the four stories. the journey across the jordan a hospitable system for leading people into mission

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The Four Stories

The Journey Across the Jordan

A Hospitable System for Leading People into Mission


Elements of the Journey

• It is a journey.

• It will take time.

• It will develop in stages.

• The end of the journey will become clear as we progress.

• It is both structural and organic.

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

• Much bigger than church attendance.

• Much bigger than small groups.

• Much bigger than outreach or new churches or new small groups.

• Much bigger than social justice.

Attractional Church

Attractional Church

• Work with what is in place.• No need to “toss aside.”• Not the approach for all churches, but

most churches must address this question.

• Question: How do we change the Attractional Event to move people toward the Kingdom?

Present Structures

Present Structures

• Disclaimer: Obviously Oversimplified

• Sunday Morning Event

• And Small Groups

• Large Leap Between the Two

• Puts a lot of pressure on small groups

Beyond the Weekend

Beyond the Weekend

• The Sunday event is not church.• We must redefine the purpose of the Sunday

event.• We must reframe the expectations about the

purpose of the Sunday event.• We must rethink how we structure the

Sunday event so that it points people to …

Pointing People To …

Missional Community

Missional Community

• Participation in a way of life that is distinctively Christian.

• Beyond Mere Belief

• What do we stand for?

• What do we stand against?

• Doing Mission Together in Covenant

Connecting Community

Connecting Community

• Environments where people can learn how to do community and experience aspects of the vision without feeling forced to fit into something for which they are not ready to commit.

• May look programmatic, but these environments are not ends in and of themselves, but a means to move people into Missional Community.

Two Doors on Journey

Door #1

• Equivalent to Traditional Membership

• People are free to participate at whatever level they so desire

• They are informed at this door that there is a second door, and that casual consumeristic Christianity will be confronted. But if they want to remain there no one will stop them.

Door #2

• Equivalent to Catachesis

• Practices of a Contrast Society

• Immersed in the reality that church is about being God’s people and that there are specific rhythms to life in God’s community

• Everyone knows that this is the goal

Engaging the Neighborhood

Life in the Neighborhood

• Groups that catch a vision to live on mission in creative ways

• Usually done to incarnate Christ’s life in unique ways that arise in conversations with specific people outside the church

• Participants might “belong” to the larger church organization, but would not necessarily participate in the weekend events.

Organic Expansion of the Kingdom

• No longer limited to people be attracted the front door of the weekend event

• Many front doors, depending on the relationships that are developed

• The groups move the church to the neighborhood instead of expecting people to “come to church.”

Unique Leadership Required

Leadership Covenant Community

• What are the specific commitments of those who lead this vision?

• What does the calling to lead look like?• Must be clear about expectations.• Implications on leaders who are paid

staff.• Implications on those who lead who are

not paid.

Train, Train, Train

Do we need this much training?

• Beyond membership training• Beyond Catachesis• Beyond leadership training

Training in …

• Beliefs

• Belonging

• Behaviors

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