the electricity supply of the future and the cigre...

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DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

The electricity supply of the future and the CIGRE roadmap

Philippe ADAM, CIGRE Secretary General

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

The purpose of modern power systems is to supply electric energy

satisfying the following competing requirements:

▪ High reliability and security of supply

▪ Most economic solution

▪ Best environmental protection

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

CIGRE’s technical activities are split into 16 Study Committees.

Approximately 230 Working Groups are established, gathering together over

3800 experts within the electric energy sector from all over the world, who are

ideally positioned to express the views of industry (operators and technology

providers) and academia.

Working Group experts are proposed by the CIGRE National Committees (59 to


DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018



DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Power systems in transition

1. Active distribution networks

2. Massive exchange of information

3. Integration of HVDC/power electronics

4. Significant installation of storage

5. New systems operations /controls

6. New concepts for protection

7. New concepts in planning

8. New tools for technical performance

9. Increased use of existing infrastructure and new T&D developments

10. Stakeholder awareness

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Distribution level needs to become


▪ Massive penetration of distributed

generation units imposes the need for

their control and coordination

▪ Smart metering implementation and

active demand participation

▪ Evolution of markets and regulation

▪ Ancillary services to provide support

also at transmission level

▪ Novel distribution network

architectures, that support local

balancing, such as Microgrids

1. Active distribution networks

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

Modelling, analysis and control (centralized and decentralized) of active networks

Information exchange and control coordination between TSO and DSO (transmission and distribution system operators)

1. Active distribution networks

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

▪ New architectures for information management, communication technologies and algorithms for system operation, protection and maintenance.

▪ Large amount of data exchange between an increasing number of stakeholders from distribution networks, dispersed generation and consumers.

▪ Data types to be exchanged and requirements (volume, frequency, availability, security, confidentiality, etc.)

▪ Disaster recovery and restoration plans

▪ Cyber security and access control

2. Massive exchange of information

Key Challenges

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

▪ Cybersecurity

▪ Internet of Things and Big Data applications

▪ Effects on power system operation and control at transmission and distribution level

▪ New ICT architecture to accommodate new entities, energy and information technologies to be introduced in T&D networks.

2. Massive exchange of information

Future work

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Integration of multi-infeed HVDC networks in the AC network

▪ Effects of PE penetration at all voltage levels (reduced inertia, insufficient voltage support, low fault currents, impact on power quality)

▪ Need for appropriate models for HVDC and PE systems for network performance studies.

▪ Fault recovery of HVDC networks

▪ Standards and Grid Codes for HVDC grids to enable gradual system development ensuring compatibility among different converter manufacturers.

3. Integration of HVDC / power electronics (PE)

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Performance and operation of meshed HVDC networks

▪ Development of appropriate control models for HVDC and PE systems.

▪ Analysis and control of dynamic interactions between HVDC and PE systems

▪ Regulated inverters with capability to support the network including remotely controlled

3. Integration of HVDC / power electronics (PE)

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Construction issues:

▪ Advanced material for construction

▪ Reduction of installation and construction costs

▪ Reduction of environmental impact, recycling

▪ Reduction of energy losses, improve efficiency of charge/discharge cycles

▪ Decrease weight and increase size density

▪ Life-time estimation models, ageing mechanism

4. Significant installation of storage

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Operation and network issues:

▪ Modeling for steady state and dynamic simulations.

▪ Management of storage for peak shaving, ancillary services, RES balancing and energy arbitrage

▪ Sizing and siting of storage devices

▪ Co-operation with RES in hybrid systems

▪ Management in autonomous power systems

4. Significant installation of storage

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

4. Significant installation of storage

Future work

▪ Development in storage technologies, focusing on material or methods

▪ Storage analytical models

▪ Storage solutions connected via power electronics for reactive power management

▪ Storage integration at Transmission, Distribution and Demand side

▪ New market products to enhance flexibility

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Operational challenges posed by stochastic generation, flexible loads and energy storage:

▪ Power balancing

▪ Congestion management

▪ Active and reactive reserve

▪ Faster changes affecting dynamic response

▪ Risk management and probabilistic approaches

▪ Better prediction of variable generation and load, better management of storage

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Evolution of power system control:

▪ Improve the overall awareness of the system

▪ Integrate and efficiently use power electronics based technologies

▪ Define boundaries between TSO and DSO systems

▪ Information exchange, coordination and operational interfaces between TSO, DSOs and other stakeholders

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Need for decision support tools including dynamic analysis

▪ New software tools to quickly determine the status of the system over wide area

▪ Dynamic security assessment and PMU-based tools

Assure competencies, knowledge and skills and adapt training of system operators

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

Increased level of automation in the control rooms:

▪ Automated adjustment of the configuration and electrical parameters of the system

▪ Automated service restoration and adaptive disaster recovery methodologies (system robustnessand resiliency)

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Critical infrastructure protection

against cyber attacks

▪ Ancillary services from power

electronics interfaced intermittent

generation, flexible consumption and


▪ Harmonisation of grid codes for

Renewable Energy sources

connecting to the grid

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Adaptive protection/control systems

according to network operational


▪ Dynamic phenomena and dynamic


▪ Demand Side Management/Demand

Response (DSM/DR) functions

▪ Interoperability between SCADA

systems & protection systems

5. New systems operations / controls

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Limitations of current protection schemes in terms of reliability, flexibility and maintenance cost

▪ Impact of power electronic interfaced generation technologies with decreased fault currents

▪ Coordination between protection and new generators’ capabilities –capabilities for fault ride through

▪ Inadvertent islanding detection and intentional islanded operation

6. New concepts for protection

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ New protection and automation functions for transmission and distribution networks, based on communication networks.

