the cob september / october / november 2017...2 september / october / november 2017 state regent...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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Deacon John DeStazio

St. Joachim’s Catholic Church

900 West Broadway

Plainview, MN 55964

District Deputy

Janet Ryan

P.O. Box 31

Zumbrota, MN 55992



Rita Young

10229 County Rd. 41

Plainview, MN 55964



Karen Reinschmidt

720 3rd Avenue NW

Plainview, MN 55964


Recording Secretary

Jean Klavetter

460 2nd Street SW

Plainview, MN 55964



Sharon Durgin

250 East Broadway

Plainview, MN 55964


Financial Secretary

Jessica Andring

302 2nd Avenue NW

Plainview, MN 55964



September / October / November 2017 The Cob (Kernels of information with Christ On Board)

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Plainview, MN — No. 497— Plainview, MN 55964

Newsletter Editor: Jean Klavetter — 460 2nd Street SW, Plainview, MN 55964 — Email:


Deceased members of our Court—especially Rosie Miller—may they rest in


Our priests, deacons, and lay ministers.

Our seminarians—Gregory Sauer and David Trout (St. Paul Seminary), John Braun, David Maslow, and David Lewandowski (St. John Vianney College), Matthew Goldammer (Pontifical North American College), and Robert Scanlon (Immaculate Heart of

Mary Seminary).

The unborn.

Sisters M. Jennifer and M. Sara (Angela Carlson’s


Sister Emmanuel Schmidt (Linda Schmidt’s daughter).

Kathy Steffen, as she battles cancer.

Sandie Heimerman, who has been diagnosed with

liver cancer.

MISSION STATEMENT: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love, in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.

MOTTO The purpose of the organization is to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational Apostolates of the Church. Catholic Daughters of the Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their God-given talents in a meaningful way to positively influence the welfare of the church and all peoples throughout the world.


She is a common ordinary woman.

She loves her God and church.

She loves her family and cares for them in a most loving way.

She loves her community — because without faith, family, and friends, she stands alone and lonely.

She is mature (over 18) in mind and spirit.

She follows the motto of Unity and Charity by working for the church, family, and community.

By her membership, many charities are supported in the state, national, and local levels.

State Regent Comments:

Evonne Seivert


Honoring Mary: Our Blessed

Mother 2

Comments from Our Regent:

Rita Young 3

October: Month of

the Holy Rosary 4

Annual Day Trip: Pilgrimage to St. Philomena



Upcoming Events 6

Laughter: Best

Medicine 7

Game Time — The Saints Word

Search 8


September / October / November 2017

State Regent Comments

Choose joy! Rejoice! This is the day the Lord hath made.

What’s the first thought you have when you wake up in the morning? Do you raise your arms and yell, “It’s great to be alive!” Or, do you say, “Thank you, Lord, for a new day?” Or, possibly, “Thank you, Lord, for this life you have given me?” Or, do you moan, cover your

head with the blankets and sigh, “’s another day and I need more sleep?”

Ultimately, we take the lead role in our own well-being and happiness. God lays out a plan, but we must take action to carry out that plan. The decisions and choices we make in our lives directly influence the quality of our lives and the lives of those around us. One saving grace is that we do know, however, that Jesus will never leave us. Now that is something to rejoice about! “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Rev. Mick Wilcox asks, “Do you realize that, no matter what is going on, you still have a choice...either what you do, or how you react? You may not like what happens, but there is still a choice. There is always a choice.”

God gives us free will. He has a plan for us and, hopefully, we take the higher path and serve Him. It is so easy to get upset, say unkind things, or think unkindly towards someone who is different from us. God’s Spirit can guide us, so invoking the Spirit is a great plan. Let’s make each day special. Choose to seek joy and rejoice

over even the little miracles God sends us each day.

In Unity and Charity, Evonne Seivert, MN State Regent For more State CDA information, visit our website:

State Regent, Evonne Seivert

—Excerpts taken from Bishop John M. Quinn’s article “Our Blessed Mother” in the August 2017 Courier—

Dear Friends in Christ,

Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was on the cross, entrusted His Blessed Mother to us to be our mother as well. Mary always wants what is best for us and is ready to quickly come to our aid. She is also the perfect model of humility, obedience, and acceptance of God’s will. Mary shows us by example how to say “yes” to the Lord,

for no matter what God asked of her, the Blessed Virgin’s response was “Let it be done unto me according to Thy will.” Thus, in honoring Mary, we not only show respect to Christ’s mother and our heavenly mother, but we also hold her up as an example of faithfulness and discipleship for all of us to emulate.

On August 15th, the Church celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when our Blessed Mother was assumed body and soul into heaven. We celebrate another

important day in the life of our Blessed Mother on September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Along with Jesus and St. John the Baptist, Mary is one of three people whose birthdays we celebrate in the course of the Church year.

