the eyeopener, nov 18, 2015

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The Eyeopener, Nov 18, 2015


Volume 49 - Issue 10November 18,

@theeyeopenerSince 1967




How Toronto’s street photographers

take to the skies and risk it all.

For the ‘gram. P8

2 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015

Elections for the Eyeopener’s 2016 winter masthead are happening!where: The Ram in the Rye, VIP ‘Party’ Room

when: Thursday, Nov. 26. Speeches start at 7 p.m.who: We’re electing the following positions: News editor (2), Photo editor, Online editor (2),

Features editor, Arts & Life editor, Communities editor

ANYONE CAN APPLY! Come to SCC 207 for details and nomination forms.Speeches should be TWO MINUTES LONG. There will be a timer. You’ve been warned. An open question

period will follow speeches, along with an additional fact-based question period for news.

The following people have contributed four times or more to The Eyeopener this semester and are eligible to vote, along with current masthead. Voting

will take place Friday, Nov. 27

Research StudyThe role of the human gut microbiome in depression:

Pathophysiology and impact on treatment

You are invited to participate in a research study that is looking at changes that happen in your body when

starting or changing an antidepressant

You may be eligible to participate if you:

are between the ages of 18 – 60have problems with depression

not currently taking a psychiatric medication

You will be reimbursed for your participation

For more information call Asem Bala 416-351-3732 ext. 2301 or email

The Eyeopener winter election extrava-palooza™


Igor Magun, Anika Syeda, Tagwa Moyo, Skyler Ash, Behdad Mahichi, Bahoz Dara, Emily Craig-Evans, Brennan Doherty, Nick Dunne, Nick Matthews, Bronté Cambey, Nicole Di Donato, Alanna Rizza, Zach Dolgin, Brandon Buechler, Matt Ouellet, Ben Shelley, Daniel Rocchi, Deven Knill, Luke Galati, Karoun Chahinian, Allan Perkins, Justin Chandler, Jake Kivanc, Sophie Hamelin, Badri Murali, Deni Verklan, Natalia Balcerzak, Youp Zondag. If your name isn’t here and should be, email

pp p

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 NEWS 3

New RSU position could violate union agreementsBy Farnia Fekri

The authority of the Ryerson Stu-dents’ Union’s (RSU) new general manager position is being ques-tioned even as the union makes reference-check calls to pick the best candidate.

Some of the roles outlined in the job posting overlap with the responsibilities of the current full-time staffers of the RSU, said Pat-rick Legay of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Lo-cal 1281, which represents the 13 full-time staffers.

Some of these listed functions for the full-time, permanent posi-tion that was posted in late Octo-ber include:

Manage all financial opera-tions and review financial statements...Ensure long-term financial stability…Conduct on-going business and services review…Conduct labour relations, in-cluding negotiation of collec-tive agreements…Provide human resources management including direct authority over hiring, disci-pline and dismissal, as well as record keeping [and] recruit-ment...

The position specifically under-mines the responsibilities of the two RSU executive directors (commu-nications and outreach, operations

and services), which are agreed to in the unionized employees’ collec-tive agreements, Legay added.

“There is a collective agreement which says that the employer agrees — the employer the RSU — not to contract out the work of the employees covered by the collec-tive agreement,” Legay said. “And contracting out can be a number of things, it can be shifting du-ties from one position to another outside of the agreement, it can be creating a whole new position which is what’s going on here.”

CUPE has voiced their concerns to the RSU, and Legay said he hopes the two groups can work through the issue amicably.

RSU president Andrea Bartlett

Feminists petition against men’s groupBy Behdad Mahichi

The controversial men’s issues group that was denied student group status on campus has filed an appeal to the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) — but another hur-dle has come their way.

One day prior to the Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 17 that will either accept or dismiss the Men’s Issues Awareness Soci-ety’s appeal, the Ryerson Feminist Collective launched a petition on demanding the group be refused any attempt to be rec-ognized on campus.

“Men’s rights groups actively seek to delegitimize women who come forward as survivors of gender-based violence and attempt to silence women who speak out against patriarchy and misogyny by use of threats, intimidation and harassment,” the petition reads.

The men’s issues group started in late September with the idea of focusing on men’s issues like suicide, homelessness, high incar-ceration rates and unfair judicial practices.

Fourth-year politics and gover-nance student Kevin Arriola, who is spearheading the group, said that it has an equal balance of male and female members and holds an egalitarian platform.

However, co-organizer of the feminist collective Alyson Rogers said that the group is lacking cer-tain fundamentals that need to be recognized when addressing men’s issues.

“These groups make widespread statements that everyone experi-ences inequality. Historically, that’s not true,” Rogers said.

“If you’re operating from an egalitarian framework, there’s no way you’re acknowledging privi-lege. Even within our group, I’m a white woman, and even while I ex-perience sexism, I acknowledge my privilege of being white-skinned.”

Rogers said that while there are men’s issues to be talked about, not acknowledging patriarchy and privilege would not comprehen-sively address anything.

“We also think it threatens actu-ally addressing men’s issues,” she said.

Arriola said recognizing privi-lege and patriarchy is not some-thing he enforces in the group.

“We’re a group that welcomes different types of ideologies. Some of those recognize patriarchy and some of those don’t — and that’s fine,” he said. “Right now, it seems like the feminist collective is an echo chamber of one opinion.”

RSU vice-president equity Rabia Idrees said that men’s issues groups that have tried to form in the past have been overt about their con-nections to other groups that do promote violence against women and silencing of victims, and were denied status as a result.

“But this group came and said they have an egalitarian frame-work and also want to be inter-sectional,” Idrees said. “But you cannot be egalitarian and intersec-tional at the same time, because to

be intersectional you’ve got to have more of an equity focus where you kind of look at a person’s specific need rather than giving the same thing to everyone else.”

Idrees said that the RSU had a rather unprogressive sit-down with Arriola to go over the reasons why the men’s issues group was rejected.

“None of the points would be relayed because he would speak over us every single time,” she said. “One of the things that I did bring up was addressing the fact that men have systematic privilege over women, but he still did not recognize that.”

Regardless of the decision on the appeal, Arriola said he plans to continue operating as an unofficial group. A total of 11 members were present at their November meet-ing, he said.

In response to the feminist col-

Kevin Arriola, founder of the Men’s Issues Awareness Society. PHOTO: ANNIE ARNONE

lective’s petition, the Men’s Issues Awareness Society launched their own petition supporting the ap-peal.

“Nearly 50 per cent of our members are men and women, of a wide range of races, cultures, sexualities, and genders. Our first meeting alone looked so diverse it could have been a Michael Jackson video,” read the petition. “Since then, other lies have been thrown in the mix, that we’re anti-LGBT, anti-racial minorities, and anti-victims.”

Idrees said that even before the group was denied official status, she received emails from specific students who were uncomfortable with their presence on campus.

She also said that many of the issues the group wishes to discuss can be embodied elsewhere.

“Honestly, feminist theory does a lot to dismantle notions of mas-culinity as well,” she said. “When it comes to exploring notions of the definition of being a woman, a lot of it can be expelled into the definitions of being a man.”

Rogers said that the feminist col-lective already recognizes and is al-ready in talks for hosting an event partnered with Ryerson’s White Ribbon Campaign — a group de-scribed to be working to inspire men to be part of the change for both women and men.

The Ryerson White Ribbon Campaign works to eliminate violence against women, and also address issues of hegemonic and toxic masculinity.

“Too many men suffer because our male-dominated world is not only one of power of men over women, but of some groups of men over others,” reads a section of their website description.

