the implementat ion of te aching writing ighth grade...

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Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


This study aims at describing the implementation of teaching writing to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two in 2013/2014 academic year and to describe problem faced by teacher and students in teaching writing process.

This is a descriptive qualitative research. The researcher collected the data by observing the English class and interviewing teacher and students. The data include field note of observation, interview script, and syllabus. While, the methods of collecting the data are observation, interview, and document. The technique used in analyzing data is as follows collecting the data of the observation and interviewing, analyzing the data from the result of observation and interview, and concluding the result and giving suggestion.

The objective of teaching writing at the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali are (1) to help the students develop their writing skills. In the classroom activities, teacher gives the students a drill. (2) to enable the students in understanding English as a means of communication. (3) to enable the students in being active in practicing English in written form. The material for teaching writing taken from worksheet that related with syllabus. Media that the teacher uses are worksheet and LCD projector. The teacher used several techniques in teaching writing process such as, imitative or writing down, intensive or controlled writing, self writing, and real writing. In the evaluation, the teacher used the daily test, mid test, and final test. Mid test and final test is the test made by the government to measure achievement at students nationally. The daily test is a test made by the teacher to measure the students ability especially in writing skill. In daily evaluation the teacher give the daily assignment and homework. The problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing are the discipline of the students, the students do not do their homework, and the students don’t bring dictionary when they join the class. While, the problem faced by the students in writing, several students do not want to write. Keywords: The implementation of teaching writing and problem faced by the

teacher and students





Writing is one of the four English language skills. In the process of

teaching and learning in Junior High School, a teacher should be able to develop

students’ writing ability because writing skill is one of the important things for the

advancement of students’ English language. A teacher is required for teaching

English properly and correctly to their students. Beside that, the teacher must have

creative and innovative techniques to deliver materials in the classroom. In SMP

N 2 Sawit Boyolali, there are many problems that affect teaching writing process

such as the students are difficult to memorize the word in English, the students

often do not bring a dictionary when learning English, and so on. The students’

problems affect the process of teaching writing, so they do not have a lot of

English knowledge. The limitation of vocabulary makes difficult for the students

to write and to translate both word and sentence. These are some problems faced

by the teacher and students that make the teaching writing process do not run well.

Based on the problem statements, the objectives of the study in this

research are; to describe how is the implementation of the writing process,

approach, and technique in the classroom and to describe the problems faced by

the teacher and students in English teaching writing to the eighth grade students of

SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two in 2013/2014 academic year.

Writing is one of the four English language skills. In the process of

teaching and learning in Junior High School, a teacher should be able to develop

students’ writing ability because writing skill is one of the important things for the

advancement of students’ English language. A teacher is required for teaching

English properly and correctly to their students. Teaching is sharing or helping

someone to learn how to do something by giving instruction, guiding in the study

of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand (Kirnble

and Garmezy (1963: 133) in Brown (1994: 7)). Here, the purposes of the teaching

are to help or to support students when they learn English and to develop students’

behavior and also their knowledge. According to Richards (1999: 12) teaching is




usually regarded as something that the teacher does in order to bring

about change in learners. Teaching consists of activities, task, and learning

experiences selected to help bring about learning and how to use it in the

classroom. It is an activity that tries to help someone to enquire (change, or

develop skills, attitudes appreciations, and knowledge). The result of teaching is

to teach students in order to act well and develop the students’ capability in every

aspect. Teaching is an activity to create situation to support the learning process,

or a teacher’s activity to deliver materials to the students so that the transfer of

knowledge happens (Sardiman, 1996: 47-52). Based on the theory, the teacher

does interaction with the students to deliver materials so that the teaching process

becomes easier.

Many experts define “writing” variously. Bram (2002: 7) states that to

write means to try to produce or reproduce written messages. Before we write, we

need to determine what to write and we should have something meaningful to

convey. According to Brown (2000: 334) teaching writing is showing or helping

someone learn how express creativity, uniqueness, ideas, and indicate what they

want, to give instruction, to provide knowledge, to encourage the students to

understand the material about writing so that someone can write well. It can be

concluded that teaching writing has some purposes to deliver information or to

explore the students’ creativities in writing.

Writing is both physical and a mental act at the most basic level it is a

physical act committing words or an email message typed into a computer. On the

other hand, writing is the mental work of inventing ideas. Thinking about how to

express them and organizing them into statements and paragraph that will be clear

to reader (Nunan, 2003: 88).

According to Fauziati (2010: 49) explain that process of teaching

writing is consequently, the students may produce several draft or versions of their

writing with the emphasis on the process of writing and on getting feedback from

classmates. Based on the theory, teacher is not allowed to see only the final result,



but also in teaching writing process in the classroom. The main purpose of

teaching writing is to help students improve their writing capability to be better.

