the baptist. -...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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T H J i * ^ T I S T ^


u X If.

V A l l l O i m AKKAIIW.

Vor Iho U H (Ivo y e a n Momphin U«a l»Mu r#i)iili/ MWnnolaft M (ho UHQ bf iR)pn>v«ro«Bt in «very (Uraollou $ho hM n U t o t i n r«di«t!n|i itt alm^iC «Torjr di rect ion,4 hioh t n t k a the who>t* oounlrjf and i)T m«rk<»t<» ti-lbutRrjr! m her In ono w t y or n i o t h w , and help to make her stroola prosont an aotlve oppearanoA tbo whole year throngb* Tlio branob road f rom the Iron Moiin-tatu road, Arkania f , ia the latest ao* qulHltlon, wbloh has J U B I bo^n ooin-ploled, and will orotn the river a t tbo Kaiisaa City roMl li)o Ino.

Bu t tbo year 1887 haa marked the greatoat proKrens in MempUi« perbape of sny year of her blatory, Tno bo-i r lnn lugof l l io yoar saw tbo ooniplo« tlou and equipment of three iJtrpo t railways, whlob have added much to the convflnionoo of lUe people in pa8H-lug f rom ono pa i t of the oify to an otbor. Tlioso railway* Iravoreoiuany nillos of Btrcoi, and br ing tho oxtroml-tlea of the city in ovory dlrootiou jinto easy and quick oomnjuuloatlon with okoh other.

Dur ing tho sunitiier and autii 'iin two ex ten 8 Ivo d u m m y railway lines have boon put In operation, extending ia ono diroctiun to Nonconnah crojk,a diatauct) of 11 vo inilas, and In anotliar direction to the r»co course, about the same distanco. Tncse br ing the re-mote Huburbs and t h e immediate country into hourly access to the oon tor of tho city, thus accommodating large numbera of people hi therto de-barred from cheap and convenient city traveling facilities.

Tbo Tenneateo Midland railroad, now in course of conatruotiou, will be completed to Memphis at no ver> ( l i sunt day, which will open a w a) of access to and f r o m a large distirict of wealthy and prosporaun c o u n t r j , and be of great benefit to this city, afc well as tho country t r ave r sed , in many waya.

W h i l r wr i t ing this tlio followinglt> tho Public Ledger is J a s t observed, which ia an Item of intelligence noi only of much interest to tho people o< M e m p h i s in par t icular b u t also t o th i general public, as tho th ing therein ment ioned , if it shall te rndnata in an accomplished fact, will be ono of thf g randes t achievements of tho nine teenth century, if indeed it n i g l i t uQl be coosiderad tho very cl imax ol wonderfu l accomplishments : —

" T h e r e is good reason to believe tha t a b r idge will bo bv i l t across the Mississippi r iver at Memphis , under wha t ia k n o w n as t h o F o r d charter, a t no diatant day. T h e Messrs. Fo id of New Y o r k , Col. HUBS B Edmonson of Washing ton Oily, 0 . P , H u n t i n g ton of Greenviilk, Mlai., W . Van Bon-thuysor of Now Orleans, and othorir interested, regard tho sohomo as poi-a ib leand praeticjkblu. The i r idea is for the company to bui ld tho bridge, and give all railroads coming to Mem-phis an-equal ohaneo, the prtylloges to bo merely a mat ter of u n i f o r m to*]« and regulat ions, subjeet to ttio secre-tary of war . No railroad is to havo »ny stock In tho br idge . This In tho plan now. Batlsfaotory surveys have been made. T h e charter , wo are given t o underataud, is not for sale."

Bueli ft bridge. If buil t , will of no ceisllsr d o u b t l e u be tno g randes t ftnd most att tpendopi loat In englnoer ing

Mil Kiitwrhir i-Kwlli'iuc priivm In inllllonn i>l limnoii fiT iiiorollmii a(|U«riiT uf II IIDIIIIAV II It iiwJ liv Uic UIIIIIML Sliilus Uiivsminoiit. KIIDURUHL LIV LLII' lii iiiln u( lliii (fri'nt I'lilvorhllli's «h lliu Slioiiufi nt, t'liroM miij NIMT lli'iillhlul, Dr. IVICC'H ilm mil; IIHIIIIIK rowijirr lh«t ikiitit nol t'outaiii AmTlimt't), I liiio »ir Alum. Siilil iinlv In iluiis.

