the cell cycle. life cycle of a cell before a growing cell becomes too large it divides the division...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The Cell CycleThe Cell Cycle

Life Cycle of a CellLife Cycle of a Cell

Before a growing cell becomes too large it divides

The division results in two essentially identical cells called “daughter cells”.

Prior to division the cell replicates all of its DNA.

Replication solves the problem of information storage, each daughter cell receives its own genetic information

Why would it be important that the cell copies itself before dividing???

What would happen if a cell split into two without copying itself? Would both sides survive?

Phases of MitosisPhases of Mitosis


In interphase the DNA in the nucleus is in a loose stringy form called chromatin

DNA replication takes place, copying itself to get ready for mitosis


During prophase chromosomes become visible, centrioles take position on opposite sides of the nucleus

Nucleus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down


Chromosomes begin to line up across the center of the cell

Each chromosome is now connected to a spindle fiber at its centromere


The centromeres that join the sister chromotids separate creating two individual chromosomes

Chromosomes continue to move until the have separated into two groups near the poles of the spindle


The chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell

Chromosomes begin to lose their distinct shape

Two new nuclear membranes form


Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm

Occurs at same time as telophase (not a different step in mitosis)

Done a little different in plant and animal cells

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

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