the hillholder...the hillholder the official newsletter of the north georgia chapter sdc august,...

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The HILLHOLDERThe official newsletter of the North Georgia Chapter SDC

August, 2016

Next meeting will be theannual picnic in Winder

on Sunday, August 7Details on page 7

Photos from our 2014picnic - two years ago

CONTENTSAugust, 2016 Vol. 41, No. 8

Columns / Reports


3. Celebrations

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. July Meeting Minutes

5. July Meeting Pictures

11. Old Car Trivia Quiz

12. Studebaker Corral

6. Studebaker Calendar

7. August Meeting Details

The Hillholder

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August, 2016

Editor CommentaryAugust is always a great month for our club because it's when we gettogether for our annual club picnic. Once again, Billy and CharleenCarey have volunteered to organize that event. We thank them forstepping up to the plate (pun intended) again this year. Details areprovided on page 7 of this Hillholder. Please arrive by 1:30 so thatwe can be ready to sit down and eat at 2:00.

A tip of the hat also goes out to Jerry and Debi Forrester for hostingthe June meeting at their home. Long-time club member Alan Ziglintells me that it was once more common to host our meetings at aprivate home, so thanks Jerry and Debi for reviving an old practicefor our enjoyment.

Check the bottom of this page for Hellen Attaway's recipe forchocolate pound cake. Hellen baked three cakes, each a differentflavor, and donated them as door prizes at the July meeting. Thankyou, Hellen, for the wonderful cakes as well as for this recipe andothers that will be forthcoming in future issues of this newsletter.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank my wife, Guadalupe Taylor,for submitting articles for both the May and the July issues of theHillholder. I have received many positive comments from themembership about those articles. I'm guessing that we haven't seenthe last one from her yet either. We'll see. I encourage any of you tofollow suit and submit your own article or information that you'dlike to share with the other members.

Hope to see you at the picnic!

-Tim Taylor-

Chocolate Pound Cake½ lb butter or margarine ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup shortening½ teaspoon baking powder 3 cups granulated sugar ½ cup cocoa5 eggs 1 ¼ cups milk 3 cups plain flour 1 teaspoon vanillaCream butter with shortening and sugar; add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Sift together dryingredients; add alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Add vanilla.

Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 30 minutes in tube pan.*** Cool 10 minutes and remove from pan to wirerack to finish cooling.

*** Our oven cooks the cake in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Enjoy! -Hellen Attaway-



Richard HickockJohn ClarkHobo and Brenda BodkinGuadalupe and Tim TaylorBilly Greene 62 GT HawkVicki NoreenShelley NoreenAmy Jones PhillipsEdward BurrisJim and Dotty CartoDan and Barbara MillerBilly and Charleen CareyBen AlspachMike and Marsha Byrd 62 GT HawkLenny and Phyllis MajorWayne and Ann LeeWayne and Terry ZiemerCharlie and Hellen AttawayRick Kamen

The Hillholder


AUGUST BIRTHDAYSChip Branch 8/1Linda Fisher 8/1Dora Smith 8/2Billy Carey 8/3Kenneth Molinelli 8/5Ben Alspach 8/9Loren Nelson 8/24

AUGUST ANNIVERSARIESJerry & Deby Forrester 8/15Bill & Doris Cope 8/16Mike & Marsha Byrd 8/23Ron & Arlinda Martinez 8/26Kenneth & Mary Molinelli 8/27Lenny & Phyllis Major 8/31

TREASURER’S REPORTSubmitted by Barbara Miller, Treasurer

Beginning Balance $5093.62June 1, 2016

Deposits $10.00 New member $10.00

Withdrawals $390.62 Hillholder expenses $140.62 Adopt-A-Car Museum $250.40

Ending Balance $4712.64June 30, 2016

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August, 2016

The Hillholder

North Georgia Chapter SDC MinutesSunday, July 10, 2016

Pizza Wings & Things, Loganville, GAStandard Items:

President Wayne Ziemer called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. He thanked Charlie and Hellen Attaway forarranging the meeting at this location. The sign-in sheet was passed around to all attendees.

Barbara Miller moved, Ben Alspach seconded, to approve the June minutes as published in the Hillholder.Motion carried.

Charlie Attaway moved, Mike Byrd seconded, to approve the May treasurer's report as published in theHillholder. Motion carried.

Wayne Ziemer congratulated club members with birthdays or anniversaries in the month of July.

Announcements:● Wayne Ziemer announced and reminded members that we will need volunteers to run for officer positions for

2017.● Wayne also mentioned that he has been able to make contact with the new board member who replaced Ed Burris.

● Barbara Miller announced that we have club t-shirts available for $15 if purchasing your first one, or $30 if youare replacing one that you already purchased before.

New Business:● Acting on an earlier suggestion by Ron Martinez that we advertise ourselves better at our meeting venues, Ben

Alspach presented a banner that could be displayed indoors or outdoors to encourage passers-by to ask us aboutour club and our cars. Rick Kamen motioned that the club order one, and Barbara Miller seconded. Motioncarried. A picture of the artwork for this banner is shown on page 6 of this Hillholder.


