the effects of biotic interactions on ambrosia artemisiifolia l

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The effects of biotic interactions on Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.


Arthur Andrew Meahan MacDonald

A Thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Master of Science,

Graduate Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,

in the University of Toronto

© Copyright by Andrew MacDonald 2009


The effects of biotic interactions on Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

Arthur Andrew Meahan MacDonald

Master’s of Science

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Toronto



Plant invasions can ensue when plants are introduced to regions without their specialist enemies (the

Enemy Release Hypothesis). This assumes natural enemies limit survival and fecundity in an invader's

native range. I tested this assumption for a native invasive species, Common Ragweed (Ambrosia

artemisiifolia), by excluding natural enemies from seeds, seedlings and adults. At the adult stage, I

added disturbance and conspecific density treatments. Protection from herbivores slightly improved

performance at the seedling stage only, while disturbance greatly increased survival and fecundity.

Increasing conspecific density reduced performance only in disturbed plots. I also tested herbivore

tolerance using simulated damage. Heavy (75%) damage did not reduce fecundity; light damage even

increased seed production. These results suggest enemies do not limit Ambrosia in its native range,

especially compared to the effects of habitat disturbance. While enemy release may have occurred

during Ambrosia’s invasions, it is not likely to be their principal cause.



“What admirable training is science for the more active warfare of life. Indeed, the unchallenged

bravery, which these studies imply, is far more impressive than the trumpeted valor of the warrior.

Science is always brave, for to know, is to know good; doubt and danger quail before her eye. But

cowardice is unscientific; for there cannot be a science of ignorance.” --- Henry David Thoreau

This project has in one sense been about testing the limits of ragweed’s performance in various

ecological contexts. Besides testing the limits of this plant, I have also explored my own limits, and

perhaps sometimes the limits of the patience of those in my environment! The following people have

my gratitude, as I have learned a great deal from each of them.

First of all I must thank my supervisor Dr. Peter Kotanen. I was terrifically fortunate to end up in his

lab (for that, thanks also go to Sean Blaney and Dave McCorquodale). Peter has been precisely the

mentor I needed to transition from a naturalist trained at a small university to an empirical ecologist.

Also, I am very grateful to my supervisory committee, Dr. John Stinchcombe and Dr. Spencer Barrett

for their frank and candid advice. Among the wider faculty, I am indebted to Ivana Stehlik, Helene

Wagner and especially Monika Havelka, an inspiration.

I had great luck with labmates as well– James MacKay and Steve Hill are good friends and good

teachers. Steve in particular has been a statistics mentor of the first rank. Every error bar on the

following thesis would have been larger were it not for the efficient and competent help of Kateryna

Kostyukova. Our (hon.) labmate Megan Saunders helped keep the ecology culture alive in our lab.

Outside our lab there have been too many grad students to list easily. In particular I’d like to thank the

Gwynne Lab: Laura Robson, Kyla Ercit, Murray McConnell, Edyta Piascik and especially Kevin

Judge. These intelligent and friendly people kept up my morale and tolerated my frequent presence in

their Lab. Kevin in particular is a better friend and housemate than I could wish for; no opinion of

mine as been uninfluenced by his thoughtful lifestyle. I would also like to thank the on campus grad

community: Yessica Rico, Shekar Biswas, George Lamont, I-San Chan, April Wong, Mike Adorjan and

most especially Megan S., Steve Carradona (and Lumi and Chelcea). These wonderful folks have fed

me and kept me company throughout the cold winter months. Off-campus, Marion Andrew has

warmed my opinion of Toronto dramatically with her hospitality.


Probably the best part of my education here were the summers spent at KSR. I am forever grateful to

the Kofflers for the opportunity. The staff (Ann Zimmerman, John Jensen, Paul, and (in 2008) Art

Weis) were always helpful and made working there a pleasure. Everyone who lived at Willow Ridge

can attest to the sense of community there and the fun and learning that is guaranteed when smart

people spend time in Nature. In particular: Anna Simonsen, Russel Dinnage, Brechann McGoy, Rob

Colautti, Emily Austen, Viet Pham and most of all Zuzana Burivalova and Ron McKenzie.

I want to briefly acknowledge some literary sources of support: Steven Covey, David Allen, Yamuna

Devi, H.D. Thoreau, E.O. Wilson, G. M. Hopkins.

I would not even be a scientist if it were not for a very supportive and loving family back in Cape

Breton. Thanks Mom, Dad, Brian and Marybeth for being there, all the way from giving me science

books in elementary school to helping with field work in 2009! Thanks to my entire extended family,

in particular Sr. Rita Clare. Also, thanks for all the friendship and love from all of Angela Petersen’s

extended family. Finally, to Angela Petersen herself, my constant source of love, encouragement and

support – its been twice as great and half as difficult. Thanks so much.


Table of Contents

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................ii

Acknowledgements ...............................................................................................................iii

List of Figures .......................................................................................................................vii

List of Tables........................................................................................................................viii

List of Tables........................................................................................................................viii

1 General Introduction .......................................................................................................1

1.1 Invasions.....................................................................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Type of herbivore damage. .....................................................................................................................................3 1.1.2 Life history stage ....................................................................................................................................................4 1.1.3 Plant habitat ............................................................................................................................................................7

1.2 Native range studies are important..........................................................................................................................8

1.3 Study species ..............................................................................................................................................................8

1.4 Questions ..................................................................................................................................................................11

2 The effects of disturbance and enemy exclusion on performance of Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) at three life-history stages. ...................................................23

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................23

2.2 Methods....................................................................................................................................................................26 2.2.1 Site........................................................................................................................................................................26 2.2.2 Species..................................................................................................................................................................27 2.2.3 Experimental Design ............................................................................................................................................27 2.2.4 Statistical Analyses ...............................................................................................................................................31

2.3 Results ......................................................................................................................................................................32 2.3.1 Seed survival ........................................................................................................................................................32 2.3.2 Seedling survival ..................................................................................................................................................32 2.3.3 Adult: 2007...........................................................................................................................................................33 2.3.4 Adult: 2008...........................................................................................................................................................34

2.4 Discussion.................................................................................................................................................................35 2.4.1 Seed survival ........................................................................................................................................................35 2.4.2 Seedling survival ..................................................................................................................................................37 2.4.3 Adult survival and reproduction ...........................................................................................................................38

2.5 Figures ......................................................................................................................................................................42


2.6 Tables........................................................................................................................................................................50

3 Leaf damage has weak effects on fecundity in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. ..............59

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................59

3.2 Methods....................................................................................................................................................................61 3.2.1 Site........................................................................................................................................................................61 3.2.2 Species..................................................................................................................................................................62 3.2.3 Experimental design .............................................................................................................................................62 3.2.4 Data collection......................................................................................................................................................63 3.2.5 Analyses ...............................................................................................................................................................64

3.3 Results ......................................................................................................................................................................66 3.3.1 i) Direct effects of damage ...................................................................................................................................66 3.3.2 ii) Size-dependent effects .....................................................................................................................................66

3.4 Discussion.................................................................................................................................................................67 3.4.1 Weak effects of damage on plant performance .....................................................................................................68 3.4.2 Leaf clipping changes the pattern of allocation to biomass ..................................................................................70 3.4.3 Tolerance effects on invasions..............................................................................................................................71 3.4.4 Tolerance and the ERH.........................................................................................................................................72

3.5 Conclusions ..............................................................................................................................................................72

3.6 Acknowledgments....................................................................................................................................................73

3.7 Figures ......................................................................................................................................................................74

3.8 Tables........................................................................................................................................................................82

4 General Discussion .......................................................................................................91

4.1 Summary of results .................................................................................................................................................91

4.2 Ambrosia and invasions ..........................................................................................................................................92 4.2.1 Ragweed in North America ..................................................................................................................................92 4.2.2 Ragweed’s Invasions ............................................................................................................................................93 4.2.3 Invasions in general ..............................................................................................................................................93

4.3 Suggestions for future work....................................................................................................................................94 4.3.1 Seeds.....................................................................................................................................................................94 4.3.2 Seedlings ..............................................................................................................................................................95 4.3.3 Mechanisms of tolerance and allocation...............................................................................................................95 4.3.4 Indirect effects of tolerance ..................................................................................................................................98


List of Figures

Figure 2-1) Relationship between seed biomass and fecundity .............................................................. 42

Figure 2-2) Germinating seeds from samples of 10 seeds ...................................................................... 43

Figure 2-3) Seedling survivorship in response to herbivore exclusion treatments................................. 44

Figure 2-4) Damage to adult plants during the summer of 2007 ........................................................... 45

Figure 2-5) Damage to individual adult plants during the summer of 2008.. ........................................ 46

Figure 2-6) The incidence of stem-galling insects in 2008..................................................................... 47

Figure 2-7) Measures of plant performance in response to factorial field experiment in 2007. ............ 48

Figure 2-8) Measures of plant performance in response to factorial field experiment in 2008. ............ 49

Figure 3-1) Stem biomass in response to removal of leaves ................................................................... 74

Figure 3-2) Seed production in response to leaf removal ....................................................................... 75

Figure 3-3) The relationship between seed and plant biomass decreases with clipping damage ......... 76

Figure 3-4) Back-transformed elevations of the lines in Fig. 3-3 .......................................................... 77

Figure 3-5) The comparison of allometric reproduction between control and 75% damage................. 78

Figure 3-6) Seed mass in response to apical meristem clipping............................................................. 79

Figure 3-7) The relationship between seed and plant biomass not affected by apical removal. ........... 80

Figure 3-8) 95% confidence intervals for the regressions described in Fig 3-7 .................................... 81

Figure 4-1) A rough estimate of male flower mass ................................................................................ 99


List of Tables

Table 2-1) A Table of the common enemies which occur on Ambrosia at our field site. ........................ 50

Table 2-2) ANOVA of enemy exclusion on seed germination.................................................................. 50

Table 2-3) ANOVA of enemy exclusion on seedling survival. ................................................................. 51

Table 2-4) Factorial ANOVA on the adult experiment in 2007.............................................................. 51

Table 2-5) Factorial ANOVA on the adult experiment in 2008............................................................... 52

Table 2-6) Proportion of plants surviving to reproduction in summer 2007 .......................................... 52

Table 2-7) Proportion of plants attacked by stem-galling insects in 2008. ............................................ 52

Table 3-1) Comparison of natural and simulated damage types ............................................................ 82

Table 3-2) ANOVA table for the linear model including plant size (stem biomass) as a continuous

variable and clipping as an ordered factor.. ........................................................................................... 83

Table 3-3)Parameter estimates (SE) for slopes and intercepts from the linear model of log(seed mass)

on log(stem mass). .................................................................................................................................. 83


1 General Introduction

1.1 Invasions

Human activities, particularly habitat alteration and the intentional and unintentional transport

of organisms, have caused rapid, unprecedented mixing of the Earth’s biota in a breakdown of what

Charles Elton (1958) called “Wallace’s Realms”: great biogeographic regions of distinctive, coadapted

organisms. While invasions do occur in nature, humans have accelerated that rate tremendously

(Vitousek et al. 1997) and are creating management crises that cost billions to control in the United

States (Pimentel et al. 2000, Mack et al. 2000) and in Canada (Colautti 2006). In particular, the

introduction of alien plant species has caused profound change in many now-threatened ecosystems

around the world with a concomitant loss of conservation, economic and aesthetic value. For example,

Bromus tectorum has altered the fire regime in North American grasslands and shrublands (Mack

1981), while Melaleuca quinquenervia has replaced entire areas of the Florida Everglades (Serbesoff-

King 2003). Invaded landscapes can be less economically productive: Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula)

prevents cow grazing in pastures (Leistritz et al. 1992) and Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

clogs fish habitat in the African Great Lakes making fishing difficult (Ogutu-Ohwayo et al. 1997).

Wind-pollinated introduced plants can cause allergies and pose a public health concern, as Common

Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) has done in Europe (Igrc 1995). Despite decades of active research

(Callaway and Maron 2006), these invasions are likely to increase still more as the developing world

becomes more industrialized; for example, in China, biological invasions are rapidly increasing in

frequency (Ding et al. 2008, Weber and Li 2008).

Despite their negative consequences for the biosphere – indeed, often because of them –

invasions can be tools in our exploration of ecology and evolution (Kolar and Lodge 2001, Lodge

1993, reviewed in Callaway and Maron 2006). To this end they have been studied for a century and a


half (Darwin 1859, Elton 2000, Callaway and Maron 2006) and have furthered our understanding of

rapid evolution, community assembly and top-down control of plant populations. Invasion biology has

increased our understanding of population biology (Sakai et al. 2001), the phenomena of rapid

evolution (Blossey and Notzold 1995, Sakai et al. 2001) and the importance of biotic interactions in

determining plant distribution and abundance (Klironomos 2002, Mitchell et al. 2006). Theoretical

approaches to understanding invasions and the communities they invade has progressed from verbal

ideas (Elton 1958) to sophisticated modeling (e.g. Eppstein and Molofsky 2007) taking into account the

multiple interacting factors which together influence invasion.

Much research in Invasion biology is organized around the Enemy Release Hypothesis. The

Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH) suggests that invaders benefit from a reduced consumer and/or

pathogen load in their new range; it is often invoked to explain the success of non-natives (Elton 1958,

Mitchell et al. 2006, Agrawal and Kotanen 2003, Keane and Crawley 2002, Mitchell and Power 2003,

Maron and Vila 2001, Wolfe 2002). This popular theory has generated a tremendous amount of

discussion and research since it was suggested by Charles Elton 50 years ago and continues to be

refined and explored by modern invasion ecologists (Richardson and Pysek 2008).