Growing in our relationship with Mary will only lead us closer to her son—to Jesus through Mary!

~ Bishop Quinn ~

September / October / November 2017


The shorter days and cooler temperatures signal another change of season. Change is something that, for some, is difficult to embrace and, for others, is exciting and refreshing. While keeping the status quo can be comforting, I enjoy experiencing new adventures and exploring different ways to do what has always been done.

Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone to grow as a Catholic Daughter? I challenge you to help me and my

outstanding officer team to make CDA Court 497 bigger and better. We have ideas about focusing our monthly meetings less on “business” and more on the Circle of Love topics (Spiritual Enhancement, Quality of Life, Family, Youth, Education, Leadership, and Legislation). However, we need you to give a little of your time to help us make that happen. Can you make a phone call to contact a speaker to give a presentation at one of our meetings? Can you, yourself, present information about a group or organization that you are active in which would be of interest to your CDA sisters? Will you join a committee to plan a Mother-Daughter-Friend event? Will you reach out and invite someone to join our organization? Think about ways you can make us better and do not hesitate to contact any of the

officers with your ideas or suggestions.

Speaking of change, starting in September the time of our monthly meetings will change with a start time of 6:30PM with the Rosary (we previously began at 6:45PM). Also, this newsletter will now be published quarterly to reduce our mailing expense (it was previously published six times per year). Between newsletters, we will communicate time-sensitive information by Email and the calling tree. We will also put the meeting minutes out on the St.

Joachim Parish website.

Lastly, our fundraising season begins with cinnamon roll sales on October 7th and 8th. Thank you for your help and support of this important project. We are also planning two breakfasts after 8:30AM Mass at Immaculate on October 22, 2017, and the other on January 28, 2018. I need volunteers to help at these two events. Donations of egg bakes, muffins, or other breakfast

items would also be welcomed and appreciated.

I look forward to another wonderful year of working

in unity and charity with all you faithful women.

Blessings! Rita Young, Regent

Plainview Regent, Rita Young

Comments From Our Regent — Plainview Court


September / October / November 2017

October is the “Month of the Holy Rosary.” The following is some trivia regarding the rosary:

The word “rosary” originally meant “crown of roses,” which is a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The Catholic rosary is a devotional tool that adults and children use to recite a series of the prayers that illuminate the central core of Catholic faith. It is a string of beads that practitioners use to keep track of a series of prayers recited in a particular order.

The string of beads you sometimes see people holding as they pray is called a “rosary,” which comes from the Latin word “roserius,” meaning “garland of roses.” The word “bead” comes from an Old English word “biddan,” which means “to pray” or “to entreat.” Using beads to pray dates back to early Christianity, when clergy members would use knots or beads to help keep track of prayers. When we pray the rosary today, we are using the beads and other parts of the rosary to do the same thing—to help keep track of our prayers.

The Catholic Church traces the invention of the rosary to the year 1206 C.E. when an apparition of the Virgin Mary revealed it to St. Dominic Guzman. The rosary was a helpful way for St. Dominic to teach members of the Catholic Church about the important stages in the life of Jesus. Many people in Europe were illiterate and, therefore, unable to learn about their religion through books.

Many Catholics believe that, if they faithfully say the rosary, Mary (the mother of Jesus) will fulfill 15 promises she made to St. Dominic, the preacher who first brought the rosary into widespread usage in 1208. Notable among these promises is if you recite the rosary, you will have Mary’s “special protection” and the “greatest graces.” Additionally, you will “remain in the grace of God.” Praying the rosary causes “virtue and good works to flourish.”

The Rosary at Fatima — Catholics believe that, in 1917, an apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children every month from May to October and she prayed the

rosary with them. By the final time, a crowd of 70,000 people had gathered to witness the vision of Mary. The people there at the small town of Fatima, Portugal, observed the sun move around the sky in a highly unusual way, and the muddy ground suddenly became dry. These events increased the significance of the message Mary reportedly gave the children: “Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world.”

The mysteries of the rosary:

The Joyful Mysteries — said on Mondays and Saturdays, the Sundays of Advent, and Sundays from Epiphany until Lent.

1. The Annunciation 2. The Visitation 3. The Nativity 4. The Presentation 5. Finding in the Temple

The Sorrowful Mysteries — said on Tuesdays and Fridays and daily from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday.

1. Agony in the Garden 2. Scourging at the Pillar 3. Crowning of Thorns 4. Carrying of the Cross 5. The Crucifixion

The Glorious Mysteries — said on Wednesdays and the Sundays from Easter until Advent.

1. The Resurrection 2. The Ascension 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. The Assumption 5. The Coronation of the Blessed

Virgin Mary

The Luminous Mysteries (Mysteries of Light) — said on Thursdays.

