the correlation between writing interest and vocabulary...

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Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

The Correlation between Writing Interest and Vocabulary Mastery with Writing Argumentation Ability of Students at V Grade

Elementary School 02 Ciputat South of Tangerang, Indonesia 2015


The objective of this research was to find out the correlation between writing interest and writing argumentation ability; to find out the correlation mastery of vocabulary and writing argumentation ability; and to find out the correlation between writing interest and mastery of vocabulary with writing argumentation ability. The research was conducted on January until March 2015 with the survey method and correlation techniques. The main subjects of the research are the students of grade V elementary school 02 Ciputat South Tangerang, Indonesia, random sampling technique with a sample of 50 students of 260 students. Research instrument development techniques are the test techniques, then the data results were analyzed quantitatively with the analysis of descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that:(1) the correlation of writing interest (X1) and writing argumentation ability (Y) has a correlation coefficient of 0.9798, significant at level α= 0.05 and α=0.01,96% strength of the correlation(2) the correlation mastery of vocabulary(X2) with writing argumentation ability (Y) has a correlation coefficient of 0.9781, significant at level α= 0.05 and α=0.01,the strength of association of 95.7%; (3) the correlation of writing interest X1) and mastery of vocabulary (X2) with writing argumentation ability (Y) has a correlation coefficient of 0.9853, significant at level α= 0.05 and α=0,01, the strength of the correlation 97.1%. The research findings are (1) there is a positive correlation between writing interest and writing argumentation ability, (2) there is a positive correlation between mastery of vocabulary and writing argumentation ability, (3) there is a positive correlation between writing interest and mastery of vocabulary with writing argumentation ability. Based on the findings above, it is concluded that writing argumentation ability can be increased by upgrading the writing interest and mastery of vocabulary.

Keywords: Writing Argumentation Ability, Writing Interest, Vocabulary Mastery


Indonesian language skills divided into four aspects, namely: listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. As one of language skills, writing has an important part in the daily activities of every human being. By doing writing activities, one can express an idea, an idea or a feeling that he had so other people can feel what is thought and felt by the author. Ideas, thoughts, or feelings conveyed through writing can be used as new knowledge or information to the reader. Knowledge or information that can add insight or even change the mindset of the reader thus forming a better mindset. Besides being able to pour new ideas, writing activities also have several benefits including trained to think systematically, trained to think logically, can also boost interest in reading. Trained to think systematically and logically can be done starting from determining the main idea will be written. Next, the author can develop the topic into broader topics such as the development of paragraphs or discourse. So that the writing can be understood and is rich in information, the authors _____________________________________________________________________ Fahrurrozi, Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia,

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0 can look for references that support. By conducting a search of relevant literature will train and familiarize authors read that will further foster interest in reading. Writing had been developed would need to be published to the desired place for example the publication of a newspaper or for assignment lectures or schooling.

In connection with the above, to make someone skilled in writing is not easy. someone will be able to evolve towards

better if it is always done on an ongoing basis. Continuously writing exercise is one way that can be done to develop a

person's ability to produce good writing. However, writing activities are not the only ability that can stand alone. Writing

skills a person can be combined with other language activities. Writing activities closely related to reading, productive

language skills that a person is able to do a writing activity after a person doing the reading.

Referring to the description above and the fact that happened in class V SDN 01 Ciputat South Tangerang

found many students who have difficulty in expressing ideas, ideas, and feelings into writing teacher instructed. In

addition, students also difficulty in stringing words into a cohesive and coherent sentences. Here are also found the

students have not been precise in spelling, word choice. These things became the basis of the difficulties faced by

students in writing, especially writing argumentation.

Based on a review of research, the cause of the inability of the student in writing due to low student motivation

in writing. Writing is boost motivation is inside and outside the student in influencing the willingness and ability of the

students in writing. Thus students’ writing motivation is needed to be seen, so that teachers can use to be the priority

improvement of the learning process. In addition, the motivation to write can be improved by familiarizing teachers to

give awards to follow up the success of the students in writing argumentation.

