the gazette - st george girls high school gazettes/may gazette.pdf · the gazette monthly bulletin...

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CCoommbbiinneedd PPaarreennttss && CCiittiizzeennss’’

AAssssoocciiaattiioonn MMeeeettiinngg wwiitthh

SSyyddnneeyy TTeecchhnniiccaall HHiigghh SScchhooooll Thursday 22 May

Staff Common Room 6.30pm

MMootthheerrss’’ CCoommmmiitttteeee MMeeeettiinngg Wednesday 4 June

Library 10am

PPaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerr EEvveenniinngg

YYeeaarrss 1111 aanndd 1122 Wednesday 4 June

Assembly Hall 4pm – 7pm

PPaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerr EEvveenniinngg

YYeeaarrss 77 aanndd 88 Tuesday 17 June

Assembly Hall 4pm – 7pm

DDrraammaa SShhoowwccaassee EEvveenniinngg Wednesday 18 June

Assembly Hall 6.30pm

YYeeaarr 1100 HHSSCC IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn EEvveenniinngg Monday 23 June Assembly Hall


““IInnssppiirreedd”” EEvveenniinngg Wednesday 25 June

Assembly Hall 6.30pm

SStt GGeeoorrggee GGiirrllss HHiigghh SScchhooool Telephone: 9587 5902 Facsimile: 9553 8043 Email:

Website: Mobile Site:

The Gazette

Monthly Bulletin May 2014

Vol. 19 No. 4 PPrriinncciippaall’’ss MMeessssaaggee

Dear Parents and Students,

As we approach the second half of Term 2, it’s a busy time for all with the first assessment period concluding in reports and Parent Teacher interviews.

RReeppoorrttss aanndd PPaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerr IInntteerrvviieewwss Year 12 students received their reports on Friday 16 May and it is anticipated that Year 11 will receive their reports this week. Both years will have their Parent Teacher interviews on Wednesday 4 June in the school hall commencing at 4pm and concluding at 7pm. Students will receive booking sheets soon and are encouraged to make appointments with teachers. We will have interpreters in Mandarin and Cantonese available but they need to be booked at the same time as making the appointment with the class teacher. I read all reports and was very impressed with the high level of motivation and focus of our students. Year 12 students are hard-working and engaged and well on track to achieving HSC success. Some students are carrying more than the 10 units of study required for their HSC and their ATAR. In some cases, this is not a problem as some students manage an enormous workload and excel in all of their courses. Others, however, would be well advised to closely examine their performance in all subjects and to shed those units where they are not excelling. This will give these students extra time to focus on their remaining units and optimise their opportunities for success. This is better done sooner rather than later.

Year 11 students have undergone the most challenging transitional change since they began at St George. The demands of senior study, the time management required to fulfil all requirements and the increased standards expected of Year 11 are challenges that seem to have been well met. I was especially impressed with the students who joined us at the beginning of this year. They have quickly adjusted to and are meeting the standards required of our students. I urge all students to carefully read their reports and to put into action the suggestions made by their teachers and to re-set their personal learning goals for the rest of the year. I want to congratulate all students on their reports and to encourage them to strive for their own personal best learning outcomes.

BBuuiillddiinngg FFuunndd As we once again approach tax return time, do not forget that all donations made to our building fund are tax deductible. If you wish to make a donation, please contact the finance office to ensure you receive a receipt in time to lodge your tax return. The Building Fund has been used in the past to refurbish learning spaces and staffrooms for the benefit of students and staff.

WWaallkkaatthhoonn The school walkathon was held last term and was very successful. All students had a very enjoyable time although the weather was a little inclement. The walkathon is a major fund raising event for the school SRC. The money raised is used by the SRC for projects to benefit the students. It is now time to return the sponsorship money raised to the school. While the response has been good, there are approximately 45% of students still to return their sponsorship money. Can we please make this a priority over the coming weeks?

