the heart

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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By Devin and Ezekiel

What side is the Heart on?

The heart is found behind the rib cage and a little to the left of the center of your body.

How many times does the Heart Beat ?

The normal heart beats 72 times a minuteThat's 4,320 times an hour103,680 times in 24 hours (a day)

Is the Heart shaped like a love heart?

NO! The human heart is shaped like a upside down pear.

4.Why is the Heart red? Red blood cells perform the most important blood duty. A single drop of blood contains millions of red blood cells which are constantly traveling through your body delivering oxygen and removing waste. If they weren't, your body would slowly die.

5.Why do we have a Heart?

The heart is like a pump to pump our blood in the body. We need blood to carry nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body and carry away the waste and carbon dioxide. The heart moves the blood through the blood vessels just like a delivery route.

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