For an update on the Nov. 17 Board of Directors meeting that determined the fate of the group’s appeal, visit

said she has sent her response to the union, outlining that she thinks the general management’s roles are valid given that it’s a management position.

“I’m doing this so there’s a full-

The Ryerson Students’ Union is hiring a general manager. PHOTO: FARNIA FEKRI

time staff person that’s manage-ment,” she said. “They’re there for consistency on behalf of the man-agement. The executive directors will still report to the president [of the RSU].”

“We also think it threatens actually addressing men’s issues”

Briefs & groaners> Dead Raccoon TO haunts Kerr HallRemember Toronto raccoon? The little guy that died on the street and Torontonians set up a memorial for?

His reincarnation was found in Kerr Hall. [Ghost] Raccoon was “guided out,” according to secu-rity. He defo needed the guiding because not even Siri, Google Maps and a compass can get you out of that hell hole.

> Man wants a stapler for ChristmasA fella burst into ILLC, ran up to the front desk, yelled and tried to steal the stapler.

Fella was probably brothers with the bike guy above. May-be they were just doin’ a little Christmas shopping on the Ryer-son campus — getting their aunt Pearl a stapler and cousin Stefano a new bike.

Seen some crazy stuff on campus? Email

> Puppy makes man scaredA man pressed the blue light near the Quad after a dog “charged into his personal space, while ex-ercising.”

Charged into his personal space? More like made your per-sonal space better. I would love if a dog interrupted my workout!

But I guess some people are cats.

> I want to ride [someone else’s] bicycle! I want to ride [someone else’s] bike!A man was reported jumping around Ryerson’s bike racks in an attempt to pry them off and steal ‘em. Buddy clearly never got that red shiny bike for Christmas and is now seeking revenge.

4 EDITORIAL Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015

Editor-in-ChiefSean “BYLAW”


NewsKeith “Suspicious compliments”

CapstickFarnia “PJ blazer” Fekri

Laura “Pancake” Woodward

FeaturesEmma “Shattered life” Cosgrove

Biz and TechJacob “Drummer rhythm” Dubé

Arts and LifeAl “Chalet champion” Downham

SportsDevin “Way too early” Jones

CommunitiesDylan “Clippings monster”


PhotoSierra “Sass jedi” Bein

Jake “Not that sassy?” ScottAnnie “Sass padawan” Arnone

FunRobert “The usurper”


MediaRob “You sexist” Foreman

OnlineJosh “Former sports” BeneteauNicole “Bah humbug” Schmidt


General ManagerLiane “McDonald’s storyteller”


Advertising ManagerChris “We’re free” Roberts

Design DirectorJ.D. “Truffle dealer” Mowat

Intern ArmyGracie “Ninja” Brison

Mikayla “Warrior” FasulloBen “Battler” Hoppe

Angela “Gladiator” FengVictoria “Trooper” Sykes

ContributorsBehdad “BehStep Mom”

MahichiJustin “Monica and” ChandlerNicole “Epiphany” Di DonatoAlanna “Public Enemy” Rizza

Igor “Come App to me” MagunBrian “Capital of” Capitao

Sunday “Hates Mondays” AkenDeven “Loves JB” Knill

Luke “Bball” GalatiTagwa “Late model” Moyo

Dan “Camera jockey” RocchiBrennan “Buzz” Doherty

Jake “Virtual Reality” KivancKaroun “Run4arts” Chahinian

Alexandria “Judge” LeeChris “Kool gramz” Blanchette

Hailey “Volleyball” SalvianAllan “Double duty” Perkins

Skyler “Gein” AshNick “Rader” MatthewsSawyer “Zodiac” Bogdan

Playing the part of the Annoying Talking Coffee Mug this week is that bathroom that always stinks, even when it’s just been cleaned.

The Eyeopener is Ryerson’s largest and only independent student news-paper. It is owned and operated by Rye Eye Publishing Inc., a non-profit corporation owned by the stu-dents of Ryerson.

Our offices are on the second floor of the Student Campus Centre. You can reach us at 416-979-5262, at or on Twitter at @theeyeopener.

The world sucks. We don’t have toBy SeanWetselaar

A candlelit vigil grieving for those lost in in terror attacks in Beirut, Paris and Baghdad. PHOTO: SIERRA BEIN

The world has had a shitty week. It hasn’t been that long since

terror attacks rocked Beirut, Paris and Baghdad, killing more than 200 people. And the grief, for many of those who have felt its pervasive grip, is still fresh.

It’s hard to come to terms with violence like what we’ve seen. It’s hard to understand why someone would blow themselves up to mur-der a crowd of innocent people. Especially for those of us who live

in a place like Canada, that kind of horror is just unimaginable.

The Islamic State has taken re-sponsibility for all three terror at-tacks, and the world has united in its condemnation of the brutality.

As many have already noted, there was a disproportionate amount of coverage given to Paris, by way of comparison to Lebanon and Iraq’s own tragedies.

I’m not here to break down that discrepancy — I think many have already come to the conclusion that all three are certainly worthy of coverage and mourning.

I’m here to talk about the reac-tions to these attacks. And while

the first was certainly grief and sadness — for many the second was an anger, which was often misdirected.

“I’m Islamed out,” wrote Mark Steyn in a National Post column on Nov. 15. “I’m tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Mar-seilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day.”

And others seemed to echo the sentiment — lashing out in Islam-ophobic violence. Since last week’s attacks, a refugee camp in France was set on fire. A mosque in Pe-terborough — the only mosque in Peterborough — was torched. In Australia a woman wearing a hi-

jab was pushed in front of a mov-ing train.

Let’s take a breath, people. Be-cause I can’t believe I have to type this sentence, but being a violent racist to people in your country is not going to undo the tragedies that swept the world last week.

As you’ll read in our news sec-tion this week, there was a candle-it vigil at Yonge-Dundas Square in honour of all the attacks, with the slogan “Pray for Humanity.” Af-ter reading the columns, seeing the violent reactions, that’s certainly what I’ll be doing.

Because here’s the thing, as one of the vigil-attendees pointed out after a moment of silence. We, students at Ryerson, in Toronto, can’t stop terror attacks in far-flung places from rocking the world. Yes, steps can be taken by society at large, by govern-ments, to stop such attacks. But as a twenty-something trying to get your education, eliminating terrorism may be a bit outside of your scope.

But we can make a difference here, at home. Don’t stand for the Mark Steyns, for the angry arson-ists. Maybe you can’t stop a bomb from detonating in Beirut, but you can stop that guy who’s being a

prick to the Muslim lady who just wants to ride the bus.

Racism is all around us, and there are things we can do to curb it.

That Facebook friend who post-ed a racist rant condemning inno-cents — all while protesting their deaths in Paris? Tell them off. Stop that guy in the street from shoving that other guy, who happens to be middle-eastern.

It seems crazy that we have to keep reiterating these basic senti-ments, but fear does not erase fear. Terrorising a religion at home does not change the terror someone else committed abroad.

So while the world may be a bit of a shitty place overall at the moment, there are things we can do to improve it in our back-yards.

Don’t let bad people hide behind what others have done to justify their actions. Especially this week, don’t be a bystander to racism. If you see it, speak up.

Because, honestly, I don’t want to read about another mosque on fire, or yet another unnecessary death.

Call me an idealist, but we should be so much better than that.

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 NEWS 5

RTA course intentions can be a guessing gameBy Justin Chandler

There is not enough space, money or course-intention guarantee in the RTA School of Media’s pro-duction courses to accommodate students who want to take them.

