the devotion of the rosary...vol. 34 no. 4 1 august - october 2018 the devotion of the rosary dn....

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Vol. 34 No. 4

August - October 20181

The Devotion of the RosaryDn. Sushil Xess

he Rosary reflects in the person of Mary the central truths of faith and Thope, and inspires the faithful to come to the love of God and participate

in the life of Jesus and in His mission. She is an instrument of God. She didn't

fail the couple at Cana when they ran out of wine at a crucial point of their

wedding celebration. Neither will she fail us. That is why she understands

us and our human pain and suffering, weakness and strength, struggles and

challenges in life.

Therefore, we all run to her for maternal aid and assistance. Let us not look for instant results from

Rosary prayer. It has its own time and sequence. God works wonders through prayer in one's life, in

family life, and in society at large.

After the Holy Eucharist, the Rosary is my favourite prayer. I do believe that through the intercession

of Mother Mary we can obtain all we ask of her by reciting

the Rosary. I believe that the Rosary is ever fresh, ever new

and deeply personal. There is a belief that the devotion of

the Rosary was given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la

Roche. It is my conviction that that history which has

witnessed the devotion of the Rosary can never be lost.

The Rosary has delivered the treasures of peace, joy, hope,

divine protection, guidance and miracles etc. The Rosary is

indeed a rich prayer that can form, reform and transform

your life, therefore it is a storehouse of countless blessings.

August - October 2018Vol. 34 No. 4

2August - October 2018

From the Pastor's Desk

My Dear Parishioners,

thAs we celebrate our parish feast on October 7 , we come together to celebrate our connectedness as One Family of the St. Theresa's Parish Community. In order to remain connected, I share with you an interview between a monk and a journalist.

The journalist from New York started his interview with a question, as was his usual practice:

Journalist: "Sir, in your last lecture, you told us about contact and connection. It's really confusing. Can you explain? "

The Monk smiled and seemingly deviating from the question asked the Journalist:

"Are you from New York?" Journalist: "Yeah ..."

Monk: "Who's there at your home?" The Journalist felt that the Monk was trying to avoid his question since this was

a somewhat personal and unwarranted query. Yet the journalist said: "My mother has expired. My father is

there. Three brothers and one sister, all married..."

The Monk, with a smile on his face, asked again: "Do you talk to your father?"

The journalist looked visibly annoyed ...

The Monk: "When did you last talk to him?"

The Journalist, suppressing his annoyance said: "Maybe a month ago."

The Monk: "Do your brothers and sisters meet often? When did you last meet as a family?”

At this point, sweat appeared on the forehead of the Journalist. Now, who is conducting the interview, he

thought, him or me? With a sigh, he said: "We last met two years ago at Christmas."

The Monk: “How many days did you all stay together?

"The Journalist (wiping the sweat off his brow) said: "Three days ..."

The Monk: "How much time did you spend with your Father, sitting right beside him?"

The Journalist looking perplexed and embarrassed, started scribbling something on a paper...

The Monk: "Did you have breakfast, lunch and dinner together? Did you ask him how he was? Did you ask how his days

are going after your mother's death?"

Now tears welled up in the eyes of the Journalist. The Monk held the hand of the Journalist and said: "Don't

be embarrassed, upset or sad. I am sorry if I have hurt you unknowingly ... but this is basically the answer to

your question about "contact and connection." You have 'contact' with your father but you don't have a

'connection' with him. You are not connected to him. Connection is between heart and heart... sitting

together, sharing meals and caring for each other; touching, holding hands, making eye contact,

spending significant time together ... Your brothers and sisters have 'contact' but you have no 'connection'

with one another ..."

The Journalist wiped his eyes and said: "Thanks for teaching me a fine and unforgettable lesson."

St. Theresa, our patron saint was very well connected to her parents, Louis Martin and Marie-Azelie Guerin, who

were recently canonized and connected to God which made them holy people.

As parishioners, let us be connected to God, and to one another.