1. The Baptism of Jesus 2. The Miracle at Cana 3. Proclamation of the Kingdom 4. The Transfiguration 5. Institution of the Eucharist

September / October / November 2017


On August 2nd, 16 members from Court Plainview and 3 guests joined about 35 other CDA sisters from Courts St. Mary Peter and St. Charles on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Philomena in Briggsville, Wisconsin. Deacon Paul Tschann, Chaplain of Court St. Mary Peter, organized the pilgrimage and he was a

wonderful host throughout the day.

The group travelled to Briggsville in a coach bus, praying a patriotic rosary along the way. We were welcomed to St. Mary Help of Christians Church (located

next to the shrine) by Susan Hilliard, caretaker of the shrine. Deacon Paul conducted a communion service, followed by a presentation by Susan describing how a first-class relic of a saint found a

home in Briggsville, as well as her amazing interaction with St. Philomena throughout her life.

After a visit to the shrine, a delicious lunch was enjoyed at a restaurant owned by Susan. Various religious articles related to St. Philomena were available for purchase at the restaurant. The next stop on the trip was the Fawn Creek Winery where the group had the opportunity to taste

9 different wines, which was topped off by shopping in the onsite store.

The trip was awesome and it provided the opportunity to get to know Catholic Daughters from

other Courts. Deacon Paul suggested doing a joint trip again next year and all were in agreement!

Monday, 9/4 Labor Day

Friday, 9/8

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday, 9/18

Rosary, Meeting, & Lunch St. Joachim’s / St. Anne’s Hall

Rosary @ 6:30 p.m. & Meeting @ 6:45 p.m. Lunch Committee: Joanie Lyons (Chair),

Darlene Miller, & Kathy Schmidt

Friday—Sunday, 9/22—9/24 St. Joachim’s Fall Festival—St. Anne’s Hall

Chicken dinner Sunday, 9/24 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Check the bulletin for additional events/times.

Sunday, 10/1 Immaculate Conception

“All You Can Eat” Dinner Immaculate Conception Church Basement

11:00AM to 2:00PM

Saturday & Sunday, 10/7 & 10/8 St. Joachim’s & Immaculate Conception Project: Cinnamon Rolls After Masses Committee: Monica Thompson (Chair);

Judy Anderson, Mary Cummins, Barb Haley, Dianne Johnson, Kris Miller, & Bea Rahrmann

Saturday, 10/14

National CDA Celebration @ 4:30PM Mass Theme: “Serve the Lord with Gladness”

(Psalm 100:2)

Saturday & Sunday, 10/14 & 10/15 All Churches

Project: Habitat for Humanity Gummi Bear Drive

Committee: Jean Klavetter (Chair) 4:30PM Mass (St. Joachim’s): Jessica Andring,

Darlene Goergen, Joyce Heaser, & Bea Rahrmann

10:30AM Mass (St. Joachim’s): Jessica Andring, Elaine Martin, Linda Schmidt, & Rita Young

8:00AM Mass (St. Patrick’s): Rosy Krier &

Betty Cronin

8:30AM Mass (Immaculate Conception): Joanie Lyons & Darlene Miller

Monday, 10/16

Rosary, Meeting, & Lunch St. Joachim’s / St. Anne’s Hall

Rosary @ 6:30 p.m. & Meeting @ 6:45 p.m. Lunch Committee: Officers

Sunday, 10/22

Project: Breakfast at Immaculate Conception Committee: TBD

Tuesday, 10/31


Wednesday, 11/1 All Saints Day

Thursday, 11/2 All Souls Day

Saturday & Sunday, 11/11 & 11/12

St. Joachim’s & Immaculate Conception Project: Cinnamon Rolls After Masses Committee: Sharon Schouweiler (Chair); Helen Bates, Deb Blattner, Joyce Heaser,

Joann Klavetter, Elaine Martin, & Rosy Krier

Monday, 11/20 Mass/Memorial Service for Deceased

Members — 6:30PM Officiant: Father Becker / Deacon John

Coordinator: Rita Young Meeting to follow Memorial Service

Lunch Committee: Mary Lou Petit (Chair); Rosemary Koenig & Sharon Schouweiler

Thursday, 11/23

Thanksgiving Day


September / October / November Upcoming Events

September / October / November 2017

May / June 2015 Newsletter


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September / October / November 2017

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A farmer was driving along the road with a load of fertilizer. A little boy, playing in front of his house saw him and called, “What have you got in your truck?”

“Fertilizer,” the farmer replied.

“What are you going to do with it?” asked the little boy.

“Put it on strawberries,” answered the farmer.

“You ought to live here,” the little boy advised him. “We put sugar and cream on ours.”


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