I'UKJK Il.MdNU lOWDKIiiM, M.1V VOIIK, I'tiri-Alid. hf, M I

M A M l f " ' ^ SKIN 8c SCALP



C U T I C U R A . I^OU olcmiinR, |)iirl(yinc«n(ll)oiiiitirvln~ ino • Rkin nf chlfdron unU InfHnlH uiid r\irin!{ torturing,(MingiirlIIK. lU^hliiK. unit ( iin-

(IICNIUITHI ORLIIONUTN, MOIIIP NTM III(IFHI,WLUI OS* or hulr, from tnftviicy Ut olU ngi, lh» Cutt-

ourn li>'m»lliiN nre liifHlIible Ciiticutu, UlOl(rUl>t kln Oiirp, und (hillcliriv

H<>«i), nn kxqiiliitti Hk(n lloiiililsr, iireimrol trhm It, •xUrnnllt. and CiKlciira Ui-KOIV'.tit, UiO MW Wood l'urlfl«r.liitarii»lly, luvnrlMlily sneopetl wimi nil oilier ror.iedtfin mid lUo liCRi, liUvMcliiniifall.

(Jiitlpurii Itetn«dl(i« are ali8')liituly jmn-, «iid tliomtly Inialllhla «kln tu>uiillll«IH ami hinod liiir Il'T^ froo from poiiionoii>i liijr ilUintJ».

Hold iiverywhni'j. Trloo, Culluiira. Hio; S<mp KSo; KffolvpiU |i. lYopureil hy tlio I'olUsr Dniff ami Ohiiiiilo il Co,, itoiilun, Miih4.

M-lrtoiKl for How to Cure Hklii DlKt iut «.

OHP Hlilti iind Hnalp prosorvml HIUI iMiiullftcd by CiUlcuiu Jlcdlnii^


M M OR PILES, NI4!K IIEADACIIR, DIJMII AMlTK.l'ON. TIVK UOWEIM, MIUH NTOMAiril »iiil IIEI<CniNCJ I i r y o n r food tloen noi. tiif «iniU«t« aud yon taaivt* uo upiiotl tc,

Tutt's Pills wUI«ur» ttaVMO t r o n b l m . T r y (hemi yon liMVO nothlnff t o lo««, b n t will irnin m vlyorouM body. Prlco, illt«. pe r box.

S o l d E v e r y w h e r e .


nflddlo«Ai(ed Jtlvu.

and aiuliltii.'tilura of the k ind In tliu world. I t s boiietlts t o ' t h e nation as ouch, tu comnioroo and to all tho pcopio of ou r broad land wonlit bo s imply Inestlmsblo. W h o ^ sUoh a alruoiure Is deilioated to publlo uco MomphlH will witness the most glori ous day of l irr cxiH'once.

l lov, l )r , Mshon, pastor of tho Fi rs t Mothodist ohuroli, proaohod hU f i ro -woll Rernioii on thnnksg iv ing day. Ho gocR h'OHi lioro t'l ihu ohar^a In UrownRvlil ' , Tti'iii.


T O C I I U U C W .

1. Your hsod and heHrt.wlll bo im-proved, and you will live longer Thoro IS no l>onk half »o rlcL In Inter-OAt ait tho liiblc. I ts hlstorlos ar«i th r i l l ing ; it4 hlograpnlcH- arc froah uiid l lfnllko; UH pruceplH arc benevt;-Iflnt; llH I)arub C8 are RIIUIIIO and touching. 'I ho man who givos hlm* self (o pui>!lc worvtiiji, and t h r o w s his heart INLOTTKU soryico, cannot but hnvo hit) uHocilotis elvvatfld, his t«Kto roiiu-

< (1, liU views onlurged, aud his Intol-lootqulokoncd. And ihoro ca]) ho no doub t <hat obcdlence to God'fi holy conuiian lscniiduccs also to lK%|lh and I Dtrovlty, Look about amongut your ji-l/ lihfii H, iind you will Had ib »i those w h o givo tholr Sundays to r e d ami woiBliip do live longer than such as Bpi-nd iiu) Sabba th In dissipation, in id i fn ' or labor.

