the bournemouth oratory in formation · 2019-03-11 · the bournemouth oratory in formation sacred...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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THE BOURNEMOUTH ORATORY IN FORMATION Sacred Heart, Bournemouth & University Catholic Chaplaincy

served by the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratorian Community of Saint Philip Neri

CONFESSIONS 20 minutes before each Mass. Wednesdays 11-12 noon. Also 1

st Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm.

Saturdays 11-12 noon & 4-5pm.

EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Parish Mass book page 114 (Psalter week 2)

Reading: Exodus 16:2-15; Ephesians 4:17-24; John 6:24-35

Sunday Bulletin

5th August 2018


Eucharistic Adoration: Sundays 6pm Benediction. Wednesdays 8am-12 noon. (1st Wednesdays 6pm-9pm, Benediction 8:45pm)

Saturdays 11am-12 noon.

Oratory: Mon-Fri 7am & 6pm. (Mondays 5:25pm)

Rosary: Monday-Saturday, after 12:15 Mass.

Blessing with St Philip’s Relic: Mondays after both Masses.

Sacred Heart Devotions: Fridays after 12:15 Mass.

Devotions to Our Lady: Saturdays after 12:15 Mass.


To have a Mass offered for your intention, take a Mass Intention envelope from the back of church and return it via the Sunday collection, or the Parish Office letterbox.

Help yourself to a grey explanatory leaflet.

Saturday 16:00 Confessions


Sunday 18:30 Hope 4 Food

Monday 18:00 Bellringing Practice 19:00 Alcoholics Anonymous 19:30 Sunday Mass Music Practice


18:30 Hope 4 Food 19:45 Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday 19:00 Narcotics Anonymous

Thursday 18:30 Hope 4 Food

No Parish groups or organisations meet during the holiday month of August. All resume in September.


Maria Piedade SH Correia: Our Lady

Neolita Gookol: St Joseph

For a Shrine Lamp to burn for your intention (£10 for 7 days) contact the Parish Office.

17:00 Vigil Mass: Holy Souls




08:00 Mass: Bang-As Family, Wellbeing

10:30 Mass: Jorge Pereira, RIP

12:30 Mass in Polish

16:00 Mass: Pro Populo

18:00 Oratory & Benediction

Mon 6th


07:30 Mass: Christina Allison, RIP

12:15 Mass: McCabe Family

Tue 7th

St Sixtus II, Pope & Companions, Martyrs (or St Cajetan or Feria)

12:15 Mass: For all Priests

Wed 8th

St Dominic, Founder

07:30 Mass: Oratory Benefactors

08:00-12:00 Eucharistic Adoration

11:00-12:00 Confessions

12:15 Mass: Zac Rees, Wellbeing

Thu 9th

ST TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS (Edith Stein), Martyr, Patron of Europe

12:15 Mass: Benedetto Di Adamo, RIP

Fri 10th


07:30 Mass: Oratory Vocations

10:00 Funeral of Robin Creighton

12:15 Mass: Fr John Warnaby, Thanksgiving

Sat 11th

St Clare, Foundress

10:00 Baptism of Nicole & Luisa Mellon & Laura Rodrigues

11:00 Holy Hour of Adoration & Confessions

12:15 Mass: Christa Schroeder, RIP

NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Parish Mass book page 117 (Psalter week 3)

Reading: 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:30-5:2; John 6:41-51

Saturday 16:00 Confessions

17:00 Mass in Portuguese/English: St Anthony




08:00 Mass: Pro Populo

10:30 Mass: For the Beatification of Carlo Acutis

12:30 Mass in Polish

16:00 Mass: Fr Brian Reeves, RIP

18:00 Oratory & Benediction


The Oratory Church is open daily 6:30am to 6:30pm on weekdays, on 1st

Wednesdays until 9pm, and from 7:30am at weekends.