In their second year, media-pro-duction students pick one of sever-al courses to specialize in a specific stream. But some students, even those who do course intentions to indicate they want to take a course, may not be able to — like second-year media-production student Gillian Pownall.

Students can pick between au-dio, single-camera (also called electronic field production), multi-camera and digital media in their third semester.

Pownall is now enrolled in a single-camera production course, but a lack of spots initially kept her from getting in.

Despite her indicating she want-ed to take single-camera at the start of the course-intention peri-od in spring 2015, she was not put into that stream. Pownall was told there was no room in that course

and that she would have to wait until next year to take it.

“Of course I was livid,” Pown-all said. She said people who have good grades and do course inten-tions should be guaranteed spots in their preferred classes.

RTA student affairs coordinator Donna Morrison said sometimes there is not enough space in a course because there isn’t enough money in school budgets to hire instructors or buy equipment.

Other times, courses are over-booked because students sign up for more courses than they actu-ally want, as RAMSS doesn’t limit the number of courses students can take.

Morrison also said these situa-tions may arise because not enough students do course intentions.

“[Course intentions] are consid-ered mandatory. Every student is emailed and [told] if you don’t do course intentions, there is no guar-antee you’re getting a timetable,” Morrison said.

The course intentions process helps faculties plan courses by determining how many seats they

need to allocate. When students don’t do course intentions, faculty can underestimate the demand for a course, Morrison said.

When a course is overbooked come open enrollment, RAMSS will randomly pick students who signed up to take it and put them into the course, Morrison said.

She said that in some cases, a se-lection process based on students’ GPAs will determine if they can get into overbooked courses.

Morrison told Pownall not getting into her preferred course wouldn’t be a setback, but Pow-nall wants to continue in the ad-vanced single-camera stream next year and would have had to delay her plans, she said.

Pownall said she asked Morri-

son to put her name on a sticky note and keep it by her computer in case somebody dropped the course. A student did and Morri-son was able to get Pownall into the course for the third week.

Joelle Farrow, a second-year media-production student, did course intentions and was placed in the single-camera course for her third semester, but decided she wanted to change her stream. She said she does not like the course as much as she thought she would and wants to study multi-camera now — a decision that could im-pact the rest of her undergraduate degree.

Farrow said she tried to switch courses on RAMSS when the op-tion was open, but the site lagged

RTA School of Media students pick specific streams of media in their second year. PHOTO: ANNIE ARNONE

Reignite Ryerson left in the darkBy Keith Capstick

After Reignite Ryerson’s latest accusation against Ryerson Stu-dents’ Union (RSU) vice-president education Cormac McGee, only one thing is clear — nobody’s lis-tening to Reignite.

The oppositional group voic-ing its concerns about tuition fees made three demands of the RSU and a few more of the university this month — but none of them have been responded to.

“If the RSU does not take an ac-tive stance against rising tuition fees then the implicit message is, ‘We’re alright with tuition fees increas-ing,’” said Ledya Mahadere, a fifth-year politics and governance stu-dent who’s recently joined Reginite’s campaign. “If you say, ‘As long as it doesn’t interfere with education,’ then it creates that correlation [be-tween fees and quality of education] where it doesn’t really exist.”

Reignite has requested that the RSU make a public declaration about its stance on rising tuition fees in addition to also declaring a stance on the way that these hikes affect marginalized communities disproportionately.

McGee said he’s made his stance on tuition clear and that there’s no need for a public statement.

“Taking a public stance on tu-

ition fees, I don’t know why I need to do that because I feel like I’ve done that over and over,” McGee said. “[The] students I’m going to listen to care to sit down with me and come up with a plan of action.”

Both sides have oppositional opinions regarding the best place to look for the answer to their tuition-related concerns, with Reignite insisting that the school must be involved for students to be taken seriously while McGee and the RSU would prefer to go straight to the province.

Vajdaan Tanveer, who was in-volved in starting Reignite, said that given McGee’s involvement with Rise for Ryerson and subse-quent election as vice-president education, it is imperative that McGee takes a public stance on rising fees. Without that, Tanveer said, the school is able to continue increasing fees.

“You fundamentally go out and say don’t freeze tuition fees,” Tan-veer said.

At last November’s Board of Governors meeting, a representa-tive from Rise for Ryerson said increases in tuition fees were “necessary to ensure quality of education.” McGee said he’s never aligned himself with this state-ment, despite being involved with the campaign. He also said he was

and she missed her chance. She talked to Morrison and tried

to find someone to switch with but couldn’t. She said having to take single-cam is a positive as she’s now decided she’ll take the multi-cam course next year, but may not be able to take as many electives as she would have liked to.

Morrison said it can be difficult for students to know by spring what they want to study in the fall, but they still need to be aware of what they’re signing up for when they do course intentions.

Morrison also added that pro-fessors should do more to remind students to do course intentions, and that she thinks her email re-minders to students about course intentions often go unread.

not an organizer. “I was just a part of it, I wasn’t

a main driver of it. But I definitely told my friends about it and told them to come out,” McGee said. “Tuition fees are a necessity [for the school] and … half of the uni-versity’s revenue is tuition fees and just because it’s the right thing right now doesn’t mean it’s the best thing.

“The only way I would want tu-ition fees frozen is if I knew it was a positive solution for the entire Ryerson community.”

Tanveer questioned what consti-tutes an organizer.

“I would argue that if you’re posting pictures and trying to get people out to an event, advocating for a group, that’s an organizer,” he said.

Reignite’s first organizational meeting will be held next week and the group said they’re focused on getting people involved. They said they’re waiting for a public response from the RSU and the university, who also haven’t re-sponded to their original demands.

“[There] is a common miscon-ception that quality of education is correlated with cost of educa-tion and these two things are not actually correlated,” Mahadere said. “So we need the RSU to take an active stance.”

6 NEWS Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015

A Ryerson graduate and a UofT student organized a candlelight vigil at Yonge and Dundas Square on Nov. 15 to #PrayForTheWorld after terrorist attacks last week. PHOTOS: SIERRA BEIN

Ryerson prays for Paris, Iraq and Beirut

By Sierra Bein

A candlelight vigil took place at Yonge and Dundas Square on Nov. 15 to honour victims of ter-rorism worldwide

Over the past week, terrorist at-tacks in Lebanon, Iraq and France left the world in shock and heart-break. As of this weekend, death tolls in Beirut are at 43, Baghdad, 40 and Paris, 129. ISIS has claimed responsibility for these attacks.

The vigil was organized by Ry-erson graduate Hassan Haidar and fourth-year University of To-ronto (U of T) student Fatima Chakroun. They wanted to push the idea of anti-terrorism and hu-manity, rather than focus on only one country’s tragedies.

“It actually started with just be-ing for Beirut because the Paris [attacks] hadn’t happened yet when we came up with it,” said Chakroun. “But literally the day after we planned, it happened, and we were like, ‘There’s no way that we can not include Paris.’

“We don’t want to make divi-sion based on race, religion, eth-nicity — like, that’s crazy.”

Haidar read out some of the names belonging to those who died in the attacks. The vigil also included a spoken word perfor-mance, followed by a moment of silence and prayers.

Ryerson sent out a press re-lease this week stating that their

thoughts are with the victims and families in France who suffered.

“Our thoughts are also with the many members of the Ryer-son community,” read the release. “Including visiting French stu-dents and faculty, who have fam-ily, friends and professional col-leagues in France.”

The university confirmed that all Ryerson community members in France are safe.

Haidar brought attention to the refugees who are escaping this senseless violence from their homelands, saying that they are now among the most vulnerable.