JJooiinntt PP&&CC MMeeeettiinngg Each year, we hold a joint P&C meeting with Sydney Technical High School, taking turns to host the meeting. This year, the meeting will be held at St George Girls High School on Thursday 22 May commencing at 6.30pm with light refreshments. The guest speakers will start at 7pm. The guest speakers are Janet McEwen and Traci Sii from Youth Zone. They are both senior youth workers with experience in developing and delivering educational workshops, as well as counselling, mentoring and support for adults, young people and families. The presentation will focus on the positive aspects of helping parents to nurture the development of emotional intelligence in their teenagers, including some practical strategies parents can use to assist their children in achieving high outcomes whilst managing their emotional and social wellbeing.

WWiinntteerr SScchhooooll UUnniiffoorrmm Winter uniform started this week and I would like to ask parents to ensure that students are in correct uniform. On very cold days, students are permitted to wear a long black coat provided that it is over full school uniform, including a jumper. Students are not permitted to wear black cardigans or jumpers at any time. Skivvies are not part of the winter uniform and should not be worn. The school uniform policy is included in this Gazette.

UUssee ooff PPuubblliicc TTrraannssppoorrtt I have received several expressions of concern from members of the public about students when travelling on public transport. Students who have concessional passes, travelling free on public transport, should give up their seat for full fare paying passengers – it is a condition of the public transport passes. Students need to be reminded to speak in a normal manner, not loudly as this disturbs other passengers.

OOuuttssttaannddiinngg SSttuuddeenntt AAcchhiieevveemmeenntt Congratulations to Greta Hayes who will be representing St George Girls High School and Sydney East in the CHS State Hockey Championships which are to be held in Bathurst during May. Greta trains at the NSW Institute of Sport and plays for Sydney University in the Sydney Hockey Competition. Recently, Greta travelled to Melbourne, playing in the U18 Australian Championships and she will be travelling to Perth in July to participate in the Australian U21s Championships. She is also a member of the Australian Futures Squad.

It is a credit to Greta managing to coordinate the necessary time commitment to participate at this elite level, HSC assessments and saxophone lessons and achieving high learning outcomes. Outstanding! We wish you every success in the coming events and I know the whole school is extremely proud of your achievements. Caitlin Semsarian was nominated for the University of Sydney Academic Excellence Awards for Year 10 students in 2013. She attended the award ceremony in April this year. I have included her report and the presentation photo in my report. Congratulations Caitlin, this is an outstanding honour.

University of Sydney Academic Excellence Award

On the 2

nd of April I was fortunate enough to attend the

University of Sydney Year 10 Academic Excellence Awards, where 95 Year 11 students from NSW high schools were presented with Academic Excellence awards for their academic achievements in 2013. Held in the MacLaurin Hall, the ceremony commenced with a performance by a string quartet from the Sydney Conservatorium, followed by speeches from a current student at Sydney University and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Carlin. Professor Carlin spoke wisely about the importance of being inquisitive, using the simple question of “Why?” as a catalyst for moving forward. He also spoke about keeping an open mind, allowing us be constantly reinventing ourselves as we broaden our understanding of the world.

This ceremony was a great privilege to attend and I thank Mrs Jospe for nominating me for this award. By Caitlin Semsarian Year 11

CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss I would like to congratulate the following students for achieving Gold Certificates, indicating that they have received thirty Merit and/or Participation Certificates:

Yuchen Ren of Year 10. I would also like to congratulate the following students for receiving Principal Certificates: Jenny He, Miriam Kim, Jessica Lee, Lillian Li and Alice Truong of Year 8.

Angela Ngo and Stefanie Van-Lam of Year 9.

Renee Lu (2) and Yuchen Ren (6) of Year 10.

Sarah Huang and Elicia Lim (2) of Year 12.

