the brigade newsletter issue 48

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The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade Newsletter Issue number 48 (July 2008).


Magazine of The Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade

July 2008 No 48

A Company Limited by Guarantee No 1395966

Registered Charity No 276821

Two new

Companies in

the last

twelve months –

another starting in

September and two

Churches talking

with us about the

possibility of new

Companies by

2009. It’s that kind

of interest that has

convinced us that

we must offer the

Brigade as a

relevant and

vibrant vehicle for

ministry among

children and young

people in today’s


Aided by funding

from the Faith


Capacity Building

Fund, John



Regiment) and

Martin Lambourne

have developed a

DVD presentation

to encourage

Parishes to see the

Brigade as a

serious option for

their mission to the

young. The video

features Laura

Turner, an Officer

in the Alperton

(North London)

Company and a

member of our

British Olympic

Team in Beijing this

Summer. It also

includes a


from our National

Chaplain, Bishop

Jack, as well as a


guide to what

makes the

Brigade tick.

This DVD,

together with a

booklet on

‘Starting Up a

Company’ and

samples of our


and training

resources, will

be available for

distribution in


We hope to get

it into the

hands of as

many Parishes

as possible,

but we need


Companies to

back up any

new contacts

that are made with

offers to welcome

enquirers to their

own Company

nights as well as

offering what

support they can in

setting up new

Brigade ventures.

Our numbers may

be down, but our

sights are set on an

upward trend of

growth and

development with

your support and a

new marketing tool

at hand.



Going for Growth!



Moor versus Roman on the streets of


St Mary’s Wombwell enjoying a visit to the National Coal Mining Museum in Wakefield.

Members of the NHQ family meet Sergeant

Bunny from Big Earswick.


A pictorial

overview of the

Church Lads’

and Church

Girls’ Brigade

events, awards,


and community-

based activities





5 - 7 YEARS

7 - 10 YEARS

10 - 13 YEARS

13 - 21 YEARS

Good Luck Laura Turner at this

Summer’s Olympics.




HERE& THEREPictures from St Mary’s Beverley Centenary

As some of you

may already be

aware, my wife

Sarah passed away

after suffering a seizure

on Tuesday 20th May


To those of you who

have already written to

me and my family,

concerning our sad loss,

I am most grateful to

you for your thoughts

and prayers at this time.

Having been married for

48 years, indeed most

of our lives, Sarah and I

have shared many

happy years together

and have a wonderful

family, with our children

and grandchildren, who

are a great support to

me at this time.

Sarah and I recently

celebrated our wedding

anniversary and then my

birthday, both very

enjoyable and

memorable occasions at

the time, and even more

so now.

I am pleased that Sarah

was proud of the

Brigade and my role as

your Governor, and that

she accompanied me on

many of my visits to

Brigade activities, most

recently the Centenary

Celebrations and

Service for St Mary’s

Beverley Company, both

of which she thoroughly


I send my good wishes

to you all for the coming

summer months of

Camps and other

Brigade activities, your

own holidays and the re-

opening of your

Companies after the

school holidays.

Anthony Baker,


Governor's Message


The Annual



Service will be held in

the Chapel and the

Brigade’s Memorial

Garden, at the

National Memorial

Arboretum, at 2pm

on Saturday, 8th

November 2008. It

will once again

commence with a

Band performance

from 1.30pm.

All Brigade members

are invited to attend.

As the Chapel only

holds approximately

100 people, it will be

necessary to issue

(freely available)

tickets to those

indicating that they

wish to attend the

Service. Please

contact Headquarters

if you wish to attend,

indicating the number

of tickets required.

There is much of

interest to see at the

Arboretum and there

are parking and

catering facilities

available on site.

As we intend to use

the Annual


Service as an

opportunity to

showcase the talent

of the Brigade’s

members and to give

various Companies

and Formations

opportunities for

involvement, we are

grateful that St Mary’s

Hinckley Band has

agreed to perform at

the 2008 Brigade



Annual Brigade Remembrance Service November 2008

St Mary’s Hinckley performing at this year Brigade Band


As I am writing this

message it is the

last day of May

and there have been

floods in Somerset!

Where to start and what

to include? So much

has happened since my

last message.

