the cunningham courier · 7/23/2020  · maintenance – todd shelman gave the maintenance report....

Post on 08-Aug-2020






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The Cunningham Courier"The only newspaper in the world that cares about Cunningham, Kansas"

photo by Dan Frick

Thursday, July 23, 2020Volume 30 Number 30

Yard of the Week

The Yard of the Week is at the home of Wayne and Rogene Jarmer. 233 East Second Street

The Cunningham City Council met in regular session on Monday, June 29, 2020 at the Community Center, 104 N. Main in Cunningham.

Present were Mayor Aaron Murphy, Council Members Karl Vierthaler, Tim Schultz, and Matt Westerhaus; City Attorney Greg Graffman; and City Clerk David Steffen.

Also attending were Harold Stark, Fire Chief; Todd Shelman, City Maintenance; and Jackie Ruckle, City Property Officer.

Mayor Murphy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed guests.

The Council approved the agenda as written and approved the minutes of the May 26, 2020 meeting as written.

Chief Stark gave the Fire Department report. 1) The Fire Department re-sponded to two fires in the past month, both mutual aid calls. 2) The right front tire on Truck 333 (the large tender) blew out while the truck was parked in the fire station. A spare was put on the truck by Cooper Tire, Pratt, and a pair of front tires were ordered and have been installed. The Chief asked the Council to consider replacing the remaining four tires as they are all of the same age. 3) The Fire Department has received word that an $8,000 Kansas Forestry Grant for PPE has been awarded. The grant will match $4,000 of Fire Department funds spent on personal protection equipment for the fire fighters. 4) The Chief signed a permit for the CHS fireworks stand on Fourth Street.

The Council approved a motion to replace the tires on Fire truck 333.

Difficulty in scheduling irrigation of the football field was discussed. City Maintenance does not get a practice schedule for the ball diamond from the City Recreation Board, which has made watering wait until later in the day when evaporation rates are high and irrigation less effective. Consensus of the Council was for Maintenance to work with the Rec Board to be able to water in the morning when possible.

City Lots, 106 N. Main – Mayor Murphy visited with the Council regard-ing the vacant lots on north Main (site of the former Lodge Hall) and asked the Council to consider donating the lots to the Hands of Hope food bank for a build-ing site. The City Attorney will look into the state statutes regarding disposition of

real estate by a city and the item will be considered at the July regular meeting.

Water Well No. 3 – Todd Shelman gave an update on the progress of the Well No. 3 project. The project is nearly complete with waiting for a final ap-proval from the KDHE inspector and the installation of the new electronic control system remaining.

Well House repairs – The work of covering the original well houses with sheet metal and replacing the doors by R. Thimesch Construction is waiting for new doors to arrive before finishing the metal work and capping the wall.

The Council approved a motion ac-cepting a proposal from Monte Rose Construction to replace the floor in the City Hall office with a laminate, replace the ceiling tile and grid, reinstall exist-ing light fixtures, drill and termite treat floor, and install a mini-split heat & air conditioning unit.

Executive Session – Motion by Schultz, second by Vierthaler, for the governing body to meet in executive session for five minutes with the City Attorney and City Clerk to discuss mat-ters pertaining to individual employee, in order to protect that employee’s pri-vacy rights, with the justification being K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1), the non-elected personnel matter exception, with the meeting to resume in open session in the meeting room of City Hall. Motion carried, 3/0.

The above met in executive session from 6:55 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at which

time the meeting resumed in open ses-sion and Mayor Murphy stated that no action had been taken during the execu-tive session.

The Council approved a motion au-thorizing the City Clerk to replace the City laptop computer.

Property Officer – Jackie Ruckle gave the property officer report. She is working on complaint forms for a van on South Douglas, a pickup truck on Wilmot, debris between N. Douglas and N. Lincoln, weeds and pallets in a yard on W. Third St., and the stockpiling of trash and household waste at several locations in town.

City Clerk position – The Council approved a motion authorizing the City Clerk to advertise that position as full-time with benefits.

Maintenance – Todd Shelman gave

the maintenance report. 1) The high school and gymnasium are now on one line and one meter. The service line from the west meter to the high school appar-ently had a chronic leak and has been abandoned. The high school is now tied into the 3” line serving the gymnasium. 2) City Maintenance will be picking up limbs left curbside as time permits.

The City Attorney left the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Financial Report and Payment of Bills – The Council reviewed the month’s bills and financial report. The Council approved a motion approving the financial report, including transfers, and paying the bills as presented.

The Council approved a motion to adjourn. Mayor Murphy adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m.

City Council Met June 29th

City Council Will Meet Monday

Meeting wil l be held at the Community Center, 104 N. Main St.

Meeting will be using the remote conferencing app “Zoom” for public access and will be recorded. Contact City Clerk (620) 298-3077 or email for access information.1)6:30 p.m. – Call to Order

2) Approval of Agenda3) Approval of Minutes of June

29, 2020 meeting4) Public comments, concerns, &

communications5) Dogs running at large / dog bite

/ animal control ordinances6) Fire Department• Chief’s Report7) Job Descriptions• C i ty Supe r in t enden t o f

Maintenance• Maintenance Worker• City Clerk8) Executive session – personnel 9) Executive session(s) – in-

terviews city clerk and maintenance positions

10) Well No. 311) City Hall 12) Hands of Hope 13) Reports a) Swimming Pool b) Properties c) Maintenance d) Planning & Zoning e) Animal Control14) 2019 Audit & Financial

Statement15) 2021 Budget discussion / set

hearing date16) Financial Report & payment of

bills 17) Adjourn

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