3 August - October 2018


ASST. PARISH PRIESTS:Fr. Nicolau D’Costa SVD (Principal)Fr. Caetano Mascarenhas SVDFr. Gopu Vinod Reddy SVD

EDITORIAL TEAM:Sheila Fernandes (Editor)Yorick Fonseca, Noeline D’Costa, Mary Jayne Pinheiro

LAYOUT: Meena D’SouzaPRINTER: St. Paul’s Press, Bandra

PUBLISHER:Fr. Jolly Mudakkampurathu SVD on behalf of St. Theresa’s Church, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 Tel: 2640-7891,

WEEKDAY MASSES:English: 6:15am, 7:00am, 8:00am & 7:00pm

SUNDAY MASSES:English: Saturday: 7:00pm.Sunday: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm.Malyalam: 11:00amHindi: 4:00pmSunday School, Confirmation Class,First Holy Communion Classevery Sunday after the 8:30am Children’s Mass

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour:Wednesdays after 7:00am, 8:00am & 7:00pm Mass

CONFESSIONS:First Friday: 6:30pm & Saturdays: 6:30pm BAPTISMS:2nd & 4th Sunday, 10:00am. Mass

OFFICE TIMINGS:9:00am to 11:00am & 5:00pm to 7:00pmClosed on Sundays & Bank Holidays

MARRIAGE:Regarding marriage formalities meetthe priest on duty well in advance.Bring your latest Baptism Certificate(issued not more than six months earlier)and copy of Marriage Preparation CourseCertificate.

BURIAL:Copies of Death Certificate & Municipal Burial permission required

Fr. Jolly Mudakkampurathu SVD


Send in your feedback/contributions to the parish officeParish Website:


Sheila Fernandes In school I recall teachers regaling us with stories on the values of

honesty, punctuality and cleanliness that were designed to make us into 'Grade A' students and citizens. We were told that their pursuit would lead to success.

Nevertheless my introduction to this value was through everyday interactions – conversations which helped me realise how important the dignity of labour is to the larger societal picture and to humanity. The realisation first hit me in school. I was in the first standard and going from class to class, giving chocolates to teachers, ignoring the peons and janitors. It was then that a janitor, who we called 'Bai' stopped me, asking me to give her a chocolate. I obliged, albeit unwillingly and came home to tell my mother, “That Bai stopped me and asked for a chocolate! Why? She is not a teacher!” My mother calmly responded, “How important do you think the Bai's job is?”

It was a simple question and yet, I was perplexed. How important was a janitor's job? They are in charge of the cleanliness of the school. They sweep and mop the halls and classrooms till the floors shine. They dust the window panes, desks, tables and banisters. They keep the washrooms clean and tidy. The school would be in shambles without them. They were our superheroes without capes, their contribution to the world a secret. This realisation changed the course of my interactions with people. I would smile at and acknowledge all I came across. The “good morning” wasn't only said by me to my teachers and classmates but also to the bai's, peons, watchmen and gardeners.

Let's remember that every job is vital. Every job is a contribution to

the bigger picture and the world. We are all ancillary parts to the big engine of the society and economy. In parting here is a quote from the

ndFather of Our Nation whose birth anniversary we celebrate on 2 October: “I call myself a labourer because I take pride in calling myself a spinner, weaver, farmer and scavenger.”

Belabouring the Dignity of Labour

However, the one value missing in my entire school curriculum was that of 'dignity of labour' i.e. the value of believing that? all work is equal and respectable, and none superior to the other.

Understanding the value of Dignity of Labour starts at home. It lies in washing your own plate after eating a meal, cleaning your bathroom or dusting the furniture, washing and folding the clothes, changing the bed-sheets, and helping in other chores around the house. Dignity of labour is doing all or any of this and much more, knowing that's what makes a home. These individual chores hold immense value and so do all chores outside the house. The world would be a better place to live in, if we all believed in this concept.

During the recent floods in Kerala, the fishermen emerged as the unsung heroes. They wore no capes, but wielded oars and shovels. Braving inclement weather and treacherous waters, hundreds of fishermen helped rescue thousands of people marooned across the affected areas. How many of us would encourage our children, if they so desired, to become fisher men or women?

Fr. Jolly, SVD

2August - October 2018

From the Pastor's Desk

My Dear Parishioners,

thAs we celebrate our parish feast on October 7 , we come together to celebrate our connectedness as One Family of the St. Theresa's Parish Community. In order to remain connected, I share with you an interview between a monk and a journalist.

The journalist from New York started his interview with a question, as was his usual practice:

Journalist: "Sir, in your last lecture, you told us about contact and connection. It's really confusing. Can you explain? "

The Monk smiled and seemingly deviating from the question asked the Journalist:

"Are you from New York?" Journalist: "Yeah ..."

Monk: "Who's there at your home?" The Journalist felt that the Monk was trying to avoid his question since this was

a somewhat personal and unwarranted query. Yet the journalist said: "My mother has expired. My father is

there. Three brothers and one sister, all married..."

The Monk, with a smile on his face, asked again: "Do you talk to your father?"

The journalist looked visibly annoyed ...

The Monk: "When did you last talk to him?"

