the hand that rocks the cradle

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Kiah Bennett Date: 16/11/16

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

The film was directed by Curtis Hanson and was made in 1992. The plot of the film was a doctor was caught and humiliated so he committed suicide, and his widowed wife lost their unborn child so she went out with vengeance against a woman and her family.

I chose this thriller opening, because it uses various technical elements within the opening of the film and created suspense. I will analyse the mise-en-scene, audio visual style, iconography, cinematography and link to how they are typical with the thriller genre. Also, how this effects the spectators emotions and views towards the characters used in the opening.

The opening film is about a family being introduced to a character called Solomon who is going to build a fence. Although, Solomon has a mental illness, but the family are very welcoming and was happy for Solomon to work for them. Furthermore, the spectators have been introduced to the doctor. Typically, doctors are trustworthy and respect in society although in the film he takes advantage of Claire when visiting him for an appointment. The spectators knew that something wasn’t right when Claire said ‘I didn’t’ think we got an internal check-up as I am only three months’. In the opening in was quite uncomfortable for the spectators when they saw the doctor take off his gloves slowly, which coveys that the doctor is sinister and sly.

The opening caused a theme of an enigma. This was portrayed when in they used cross cutting between the location of the house and Solomon on the bike. Although, the spectators didn’t know it was Solomon on the bike as his face was hidden and the audience wasn’t introduced to Solomon yet. This caused the audience to question why they were showing this guy on the bike, who is he and what is he doing?

Kiah Bennett Date: 16/11/16

Solomon was dressed in bright colours and had smart shoes and trousers on. This gave the audience a sense that the character could be nice and simple. Although, Solomon was wearing a hoody this typically suggests that the person could be a bad character and is trying to not be noticed. This caused the audience to feel uneasy and suspicious of him. This is a juxtaposition to him wearing bright cloths as that suggests happiness and kindness.

On the other hand, the bike that Solomon was riding had a trailer on the back. This could suggest that it can carry weapons or he is riding away from somewhere he just robbed from. Also, the trailer was attached by using tape. This shows that Solomon may not have money and is poor. Later on in the opening the audience finds out that Solomon is actually helping the family and is a vulnerable character.

His vulnerability was reflected through the mise-en-scene used when portraying Solomon’s character. They used body language in the scene where Solomon knocks on the door and steps back. His body language shows that he is innocent, because his arms are close to him which shows that he isn’t threatening. This links to the porch being white and him standing on it. White connotes purity and innocence. Furthermore, later on in the film Solomon was a protector and saved them; this links with the porch being white as it reflects the feel heaven and Solomon being their guardian angel.

Michael in the opening was seen as being dominant and protective. This is stereotypical of a male as he is stronger and commands. This was demonstrated when Michael said abruptly ‘Sarah Stay!’ this was also shown when Claire saw Solomon at their window and dramatically reacted and called for Michael immediately. This is also stereotypical of women as they are exposed as being weak and vulnerable.

Kiah Bennett Date: 16/11/16

At the beginning instead of just cutting between each shot they use d a dissolve. By dissolving this made a sense of calmness. This connected to the incidental music used to create this feel. The music was classical, this relates to another character that is introduced further along in the film. It relates to them because they enjoy listening to it which makes the audience sense that she is slowly creeping in towards the family, as that is her target.

The font is quite fancy relating to the family being rich. This is reflected in the size of the family home. They also have a television in their kitchen, which is very rare for that time as it was very expensive to have a television. It is position mostly on the right side, which is seen as the clean side and the good side. This could connect to who the characters are in the opening.

Diegetic sound was used when Solomon was riding his bike and the spectators could hear the chain of the bike. Also, when there was a close up of the trailer the spectators could here its wheels or the stuff that may be inside it. This caused suspicion and creating a sense of an enigma. By using diegetic sound this created realism and caused the audience to feel like they were in the same journey.

The intended target audience would be 15-40 years old. This is because it has elements of what this audience would enjoy. These elements are action, thriller, dramatic irony, enigma, suspense and tension. This makes the film fast paced and exciting for the spectators. Furthermore, the opening kept the audience on the edge as they wouldn’t allow the audience to know what was going on until the characters do, but later on dramatic irony is used.

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