Other possible factors may affect students' ability to write the argument is the mastery of vocabulary. With

the good vocabulary at the student will have an impact on results of written arguments he wrote, with aspects of

denotation, connotation, idioms, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, homograph, hypomini and polysemy.

By mastering the vocabulary, students will also be able to write their writing argumentation well.

Based on the above, the argument allegedly writing skills fifth grade students of elementary school 02 Ciputat

South Tangerang related to interest in writing and vocabulary mastery. More specifically, the problems in the following


1. Is there a correlation between writing interest and writing argumentation ability of students’ fifth grade of Elementary

School 02 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan?

2. Is there a correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing argumentation ability of students’ fifth grade of

Elementary School 02 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan?

3. Is there a correlation between writing interest and vocabulary mastery with writing argumentation ability of students’

fifth grade of Elementary School 02 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan?


Writing Argumentation Ability

Writing is an activity to produce words that form sentences that are interrelated so that it becomes a discourse. Writing

is an activity of delivering messages (communication) with the use of written language as a means or medium (Suparno,

2006: 1.3) .Message is the content contained in an article that is represented in symbols of language that can be seen

and agreed by its user. Someone has an idea in his mind, then the idea is expressed in the form of symbols that become

known as the writings (the result of the activity of writing). The idea of a person in written form can be easily understood

by others who read. By reading and writing this grew an communication. According to Pamilu, writing is activities

(2007: 89) of the entire right and left brain hemispheres, as well as beneficial to optimize the potential of a person.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0 Right brain's role in the activity of writing is very important because the right hemisphere is the place to raise motivation,

new ideas, emotion, and passion. Left hemisphere functions for planning, grammar, editing, research and logic.

As according to Goldberg (2005: 30), writing is a process that generates creativity and will strengthen your

consciousness about the world around. With the writing activity, a person is expected to be sensitive to the situation

around. Sensitivity to the circumstances surrounding a person can take the form of words strung together into a story,

pouring routine circumstances surrounding the story can enhance one's creativity.

Ruth G. Strickland (199: 383) says writing is a composing process involving the interaction of both cognitive

and physical skills (writing is the process of merging in which there is an interaction between cognitive and physical

abilities). Cognitive ability present in the child's brain or mind combined with the physical ability to fine motor work

while writing can produce a good and interesting article. Ideas, opinions even experience can be used as a basic

ingredient of cognitive ability in writing which then gets an update with the provisions of good writing.

Based on the understanding of the capabilities writing above, the purpose of writing skills is the skill, power

or attempt to commit an action of writing as a result of the nature or the exercise represents a language that is understood

by a person, so that other people can read the symbols which is the idea or person's thought who writes it.


Writing interest is one dimension of the affective aspect. As other affective aspects, interests affect one's

thoughts and actions. Interests can be a driving force of someone to act. Hurlock (2005: 114) states that interest is a

source of motivation to encourage people to do what they want when given the freedom to choose. Based on the opinion,

interest is a source of motivation. Appropriate source of motivation, interest in becoming a motivating factor for

individuals to perform certain actions. The action is an action that is desired by the individual. The desire of individuals

to perform certain actions must come from within themselves and not from the result of coercion against a particular


Interest is more like the taste and sense of attachment to any thing or activity, without being told (Slameto,

1985: 180). Interest as an internal feeling in a person also indicates that interest is one aspect of an individual's

personality or character. Personality partly reflected in such things as doing something to like, what favored and what

is appreciated. Interest is a sign of personal activities, from experience gained by someone. It could be said that a person

who likes activities either student or student organization, indicating that it is the individual personality is active and

able to socialize with their environment.

Interest may be reduced or increased, depending on the stimulus provided. The greater the stimulus is given,

the greater the interest of the students' writing is. Iskandar (2004: 9) states that interest is the effort and the willingness

to learn and look for something. Writing is not the impetus that comes spontaneously, but needs to be pursued. It requires

effort and strong from teachers and students to develop interest in writing. Effort and willingness of teachers and

students should be balanced. When there is an imbalance, then the interest in writing is difficult to be realized.

It can be concluded from the principle that a person who concerned in a positive sense on an activity, for

example, writing activities, it can be said that a person has an interest in the activities of writing.