The Journalist, suppressing his annoyance said: "Maybe a month ago."

The Monk: "Do your brothers and sisters meet often? When did you last meet as a family?”

At this point, sweat appeared on the forehead of the Journalist. Now, who is conducting the interview, he

thought, him or me? With a sigh, he said: "We last met two years ago at Christmas."

The Monk: “How many days did you all stay together?

"The Journalist (wiping the sweat off his brow) said: "Three days ..."

The Monk: "How much time did you spend with your Father, sitting right beside him?"

The Journalist looking perplexed and embarrassed, started scribbling something on a paper...

The Monk: "Did you have breakfast, lunch and dinner together? Did you ask him how he was? Did you ask how his days

are going after your mother's death?"

Now tears welled up in the eyes of the Journalist. The Monk held the hand of the Journalist and said: "Don't

be embarrassed, upset or sad. I am sorry if I have hurt you unknowingly ... but this is basically the answer to

your question about "contact and connection." You have 'contact' with your father but you don't have a

'connection' with him. You are not connected to him. Connection is between heart and heart... sitting

together, sharing meals and caring for each other; touching, holding hands, making eye contact,

spending significant time together ... Your brothers and sisters have 'contact' but you have no 'connection'

with one another ..."

The Journalist wiped his eyes and said: "Thanks for teaching me a fine and unforgettable lesson."

St. Theresa, our patron saint was very well connected to her parents, Louis Martin and Marie-Azelie Guerin, who

were recently canonized and connected to God which made them holy people.

As parishioners, let us be connected to God, and to one another.


3 August - October 2018


ASST. PARISH PRIESTS:Fr. Nicolau D’Costa SVD (Principal)Fr. Caetano Mascarenhas SVDFr. Gopu Vinod Reddy SVD

EDITORIAL TEAM:Sheila Fernandes (Editor)Yorick Fonseca, Noeline D’Costa, Mary Jayne Pinheiro

LAYOUT: Meena D’SouzaPRINTER: St. Paul’s Press, Bandra

PUBLISHER:Fr. Jolly Mudakkampurathu SVD on behalf of St. Theresa’s Church, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 Tel: 2640-7891,

WEEKDAY MASSES:English: 6:15am, 7:00am, 8:00am & 7:00pm

SUNDAY MASSES:English: Saturday: 7:00pm.Sunday: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm.Malyalam: 11:00amHindi: 4:00pmSunday School, Confirmation Class,First Holy Communion Classevery Sunday after the 8:30am Children’s Mass

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour:Wednesdays after 7:00am, 8:00am & 7:00pm Mass

CONFESSIONS:First Friday: 6:30pm & Saturdays: 6:30pm BAPTISMS:2nd & 4th Sunday, 10:00am. Mass

OFFICE TIMINGS:9:00am to 11:00am & 5:00pm to 7:00pmClosed on Sundays & Bank Holidays

MARRIAGE:Regarding marriage formalities meetthe priest on duty well in advance.Bring your latest Baptism Certificate(issued not more than six months earlier)and copy of Marriage Preparation CourseCertificate.

BURIAL:Copies of Death Certificate & Municipal Burial permission required

Fr. Jolly Mudakkampurathu SVD


Send in your feedback/contributions to the parish officeParish Website:


Sheila Fernandes In school I recall teachers regaling us with stories on the values of

honesty, punctuality and cleanliness that were designed to make us into 'Grade A' students and citizens. We were told that their pursuit would lead to success.

Nevertheless my introduction to this value was through everyday interactions – conversations which helped me realise how important the dignity of labour is to the larger societal picture and to humanity. The realisation first hit me in school. I was in the first standard and going from class to class, giving chocolates to teachers, ignoring the peons and janitors. It was then that a janitor, who we called 'Bai' stopped me, asking me to give her a chocolate. I obliged, albeit unwillingly and came home to tell my mother, “That Bai stopped me and asked for a chocolate! Why? She is not a teacher!” My mother calmly responded, “How important do you think the Bai's job is?”

It was a simple question and yet, I was perplexed. How important was a janitor's job? They are in charge of the cleanliness of the school. They sweep and mop the halls and classrooms till the floors shine. They dust the window panes, desks, tables and banisters. They keep the washrooms clean and tidy. The school would be in shambles without them. They were our superheroes without capes, their contribution to the world a secret. This realisation changed the course of my interactions with people. I would smile at and acknowledge all I came across. The “good morning” wasn't only said by me to my teachers and classmates but also to the bai's, peons, watchmen and gardeners.

