the co-op revolution: 7 rules for collaborative game design

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D ©2014 All Rights Reserved

The Co-op Revolution7 Rules for Collaborative Game Design

What is a game?

a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that

results in a quantifiable outcome** Source: Rules of Play

Zero-Sum Game

We are opponents

I Win You Lose

Head-to-Head Battles War Simulations

Rank-Ordered Competitions Gambling

Here’s Another Kind of Game

a structured experience with rules and goals that’s fun to play together*

* Source: The Player’s Journey (forthcoming)

We are partners

Non-Zero-Sum Game


Martial Arts Charity Walk

Double Dutch Pictionary

Three Disruptive Trendsre-shaping the gaming industry

Why Should We Care?

Trend #1: Ubiquitous Connected Devices

platform disruption

Source: DFC Global

In 2014, PC revenue surpassed console

Source: Digi-Captial Global Games Investment Review

All growth in general-purpose devices

Audience disruption

Trend #2: Mainstream, all-ages players

93% of kids 8-13 play games online

women 55+ fastest-growing Facebook demo

Source: M2 ResearchSource: Inside Facebook

Trend #3: mutual entertainment / UGC

Content disruption

where is the Blue Ocean in this

shifting landscape?


Battle Zombie Hoards Together

Fight-n-Heal Together

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesSolve Puzzles Together

Explore Ancient Ruins Together

Make Music Together

Dance Together

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesBuild Virtual Cities Together

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesDo Real-World Science Together

Fund a Game Together

“In first week of 2014, $400k paid out content creators”Source: Valve

Create an Economy Together

The Coop Revolution is Here*

*it’s just not evenly distributed

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System

Tackle protein-folding science puzzles

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesSurvive the Night to Learn the Basics

Join Forces to Fund a Project

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Shared Outcomes

3D puzzles in 2-player co-op

Shared Score in 2-Player Coop

Self-organized Puzzle-Solving Team

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Create Shared Outcomes3. Inter-dependant Roles

Drums, Bass, Guitar, Vocals

Fighters & Healers

Dedicated Players earn ability to judge & punish bad behavior

Judges & Enforcers

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challenges

Expert players fill community curation & leadership roles

Writers & Editors

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Shared Outcomes3. Inter-dependant Roles4. Coop Social Gestures

Mutual Recharging

Coordinated Movements

Hug & High-5

Kudos for Teamwork

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Shared Outcomes3. Inter-dependant Roles4. Coop Social Gestures5. Shared Resources

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesShared (Mutable) Environment

Shared SuperPowers

If you’re near someone you both fly longer & further

Remixable Action Figures

If your friend comes over, you can re-mix pieces

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Shared Outcomes3. Inter-dependant Roles4. Coop Social Gestures5. Shared Resources6. Non-Zero Stats & Spotlights

Community Stats

Collective Achievement

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesTopical Spotlights

progress badges earned by a group, rather than individuals

Clan Emblems

Medic Achievement

Earned during 4-player co-op if you revive everyone

7 Rules for Coop Design1. Compete with the System2. Shared Goals & Outcomes3. Inter-dependant Roles4. Coop Social Gestures5. Shared Resources6. Non-Zero Stats & Spotlights7. User-generated Content

addictive streams of bite-size content

Regulars need fresh content/activities/challengesSkyscapers & Cities to Explore

Don’t need to play the game to see the results – thanks, YouTube!

Player-created Items to purchase

earn $$ by creating in-game wearables

Creative Videos to Watch

Once upon a time...

... a girl had a transformative experience...

... and they played happily ever after

Not everyone is motivated by

zero-sum mechanics

Games shape how we see the world

Seize the opportunity

Think Co-op First

Team Co-op

Dan Cook@danctheduck

Michael Molinari@OneMrBean

Chelsea Howe@manojalpa

Amy Jo Kim@amyjokim

Sandie Richards@sandierichards

shout-out to my co-conspirators

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