Liu and Stiling (2006) identify several assumptions of the ERH, most importantly that top-down

control is important for many plant species and that plants are likely to be introduced without their

oligophagous consumers. Because generalists are present in most habitats and are likely to be able to

feed on invaders (Liu and Stiling 2006, but see Jogesh et al. 2008), invaders continue to experience

some damage in their new habitat. However, because oligophagous consumers in the introduced range

are unlikely to recognize the invader as food, individual plants incur less tissue damage and so enjoy

enhanced probabilities of survival and reproduction. Additionally, invasive plants may be those able to

repel generalist attack as well: for example, in several recent studies (e.g. Jogesh et al. 2008,


Cappuccino and Carpenter 2005) exotics were found to be less preferred by native generalists.

Nevertheless the importance of Enemy Release as a cause of invasion is not totally clear;

studies continue to return equivocal results. Colautti et al (2004) found some of this variable evidence

to be linked to the type of study: comparisons of invasives in both their native and exotic range

supported the ERH, while comparisons of exotics and natives within the same community tended to

reject the ERH. In a quantitative review of ERH studies, Liu and Stiling (2006) found support for the

basic assumptions of ERH: introduced populations are attacked by fewer species of insects (in

particular, fewer specialists), and within a community natives receive more damage than invasives. Liu

and Stiling also conclude that studies across the life cycle are necessary to understand how all these

factors together determine plant performance and therefore, invasion success. While whole-lifecycle

studies are increasingly performed, we still have much to learn about the population consequences of

herbivory and its relevance to invasions (Maron and Crone 2006).

The importance of enemy release on the invasiveness of plant populations will depend on many

factors, including the degree of escape from herbivores, the plants’ defensive adaptations and the

habitat in which the herbivore-plant interaction occurs (Mitchell et al. 2006). Below is discussed

variation in the importance of enemies with reference to herbivore natural history, plant life stage when

attacked, the adaptations of plants to herbivory and finally, the abiotic environment wherein these

organisms are interacting.

1.1.1 Type of herbivore damage.

Kotanen and Rosenthal (2000) point out that there are many qualitatively different types of

damage inflicted by invertebrate herbivores, which may be tolerated by different mechanisms and to

different degrees. For example, damage to an apical meristem (i.e. as by some stem galling insects)

can result in the activation of auxiliary meristems, while leaf damage may stimulate an accelerated


growth rate (Tiffin 2000) . Long-term demographic studies sometimes reveal counterintuitive

consequences of the effects discussed above: e.g., no effects of conspicuous vegetative damage (Rose

et al. 2005) and large effects of light meristem damage (Doak 1992).

1.1.2 Life history stage

It is necessary to place plant-consumer interactions in the context of the life cycle in order to

understand and predict how plant populations will respond to enemy release (Halpern and Underwood

2006, Liu and Stiling 2006). Survival probability (for vegetative stages) and growth and reproduction

(for mature individuals) together determine the fitness of an individual and the growth rate of the

population (Caswell 2000, Morris and Doak 2002). If survival, growth or reproduction are depressed

by enemies, then there is potential for enemy release to result in a faster-growing – and perhaps more

invasive – population. While many plants have complex life cycles, most terrestrial plants can be

considered in three fundamental life history stages: seed (dispersing and dormancy), seedling (growth)

and adult (reproduction). The enemies which are likely to attack, and the consequences of the

interaction, are different among these three stages.

Seeds, which protect a plant embryo during dispersal and dormancy, provide the food needed

for germination and growth before photosynthesis begins (Baskin and Baskin 1980). As such, they are

readily eaten by other organisms, in particular mammals, birds, insects and fungi (Mitschunas et al.

2006). For example, in old fields in North America, small mammals (Hulme 1998) and ground beetles

(Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Honek et al. 2003) are common post-dispersal predators (Wall et al. 2005).

Importantly, seeds are frequently the life stage most easily introduced to new areas – for example, in

contaminated crop seed (Dessaint 2005). If the predictions of the ERH hold for seeds, then invasions

may be more likely to begin from such introductions.

Seedling mortality caused by pathogens and herbivores can be very high, a phenomenon noted


by Darwin in The Origin of Species (1859):

Seedlings, also, are destroyed in vast numbers by various enemies; for instance, on a

piece of ground three feet long and two wide, dug and cleared, and where there could

be no choking from other plants, I marked all the seedlings of our native weeds as

they came up, and out of the 357 no less than 295 were destroyed, chiefly by slugs

and insects.

Germinating plants are especially vulnerable while they acquire the resources for survival and

reproduction into the adult stage, making seedling survival an important demographic transition with

the potential to control population growth. Seedling survival is rarely studied on its own, and is usually

included in studies which examine the entire life cycle of a plant.

For example, Erhlén (2003) demonstrated that excluding slugs augmented population growth

across several years in Lathyrus vernus; these experimental treatments had consequences for all life-

history stages but the change in seedling survival was among the largest responses. When enemy

exclusion treatments which enhance seedling survival result in increased population growth, there is

the potential for the ERH mechanism to increase invasiveness following introduction.

While damage to seeds and seedlings is usually fatal, adult plants have more developed

defensive strategies which prevent or mitigate the effect of herbivores (Boege 2005). The defensive

adaptations of adult plants are of two kinds: resistance reduces the probability of damage, while

tolerance is the ability to incur that damage without a fitness cost (Kotanen and Rosenthal 2000). The

degree of resistance and tolerance that plants possess determines how strongly affected they will be by

herbivory – and therefore, how they will respond to release from herbivory. Both of these concepts are

central to our understanding of plant-herbivore relationships, and therefore to our understanding of the

ERH; both may be advantageous to invaders as their population adapts to a new set of biotic

interactions (Stastny et al. 2005).

In some cases resistance may increase the probability of invasion. For example, while


generalists are common in most habitats, invaders more resistant than native fauna may nevertheless

experience less herbivory from generalists (Jogesh et al. 2008, Cappuccino and Carpenter 2005).

However, resistance is not always advantageous: if costly resistance traits have evolved in response to

specialist damage (e.g. highly toxic secondary chemistry), introduced plants expend energy needlessly

on their production. In such cases, the invasiveness of a population will increase if plants evolve the

ability to divert resources away from costly (and now-useless) defenses, towards traits that are

advantageous in the introduced range . This hypothesized mechanism is called the Evolution of

Increased Competitive Ability Hypothesis, or EICAH (Blossey and Notzold 1995).

In contrast to resistance traits, tolerance adaptations maintain fitness after damage (Kotanen and

Rosenthal 2000, Weis and Franks 2006, Tiffin 2000). Qualitatively different damage types are

tolerated by different mechanisms and to different degrees; these responses are not necessarily

correlated (Kotanen and Rosenthal 2000). Interestingly, mechanisms of tolerance may also differ

between male and female fitness, with the effect that these likewise are uncorrelated (Strauss et al.

2003). The phenomenon of tolerance can very rarely take the form of overcompensation, wherein

herbivore-attacked plants seem to outproduce their undamaged neighbours. Agrawal (2000) suggests

that this is an evolved response to anticipated environmental conditions.

If introduced plants are more tolerant than members of the invaded community, they may incur

equal amounts of herbivory but suffer a lower relative fitness cost, giving them an advantage.

Additionally, they may possess an indirect advantage by augmenting herbivore populations, thereby

increasing the strength of apparent competition for the native community.

Tolerance adaptations may be frequent in invaders not because of direct or indirect benefits of

tolerance itself, but because tolerance adaptations correlate with other advantageous traits. Blumenthal

(2005, 2006) suggested that ERH may have an even greater effect when the introduced species is able


to grow quickly in response to nutrient-rich conditions. In such cases, plants are able to quickly take

advantage of invasion ‘windows’ of disturbed sites. Fast-growing, disturbance-adapted plants are often

highly tolerant of leaf damage (Coley et al. 1985), as such traits are often correlated with tolerance.

Indeed, rapid regrowth ability is a commonly-cited mechanism of tolerance (Tiffin 2000), and high

resource sites are more likely to contain tolerant plants (Hawkes and Sullivan 2001)

1.1.3 Plant habitat

In addition to changing across a plant’s life history, the strength of enemy interactions varies

among habitats. For example, DeWalt et al (2004) found that enemy-release in Clidemia hirta varied

between habitats in the introduced and native zones: the plant was excluded from forests in Costa Rica

by fungi and insects, but was able to invade Hawaiian forests in their absence. Chemical exclusion of

both fungi and insects increased survival of this invasive shrub by 41% in Costa Rican forests. Such

manipulative experiments are necessary to understand how enemy attack limits the size and distribution

of populations in the native range of a species, and how release from these enemies causes invasiveness

(Mitchell et al 2006).

Invasion success is predicted to vary across many such environmental variables (Moles et al.

2008), including disturbance and density. Frequent disturbance events free space in which invasive

species can establish; anthropogenic disturbance in particular can decrease a community’s resistance to

invasion (Mack 2000). In a review of herbivore effects on plant population size, Maron and Crone

(2006) found a positive relationship between disturbance frequency and the strength of herbivore-plant

interactions: in disturbed sites, populations are not limited by the distribution of suitable germination

sites and therefore any herbivory that lowers seed production is likely to have an effect. However,

although the absolute effect of herbivory is less in competitive environments, the combined effect of

herbivory and strong suppression by competitors can reduce population growth considerably, as


McEvoy and Coombes (1999) found for Senecio jacobaea. Frequent disturbance may also reduce the

density of conspecifics. In order for population processes to have limiting effects, they must be

density-dependent (Halpern and Underwood 2006). Demographic studies which manipulate

conspecific density (e.g. Gustaffson and Ehrlen 2003) can be used to understand how rates of

herbivory, growth and reproduction change as populations become more dense.

1.2 Native range studies are important

A fundamental assumption of the enemy release hypothesis is that enemies have a negative

effect on plant populations in the native range, and therefore introduction without these enemies causes

plants to become invasive (Liu and Stiling 2006). However, for many species – in particular those with

long-lived life history stages such as seed banks – enemies may not limit population size in the native

range (Maron and Vila 2001). The limiting effects of biotic interactions on an invader can be revealed

by factorial, manipulative studies in the native range of both species, where these interactions evolved

(Hierro et al. 2005, Guo 2006, Mitchell et al. 2006). Such studies allow the verification of a basic

assumption of the ERH: that enemies limit plant populations (Liu and Stiling 2006). As in the DeWalt

(2004) study outlined above, factorial manipulations of enemy density, habitat variables (e.g.

disturbance) and conspecific density can demonstrate that plant populations are limited in size and/or

restricted in distribution by enemy interactions in their native range (Mitchell et al. 2006). My

experiments focus on such native-range, factorial manipulations of a single species – Ambrosia

artemisiifolia L. – which has become invasive throughout Eurasia, where it has apparently escaped

herbivory (Genton et al. 2005b).

1.3 Study species

Common Ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), is a weedy, annual species native

to North America. Ragweed is a common early-successional old-field species that can grow


aggressively in newly disturbed ground, forming up to 44% of the biomass (Teshler et al. 1981, Stevens

and Carson 1999). Its natural history is consistent with the classic ‘weedy traits’ described by Baker

(1965): it is a short-lived and rapidly-growing annual plant that produces abundant wind-dispersed

pollen; however, it differs from these stereotypical traits in being highly self-incompatible (Freidman

and Barrett 2008). Its copious pollen production is a major cause of hay fever; the pollen coat contains

potent allergens which are a principal cause of hay fever in humans (Bagarozzi and Travis 1998).

The huge quantities of pollen produced have created usable pollen records (Bassett and

Crompton 1975, Bassett and Terasmae 1962) which place the genus in North America for more than 60

000 years. Pollen records reveal its dominance in the Great Plains in the post glacial period (Grimm et

al 1993). Pollen records also have revealed it to be common in Native North American agriculture;

after European contact, sharp increases in ragweed pollen counts indicate the larger European

agricultural areas (Grimm et al. 2000). Ragweed has therefore been a crop weed for thousands of


The weedy capacity of this species is further enhanced by its long-lived, tough achenes, borne

singly in female flowers. Seeds of Ambrosia can survive for decades in the seed bank: Toole and

Brown (1946) reported 22% germination of seeds buried at 42cm for 39 years, with much lower

germination at shallower depths. Ambrosia seeds germinate in late spring; cool temperature cycles

induce a light requirement which prevents earlier germination (Baskin and Baskin 1980). During

germination, Ambrosia forms strong AM mycorrhizal relationships with soil fungi (Fumanal et al.

2006, Koide and Li 1991, MacKay and Kotanen 2008) which dramatically increase growth.

The strong positive response of Ambrosia to disturbance extends beyond germination to growth

and reproduction. Plants grow quickly, often dominating newly-cleared land (Bazzaz and Mezga.

1973, Bazzaz 1974, Maryushkina 1991, Stevens and Carson 1999) and attaining densities of about 30


plants/m2 (Foster et al. 1980). Ragweed plants are able to moderate the relative proportions of male and

female flowers in response to heavy crowding (Paquin and Aarssen 2004). However, growth is

strongly suppressed in shaded conditions (Raynal and Bazzaz 1975) or root competition (Kosola and

Gross 1999). In fact, the competitive effect on ragweed is so dramatic that it has been suggested that

competitors be included in biological control efforts (Teshler 2002)

Invasion history

Ragweed is native to Canada (Bassett and Terasmae 1962, Bassett and Crompton 1975) but is

introduced to many other areas of the world, including Hawaii, Australia, China (Ding 2008, Weber

and Li 2008) and most problematically Eurasia (Igrc 1995). Throughout its introduced range, it can be

an aggressive crop weed in addition to an important source of hayfever-causing pollen.

By the early half of the 20th

Century Ragweed was widely introduced throughout France, but

was not abundant until after the second World War, perhaps as a result of the disturbance of large areas

of land (Allard 1943, Chauvel 2006). Most likely it is introduced in agricultural seed and animal

bedding, as was likely the case in France (Chauvel 2006) . Because the pathway between North

America and Europe was easily traversed for so long, the ragweed population in Europe is the result of

multiple introductions (Genton et al. 2005a).