Well, we were turned

down yet again for any

Government funding,

whilst some of our

sister, and very similar,

organisations continued

to receive such funding

(in their case, repeat

funding). We do not

have any animosity

against those who did

receive funding but we

question why CLCGB

still does not receive

such funding. Indeed,

we think that all such

organisations should get

this funding. But why

does Her Majesty’s

Government not fund

our organisation, the

only uniformed youth

organisation of the

Established Church?

Her Majesty is Head of

The Church and,

coincidentally, Patron of

the Church Lads’ and

Church Girls’ Brigade.

(We are also advised

that the Government

has not provided such

funding to the Church of

England nationally, so

that it will need to make

one of its only two

National Youth Advisers

redundant.) This at the

very time that we read

reports that the Prime

Minister is advocating

that more schools have

Cadet Corps, “Gordon’s

Army” as the press

reports it.

So, I have now written

twice to the Prime

Minister to enquire why,

on the one hand, he

appears to be

advocating the

importance of

organisations such as

ours, and why, on the

other hand, his

Government will not

provide such modest

funding, 7 pence per

member per day, to

sustain an organisation

like ours, that generates

one adult volunteer per

two young members

and provides thousands

of voluntary hours of

children’s and youth

work per year; delivering

on the Government’s

own agenda of Every

Child Matters and its

various reported criteria

of positive and

meaningful engagement

with children and young

people, providing

creative and worthwhile

activities and direction.

To date, no reply! Read

into that what you will!

I have already been

contacted by one

Commanding Officer (a

Government supporter)

asking if I will provide an

information pack, such

that he may lobby his

local MP about the

reasonableness of

providing us with

support. In real terms,

our NHQ funds will run

out in less than two

years, unless we are

able to improve our

financial situation. Thus

the national dimension

of our organisation is

seriously under threat

and we risk

disintegration into simply

a series of standalone

and self-sustaining local

groups, without any

national or HQ structure.

So we must continue

with the process of

trying to raise funds

from grant-making trusts

and other such bodies,

as well as continuing

trying to sell or lease

our Headquarters’

premises. Our builder is

keen to get on with

developing the site and

he reports that the

banks are prepared to

lend him the money to

develop our car park,

the Vicarage and the

training centre but

require him and his co-

directors to put up their

own homes as security,

which they are not

willing to do; or for us –

a charity – to guarantee

the loan to the bank, so

its risks are covered!

We continue to work

with another Christian

children’s and youth

work charity, keen on

obtaining our

headquarters but which

is not itself cash rich but

whose directors are

willing to sell their own

homes to part-finance

the purchase of the

whole site.

Additionally, we have

entered into dialogue

with the local authority

and voluntary sector

groups about potential

options for our facilities

becoming available to

their local communities.

So we are trying a

variety of options to

achieve the funding we

need, not just for the

Brigade to survive but

so that it may grow.

As may be seen

elsewhere, we have

now completed version

one of our DVD and the

accompanying booklet is

being written, such that

our Start-up Pack, will

be freely available to

Parishes without any

organised work with

children and young

people in their local


The Brigade Secretary's Message

Y Team games - Ulster style.


community, thus,

promoting the Brigade,

encouraging its take up

and illustrating how to

get a local Company off

the ground.

Whilst our latest returns

showed a further decline

in numbers, we are able

to report on newly

established Companies

and, potentially, a

second Company in

Wales. Ultimately, this

has to be the proof of

whether or not the

Brigade is still seen as

being relevant; will

Parishes opt for CLCGB

in preference to other

means of working with

their local children and

young people?

Our auditors finally

completed their audit

and we were able to get

our Accounts to both

Companies’ House and

the Charity Commission

by the due date.

However, this wasn’t

without much additional

work required by NHQ,

because of the number

of active and dormant

Companies and

Formations that had not

filed their Accounts and

Returns with us, long

after the due date and

despite several

‘reminders’. Well, with

the year-end looming,

we are going to have to

repeat the exercise all

over again, so I request

all Companies and

Formations to get their

Accounts and Returns

to us by the due dates


In the last issue of The

Brigade magazine we

reported on the

Centenary celebrations

of the CLB at St

Martin’s, Castleton,

Rochdale. The format of

a three day celebratory

weekend seems

infectious, as St Mary’s

Beverley celebrated

their Centenary over a

similar time span and

great it was too. The

Friday evening saw a

display reminiscent of

the Royal Tournament

that used to be televised

from London each year

when I was a child.

