the eucharist - a short course for catechists

Post on 11-May-2015






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An English Version. Presented here is a short course on the Eucharist based on the Catholic Catechism


The EucharistAccording to the

Catechism of the Catholic Church


Rev. Cornelius T. McQuillan, C.S.Sp., Psy.D.

Edited by Sharon Piper

The Eucharist

Is the Mystery of our Faith (Jn 6)

The Eucharist

Is the Paschal Mystery.(Exodus)

The Eucharist is

Communion & CommunityGod Triune

Ágape or BanquetFood & Manna

Activity of the Holy SpiritPresence Of Jesus Christ

Love of God

The Eucharist is

Thanksgiving Encounter between Christ and the ChurchAlliance or Marriage Death & ResurrectionLife & GraceSacrificeChurch – the Body

of ChristCelebration

The Eucharist is

The Continuation of the mystery of the Incarnation.Presided by the Bishop, (or in his absense, a

presbytere), the Vicar of Christ.Christ interceding on behalf of

humanity. The way God transforms the world

the source and summit of all Christian life.

The Eucharist is God’s Initiative


God’s design over us is His Love

The Divine Initiative

God sent His Sonto be the propiation

for our sins.



All of the Christ’s life is offered to the Father.



John the Baptist presents Him as “the Lamb who takes away

the sin of the world.”


Jesus anticipated the offering of His life during the Last Supper.



The Eucharist offered in the Last Supper was to be the Memorial

of (1 Co. 11, 23) his sacrifice.


Jesus instituted his apostoles as the priests of the New Covenant at the

First Eucharist.


“For them, I consecrate myself, so that they too may be consecrated in Truth.”

(Jn 17,19)



Christ’s sacrifice alone is the definitive offering that returns men to communion with God.

He Saves Us615

Jesus replaces our disobedience with His obedience.


Christ’s sacrifice was consumed on the Cross.

The Sacrifice


Christ’s sacrifice on the cross saves us and redeems us.

It offers to all the possibility of associating ourseleves with His

Pascual Mystery.

The Sacrifice


The Church is born from His total sacrifice on the cross, formed from the rib of the New Adam, when blood and water flowed from His Heart.



In the Eucharist the Church encounters the Risen Christ.

Communion with God



It is the Holy Spirit who draws us to Christ.

Action of the Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit draws us into the Paschal Mystery, above every other

way, through the Eucharist, in order to reconcile us, and bring us into communion with God, so that we can produce much fruit. (Jn 15)

The Holy Spirit prepares us to Recieve Communion.


For example, we see types or figures in the Old Testament that represent or are signs of the Mystery of Christ in the Eucharist.

The manna represents Christ the true “Bread from Heaven.”

The Holy Spirit


The Epiclesis (invocation over) & la Anamnesis are the Center of

every Sacrament and in particular the Eucharist.

Mission of the Church


The Church is sent to announce and give witness; to celebrate & prolong the mystery of the

communion of the Holy Trinity.

Life of the Church


Eucharist is the Center of the life of a particular Church.

Communion of the Sacraments


All the liturgical life of the Church orbits around the


The life of the Church


The Eucharist is the summit of the liturgical action of the Church

toward which she aims and her well-spring from which flows her

strength. (SC 10)

Communion of the Sacraments


The Church is the Sacrament of Christ & all her Sacraments can

be called “comunión.”But the Eucharist is the

culminacion of this Communion.



The Sacraments are of and for the Church.

Misión de la Iglesia


Charity, received most effectively through the

Eucharist, is the soul of all Apostolic endeavors.

Mission of the Church


Every Sacrament and especially the Eucharist, is an encounter

between Christ and the Church.

“One Body”


Through the two Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist we are

united to the Death and Resurreccion of Christ.

The Eucharist forms us into one single Body.



The Eucharist is the celebration of Christians

united in the one Catholic faith.



By our participation in the Eucharist we anticipate the

transfiguration of our body in Christ.

Christian Initiation


The Eucharist is the culmination of our initiation into the same Sacrifice of Christ crucified.

The Eucharist


was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper in order to

continue His Sacrifice on the cross until the end of time.

The Eucharist


Signifies and brings into reality our communion with God

as well as the unity of His people.

In the Eucharist


We anticipate eternal life

The Eucharist


is the compendium and summit of our faith that is expressed in

the names it is given

The Eucharist has been called

1329Act of Thanksgiving

The Lord’s Banquet Breaking of the Bread

Wedding Banquet of the Lamb of God

Eucharistic Assembly

Names given to the Eucharist

1330Memorial of the Passion & Resurrection of the Lord

Holy SacrificeSpiritual Sacrifice

Pure SacrificeSacrifice of Praise

Holy and Divine Liturgy

Names given to the Eucharist

1331Holy Mass

CommunionBread of Angels Bread of Heaven

Spiritual MedicineHoly Things

Under the sign of bread and wine


The heart of the Eucharistic celebracion is found in the bread and wine, which by the words of Jesus and the invocation of the

Holy Spirit, are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.

Bread & Wine

In the Old Testament Bread and Wine were offered for


Bread & Wine


In the book of Exodus bread without leven was used to recall their hasty

escape from Egypt. &

They evoke the memory of the manna in the desert.

Bread and Wine

In the New Testament Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes.

Jesus served Bread and Fish on the beach to Simon Peter and the other Apostles and sent

them three times to feed His sheep.

Jesus celebrated the first Mass during the Last Supper.

Bread and Wine

According to the Synoptic Gospels Jesus said:

“Do this in memory of me.”

The Eucharist

St. Paul wrote in 1 Cor 13:

“Anyone who eats the body or drinks the blood unworthily sins against the Body of the Lord.”

“Anyone who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks their own condemnation for not recognizing the Body.”

The Eucarist

St John wrote: (Jn 6)

“My body is real food and my blood is real drink.”

“He who does not eat my flesh and does not drink my blood, has no life.”

“He who eats my body and drinks my blood, will live forever.”

Benefits of Communin

1391Intensifies our union with Christ.

Feeds our Christian Life,Separates us from sin,

Erases venial sins.Protects us from further sin,

Builds the Church.

Benefits of Communion

is a commitment to the poor. Unites all who participate

Santifies us.Joins us to God Himself,

Motivates Evangelization,

Heals us.Unites us to the crucified & resurrected Christ.

The Beginning

Holy Communion renews us

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