Herbivory and defense

Herbivores attacking Ambrosia in North America include the specialists Zygogramma suturalis

(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Reznik 1991) and several polyphagous consumers including beetles

(Systena blanda and Ophraella communa, Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, see Gassman et al. 2006), a

sucking bug (Corythucha sp., Hemiptera: Tingidae) and caterpillars (Tarachidia spp. Lepidoptera:

Noctuidae), plus numerous generalists. While all of these enemies do damage to leaves, Ambrosia is

also attacked by a stem-galling insect, moths in the genus Epiblema. The chemistry of its defense


against herbivores is not well known, although sesquiterpene lactones have been characterized from

ragweed tissue (David et al. 1999). Ragweed has lost most of these enemies in colonizing Europe,

however reciprocal transplant experiments show no loss of defense: genotypes from Europe experience

damage equal to native plants (Genton et al 2005b).

This plant is a seemingly ideal candidate for 'classical biological control' because it has several

specialist herbivores and has reached high densities in disturbed sites in Europe (Sheppard et al. 2006).

However, biocontrol efforts have not been successful in Russia, Croatia and China (Igrc 1995). There

may be several reasons for the apparent failure of biocontrol, most likely a failure of pest populations

to establish large, stable populations. This may have been the case with European introductions of

biocontrol agents. Alternatively, biocontrol efforts may fail because plants are not sensitive to damage

caused by introduced enemies. In fact, leaf herbivory can stimulate Ambrosia’s growth (Throop 2005);

such compensatory growth is sometimes a mechanism of tolerance (Tiffin 2000).

1.4 Questions

The enemy release hypothesis makes the assumption that enemy attack in the native range is

severe enough to reduce plant populations in their native range. Testing this assumption is essential to

understanding whether the ERH is the mechanism for an invasion. In the two following chapters I ask

two related questions about the relationship between Ambrosia performance and enemy attack:

1) Is performance of Ambrosia reduced by insect damage? (Chapter 2)

This question is tested with a manipulative experiment in the native environment of Ambrosia,

crossing insect exclusion with a range of environmental conditions, particularly disturbance (important

for many weedy species) and conspecific density (essential for population limitation). In addition I

examine several life stages, as a major limitation of previous studies is their sole reliance on data from

adult plants.


2) Could performance of Ambrosia be reduced by insect damage? (Chapter 3)

I test this hypothesis with an artificial clipping experiment. Such manipulations are interesting

for two reasons: first, because natural levels of damage can be quite variable, and second, because

insects introduced for biocontrol often inflict more damage than they did in the native range. Clipping

experiments supply information about how plants may respond, in principle, to different intensities of

damage, including very high levels. The results of this experiment are described in Chapter Three.

Finally in Chapter 4 I present a summary of my results, synthesizing them with the invasion

literature and suggesting future experiments.



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2 The effects of disturbance and enemy exclusion on performance of Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) at three life-history stages.

2.1 Introduction

Plant invasions have occurred throughout the biosphere (Elton 1958, Mack et al. 2000) and are

major contributors to a contemporary biotic homogenization of unprecedented speed and scale

(Vitousek et al. 1997). Management procedures to control plant invasions cost billions in the US

(Pimentel et al. 2000, Mack et al. 2000) and Canada (Colautti et al. 2006). Despite such efforts, the

frequency of plant invasions is likely to increase globally as the developing world becomes more

industrialized, increasing the incidence of habitat disturbance and import of propagules from elsewhere

(e.g. China, Ding et al. 2008).

A principal explanation for biotic invasion is the Enemy Release Hypothesis (herein ERH, see

Keane and Crawley 2002, Elton 1958), which suggests that introduced plants are able to become

invasive because their herbivores and pathogens are absent in their new range. Freed from the costs of

tissue loss to enemies and in some cases having reallocated resources from expensive defence traits,

invasive plants may enjoy increased reproduction and vigour. This augmented performance may give

introduced plants the advantage over other members of their new community.

ERH remains controversial: in particular, it is unclear to what extent invaders are limited by

enemies within their home range, and therefore whether escaping enemies during invasion provides a

significant advantage (Maron and Vila 2001). The limiting effects of biotic interactions on an invader

can be revealed by a study of their natural history in their native range, where these interactions

evolved (Hierro et al. 2005, Guo 2006). A particularly effective approach includes the direct

manipulation of enemies and other relevant habitat variables in factorial field experiments (Mitchell et

al. 2006). The utility and generality of such manipulative approaches can be improved by including


three variables. First, density should be considered, as only density-dependent processes are capable of

limiting population size (Halpern and Underwood 2006). Second, studies of enemy limitation should

study as many life-history stages as possible, since interactions which limit a population’s growth can

occur at several stages (Liu and Stiling 2006, Maron and Crone 2006). Finally, disturbance often

increases the probability of invasion, and so it is important to understand a species’ adaptation to

disturbance, and the interactions between damage and herbivore damage (Mack et al. 2000, Blumenthal

2006, Cadotte et al. 2006).

Studying multiple life stages of plants is an underemployed, yet very powerful, means of

understanding the relationship between plants and their enemies. Studies of invasions rarely observe

the effects of enemies across the life cycle, focussing instead on a single life stages or interactions (Liu

and Stiling 2006). For example, studies have examined rates of rodent predation on seeds (e.g, Hulme

1998, Manson and Stiles 1998), fungal mortality on seeds (e.g. Blaney and Kotanen 2001) and most

frequently leaf damage in adult plants (see reviews by Liu and Stiling 2006). Observations of enemy

effects at all life stages is necessary to understand the long-term consequences for a population

(Halpern and Underwood 2006, Maron and Crone 2006, Mitchell et al. 2006); these results are not

always obvious from an observation of individuals in one year. For example, using an 11-year dataset

(Rose et al. 2005) found that vegetative damage to Cirsium canescens Nutt. had no consequences for

population growth, while damage to the flower heads had a sufficiently strong effect to act as

population control.

Interactions with enemies are not the only factors relevant to plant invasions: species which are

adapted to frequent disturbance within their native range also may possess an advantage over members

of the introduced community. The potential for competitive interactions within the community to

exclude invaders is termed ‘biotic resistance’ and can be a strong impediment against an invader's


population growth (Parker et al. 2006). Disturbance often permits plant species to invade habitats,

allowing them to avoid competition with plants in the resident community (Blumenthal 2006, Cadotte

et al. 2006, Blumenthal 2005). Herbivory and disturbance can interact: a review by Maron and Crone

(2006) found that the effect size of herbivory was greatest in disturbed, competition-free habitats –

however, the strongest population limitation occurred when competition and herbivory were both

present. For example, a factorial experiment by McEvoy et al. (1993) found that Senecio jacobaea

populations were reduced by both heterospecific competition and herbivory by the ragwort flea beetle.

Blumenthal (2005, 2006) suggests that the converse is true in biological invasions: escape from

enemies coupled with resource-rich, disturbed habitat could together stimulate an even greater effect

than either alone. Thus the effect of disturbance on plant performance, and especially plant responses to

herbivore attack, is particularly important in understanding biological invasions.

Common (or Annual) ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is well-suited to address these

questions. This plant is native to North America and has been widely introduced throughout Eurasia

(Kiss 2007) and is abundant in parts of both eastern and western Europe. Within this introduced range,

Ambrosia is much less attacked by enemies; however, trans-Atlantic transplant experiments showed no

evidence of an evolutionary loss of defence (Genton et al. 2005b). Importantly, this suggests that

native-range plants remain relevant models for assessing herbivore impacts on European populations as

well. In both its native and invaded range, ragweed is also highly disturbance-dependent (Bazzaz and

Mezga 1973, Allard 1943), suggesting high susceptibility to biotic resistance by competitors.

Populations of ragweed are able to grow to high density when sites are cleared. As well, enemy attack

is known to increase as in ragweed plants growing closer to established populations (MacKay and

Kotanen 2008). However, it is not known how populations of ragweed respond to natural enemies;

such knowledge would help us understand whether Ambrosia invasion in Europe is in part caused by


enemy release, and inform control efforts on both sides of the Atlantic.

To understand the importance of biotic interactions to Ambrosia within its native range, we

excluded enemies from seeds, seedlings and adult plants in a series of field experiments. We also

manipulated disturbance, and intraspecific density and insect presence/absence to look for effects on

reproduction, growth and survival. Specifically, we hypothesize that enemies lower survival and/or

reproduction a three major life history stages, each with a different group of important enemies:

1. Seeds: fungal pathogens and mammals.

2. Seedlings: slugs and insects.

3. Adult plants: disturbance, herbivores, and conspecific density

At each life history stage we predicted that enemy exclusion would increase survivorship. At

the adult stage (3) we included disturbance and density as additional factors, and included growth and

reproduction as response variables, in recognition of the importance of competition for this species.

Increases in disturbance, decreases in density, and the absence of insects were all predicted to increase

the performance of adult plants.

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Site

These experiments were conducted at the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) at Joker's Hill, a

350-ha field station owned by the University of Toronto and situated 50km north of Toronto, Ontario

(44 03'N, 79 29'W). A complete plant species list for KSR is provided on the reserve's webpage

( Ragweed is common at the site in general and at our experimental sites

in particular, emerging from the seed bank once our experimental site was cleared.


2.2.2 Species

Common Ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), is a weedy, annual species native

to North America. Ambrosia can grow aggressively in newly disturbed ground, forming up to 44% of

the biomass in the first year after clearing (Teshler 1981, Stevens and Carson 1999). Its natural history

is consistent with the classic ‘weedy traits’ described by Baker (1965): it is a short-lived and rapidly-

growing annual plant that produces abundant wind-dispersed pollen. However, it departs from these

stereotypical traits in being highly self-incompatible (Freidman and Barrett 2008). Its copious pollen

production is a major cause of hay fever; the pollen coat contains potent allergens which are a principal

cause of hay fever in humans (Bagarozzi and Travis 1998). Ambrosia is highly disturbance-dependent;

its growth is strongly suppressed in shaded conditions (Raynal and Bazzaz 1975) or root competition

(Kosola and Gross 1999). In fact, the competitive effect on ragweed is so dramatic that it has been

suggested that competitors be included in biological control efforts (Teshler 2002)

Ambrosia is a problematic plant on both sides of the Atlantic. In its native North America, it

was a problematic crop weed in Native agriculture (Grimm et al. 1993) and continues to be a serious

crop weed (Bassett and Crompton 1975). In Eurasia, particularly France, ragweed is introduced to

agricultural settings and has become invasive (Kiss 2007, Igrc et al. 1995). Data from France indicate

that this plant has escaped enemies during this invasion (Genton et al. 2005b), most of the enemies

which eat it are North American (Table 2-1). It appears that enemy release may have accompanied

invasion, yet enemy effects on plant populations have never been demonstrated for this species. This

knowledge is required for understanding invasion by Ambrosia.

2.2.3 Experimental Design

1) Seed survival

The effects of vertebrate (bird and mammal) granivory and fungal pathogens on seed mortality


were assessed in a seed survival experiment. We established this experiment in early November 2007,

just after natural ragweed plants had dispersed seeds, using a mixture of seeds collected in 2005 from 4

mother plants from each of 10 populations in Southern Ontario. We ploughed nine blocks (approx. 4m

x 20m), and within each we marked nine small plots (approx. 10cm x 10cm, in a 3x3 grid) separated

from one another and the block’s edge by a 1m buffer. Within each plot we scattered 10 seeds on the

ground surface and randomly assigned one of three nested treatments: control (no treatment), cage

protection, and cage protection plus fungicide addition. The cages had a mesh size of approx. 1cm2 and

were meant to exclude large (vertebrate) granivores. Fungal seed pathogens were controlled by soaking

seeds and surrounding soil with a 10g/L solution of Captan (as recommended by product directions; see

MacKay and Kotanen 2009). Captan is a heterocyclic phthalimide fungicide (Zeneca Agro, Stoney

Creek, ON, Canada) and is very effective against fungi in the Oomycetes, Ascomycetes, and

Basidiomycetes (Sharvelle 1961, Torgeson 1969, Neergaard 1977), previous experiments at KSR have

successfully used Captan to exclude fungal pathogens from seeds (e.g. Blaney and Kotanen 2001,

MacKay and Kotanen 2008, Schafer and Kotanen 2003). In May and June 2008, emerging seedlings

were marked and censused weekly; we counted seedlings until the end of June, when new seedlings

had stopped appearing. Our response variable is germinated seeds, making inference about the fate of

ungerminated seeds difficult (Maron and Crone 2006); such seeds could have been moved by

earthworm activity, washed away, died or have re-entered secondary dormancy (Baskin and Baskin


2) Seedling survival

The effects of attack by slugs and other herbivores on seedling survival were tested in a

seedling survival experiment in spring 2008. In early June we transplanted wild ragweed seedlings

(approx 2-4cm high, with at least 2 pairs of adult leaves) from a population at KSR to five blocks


around the site; the same locations used for the seed survival experiment (described above). In each

block we planted 10 rows of 3 plots (approx. 10cm diameter) with ten ragweed seedlings per plot (300

plants/block). Three nested treatments were then randomly applied within rows: control (no enemy

exclusion), aluminum barrier plus slug pellets (slug exclusion), and aluminum barrier, slug pellets, plus

a covering of 1mm2 nylon netting (herbivore exclusion). We used about 60ml of slug pellets,

containing 2.75% metaldehyde, which kills slugs and snails when ingested (Spectrum brands IP inc,

Brandfort, On). Aluminum barriers were made of a sheet of aluminum flashing and are effective

barriers to slugs with added protection from the poison in the slug pellets (Schüder et al 2003). Netting

excluded all but the smallest herbivores, including most insects. We counted the seedlings throughout

the seedling stage to determine the rate of seedling mortality from these enemies.