Saturday evening was a

dinner and dance, with a

superb band, a disco,

and drums and bugles

of the Royal Marines -

with ex-Brigade

members. On Sunday

there was a special

Church Service and

Parade, including a

strong contingent of

former Brigade

members and with the

Salute being taken by

the Lord Lieutenant and

the Governor.

Throughout the week, a

special, highly

professional and

edifying exhibition about

the CLB, CGB and

CL&CGB was held in

The Treasury at

Beverley, reportedly the

most visited exhibition

that The Treasury had

ever mounted.

The Centenary

celebrations in Beverley

were all the more

poignant as this would

be the last time that

Sarah Baker would

accompany our

Governor, Anthony

Baker, to any Brigade

events. Sarah attended

both the Friday

evening’s display and

the Sunday morning

Service and Parade,

thoroughly enjoying

both, very different,

celebrations. Sarah’s

funeral was held on a

warm and sunlit morning

in the little Church of St

Peter’s, Letwell. As with

Sir Desmond’s funeral in

a similar village Church,

there was standing

room only.

Anthony was flanked by

his children, grand

children and other family

members, for a Service,

largely following Sarah’s

own stipulations – she

was always well

organised and well in

advance – with humour

injected by Tim and

Patricia, Sarah and

Anthony’s children, as

they recounted features

of their mother’s life and

involvements. Then

Sarah was laid to rest in

the adjoining

Churchyard, in the

grave of their infant son,

who had died in 1966.

For Sir Desmond’s

funeral, The Governor,

Hon Treasurer and

Brigade Secretary

represented the

Brigade; with former

Deputy Governor, Ted

Storey and former

Brigade Secretaries

Stewart Creswell and

Tony Reed Screen and

their wives also present.

I attended Sarah

Baker’s funeral to

represent the Brigade,

my uniform causing

much speculation – I

was even asked if I was

the High Sherriff! But

the wife of Canon

Matthews, who

conducted the Service,

recognised it

immediately and came

to talk about her time

with the Brigade, when

she could only be an

Hon Member, as their

town just had CLB not


For both Sir Desmond

and Sarah, the

overriding sense of their

funerals was of

celebration of Christian

lives well lived, that they

were people who gave

great service, were well

loved and respected,

and who in turn loved

people, especially their

own families, and their


The Brigade Secretary’s Report continued from page 5

Royal Tournament - Beverley style!

The Brigade

Chaplain, Bishop

Jack, is to retire

from his role as Lord

Bishop of Sheffield on 9th

June 2008. He and his

wife Judith, who have two

sons and two daughters,

will make their new home

in the Peak District and,

we are pleased to say,

Bishop Jack will continue

as Brigade Chaplain.

Bishop Jack became the

Sixth Bishop of Sheffield

in 1997, having

previously been Bishop of

Lancaster. His ministry

spans 40 years and there

was a Eucharist of

Thanksgiving for his

Priesthood on the Feast

of St Columba, 9th June

2008 in Sheffield

Cathedral and the

Cuttlers’ Hall,

accommodating the

overflow and the after

Service Reception.

Representatives of many

faiths were present at the

Service, as was the Lord

Lieutenant and Bishop

Jack’s History teacher

from his primary school

days! All stages of Bishop

Jack’s life and friendships

were represented,

including the then 13 year

old Server who helped

Bishop Jack as a then

Curate in Salford, whilst

Celebrating his first

Eucharist after

Ordination; only that

Server is now Dean of


Bishop Jack’s prescription

for the Christian Faith?

Prayer and Parties!