Well done to all of these girls and to all who have experienced personal success this term. Yours sincerely Graeme Ponder

DDeeppuuttyy PPrriinncciippaall’’ss RReeppoorrtt

eports for Year 12 have been issued and Year 11 will be issued this week. Year 12 need to consider whether they carry all their units

forward to the HSC or make a reduction in order to facilitate more focused study. Year 11 should take the opportunity to work out which units and levels they should be considering for the HSC, keeping in mind that they need at least 10 units for the HSC course. These considerations can be discussed with teachers at the Year 11 and 12 parent teacher evening held in the school hall on Wednesday 4 June.

Year 10 girls will be making decisions about their HSC course of study at the end of this term. On Monday 23 June there will be a HSC session where the rules of study are outlined for them and advice given on the subjects they might wish to study for 2015/16. There will be an evening session in the school hall for parents of Year 10 girls where HSC rules and procedures, subject selections and university entrance are outlined. The session will be in English in the hall but also in Chinese in the staff common room. We urge all parents of Year 10 girls to attend. Ms Oyston

TTeecchhnnoollooggiiccaall aanndd AApppplliieedd SSttuuddiieess

CCoossttuummee DDeessiiggnneerr IInnccuurrssiioonn n Wednesday 7 May, the Year 9 Textiles class had a very inspirational visitor, costume designer, Belinda Crawford. She brought a

number of costumes she had designed and made, including Frankenstein, Victorian period costume, corset and a munchkin dress. The students learnt a great deal of information on costume designing and making from her presentation. Belinda said “when designing a costume it is important to embrace the creative ideas and secondly think about how to make the costume”. She explained that the costume revealed a lot of information about the

character and that designing for the stage needed to be large and exaggerated so that it could be seen from a distance, while making costumes for television required precision with sewing techniques, as the camera close-ups reveal detail. Belinda designed and made a pair of shoes for a munchkin character which attached to the actor’s knees to give the impression of being short. Manali modelled the shoes and munchkin hat, a flower pot. One of the costumes designed and made by Belinda was a Jane Seymour Tudor period costume including a hand-made brooch and hat. The Year 9 class gained a lot of useful knowledge to assist and inspire them with the next topic – designing superhero and villain costumes. Belinda has promised to return to see the finished garments.

RRaaggss ttoo RRiicchheess CCoommppeettiittiioonn WWiinnnneerrss he term one textiles competition ‘Rags to Riches’, was open to all students. They were required to use a pair of old jeans to make

something new. The entrants designed and created a wide range of products from bags and corsets to stuffed animals. The winner of the competition was Ivy Chen of Year 9 who created a denim back pack bag that creatively used the jeans pockets in the lining and belt loops to hold pens.

Runner up was Helen Shan of Year 12 whose entry was a beautifully appliqued corset with matching collar.




‘‘AAnniimmaattee YYoouurr PPrreeddiiccttiioonn’’ CCoommppuuttiinngg

CCoommppeettiittiioonn WWiinnnneerrss tudents were required to animate their prediction of what life would be like in the year 2050. They could use any program they liked. They could

even utilise skills they have learnt at school to complete this at-home project. The entrants designed and developed a variety of animations, showing their individual view of what life would be like in the year 2050. Awarded first place was Clarissa Lim of Year 10. She developed an amazing animation with humour, creativity and various animation techniques using Adobe Flash. Her animation shows her incredible talent and provides us all with hope for the future! Congratulations to our runner up, Helen Pei of Year 8, whose entry was also creative and unique and to Grace Zhang of Year 7, who achieved third place. Big congratulations to all the girls who entered and thank you for showing the courage and taking the time to take part in something outside of the classroom to show off your hidden talent! A big thank you and shout out must also go to AIE (Academy of Interaction Entertainment) who donated three one-week holiday courses at their Sydney campus for the 1

st, 2

nd and 3

rd place winners. Another

big thank you goes to Good Games at Hurstville who donated some brilliant board games. And lastly, thank you to Officeworks who donated Monopoly boards for the participants who entered.

Board Games Donated by Good Games, Hurstville

Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Sydney.