3) Adult survival and reproduction

This experiment was conducted twice at KSR, once in 2007 and again in 2008. In both years we

used seeds from the same populations as the seed survival experiment. The seeds were stratified in

moist soil at approx. 5°C for one week, before being transferred to cell packs filled with standard, non-

sterilized potting soil and germinated in the greenhouse on the campus of the University of Toronto at

Mississauga. When experimental plants had developed two pairs of adult leaves and were 6-10 cm

high, (approximately the same size as wild plants) they were brought to the field site and allowed to

acclimatize in a sheltered location for at least 3 nights.

In both years, 5 experimental blocks were marked within old field vegetation, each containing

12 1m2 plots separated by about 2m. Blocks were at least 30m apart. Each plot within a block was

randomly subjected to one of 8 factorial combinations of three treatments: a conspecific density

treatment (2 levels: 9 and 25 plants/m2), an insect exclusion treatment (2 levels: pesticide or water

sprayed), and a disturbance treatment (2 levels: plots cleared of existing vegetation or not cleared).


Plots were disturbed by completely hand-removing existing sod. In the conspecific density

treatments, plants were laid out in a grid with approximately equal distances between each other and

from the edge of the plot. Finally, in 2007, insects were excluded by spraying the upper and lower

surfaces of all leaves with a weekly spray of the insecticidal plant extract Rotenone (5% Rotenone,

30ml in 3L water, Wilson Laboratories, Dundas, ON). In 2008 we followed the same procedure, but

used the organophosphate pesticide Malathion (50% Malathion, 25ml in 3L water, Wilson

Laboratories, ON). We changed the pesticide treatment because Rotenone proved insufficiently

effective in 2007 (see Results). In both years control plots were sprayed with an equivalent amount of



The amount of insect damage (proportion of all leaves with visible damage, proportion of stems

attacked by stem borers) and two measures of plant size (plant height and leaf number), were measured

at the beginning of the experiment (18 June) and throughout the growing season (July and August) on

all plants. At the end of the summer (September), stem biomass and fecundity were measured on a

random sample of three plants. We estimated fecundity by counting all seeds produced by an



The amount of insect damage (proportion of all leaves with visible damage, proportion of stems

attacked by stem borers) and two measures of plant size (plant height and leaf number), were measured

at the beginning of the experiment (18 June) and throughout the growing season (July and August) on

six randomly chosen focal individuals per plot. Damage was most likely caused by the insects in Table

2-1, we did not identify different damage types. At the end of the summer (September), we measured

stem biomass and fecundity of focal plants. We estimated fecundity by weighing all seeds produced by


an individual, based on a regression of 38 plants from one of our experimental blocks. Weight is an

excellent predictor of seed number (linear regression: F1,36=947.94, p<<0.001, r2=0.96, both variables

log transformed, Figure 2-1).

2.2.4 Statistical Analyses

Seed and seedling survival (experiments 1 and 2)

We tested for the effects of enemy exclusion on the number of germinated seeds (1) and

surviving seedlings (2) with randomized-block ANOVAs. Because both experiments began with 10

seeds or seedlings, respectively, analyzing these data as proportions is unnecessary. We first calculated

the means of all within-block replicates (3 for the seed experiment, 10 for the seedling) and performed

our analysis on these. Block means were log-transformed to normalize residual variance, and block

was treated as a random effect in our analyses. In each experiment, we tested the a priori hypothesis

that a more complete exclusion of enemies would increase survival. Specifically, we hypothesized the

following ranks of magnitude in our response variables for the seed and seedling experiments,

respectively: Control<cage<cage & fungicide (seeds germinating), Control<barrier<barrier & net

(seedlings surviving). The analysis of ordered factors was conducted with orthogonal polynomial

contrasts (Sokal and Rohlf 1994, Quinn and Keough 2002).

Adult plants (experiment 3)

We tested for treatment differences in our measured variables with randomized block factorial

ANOVAs. All statistical models were mixed, including the three treatments (disturbance, density and

pesticide spray) as fixed effects and block as random.

In both years, our measurements of plant size (stem weight and leaf number), and fecundity

(seed number in 2007, seed mass in 2008) were measured for multiple plants within each plot (see


experimental design, above). We then calculated plot means and performed the analysis on these.

In contrast, survivorship and stem gall incidence were measured as proportions of plants within

each plot. We analyzed these data with Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM, Bolker 2008,

Crawley 2007), using the same structure of fixed and random effects as described above for the GLMM

linear predictor. To accommodate proportion data, the GLMM uses a logit link and assumes binomial

errors. The significance of terms was determined by simplifying the model and checking for a loss of

explanatory power with a Likelihood-ratio test. For example, the 3-way interaction was removed and

this simplified model was compared to the full; this term was left out if the change in deviance was not

significant at the p<0.05 level. Note that 2-way interactions were not deleted sequentially but were

replaced after testing, so that each interaction was tested against a model containing all other 2-way

interactions. This procedure is described in Crawley (2007). All analyses were performed in R 2.8.1

(R Development Core Team 2008).

2.3 Results

2.3.1 Seed survival

Of the nine experimental blocks that were set up in November 2007, three were damaged over

the winter, making it impossible to distinguish treatments; analyses are limited to the six remaining

blocks wherein treatments could be identified clearly. About 50% of seeds germinated in situ (out of

10 seeds, 4.78±0.5, mean ± SE). Protection from both herbivores and fungi had no effect: by the end of

June there were no significant differences in the number of germinated seeds among treatments (F2,10 =

0.354, p=0.71, Figure 2-2,Table 2-2).

2.3.2 Seedling survival

Seedling survivorship was very high; between early and late June an average of 7.8 out of 10


seedlings survived in each plot (Figure 2-3). Our a priori hypothesis of increasing survivorship with

treatment rank was supported (Linear contrast in randomized block ANOVA: F1,8=6.25, p=0.04,).

Increasing levels of enemy exclusion (control, slug, slug and insect) had increasingly greater seedling

survival: 7.14±0.95, 7.76±0.56 and 8.6±0.44, respectively. Excluding slugs therefore creates a 8.7%

increase in survivorship; excluding insects and slugs a further 10.8%.

2.3.3 Adult: 2007

In 2007, the proportion of leaves damaged was high: on average 81.9% of leaves in the control

treatment were damaged. Our pesticide treatment was weakly effective, reducing damage by 16.7%

(F1,28 = 6.35, p=0.02,Table 2-4, Figure 2-4). There was no clear pattern of increasing damage with

density or disturbance (p=0.28, F1,28=1.25; p=0.97, F1,28<0.01 respectively), although the data suggest

that high-density, undisturbed plots receive more damage than high-density, disturbed plots.

Survivorship over the summer was clearly enhanced by disturbance, with 93.5% of plants

surviving in disturbed sites and 42.6% in undisturbed. Model simplification on a GLMM demonstrated

that density (p=0.45) and pesticide (p=0.72) had no effect (Table 2-6). However, there was a slight

trend for survivorship to decrease with increasing density in disturbed plots (Figure 2-7).

Plant growth and fecundity were also sensitive to disturbance and additionally showed a strong

interaction with density, but no effect of pesticide. Our measures of plant growth (number of leaves

and stem biomass) were strongly increased by disturbance (F1,28=1109.8, p<<0.01 and F1,28=62.18,

p<0.01, respectively). Increasing density reduced average leaf number by 38.9% and stem biomass by

67%, but only in the disturbed treatment (F1,28=5.72, p=0.03 and F1,28=16.61, p<<0.01, respectively).

There was no significant effect of pesticide on either variable (Leaf: F1,28=2.95, p=0.10; Stem:

F1,28<<0.01, p=0.99).

Pesticide, while effectively reducing leaf damage, had no effect on fecundity (F1,28=0.72,


p=0.40). We did see strong differences in response to disturbance (F1,28=64.87, p<<0.01), while

increasing density lowered seed production by 74% in disturbed plots only.

2.3.4 Adult: 2008

The following summer damage rates were much lower: on average, 33.4% of leaves per plant

were damaged in control plots. Malathion was very effective, reducing this damage level by 72%

(F1,28=84.62, p<<0.01, Table 2-5, Figure 2-8). However, in contrast to 2007, we found significant

interactions of pesticide application with both disturbance and density. Disturbance lowered damage in

both pesticide and control plots, but had a proportionally greater effect on pesticide-sprayed plots.

Denser plots experienced 31% less damage per plant in control plots only; density had no effect on

herbivory when pesticide was applied.

Survivorship over the summer of 2008 was very high: only 10 focal plants died in the entire

year (4.2% mortality), making it impossible to detect treatment effects on survivorship (Figure 2-8C).

Plant growth and fecundity followed a similar pattern to 2007 data: disturbance had the largest

effect on plants, density had an effect only where plots were disturbed, and insect exclusion, while

effective, had no effect on either growth or fecundity. Number of leaves and stem biomass were

strongly increased by disturbance (F1,28=152.05, p<<0.01 and F1,28=235.96, p<<0.01, respectively).

Increasing density reduced average leaf number by 41.4% and stem biomass by 63.8%, but only in the

disturbed treatment (F1,28=6.95, p=0.01 and F1,28=19.77, p<<0.01, respectively). There was no

significant effect of pesticide spray on either variable (F1,28=1.98, p=0.17 and F1,28=0.12, p=0.73,

respectively). Our measure of reproduction (total seed mass) also showed a strong response to

disturbance (F1,28=56.34, p<<0.01), while increasing density lowered seed production by 65.6% in

disturbed plots only. Again, there was no effect of pesticide application.

Effects of density were comparable in both years: leaf number, stem biomass and fecundity


were lower at high density by approximately 40%, 65% and 70%, respectively. However, while these

effect sizes were similar between years, the absolute value of the plant responses varied widely: for

example, among plants from low density, disturbed plots only (i.e. the largest plants), those in 2008 had

fewer leaves (103.8 vs 114.9) and heavier stems (8.4g vs 2.8g) than their conspecifics in the previous


2.4 Discussion

The major findings of our study across three life stages in ragweed are that enemies have i) no

effect on seed mortality, ii) slight effect on seedling survivorship and iii) No effect on adult

survivorship, growth or fecundity. We demonstrate a lack of evidence for strong enemy effects at all

life stages in this plant. Additionally, we document a large degree of tolerance to damage in ragweed,

based on its consistent growth and reproduction across our herbivore manipulation treatments and

across two years which varied widely in background levels of herbivory. Our results suggest that

enemy release is not likely to have encouraged invasion in this species. These results do, on the other

hand, suggest that tolerance may be important in the invasion process. Ragweed can serve as an

interesting model system for investigating the relationship between tolerance and invasions, as well as

investigating the mechanism of tolerance in this plant.

2.4.1 Seed survival

Ragweed seeds have high survivorship between growing seasons (Baskin and Baskin 1980),

and our results suggest that enemy release did not cause an increase in this already high rate of

survivorship. We were unable to detect any evidence for the importance of vertebrate granivores or

fungal pathogens, though both are known to be important in other systems (e.g. Maron and Kauffman

2008). We did not attempt to manipulate seed losses from insects, however insect post-dispersal

predation may be low because of the hard seed coat of ragweed seeds: once hardened, the seed coat is


very difficult to crack and may resist breaking by even strong-jawed organisms such as crickets and

ground beetles (pers. obs.). Because of these hard achenes, it is possible that the important time for

seed predation in this species is pre-dispersal, from granivores such as Harpalus rufipes (Coleoptera:

Carabidae) or Eurosta bellis (MacKay and Kotanen 2008). Carabids, and the Harpalini in particular, are

broadly generalist in their diet habits and consume seeds based on size (Honek et al. 2003, Honek et al.

2007); ragweed seeds are well within their preferred size range. These beetles are common in

agricultural fields (Menalled et al. 2007) and therefore a more careful study of the relationships

between their abundance and ragweed seed survivorship would be interesting.

Our study contrasts in several important ways with work in a related species, A. trifida

(Harrison and Regnier 2003). In this annual congeneric, rodent and invertebrate seed predation was as

high as 88%. Rodent predation was strongest in winter, and invertebrate predation in May-November.

We found little evidence of rodent predation; this is potentially because seed mortality is likely to be

low in disturbed areas where small mammals risk predation (Manson and Stiles 1998). In A. trifida,

another Harpalus species, (H. pensylvanica) was found to consume giant ragweed seeds much less than

other, smaller-seeded species (Harrison and Regnier 2003). However, A. trifida possesses seeds much

larger than those of A. ambrosiifolia, therefore a study on seed preferences of invertebrates A.

ambrosiifolia in this species is potentially interesting. A. trifida differs in two other important respects

from our study species: it produces few seeds which live for only a few years, whereas ragweed

produces a great number of long-lived seeds. Interestingly, Harrison et al. (2003) point out that even

with this high rate of seed predation, population limitation by this means alone is unlikely; our results

suggest that this is even more true for A. artemisiifolia.

An unknown environmental variable may be significantly influencing ragweed survival, as

suggested by the large variance in our data accounted for by experimental block (Table 2-2). While


sites were outwardly similar in terms of surrounding vegetation, aspect and soil type, they may differ in

some other but less obvious quality that differentially favours the survivorship and germination rate of

ragweed seed.

2.4.2 Seedling survival

Excluding enemies increased survivorship at the seedling stage; however, in general , seedling

survival was high and the effect of enemies was slight. As noted by Darwin (see quote above) such

high seedling survivorship is unusual: seedlings are quite vulnerable to predation and fungal infection.

Snails can have a very large effect on seedling survival (Ehrlen 2003, Hill and Silvertown 1997), while

many leaf-eating insects are present in spring, including the overwintered adults and newly-laid eggs of

Zygogramma suturalis. A future experiment on seedling survivorship in Ambrosia could examine

fungal morality, as our largest single mortality observation (5 of 10 seedlings) was a potential fungal


Our data suggest that Ambrosia potentially has very high seedling survivorship. Since plants,

once grown, are highly tolerant to leaf damage (Chapter 3), high seedling survivorship will likely result

in dense adult populations and a corresponding high level of seed production. Our results from this

experiment are consistent from observations of the germinated seeds in the seed experiment: of 257

observed germinated seeds, only 8 resulting seedlings died before the end of June. However, our

results should be interpreted with caution as such physical exclosures are well-known to have

experimental effects. In our case these may have been both positive and negative: while netting may

have increased moisture content and hence seedling survival, it may also have restricted light and

caused spurious mortality. A future study of seedling survival in this species should compare our cage

results with chemical enemy-exclusion treatments.