Born in Rossendale,

Lancashire, son of a

bakery worker, when

Bishop Jack became a

Member of the House of

Lords, he was intrigued to

see that sitting across

from him was a childhood

friend from Rawtenstall,

only now she was a

Baroness! Not bad for

valley folk – as we say in


Bishop Jack’s

involvement with the then

Church Lads’ Brigade

goes back to his time as

Curate (1969–72) at All

Saints and Martyrs,

Langley. This was a

newly built Church,

designed to serve the

large ‘overspill estate’

being created to house

families displaced under

the ‘slum clearance’

programme in

Manchester. The

legendary Canon

Whitsey, incumbent at

that time and later Bishop

of Chester, had

established a large CLB,

such that each of his

three Curates

Commanded a separate

CLB Company, with each

one heading up their own

Company as they

Paraded around the Belle

Vue Speedway track,

venue for the Manchester

Regiment’s famous

Annual Parade. Photos

from those days still have

pride of place in Bishop

Jack’s study. Bishop Jack

stayed on at Langley as

Vicar (1972-78) and most

of his ministry has been

in Lancashire,

Manchester, Salford and

Yorkshire. He fondly

recalls several former

CLB members from

Langley who entered the

Ministry. Besides

remaining as Brigade

Chaplain, Bishop Jack

will continue as Prelate of

the Order of St John,

taking him on regular

visits to Jerusalem. He

also comments that his

wife, an accomplished

Dancing Teacher, has

plans for them to take up

ballroom dancing. Bishop

Jack is not quite so

certain about that one!

We wish Bishop Jack and

Judith a long and very

happy retirement.






Bishop Jack

Phone home.

Bishop Jack with teddies.

Following the

elections, at their

April 2008 meeting

Brigade Council said

farewell and thank you

to retiring members

Martin Stubbs (North

Eastern Representative)

and Stewart Lewis

(South Eastern

Representative); and

Kyle Spence (Youth


Manchester Regiment)

who, having reached the

age of 21years, was

ineligible to stand for re-

election. In their place

they welcomed new

Members: Cath O’Gara

(from the North West

but occupying the

vacant South East

Region seat) and

Andrew Bruton (from the

North East but

occupying the vacant

Wales and South West

Region seat) and our

two Youth

Representatives: Laura

O’Gara (Manchester

Regiment and younger

sister of Cath O’Gara)

and Gareth Campbell

(Lincoln Diocesan


Additionally, Brigade

Council decided to

extend the number of

Co-options to Brigade

Council, taking account

of the loss over recent

years of those members

appointed by the

Incorporated Society, at

the time that Brigade

Council was established

as its successor body.

Co-opted members

bring external view

points and experience to

the work of Brigade

Council and the

Brigade. Brigade

Council also accepted

the nomination of two

new Co-opted Members:

Professor Nicholas P

Gair, Cert Ed,

BEd(Hons), ACP, MA,

MSc, PhD, CGeog,


Executive of the

Association of Surgeons

of Great Britain and

Ireland, Chairman of the

London Youth Trust and

Visiting Professor to the

Carnegie Faculty of

Sport and Education at

Leeds Metropolitan

University, who is a well

qualified and

experienced outdoor

education author,

teacher and practitioner,

being, amongst other

roles: National Director

of the Duke of

Edinburgh’s Award Wild

Country Assessor

Accreditation Scheme

and a Member of the

Risk Management

Committee of the

Outward Bound Trust.

John E Smith is a

former member of the

Church Lads’ Brigade in

Manchester and is now

Director of a successful

and specialist human

resources and business

systems company

based in the Midlands.

John is most

enthusiastic about the

benefits of the Brigade

in the lives and

development of young

people and has never

forgotten the positive

impact the Brigade and

its leaders had on his

young life, with the

development of a range

of disciplines, skills,

team-working and

talents, and his belief in

his ability to succeed.


Officers’ Conference

It is some time since

we held a National

Conference for

Brigade Officers,

Leaders and Helpers

and we think it is high

time that we did so

again. So it is being

planned for Friday 20th

to Sunday 22nd

February 2009

inclusive and will be

based in Manchester,

principally at Luther

King House in


The format of the

Conference is being

planned to include

sessions for those who

want to arrive on Friday

afternoon/evening. On

Saturday we will be

joined by our Brigade

Chaplain, Bishop Jack,

and we hope that it will

prove possible for us to

hold a Communion

Service and

Conference session at

a Church in


It is intended that

Saturday afternoon will

provide some free time

for those attending

(and spouses, etc if

also in attendance) to

sample the attractions

of Manchester’s city

centre. There will be a

Conference Dinner on

the Saturday evening,

along with ‘Brigade

style’ entertainment.

