the capulets

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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The Capulets. By : Friar Lawrence. Juliet. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


THE CAPULETSBy: Friar Lawrence


Juliet was raised by her nurse. The nurse was the only one who cared about Juliet and who she was. Her parents just had her for their social standings to make themselves look like wonderful parents, even though they really didn’t care about her. Until she met Romeo, whom really did love her and it showed on both faces.


Juliet’s father was full of himself. He really only cared about money and status. He really only cared about the presentation him and his family have. He hits Juliet and Lady Capulet when things don’t go his way. This shows how he really doesn’t show emotion for anyone but himself.


Lady Capulet is more of a party girl. She really didn’t give a care about Juliet. After Lady Capulet had Juliet, she gave her to the nurse to raise and watch after, while Juliet grows up. Lady Capulet seems to enjoy telling Juliet what she will do and who she will marry, which isn’t the case for Juliet.


Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin, who is very rude and non-emotional. He really only cares about his social status by getting cool cars and thinking he is all that when he really isn’t. After Tybalt’s death, everyone thinks that Juliet is mourning over the loss of Tybalt, even though she really doesn’t seem to care.


The nurse was really the only one who gave a care about Juliet. Nurse raised her from birth and was like a mother to her. Juliet told the nurse basically everything. The nurse wasn’t focused on social standing like everyone else. She truly cared.

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