Generally teaching language process includes; (1) introduction, (2) classroom

activities, and (3) closing.

While, according to Trimmer and Seammers (1984: 10-11) there are

three steps of teaching writing process, namely;

1. Planning Planning is any orderly procedure and to bring about a desired result. As the first stage, planning is a series of strategies designed to find and produce information in writing.

2. Drafting Drafting is a procedure for drawing up a preliminary sketch. As the second stage, drafting is series of strategies designed to organize and develop instituted piece of writing.

3. Revising Revising is a procedure for improving or correcting a work in progress. As the third and final stages, revising is a series of strategies designed in re-examine and re-evaluate the choices that have created a piece of writing.

Based on the theory above, those three steps have each function and

the functions are related to each other. That case can help a teacher to deliver the

material and accelerate the teaching writing process in the classroom. Method is

treated at the level of design in which the roles of teachers, learners, and

instructional are specified (Fauziati, 2005: 5). When a teacher teaches English

language, he should be able to select an appropriate method or technique. It is

useful to help students learn the English language with good methods. Beside that,

the teacher must have creative and innovative techniques to deliver materials in

the classroom.

In this study, the writer observes the implementation of teaching

writing to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two in

2013/2014 academic year by using descriptive qualitative approach. Based on the

explanation and reasons above, the writer is interested in observing the research







This research was conducted on April 14 to May 15, 2014 at the

eighth grade of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two in 2013/2014 academic

year. The subject of the study are English teacher and students of the eighth grade

at SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two in 2013/2014 academic year. The eighth

grade class consist of 24 up to 26 students. The object of this research is the

implementation of teaching writing to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit

Boyolali semester two in 2013/2014 academic year. To collect the data, the writer

applied three research techniques, namely: observation, interview, and document

analysis. the data in this research are analyzed by using descriptive qualitative

research method for analyzing the data with the following procedures, namely: the

writer described and interpreted of the English teaching writing process by taking

several notes when the writer conducted his research, data are arranged in order to

draw conclusion, and the writer draws the conclusion and proposes suggestion

based on the analysis of the data.


In research finding, the researcher presents the answer of the problem

statement. The researcher brings out the implementation of teaching writing

process in the classroom and the problems faced by the teacher and students in

English teaching to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester

two in 2013/2014 academic year. There are seven elements that are presented on

this chapter, namely; objective of teaching writing, process of teaching writing,

approach of teaching writing, technique for teaching writing, materials for

teaching writing, media for teaching writing, and evaluation used in teaching




A. Objective of Teaching Writing

From the interview and observation at the eighth grade of SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali, the objectives of writing are to make the students write, the

teacher hopes that the students can write well. It was supported by the result of

interview by the researcher with the English teacher on May, 7th 2014 from

Mrs. SJ as follows:

1. to help the students develop their writing skills.

In the classroom activities, teacher drilled the students writing skills.

The teacher hoped that students must be active in practicing their English

in written form. In teaching writing process the students did activities from

their teacher instruction. For examples, the teacher asked the students to

write a word, sentence, and paragraph.

2. to enable the students in understanding English as a means of


The teacher hoped the students can use their own writing to

communicate with other people. The students must enrich their vocabulary

and grammar in writing. Besides, the result of their writing must be correct

and systematic. So, the other people can understand the meaning of it.

3. to improve the students’ creativity in writing.

Here, the teacher hoped that the students can write well with their

creativity. They got their creativity from their own experiences and ideas.

The teacher gave freedom to the students to choose their own topic. The

students can connect their own topic with their own experiences and ideas.

Then, the students can put their own topic, experiences, and ideas in a text.

The teacher also gave the students’ homework in the last meeting.

B. Process of Teaching Writing

The researcher observed the classroom activities of teaching

writing process that happened at the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali

semester two in 2013/2014 academic year. Here, the writer describes the

activities of teacher and students in the classroom during the English writing



process at the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. The researcher

observed teaching writing process in four times.

The first observation was done on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. The

English teacher’s name was Mrs. SJ. The material of that day was narrative

text. It was started at 10.50 a.m. up to 12.15 p.m. the researcher observed at

8D class that consists of 24 students. The second observation was done on

Saturday, May 5, 2014. The teacher’s name was Mrs. SJ. The material of that

day was narrative text. It was started at 08.20 a.m. until 09.55 a.m. the

researcher observed at 8G class that consists of 24 students. The third

observation was done on Saturday, May 9, 2014. The teacher’s name was Mrs.