Let's remember that every job is vital. Every job is a contribution to

the bigger picture and the world. We are all ancillary parts to the big engine of the society and economy. In parting here is a quote from the

ndFather of Our Nation whose birth anniversary we celebrate on 2 October: “I call myself a labourer because I take pride in calling myself a spinner, weaver, farmer and scavenger.”

Belabouring the Dignity of Labour

However, the one value missing in my entire school curriculum was that of 'dignity of labour' i.e. the value of believing that? all work is equal and respectable, and none superior to the other.

Understanding the value of Dignity of Labour starts at home. It lies in washing your own plate after eating a meal, cleaning your bathroom or dusting the furniture, washing and folding the clothes, changing the bed-sheets, and helping in other chores around the house. Dignity of labour is doing all or any of this and much more, knowing that's what makes a home. These individual chores hold immense value and so do all chores outside the house. The world would be a better place to live in, if we all believed in this concept.

During the recent floods in Kerala, the fishermen emerged as the unsung heroes. They wore no capes, but wielded oars and shovels. Braving inclement weather and treacherous waters, hundreds of fishermen helped rescue thousands of people marooned across the affected areas. How many of us would encourage our children, if they so desired, to become fisher men or women?

Fr. Jolly, SVD

4August - October 2018

Discover yourself in the BibleMunira Millwalla

thn Thursday 19 July, Fr. Jolly conducted a session on O"Discover yourself in the Bible" at St. Andrew's that

was enlightening to me. It was where I learnt to get in

touch with my inner self by identifying with the characters

in the Scriptures, and where I also learnt to pray

effectively through the methodology of Lectio Divina.

Scripture has become alive for me and I began to ask

myself, 'Am I like the apostle Philip ready to listen to the

prompting of the Holy Spirit, or like Moses ready to leave

the sandal of ego behind, or like the elder brother in the

parable of the prodigal son?'

Personal prayer time has become exciting as I am learning

to discover that I am everywhere in the Bible, that the

story of sin and grace is my story, and that I belong to a

heavenly Father who is waiting to transform my life as I

discover myself in the Bible.

Sunday School FUN dayRoyston Braganza

unday 28th July turned out to be a FUN day, as the SSunday school celebrated Parents' Day by inviting parents to join their kids in class. This time the roles were reversed as I attended Sunday School, not as a catechist but as a parent … and what a wonderful time it was!

From being 'tagged' on entry, to being put into teams, to quizzes and songs and snacks – all squeezed into a crisp schedule. Of course, the highlight was the lovely song that the children performed in honour of their “gift” (the parent) followed by lovely hugs and cards.

Truly the effort by each catechist and animator was deeply felt and appreciated – with the smiles, laughter, cheer (and burps!) probably the best way to say thank you to them for a wonderfully special day.

I think one of the little ones summed it up best when he gleefully said, “Can we not have them attend Sunday school with us every week?!” Such wisdom from the mouth of babes – probably an idea to consider!


The team of seven members of our parish Bible Cell embarked on a trip to the Mangaon Mission Centre. The centre has

a hostel, accommodating 40 boys who live there to access school located close to the centre. There is also a Sewing

Training Centre for Women who are taught to use their skills for stitching sari blouses and shirts. The tribals live in

thatched roof houses in extreme poverty without the basic necessities due to lack of employment. The SVDs have set up an NGO - Jan Seva Society at TALA Taluka which is

approximately 25kms from Mangaon. Presently it is housed in rented

premises and soon it will move to its own building. Fr. Ivan coordinates

with 22 tribal villages including Tatkari (primitive) tribes and three Dhangar

(shepherd) tribes. Fr. Ivan together with social workers, works tirelessly and selflessly

for improving their living conditions. They organise education programmes,

training in Panchayati Raj and how to avail of government schemes to

empower and enlighten the tribals about their basic rights. The NGO also

conducts awareness programmes on environment, health and hygiene.We were privileged to have lunch in one of the homes in the village and

enjoyed their pure and unpretentious hospitality. It was an unforgettable experience which opened our eyes and we left

the centre grateful to God for the simple blessings around us.


63rd Presentation of the St. Andrew's All Bandra Zonal Competition Sheila Fernandes

The St. Andrews's All Bandra Parish Talent Contest, an annual event, has in spite of major hiccups survived over the

years, giving rise to numerous professional actors, directors, singers and musicians, and leaving each person with beautiful

memories and precious moments. The Zonals, besides all this, instil a feeling of community and camaraderie in a

completely healthy environment.