DDrreeaamm CCaakkee CCoommppeettiittiioonn his competition involved designing a cake of your dreams, including a list of ingredients needed to make the dream cake. This

competition was open to all students. The students who entered were all inspired by different ideas. The winner of the competition was Jennifer Xu of Year 9 who created a cake called Heavens Wonder. In second place was Iris Wang of Year 11 who created a cake called Not for the [cold-hearted]. In third place was Grace Zhong of Year 7, who created a cake with an elegance theme. Thank you to all the students who entered the competition. The designs mentioned will be displayed in the school library. Thank you to our sponsors; Celebration Cooking, located in Canterbury and MasterFoods. Also, thank you to Miss Barbagallo for organising the competition.



Third place went to Rabiba Pervez of Year 9 for her artistically appliqued and tie-dyed bag. All entries demonstrated a high standard of skill and creativity.

Thanks must go to all students who entered the competition and all products will be on display in the school library. Thank you to our sponsor, Officeworks, for donating prizes and to Ms Thompson for organising and running the competition.

GGrreeeenn CCoorrnneerr

MMootthheerr''ss DDaayy –– TThhee GGaarrddeenniinngg CClluubb he Gardening Club’s biggest project was definitely a huge success! This year, we aimed to diversify our product base, moving on from

Lavender Sachets to dried Lavender, Rosemary and Chilli packets (all grown in our Herb and Veggie Garden), as well as beautiful hand-made gift cards, all of which sold for $2.00 each.

For the past week, dedicated members from all years have sacrificed their lunchtimes to create these unique items from scratch, so it was very exciting to see that both students and staff were interested in purchasing our merchandise! We made a pleasing profit of $120 which we will use to invest in more gardening equipment and plants.

I am sad to say that this is my last year running the Gardening Club and thus, the Mother’s Day project, but I am confident that Carolyn, of Year 11, will do an even better job!

I would like to thank everyone who helped out, especially Ms Gay in the TAS faculty for her energy, passion and absolute kindness and also the TAS staff and Mrs Duffy for their continual support.

By Elicia Lim Year 12

HHooww OOuurr GGaarrddeennss HHaavvee GGrroowwnn!!!! ust look at these photos of plants in the gardens that Year 9 and 10 students have planted over the last few years.

MMoonntthhllyy EEnnvviirroo PPhhoottoo CCoommppeettiittiioonn ––


AAnnnnuuaall EEnnvviirroo PPhhoottoo CCoommppeettiittiioonn atch out for the information flyers over the next week. Each month, for the months of May, June, July and August the best entries

will be placed in the Gazette. There are, great prizes to be won. In September, there will be a ‘Judges Winner’ as well as a ‘People’s Choice Award’. The photos for May are due by 30 May 2014. Photo competition brief: Feral or Native: Take a photo on any camera, even your phone camera, of a native or feral animal in the urban environment and email it as a JPEG file to . Please do not embed the photo in the email. It must be sent as an attachment. Include your name and roll class and a brief description of your photo, such as what the photo is of and where it was taken. Entries are open to Year 7 – 12 students and staff. Have fun on your photo shoot!!




WWoorrmm FFaarrmm

here are now four dedicated groups running the three worm farms. Worm Farm fertiliser will be sold at the parent teacher nights.

If any one wishes to purchase the fertilisers before then, please see Mrs Duffy in the Science department.

If any one wishes to help out, please come at any lunchtime, Monday to Friday and speak to the students in charge. You can earn service awards, gain hours towards the Premier’s Volunteers Award as well as develop your leadership and teamwork skills, whilst doing your part for the environment. The Monday crew. By Mrs Duffy

SSttuuddeenntt WWeellffaarree

ince the issue of the last Gazette, the following students have been presented with Dragon Badges:

Mykah Alipio, Arsha Binoy, Vicky Chen, Esra Egilmezer, Lillian Li, Emily Yuan and Vivian Zhu of Year 8. Emily Hsu, Zoe Li, Yijia Liu (2), Lauren Malanos, Sarah Purvis of Year 9. Lucy Liu (3), Irina Tyan (8) and Rachael Yu of Year 10. Anita Cui (3), Annie Tsang, Emily Wang (2) and Janis Wu (3) of Year 11. Renata Cvetkovska (2), Greta Hayes (2), Sarah Huang, Michelle Mon, Helen Xia and Isabella Yan (3) of Year 12. The following students have been presented with Super Dragon Badges:

Yijia Liu of Year 9. Greta Hayes and Linda Zeng of Year 12.

