the evolution of classroom technology

Post on 19-Aug-2014






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Devices/tools that helped pioneer technology in classrooms.


Based off the images and information from

The Evolution of Classroom Technology

1650 Horn Book

Wooden paddles with printed lessons were popular in the colonial era.

1850-1870 Wooden Ferule

This is a pointer and also a corporal punishment device.

1870 Magic Lantern

The precursor to a slide projector, the ‘magic lantern’ projected images printed on glass plates and showed them in darkened rooms to students. 

1890 School Slate

A board students used to practice school work on. Also, if any errors occurred the mistakes could washed away with a sponge, water, and soap.

1890 Chalkboard

A board that teachers and students could write on with chalk and erase with a clap eraser.

1900 Pencil

A writing utensil that is made from wood and has lead.

1905 Stereoscope

A device that uses binocular like glasses to look at images, accurately.

1925 Film Projector

A device that projected images, but did not have sound.

1925 Radio

A device that allowed sounds to be played from speakers.

1930 Overhead Projector

A device that is used to view items.

1940 Ballpoint Pen

A writing utensil that has ink come out of the ballpoint.

1940 Mimeograph

A device that makes copies by cranking it, manually.

1950 Headphones

A device that allows an individual to hear sounds.

1950 Slide Rule

A device that displays number measurements.

1951 Videotapes

A device that has images and sounds recorded on it.

1957 Reading Accelerator

A device that helps people read more efficiently by holding down pages.

1958 Educational Television

A device that has images and sounds that the entire class can benefit from.

1972 Scantron

The Scantron Corporation removed the need for grading multiple-choice exams.

1980 Plato Computer

Public schools in the U.S. averaged about one computer for every 92 students in 1984.

1985 CD-ROM Drive

A single CD could store an entire encyclopedia plus video and audio.

1999 Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive system that uses a touch-sensitive white screen, a projector, and a computer. 

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