2.4.3 Adult survival and reproduction

No effect of enemies

Ragweed plants are not sensitive to natural levels of damage. Neither when plants were heavily

damaged in 2007, nor when we were able to better control damage levels in 2008, did we find

treatment effects on growth or reproduction.

The absence of strong enemy effects at the adult stage was robust to manipulations of density

and the presence of competitors (Figure 2-8). This was somewhat unexpected, because it is possible

that the stress caused by competition could interact with herbivory to cause a fitness loss in damaged

plants, as found by Maron and Crone (2006). Our inability to detect a fitness cost suggests that

herbivory often has weak effects on performance. However, stronger asymmetries between ragweed

and a competitor – for example, in competitive ability or herbivore load – could, at least potentially,

lower ragweed’s performance.

Disturbance effects on attack and tolerance

Ragweed is a disturbance-loving plant: every measurement of performance was higher when

plots were cleared of sod. Interestingly, clearing plants also augmented the amount of damage plants

incurred, perhaps because plants in disturbed areas are more apparent to foraging consumers and are

therefore more likely to be attacked. However, plants of disturbed areas were also more fecund. In a

separate study (Chapter 3) we show that ragweed is highly tolerant to vegetative damage when grown

in a disturbed field. This high level of response to disturbance, coupled with Ambrosia’s rapid growth

rate and highly tolerant life history, likely have played an important role in its invasion of Europe.

As reviewed by Mitchell et al (Mitchell et al. 2006), an invader’s interactions with herbivores

will vary with abiotic conditions. One such interaction was suggested by Blumenthal (2005, 2006) in

his ‘resource-enemy release hypothesis’ (R-ERH), i.e. that enemy release should have even greater


effects when the invading species is adapted to respond rapidly to high resource levels. Ragweed is

one such disturbance-dependent, high-responding species, which has undergone enemy release. It may

be that disturbance increases the amount of available nutrients or light and so augments the level of

tolerance in Ambrosia. Nevertheless our experiment did not demonstrate any interaction of enemy

exclusion and disturbance. However, it may be that we did not reduce damage to the low levels

observed by Genton et al (2005a,b), or that our disturbed sites are not as nutrient-rich as the agricultural

sites in France where Ambrosia is invasive. If so, it may be possible for an R-ERH effect to occur and

generate a biologically relevant performance increase.

Individual plant performance is density-dependent

Ragweed plants performed more poorly at higher densities. Density decreased all measures of

plant performance, including reproduction, but only when plots were disturbed. In such disturbed

locations, individuals were able to grow to sufficiently large sizes and directly interact with one

another, whereas heavy competition kept individual plants too small to interact in undisturbed sites.

However, while the presence of density-dependence in this species makes population regulation

possible in principle, in reality the highly-disturbed nature of ragweed’s natural habitat makes density-

dependent population regulation unlikely.

The highest density we used (25plants/m2) represents approximately the mean density of a

natural ragweed population (Foster et al. 1980),and therefore we can consider 9 plants/m2 treatment to

represent reduced intraspecific competition, as might be found in new ragweed populations. Results

from a previous study (MacKay and Kotanen 2008) also have shown a negative relationship between

the distance of ragweed from established populations and enemy attack (10 to 100m scale). The

present study reports that damage to individual plants increases at low density (1m2 scale). Newly-

established ragweed populations may experience similar conditions of isolation and low density.




This is the largest and most complete study of effects of biotic interactions on Ambrosia

artemisiifolia. Throughout its present range, there is interest in controlling the spread of this

agricultural weed and source of allergenic pollen. The work presented here suggests that natural levels

of consumer damage do not reduce Ambrosia survival or seed production, even while competitors are

present. These experiments suggest that top-down control is not strong in this species; consequently,

biological control programs are unlikely to provide an effective means of population control unless

they can produce damage well in excess of native-range levels. The level of damage required will

depend on the level of tolerance in Ambrosia (Chapter 3).

Biocontrol efforts involving the introduction of many ragweed-feeding invertebrates, including

the specialist Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) have not been successful (Kiss

2007). Our results suggest that this lack of success may be due to a weak effect of natural enemies of

plant performance. In particular, since ragweed invasions are worst in disturbed sites (e.g. agricultural

fields), then they may be especially tolerant to any damage. However, because ragweed pollen is an

important component of its impact, measures that reduce pollen output or broadcast may still be useful,

even if they do not result in an actual decrease in population size. We did not collect data on pollen

production directly, and therefore our results do not let us directly infer the consequences of enemy

damage for pollen production. However, collecting data on pollen production following herbivory in

this species would be interesting: a biological control agent which reduced pollen output but not

population size would nevertheless be desirable in parts of invaded Eurasia.


Invasions in general

While intercontinental studies of invasions are very powerful, native range studies on their own

can be important means of determining the population consequences for invaders of negative biotic

interactions. Escape from enemies has occurred during Ambrosia’s invasion in Europe, and

consequently has been suggested to contribute to its invasiveness (Genton et al. 2005a). However,

when we employed factorial manipulations to separate the effects of disturbance and herbivory

(Mitchell et al. 2006), we found a far greater effect of disturbance treatment compared to herbivore

exclusion. Enemy release, therefore, may have occurred but is unlikely to be the sole cause of its

successful invasion. The effect of conspecific crowding was likewise small: while ragweed plants had

higher performance when grown at low density in disturbed plots, the improvement in their seed

production and size was significant but smaller than the effect of disturbance itself. Ambrosia is so

strongly disturbance-dependent that the presence of suitable open habitat may be far more important

than escape from herbivory in determining its range and population growth rate. Control measures that

reduce the availability of open ground for ragweed colonization may therefore be a more effective

means of control than leaf-eating biocontrol insects.


2.5 Figures

0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00








Mass (g) of seeds produced by one plant



of seeds p

roduced b

y o

ne p


Figure 2-1) Relationship between seed biomass and fecundity (Linear Regression:

F1,36=947.94, p<<0.001, r2=0.96). Dotted lines represent 95% confidence limits

associated with predictions of seed number. Regression was performed on log-

transformed variables; note logarithmic axis scales.


Control Cage Cage+Fungicide







Control Cage Cage+Fungicide

Figure 2-2) Germinating seeds from samples of 10 seeds sown on the soil surface

in November 2007 (One-way ANOVA: F2,10 = 0.231, p=0.8,). Seeds were

protected either by a cage (mammal exclusion) or a cage and fungicide (mammal

and fungal exclusion). Control plots were left untouched. Three within-block

replicates were averaged before analysis. Points show means ± 1 SEM (n=6).


Control BP BPN


gs s



g to the e

nd o

f June




Figure 2-3) Seedling survivorship in response to herbivore exclusion treatments.

Points represent the mean, bars the SEM across five blocks. There is an increase

in seedling survivorship with enemy exclusion (Linear contrast in Randomized

block ANOVA: F1,8=6.25, p=0.04,). BP = Barrier and pellets (excluding slugs),

BPN = Barrier, pellets and net (excluding slugs and most insects). Data were log-

transformed in analysis; raw data are shown for clarity.





n o

f le


s d




by A









9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Rotenone Water



Figure 2-4) Damage to adult plants during the summer of 2007. Treatments are

disturbed (cleared plots, filled circles) and undisturbed (uncleared plots, open

circles); high and low density; and insecticide application (Rotenone) and control

(water). Points are means±SEM (n=5). See Table 2-4 for ANOVA results.





n o

f le


s d




by A









9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water



Figure 2-5) Damage to individual adult plants during the summer of 2008.

Treatments are disturbed (cleared plots, filled circles) and undisturbed (uncleared

plots, open circles); high and low density; and insecticide application (Malathion)

and control (water). Points are means±SEM (n=5). See Table 2-5 for ANOVA






n o

f p


ts w



m g








9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water



Figure 2-6) The incidence of stem-galling insects on our plants during the summer

of 2008. Treatments are disturbed (cleared plots, filled circles) and undisturbed

(uncleared plots, open circles); high and low density; and pesticide application

(Malathion) and control (water). Points are means±SEM (n=5). See Table 2-7 for

GLMM results.



tal n



r o

f le








9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Rotenone Water



m b


ass (





9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Rotenone Water






g p









9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Rotenone Water



l n



r o

f se








9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Rotenone Water


Figure 2-7) Measures of plant performance in response to a factorial field

experiment in 2007. Treatments are disturbed (cleared plots, filled circles) and

undisturbed (uncleared plots, open circles); high and low density; and pesticide

application (Rotenone) and control (water). Points are means±SEM (n=5). See

Table 2-4 for ANOVA results (Figs A,B and D), and Table 2-6 for GLMM results

(Fig C).



tal n



r o

f le









9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water



m b


ass (





9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water






g p









9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water



d b


ass (




9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

9 plants/m2

25 plants/m2

Malathion Water


Figure 2-8) Measures of plant performance in response to a factorial field

experiment in 2008. Treatments are disturbed (cleared plots, filled circles) and

undisturbed (uncleared plots, open circles); high and low density; and pesticide

application (Malathion) and control (water). Points are means±SEM (n=5). See

Table 2-5 for ANOVA results (Figs A,B and D), data in Fig C was not analyzed

because almost all plants survived.


2.6 Tables

Table 2-1) A table of the common enemies which occur on Ambrosia at KSR. This list was compiled from personal observations and data collected by MacKay and Kotanen (2008)

Taxon Species Damage type Life stage



candefacta Hbn.

T. erastrioides Hbn.


Chewing Adult


suturalis F.


Chewing Seedling and




Systena blanda



Chewing Seedling and



Trichia striolata



Chewing Seedling



Epiblema sp Stem galling Adult



Seed eating Seed

Table 2-2) ANOVA of enemy exclusion on seed germination. The variation has been partitioned into orthogonal polynomial contrasts to test for an increase in seed survivorship with more complete enemy exclusion. In order, the treatments are: no protection (control), cage (mammal exclusion) or a cage and fungicide (mammal and fungal exclusion). The response variable is mean count of emerged seedlings, natural-log transformed to normalize variance. All terms are tested against the residual with 10 degrees of freedom.

Source df MS F p

Treatment 2 0.025 0.354 0.71 Linear 1 0.031 0.442 0.52

Quadratic 1 0.019 0.265 0.62

Residual 10 0.071


Table 2-3) ANOVA of enemy exclusion on seedling survival. The variation has been partitioned into orthogonal polynomial contrasts to test for an increase in seed survivorship with more complete enemy exclusion. In order, the treatments are: no protection (control), BP (aluminum barrier and slug pellets = slug exclusion) or BPN (aluminum barrier, slug pellets and net cover = slug and insect exclusion). Data are natural-log transformed counts of surviving plants. All terms are tested against the residual variance with 8 degrees of freedom.

Source df MS F p

Treatment 2 0.06 3.13 0.1 Linear 1 0.12 6.25 0.04

Quadratic 1 <0.01 <0.01 0.97

Residual 8 0.16

Table 2-4) Factorial ANOVA on the adult experiment in 2007. Leaf number and seed number were log(x+1) transformed before analysis to normalize residuals. F-statistics and p-values are shown in bold typeface when significant.

Leaf Number Stem Biomass Seed Number Damage

Source p F1,28 p F1,28 p F1,28 p F1,28

Density <<0.01 77.19 <0.01 62.51 0.11 2.73 0.28 1.25

Dist. <<0.01 1109.8 <<0.01 62.18 <<0.01 64.87 0.97 <0.01

Spray 0.10 2.95 0.99 <<0.01 0.40 0.72 0.02 6.35

Density x Dist. 0.03 5.72 <<0.01 16.61 0.03 5.23 0.27 1.26

Density x Spray 0.31 1.09 0.86 0.03 0.53 0.40 0.66 0.20

Dist. x Spray 0.65 0.21 0.67 0.18 0.76 0.09 0.69 0.16

Density x Dist. x Spray 0.14 2.31 0.74 0.11 0.30 1.11 0.79 0.07


Table 2-5) Factorial ANOVA on the adult experiment in 2008. All values were log-transformed before analysis to normalize residuals, with the exception of damage, which was untransformed. F-statistics and p-values are shown in bold typeface when significant.

Leaf Number Stem Biomass Seed Biomass Damage

Source p F1,28 p F1,28 p F1,28 p F1,28

Density 0.16 2.12 <0.01 12.97 0.15 2.21 0.03 5.57

Dist. <<0.01 152.05 <<0.01 235.96 <<0.01 56.34 <<0.01 45.12

Spray 0.17 1.98 0.73 0.12 0.15 2.16 <<0.01 84.62

Density x Dist. 0.01 6.95 <<0.01 19.77 <0.01 10.39 0.31 1.05

Density x Spray 0.83 0.04 0.55 0.37 0.59 0.29 0.02 5.83

Dist. x Spray 0.05 4.29 0.96 0.00 0.47 0.54 0.03 5.53

Density x Dist. x Spray 0.37 0.84 0.32 1.03 0.47 0.53 0.25 1.36

Table 2-6) Proportion of plants surviving to reproduction in summer 2007, as predicted by all three treatment variables. Likelihood ratio tests were used to simplify a maximal model, which

contained the six parameters shown and additional β for two- and three-way interactions.

Parameter Estimate S.E. z-value P Odds ratio

Fixed effects β0 -0.90 0.18 -4.89 <0.001

βDisturbed 0.87 0.13 6.70 <0.001 2.39 Random effects

Φblock 0.047 0.217

Table 2-7) Proportion of plants attacked by stem-galling insects in 2008, as predicted by all three treatment variables. Likelihood ratio tests were used to simplify a maximal model, only the minimal adequate model is shown.