PPaarreennttss aanndd CCiittiizzeennss’’ AAssssoocciiaattiioonn

t George Girls High School P&C Association and Sydney Technical High School P&C Association will hold an annual combined

meeting on Thursday 22 May, commencing at 6.30pm with light refreshments. The guest speakers will start at 7pm. Our guest speakers are Janet McEwen and Traci Sii, senior youth workers from Youth Zone.

The presentation will focus on the positive aspects of helping parents to nurture the development of emotional intelligence in their teenagers, including some practical strategies parents can use to assist their children in achieving high outcomes, whilst managing their emotional and social wellbeing. For more details, please refer to the flyer attached.

The next meeting of the P&C will be held on Thursday 26 June 2014 in the Staff Common Room from 7pm. There is plenty of parking in Victoria Street and entry to the school is via the front gate. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available on arrival.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held immediately prior to the June monthly meeting. Parents already on the P&C email list will receive a copy of the meeting agenda and other information prior to the meeting. At the AGM, all P&C committee positions become vacant. These positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary (Minutes) and Secretary (Correspondence). The P&C also selects a Finance Committee representative. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the out-going committee, representatives, parents and community members for their fantastic efforts during the past year.

NOTE: There will be no guest speaker at this month’s meeting. *** Fundraising news … the Sydney Entertainment


Book 2014-2015 is now available and has an exciting addition this year … Mark Yan Katia Vardakis George Mak Henry Tam Poay Jan President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 0410 665 198 0422 322 525 0422 300 008 0410 325 426 0408 299 819

MMootthheerrss’’ CCoommmmiitttteeee

LLaasstt MMeeeettiinngg –– WWeeddnneessddaayy 77 MMaayy ur last meeting was very informal with no Guest Speaker as the Committee was preparing for the upcoming Mother Daughter Dinner. Our next monthly meeting will be held

on Wednesday 4 June following our Annual General Meeting at 10am.

UUnniiffoorrmm SShhoopp NNeewwss Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have helped out in the uniform shop. The donation of their time allows our school to keep all profits from the sale of uniforms.

The Uniform Shop is open Wednesday lunchtimes during term from 12.45pm to 2pm (but please note that the girls’ lunch break commences at 1.10pm).





For those extra cold mornings you may like to buy a school blazer for $170 or a red scarf for $10 to add to your uniform.

The school tracksuit is ideal for PE and sport classes during the cold weather. The navy, red and white jacket is priced at $50 and the navy pants at $30.

Payment is by cash or cheque only (No EFTPOS facilities).

The Mothers’ Committee always meets the first Wednesday of the month (except during school holidays). Our meetings are very relaxed and provide a great opportunity to be involved with the school community, meet other parents and find out what is happening at school from the Principal and Guest Speakers.

NNeexxtt MMoonntthhllyy MMeeeettiinngg aanndd AAGGMM::

WWeeddnneessddaayy 44 JJuunnee aatt 1100aamm iinn tthhee LLiibbrraarryy Our Guest Speaker will be Ms Wright – Drama. Lisa Tulau Meryle Chandra Marthese Girgis Donna Kwong President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 0407 007 211 0400 167 003 0410 411 452 0407 319 222

