the cabin in the woods

Post on 21-Aug-2015



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The cabin in the woods

First scene

The first scene shows different depictions of human sacrificing. From Aztec to Egyptian. It sets the moos to be dark and horrifying as more and more images rise of people killing other people. The music is low drums and an ominous sound over it, to drive the sensation of darkness and helplessness into the audience. The scenes are also shown in blood to make it seem that they are showing from the recently sacrificed.

Second scene

As the music builds in drops and this shot comes on. It is a complete contrast as it is light hearted and has the words enjoy written on it. Compared to the previous shot, this is nicer and is and attempt and being funny. It is done to try and show how human sacrifice might have some thing to do with the film.

Third scene

We then switch back to a wide shot which shows two people in a lunch room dressed in suits. This is to situate the idea that these two work in an office and do their job here. If comparing scene 1 and this scene , we could draw the conclusion that their job is human sacrifice and they might have to do things in order to do it. They have ID badges and are middle aged so they probably work behind a desk.

Fourth scene

We now get a shot of a hall with people dressed in white coats like the two men. We can then assume that they all work on the same thing. This then suggests that a lot of people could potentially be on a big secret. The colour contrast is greater and there is no music playing like there was in the first scene. Each door looks like an office door which means that there are quite a lot of people working here.

Fifth scene

Here we see that there are small carts to take people around. This opens the question how big is the facility if it needs carts and it implies that the facility is under ground because if it was above ground the it couldn’t be supported. The people are also talking about having a secret deal with countries and how some have pulled out. This then asked what is the secret deal and does it have something to do with human sacrifice.

Sixth slide

Now the title pops up suddenly with a scream as well. This has been done in order to scare the audience who are watching the movie as they will not expect it. It is bold and red. The red can relate back to the first scene as that was almost pure red. We can see the two men in the background and they don’t looked fazed but bored.

Seventh scene

We are now introduce to this new character. She is an artist as the pictures around her show and she dress correctly. Everything on her self is tidy and in its place, making the audience think that she is tidy. She seems to be packing to go on a trip which could have something to do with what the two people where talking about the scene before.

Eighth scene

We now meet yet another character. This girl is obsessed with how she looks because she gets insecure if people don’t like what she looks like. She is more interested in having a boyfriend and sex than anything else. She shows this of as she talks to the other girl about getting a boyfriend and sleeping with him. So we have now met two different types of people that are both friends.

Ninth scene

We are now introduced to this typical man who does sport as we can see by his build and by the ball in his hand. He is most likely the blonde girls boyfriend, so we can assume that because this film is based on stereotypes that he doesn’s know anything and doesn’t like being told what to do.

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