SJ. The material of that day was narrative text. It was started at 09.55 a.m. up

to 11.30 a.m. the writer observed at 8D class that consists of 24 students. And

The third observation was done on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. The English

teacher name was Mrs. SJ. The material of that day was narrative text. It was

started at 10.50 a.m. up to 12.15 p.m. The researcher observed at class 8D that

consists of 24 students

The teacher came into the classroom at the right time. Then, the

teacher greeted the students and they answered it. After that, the teacher

checked the students’ attendance. The teacher also checked the readiness of

the students before studying. Then, teacher delivered materials and asked

students to answer questions. After the students had finished their work, they

submitted it on the teacher’s table. Sometimes the teacher explained again the

material, because some students didn’t understand it. As closing, the teacher

also asked the students about their problem when they learned narrative text.

The teacher gave motivation to the students to study hard. When the bell rang,

teacher closed the meeting and wishing “Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb” and

students answered it very well.

C. Approach to Teaching Writing

When the teacher delivers a material to the students, the teacher

needs approach. The approach should encourage the students understand the



material easier. This approach can also build interaction between teacher and


Based on the observation and interview with the teacher, the writer

found that the teacher used several approach in teaching writing process to the

eighth grade students at the SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. The teacher used several

approach such as, the controlled-to-free approach, the free writing approach,

the paragraph-pattern approach, the grammar-syntax-organization approach,

and the communicative approach.

1. The Controlled-to-free Approach

This approach enables students to make or change a word. Then,

they substitute it in a new sentence. The students are easier to make a

sentence, because this approach is stressing at three aspects, those are

grammar, syntax, and mechanics.

2. The Free Writing Approach

This approach explains that the teacher uses ESL to deliver the

materials in teaching writing. First, most students are hard to accept the

lesson, but in this approach the teacher tries to invite the students to

express their thought in writing. The students can write everything which

is suitable with their ideas. Then, the teacher can correct the students’

writing which has been right or wrong. Teacher has a duty to correct the

students’ writing which is still wrong in order the students know their


3. The Paragraph-pattern Approach

Teacher asks students to copy the paragraph. Then they analyze and

imitate those paragraphs. Besides, students are asked by teacher to make

new paragraphs but students are admitted to make that model paragraph

such as paragraph which is explained by teacher and students can choose

their own topic. Then, they must analyze their paragraph.



4. The Grammar-syntax-organization Approach

Teacher must be able to enrich students’ lexicon. Because when

students write or do writing task, students have to get many words in order

the students can deliver their passage which can be understood by others.

5. The Communicative Approach

This approach explains that teacher has to make students share their

opinion, and then explain it in writing. It can be done by the students by

rewriting and summarizing or making comments about what has been

delivered by teachers.

D. Technique for Teaching Writing

Technique is an important part of teaching writing process.

Teaching writing process needs a technique that is suitable with the students’

need. Based on the observation and interview with the teacher, the writer

found that the teacher implemented some techniques on the teaching writing

process to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali semester two

in 2013/2014 academic year. The teacher used some techniques in teaching

writing process such as imitative or writing down, intensive or controlled

writing, self writing, display writing, and real writing.

Based on the observation, the teacher applied some techniques in

teaching writing process at the SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. It can help the

teacher deliver material to the students and develop their students writing

skills easier. So, the teaching writing process can run well and more


1. Imitative or Writing Down

At the level of learning to write, students will simply ”write down”

English letters, words, and possibly sentences.

2. Intensive or Controlled Writing

This intensive writing typically appears in controlled written

grammar exercises. A common form of controlled writing is to present a

paragraph to students which they have to alter a given structure throughout.



3. Self-writing

The most salient instance of this category in the classroom is note-

taking, where students take notes during a lecture for the purpose of later

recall. Other note-taking may be done in margins of books and on odd

scraps of paper.

4. Display Writing

For all language students, short answer exercises, essay

examinations, and even research reports will involve an element of display.

For academically bound ESL students, one of the academic skills that they

need to master is a whole array of display writing techniques.

5. Real Writing

It means that virtually every classroom writing task will have an

element of displaying writing in it, some classroom writing aims at the

genuine communication of messenger to an audience in need of those


E. Materials for Teaching Writing

In this section, the writer presents materials for teaching writing.

Materials mean the subject matter that is given by the teacher to the students.

Materials are very important and useful for teacher and students to support the

English teaching writing process. The writing materials also can develop

students’ skills, knowledge, and can make them express their ideas. The

teacher should choose the material that is suitable with syllabus, lesson plan,

curriculum, and the goal of teaching writing. Besides, the teacher also chooses

good materials in order to make students easier to understand. The materials

are taken from book or worksheet, and internet.