2. You will have loss t rouble in frail.iiig your children. , If you keep tho Fcu r lh Oommandmbut , they will keep tbo F i f th . Uod has plared theao two commandments side by side, and tboy stand or fall together . In nine eases out of ton, Sabbath-broaklug pa-routs hftvo unru ly and troublesomn children. Th i s Is i iatural . ami is Just what might bo expcctod. Fa thers aud iiiolhora s H at naugh t tbo author i ty of God in breaking tho Babbatb, and childron (rampio upon tho commands nnd dety the (lower of their paronls. }!«t, r n Ihnotlior hand, if tboy see you ' nor ' ! o l , they will soon learn to honor you.

3. You may prepare yourself for hoa»on. Of course TOU m a y al lend church services and a io u n s a v e d ; but If you can go and do not, you are now on tho way to hell. Tho Scriptures will not protlt you a t homo so long as TOU willingly nogloct publlo worship . Bosldoii, It ti« sheer nonsense to profess any rOgard for thq, Bible and livo in tho neglect of a du ly which It plainly conimands. Show, then, your rospaot for tho word of Ood by coming lo hi hoiiae; and, when iu tho sanctuary , r rmcmber tha t tho "gospel of Chr is t" l« 'Mho power of t iod unto sa l ta t ion to bVPry o iK^th i t bellovi th ." (Ilomana 1, 10 )'-l'rc»by(crian.

Catarrh May nffflol any portion ol tlio tiody whew the limcdUA iiioiiit>nmo It fuund. nut ratitrrli a( tliu lionil In by fnr iho most ouinnion, and tlio moat llnblQ to bu noglcciod, i t caimot Iw ciirod by looiil nppllout ng a «on»i|.

tutlona it requires R i n g i n g ; U oousi r«m«dy Ilka

n o i i f « a TiforMng nh tho bU.mi, frftdifstos tho Jntpiirlty whicli cmmes and pro-

, iiiotCH tlio catarrh, nnd 8(Hm vlTticis a |i<>rmii-iimit curt). At tlio snnio timo Hood's Harwv-imrllla builds nfi tho wliolo system, uud iimko* lino fcvl reimwud lii stroiiRth mid bualth. It you sailor I m p u f o from ciilarrh, bo suro ta n i r tA*! try tlmiU's H.irsai>urllla. w i o o a -

" 1 u.tcd ItiMHl's Harsaparllln for cntirrh, nnd roi-flvi'd (jront relief mid iHmcflt from it. Tho fjiiurrli was vrry Ulsagriiedblo, t spwlnlly In ilio wliitor, cmislng o<Histaiit dlBohiirtto fniin

. ray noso, rliiRlng noisM H o o d ' s In my cars, nnd piUni In

A n r n A n n r l i l n my hoiul.

licmt In tho moniInK by hawklnK and spltUiifi Was painful. I(iH>d's BarsiipsrIIla giivo iiio rnllcf Inunodlatoly, whllo in tlino 1 w«s en-Ircly curtul. 1 nin never without tho meiU.

rinc III my house ns I think It Is worth Us weight in gold." C u r O S MIIH. O. II. Gum,loao Eighth «t.,N. w., wushiiiBion, i).o., * ' M « a r r n

" I was troubled with that annoying dlsc.-«so, imsal catarrh, and novur found relief till l.tiiok Hood's Banmimrllla." J. L. UOUIT, Warksbiirg, Ky. N. B. Uo suro to get

H o o d ' s S a r s a p a r i i l a Koldbyklldruggtati. flitlif»rf9. rmpamloulr I) C. I. UODI> A i:o., <.iMll>ui.arlua,I.vw«n, Mu*.

l O O D o s o s O n e D o l l a r


KNOW THYSELF.. Mora Than One IMItllon Coplri HAM.