That special time of the year was around again. Kicking off on August 12th and followed up on August 19th were the

Music contests. Sunday August 26th witnessed the Elocution and Dance contests, and on 1st & 2nd September the

Dramatics competition.

Our parish which falls within the North East Zone

participated actively in all the events and fared very well.

The Dramatics on 1st and 2nd September 2018 brought

down the curtain to the talent festival. The play 'Couple of

Fools' bagged the 1st place while 'Caught in a Net' got the

best Director (Rozzlin Pereira). Our Parish along with the

North East zone staged 'Freepublic TV' (written by Sunny

Fernandes) which was a credible effort by the cast and their

director Shayne Alvares.








Commandment of LoveMary Jayne Pinheiro

The Ten Commandments demand obedience to God and moral duties towards the family, neighbours and society. To love your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. This is the foremost and greatest commandment.

St. Theresa our patroness gave each day to Jesus as a way of manifesting her love for Him. She found the power of love in her relationship to Jesus Christ. In fact she learned in the process that there is, deep down, a union between love of God and love of neighbour. To love your neighbour as you love yourself is the commandment to love God. The Little Flower was at her best always with a kind word and a smile to her neighbours.

The Ten Commandments are divine laws for His people to live by and Honour God. These commandments are vital rules of God's plan for humanity and he had given us liberty to obey or disobey them. St.Theresa was a child of Jesus as we are. Let's pause and ponder if we can be obedient like the Little Flower who discovered the desires and value of God. Each one is loved forever by God but we should remember the words of Jesus from John 14: 15: If you love me keep my commandments.



to p



August - October 2018

Category Age Group Name of Contestant Place

Vocal Below 8 years Adelle Nazareth 1st

Between 8-12 years Shania Vaz 1st

Between 12-16 yrs. Olivia Rodrigues 2nd

Above 20 yrs. Lisa Rodrigues 3rd

Quartets Kyle Coutinho, Cristiano D’silva, Faith Vaz, Shania Vaz 2nd

Elocution Between 8-12 yrs. Aaliyah Serrao 1st

Dance duo Below 10 yrs. Pearl Gouria and Alisa D’Souza 3rd

Between 10-16 yrs. Meaghan Coelho and Jolana Gomes 3rd

Dance group

Between 10-16yrs. Eva Parmar, Jolene D’Souza, Rianne Mascarenhas, Rahael Baretto, Natalie Fernandes


4August - October 2018

Discover yourself in the BibleMunira Millwalla

thn Thursday 19 July, Fr. Jolly conducted a session on O"Discover yourself in the Bible" at St. Andrew's that

was enlightening to me. It was where I learnt to get in

touch with my inner self by identifying with the characters

in the Scriptures, and where I also learnt to pray

effectively through the methodology of Lectio Divina.

Scripture has become alive for me and I began to ask

myself, 'Am I like the apostle Philip ready to listen to the

prompting of the Holy Spirit, or like Moses ready to leave

the sandal of ego behind, or like the elder brother in the

parable of the prodigal son?'

Personal prayer time has become exciting as I am learning

to discover that I am everywhere in the Bible, that the

story of sin and grace is my story, and that I belong to a

heavenly Father who is waiting to transform my life as I

discover myself in the Bible.

Sunday School FUN dayRoyston Braganza

unday 28th July turned out to be a FUN day, as the SSunday school celebrated Parents' Day by inviting parents to join their kids in class. This time the roles were reversed as I attended Sunday School, not as a catechist but as a parent … and what a wonderful time it was!

From being 'tagged' on entry, to being put into teams, to quizzes and songs and snacks – all squeezed into a crisp schedule. Of course, the highlight was the lovely song that the children performed in honour of their “gift” (the parent) followed by lovely hugs and cards.

Truly the effort by each catechist and animator was deeply felt and appreciated – with the smiles, laughter, cheer (and burps!) probably the best way to say thank you to them for a wonderfully special day.

I think one of the little ones summed it up best when he gleefully said, “Can we not have them attend Sunday school with us every week?!” Such wisdom from the mouth of babes – probably an idea to consider!


