the escalation of wireless internet

Post on 18-May-2015






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Ever feel confined when you’re plugged in and stuck at a desktop? Well with the invention of broadband wireless Internet the accessibility and mobility is boundless. The presentation will look at the differences between wireless and plugged-in Internet, as well as how this Wireless connection has impacted urban spaces and our social life. [Click the image]


The Escalation of

Wireless Internet

By Ryan Woods

Follow me @rtwoods13

Image: cestaimee ~ Flickr

Are you showing symptoms of mobility, social & interpersonal interaction, as well as feeling connected

without being physically plugged in?

Image: Mae_L12 ~ PhotoBucket

Well then you must have a case of Wireless Internet.

Image: Natalie Marion

What is Wireless Internet?

Image Source: Alegriphotos

If you’ve been living under a rock or have been highly sheltered all your life…

Wireless internet is essentially a component that provides a mobile device with the ability to connect to the internet without the use of cables so long as the device is within range of a wireless network

Image: keithloaf1961 ~ Flickr

Through the escalation of broadband wireless Internet, access to the web has become almost unlimited amid the rapid development of

community wi-fi in public spaces.

Crop top off.Insert quote on

grey bottom

Crop top off.Insert quote on

grey bottom

Image: Emilio Labrador ~ Flickr

The accessibility

is boundless…

Image: Adnan Islam ~ Flickr

“While the interpersonal component of the public sphere has become increasingly private, the structure of people’s social

networks has changed significantly.”

Quote: Keith N. Hampton Image: Pauly` ~ Flickr

Internet access in the public realm has reshaped, revitalized and

improved the processes of

privatism, and essentially social interaction & engagement.

Image: Pauly` - Flickr

The available and immediate connectivity that Wi-fi has to offer may even establish less social inequalities, as well as

an increased popularity toward public spaces.

Image: Paul White

“The experience of wireless Internet use in the public realm contrasts with traditional wired Internet use, which is confined primarily to the private realm of the

home and… workplace. “Quote: Keith N. Hampton et Al. Photo: Pauly`~ Flickr

Without wireless internet, we’d just be still using…

Well… old wired technology.

Image: Pauly`~ Flickr

But now, With broadband wireless Internet access, people can use a greater range of devices

(e.g., laptops, the iPhone, and “smart phones”) and applications and are not restricted to the

limited processing, display, and data entry capabilities of the traditional mobile phone.

Image: Ryan Woods

“People can now readily use mobile devices in urban

public spaces and expect an Internet experience that is similar to wired

Internet access at home and work.”

Source: Hampton et Al, The Social Life in Urban Places… Image: Mo Riza ~ Flickr

Mobile phone networks are only one example of wireless communications that are capable of providing broadband

Internet access to phones, laptops, and other mobile devices.

Wi-fi networks are an additional opportunity for wireless connectivity.

Image: Alegriphotos

In 2007,

41% of Americans had used wireless Internet access…

but only 16% had used the internet on a smart phone or other handheld device…

By 2009 this had increased to

59% and 32% respectively. Source: (Purcell, Entner & Henderson 2010)(Horrigan, 2008).

“Wi-fi networks [can] range from the formal to the

accidental and from corporate to

counter-culture.”Source: Hampton et Al,

The Social Life in Urban Places…

Image: Cordey ~ Flickr

With the consumption of wireless networks, generally, the benefits of wi-fi include considerable opportunities

towards the provision of city services, economic development, and the diminution of social inequalities.

Image: Sharyn Morrow ~ Flickr

How has wireless Internet affected urban spaces?

Image: ercwttmn ~ Flickr

Free. A word you

rarely hear in today’s society

without a catch to it.

Image: Jiaren Lau ~ Flickr

However, when it comes to Free Wifi…

often places really mean free… more or less. Image: Emma Besseau

These include Wireless community networks: Grassroots, non- profit associations that afford local, generally free,

wireless Internet access.

Image: Pauly` ~ Flickr

Free wi-fi is often used as a marketing tool to gain a larger audience in places. This marketing ploy

is used in such places as Starbucks,

and even McDonalds.

Image: Ryan Woods

Image: Elvert Barnes ~ Flickr

Coffee shops and restaurants were often used for intimate social communications… Coffee shops and restaurants were often

used for intimate social communications…

…but now, these locations are

mainly being used as a place for one

individual to go to communicate

socially, in terms of social media(s).

…but now, these locations are

mainly being used as a place for one

individual to go to communicate

socially, in terms of social media(s).

These urban areas that are

catered by Free Wi-fi access are known as Hotspots

Image: David Goehring ~ Flickr

Hotspots are limited locations where Wireless internet access, such as a coffee shop, bookstore, or airport lounge.