On the Sunday

morning there will be a

Church Service and

Parade to and from

Holy Trinity Platt, led by

the Tameside Battalion

Band. Following lunch

there will be further

Conference sessions

and with the

Conference close

aimed for 4pm.

Please put the dates in

your diary. We are

hoping to achieve

financial support for the

Conference, such that

costs will be minimised.

A warm invitation is

extended to Officers,

Leaders and Helpers

(and spouses, etc are

welcome to accompany


Brigade Council

Brigade NHQ

regularly receives

enquiries from

Companies seeking

supplies of second-hand

uniforms and

equipment, particularly

but not exclusively the

more traditional

varieties. If you, as an

individual, or your

Company or Formation,

have items of uniform

surplus to requirements,

we would be pleased to

receive them at NHQ.

We regularly recycle

uniforms and both the

Governor and Brigade

Secretary wear their

predecessors’ uniforms,

and the Training and

Development Officer

sports a uniform

donated by a former

Brigade Chaplain!

We are currently under

request for ladies’

traditional Brigade

uniform items and both

leather and

white plastic

belts, drum

slings, etc.

So please

check out


wardrobe, loft

or Company


cupboard and

let us know at

NHQ what

you have

available; we

can usually




Surplus Uniform

Band Instruments

Following our

recent appeal,

we have

acquired a collection

of redundant and

surplus band

instruments – mainly

side drums, tenor

drums and bass

drums, valve-less

trumpets and bugles –

mostly in reasonable

to good and usable

condition but with

some items requiring

repair/TLC. These

items are now

available from our

loan stock, to assist

new Companies in

forming bands and

existing Companies

requiring additional

band instruments or

training items. All

instruments are

available on a three

monthly renewable

loan, as against

supply and demand


Intentionally, the

instruments are

available on loan until

Companies can afford

their own

replacements or the

instruments are

required elsewhere.

If you have or know of

redundant or surplus

band instruments,

where Companies

have ceased to exist

or no longer have a

band, or have surplus

instruments that they

are willing to loan or

donate to Brigade

NHQ’s loan stock,

please contact the

Brigade Secretary.

On Saturday the

10th of May

The Seniors

from the Ulster

Regiment held their

second annual raft

race at The Lough

Shore Antrim. The

weather and the

conditions were

perfect for the event

with the sun reflecting

on a calm Six Mile


The event was to be

run in 2 heats and

then a final under the

watchful gaze of the

safety boat from

Antrim Boat Club.

Amongst the first heat

was the only Officers’

crew, who were

confident of victory.

The horn sounded

and the craft set off,

within seconds the

Officers hit problems

with their craft taking

on water. (There is

some suspicion of

sabotage as others

were observed in the

vicinity of the raft with

a drill.) However the

Officers battled on,

taking the first turn too

tight and promptly


Once righted the

Leaders battled back

only to see St

Elizabeth’s from

Dundonald streaking

ahead in the QE1½,

who comfortably came

first in the heat with

the Leaders clinching


The second heat got

off to a better start

with all the crews

making it off the

beach and into Six

Mile River proper.

Broomhedge made it

a comfortable win;

with one of the crews

from St. Hilda’s putting

on a display of

“doughnuts” for the

spectators, whilst their

other crew came a

close second.

It was tense as the

crews from St Hilda’s ,

St Elizabeth’s and

Broomhedge lined up

for the final heat and

as the horn sounded

the crews were neck

and neck round the

first turn. As the crews

entered the straight,

Broomhedge began to

edge-ahead with St

Elizabeth’s losing all

sense of direction,

and ramming the far

bank. Broomhedge

continued to pull away

but as they made the

final turn around the

buoy, St Hilda’s made

a spurt, trying to pass

Broomhedge on the

outside but it was too

late, Broomhedge

held St Hilda’s off to

pick up the blue

winners pennant for a

second year in a row.

The Brigade would

like to thank Antrim

Boat club for

supplying the safety

boat and also the first

aiders from St John’s

Ambulance; without

whose support the

event would not be


To find out more about

the work of the Ulster

Regiment The Church

Lads’ and Church

Girls’ Brigade visit

their website at:



The Ulster Regiment’s Second Annual Raft Race

Martin Lambourne

writes -

The Brigade is a

great vehicle for


young people to the

possibilities of Living

on a Large Map.