Barbara Miller, Treasurer, reported a balance on 6/01/2015 of $5093.62. Balance on 6/30/2016 was$4712.64. Full report appears on page 3 of this Hillholder.

Jim Carto, Membership Secretary, reported no change in membership since last month.

Tim Taylor, Hillholder Editor, had no Hillholder news to share.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Terry Ziemer, seconded by Barbara Miller at 3:31 p.m. Motioncarried.

Next Meeting: The August meeting will be held the annual club picnic at Fort Yargo State Park in Winder. Detailsare provided on page 7 of this Hillholder.

August, 2016

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The Hillholder

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August, 2016

Photos from the July MeetingPhotos by Guadalupe Taylor

Photo by Rick Kamen

The Hillholder



August 7, 2016: Annual Picnic at Fort Yargo StatePark, Winder, GA. Hosts Billy and Charleen Carey.See details on page 7 of this Hillholder.

September 10, 2016: Calhoun, GA. Hosts Bill &Charlotte Delli 770-547-4871

October 2, 2016: Cumming, GA. Hosts Loren &Helen Nelson 678-637-6910

November 6, 2016: Winder, GA. Hosts Dan &Barbara Miller (770-932-1615) and Richard & HelenForgay (770-775-2064)

December 4, 2016: Loganville, GA. AnnualChristmas Party and Election of Officers. Hosts Mike& Marsha Byrd. 770-466-4295

OTHER STUDEBAKER EVENTSSeptember 10, 2016: International Drive YourStudebaker Day

November 4-6, 2016: Florida State Studebaker Meet.See details on page 9 of this Hillholder.

May 3-6, 2017: South Bend, IN, International SDCMeet

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August, 2016

To the right: Sample banner artpresented by Ben Alspach to get

onlookers curious about our cars andour club. Nice!

The Hillholder

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North Georgia Chapter SDC August MeetingThe August, 2016 meeting of the North Georgia SDC will be our annual club picnic at Fort Yargo State Park inWinder, GA. This is a “pot luck.” Bring your favorite dish to share.Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016 Time: Please arrive by 1:30 so we can start eating at 2:00 PMAddress: 210 South Broad St., Winder, GA - Use the entrance for Area B! Watch for sign and balloons.Hosts: Billy and Charleen Carey Home Phone: 770-867-2060 Cell Phone: 770-967-7186

Directions: From North GA: Take I-85 to exit 137 for GA Highway 53. Go south on 53, which merges withGA 11 and becomes S. Broad Street, GA Highway 81. Continue to park entrance B. Look forStudebaker sign and balloons.

From Atlanta: Take I-85 north to exit 41 and turn right onto GA Highway 316. Continue until you reach GAHighway 81. Turn left onto GA Highway 81. Continue to park entrance B. Look for Studebaker sign andballoons.

Notes: $5 parking fee will be collected upon entry. The building is air-conditioned.

August, 2016

Bring your favorite dish for an old-fashioned pitch-in meal. (Can be meat,vegetable, casserole, salad, dessert or drinks.) Plates, cups, silverware, iced

tea and napkins will be provided.

The Hillholder

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The Hillholder

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August, 2016

The Hillholder

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August, 2016

I enjoyed reading Guadalupe's article in the JuneHillholder. It got me thinking aboutadvertising/promotional items I have of theStudebaker Corporation and its dealerships. Onepiece I am particularly fond of is dated September,1929. It is a cardboard cutout of a man scowlingand holding a sign in front of him saying, "NONEW THRILLS IN MOTORING" You then pulldown a tab at the bottom and his scowl turns into asmile and the sign he is holding changes to say,"THEN HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER." Onthe reverse side it gives the prices of some of thecurrent models and lists the name and address ofthe dealer who provided this item to prospectivebuyers. To me, this is a unique and interestingpiece. One point that impresses me is that inpromoting the dealer it does NOT provide a phonenumber. I assume this speaks the how raretelephone service was at this point in history.Perhaps the dealership had a phone but maybe notmany potential buyers did not...but that is just myguess.

-Alan Ziglin-6

Thanks to Alan Ziglin for this very interesting historical item used for marketing Studebakers:

The Hillholder

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August, 2016

Old Car Trivia Quiz

Answers to last month’s trivia questions:

1. In 1957, distribution of Mercedes-Benz cars in the United States was taken over by what carcompany?

Answer: Studebaker

2. In 1959, distribution rights to the Auto Union-DKW line of vehicles was acquired by what carcompany?

Answer: Studebaker

3. What was the first American car to offer a single-unit heater and air conditioner? (1954 Nash, 1955 Ford, 1953 Chevrolet, or 1948 Buick)

Answer: 1954 Nash

4. Following World War II, in what year did automobile production resume in the United States?

Answer: 1946. Car production resumed in 1946 with a car-hungry population anxious to buy.

5. This one goes way back: What was the last model year for the Jeffrey automobile?

Answer: 1917. Charles Nash acquired the Jeffrey company, and the last Jeffreys in 1917 werefollowed by the first Nashes in 1918.