“I’ve seen a lot of attacks on ref-ugees in the last three, four days in the aftermath,” Haidar said. “We have to be able to condemn that and be able to tell them that a city like Toronto and a country like Canada will always have its door open to those who need our help.”

After last week’s attacks, a refu-gee camp in France and a mosque in Peterborough were set on fire. In Australia, a woman in a hijab was pushed in front of a train.

“We don’t want to make division based on race, reli-gion, ethnicity — like, that’s crazy”

The Eyeopenerwinter election



nominations and posters are due by 5 pm november 26.

speeches will begin after at 7:00pm at the ram in the rye in the ‘party’ room. voting will begin at 11 am, november 27th. polls close at 5 pm. vote in person at scc207,by phone, email or via facebook.


Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 COMMUNITIES 7

Two signature pies at Rye’s newest joint Blaze Pizza. PHOTO: ALANNA RIZZA

Blaze Pizza opened at Yonge and Victoria Streets about two months ago.

When my friend Emma and I walked into the place I found my-self in a positive and comfortable atmosphere.

I spotted a worker and asked her what she thought would be best for me to order as a pescatar-ian, a vegetarian who eats fish.

She said the Veg Out pizza was a very good option, and that they also have a gluten free crust as well as vegan cheese.

She spotted Emma’s schoolbag.“We are really fast, and we

know that you guys have class. So when you have time you can come here and get your pizza in 380 sec-onds,” she said.

“380 seconds?” I asked, having just read the menu sign that said the pizza would be cooked in 180 seconds.

“Wait! Oh my gosh,” she said, clearly embarrassed. “No, it’s 380 seconds,” she said, assuring me that she was right.

Thinking that it would be rude to correct her, I walked right over to the end of the line, where direct-ly above me the menu said, “Piz-zas are fast-fire’d in 180 seconds.”

New campus pizza joint blazes out By Alanna Rizza All of the other employees

were friendly. A woman made my $10.45 pizza, which had gorgon-zola and mozzarella cheese, zuc-chini, mushrooms and red onion. Blaze doesn’t do single slices, you get a full pizza that is about medi-um-sized.

She told me the timer starts when the pizza goes in the oven. Once my pie went in, I started the timer on my phone just as Emma got her pizza and went to find a table.

As I waited, I looked over at the fountain drinks. There was special house blood orange lemonade. It looked delicious and I regretted not ordering a drink.

I felt a bit anxious as my timer went over three minutes.

I asked the two guys working the fancy wood-fired oven how they know when it has been 180 seconds. They said it’s based on if the pizza is cooked or not. They assured me that it would never go over four minutes.

As my pizza was coming out, I showed the guy my timer, which read five minutes and thirty-four seconds.

“Woah!” went the two guys. All of the workers looked over.

They apologized and one of them went to get me a cup for a

free drink and the other guy told me that sometimes the tempera-ture of the oven is hard to control and that is why it took so long.

I found my way over to Emma who was almost halfway done her pizza. We shared the drink and ate our entire pies. The meal was great, we finished feeling full but didn’t feel bloated or sluggish. Linsday Nantes, third year ur-ban and regional planning stu-dent, had the Meat Eater pizza. She said it was a little expensive, but worth it.

She and her friends said it was their first time at Blaze Pizza and that they would come back, may-be even on a night after partying (it is open on Friday and Saturday until midnight so Ryerson stu-dents could go there after getting blazed too).

I asked a supervisor about any student specials to come in the future and got a no. The general manager, Andrew Dorich, explained that the 180 seconds is actually the average time for the pizza to cook and that the time really depends on the toppings of the pizza. He said it would never go over four minutes.

When I told him about my pizza he apologized and mentioned not everyone would get a free drink.

Perspectives of

By Behdad Mahichi

Since Nov. 16, members of the Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Students’ Union (ACSSU) have been holding a fundraiser while attempting to emulate the life of displaced people in Iraq and Syria — in other words, those who are refugees in their own country.

While much of the focus on the crisis in Syria and its surround-ing areas have been turned on the flow of refugees fleeing violence and persecution, there are many people who remain at the epicen-tre, merely displaced among vio-lence in their homeland.

For this cause, the ACSSU will sleep outside the Student Cam-pus Centre for three nights, from Nov. 16-18, with no access to electronics, eating only food giv-en to them by donation.

I spent a night with the group to gain a bit of their perspective.

While enduring the same hard-ships here at Ryerson as those fleeing the devastations of con-flict is impossible, staying a night alongside their cause allows for further understanding of the chal-lenges refugees will face.

In the midst of busy November,

these students put their academic lives on pause, packed their bags with only the most basic posses-sions and pitched a tent away from their cozy homes.

Going back home can’t be an option — and it never is for those forced to flee. They try to explain their situation to those passing by, many of whom are too sub-merged in their own lives to care.

A handful of compassionate people donate food and warm drinks to their cause. Throughout the day, they continue to try to raise awareness, and when night-time comes, a vigil is held for their lost brothers and sisters.

When the streets empty out and it gets quiet, incomplete tasks come to mind, with no phone or laptop anywhere in reach to com-plete them.

Life is lived on a day-to-day basis here, just as with a displaced person within a country in conflict where tomorrow may simply be another city or danger that you flee.

The only thing keeping you busy in the meantime, and the only thing that remains important when the cold and the hunger kick in, are the loved ones around you. You’re all in this together.


PHOTO: NATALIA BALCERZAKA vigil was held outside of the SCC to honour those who lost their lives in the Syrian crisis.

8 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015FEATURES


Don’t move. Seriously, just stay down,” my friend whispered as we lay pan-

caked to the hard floor of a dusty rooftop. A small concrete wall, un-painted and serrated with exposed rebar, cast a shadow just large enough to conceal our bodies from the security guard peering out into the tangled construction site with his flashlight. After sneaking into an unauthorized area of an unfin-ished building overlooking Spa-dina Avenue, we were about to be caught. Although we had come up here for a thrill and some gnarly photos, we were probably going to leave in handcuffs. At least the pictures would net us some new followers.

Instagram, for better or worse, has fundamentally changed the nature of photography. Not just in the way it’s received by the public, but in the way it’s produced and sought out. Gone are the days of dark rooms and Polaroids — two concepts now only associated with enthusiasts and hipsters — digital photography now rules the game and is more accessible than ever. Whether you’re shooting with a cell phone or a bulky DSLR, beau-tiful imagery can be captured, ed-ited and put online for the world to see with relative ease and haste.

But with improved accessibility, there also comes a great cost: if you want to stand out as a pho-tographer in the world of social media, you have to pay the price of pushing the boundary, some-times to the point of real and tan-

gible danger.This trend is no more apparent

than across the streets of Toronto. Shooters roam the city in search of not just the best imagery, but the most daring locations. Pho-tographers looking to make a splash on Instagram often crouch in the middle of bustling streets as cars whiz by, while explorers and those with a thirst for adrenaline climb and scale buildings to ac-cess rooftops and take “dangler shots,” where people droop their legs over the edge of a building in order to photograph their shoes hanging over the ground below.

“It’s amazing how many ’grammers want to get to a cer-tain spot so badly and then when they get there they just replicate the exact same shot”

It’s a trend that’s dangerous, ex-hilarating and has produced some of the prettiest eye candy on the web, but not everybody agrees in it being the end-all of the photog-raphy game.

“It’s amazing how many ’gram-mers want to get to a certain spot so badly and then when they get there they just replicate the exact same shot that someone big like

Jayscale has taken,” said Brad Golding, a Ryerson RTA student and Toronto photographer. “It makes no sense to me.”