Vocabulary according to Richards and Renandya (2002: 74) states vocabulary is also an important core of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. vocabulary is central to

the proficiency and provides an overview of how well the students can speak, hear, read, and write. Basic vocabulary

is the words that are not easily changed or charged very little likelihood of other languages, for example, " farmer and

dance " words.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0 There are some principles or guidelines that can be used as consideration by teachers in teaching vocabulary. Wallace

(1982: 27) describes the principles or guidelines in teaching vocabulary, which include: aims, quantity, need, frequent

exposure and repetition, meaningful presentation, presentation situation, and presentation in the Wallace context. From

the Wallace's opinion, in the teaching of vocabulary needs to consider: destination, quantity, needs frequent exposure

and repetition, presentations which have meaning, the presentation of the situation, and the presentation that has context.

Tarigan (1993: 3) describes how children acquire words, based on two ways: 1) they hear the words of the parents, an

older child, playmates, television, radio, playground, shops and shopping centers , 2) their own experience. They say

things, they eat it, they feel it, they smell it, they drink it. Their vocabulary is limited only by their experiences and the

models available.

Many things need to be kept in mind that the word learning in students can be managed in accordance with the objectives

to be achieved. Teachers, especially Indonesian teacher should enrich the vocabulary of learners, to search for the right

technique so that vocabulary learning objectives can be achieved. Tarin (1993: 3) describes how the development of

vocabulary through: (1) the exam tests, (2) user context, (3) synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, (4) the origin of the

word, (5) affixation, (6) root, (7) style, (8) the expression proverb, (9) literature, (10) words and spelling, (11) semantics,

(12) using a dictionary, (13) a play on words.

Furthermore, Tarigan (1993: 16) suggests expansion of vocabulary can be divided into two, first by listening to the

words of others, friends, parents and children, TV and radio, the latter by way of experiencing themselves through,

stating , kissing objects. Meanwhile, according to Keraf (2006: 67) by expanding the vocabulary is through the process

of learning, dictionaries, through a synonym, antonym, homonym, figure of speech and semantics. Based on the above

opinion the authors conclude that, one of the most important ways is through the process of learning, a lot of reading

and through the dictionary is a very important role in developing and expanding one's vocabulary.

Research Hypothesis

Based on the definition and explanation of the theory in the study of the theory of the above, it can be formulated

hypothesis of the study as follows:

1. There is a correlation between writing interest and writing argumentation ability.

2. There is a correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing argumentation ability.

3.There is a correlation between writing interest and vocabulary mastery with writing argumentation ability.


This study aims to determine whether there is a correlation of interest in writing (X1), vocabulary (X2) and the ability

of writing argumentation (Y). The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method of correlation

techniques. Population in this study is the fifth grade students of elementary 01 Ciputat South Tangerang with 260

students. The research sample was done by random sampling so that 50 students was selected as the study samples. The

instrument used in this study were questionnaire for writing interest (X1) , vocabulary mastery (X2) using multiple

choice test, and writing argumentation ability (Y) using the writing test. Data analysis techniques used simple correlation

and multiple correlation test.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0 RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

1. Research Results

a. Data Description

The following are descriptions of data covering on the number of samples, mean, median, mode, standard deviation,

variance, range, highest value (maximum), and the lowest value (minimum).

Table 1. Calculation of Basic Statistics variables X1, X2, and Y

Variable Y Variable X1 Variable X2

N Valid 50 50 50

Missing 0 0 0

Mean 33.84 50.00 31.80

Median 34.00 50.50 32.00

Mode 35 49a 33

Std. Deviation 3.443 9.975 3.488

Variance 11.851 99.510 12.163

Range 14 40 14

Minimum 27 29 25

Maximum 41 69 39

Sum 1692 2500 1590

b. Testing Requirements Analysis

Testing requirements analysis was performed to predict whether data homogeneous and normal distribution.Testing

homogeneity was using Bartlet test, while normality by using chikuadrat.