n trriits U|H«1 Nmom kiid I'lirslnsI nfhllltr, I'rtm*. turo J)<wlln», Mrnini nf Youth, Rih«iu(iHl VlUllly, I**! Mwlinod, tmpnlrod yiinrsml IhipiiriHotiiflho nUxHl, Mid th» uiit4nd mlwHr* t»m«H|Hiin( tlmrwin. tJonlsliislKmtiiMiM. •iilnUiiituUiiilHiiwHl liliiiliiK, Jull mil, WSITMHWI tlio iMiit iHiiitilar tnmlloiil troKtlm ptibllihoil 111 th* ICncllsh liimiim,*, I'rira nnir |1 by ttisll, iwwtpsld, find oflnmiilod In * plain wrnjuwr. II. lurinUr* |iainphlet pnwiHHjtua trm l( yon a«n<l nuw.

i .fH^IT".?"' W.IIo»l.m,nirtH«. WM. t l . fARKICII, ni. II., (Joniiiltinii I ' hy

H i 0*2 1 M V M

There are some poopio who want to tell all they know at ono s i l t i ng ; thoy pour torth such a mass of words that it woighs upon one like an ava* Unnho aud wu are somoliUDOs glad to escape from hear ing. There aro others who know but I ttio and h a r p upon tho nuv s t r ing of tboir melody Mutil it becomes monotone most monotonous. There Is another class who oan seUot wha t is bosi lo say at the r igh t t i m e : deliver no more than enough, «ud grat i fy us wi th a parlect picture of tho completoness of their message, thus showing that thoy aro masters of tholr subjects, and not, liko a man l loundur lnglu the sua, tha t tholr s ab -loots aro nf fhnm.

Mothors, you oan rollove y o u r baby of its discomfort without adminlslor* ing opium, that deadly drug , by ualng only Dr. Bull 's Bab) Byrup.

Tho oonfldoiioo of " w o m a n k i n d " Is thoroughly g rounded on tho efQoaoy of Laxador , whloh has proved a remedy of undoubted Uiof^ilneis In tholr peoulUr nUineiita. Prioo ouly 2&qont4.

T o n e , T o n c l i , f ( i r l a D a B i i l i l p & I l ^ mUUULM K!f A n n A CO.

HBltlmors, I i aud H Ifiaot n»ltlmor« Htre«i. .Vew York, 112 rirtn Ave. Washington, 8i7 Hsrkot Hpaw. 1 SO SJ

X-MAS MUSIC m o i i s f y n i o o /

forJ. W grintmt In color*,

(Contain n«w Csrnli br not, Hurmir, n*nii», it<n<lorf, Campldin,

CurvloQ prpMrcd ntwl In colom, mtll, ^tpftld; a< per klw'

lAra, t4igntii*r |0 ItlwpilMlllj" topi cl^antlr each, or MKta. n ilotvn 1/ •xprea* not ptepald. A rxmntlfal OhHatmM S«r-TIM, oonilattni of new anil llOk fln«ly harmonUcd . Oamlii ;hom » moat InmiyatliiK •''« DCS. FrtM, sams as (or Chrlit-naa MIoolloDS.

m r t j t - / i i /«« "CMHtmuis SfiteMmt" l*t mvrttO frlHUdttgilktr afUr M < Mttftttitu Strvki. IN

flj-JmnuumaHOOS. UK b* thasfcms anihor.,

p a r ^ n two lo thrm WMks' Un». Prico. «fct». wwh br mall, postpaid.

Complete Lists Tki JORIOHUROH 0 O . . 0 l n o l i i M t l , 0 .

I KM Nam York QUI*



t f l i i i J o b o ' l ia r i ' t t l i .b i

Bliind y«


P a t h a . w h l 6 h a r e t h o g o o d w a y a . aod^walk t h o r e l n , i m d y e ahaU flndii' tor y o u r

jjgjf???! °f MnmiJils, Turin., as HtKtdiul MalUi ^

m HorloM—Vol. XLII. MEMPHIS, TEn¥., l)ECEMirEirio7i887. N e T s o r l o s - ^ l . I. No. 28


Wtf-f,lAM NOirrON, f,l.I>,, KN()I,ANI>. P K O E N T L V I rocoived it letter from Hultillo in 1\ Mexico, from your highly favorod initwioimry,