Based on the observation, the teacher used worksheet and internet

as the sources of the materials. In SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali, the English

teacher uses worksheet to help the teacher deliver the materials. The

worksheet is entitled “Optimis” and published by MERBABU Boyolali, which

is based in the 2004 Competency-based Curriculum. The contents of

worksheet are English materials including writing materials. Besides, that



worksheet must be completed with exercises for the students. The teacher

always brings dictionary in every English teaching-learning. Beside that,

Materials for teaching writing are not only taken from books or worksheet, but

also from internet. Those materials also help teacher in teaching writing

process. The materials from internet could be a text.

The materials have to be suitable with syllabus, lesson plan, and

curriculum. So, the process of teaching writing can be more effective and run


F. Media for Teaching Writing

In teaching writing process, the teacher also used media. Media are

device used for delivering the information or materials to the students. The

main purpose of using media in teaching writing is to help teacher deliver

materials and to make students easier to understand the materials. From the

writer’s observation and interview, the writer found that the teacher used

worksheet and LCD projector as the media.

Worksheet was used by the teacher and the students in teaching

writing process. Student’s worksheet is used as the material and also as media

for teacher to deliver teaching writing material to the students. Because the

worksheet contains materials and exercises, in the exercise, the students can

answer the questions by writing the answer in the columns. The materials on

the student’s worksheet were taken on syllabus. The main purpose student’s

worksheet as a media to make the teacher easy in delivering materials and also

it made the students understand.

LCD projector is an electronic medium. It is usually used by

teacher to present the writing materials and to give exercises to the students.

For example, the teacher gives the materials such as videos and pictures.

Then, the teacher asked the students to explain those videos or pictures in

writing. So, it helps teacher explore their mind. By the media, the process of

teaching writing to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali is




Based on the observation, the teacher used students’ worksheet and

LCD projector to deliver material to the students. Media can support the

teaching writing process effectively and run well.

G. Evaluation Used in Teaching Writing

Evaluation is very important to measure the students’ ability. The

purpose of evaluation is to know the students’ progress in writing skill. Based

on the writer’s observation and interview, the English teacher used daily test,

mid test, and final test as the evaluation in teaching writing.

1. Daily Test

To know the student’s progress in teaching writing. Mrs. SJ as the

English teacher of the eighth grade students at the SMP N 2 Sawit

Boyolali, always held daily test for all students. The daily test was held

once in three weeks. The form of the daily test is objective and essay.

Usually, there are 10 exercises of objective test and 5 essay test.

2. Mid Test

Evaluation in the mid test was obligated for all students in SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali. The exercise for the eighth grade students in SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali consists of 30 objectives test and 5 essay test. The purpose

of this test is to measure the student’s ability.

3. Final Test

The main purpose of the final test is to evaluate the students in

every semester. Final test is obligation for all students in SMP N 2 Sawit

Boyolali in every semester. In final test, there are two kinds of exercises. It

consists of 30 objectives test and 10 essay test.

Test is the same to all the students of eighth grade in SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali. It was suitable with curriculum that is used in SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali. Evaluation is used to measure the progress of students’

capability, especially in writing skill and to know the process of teaching

writing was good or not.




Based on the research finding the writer concludes that:

1. The objectives of teaching writing at the eighth grade students of SMP N 2

Sawit Boyolali are to help the students develop their writing skills, to enable

the students in understanding English as a means of communication, and to

enable the students in being active in practicing English in written form.

2. SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali implemented the 2006 Curriculum. The syllabus

applied by the teacher is theme-based syllabus in every English lesson

especially in teaching writing process to the eighth grade students.

3. The process of teaching writing to the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Sawit

Boyolali is very good. Because, the teacher used the right materials, approach,

technique, and media to support the English teaching writing process. The

students are enthusiastic to join the class. The English teaching writing

process in SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali is very interesting.

4. The teacher adopted several approach in teaching writing process to the eighth

grade students at the SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. The teacher is easier to deliver

materials to the students.

5. The English teacher, Mrs. SJ implemented some techniques in teaching

writing process to deliver materials to the eighth grade students at the SMP N

2 Sawit Boyolali. Those techniques can make students write well.

6. In SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali, the teacher used books or worksheet as the

materials for teaching writing. The contents of students’ worksheet are not

only materials but also exercises for the students. The teacher used materials

that are suitable with curriculum, lesson plan, and syllabus. The students are

easier to understand, because the materials are good.

7. The teacher used media to support teaching writing process. She used

worksheet and LCD Projector as the media. Media that the teacher used are

very good because the students are more interested in joining the class.

8. There are three kinds of evaluation used in teaching writing to the eighth grade

students of SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. The English teacher used daily test, mid

test and final test.



9. Problems faced by the teacher are the discipline of the students, the students

do not do their homework, and the students don’t bring dictionary when they

join the class. Then, the problem faced by the students in writing is several

students do not want to write.



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