The team of seven members of our parish Bible Cell embarked on a trip to the Mangaon Mission Centre. The centre has

a hostel, accommodating 40 boys who live there to access school located close to the centre. There is also a Sewing

Training Centre for Women who are taught to use their skills for stitching sari blouses and shirts. The tribals live in

thatched roof houses in extreme poverty without the basic necessities due to lack of employment. The SVDs have set up an NGO - Jan Seva Society at TALA Taluka which is

approximately 25kms from Mangaon. Presently it is housed in rented

premises and soon it will move to its own building. Fr. Ivan coordinates

with 22 tribal villages including Tatkari (primitive) tribes and three Dhangar

(shepherd) tribes. Fr. Ivan together with social workers, works tirelessly and selflessly

for improving their living conditions. They organise education programmes,

training in Panchayati Raj and how to avail of government schemes to

empower and enlighten the tribals about their basic rights. The NGO also

conducts awareness programmes on environment, health and hygiene.We were privileged to have lunch in one of the homes in the village and

enjoyed their pure and unpretentious hospitality. It was an unforgettable experience which opened our eyes and we left

the centre grateful to God for the simple blessings around us.


63rd Presentation of the St. Andrew's All Bandra Zonal Competition Sheila Fernandes

The St. Andrews's All Bandra Parish Talent Contest, an annual event, has in spite of major hiccups survived over the

years, giving rise to numerous professional actors, directors, singers and musicians, and leaving each person with beautiful

memories and precious moments. The Zonals, besides all this, instil a feeling of community and camaraderie in a

completely healthy environment.

That special time of the year was around again. Kicking off on August 12th and followed up on August 19th were the

Music contests. Sunday August 26th witnessed the Elocution and Dance contests, and on 1st & 2nd September the

Dramatics competition.

Our parish which falls within the North East Zone

participated actively in all the events and fared very well.

The Dramatics on 1st and 2nd September 2018 brought

down the curtain to the talent festival. The play 'Couple of

Fools' bagged the 1st place while 'Caught in a Net' got the

best Director (Rozzlin Pereira). Our Parish along with the

North East zone staged 'Freepublic TV' (written by Sunny

Fernandes) which was a credible effort by the cast and their

director Shayne Alvares.








Commandment of LoveMary Jayne Pinheiro

The Ten Commandments demand obedience to God and moral duties towards the family, neighbours and society. To love your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. This is the foremost and greatest commandment.

St. Theresa our patroness gave each day to Jesus as a way of manifesting her love for Him. She found the power of love in her relationship to Jesus Christ. In fact she learned in the process that there is, deep down, a union between love of God and love of neighbour. To love your neighbour as you love yourself is the commandment to love God. The Little Flower was at her best always with a kind word and a smile to her neighbours.

The Ten Commandments are divine laws for His people to live by and Honour God. These commandments are vital rules of God's plan for humanity and he had given us liberty to obey or disobey them. St.Theresa was a child of Jesus as we are. Let's pause and ponder if we can be obedient like the Little Flower who discovered the desires and value of God. Each one is loved forever by God but we should remember the words of Jesus from John 14: 15: If you love me keep my commandments.



to p



August - October 2018

Category Age Group Name of Contestant Place

Vocal Below 8 years Adelle Nazareth 1st

Between 8-12 years Shania Vaz 1st

Between 12-16 yrs. Olivia Rodrigues 2nd

Above 20 yrs. Lisa Rodrigues 3rd

Quartets Kyle Coutinho, Cristiano D’silva, Faith Vaz, Shania Vaz 2nd

Elocution Between 8-12 yrs. Aaliyah Serrao 1st

Dance duo Below 10 yrs. Pearl Gouria and Alisa D’Souza 3rd

Between 10-16 yrs. Meaghan Coelho and Jolana Gomes 3rd

Dance group

Between 10-16yrs. Eva Parmar, Jolene D’Souza, Rianne Mascarenhas, Rahael Baretto, Natalie Fernandes


6August - October 2018

Mass at a village church

BEE ATTITUDE: A Buzz for Mama Mary's BirthdayFr. Nicky D'Costa SVD

birthday and foundation day of the SVD Society (The Society of unday School put on their creative caps and decided to thS the Divine Word) and the Girl Child Day as well. The Entrance celebrate the Nativity of our Lady on 8 Sept. with 'Bee-

procession was led by one of the 'Blessed Attitude' (based on the Beatitudes described in Mathew 5: 3-11).

Bees' with a banner wishing Mama Mary on her Birthday. After The Novena Committee along with the Sunday School team

incensing the statue of Infant Mary, the Mass began. Some of the planned the event. The altar was beautifully decorated, giving a

highlights during the Mass were the audio-visual Creed, the natural flavour of being in the woods with Baby Mary and with

children's choir, the Bee-Peace, etc.the beehive and bees all around.

The climax at end was the Bee-Band. The ensemble of kids The children were given a Bee-Passport (Attendance Booklet)

playing various instruments to 'Immaculate Mary' resounded the where every day a Bee-Visa would be stamped with a “smiley” whole church. Prizes were distributed, Mama Mary's birthday and a “star” if they attended novena, along with sweets.cake was cut, and there was a party for the children after that.