(1) Testing Normality

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

Table 2

Results for Test Output SPSS of Variable Normality

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Y X1 X2

N 50 50 50

Normal Parametersa,,b Mean 33.84 50.00 31.80

Std. Deviation 3.443 9.975 3.488

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .075 .060 .077

Positive .075 .057 .077

Negative -.072 -.060 -.075

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .532 .425 .545

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .939 .994 .927

a. Test distribution is Normal, The value is absolute table = 0,192

From the output of data analyzed by SPSS 17 is seen that the test results of One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov

(KS) data is not significant or greater than 0.05, the variable Y = 0.939; variable X1 = 0.994; and X2 = 0.927

(α = 0.05 a table value = 0.192); while a observed Y = 0.075, X1 = 0.060, and X2 = 0.077. It can be concluded

that the variable Y, X1 and X2 above have the normal distribution.

Based on Table 2 above, shows that testing the normality of the data obtained with the value of KZ = 0.640

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.808. Because Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, it can be concluded that the data are

normal (Pratista; 2002). Based on Table 2 above, shows that testing the normality of the data obtained with the

value of KZ = 0.640 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.808. Because Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, it can be concluded

that the data are normal (Pratista; 2002).

(b) Testing Homogeneity Test of homogeneity of the data using Levene's test of homogeneity Test. the test

intended to test the homogeneity of variance between groups Y scores are grouped by similarity scores X1 and

X2. Testing homogeneity score data Y, X1 and X2 using homogeneity Chi-Square test with SPSS 17 which

outputs the results of the analysis can be seen in the picture below.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

Tabel 3. Homogeneity Test results with Chi-Square

Test Statistics

Y X1 X2

Chi-Square 10.600a 8.080b 9.400a

df 14 32 14

Asymp. Sig. .717 1.000 .805

a. 15 cells (100,0%) have expected frequencies less than. The minimum

expected cell frequency is 3,3.

b. 33 cells (100,0%) have expected frequencies less than The minimum

expected cell frequency is 1,5.

Criteria for homogeneity Chi-Square test is (1) based on the Chi-Square (X 2), if X2 observed > X 2 table2, then

H0 is rejected and if X2 observed > X 2table, then H0 is accepted; (2) based on the significance, if the

significance < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and if the significance of > 0.05, H0 is accepted.. Thus, from the output

data using SPSS 17 can be concluded that with the 0.05 value of Chi square count <Chi square table (X 2observed < X2 table), namely: Y = 10.600 < 23.685; X1 = 8.080 < 46.194; and X 2 = 9.400 < 23.685 and

significance > 0.05, then Y = 0.0717 > 0.05; X1 = 1 > 0.05; and X 2 = 0.805> 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded

that the three variables, namely Y, X1 and X2 has a homogeneous distribution of the data.

Table 4 Summary of Test Results Homogeneity of Variance (Chi-Square)

No. Variance df 𝑿𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒈𝟐 𝑿𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒍

𝟐 (0,05) explanation

1 Variable Y 14 10,600 23,685 𝑋𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑2 <𝑋𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙

2 (homogen)

2 Variable X1 32 8,080 46,194 𝑋𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑2 <𝑋𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙

2 (homogen)

3 Variable X2 14 9,400 23,685 𝑋𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑2 <𝑋𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙

2 (homogen)

c. Research Hypothesis Testing

1. A correlation between writing interest and Writing Arguments Ability

The first hypothesis proposed in this study suggests that there is a positive correlation between interest in

writing (X1) with the ability to write arguments (Y). From simple linear regression analysis resulted in the

direction of the regression coefficients b1 = 0.337 and the constant a1 = 16.99, it can be described by the

regression equation Y = 16.99 + 0,337X1. To determine the significance of simple regression and linearity test

performed by test F . F Calculation results can be seen in the table below.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

Table 5: Significance Testing ANOVA and Regression Linearity (Y) = 16.99 + 0.337 X1

Source of

Variance db JK RJK Fh Ft(0,05) Ft(0,01)

Total 50 57838

Regression (a)

Regression (b/a)










0,4936 1128,498∗∗ 4,04


Total reduction 31





0,4512 1,1456𝐧𝐬 2, 146 2,99

The regression equation suggests that any increase in interest in writing scores (X 1) will cause an increase in

the ability to write arguments 0.337 score (Y) at 16.99 constants, the correlation between the X 1 and Y with

the regression equation y = 16.99 + 0,337 X 1 can be described in the form of correlation model of the following