Golding, who goes by the han-dle @goldshoots on Instagram, has a photo feed mixed with life-style and cityscape shots. Some of his pictures, which he says are tak-en “on the go” in his day-to-day life, are something more typically associated with amauteur pho-tography. Creamy shots of friends walking around a city in the mid-dle of fall, a bird’s-eye view of a latté and a book, a street capture of a businessman rushing to work. Golding tells me he used to take shots for the followers, but now he does it just for himself.

“When I take photos I think a lot about the story behind the mo-ment and sometimes that story is only relevant to me, but that’s not a bad thing at all,” he said. “Of course I want a lot of people to see and enjoy my work, but I take photos just as much for me as I do for others.”

The shift toward edgier and danger-filled photography in Toronto can be traced

back to 2010. Just before Insta-gram had its humble beginnings as a simple app to capture and share photos from a smartphone, the real photography arena existed on sites like Flickr and 500px. One of the first notable examples of dan-gler photography was created by photojournalist Tom Ryaboi, who took a shot of his friend Jen Tse’s legs suspended off the edge of a

Toronto skyscraper. The picture of Tse’s black and white converse looming over Yonge and Welling-ton streets blew up — making international news in just a week after being featured as an Editor’s Pick on Reddit.

“Everything happened really quickly from there, all kinds of doors swung open. I was offered the photo editor position of To-ronto’s leading blog. I began to licence loads of my images, and I was selling tons of prints, all thanks to one photo,” Ryaboi, former BlogTO editor, wrote on a blog four years ago. “Even now, a year later, I still get three to five re-quests for this photo every week.”

Since then, rooftopping culture has exploded. Some of the most popular Instagram accounts and photography collectives consis-tently feature wide shots of Toron-to’s skyline or stomach-churning photos of Air Jordans dangling above city streets, all of which have been taken from the top of grandiose buildings and towers in the downtown core.

Some photographers go as far as scaling cranes and hanging onto railings with one hand while tak-ing pictures with the other. The further you push it, the more likes you’re generally going to get.

But according to the Toronto Po-lice, rooftopping isn’t just danger-ous, it’s illegal, and some photog-raphers already have had to pay a serious price for their adventures. Earlier this year, then-Ryerson journalism student Eric Mark Do

was arrested by police with a few friends, one of whom was Ryaboi, after they were caught on top of a building near the west end of Wel-lington Street Do was charged with three charges related to breaking and entering. Although charges against the three photographers were dropped in September, Do’s photography gear was seized un-til May and the cards holding the photos were held until after the charges were released. Now, pho-tos from the same rooftop can be found as some of the most recent posts on his Instagram.

“It’s one thing to climb, but being able to bring the proof back with photos is different”

Toronto Police Const. Victor Kwong said that while the degree of repercussions for rooftoppers are determined by the courts, there is a great amount of leeway in both an officer’s and a judge’s abil-ity to interpret the situation, not-ing that “breaking and entering” doesn’t necessarily have to involve breaking any locks.

“‘Breaking’ does not mean damage, rather figuratively of a threshold. For example, just be-cause you forgot to lock your door doesn’t mean it’s okay for anyone to walk into your home,” Kwong


Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 9FEATURES

said. “Officers have discretion on whether or not to lay a charge.”

Getting up to rooftops can be a difficult and daunting task. Of-tentimes, photographers have to evade building security, as well as the various apparatuses that may be monitoring breaches in doors and hatches that may allow ac-cess to the roof. Due to the rise in popularity of rooftopping and the people being caught doing it, how-ever, building security around the city has improved drastically.

In my experience talking to frequent rooftoppers, almost any building worth scaling requires some form of lock-picking tools. This can range from something as simple as a screwdriver or knife to wedge open a door, to full-fledged bolt cutters that are used to snip off padlocks keeping the photog-rapher from the top of the build-ing.

There are other elements to take into account, such as cameras, mo-tion sensors and electronic strips that can alert security to someone trying to access unauthorized ar-eas. It’s become so difficult and legally risky that virtually no pho-tographers are willing to speak on the record about their experiences rooftopping, nor are there guides or how-tos online for first-timers looking to give it a swing.

With such secrecy, those with the knowhow are revered in the community. Bigtime Instagram-mers in Toronto such as Jayscale and Brxson have racked up tens of thousands of followers — their

feeds a conspicuous mix of death-defying shots from the top of To-ronto’s tallest buildings and simple photography down on the street level. Regardless of location, the imagery is always popping with crisp detail and clarity. It’s a cul-ture that is defined by hashtags like #way2ill, #shoot2kill and #hypebeast. As old hashtags die, new ones are born, all of which have their own respective niche to serve before the community hops onto the next trend.

Things weren’t always this way. Peter Bregg, a Ryer-son professor who teaches

classes on photojournalism, said that photographers were often split into two categories before: those taking paid gigs and those who were just hobbyist shooters. Nowadays, the line is blurrier. Bregg says that advancements in camera tech have made it incred-ibly easy for the average person to take photos that would otherwise be limited to professionals. He adds that while things like roof-topping can be impressive, he’s not keen on the idea of breaking the law in order to stake out a better shot.

“It’s a generational thing, per-haps. I’m older, I’m more cautious. I believe in being more cautious. When you’re young, you want to take risks, you want to gamble, and the thrill of doing something like rooftopping is very important [to some people].

“The proof of that thrill is be-ing able to take a picture. It’s one

thing to climb, but being able to bring the proof back with photos is different. Some of that photog-raphy is very good, it’s very artful. I can envy the quality and the con-tent, but I can’t envy what they did to get there.”

A Ryerson journalism student and photographer Chris Blanch-ette says that, like Bregg, he can understand the length some peo-ple will go to in order to one-up each other. While he doesn’t nec-essarily agree with the idea of breaking the law to access certain spots or get certain photos, as a photographer constantly trying to improve his craft, he gets the desire to do so.

“Because photography’s art, and I think with art, there’s only so many ways you can do something, I think what makes it better is that you’re improving on the way you do it,” he said. “I think the same is with photos, I mean for people who are going up there, every year I’ve seen a new perspective of something or the same shot done a different way so I don’t think you can hit a wall in any aspect of pho-tography as long as you’re trying to innovate and always trying to stay ahead of everybody.”

This past weekend, two other photographers and I were trapped on the rooftop of

that unfinished condo with a se-curity guard diligently looking for any trace of us. With just a DSLR and a few lenses, we were able to capture everything from long ex-posures to portrait shots. When

the shine of a flashlight caused us to dive to the floor, our fun was over. After hiding until the guard left to find backup, we slipped out the emergency exit and jetted off into the night with pounding hearts. A few hours later, I’d post the photos to Instagram, fully ed-ited and ready to show the world.

Considering nobody else had accessed that roof in the past, I had an exclusive perspective and no competition to compare myself to. Something about it felt strange-ly cheap, like I had traded the skill of photography for the ability to stomach my fear of getting caught. Talking to other photographers in the city like Golding, it’s clear there’s a sentiment that the skill of photography has been devalued to some.

“Someone sees your photo and they tag their friend in it, and then you’re out a few weeks later taking pictures with them”

But Blanchette doesn’t think so. In fact, if anything, he thinks that the bar for what’s considered high quality has just been raised to a new standard. Noting how Insta-gram has allowed him to not only connect with more people than ever and share his photos to be critiqued by a much more diverse

audience, Blanchette says that the app is much more beneficial than it is detrimental to his viewpoint as a photographer.