Each day was creatively planned around the theme of each Some of the parishioners sponsored some goodies for the

beatitude with audio-visual messages and a creative decade of children.

the Rosary which culminated with the blessing of the Blessed

Sacrament on the last day of the Novena.

Children came dressed Royston Braganza

as bees and in different

colour codes carrying Christ Café organised

flowers, candles, gifts, their All Bandra Youth

etc. on different days. Annual Night

Pilgrimage to Mount Peace was celebrated by Mary's Basilica on 6th tying the Peace Band,

September. Youth from and Purity was the seven parishes of celebrated by felicitating

Bandra participated in the teachers of our Parish the event. On arrival, on Teacher's Day.

Bishop John addressed The Feast Day mass was them on the Sacrament of a grand finale with 12 Reconciliation. He later SVD priests in prayed with and blessed attendance as it was the them.

All Bandra Youth Annual Night Pilgrimage

to the Mount

7 August - October 2018

UPCOMING EVENTS Month of October is dedicated to Mother Mary * Rosary at 6:30pm (English)

TRIDUMM 3rd /4th /5th October (Wednesday – Friday)

** FOOD COURT ** on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th October (4 Zones) at the Church Lawns (Every Evening)

TRIDUMM (IN PREPARATION FOR THE FEAST)1st day of Triduum 3rd October – (7:00pm) Theme – (St. Theresa sign of holiness in today's world)Main Celebrant – Most Rev. Bishop John RodriguesHomily – Most Rev. Bishop John RodriguesChoir – by Prayer Group(Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Blessing of the Adoration Chapel by Most Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues, after the 7:00pm Mass) � ·Food Court by Zone- IV

2nd day of Triduum 4th October – (7:00pm)Theme – (Enemies of holiness- Gnosticism & Pelagianism)Main celebrant t – Fr. M.T. Joseph, SVD Choir - by Food Kitchen (Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Food Court by Zone-III

3rd Day Triduum5th October – (7:00pm)Theme (Blessed are the poor in heart – The Beatitudes) Main Celebrant – Fr. Colman CarlosChoir – by TYM(Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Food Court by Zone-II

6th October - Food Court by Zone-I (Confessions – 6:30pm to 7:00pm)

7th October (Sunday) PARISH FEAST & Thanksgiving Day Feast Mass at 10:00 am. Main Celebrant Fr. Richard Mathias - (SVD-Provincial Superior) Followed by Get-together in Quadrangle

21st October (Sunday) MISSION SUNDAY

1st November (Thursday) ALL SAINTS DAY

2nd November (Friday) ALL SOULS DAY (Masses at 6:15, 7:00 & 8:00 in morning & 6:00 (Box Intentions) and 7:00 in evening)

9th, 10th & 11th November (Friday - Sunday)

Outreach (Organised by Prayer Group) Preacher - Brother Anil Arahna (In Church - at 5:00pm to 9:30pm)

13th and 14th November (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Fun Times for Children (Organised by Bible Cell)

25th November (Sunday) CHRIST THE KING FEAST

2nd December (Sunday) 1st Sunday of ADVENT Christmas Café – (Bible Cell) (7:00pm to 10:00pm)

9th December (Saturday) CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGING – (7:00pm)(Participation forms available in the parish office)

Pascal Raymond Crasto 88 Years 10.07.2018

Theophilus Diego D'Abreo 70 Years 12.07.2018

Joseph Louis Miranda 73 Years 26.07.2018

Warner Joseph D'Silva 83 Years 30.07.2018

Anthony Pereira 82 Years 17.08.2018

Deaths – Rest in Peace

Paul Macwan & Rina Macwan 14.08.2018

Marriage (United in Love)

GRATITUDEWe wish to thank all the donors who supported the Adoration chapel renovation project and the family who

sponsored the parish feast. May the Lord bless you all. (Parish priest and the parish team)








6August - October 2018

Mass at a village church

BEE ATTITUDE: A Buzz for Mama Mary's BirthdayFr. Nicky D'Costa SVD

birthday and foundation day of the SVD Society (The Society of unday School put on their creative caps and decided to thS the Divine Word) and the Girl Child Day as well. The Entrance celebrate the Nativity of our Lady on 8 Sept. with 'Bee-

procession was led by one of the 'Blessed Attitude' (based on the Beatitudes described in Mathew 5: 3-11).