Figure 1

Simple Linear correlation between Writing Interest (X1) and Writing argument ability (Y) Based on the

calculation of correlation significance test (ry1) can be stated that the coefficient of correlation between interest

in writing with the ability to write argumentation ry1 = 0.9798 is significant at the level α = 0.05 and α = 0.01,

while the X1 variable explains Y is 0.9600 , it can be stated that the variables X1 can be explained by a 96% Y

so, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between writing interest (X1) and the ability to write

arguments (Y).










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Ŷ = 16,99 + 0,337X1

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

2. A correlation between Mastery of Vocabulary and Writing Argumentation ability. The second hypothesis

proposed in this study suggests that there is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery (X2) with the

ability to write arguments (Y). From simple linear regression analysis resulted in the direction of the regression

coefficient b2 = 0.965 and the constant a2 = 30.687, then it can be described by the regression equation Y =

30.687 + 0.965 X2. To determine the significance of simple regression and linearity test performed by test F.

F calculation results can be seen in the table below.

Table 6. ANOVA Significance Testing and Linearity Regression Y = 30.687 + 0,965X2

Source of

Variance db JK RJK Fh Ft(0,05) Ft(0,01)

Total 50 57838

Regression (a)

Regression (b/a)










0,5304 1046,88∗∗ 4,04


Total Reduction 13





0,6277 0,4276𝐧𝐬 2,07 2,83

The regression equation suggests that any increase in vocabulary scores (X2) will cause an increase in the ability

to write arguments 0.965 score (Y) at constant 30.687, forms the connection between X2 and Y from the

regression equation Y = 30.687 + 0,965X2 can be described in terms of the correlation model the following

picture this.

Figure 2. Outline Simple Linear Relationship Mastery Vocabulary (X1) with Writing Ability argument (Y).

Based on the calculation of correlation significance test (ry2) can be stated that the coefficient of correlation

between vocabulary with the ability to write argumentation ry2 = 0,9781 is significant at the level of 0.05 and 0.01,











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Ŷ = 30,687 + 0,965 X2

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0 while X2 explains Y is 0.9567, it can be stated that X2 can be explained by Y for 95.7% So, it can be concluded that

there is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery (X2) and the ability to write argumentation (Y).

3. A correlation between writing Interests and Vocabulary mastery with writing argumentation ability.

The third hypothesis proposed in this study suggests that there is a positive correlation interest in writing (X1)

and vocabulary (X2) with the ability to write arguments (Y). From multiple linear regression analysis resulted

in the direction of the regression coefficients gandab1 = 0.182 and b2 = 0.457 and konstantaa0 = 10.21, it can

be described by the regression equation multiple Ŷ = 10.21 + 0,182X1 + 0,457X2.To determine the significance

of multiple regression and linearity done F. test F test calculation result can be seen in the table below.

Table 7. ANAVA Significance Testing and Linearity multiple Regression Ŷ = 10.21 + 0,182X1 + 0,457X2

Source of

Variance db JK RJK Fh Ft(0,05) Ft(0,01)

Total 50 57838

Regression (a)











0,3602 782,61∗∗ 3,19


Multiple regression equation suggests that any increase in interest in writing scores (X1) and scores of

vocabulary (X2) together will lead to a rise 0.182 and 0.457 jointly writing argumentation ability scores (Y) at

10.21 constants. The correlation between the X1 and X2 with Y from multiple regression equation y = 10.21 +

0,182X1 + 0,457X2 can be depicted in the following picture.

