careful about their

body language toward

each other in front of

other people.

Superficial areas...

• When reaching this layer Rachel discloses the information that she couldn't see the subtitles of the movie they watched during their date because she did not want to have to wear her glasses on their first date. Within this layer as one can understand by Rachel's example of eye glasses people tend to admit to silly hang-ups that they may have.

Deeply held fears and fantasies...

Moving toward the inner layers of the onion

Ross tells Rachel that he is self conscience

about grabbing her butt due to the fact that she

made fun of him when he first attempted to did

so. Although this particular fear may not be

deeply rooted people often share secrets and

never before told stories at this layer in a


Concept of self...The idea of sharing your self-concept

with another is the inner most layer of

Altman and Taylor's onion. Within this

layer Ross explains to Rachel his

reasoning behind not being able to

grab her butt and explains to her that

he feels stupid doing so. When people

reveal to another how they view

theirself they are usually reaching a

high level of comfort in the

relationship. Although this example

deals with a comical situation and the

dilemma is based on Ross grabbing

Rachel's butt, one can still see how

Social Penetration theory is relevant.

Gender stylesWomen are more likely to share thoughts and feelings75% of men surveyed said most meaningful experiences with friends came from activities other than talking


Figure 6-1 Stages of Relational Development

Stages of Relationships (Mark Knapp)

Initiating – brief interactions to show interestExperimenting – small talkIntensifying – expression of feelings Integrating – take identity as one social unitBonding – make symbolic public gestures

Differentiating – need to gain privacyCircumscribing – withdrawal, shrinking of interestStagnating – no growth occursAvoiding – physical distance occursTerminating – relationship ends

Relational Patterns 1. Supportive & Defensive Climates2. Dependencies & Counterdependencies3. Progressive & Regressive Spirals

Factors That Influence Patterns

1. Stage of relationship & context

2. Interpersonal needs and styles

3. Power

4. Conflict

Thank you… See you

next week!

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