Sports and Band

Competitions at

Battalion, Regimental

and National levels,

together with National

Band and Choir

concerts, tours,

camps, residentials,

days out and Duke of

Edinburgh Award

expeditions all help

our members to meet

new people and see

new places.

That’s also true of

events such as our

Family Weekend at

Butlins in February

and Spring Adventure

at Easter. They

deserve more support

as they are exciting

events which bring the

Brigade Family

together in special


At NHQ, we have

been exploring further

ventures to expand

our Brigade family

programme. So, here

are a couple of new

opportunities to tempt

you to look further


Have a family

week on the

Mediterranean in


Having returned to

Murcia in May, I have

been shown some

more great resources

for a stay on the

shores of the Mar

Menor at Los


David Urion, our man

in Spain, took me to

see an activity centre

with a residential

facility right on the sea

shore. This centre is

run by qualified youth

and activity leaders

and has facilities for

water sports outside

the front door as well

as organising beach

sports like volleyball

and trips out to other

attractions in the


The nearest road is

two hundred yards

away from the beach

and this part of the

Mediterranean is non-

tidal as it is a twenty

mile wide lagoon, so it

is as safe as these

locations can be.

Walking back along

the avenue from the

beach, you come to a

large hotel just before

the first road – an

ideal place for adults

and families who don’t

want dormitory


Across the road from

the hotel is a

shopping precinct,

complete with

newsagent run by a




Widening our Brigade Horizons



Outdoor Pursuits at Los Alcazares.

30 minutes drive away

is Cartagena, a

historic sea port city

where Hannibal began

his trek across the

Alps with his

elephants brought in

from North Africa. The

city has a Roman


extensive cultural and

retail interest and boat

trips from the bustling

port area. With other

fascinating historic

towns and cities

nestling in the hills

away from the sea,

there is so much of

interest for anyone of

any age.

David, who lives

nearby, is an ex-

policeman, ex-youth

worker who is able to

arrange coaches and

visits as required. All it

needs is for the

Brigade to go and

enjoy the environment

and all it has to offer.

So, what about a

Brigade Family trip in

the Autumn of 2009?

Interested? Give me a

call/text/email at NHQ

or on 07796697369.

Fancy a DofE

Open Gold


in the Sierra

De Espuna

in 2010?

Less than an

hour from

Murcia (San

Javier) airport

and you are

into the Sierra

rising to 1600

metres. It’s an

ideal location

for an

expedition, with

campsites and



through the extensive

Natural Park and

Forest area.

If anyone is

interested, I am happy

to talk with DofE HQ

about setting up an

Open Expedition. Any

older Seniors


How about a

Youth Exchange

with our Brigade

Family in the

eight dioceses of

North Kenya?

Our Dormanston

Company has already

twinned with Thika

Diocese and is

supporting some of

their work where the

Brigade is flourishing.

I am now planning to

go to Kenya in April

2009 to offer training

to the Brigades in the

eight dioceses of the

Regional Province

north of Nairobi.

On my agenda will

also be the possibility

of arranging

exchanges of older

Seniors between their

dioceses and our

Diocesan Formations.

They are very

interested in such an

exchange. It would

mean hosting some of

their young people

over here as well as

being hosted in

Kenya. Such

experiences can be

life-changing, and no

young person can fail

to have their horizons

expanded by such a


So there are the

opportunities and

challenges that have

developed recently.

There may be more!!


Widening our Brigade Horizons continued from page 11

Roman Amphitheatre by the port of Cartagena.

DofE Gold terrain in the Sierra De



New Resources for the Y Team ProgrammeFrom September we have available the last

resources which Kathleen Boyland was working on

before she left us. They are two different ideas for

the Y team Databox.

The Gospel Rocky Kids’ Club is a concept

Kathleen developed in association with

a Church Army Roadshow

called Gospel Rocky.

It is different from the other resources

in the Databox,

but has a wide ranging

sessional programme

ranging from Abraham

to Jesus.


New Resources cont...

The other unit is under the

Exploring God’s World banner

and is an outdoor based

programme looking at the

environment around the local

church. It links in with the JTC

material on the Eco Friendly


We’ve enclosed some sample

pages to give you a taste of what

is on offer...



Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Training Day - Saturday December 13th

We have been saddened to hear of the following losses within our Brigade fellowship and

send to the families our heartfelt condolences. “May the souls of the faithful departed,through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise again in glory.”

Mrs Sarah Baker. (see Governor’s message on page 4 and Brigade Secretary’s message

page 6)

Mr Len Robson. (81), 1st May, Shotton, Durham Regiment.

Mr. Stuart Mellish (50), 25th May, served in St. Andrew’s, Denton Company.

Stuart met his wife Gill on a DofE Gold Expedition in the 1970s. Gill also served the Brigade in

the Manchester Regiment. Our condolences to Gill, Paul and Andrew.

In Memoriam

Expeditions and Assessor accreditation and training has been revamped by The Award and we

are keen to keep up to date with guidelines and training requirements.

Our Yorkshire and Humber Regional Office has kindly agreed to join us for a Training Day on

Saturday, December 13th at NHQ, Wath.

The day will begin with refreshments at 9.30

am for a 10.00 am start and finish at 3.30


Lunch and all refreshments will be provided.

All involved in or interested in running DofE

programmes are invited to join us for the day.

A booking form for the day is included in the

Summer mailing.

The form will give you the opportunity to offer

other issues for the day’s agenda which you

would like to be addressed


A Time to Reflect by Martin Lambourne

Bishop Jack, was ordained 40 years ago on June 9th. His retirement Eucharist as Bishop of Sheffield was

a moving service as he handed over his Bishop’s Crook to the Dean of the Cathedral after over ten years

as Pastor Pastorem.

His sermon focussed on the character of the Priest which, for him, was summed up in the phrase, ‘you

have to know what it is like to be in the gutter as well as catching sight of the stars’. Bishop Jack will

continue his ministry in new ways in retirement and will, I believe, never cease to be a priest. Thankfully,

for us, he will continue to be our National Chaplain.

Jesus as Saviour and Lord, we are called to be priests to one another.

The late Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, who was

assassinated in 1980 while saying Mass knew both the gutter and the

stars. He lost his life because he dared to be a champion for the poor in

South America – the voice of the voiceless. He proclaimed that we are

all Priests – the taxi driver in his cab, the doctor, the market stall holder if

we work with honesty and faithfulness to Christ.

In the end our legacies are determined by who and what we are to

others, not how long we have served in whatever office or none. Bishop

Jack and Judith his wife are special people because of what they mean

to so many people on both sides of the Pennines and far beyond.

I hope that may be our legacies too – that we are judged to be special

people in our priestly offices.

Having been

ordained in the

Baptist tradition, I

still subscribe to

the New

Testament concept

of the Priesthood

of all Believers. I

suspect Bishop

Jack does too.

Which means that

when we are

called to follow

Bishop Jack requested that this prayer of St Columba be printed in

the service sheet of his Thanksgiving Eucharist on the Feast of St.


Almighty Father, Son, and

Holy Ghost,

eternal, ever blessed gracious


to me the least of saints,

to me allow that I may keep a

door in paradise.

That I may keep even the

smallest door,

the farthest, darkest, coldest door,

the door that is least used, the stiffest door.

If so it be but in your house, O God,

if so it be that I can see your glory even from afar,

and hear your voice, O God,

and know that I am with you, O my God.


Brigade Association

The Annual General Meeting

Saturday Oct 4th/5th 2008 – St. Mary’s Beverley


11am Arrival of Members.

11.30am- AGM

1pm- Lunch.

2pm- Display by Host Company.

Tea & Coffee at close of Display.

7.30pm- Evening Dinner at the Beverley Arms.

Sunday Oct 5th. Morning Service at St Mary’s.

Booking Form Reservations.




Telephone Number……………………..

E-Mail Address…………………………………….

We have arranged a weekend deal for accommodation at the Beverley Arms Hotel if anyone

wishes to stay for Friday/Saturday nights .

B&B £70 per double room or Dinner B & B £85 per double room per night.

Full English Breakfast will be served.

Saturday lunch only - £4 per head.

Details of the Evening Dinner menus will be sent on receipt of bookings.

To book- please send a deposit of £15 per room or money in full if only meals are required, with

your details and requirements to,

Brigade Association Secretary (Duane Trevena-Tow).