Parameter Estimate S.E. z-value P Odds ratio

Fixed effects β0 -4.19 1.01 -4.16 <<0.001 0.02

βUndisturbed -2.15 0.53 -4.06 <<0.001 0.12

βwater 3.92 1.03 3.80 <<0.001 50.4



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3 Leaf damage has weak effects on fecundity in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

3.1 Introduction

Throughout the biosphere, plant invasions are becoming increasingly common, presenting

ecologists with both challenges and opportunities. Human activities, particularly habitat alteration and

the intentional and unintentional transport of organisms, have caused rapid, unprecedented mixing of

the Earth’s biota (Elton 1958). Invasive plant species threaten the integrity of both natural and

agricultural systems, and reduce the economic and aesthetic value of land (Vitousek et al. 1997, Mack

et al. 2000). These losses are estimated to total in the billions for Canada’s economy alone (Colautti et

al. 2006); there is great applied interest in understanding invasions so that they can be managed or

prevented (Sakai et al. 2001, Halpern and Underwood 2006). In addition to presenting management

challenges, plant invasions offer an opportunity to learn more about population and community

ecology in general (Kolar and Lodge 2001, Lodge 1993). Studies in invasion biology have contributed

to population biology (Sakai et al. 2001), demonstrated when and to what degree biotic interactions

affect plant distribution and abundance (Klironomos 2002, Mitchell and Power 2003), and informed

management decisions (Colautti et al. 2006).

The Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH, Elton 1958, reviewed in Keane and Crawley 2002 and

Liu and Stiling 2006), is an important hypothesis within plant invasion biology. The ERH posits that

when plants are introduced to new areas without their ‘enemies’ (i.e. all organisms having direct

negative effects on a plant) the result is increased reproduction and vigour of plants in their introduced

range (Mitchell and Power 2003, Keane and Crawley 2002, Mitchell et al. 2006, Agrawal and Kotanen

2003, Maron and Vila 2001, Wolfe 2002). The importance of invertebrate herbivores in particular has

been emphasized by studies of the ERH (Callaway and Maron 2006).


However, population limitation by enemies is not universal: some species possess tolerance

traits that maintain fitness after damage (Kotanen and Rosenthal 2000, Weis and Franks 2006),

buffering the population against top-down control (Tiffin 2000a). Different types of damage are

tolerated in different ways (Tiffin 2000b) which may not necessarily be correlated with one another

(Kotanen and Rosenthal 2000). For example, leaf damage may cause the photosynthetic rates of

remaining tissues to increase (Strauss et al. 2003, Strauss et al. 2002); however, such increases may not

always occur (Caldwell et al 1981) nor may necessarily be a tolerance response (Nowak and Caldwell

1984). On the other hand, damage to the apical meristem, another common mode of plant damage,

often results in rapid regrowth of secondary meristems (reviewed in Tiffin 2000b). Rarely, tolerance

can even take the form of overcompensation, wherein herbivore-attacked plants seem to reproduce

more than their undamaged neighbours (Hawkes and Sullivan 2001). The strength of a species’

tolerance response determines the degree to which it is limited by natural enemies, which in turn

influences how strongly it will respond to enemy release.

To understand how damage relates to fitness, manipulative studies are required; such studies are

most effective in a plant’s native range. Clipping experiments are often useful, because insect attack

rates can vary widely between years (Agrawal and Kotanen 2003), and because estimating tolerance

from natural levels of damage can give a biased estimate (Tiffin and Inouye 2000). Performing such

studies in the native range is important because they allow an assessment of plant responses in a habitat

which contains the biotic and abiotic environment in which it evolved. Because most studies of

invasives are carried out in the exotic range, where they are conspicuous problem species (Colautti et

al. 2004), they may be biased in their measurement of plant response to treatment (Hierro et al. 2005,

Guo 2006). Understanding how – and if – damage to plants causes a reduction of fecundity in their

native range is important to determine how release from damage will contribute to invasion.


Ambrosia artemisiifolia (L.) is an ideal system for exploring the relationship between damage

and fitness in an invasive plant. This North American annual is both an agricultural and human health

pest throughout Eurasia, where it spread during the 20th

century (Allard 1943, Chauvel et al. 2006).

Previous studies have confirmed that these plants have indeed experienced escape from enemies during

this invasion: at least in France, individuals are much less attacked than Canadian populations (Genton

et al. 2005). In an attempt to manage ragweed’s invasion, most oligophagous insects which feed on

ragweed have been introduced to Eurasia; however, these attempts have been unsuccessful (Igrc et al.


We use artificial damage treatments to investigate the relationship between damage and fitness

within a native-range population of ragweed (see Table 3-1). We simulated two damage types,

representing two different groups of enemies: stem borers (“meristem removal”) and leaf chewers

(“leaf clipping”). For each damage type, we asked the following questions: i) does damage decrease

stem biomass (an estimate of plant size) and fecundity (seed mass)? ii) Does damage affect the

relationship between size and fecundity (relative allocation of biomass)?

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Site

These experiments were conducted at the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) at Joker's Hill, a

350-ha field station owned by the University of Toronto and situated 50km north of Toronto, Ontario

(44 03'N, 79 29'W). A complete plant species list for KSR is provided on the reserve's webpage

( Ragweed is common at the site in general and at the experimental site in

particular, emerging readily from the seed bank once our experimental site was cleared. This site

description is also included in Chapter 2, and is included here for completeness.


3.2.2 Species

Ragweed is a wind-pollinated spring annual (Bazzaz 1974), germinating late in May and

growing rapidly in open sites. Ragweed is highly disturbance-dependent and is excluded by dense

vegetation (Bazzaz and Mezga 1973, Foster et al. 1980, Stevens and Carson 1999) but grows readily in

weedy, open habitats such as cleared fields (Bazzaz 1974, Kosola and Gross 1999, Maryushkina 1991).

It is difficult to eradicate from a site because of its very long-lived seed bank (Baskin and Baskin

1980). It is widespread throughout its native North America (Bassett and Crompton 1975, Bassett and

Terasmae 1962, Teshler et al. 1981), and its abundant pollen is used by palynologists as an indicator of

human disturbance and agriculture (Grimm et al. 1993). This pollen is highly allergenic and a principle

cause of hayfever (Bassett and Crompton 1975, Bagarozzi and Travis 1998). Ragweed is an important

crop weed and disturbed sites in North America (Bazzaz 1974, Bassett and Crompton 1975) and has

been widely introduced throughout Eurasia, where it has formed successful invasive populations (Kiss


During invasion, Ambrosia appears to have escaped from its natural enemies: leaf damage is

common in North America but uncommon on populations in France (Genton et al. 2005). Nonetheless,

biocontrol efforts have not been successful, despite the introduction of ragweed-specialized herbivores

such as Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (Igrc et al. 1995). The insect consumers

from which Ambrosia escaped include both leaf chewing and stem galling herbivores (Table 3-1); we

simulated these damage types in our experimental treatments.

3.2.3 Experimental design

In June 2008, we cleared an experimental plot approximately 30x30m, clearing away old-field

vegetation including a mix of grasses (Bromus, Festuca) and dicots (Cirsium, Asclepias). 150 ragweed

seedlings were gathered from a wild population at KSR and planted in a large cleared field in ten rows


(2m apart) of 15 plants, each with 1m between neighbouring plants. Seedlings had 1-2 pairs of mature

leaves and were less than 6cm high at the time of transplanting. Plants were watered for two days

following transplant to protect against transplant shock; plants dying within this period were replaced

(9 plants).

Each row received one of five treatments; two rows were assigned to each treatment

(n=30/treatment). Our five treatments were three levels of leaf removal (75%, 25% and 5%), apical

meristem removal (AM), and an undamaged control (Control). Damage was dispersed evenly over the

entire plant in the 75% and 25% treatments, while in the 5% treatment only fully expanded leaves near

the top of plants were removed in order to make this treatment as repeatable as possible. Leaves were

removed by clipping the petiole close to the stem. Because we removed whole leaves, we delayed

application of the 5% treatment until most plants in this treatment had at least 20 leaves: treatments

were applied to the 75%, 25%, and AM treatments on 16 July 2008 and to the 5% treatment on 28 July

2008. On 26 Aug 2008, all treatments were applied again.

3.2.4 Data collection

In September we collected all surviving plants; at this time growth had ceased and seeds had

matured. After collection, plants were allowed to dry at room temperature before weighing. For each

plant we recorded the mass of all aboveground material (total biomass) and then separated and weighed

the stem and the seeds. We separated seeds from leaf tissue with a 1.4 mm sieve. We used the total

seed biomass as a measure of fecundity, based on the strong relationship between this variable and seed

number (both variables log-transformed, F1,36 = 941.9, r2

= 0.96, p<<0.001).


3.2.5 Analyses

i) Are size and reproduction decreased by damage?

We tested for a significant decline in stem biomass or seed production as leaf damage treatment

increases with two separate linear regressions. In this analysis, damage is treated as a continuous

independent variable. We compared the meristem removal treatment to the control in a one-tailed t-

test; meristem removal was hypothesized to reduce growth and reproduction.

ii) Is relative allocation to reproduction decreased by damage?

In contrast to the linear regression described above, our second analysis tests two related

questions: first, does the relationship between plant size and seed biomass change with increasing leaf

damage (i.e. a significant interaction term in the model), and second, if this interaction is significant,

does clipping have a qualitatively different effect for plants of different size? We asked these questions

using the following linear model:

( 3-1) Seed weight = damage + stem weight + damage*stem weight + error

In this analysis, damage is a fixed, ordered factor, stem a continuous variable (stem biomass in

grams) and damage*stem their interaction. In the analysis of the “leaf clipping” experiment, the

damage term included four treatments: Control, 5%, 25% and 75%. Because treatment is an ordered

factor, our analysis tests the a priori hypothesis that increasing damage has increasingly strong effects

on the allocation to reproduction using orthogonal polynomial contrasts (Crawley 2007, Quinn and

Keough 2002). We analyzed the “meristem removal” experiment with the same model, this time

including only two levels of damage: control and meristem removal.

In both analyses, stem and seed biomass were loge-transformed. This was important for two

reasons. First, such a transformation normalizes the residual variance and is particularly useful when


looking for relationships among mass variables, which in natural populations can be log-normally

distributed (Bolker 2008). This makes our statistical model robust and allows easy comparison among

treatments using a traditional ANCOVA approach. Secondly, fitting this model is equivalent to

estimating the parameters of a power-law relationship, a very common phenomenological model that is

frequently fit to growth-fecundity data (e.g. Dodd and Silvertown 2000). Fitting the model of equation

( 3-1 is equivalent to fitting ln(seed)=β0i+ β1iln(stem), for each treatment level, where β0i and β1i

represent the intercept and slope of the relationship for the ith (0% to 75%) damage treatment. To

obtain parameter estimates for the power law equation, we back-transform ln(seed)=β0+ β1ln(stem) to:

(3-2) seed=eβ0stemβ1

Therefore, when β1 is not significantly different from unity, X (plant size) and Y (reproduction)

are in direct proportion, as determined by the constant eβ0

. When β1 is either higher or lower than one

we have evidence for differential allocation among seeds and stem.

We used stem biomass rather than total biomass because our tissue removal treatments directly

lowered leaf biomass (and therefore total biomass) while any effects on stem biomass would have been

indirect. Stem biomass is interesting for two reasons: first, it is a direct estimate of the amount of

structural biomass in the aboveground part of the plant, with potential consequences for seed dispersal

and pollen broadcast and reception. Secondly, stem biomass is an unbiased estimate of plant size and

therefore and indicator of the ability of plants to grow in a particular part of our study plot. We were

therefore able to compare fecundity among levels of damage, controlling for plant size, where the

damage*stem parameters were not significantly different. To do so, we examined the 95% confidence

intervals on the damage parameters (i.e., the intercepts of regression lines on log-transformed

variables). When a significant interaction occurred, we tested for differences in reproduction among


plants of different sizes by inspecting 95% confidence intervals for regression lines. Data were

analyzed in R (R Development Core Team 2008).

3.3 Results

3.3.1 i) Direct effects of damage

Survivorship was high during the summer: only two plants died after replanting, one in July in

the 75% treatment, and another in August in the 25% treatment. A third sample was damaged, leaving

117 plants in the clipping experiment and 60 in the meristem experiment. Stem biomass decreases with

increasing damage intensity (linear regression: F1,115=10.17, p<0.002), however the amount of variation

explained (r2 = 0.073) is slight (Figure 3-1). Seed mass, on the other hand, showed no difference in

response to treatment (linear regression: F1,115=0.236, p=0.628, Figure 3-2). Plants with damaged

apical meristems produced the same seed mass and had the same stem mass as plants that were

undamaged (Control: 1.62±0.38, Apical: 1.28±0.25 (mean±SE), one-tailed t-test, t=0.261, p=0.60,

Figure 3-6).

3.3.2 ii) Size-dependent effects

The relationship between seed and stem biomass does vary across treatments (Figure 3-3,

F7,109=17.59, r2=0.50, p<<0.001). Specifically, plants produce fewer seeds per unit mass under heavy

clipping (significant interaction term: F3,109=3.83, p=0.012). We found support for a linear decline in

the value of the slope as clipping intensity increased (linear contrast ± SE = -0.59±0.23, t = -2.6, p =

0.01). This decline is largely driven by the effect of removing 75% of leaf area which reduced the

slope coefficient to 0.43 ± 0.17 (SE), significantly different from the other three slopes (Figure 3-3,


Linear contrasts also reveal a significant linear increase in the intercepts of this relationship as


damage increases (Linear contrast ± s.e = 1.15±0.31, F1,109=12.00, p<0.001). Because the slopes of

regression lines in the 25% and 5% treatments are not different from the control, we are able to directly

compare the elevations of lines in low-damage treatments (Figure 3-4). 25% leaf removal creates a

151% increase in elevation relative to the control (Figure 3-4). The effect of removing 75% of leaves

is different for plants with different stem biomass: small, heavily damaged plants produced more seeds

than lightly-damaged plants of the same size, while among plants that grew to a large final size,

damage does not affect reproduction at all (Figure 3-5).