“Collaboration is awesome. Instagram is like its own version of networking, because some-one sees your photo and they tag their friend in it, and then you’re out a few weeks later taking pic-tures with them,” he said. “I have friends that I’ve met just through Instagram who are really close to me now and if I hadn’t had Ins-tagram I wouldn’t have been able to meet them. I think there’s a re-ally tight-knit community with the people you meet.”

My first time ever roof-topping was January of this year. The metal

of the doorknob was cold, even through my leather gloves. With a yank, the door flung open and I was greeted by the shimmering skyline of Toronto — an array of bright towers and street lights clut-tered my view like a visual sym-phony. Despite my frozen face and shaking hands, I couldn’t pull my eye from my viewfinder. I snapped picture after picture, sometimes blowing my frozen breath into the frame of the shot.

As I look back at some of the photos still saved on my com-puter, I can’t help but notice how poorly shot they were. At the end of the day, the quality didn’t mat-ter — the sight of the city was enough to keep me coming back for more.

With files from Emma Cosgrove



10 ARTS & LIFE Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015

Pillowcase Survivors A fourth-year film studies student speaks out her sexual assault in her thesis project

By Annie Arnone

A fourth-year film studies student is sharing her own experience with sexual assault in her upcoming thesis film.

Director Sydni Lazarus is re-counting her and others’ struggle in Wisdom Teeth. According to the synopsis, the film challenges “that voices of survivors should continue to be silent.”

“It’s been a hard couple of years, but this is something I’m ready to take on,” said Lazarus.

Lazarus said the film aims to reflect a “common experience for so many people, predominantly women.”

“Rape is nothing like how it is in the movies,” reads the film’s synopsis. “It doesn’t always take place in an alleyway, or at a club. It doesn’t always involve force or being held at gunpoint, but more often than not, the person who rapes you is a person you trust.”

The film’s title references Laza-rus’ experience of sexual assault by her former partner.

“I came in at the tail end of her relationship and I was there as a witness,” said fourth-year stu-dent Meaghan Gable, the film’s cinematographer. “Other than her mom, I don’t think anyone else knew.”

Since she was high on wis-dom tooth medication during the incident, she uses the teeth as a metaphor for growth in the film.

Wisdom Teeth, including pro-ducer and fourth-year Ida Jokinen — also uses poetic allusions to the Greek myth of Hades and Perse-phone.

The story depicts Persephone — Goddess of vegetation — who’s taken captive by Hades, God of the Underworld. During the kid-napping, the goddess experiences emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

However, she develops a love for her kidnapper and becomes the Goddess of the Underworld. Lazarus said she saw the myth as a “beauty and the beast” scenario when she was young.

“As I do research on it now I re-alize, holy shit, this is a story about a young girl being kidnapped,” Lazarus said. “I related it to my story which is a story about sex-ual assault, but it was also one of emotional, sexual abuse and gas-lighting.”

Gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse where abusers manipulate situations to make victims doubt their own experience.

One scene in Wisdom Teeth in-corporates the statistic that one-fourth of women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime.

With characters that Lazarus names “pillowcase survivors,” the scene depicts women with pillow-cases over their heads, in nothing but their underwear.

“It’s sort of implying the trope of a hostage with a sack over your head and the idea of being a sta-tistic,” said Lazarus. “You lose your sense of identity. Every girl sits in position and they wait to be next in line. Through this room of pillowcase survivors you’ll hear pick ups from interviews we’re do-ing.”

The set design, using “aerial silk performance, industrials and movement” depicts the under-world as interviews with other survivors play out.

“We shoot on a dark sound stage,” said Gable. “You see a bed and Sydni is on the bed as she re-counts things that have happened from her past.”

The crew said they plan to in-terview over 15 survivors from different genders, race and other backgrounds.

“It’s been really amazing to hear those stories,” Jokinen said. “And how beautifully people can talk about something that is so hor-rible, given to them without con-sent.”

“It doesn’t always take place in an alleyway or at a club. It doesn’t always involve force or being held at gunpoint, but more often that not, the person who rapes you is a person you trust”

The crew of Wisdom Teeth is speaking out about seuxal assault survivors’ experiences. PHOTO: ANNIE ARNONE

Read about RU alumnus Greg Benedetto, founder of punk promotional group Stuck In The City, online at


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Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 SPORTS 11

Jean-Victor Mukama is the “Can man”

JV is a taking on more responsiblity this season as a third-year shooting guard. PHOTO: JESS TSANG

By Luke Galati

In order to help the Ryerson men’s basketball team find success this season, Jean-Victor Mukama knew a leadership role was something he’d have to step into. The lanky shooting-guard from Hamilton, Ont. who started out playing for Martin Vaillancourt’s UPLAY — a summer rep basket-ball program combining academic excellence with top-tier athletes — is now a guiding hand on a fresh Rams team.

“Working on chemistry off the court is important to me, because I think the best teams have good chemistry outside of basketball,” Mukama said. “There’s more things I have to be responsible for this season and so I’m trying to figure it out and act upon it.”

Vaillancourt recongized Muka-ma’s potential leading into high-school, often driving him to and from games. Eventually Villan-court would coach Mukama on his high school team, praising his infectious personality.

“I saw this lanky kid. The kid was just a happy kid having fun, shooting hoops, laughing, gig-gling,” Vaillancourt said. He was the type of kid that Vaillancourt wanted to have around his high school basketball team.

At that time, he says that Mu-kama wasn’t up to the level of competition. But Vaillancourt made sure that Mukama was on the team because of his positive attitude.

“We just wanted to keep him around. Out of leadership, and personality, there’s no one that’s bigger than him. Everyone wants to be around JV. Everyone loves JV,” Vaillancourt said.

Mukama worked hard on his game, and according to Vaillan-court, “JV got pretty good.” By Grade 12, he grew to six-foot-six, and still had the perimeter game of a guard. “Now he was start-ing to make some noise,” Vaillan-court said. “He was a six-foot-six shooting guard who could handle the rock, defend the ball and block

shots. He was a super star.”Filip Vujadinovic, who played

against Mukama in high school, and is now his university team-mate at Ryerson remembers think-ing, “I never get intimidated by people, but I actually got intimi-dated watching that. Knowing that I had to guard him, I was like ‘Damn, I don’t want this guy to embarrass me.’”

The second time they played against each other, Vujadinovic was injured, so he had to watch Mukama as he, “destroyed my team. It was hard to watch. Every-thing went in for him.”

Now in his third year, Mukama has had the advantage of play-ing under the tutelage of previous veterans Jahmal Jones and Aaron Best. Soaking up as much as he could during his time playing with them, JV said he took parts of their game and tried to work them into his style of play.

“I had a lot of questions about technical things, but it was practis-ing with them, you start to pickup on things without even realizing it,” Mukama said.

At the time, Vujadinovic didn’t know who his soon-to-be team-mate was. But, he remembers that he hated playing against him be-cause of his length. Vujadinovic points to Mukama’s seven-foot-five wingspan; noting that in his eyes, he has the most potential on Ryerson’s basketball team.

Mukama’s length is one reason why when the Toronto Raptors’ 2014 draft pick, Bruno Caboclo, practices with the Rams, he’s the one to guard the six-foot-nine Bra-zilian prospect.

“JV is like a shorter version of him in a way,” Vujadinovic said. “They’d get pretty competitive. Bruno would hit a shot, JV would get pissed off and JV would get in his face.”

When Caboclo comes to prac-

tice at Ryerson, Mukama’s team-mate thinks that he plays with a chip on his shoulder, knowing that Caboclo’s agent would also be watching. “He wants to prove that he can beat Bruno.”

Mukama’s nickname on the team is “Can Man.” He attri-butes this to his love of boxing, specifcally Adrian Gomez, who uses “Can man” in reference to winning against anyone at any point.

