the eastern empire 2011-2012 whi sol part ix. what is the name of the highlighted area?

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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The Eastern Empire

2011-2012 WHI SOL Part IX

What is the name of the highlighted area?


Name this technology developed during the tang and

song dynasties.


What is this textile technology developed in China


Name this technology develop during the tang and song


The compass

What type of people used the compass?


What type of travelers?


Name this technology develop during the tang and song


Printing press

What is a printing press used for?

It is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting

upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby

transferring the ink.

Who was the inventor of the first known movable type printing press technology?

Bi Sheng

Name this technology developed during the tang and

song dynasties.


These were caravan routes from China that

crisscrossed central Asia and brought these

innovations to far away places.

Silk Road

These people were extremely skilled on horseback, their

discipline, their ruthlessness, and their courage in battle. They wanted the wealth and

glory that came with conquering mighty empires.

This desire exploded into violent conflict that

transformed Asia and Europe forever. Who were they?

The Mongols

Where were the Mongols from?

They were from the Asian Steppes, north of China

Around 1200, a Mongol clan leader named Temujin sought to unify the Mongols under his

leadership. He fought and defeated his rivals one by one. In 1206, Temujin accepted this title, which meant “universal

ruler” of the Mongol clans.

Genghis Khan

By 1279, the Mongols extended their control of most of the land in Asia from the Pacific Ocean

all the way to here

Eastern Europe

What Mongol leader conquered China?

Kublai Khan

What did Kublai Khan’s Dynasty become known as?

The Yaun Dynasty

This man was a trader from Venice, Italy. He traveled to the

Mongol Court in China and ended up working for Kublai


Marco Polo

When the Chinese began to rebel against the Mongol rule, some of them used

this martial art style developed at the Shaolin


Kung fu

Kublai Khan tried to invade this country on two

separate occasions, but both times he failed


Where is Japan on this map

What is the name of the sea that separates Japan from the

Asia mainland?

Sea of Japan

Japan is an archipelago. What does that mean?

It is a chain of islands clustered together

Why were the Mongol navies unsuccessful in

taking Japan?

During the invasion their ships were destroyed by typhoons

What is a typhoon?

It is the same as a hurricane. once you go west across the International Dateline and

into the western Pacific Ocean, they're called typhoons.

The Japanese had a name for these winds that destroyed

Kublai Khan’s fleet. What was the name for the winds?


What does Kamikaze mean?

Divine Winds

Name three things that the Japanese adopted from the


Buddhism Writing


Were the Japanese ever conquered by China?


The Torii is a religious symbol. What religion does this symbol



What does it symbolize?

The division between the everyday world and the divine


Why is Shinto special?

It is a religion that is indigenous to Japan

What does indigenous mean in the previous answer?

It means that it is from Japan

What do worshipers of Shinto believe in?

They worship the forces of nature (Kami)

and their ancestors

In Japan this person was to be worshipped as a god because he was a descendant of the

Sun goddess.

The Emperor

The Warrior class of Japan who served the nobles


Samurai followed a strict code of behavior known as the “The Way of the Warrior”. What is the Japanese Term for this?

In Japan, true power was held by the "superior

general of the emperors army”. What was the title

for this position?

What is the name of the African Kingdom that emerged in the

highlighted region?


What religion would Axum become?


What is the name of the large desert in Northern Africa?

The Sahara

The Caravan routes that are in bold were part of this


The Trans-Saharan Trade

According to this chart, what were the two main sources of the Tran-Saharan trade?

Gold and Salt

What were the three civilizations that came from thrived because of this trade in West Africa?

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

What river was important to all three of these empires?

Niger River

What religions were in the highlighted region?

Islam and Animism

Popular trading city for the Saharan trade, regained

its significance as an educational center for

Islamic scholars in Africa.





Timbuktu was located in this area


What is the name of the empire that is highlighted?

Great Zimbabwe

Which two rivers

would have been

important for the trade of Great


the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers

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