Cheques to be made payable to ‘Brigade Association’.

Note. Rob Bolton, Chairman of the Brigade Historical Group, was interviewed by the BBC Radio4 about the CLB in the First World War on Tuesday 22nd April at 3.00pm the edition was aboutMaking History. For anyone who had the chance to listen to it, your comments will be welcome.

We would also welcome articles, letters, comments etc. For inclusion in the next edition of LINK

which will be appearing in the Autumn issue of the Brigade Magazine.

Send items to:

Granville Higson

65 Edinburgh Drive


Wirral CH43 0RJ


On Saturday, 17th

May 2008 the

Brigade’s Bands’

Competition once again

took place at Hinckley

Leisure Centre,

Leicestershire. Bands

from various parts of the

country came together

in a superb display of

the talent of our young

members. Whether

Novice or Championship

category, the standards

were high and the

musical entertainment

excellent, to the delight

of the contingents of

supporters who formed

the audience. Standards

of dress and intricate

marching whilst playing

instruments were

exceptionally high.

Overall Championship

Band was St Mary’s

Beverley, in their year of

Centenary celebrations.

Last year the Mayor of

Hinckley was unable to

stay for the entire day

and this year organised

his diary so as to be

present throughout the

event; having enjoyed

last year’s Competition

so much. We are

grateful to the

organisers and judges

of the Competition, the

Bands, individual

performers and their

leaders for all the hard

work undertaken. A full

list of the results is

contained on page 20

and here’s a picture of

St Mary’s Beverley

Band, Championship

Class winners.


National Brigade Bands’ Competition

Let’s put things right!

In the March 2008

issue of The Brigade,

we ran a feature

Band of Brothers (and

Sisters!). One of the

pictures correctly

showed the

Championship Class

winners of the National

Bands’ Competition in

2007 but incorrectly

stated who they were! It

wasn’t “Beverley Band”,

as stated in the caption

but St Andrew’s New

Earswick Company

Band. So here’s a

photograph of them by

way of apology and


St Mary’s marching through Beverley.

St Andrew’s New Earswick performing at this years Brigade Band Competition.

Lads’ Five-a-Side Football

Group A

1st Manchester B & Beverley

2nd Manchester A

3rd Ulster

Group B

1st Chorley & Ribblesdale

2nd Ulster A

3rd Beverley

Group C

1st Ulster A

2nd Manchester

3rd New Waltham

Girls’ Five-a-Side Football

Group A

1st Chorley & Ribblesdale

2nd Beverley

3rd Manchester

Group B

1st Manchester A

2nd Manchester B

3rd Durham & Manchester

Group C

1st Cheltenham

2nd Chorley & Ribblesdale

3rd York


Group A

1st Chorley & Ribblesdale

2nd Beverley

3rd Manchester

Group B

1st Manchester A

2nd Manchester B

3rd Durham & Manchester

Group C

1st Cheltenham

2nd Durham

3rd Chorley & Ribblesdale

Novice Class

Best Band (Non-Valve)

1st St Peter’s &

St Lawrence’ Tameside

2nd St Marys’ Barwell

Best Band (Valve)

1st St Mary’s Barwell

Novice Inspection 1st St. Peter’s &

St Lawrence’ Tameside

2nd St Mary’s Barwell

Designed and Published by The Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade, 2 Barnsley Road, Wath-upon-Dearne, Rotherham, S63 6PY Registered Charity No 276821

Telephone (01709) 876535 - Fax (01709) 878089 - e-mail: - web site:

Printed by Dearne Valley Printers, Wath-upon-Dearne, Rotherham

National Competitions

We welcome photographs from all our Brigade events at all levels

Brigade Band Competition



results Football/Netball Competitions

Championship Class

Best Band (Non-Valve)

1st St Wilfrid’s Standish

2nd St. Mary’s Hinckley

Best Band (Valve)

1st St Mary’s Beverley

2nd St James’ Darwin

Contest and Championship Class


1st St James’ Brightlingsea

2nd St Peter’s Whetstone

Drum Major

1st St. James’ Darwin

Supreme Championship Band

1st St Mary’s Beverley

2nd St James’ Darwin

ContestBest Band (Valve)1st St. Peter’s Chorley

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