Based on the calculation of correlation significance test (ry.12) can be stated that the coefficient of correlation

interest in writing and vocabulary mastery with the writing argumentation ability ry.12 = 0.9853 is significant

at the 0.05 and 0.01 level, while variable X1 and collectively X2 explain Y at 0.9708, it can be stated that the

variables X1 and X2 together can be explained by Y at 97.1% so, it can be concluded that there is a positive

correlation of writing interest (X1) and vocabulary mastery (X2) together with the writing argumentation ability


Discussion of Research Findings

Discussion of the research findings will be described as follows.

writing interest (X1) has a significant correlation with the Writing argumentation Ability (Y). The first

hypothesis testing results expressed that writing interest has a positive correlation (X1) with the writing

argumentation ability (Y). This is evidenced by a simple linear regression equation Y = 16.99 + 0,337X1, ry 1

correlation coefficient = 0.9798, and the coefficient of determination ry2 = 0.9600. That is, that the contribution

of the influence of interest in writing (X1) on the ability to write arguments (Y) by 96%, while the remaining

4% is influenced by other variables not included in this model. Thus, it can be higher or positive expressed

interest in writing the higher the ability to write the argument, conversely the lower writing interest the lower

the writing argumentation ability.

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

Vocabulary Mastery (X2) has a significant correlation with the Writing argumentation Ability (Y) Results of

testing the second hypothesis states there is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery (X2) and the

writing argumentation ability (Y). This is evidenced by the linear simple regression equation Y = 30.687 +

0.965 X2, ry i correlation coefficient = 0.9781, and the coefficient of determination ryi2 = 0.957. That is, that

the contribution of the influence of vocabulary (X2) on the ability to write arguments (Y) amounted to 95.7%,

while the remaining 4.3% is influenced by other variables not included in this model. Thus, it can be stated

higher or positive vocabulary higher the ability to write argumentation, conversely the lower vocabulary

mastery the lower the writing argumentation ability.

writing Interest (X1) and Mastery Vocabulary (X2) Together Has Significant Relationship with Writing

argumentation Ability (Y)

The third hypothesis testing results expressed interest in writing has a positive correlation (X1) and vocabulary

(X2) together with the ability to write arguments (Y). This is evidenced by the linear regression simple equation

Y = 10.21 + 0,182X1 + 0,457X2, ry i correlation coefficient = 0.9853, and the coefficient of determination ryi2

= 0.971. That is, that the contribution of the influence of writing interest (X2) on the ability of writing

argumentation (Y) amounted to 97.1%, while the remaining 2.9% is influenced by other variables not included

in this model. Thus, it can be said that higher or positive expressed interest in writing and vocabulary higher

the ability to write the argument, conversely the lower interest in writing and vocabulary the lower the ability

of writing argumentation.

Contributions variable of writing interest and vocabulary mastery together is greater than the contribution or

variable contribution individually. Where interest in writing to give a contribution of 96% of the ability to write

vocabulary argumentation and contribution of 95.7% to the writing argumentation ability. This means that the

ability to write the argument would be better if they have an interest in writing and high vocabulary.

By looking at the contribution of writing interest and vocabulary mastery greatly to the ability of writing

argumentation, it can be concluded that the higher writing interest and vocabulary mastery you have, the higher

the ability of writing argumentation.


1. Conclusion

Based on the description above data it can be concluded that: First, there is a positive correlation between

writing interest (X1) and the ability of writing argumentation (Y).

Secondly, there is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery (X2) and the ability writing argumentation


there is a positive correlation of writing interest (X1) and vocabulary mastery (X2) with the ability of writing

argumentation (Y).

2. Recommendation

Based on the conclusions described above, it can be suggested as follows:

Firstly, students can have a positive interest in writing, should be supported by various parties to provide

positive support either the agency or agencies, teachers, students, and government. the main support is based

on teachers and students, how the learning has always developed in two minds, the emotional mind and rational

Proceedings of Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

10 - 11 December 2015, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-90-0

thought or the act of thinking and action of feeling, because the two measures will form a mental process that

results, namely: more responsible , assertive, sociable, helpful, tolerant, attentive, caring environment,

harmony, democratic, and skillfully resolve conflicts.

Secondly, in the teaching of writing teachers should provide opportunities for students to directly write different

topics. This is done to equip students recognize various experiences and reveal experiences through writing.

Thus, students can find out the similarities and differences which is characteristic of each topic.

Third, reshaping the role of schools, namely by building a school culture that make the school into a "caring

community" where pupils feel valued, cared for, and have a bond with classmates, teachers, and the school



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