“It’s really, anybody can get it, get beat on any day or game,” Mukama said. “I alway say it be-fore a game to pump myself up.”

Jahmal Jones coined the nick-name last year, pointing to the fact that Mukama is a one man wreck-ing crew in practice when they play one-on-one. Mukama con-siders the nickname a confidence builder.

New Ryerson recruit JP Kambo-la tried to play him this year to test the nickname out for himself. “JV beat him so bad, he just hit three after three,” Vujadinovic said.

Mukama has become the post-er-boy for UPLAY, and a leader on an undefeated Ryerson team. For him, playing for the Rams is all about playing as a unit, winning games together, not just as indivu-dal players.

“From the fifth player on the bench to the eigth man down, we have guys who can score 30 points,” Mukama said. “But my focus is to be the glue for the team, to build up the focus and get ev-eryone to buy into the system.”

As a senior in high school Mukama was six-foot-six . PHOTO: JESS TSANG

“Out of leadership, and per-sonality, there’s no one that’s bigger than him. Everyone wants to be around JV”

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Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015SPORTS12

CIS vs. NCAA: celebrating the differences

Funding is a always a major sticking point in the CIS, NCAA debate. ILLUSTRATION BY : ANNIE ARNONE

By Tagwa Moyo and Devin Jones

Last spring the Canadian Interuni-versity Sport (CIS) men’s basketball Final 8 tournament was hosted at Ryerson. The games took place at the Mattamy Athletic Centre in To-ronto. There were approximately 3,500 fans in attendance at the game, with tickets costing between $18-$24, or free for students.

One month later the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) March Madness cham-pionship game was played at Lu-cas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, which happens to be home of the Indianapolis Colts. For that game there were 80,000 people in the stadium and the game was tele-vised on ESPN television. Tickets to attend this match up were $225 -$10,000.

But forget about money, be-cause competing with its Ameri-can counterparts is a conversation the CIS will lose every time. And for Ryerson athletic director Ivan Joseph, the CIS is about offering something different.

“We’re not here to compete with NCAA Division I football or bas-ketball from a ticket sales and ad revenue generating standpoint,” Joseph said. “Where we do com-pete is from the student athlete

experience. When you talk about the academic rigor at a Canadian university, you’re talking Harvard, you’re talking Duke, you’re talking Standford.”

This academic rigor throughout the CIS culminated in 3,101 stu-dents acheiving All-Canadian aca-demic status in 2014-2015, includ-ing 15 athletes from Ryerson.

This notion of having to go to the United States in order to achieve an exemplary education while also competing at a high level of ath-letic excellence is something Joseph is looking to nullify.

ingly different? In 2013-2014 the CIS provided

just over $15 million in athletic scholarship money to student ath-letes, this number was an increase in nine and a half per cent from the previous season. The NCAA Divi-sion I and II schools on the other hand provide more than 2.7 billion dollars to its student athletes. One thing to be noted is that Division III schools do not offer athletic schol-arships.

“CIS doesn’t have money in the recruiting and scholarship depart-ment. There is money available academically but not so much for sports,” said men’s basketball in-terim head coach Patrick Tatham. “The universities in Canada are focused on academics which is a pretty good idea.”

The main difference behind these statistics is that the NCAA offers full scholarships that pay for the athletes’ tuition, textbooks, residence and meal plans. The CIS on the other hand, does not pro-vide athletes with full scholar-ships.

“Some CIS student athletes still have to apply for OSAP,” said Kareem Griffi n, an assistant coach for the Ryerson women’s basketball team. “Student ath-letes can get work-study jobs but players sometimes can’t give us as much because they have jobs (and school).”

Essentially the lack of funding is built on systemically different mod-els of education, the CIS shies away from full-ride scholarships from a philosophical and practical stand-point.

Despite the lack of funding, schools competing in the CIS still have plenty to offer. In terms of ed-ucation, players competing in On-tario must maintain a 70 per cent average to remain eligible to play. This pushes athletes to maintain a higher academic standard.

Additionally, games are played differently in the CIS as opposed to the NCAA. “The CIS prepares for

“I’m not here to say that, ‘Hey we want to be like Notre Dame or Michigan in what we’re doing,’” Joseph said. “What we want to have is the best academic expe-rience, and for the student who wants a signifcant athletic expe-rience that’s year round and has great coaching, but doesn’t want to go to the States to get it, they can choose Ryerson.”

It doesn’t take a math genius to understand that there is a huge dif-ference between CIS and NCAA in terms of funding. The question is, why are the numbers so stagger-

players to play overseas while the NCAA prepares its player to play in the NBA,” Tatham said.

Some of the main differences in CIS basketball is that timeouts cannot be called on the fl oor. Rather they have to come from the bench. But the CIS works under

the 24-second shot clock unlike the NCAA which works under a 30-second shot clock. Tatham said that working under a 24-second shot clock forces coaches and play-ers to make faster descions in high-pressure situations.

In addition to the rules being different, athletes that come from NCAA school back to CIS have to adapt to the different style of com-petition. In a NCAA men’s basket-ball Division I program, players are generally larger than those that are playing in the CIS. Not only will players have to adapt to the rules they may also struggle to fi nd methods of success against new opponents. But Tatham also said that he’s found players in the CIS to be more “consistent shooters,” overall.

NCAA sports in comparison to CIS sports are geared more to-wards preparing athletes for pro competition. That’s done by creat-ing professional like atmospheres for games and providing stronger competition. Whereas CIS pre-pares its athletes for the workforce or playing in professional overseas competition through education.

Each has pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, as long as the student athletes garner a proper education fi rst and a sports career second, there isn’t that much different between the two.

“We’re not here to compete with NCAA Division I football or basketball from a ticket sales and ad revenue gener-ating standpoint”

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 BIZ & TECH 13

App of the

WeekYou can order your food on your phone with Ritual

By Jacob Dubé

Next time you and your friends are looking for a place to eat, instead of searching aimlessly around the city, try out Ritual. Ritual is an app that lets you order food in res-taurants around Toronto directly from your phone, effectively skip-ping lines and any unwanted hu-man interaction.

After you’ve finished setting up an account (add a profile picture, it helps the restaurant owners rec-ognize you when picking up an order), you’re brought to Ritual’s main page. Based on your loca-tion, the app will sort out some of the over 250 restaurants and cafes based in districts like Yonge and Dundas, Liberty Village and Yor-kville that are affiliated with it.

If none of the initial choices seem like the right fit, Ritual has a search option so you can either find the specific restaurant to suit your cravings, or look through tags like “burgers” or “Ryerson” for other options.

Each restaurant’s page has its full menu on Ritual, and some orders offer extra options like ad-ditional milk and sugar for coffee.

Once an order is placed, the app tells you how long it will take to be ready, and suggests when you should leave to pick it up. I ordered a Dark Phoenix coffee at the Black Canary on Yonge Street and once I arrived, it was waiting for me on the counter with my name on it. I just had to say I ordered through Ritual and I was all set. Though it’s a fairly new app, the cafe appeared to have adopted it seamlessly.

If your favourite restaurant isn’t on the list, you can contact Ritual on their website and get them to send a request to join the app.

Be on the lookout for promo codes to get coupons when you sign up. For every friend you get to download Ritual and order some-thing, you will get a $10 coupon to go with your next purchase.

Ritual is available for free on the iOS App Store and Android’s Google Play.