Fr Dominic Jacob Oratory Moderator & University Chaplain Brother Andrew Wagstaff, Brother Francisco Hintikka

Fr Peter Edwards Parish Priest

Parish Office: 13 Post Office Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth BH1 1BB Parish & Chaplaincy Office open: Monday – Friday, 9am – 12 noon. Telephone: 01202 411140


Parish Deacon: The Rev’d Roger Carr-Jones Telephone: 01202 428451 Administrator: Sharon Head, Contact as above. Youth Ambassador: Adam Bussell: Email:

If EVERYONE does SOMETHING ~ then SOME people don’t have to do EVERYTHING.

This is what other ecclesial communities describe as “Every Member Ministry” where every member of a parish community is expected to do something - big or small - but at least something.

Unless we’re limited by age or infirmity, every member of our parish family should play at least a small part in the duties and chores of our family life, as mentioned at our recent Annual General Meeting (report of which will be in the September Newsletter).

PLEASE don’t decline if you’re asked (for example) , at a weekend Mass, to help take the collection, or bring up the Offertory Gifts, or hold the Retiring Collection baskets, or assist in some other small way. Saying “No!” is not part of our Catholic agenda… Christians say “Yes” to God, and to the things of God.

Sunday refreshments, after the 10.30am Solemn Mass, need some extra folk to assist. Thursday morning Church Cleaners also need some fresh blood - just give an hour, any time between 8.30 and 11am. All four weekend Masses need a boost of Welcomers (who come a bit early, give out Mass books and Bulletins etc, and tidy up afterwards). These and other jobs could be on a monthly rota - just once a month…

REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY GROUP (RAG) had a most encouraging initial meeting last Friday with nearly 20 parishioners offering their professional skills and practical experience to help realise the next two phases of our parish redevelopment programme of the Oratory House, and Bishop Philip’s vision for our Catholic Institute Halls. Watch out for more news.

SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (SVP) The next meeting is at 7pm on Monday 20th August, (in the Second Sacristy, access via the Church), and thereafter on 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, i.e. 3rd & 17th September, 1st & 15th October, etc.

OUR CATHOLIC SHOP is open on Sundays after the 10.30am Solemn Mass (11.30am - 12.30pm) for distinctly Catholic books and devotional articles. Located at the rear of the Catholic Institute hall, where home-made cake and coffee are also served. You can now also visit our Catholic Shop on weekday mornings, during Parish Office hours (9-12).

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION cut off date was 31st July. Six forms have still not yet been returned…

THE PARISH OFFICE is relocated (for a year) to:


immediately opposite Bristol & West House and Mploy.

The Oratory House and its Albert Road front door are now closed, following the recent asbestos and damp surveys. We await the asbestos removal, and then the major works. Please be patient during the upheaval.

WEEKDAY MASS COLLECTIONS: The Parish Finance & Fabric Committee, at its recent meeting, confirmed a much earlier decision to reintroduce collections at weekday Masses particularly for the many holidaymakers, occasional visitors, and those who come here on weekdays, but give their financial support where they worship elsewhere on Sundays.

THANK YOU to those who come here on weekdays, but worship elsewhere at weekends, who have made Standing Orders to give a portion of your offering to support this parish, in addition to your home parish.

Others are encouraged to follow this example. Just pick up a Gift Aid brochure from the back of church and return the form to our Parish Office.

STANDING ORDERS: A few people have kindly set up Standing Order forms, but not told us. While this is spotted on our bank statements, we have no idea from whom these amounts come and, importantly, whether the donation is eligible for Gift Aid (which, if claimed, will increase your donation by 25% at no cost to you). If you have set up a Standing Order without telling us, and are a tax payer, please inform the Parish Office so that we can update our records and give you a Gift Aid Declaration to complete.

VISITORS’ YELLOW ENVELOPES are being used by some of our regulars, but are intended only for those who visit on a one-off occasion, or only rarely. If you are a tax payer, and come to Sacred Heart at least once a month, please apply for your own box of weekly envelopes.

Thank you for last week’s Parish Collections:

Gift Aid Standing Orders £ 806.16 Gift Aid Weekly Envelopes £ 531.45 Non Gift Aid Standing Orders £ 67.43 Visitor yellow envelopes £ 50.00 Loose Cash £ 596.14 TOTAL £2,051.18

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