SStt GGeeoorrggiiaannss

he St Georgians (formerly known as The Old Girls Union) was formed in 1929, with a twofold purpose – keeping former students in touch, and

raising funds for the school. Currently there are just over 500 members. The cost of Life Membership is a one off payment of $25.00. To join, please download the membership form available on the school website. A number of year groups have a Year Coordinator who endeavours to bring together the students from their starting year. Committee meetings are generally held fourth Thursday of the month, during school terms. These meetings are open to all former students, with voting rights limited to Life members. We are always keen to meet new members, and look forward to seeing you there! For confirmation of meeting dates and venues, social events or membership, please address your enquiry to

AAnnnnuuaall GGeenneerraall MMeeeettiinngg Our 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 24 July with the venue to be announced nearer that date. Memorabilia is available for sale at school reunions. Please contact Laurel on 02 9589 0300 for details. Melissa George Diana Renton President Treasurer 0419 613 454 ah 9580 3282


SScchhooooll UUnniiffoorrmm PPoolliiccyy

1. All items of uniform must be regulation St George Girls High School.

2. No jewellery other than watches, ear studs or Dragon or School Badges is to be worn.

3. Uniforms are to be of a reasonable length and no shorter than 10cm above the knee when the student is kneeling.

4. Makeup is not permitted in the junior school. Senior students may, if they wish, wear light makeup and pale nail polish.

5. Hijab, if worn, must be plain white or navy.

6. Hair ribbons and elastics, if worn, are to be either red, white and/or navy.

7. School backpacks must be purchased through the uniform shop – backpack with school crest for Years 7 – 9, plain navy backpack for Years 10 – 12.

8. Neck scarves in Winter must be red, white or navy blue.

9. Black leather lace up school shoes only.

10. White plain ankle length socks in Summer.

11. White plain ankle length socks or beige, navy or black pantihose in Winter.

12. A plain long black overcoat may be worn over the school jumper in extremely cold weather.

13. Black jumpers or cardigans are not


14. Skivvies are not permitted.

All uniform items (except for shoes) must be purchased from the

School Uniform Shop.

CCoommiinngg EEvveennttss Tuesday 20 May Gazette issued on school website and emailed to parents and students Zone Cross Country

Wednesday 21 May – Friday 23 May Year 9 Camp

Thursday 22 May Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion, City, 9.30am – 2.30pm China Tour Fundraising Meeting, Staff Common Room, 5.45pm Combined P&C Meeting with Sydney Tech St George Girls High School Staff Common Room, 6.30pm

Friday 23 May Year 11 Reports Issued Year 10 History Debate

Monday 26 May Year 7 Science Competition

Tuesday 27 May FUTSAL Championship, Minto, 9am – 4pm Years 7 and 8 Da Vinci Decathlon, Knox Grammar School, 6.30am – 5pm

Wednesday 28 May Years 9, 10, 11 Da Vinci Decathlon, Knox Grammar School, 6.30am – 5pm

Sunday 1 June 2014 Sydney Eisteddfod – A Cappella Plus, Chatswood, 1.10pm – 4.30pm

Monday 2 June Year 12 Biology Excursion, UNSW, 1.30pm – 4pm

Wednesday 4 June Science Competition Mothers’ Committee Meeting, Library, 10am Years 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Evening, 4pm – 7pm

Thursday 5 June Year 11 Business Studies Excursion, Leichhardt, 9.15am – 2.30pm Year 12 Economics Excursion, City, 8.15am – 2.30pm

Saturday 7 June Year 12 Japanese HSC Speaking, North Sydney Boys High School, 9am – 12 noon

Monday 9 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Tuesday 10 June Year 7 Vaccinations

Wednesday 11 June Year 7 and 8 Reports issued Regional Cross Country Year 12 Physics Excursion

Thursday 12 June Year 7 Languages Day

Friday 13 June FUTSAL, 9am

Saturday 14 June Titration Competition

Monday 16 June Year 8 Japanese Excursion, Kirrawee, 9am – 3pm Year 12 Ancient History Study Day, Darling Harbour, 9am – 2.30pm 2014 Sydney Eisteddfod – Intermediate Band, Chatswood, 1.50pm