Removing the apical meristem had no effect on plant allocation to reproduction. The full linear

model (including treatment, plant size and their interaction) was no better at predicting the total mass of

seeds produced than a reduced model including plant size alone (RSSfull = 53.151 with 54 df, RSSreduced

= 56.696 with 56 df, F2,54=1.80, p=0.17). Although the slope of the regression line for damaged plants

is lower than undamaged (Figure 3-7, inset), this difference is not significant. In addition, the

confidence intervals for these two lines broadly overlap (Figure 3-8).

3.4 Discussion

The major findings of this experiment are i) a very high level of tolerance to both leaf and

apical meristem damage in Ambrosia and ii) evidence for plastic allocation of biomass to reproduction

in response to leaf damage. The former conclusion is supported by the slight effect of damage on stem

mass and no discernable effect on absolute seed production. The latter result is supported by an

analysis including both stem and seed mass, revealing that the relative allocation to each is not

sensitive to low amounts of damage, but at very high levels allocation to seeds is lowered relative to

stem. Our findings indicate that even heavy damage is not sufficient to reduce reproduction in ragweed

plants, and suggest that plastic allocation strategies in Ambrosia act to minimize the effect of herbivory

on fitness. This high level of tolerance is a potential cause of its success as a global invader, and an


obstacle to proposed biocontrol efforts.

3.4.1 Weak effects of damage on plant performance

For damage to act to limit plant populations, there must be some negative relationship between

rates of damage and plant performance. We were unable to find any relationship between our damage

treatments and seed production, though there was a slight effect on stem biomass. Because ragweed

plants are annual, the production of seeds is the key step in its life cycle, whereas stem biomass is

unlikely to have a direct effect. Therefore, because damaged plants do not contribute fewer propagules

to the seed bank, the growth rate of ragweed populations may be robust to the presence of herbivores.

Stem biomass, however, may have important indirect effects on invasion in Ambrosia. Ragweed

invasions are problematic in part because plants reach nuisance levels of population density (Igrc et al.

1995), but also because they produce copious amounts of wind-dispersed pollen. This pollen is highly

allergenic and a major cause of hayfever. If the amount of stem biomass a plant produces influences its

ability to broadcast pollen, then heavy damage may reduce this important aspect of Ambrosia invasion.

However, any reduction in pollen density is unlikely to result in fewer seeds: as in many wind-

pollinated annual plants, female flowers are not pollen-limited (Friedman and Barrett 2008).

Nevertheless, ragweed is self-incompatible (Friedman and Barrett 2008) and so there is, at least

theoretically, potential for plants to be pollen-limited.

Our study found a high level of tolerance to apical meristem damage. We were unable to find

any effects of experimentally removing apical meristems either on seed production (Figure 3-6) or on

the size-fecundity relationship (Figure 3-7). Previous studies have also used artificial meristem

damage to investigate the potential fitness effects of this damage. For example, Doak (1992) found

that experimental damage to the tops of the perennial Epilobium latifolium caused a decrease in the

population growth rate over time. Interestingly, this effect was only noticed when populations were


followed for three years. Our results corroborate our findings from a separate field study where plants

attacked by galls were not less fecund, even when we controlled for plant size (see Chapter 2).

Simulated damage is not always equivalent to damage by invertebrates and so herbivore

damage may have had a greater effect than our treatments. For example, Strauss and Agrawal (Strauss

et al. 2003) compared simulated damage with herbivory by caging herbivores on plants and found that

consumer damage induced a 10- to 20-fold increase in levels of defensive chemicals in Raphanus

raphanistrum. It is not known if such induced defense occurs in Ambrosia, however, the possibility

exists: putative defence chemicals have been isolated from plant tissue (David et al. 1999). This is

relevant because qualitative differences between simulated and herbivore damage sometimes prevent

broad generalizations from studies of clipping damage. This is true for leaf damage but perhaps

especially so for meristem damage, which is likely to be qualitatively different from the presence of a

stem-galling insect, which may have many additional effects on the plant.

However, artificial clipping experiments are useful because enemy attack can be highly

spatially and temporally variable, limiting the utility of observational studies of enemy damage. When

environmental variables influence both the degree of damage and plant fitness, clipping experiments

provide a more accurate estimate of tolerance than studies which rely on observed natural herbivory

(Tiffin and Inouye 2000). A high amount of year-to-year variation in enemy attack has been observed

in the few studies quantifying enemy attack over several years. For example, Agrawal et al. (2005)

found high variation in herbivory levels between two years (2002 and 2003) at the same field site

where our experiments were conducted. Similarly, we found much higher levels of attack in control

plots in 2007 compared to 2008 (See Chapter 2). One of the advantages, therefore, of this artificial

clipping experiment is its exposure of the relationship between damage and fitness in ragweed without

being constrained to available levels of natural herbivory. The biologically relevant effects of sporadic


but high leaf damage may only be detected via long-term monitoring studies.

3.4.2 Leaf clipping changes the pattern of allocation to biomass

We found three interesting results in our study of the relative allocation to stem and seed

biomass in ragweed. First, we found that leaf damage up to 25% does not change the relative

allocation between seed and stem biomass. Second, light damage to Ambrosia may actually increase

the number of seeds produced. Third, very heavy damage does change the relative allocation to seed

and stem biomass, with the result that heavily damaged plants with light stems produce more seeds

than undamaged plants, while among large plants there is no response to damage. The first two results

further establish ragweed as a very tolerant species to which leaf damage presents no easy means of

control. The third suggests that ragweed may possess plastic allocation strategies which contribute to

its tolerance to leaf herbivory. In fact, we have found little evidence that leaf damage can reduce

fecundity in this species – indeed, light levels of damage may enhance reproduction.

Damage up to 25% of leaves removed does not reduce the size-dependent fecundity of

Ambrosia. This degree of damage does not result in a significant difference in biomass allocation to

seeds or stems (i.e., the slopes of the lines in Figure 3-3), and therefore we can compare the elevations

of these lines directly. The effect of light herbivory is to slightly increase the value eβ0

(Eq. (3-2),

indicating that light damage causes Ambrosia to increase seed production slightly irrespective of

growth. Examination of the elevations of the lines (Figure 3-3) and the confidence intervals for power-

law parameters (eβ0

, Figure 3-4) shows that plants with 25% of leaves removed produce more seed than

control plants. These results suggest that damage stimulates seed production (i.e. ‘overcompensation’).

Heavy damage, in contrast, alters the relationship between seed production and stem growth.

Across the two lightest damage treatments and the control, we found that the relationship between

ln(plant size) and ln(fecundity) was neither different from unity nor altered by damage. At 75% of


leaves removed, the exponent in the power law equation (e.g. β1) drops below one, indicating that the

production of seeds is no longer directly proportional to plant size (Figure 3-3, inset). Inspection of

95% confidence intervals for regression lines indicate that plants in this treatment reproduced more

than undamaged plants with small final stem mass, but completely tolerated damage when plants in

both treatments grew to large final stem mass (Figure 3-3, Figure 3-5). Several mechanisms could

have caused this pattern. The observed increase in small, highly reproducing individuals could be

caused either by overcompensation only in small individuals, by a decrease in stem mass (but not seed

production) of larger individuals or a combination of these factors. While further experiments would

be necessary to elucidate the precise mechanism of tolerance in this plant, our results nevertheless

suggest that the allocation strategies of Ambrosia are adaptable to damage, and that this plasticity may

have contributed to its success as an invader.

3.4.3 Tolerance effects on invasions

Tolerance to herbivory may encourage invasions. Plants with high levels of tolerance may be

less sensitive to herbivory than other members of the invaded community, releasing them from

apparent competition with these community members. Tolerance traits may have important indirect

effects as well: if introduced tolerant plants cause an increase in enemy populations, this herbivore load

may spill over onto native flora, further skewing the relative strength of apparent competition in favour

of the exotic (Ghazoul 2002).

Tolerant plants are less sensitive to herbivory, and therefore more difficult targets for biocontrol

and artificial removal. Successful biocontrol of ragweed by an aboveground biocontrol agent is not

likely: ragweed is too tolerant of leaf damage, and any successful biocontrol agent would have to

produce more than the 75% removal of leaf biomass that we produced, since our manipulated damage

had no effect (Figure 3-2). Given the high rates of seed and seedling survivorship (see Chapter 2) and


the longevity of the seed bank (Baskin and Baskin 1980), population reduction via leaf damage or

meristem galling is unlikely to be effective in this species.

3.4.4 Tolerance and the ERH

While the enemy release hypothesis continues to inspire comparative studies of damage

(Colautti et al. 2004, Hierro et al. 2005, Liu and Stiling 2006,), the relationship between damage and

fitness is often overlooked (Maron and Vila 2001). In the presence of strong tolerance, loss of enemies

may occur during invasion without providing a mechanism for invasion. Because tolerance traits

prevent plants from experiencing top-down limitation, they also reduce the importance of natural

enemies in controlling population size. As well, tolerant plants are often fast-growing, and are therefore

likely to quickly capitalize on the disturbances which in some habitats cause invasion ‘windows’ (Mack

et al 2000). This is supported by our results from Chapter 2: Ambrosia responds much more strongly to

disturbance than to enemy release. By extending our damage treatments well beyond the mean levels of

leaf damage observed in 2008 (Table 3-1), we conclude that even in years where insect attack is

unusually high, ragweed plants can still present a very tolerant phenotype.

3.5 Conclusions

The slight effect of extreme damage on plant performance indicates an extremely high level of

tolerance to leaf damage in Ambrosia, a trait that may have contributed to its success as an invader. In

Eurasia, the demographic success of ragweed may be due to its disturbance-dependent ecology (see

Chapter 2), rather than to enemy release. Because leaf damage has little effect on fitness, enemy

release alone is unlikely to result in a large fitness increase in this plant. Additionally, any attempts at

biocontrol of this species, particularly using invertebrate folivores, is unlikely to meet with success

unless levels of damage exceed the 75% leaf removal that we simulated.


3.6 Acknowledgments

M. Saunders, K.A. Judge, L.J. Robson for useful comments. A Simonsen, R Dinnage, Z

Burivalova, R. MacKenzie, A.M. Petersen, V. Pham and especially K. Kostyukova for helpful field

work. J. Stinchcombe and S.C.H. Barrett for advice, Art Weis and KSR for logistical support. This

work would have been impossible without the donation of KSR to the U of T by the Koffler family.

This work was supported by and NSERC PGS to A.A.M.M.


3.7 Figures

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Proportion removed


m b


ass (


Figure 3-1) Stem biomass in response to removal of leaves. Total mass declines

slightly as damage intensity increases (linear regression on ln-transformed stem

biomass: F1,115=6.52, p=0.012), however the amount of variation explained is

slight (r2 = 0.045).


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






Proportion removed

Seed p

roduction (


Figure 3-2) Seed production in response to leaf removal. There is no response to

treatment (linear regression: F1,115=0.236, p=0.628).


0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0






Stem biomass (g)

Seed m

ass (






Control 1/20 1/4 3/4








Figure 3-3) The relationship between seed biomass and plant size (Stem biomass)

changes with response to clipping (F7,109 = 17.59, p<<0.001, r2 = 0.50,). The inset

shows the slopes ± 95% confidence intervals for each line. There is a significant

decline in slope as damage increases (linear contrast = -0.59±0.23, p=0.01); the

75% treatment departs significantly from 1 (grey line).


Control 1/20 1/4









Figure 3-4) Back-transformed elevations of the lines in Figure 3-3, for each of the

three lowest damage treatments, with 95% confidence intervals. The slopes of

these lines are not different (Figure 3-3), and therefore comparing intercepts

allows a comparison of the different elevations of these lines. Plotting symbols

are the same as in Figure 3-3.


1 2 5 10 20









Vegetative biomass (g)

Seed m

ass (




Figure 3-5) The effect of clipping on the relationship between plant size (stem

biomass) and seed mass. Dark lines represent regression lines (±95% CI in lighter

lines). Differences in seed production relative to size are significant (p<0.05)

where the confidence intervals of one line do not include the other. For clarity,

individual data points are omitted.


Apical meristem removed Control






Seed m

ass (



Figure 3-6) Box-and-whisker plots showing the response of seed mass to apical

meristem clipping. Apical meristem removal does not lower the mass of produced

seeds (one-tailed t-test, t=0.261, p=0.60, df=53.3). Lower and upper edges of

boxes represent the first and third quartile of the data, respectively, while the

upper and lower ‘whiskers’ represent the length of the box multiplied by 1.5.

Notches present an estimate of the value of the median.


1 2 5 10 20









Vegetative biomass (g)

Seed m

ass (




control apical




Figure 3-7) Seed production as a function of aboveground biomass for control

and apical-removal treatments. The inset shows slopes ± 95% confidence

intervals. Although the slope is lower for damaged plants, this difference is not

significant (F-ratio: RSSfull = 53.151 with 54 df, RSSreduced = 56.696 with 56 df,

F2,54=1.80, p=0.17)


1 2 5 10 20









Vegetative biomass (g)

Seed m

ass (




Figure 3-8) The effect of removing the apical meristem on the relationship

between plant size (vegetative biomass) and seed mass. Dark lines represent

regression lines (±95% CI in lighter lines). Differences in seed production relative

to size are significant (p<0.05) when there is no overlap between CIs. For clarity,

individual data points are omitted.


3.8 Tables

Table 3-1) Our damage treatments are intended to replicate the effect of different kinds of damage caused by natural enemies. Here, each experimental treatment is compared to the natural damage it simulates and the insect species which cause that damage. The natural levels of damage are reported from our observations of experimental plants in a separate study, using plants from low-density, cleared, water-sprayed plots (see Chapter 2).