Bees' with a banner wishing Mama Mary on her Birthday. After The Novena Committee along with the Sunday School team

incensing the statue of Infant Mary, the Mass began. Some of the planned the event. The altar was beautifully decorated, giving a

highlights during the Mass were the audio-visual Creed, the natural flavour of being in the woods with Baby Mary and with

children's choir, the Bee-Peace, etc.the beehive and bees all around.

The climax at end was the Bee-Band. The ensemble of kids The children were given a Bee-Passport (Attendance Booklet)

playing various instruments to 'Immaculate Mary' resounded the where every day a Bee-Visa would be stamped with a “smiley” whole church. Prizes were distributed, Mama Mary's birthday and a “star” if they attended novena, along with sweets.cake was cut, and there was a party for the children after that.

Each day was creatively planned around the theme of each Some of the parishioners sponsored some goodies for the

beatitude with audio-visual messages and a creative decade of children.

the Rosary which culminated with the blessing of the Blessed

Sacrament on the last day of the Novena.

Children came dressed Royston Braganza

as bees and in different

colour codes carrying Christ Café organised

flowers, candles, gifts, their All Bandra Youth

etc. on different days. Annual Night

Pilgrimage to Mount Peace was celebrated by Mary's Basilica on 6th tying the Peace Band,

September. Youth from and Purity was the seven parishes of celebrated by felicitating

Bandra participated in the teachers of our Parish the event. On arrival, on Teacher's Day.

Bishop John addressed The Feast Day mass was them on the Sacrament of a grand finale with 12 Reconciliation. He later SVD priests in prayed with and blessed attendance as it was the them.

All Bandra Youth Annual Night Pilgrimage

to the Mount

7 August - October 2018

UPCOMING EVENTS Month of October is dedicated to Mother Mary * Rosary at 6:30pm (English)

TRIDUMM 3rd /4th /5th October (Wednesday – Friday)

** FOOD COURT ** on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th October (4 Zones) at the Church Lawns (Every Evening)

TRIDUMM (IN PREPARATION FOR THE FEAST)1st day of Triduum 3rd October – (7:00pm) Theme – (St. Theresa sign of holiness in today's world)Main Celebrant – Most Rev. Bishop John RodriguesHomily – Most Rev. Bishop John RodriguesChoir – by Prayer Group(Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Blessing of the Adoration Chapel by Most Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues, after the 7:00pm Mass) � ·Food Court by Zone- IV

2nd day of Triduum 4th October – (7:00pm)Theme – (Enemies of holiness- Gnosticism & Pelagianism)Main celebrant t – Fr. M.T. Joseph, SVD Choir - by Food Kitchen (Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Food Court by Zone-III

3rd Day Triduum5th October – (7:00pm)Theme (Blessed are the poor in heart – The Beatitudes) Main Celebrant – Fr. Colman CarlosChoir – by TYM(Confessions – 7:30pm to 8:00pm)� ·Food Court by Zone-II

6th October - Food Court by Zone-I (Confessions – 6:30pm to 7:00pm)

7th October (Sunday) PARISH FEAST & Thanksgiving Day Feast Mass at 10:00 am. Main Celebrant Fr. Richard Mathias - (SVD-Provincial Superior) Followed by Get-together in Quadrangle

21st October (Sunday) MISSION SUNDAY

1st November (Thursday) ALL SAINTS DAY

2nd November (Friday) ALL SOULS DAY (Masses at 6:15, 7:00 & 8:00 in morning & 6:00 (Box Intentions) and 7:00 in evening)

9th, 10th & 11th November (Friday - Sunday)

Outreach (Organised by Prayer Group) Preacher - Brother Anil Arahna (In Church - at 5:00pm to 9:30pm)

13th and 14th November (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Fun Times for Children (Organised by Bible Cell)

25th November (Sunday) CHRIST THE KING FEAST

2nd December (Sunday) 1st Sunday of ADVENT Christmas Café – (Bible Cell) (7:00pm to 10:00pm)

9th December (Saturday) CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGING – (7:00pm)(Participation forms available in the parish office)

Pascal Raymond Crasto 88 Years 10.07.2018

Theophilus Diego D'Abreo 70 Years 12.07.2018

Joseph Louis Miranda 73 Years 26.07.2018

Warner Joseph D'Silva 83 Years 30.07.2018

Anthony Pereira 82 Years 17.08.2018

Deaths – Rest in Peace

Paul Macwan & Rina Macwan 14.08.2018

Marriage (United in Love)

GRATITUDEWe wish to thank all the donors who supported the Adoration chapel renovation project and the family who

sponsored the parish feast. May the Lord bless you all. (Parish priest and the parish team)








August - October 2018 8

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