Tuesday 17 June Year 7 and 8 Parent Teacher Evening, 4pm – 7pm 2014 Sydney Eisteddfod – Concert Band, Chatswood, 2.30pm

Wednesday 18 June 2014 Sydney Eisteddfod – Stage Band, Chatswood, 1.50pm Drama Showcase Evening, Assembly Hall, 6.30am

Thursday 19 June Year 8 Japanese Excursion, Kirrawee, 9am – 3pm Year 10 Western Sydney Careers Expo, Homebush, 8.45am – 1.10pm 2014 Sydney Eisteddfod – Advanced Percussion Ensemble, Chatswood, 11.10am

Friday 20 June Year 12 Biology Excursion, Sydney University, 9.30am – 3.30pm

It is important that payment for excursions is made to the Finance Office on the days as designated by classroom teachers.

St George Girls High School P&C Association


Sydney Technical High School P&C Association

Invite you to attend our annual combined meeting on

Thursday 22 May 2014 6.30pm – 8.30pm


St George Girls High School, Staff Common Room (enter via Victoria Street gate)


1. Open Meeting at 6.45pm (refreshments available on arrival)

2. Guest Speaker Program commences approximately 7.00pm

3. Discussion followed by light supper

4. Meeting concludes at approximately 8.30pm

One hour presentation and Q&A session by

Janet McEwen and Traci Sii Senior youth workers from Youth Zone

Positive Aspects and Strategies for Parents with Teenagers

The presentation will focus on the positive aspects of helping parents to nurture the development of emotional intelligence in their teenagers, including some practical strategies parents can use to assist their children to achieve high outcomes whilst managing their emotional and social wellbeing.

Mark Yan Sophie Wilcox President SGGHS P&C President STHS P&C

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RSVP – Sydney Tech HS parents ONLY Please email name and number attending to Mark Yan

About Janet & Traci ... They are both senior youth workers with experience in developing and delivering educational workshops, as well as counselling, mentoring and support for adults, young people and families.

CChhiinnaa MMuussiicc aanndd CCuullttuurraall TToouurr 22001144

Our delegation of 44 Year 7 – 12 Music students, who have been selected to represent the Department of Education and Communities Sydney Region Arts Unit in China, are conducting several fundraisers this year to assist in the tour costs. The first is a fat free, new and easy concept and a great alternative to chocolate

Are you sick of looking for that last minute Card for a kid’s birthday or any other occasion?

Well!!!!! Look what we have for you!!!!!

We have boxes of premium Hand Crafted Gift Cards and Gift Bags for sale.

Hand Crafted Gift Cards contains 30 premium Cards with a selection of Birthday, and All Occasion Cards packaged in a handy use again box.

Hand Crafted Gift Bags contains 20 premium Bags.

Each Box Costs $30.00 That equates to $1.00 per card or $1.50 per bag

The Cards/Bags will be displayed at the front office. Cards/Bags can be purchased by collecting an order form and payment envelope from the front office or by contacting Sharon Keevers on 0431 241 942. Return the completed order form and payment envelope to the finance office. Please make cheques payable to “St George Girls High School”.

Thank you for your support in making our Fundraiser as successful as possible.

There will be a meeting for all parents of students going to China on Thursday 22nd May at 5.45pm in the staff common room. This will be followed by the P&C Meeting at 6.30pm.

free parent workshopHelping

teen girls navigate




RSVP 9330 6063

This workshop for parents will look at many of the issues facing girls within their relationships today.

Drawing on research conducted for her latest book, Nina will look at the challenges girls face and what parents can do to support them as they navigate the thicket of mixed messages our culture affords them.

Nina Funnell is a Sydney based researcher, author and speaker who specialises in young people’s relationships. She has authored multiple book chapters and is the co-author of Loveability: an empowered girl’s guide to dating and relationships (harper collins, 2014).


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