▪ Interoperability among intelligent electronic devices for protection and automation

6. New concepts for protection

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Design and deployment of Wide Area Protection Systems (WAPS)

▪ Integration of protection and automation with innovative power electronics technologies

▪ Protection of DC networks

▪ Independent tools for design of protection and automation systems based on IEC 61850

▪ Separation of hardware and software in protection and automation systems

6. New concepts for protection

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Very high uncertainties including higher community awareness: impacts ability to plan to minimize asset stranding, while maintaining reliability and quality

▪ Changes in technology: need to understand cost, capabilities and lead times of each solution to enable comparison between options

▪ Changing economic drivers: impacts availability of funding and investment risk

7. New concepts in planning

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Changing market and regulatory environment: impacts on level of central planning vs. market solutions

▪ Changing nature of supply and demand including demand response, transport electrification, etc: increased uncertainty of long term solutions and potential for asset stranding.

7. New concepts in planning

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Environmental effects and effects of electricity markets

▪ Interaction between transmission and distribution network investments.

▪ Best use of existing assets by extending their useful life and adapting them to new requirements (e.g. bi-directional power flows) and by upgrading them.

▪ Reliability assessment and “big data” analytics for asset management

▪ Planning of hybrid DC and AC networks

7. New concepts in planning

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Advanced numerical methods for the solution of dynamic problems in integrated timeframes and for multiphase power-flow problems.

▪ Advanced tools and techniques for power balancing and reserve requirement evaluation

▪ Operational tools allowing a probabilistic and risk-based planning

▪ Model active control strategies (centralized control systems, grid-friendly appliances, demand side management, etc.)

8. New tools for technical performance

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Lack of models for new and advancing technologies

▪ Advanced load modeling techniques

▪ Techniques to model decentralized control applications, such as multi agent techniques.

▪ Co-simulation platforms for simulation of both transmission systems and distribution systems and other energy carriers.

8. New tools for technical performance

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Bridging the gap between electromagnetic transient (EMT), 3-phase and positive sequence simulation tools.

▪ Advanced load modeling techniques.

▪ Hardware in the Loop (HIL) simulation tools to interface physical hardware equipment with Real Time Digital Simulation.

▪ Tools and techniques for assessing the harmonic performance of the grid

8. New tools for technical performance

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ Uprating of existing lines, such as replacing old conductors by high temperature conductors, re-tensioning of existing conductors, upgrading voltage level, use real time thermal monitoring, etc.

▪ Conversion of AC to DC lines, considering hybrid lines (DC & AC), compact lines and aesthetic supports.

9. Increased use of existing lines and T&D developments

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

▪ New insulated AC or DC submarine and underground cables for HV applications, e.g. offshore wind farms

▪ Compact design of converter stationsfor off-shore and urban applications

▪ Requirements for T&D equipment to withstand transients and over voltages

9. Increased use of existing lines and T&D developments

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

▪ Increasing use of interconnections and their impact on planning, operation & control and the establishment of electricity markets

▪ Use of overload capacity and thermal transient calculations of Underground (UG) systems for the design of UG Sections.

▪ Design criteria and installation technologies for deep water cables to enable relevant interconnections.

▪ Incorporation of intelligence into T&D equipment

9. Increased use of existing lines and T&D developments

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Key Challenges

In the planning phase:

▪ Demonstrate the usefulness and the benefits that will result from the project

▪ Guarantee that Sustainable Development principles and issues are being incorporated at this stage

▪ Take into account public views and needs in the design steps, e.g. choice of alternatives

In the construction and operation phases:

▪ Demonstrate the compliance with environmental standards, obtain support for the necessary actions, e.g. maintenance

10. Need for stakeholder awareness

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Future work

Development of electricity systems of the future requires extensive engagement with key stakeholders to ensure the required investments receive government and community support and gain access to scarce capital

10. Need for stakeholder awareness

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

Over 10 000 references of publications, can be accessed from our online library, one of the most comprehensive accessible databases of relevant technical works on power engineering.

Publications can be:downloaded free of charge, for Members and Non-Members (documents over 3 years old)and/or ordered on-line (CDs, PDF, books)

E-cigre : online library and bookstore

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

3 new references available on and at our CIGRE publications booth:▪ Modelling of Vibrations of

Overhead Line Conductors▪ Switching Equipment▪ Substations

New Green Books

DEMSEE 2018 - Nicosia (Cyprus) – 20 & 21 Sept. 2018

This journal is the outcome of CIGRE’s desire to broaden its publication to articles of interest for its members and non-members, outside the CIGRE sphere

130 papers published since its creation in February 2015

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