This month’s trivia quiz questions:

1. Back in the 1950s, critics referring to the “horse collar” grill were referring to what car?

2. The Toronado was a model of what marque?

3. Multiple choice: At just under $2,000 ($1997.00), which car cost the least back in 1973? (Maverick 2-door sedan, Pinto 2-door sedan, Vega 2-door notch-back, or Gremlin 2-door)

4. Multiple choice: Which car was nicknamed “The Judge”? (Camaro, Road Runner, Charger, or GTO)

5. The infamous Chevrolet Corvette was named after what?

Answers to these questions will appear in the September issue of the Hillholder. If you just can’t wait,give Tim Taylor (your newsletter editor) a call. He’ll be glad to share the answers with you. Morenext month.

The Hillholder


These advertisements are provided as a service.. Ads will be posted on a “first come, first served” basis with preference given toStudebaker-related ads. North Georgia Chapter members will be given priority when space does not permit all ads..

Each ad will be posted for 3 months. If space permits, ads can be posted for additional 3-month periods. To extend or delete anad, contact the Newsletter Editor at e-mail One photo may be included for each ad. All ads and photosshould be sent to e-mail The Newsletter Editor and members of the North Georgia Chapter SDC shallnot be responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the contents of the ad. The advertising party shall be solely responsiblefor the ad contents, although the newsletter editor reserves the right to reorganize ad contents, without changing facts, to best fitthe space available.


Manuals for sale - originals (notreproductions) obtained from aformer Studebaker dealer inGriffin, GA. Contact David Hicks,770-584-8200, PO Box 83,Experiment, GA 30212, or seepage 13 of the April Hillholder for acomplete list and pricing.

1928½ Studebaker 8-cyl rust-free,needs restored. $7500.00. Formore details, contact CarolynSikes, 770-729-8210.

Bunch of used Studebaker partsfor sale. Call Harold Bellamy, 770-503-7280 (Gainesville, GA) fordetails.


For sale: 1956 Golden Hawk,Chevy engine, good stainless andglass, needs new left rocker panel,otherwise great restoration project.Has later model trunk lid and hood.Asking $2200. Call HaroldBellamy, 770-503-7280, for moredetails Located in Gainesville, GA.

Written by Chuck Lampman, this99-page book is based on articleswritten by Chuck Lampman, NorthGeorgia Chapter SDC member,that appeared in Turning Wheels inthe early 1990’s and won the SDCChurchill Award for Best Article,Non-paid. Some materialedited out of Turning Wheels isincluded in the book as well asupdates and several new itemswritten after the Turning Wheelsseries was published. “SomeThoughts” is aimed at the firsttime restorer but will be of value tothe more experienced. It is notintended to be a “how to restore”book but gives a look at thedecision-making processes,tools, spaces, and basic skillsneeded to do a restoration. It alsoprovides a framework to helpstructure a project and containsseveral chapters of Studebaker-specific advice.

Cost for the book shipped tocontinental US addresses is$22.50 plus $4.00 for handling andpostage. Payment can be

made through PayPal sent or bymailing a check or money orderto Chuck Lampman, 4141Lynette Court, Kennesaw GA30144-2293.

Contact Chuck Lampman directlyfor purchases outside thecontinental U.S.

—-------------------------------------------1955 "E" series pickup street rod.The truck has a 1978 Oldsmobilefront clip on it, a 305 GM V8coupled to a turbo 350 Trans. Ithas a Dana 44 rear end that isreally a good match for the turbo350 (good highway cruising). Ithas power disc brakes on thefront and power steering (bothGM); we have repainted it, re-upholstered it and put all newradials and Cragar rally wheelson it. Call Allan Dias at 407-585-3200 or email tomailto:atd@wiginton.netfor fordetails. (Cosby TN)


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August, 2016

The Hillholder


To join this chapter, complete this application andmail with $10 dues ($5 if joining after July 1st)check or money order in US funds to the following:

North Georgia Chapter SDCc/o Jim Carto1109 Ivey Brook Dr.Bethlehem, GA. 30620

Note: You must be a member of the NationalStudebaker Drivers Club to join this chapter.

National SDC Member Number_______________

Date joined National SDC___________________

Today’s date_____________________________


Birthday (month/day)_______________________


His/Her birthday (month/day)________________

Street address____________________________

City_______________ State______Zip_________


Cell phone_______________________________


Studebakers owned (Year/Series/Model)






To be a member of the North Georgia SDC, youmust be a member of the National StudebakerDrivers Club.

To join the National SDC, go, click “About,”and then click “Membership.”


President: Wayne Ziemer706-255-5492Email:

Vice-President: Barbara Miller770-932-1615Email:

Recording Secretary: Guadalupe Taylor706-788-3061Email:

Treasurer: Barbara Miller770-932-1615Email:

Membership Secretary: Jim Carto770-266-0128Email:

Webmaster: Chuck Lampman770-926-7142Email:


CHAPTER NEWSLETTERThe HillholderEditor: Tim Taylor, 404-512-7431Email:

SOUTHEAST ZONE OFFICERSNational Director: Larry McNabb423-486-5500

Southeast Zone Coordinator: Phillip BrownEmail:

Georgia Regional Manager: John Hollier770-354-6412

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