Ryerson is getting more Steam-poweredA Ryerson PhD candidate is writing his dissertation on the development of video games as a career, and the risk of losing all the fun

PhD candidate Daniel Joseph’s thesis on video game marketplace Steam will be completed in a year. PHOTO: ANNIE ARNONE

Gaming and a PhD may not seem like they go together, but Ryerson student Daniel Joseph is looking to combine the two in a disserta-tion focused on Steam, the video game marketplace.

The dissertation focuses on the effects of video gaming more com-monly becoming a full-time career.

“I’ve always been fascinated by games, and I’ve always been really interested in writing about them,” Joseph said. “There’s

a lot of things that interest me about media, generally … but games seemed like a good place to start my career and see where it takes me.”

Joseph is a graduate communica-tion and culture student in a joint program between Ryerson and York University. He is currently in his fifth year of the PhD program and expects to complete his disser-tation, which should be about 200 to 250 pages, in a year. The work centres around how Steam medi-ates the collapse of work and play.

“Basically, the worry is that as a society, we might lose … what makes games fun in the first place if we reduce them all to work,” Joseph said. The rise of careers on the game streaming service Twitch and gaming on YouTube are two examples of this, where people end up playing games to earn a living.

Though Steam is the focus of his dissertation, Joseph mentions other examples of work and play merging, such as the gamification of the workplace crafted by psy-chologists to encourage productiv-

ity. The concern is that merging work life with play could bring more anxiety into our lives by forcing us to remain competitive and concerned about our pay-cheques, even while we play.

“I’m not saying this is only go-ing to be bad,” Joseph said. “But I do caution against this increas-ing tendency, because I feel like we’re only going to see more and more anxiety … if we let that kind of world of the marketplace seep into the spaces apart that we used to maintain very distinctly for our-selves as people.”

While completing his PhD, Jo-seph has been teaching research methods at the University of To-ronto Mississauga. He says it’s been beneficial to his own disser-tation research. “Teaching some-thing is the best way to learn it,” Joseph said. “My teaching philos-ophy isn’t that I’m some kind of fountain of knowledge and I just bequeath it on everyone else … for me, teaching is a collaborative en-terprise with the students.”

Prior to his PhD, Joseph com-pleted a master’s degree in the same program at Ryerson. His thesis was about independent video game de-velopment in Toronto and its re-lationship with Canadian cultural

policy. He explored what kind of governmental support exists for Ca-nadian game development, through programs such as the Ontario Me-dia Development Corporation.

Joseph’s motivation for writ-ing these works goes back to his childhood. He wanted to write for video game magazines growing up, but then he started to listen to podcasts by people in the indus-try. “I would listen to the people working at these magazines, and nothing about their jobs sounded fun,” he said. “You realize that … their job is to play video games some of the time, and the rest of the time they’re just producing content to feed the beast.”

Joseph has, however, written a couple of articles for Motherboard this year. He wrote about the card game Android: Netrunner, and his experience competing in the Net-runner World Championships. He has also written about labour in the video game modification com-munity for Jacobin Magazine.

“Academia seemed like a way to be able to write and talk about games, and … seriously discuss them in a way that I think they de-serve,” Joseph said. “It’s a piece of culture that, as a society, we don’t quite understand very well.”

By Igor Magun

Drop off your completed sudoku with your contact info to The Eyeopener office (SCC 207) for your chance to win a $25 iTunes gift card! In honour of numbers, and because it’s sudoku, all answers are numbers.

“We must say that there are as many squares as there are numbers.”- Galileo Galilei

Numbers’ Best SudokuSource: “Mackenzie stole fun profits”

A source has claimed that fun edi-tor Robert Mackenzie was direct-ly involved in an embezzlement scheme of Funvertisement revenue.

Lovebug* has worked closely with Mackenzie in Funvertisement development and production and says that the fun editor had been pocketing a percentage of income from each Funvertisement.

This new information follows the inconsistencies found in the an-nual fun section audit released last week, which revealed $256,000 in Funvertisement profit was unac-

counted for.According to Lovebug, Macken-

zie was not careful about hiding his trail of embezzlement.

In the past week, Mackenzie has attempted to convince his sponsors to launder his embezzled money. “Once he realized there was go-ing to be an audit of the section he tried to cover his tracks,” Lovebug said. “But by that point he was too deep into the scheme.”

Mackenzie has thus far refused to comment directly on these alle-gations, but in a Twitter statement last week he wrote, “I don’t know anything about this. I am focused

on keeping the fun section enjoy-able and profitable for the rest of my term.”

Lovebug is coming forward now because Mackenzie has made this scheme much larger and lon-ger than originally planned. “He just started to get greedy, ” Love-bug said. “After a certain point it wasn’t even about the money. He was doing it just for the thrill.”

The Eyeopener said they knew nothing about Mackenzie’s offenc-es, and are working with police to help their investigation.*The source’s name has been changed to protect their identity

By Pew Chalmers

Me and my beautiful wife Fiona will do your laundry! PHOTO: SIERRA BEIN

Funvertisement: Fartoosh Family Laundry

By Frankie Fartoosh

Nothing beats the smell of fresh linen! But as a student, it can be hard to find the time to head out

and get your laundry cleaned for an affordable price. That’s where we come in!

I’m Frankie Fartoosh. My wife Fiona and I are committed to

supplying Ryerson students with a quality, affordable location to get their clothes cleaned. That’s why we started Fartoosh Family Laundry!

If you want your laundry done for you, for a price cheaper than any other local laundromat, come visit Fartoosh Family Laundry at 148 Church St., apt. 418, buzzer code 6822.

Our apartment is decked out with the latest washing and dry-ing technology that my wife Fiona picked out. She knows a lot about that stuff. She is the love of my life, and I will do absolutely any-thing to protect her. I better not

hear you say anything bad about my lovely Fiona, hahaha!

How does our laundry service work? Simply leave your laun-dry basket outside our apartment door with the exact payment on top of the clothes and give three hard knocks. I will then open the door and collect your laundry, as you turn around to face the other direction. You then must wait outside of the apartment as we work to get your clothes looking good as new, because the apart-ment is laced with anemia and we wouldn’t want you to catch it!

If you would like to leave a tip, then simply slide it under the door. But you’d better not peek into the apartment, because I don’t want anyone to know the

secrets of my business. Under-stand that I’m always watching. If you peek in for so much as a second I will be forced to bring you into the apartment and give you a “talk” about snooping.

We here at Fartoosh Family Laundry, believe that tradition-al family values make for great small businesses. That’s why I make sure that my wife Fiona is always by my side!

So if you’re tired of spending your weekends sitting in a laun-dromat and paying ridiculously high prices, come to Fartoosh Family Laundry and stand out-side of our apartment while we wash your clothes. The smell of fresh linen will fill your nostrils with joy, and cover up the other smells emanating from our apart-ment!With files from Robert Mackenzie

FUN14 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015

Dr. Alex Aronov & Dr. Roy Suarez & Associates

655 Bay Street Unit 7 (Corner of Bay & Elm - Concourse Level)

416 595


Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 15

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 201516

Need a break from your books for a quick bite or refreshment? 10 Dundas East is just around the corner to satisfy your craving. We’re only a short walk from class, right at Yonge & Dundas.

Baskin RobbinsBlaze Pizza California ThaiCaribbean QueenChipotleCurry & Co.DAVIDsTEA

Harvey’sMilo’s PitaOpa! Souvlaki

Poptopia/Yoyo’sYogurt Café

Real Fruit Bubble Tea

Sauté RoséStarbucksSubwayThe Beer Store ExpressTim HortonsWine Rack

RestaurantsJack Astor’s Bar & GrillMilestones Grill & BarShark ClubSpring Sushi



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