Treatment Damage Type Insect species Natural levels (from

Chapter 2, 2008 data)

Zygogramma suturalis F.

(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Systena blanda Melshimer

(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Corythucha spp.

(Heteroptera: Tingidae)

Leaf clipping


Tarachidia spp.

(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Leaves damaged:




Stem galling Epiblema sp. Stems galled:

0.62 (±0.32) %


Table 3-2) ANOVA table for the linear model including plant size (stem biomass) as a continuous variable and clipping as an ordered factor. Sums of squares are partitioned into orthogonal polynomials to test the a priori hypothesis that clipping lowers reproduction relative to plant size. All three contrasts (Linear, quadratic and cubic) are shown; higher order terms are not significant. All terms are tested against the residual.

Source df MS F P

Ln(stem biomass) 1 84.45 98.3 <0.001

Damage 3 3.84 4.47 0.005

Linear 1 10.32 12.00 <0.001

Quadratic 1 0.02 0.02 0.89

Cubic 1 1.19 1.38 0.24

Ln(stem biomass)*Damage 3 3.29 3.83 0.012

Linear 1 8.08 9.39 0.003

Quadratic 1 1.72 2.01 0.16

Cubic 1 0.07 0.08 0.78

Residual 109 0.86

Table 3-3)Parameter estimates (SE) for slopes and intercepts from the linear model of log(seed mass) on log(stem mass).

Level of Intercept Slope

Control -1.93 (0.38) 1.24 (0.26) 5% -1.77 (0.26) 1.23 (0.16)

25% -1.00 (0.32) 1.04 (0.20)

75% -0.45 (0.22) 0.43 (0.19)



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4 General Discussion

A reduced herbivore load following introduction is predicted to increase demographic success

of introduced plants, as predicted by the Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH). However, studies of the

Enemy Release Hypothesis are predicated on the assumption that strong consumer effects are present at

some stage in the life cycle. In this thesis I present the results of experiments investigating the effects

of enemies on all life stages in Ambrosia artemisiifolia. This work asks two complementary questions:

first, how does enemy exclusion affect plant performance across three life history categories: seed,

seedling and adult? Second, how does leaf damage change the relationship between plant growth and

seed production in this species?

This general discussion has three parts: first, a summary of my experimental results. Second, a

discussion of their relevance to the natural history of Ambrosia in Canada, its invasion of Eurasia, and

biological invasions in general. Finally, a suggestion of interesting future research questions, including

the presentation of some suggestive ancillary results from the present study.

4.1 Summary of results The effects of enemy exclusion were in general weak in this species, as reported in Chapter 2. I

was not able to find evidence of strong enemy effects at the seed stage, while at the seedling stage such

effects were present but weak. Our pesticide spray successfully prevented insect damage and was more

effective in 2008;however in neither year did plants experience an increase in performance relative to

water controls.

Disturbance, in contrast, had a very large impact on ragweed performance. Adult plants in

disturbed areas survived better during the dry summer of 2007. The following year, though nearly all


plants survived, plants in disturbed plots showed greatly increased growth and reproduction relative to

plants growing among old-field vegetation.

In the tolerance experiment (Chapter 3), I found that leaf damage had no direct effects on seed

production and depressed growth very little. However, allocation to reproduction relative to stem

biomass was increased by leaf damage. This same analysis produced evidence of a small effect of

overcompensation in plants which experience light (25%) damage.

4.2 Ambrosia and invasions

4.2.1 Ragweed in North America

Disturbance is the primary influence on the population size and density of ragweed plants

(Teshler 1981, Stevens and Carson 1999). A native weed of disturbed ground in contemporary Canada,

ragweed is considered a crop weed (Bassett and Crompton 1975), a nuisance plant, and an important

source of allergenic pollen (Bagarozzi and Travis 1998). Clues to the pre-historical distribution of

ragweed are found in pollen records, which show that ragweed plants have historically lived on

disturbed sites (Grimm 1993). Lake pollen records show great fluctuation in the amount of “Ambrosia-

type” pollen throughout the Holocene, possibly in relation to disturbance caused by drought (Grimm


As European agriculture was transferred to North America, the rapid and heavy disturbance

created ideal ragweed habitat. Disturbed sites also favour the survival of seeds, as rodents do not

frequently go into open areas where they risk predation from birds (Manson and Stiles 1998). In

addition, ragweed plants have long-lived seeds (Baskin and Baskin 1980) – a common trait among

disturbance-adapted plants (Baker 1965). Seeds are not rapidly consumed by mammals and fungi,

which likely helps their seed banks build up to large sizes in cropland.


4.2.2 Ragweed’s Invasions

Because Ambrosia is so dependent on disturbance, it is not surprising that it is most invasive in

disturbed and agricultural land in the introduced range (Chauvel et al. 2006). However, Ambrosia is

also extremely herbivore-tolerant, which may make biological control challenging. Biocontrol agents,

such as Z. suturalis, have not been successful in Eurasia. This could be because populations have not

always established well there (Igrc 1995). However, even if large, stable populations do establish,

control efforts may prove difficult because ragweed is very tolerant to leaf damage. A successful

biocontrol agent would have to remove a great deal of leaf tissue, more than the 75% of tissue we

removed in our experiment, to reduce fecundity in ragweed.

This high level of tolerance also explains the absence of any evolutionary change in ragweed

following introduction (Genton et al. 2005): if enemies do not exert selection in the native range, then

their absence will not create a change in selection pressures in the introduced range (Franks et al.


4.2.3 Invasions in general

Disturbed sites have more invaders (Mack et al. 2000), and plants specifically adapted to

disturbance in the native range may be particularly likely to become invaders (Cadotte 2006). As well,

because disturbance creates open ground not dominated by the resident community, it can provide a

release from the ‘biotic resistance’ that introduced plants may face in their new range (Maron and Vila


The effects of disturbance can exaggerate the positive effects of enemy release (Blumenthal

2005, 2006). Blumenthal suggests that enemy release has a far greater effect when the introduced

species are adapted to rapidly use available resources. Ragweed, like many weeds of disturbed ground,

is adapted to disturbed ground with abundant resources. Our experiment could have detected this


synergistic effect as an interaction between disturbance and pesticide application, but no such

interaction was observed. However, it is possible that in Eurasia, ragweed is even less damaged, or that

European sites are richer in nutrients, thereby increasing the effect of enemy release to a biologically

meaningful level.

Generally, the ERH is predicated on the assumption that enemies matter. Indeed, studies of the

ERH often test hypothesis about the distribution of leaf damage, without demonstrating a fitness cost

(Maron and Vila 2001). As studies of invaders in the native and introduced ranges accumulate,

ecologists will develop a better idea of the relationship between enemy attack and population dynamics

for invasive plants. I suggest that the importance of the enemy release hypothesis has been over-


4.3 Suggestions for future work I consider Annual Ragweed a excellent and tractable study system, which could be used in

future to continue the pattern in invasion biology of simultaneously investigating biological invasions

per se and basic ecology. There are many interesting questions remaining both within this system and

in invasion biology in general. Because each experiment I conducted raised distinct questions, this

section is again structured by experiment.

4.3.1 Seeds

Ragweed achenes have very hard coats that can not be broken easily once the seeds are mature.

Therefore, important seed predation may not occur after dispersal – rather the predispersal predation

stage may be more important. In particular, (MacKay and Kotanen 2008) found Harpalus rufipes

eating seeds before they are dropped from the plant -- interestingly, this is a European species. Eurosta

bellis was also observed consuming seeds pre-dispersal, leaving characteristic holes punched in the

seed coat. I performed some small preliminary “no-choice” trials, both with Carabids and Field


Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), by enclosing a sample of seeds with an insect and checking regularly.

I found it very difficult to observe Carabid predation in these artificial conditions: most of these beetles

starved, unable to break the seed coat. Crickets, on the other hand, are able to eat at least some seeds in

captivity, perhaps due to their larger size. It would be interesting to extend these trials by sampling

common omnivorous invertebrates from KSR over a summer and testing their ability to feed on the

seeds of several old-field species, including ragweed. This could establish whether ragweed is an

exceptionally tough-seeded plant, or if such durable seeds are common. Even more interesting would

be a repetition of the same study in France as well, testing the hypotheses that tougher seeds have

allowed ragweed to invade.

4.3.2 Seedlings

Ragweed plants are quite late-germinating; they may be among the last annual plants to emerge

in the spring. However, they are nevertheless often very conspicuous by the end of the summer and

have been considered ‘successional dominants’ (Bazzaz 1974, Bassett and Crompton 1975) in the early

stages of old field succession. Why is seedling germination so late? One possibility is that seedling

predation is much greater earlier in the season – this could be tested by planting out young ragweed

seedlings each week from early May to late June, and observing survival. Perhaps the phenology of

Ambrosia relative to the Eurasian flora further increases its enemy release there, avoiding important

seedling predators that might reduce populations of competitors earlier in the season.

4.3.3 Mechanisms of tolerance and allocation

The high level of tolerance in Ambrosia makes it a good system for asking questions about

mechanisms and evolution of tolerance. More detailed studies which examine the plant responses in

detail (measuring the branching pattern, photosynthetic rate, etc) are needed to unambiguously

investigate the mechanism of tolerance in a species. For example, Huhta et al. (2000), also investigated


several levels of clipping damage, crossing this treatment with fertilizer and competition treatments. In

addition to measuring reproduction they quantified plant architecture to test the hypothesis that release

from apical dominance was the mechanism of tolerance in this species.

I quantified seed production (female function) in my tolerance study (Chapter 3), however,

pollen dispersal (male function) is another important means of reproduction. The degrees of tolerance

to herbivory may be different between female and male function. For example, Strauss et al. (2003)

found that male and female tolerance in Raphanus raphanistrum were not correlated, although male

fitness was less variable. While measuring seed production alone is useful for predicting population

growth, measuring pollen production is also important. In particular, an important aspect of ragweed’s

impact as a weed (in Canada) and an invader (in Europe) is its production of large amounts of

windborne, highly allergenic pollen (Bagarozzi and Travis 1998). Therefore, a study which examines

herbivory on plants and pollen production would have both basic and applied significance.

In addition, I would suggest a future study to examine another possible sex-allocation response

to herbivory: plants may be using herbivory as an indicator of conspecific density. Such phenotypic

‘adjustment’ of sex ratio on the part of a growing plant has been recently demonstrated: many plant

species are capable of modifying their growth pattern when exposed to red/far red ratios indicative of

crowded conditions (Schmitt et al. 2003). Herbivores could act in a similar way as indicators, not

merely of the presence of nearby plants (as the red/far red ratio does), but of conspecific density in

particular. This would be the case if two conditions held: if the majority of damage is caused by

oligophagous or specialist consumers (as opposed to broad generalists), and if these attack plants in a

density-dependent fashion (i.e. as suggested by the Janzen-Connell mechanism, Janzen 1970, Connell

1971). This pattern of decline in attack with increasing distance from conspecifics has been

demonstrated for many tropical species (Hyatt et al. 2003) and recently for Ambrosia itself (MacKay


and Kotanen 2008).

Wind pollinated plants are sometimes pollen-limited, as has been demonstrated in another

anemophilous invasive, Spartina alterniflora (Davis et al. 2004). In fact, isolated Ambrosia plants set

less seed than plants in dense populations; ragweed plants are self-incompatible (Friedman and

Barrett). If pollen limitation were a problem for ragweed, then isolated individuals may be able to

increase fitness by producing more male flowers, as female flowers are likely to remain un-pollinated.

Conversely, plants near to conspecifics would not be pollen-limited. If the amount of herbivore damage

is a reliable signal of conspecific density, this may provide useful ‘cues’ to plants. Such plasticity in

within-plant sex ratios is well-documented in this species: the within-plant sex ratio of Ambrosia

becomes increasingly female under light limitation, and increasingly male under nutrient limitation

(Paquin and Aarssen 2004).

While my experiments were not designed to test these hypotheses, a rough estimate is still

possible. By weighing the clipped leaves from all plants (see Chapter 3) we were able to estimate the

relationship between leaf number and leaf mass. Then, the mass of all male flowers can be determined


Male flowers = total biomass – stem(g) – seed(g) – predicted leaves (g)

where leaf mass is predicted using a count of leaves at the end of August. Changes in the

relative allocation of biomass to male vs. female function can then be investigated with an ANCOVA-

style plot (as was used in Chapter 3). The results are shown in Figure 1.

Examining the slope values in this relationship (inset) shows that ragweed produces more seed

biomass than flower biomass, and that this relationship increases with clipping damage. This pattern is

consistent with the ‘cheap pollen’ but not with my suggested mechanism and is consistent with the


results of (Strauss et al. 2003). However, this approach is only a rough estimate and, in particular, the

comparison is more appropriate between the mass of female flowers and male flowers. Nevertheless,

this data highlights the need to consider both male and female function when assessing reproductive


4.3.4 Indirect effects of tolerance

It is possible that introduced species, when they reach high population sizes in their new range,

are able to exert indirect interactions on the community and so increase their invasiveness. It has been

suggested (Ghazoul 2002) that species which have very large floral displays are over-attractive to

pollinators, and so reduce the reproduction of native plants. Similar interactions are possible for very

tolerant species. If a plant is very tolerant, it suffers less limitations of its population growth as a result

of consumer pressure. However, herbivores of tolerant plants may spill over to neighbours. Thus,

tolerance adaptations may confer an advantage on an invading plant not only by magnifying the effect

of enemy release, but also by increasing the amount of top-down control on neighbouring plants.


0.01 0.05 0.50 5.00









Mass of seeds produced (g)



d m




mass (






Control 1/20 1/4 3/4








Figure 4-1) A rough estimate of male flower mass compared to the mass of seeds

produced for each plant in the Tolerance experiment (details in Chapter 3). The

allocation to male function over female function increases with increasing damage




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