Access is typically associated with pay-per-use or the purchase of a product (e.g. a cup of coffee).

Image: N i c o l a ~ Flickr

Hotspots have become a universal feature of the urban environment.

Image: Thomas Duesing ~ Flickr

According to Hampton’s article on the social life in urban places… There are “complex ways in which this new technology is

implicated in contemporary social processes in public spaces.”

Source: Hampton et Al, The Social Life in Urban Places… Image: Benjamin Ellis ~ Flickr

There is speculation of additional social benefits by using wireless Internet in public spaces.

promotion of social cohesion community building stimulation of democracy

revitalization & repopulation of civic spaces

This includes:

What are the

factors of wireless access when it comes to establishing location popularity?

#1 Reputation #2 Availability #3 Urban Design #4 Local Culture #5 Population Density #6 Surveillance/Harassment #7 Early Establishment of Wi-fi

Source: Observations on seven public spaces in the United States & Canada

Ratio of wi-fi usersbetween men to women


...with single, white, young male adults predominating.

Source: 344 women and 966 men were observed using laptops in a study for Wireless Urban Spaces

Why is the

ratio so high for men than women?

Women are more likely to go to an indoor public space with wi-fi, because they may perceive indoor public spaces to be safer from harassment, as well as containing fewer social indications that promote the exclusion of females, compared to similar outdoor environments.

Image: OpenEye ~ Flickr



of wireless users are alone.

Female laptop users were as likely as males to be alone.

Source: Study of Wireless internet Users in urban places

Image: Okko Pyykkö ~ Flickr

Decreased public sociability occurs among collocated companions whenever there is accessibility to wireless internet.

Image: Curtis W

Are Wireless users becoming anti-social?

Often, many individuals actively work to shield themselves from the gaze of others, thus minimizing opportunities for interaction.

Don’t deny it. We’ve all done it… whether it’s hiding behind your screen from someone or pretending to text in the elevator to break that awkward silence, or the opportunity for interaction.

Image: Thomas Duesing ~ Flickr

Wireless Internet users tend to occupy areas within urban public spaces that are relatively sparsely populated.

Image: clemsonunivlibrary ~ Flickr

Often, users will temporarily withdraw

into the

niches of public spaces

– corners, next to shelves, behind stands – when using their devices…

Image: AndYaDontStop ~ Flickr

On the other hand, for wireless Internet users,

niches are not temporary retreats,

they can become everlasting shelters. Need image

Image: Ballistik Coffee Boy ~ Flickr

Location, Location, Location… but where to go?

There are high demands for location with other infrastructure needs, such as comfortable seating and the presence of power outlets.

Image: Erin E. ~ Flickr

Studies suggest that the reduced attention to surroundings, a focus on private, head-down activities,

and limited response from the environment suggests that wireless Internet users are exposed to significantly

less social diversity in urban public spaces.

Image: Tiren M ~ Flickr

Internet use in public spaces can offer a break of productivity away from the distractions of the home and workplace.

Image: Janis Joplin

Wireless Internet use makes the ability to

connect and share with

existing social

networks more

portable and readily


Image: Pauly` ~ Flickr

Many wi-fi users are new

users of urban public spaces,

and the pre-existing users of a public space become even

more frequent visitors

as a result of wi-fi availability.

Image: Christian Zibreg

“Wireless Internet users found in urban public spaces

were embedded in large, diverse social networks.

While in urban public spaces, their online activities

were directed at maintaining those networks. They were heavily involved

in e-mail and instant message exchanges and

were using social networking websites.”

“Wireless Internet users found in urban public spaces

were embedded in large, diverse social networks.

While in urban public spaces, their online activities

were directed at maintaining those networks. They were heavily involved

in e-mail and instant message exchanges and

were using social networking websites.”

Image: Terry Johnston ~ FlickrSource: Hampton et Al, The Social Life in Urban Places…

The availability of ubiquitous wireless Internet access may allow people to renegotiate time to consume a broader

range of news and social media content online than they otherwise


Image: Cheryl MacDonald

“An infrastructure for wireless Internet connectivity within urban spaces

may have unanticipated and positive consequences for participation in the public sphere

– including diverse social engagement – beyond what could have previously been afforded by urban public spaces that are

free of Internet connectivity”

Source: Hampton et Al, The Social Life in Urban Places… Image: Tony Hall ~ Flickr

Wireless Internet has been nothing short of revolutionary in how people connect with other users,

anytime, anywhere.

thanks for coming.Image: koffeeben ~DeviantArt

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