Mr. I'owull, Iind n jo icod to hoar iinow of ( lod's (rroiit work of grftco th rough him in Mexico, l l o Huys tliut ho hiui n thought of coming to Europn in 11 ypiir or t ^ o . Mtiy God sjMJod nnd hlosa bin viiiit. God hits hound im, Eiiginud nnd America , with Ik Btroiig hoiid (if common mtcn ' s t in thoBO of Hiiaiiish l ip . Ho , by his direction of ov()nt«, brought into being tho mid best iSpanish vor-

, HIOH of tho Newer Hcripturcs, nnd, by means of England and Amoriciv in union, n version fai thful lo Goil, nnd which being mndo, ns to Kpanish, by tho highest author i ty iiossosaos nil tho fitness and melotly of expression which nro exftcted by the Hpanish oar.

It will, I hope, br ing thanlt.'?giving to God if I mention how God, by his own iinnd, brought tliis alwut.

A Hpaniard born in 1701 bccame, from lovo of study, n Franciscan monk . When ho was nine toen iio was called out to jo in tho a rmy, and left tho inonastory. T h e greater freedom of tho a rmy made tiie monastic bonds soem tyrranous . When he was in liis twenty-four th year tho momlrers of monastic orders wore required to go back to their monaHteries. H e would have lef t Bpain rather than go l)ack, bu t ho had uo means to travel, and, urge<l by his family , roturnod. H o was made priest, a preacher and confessor, and was afterward assigncil a chair of philosopiiy. H i s conduct had Ixion outwardly c o r r e c t ; bu t lu; folt t ha t it was not what his creed required. Tho better to live with-out transgression he gave u p ono par t af ter another ol his creed. H e bocaino a t length an atheist and fatalist. About 1820 he left tho monastery, and liccamo a secular priest . In 1823 ho went to Madrid. H o was n fr iend of tbo then liberal governinenl, and went there to avoid popular lury . He might have re turned to liis chargo if lie woidd have lied as to tho past nnd Hvod n hypocrite in fu ture ; but tho proposal filled him with terror. At the end of 1823 ho followed some French tro()j)8 toward France w i t h o u t n passport. Though an atheist he preferred to givo u p all his proHpects, to leave those he loved, to (juit his country , to ox-lK)so hiinsolf to bo arrested an a criminal or killed hy a popular f u r y , rather than live a continued lie. Ho was stopped on tho f ront ie r , nnd detained at Iran till orders should ar r ive f rom tho military ohiot. Ho waH u n k n o w n , had no money, no friond. Ho felt most wretched. On tho eeventh day he thought of suioido. Till eleven a t n ight his anguish was ex t r eme ; bu t ho ioll asleep, nnd in tho morn->ug, without any known cause, lie fel t , on waking, a calm nnd cheerful pleasure. His thought of sui -cide sbomed nt first ridiculous, nnd ho laughed, then horrible, and ho wopt. H i s mind wna filled with proofs romomberod tha t thoro ia n glorious Creator on whom happiness must depend. On that very evening tho raistroHa of tbo lun in which he stayed came to him ^ told him of his danger , promiaed biro a t ruaty guide early In the morning to ahow a mouutaii i M t b , wbioh the g u s r d i kpew not, in to F r i i i M , rad urged b im to MK»|)e« J ^

wont, nnd was at Bayonno nex t day. Thoro ho hoard a minister of the London .Continental Ho cioty (iroach. H o heard of salvation through fai th, a thing unhoard of in Hpaiii. His a t tempt to fine Halvatlon by works hadnmilo him an nthoi&t, hac led him almost to suiciilo. Ho felt that such a milviitioii as ho tmd now hoard of for tlio first timo waa tho only ono tha t oijuld suit his nood. Ho read and found thn doctrine t rue. Ho prayed, nnd oarnestly, for frtith. Ho soon rejoicwl in ( 'hr is t , t rust ing in him to save. Tho burden of his wholo life was goue. Ho ( Juan Caideron) was, in 182;{, thir ty-two years of ago. In 1821) ho wont to Lou-don, nnd preached to Hpanish refugees. In 1831) liio refugees left , and Mr. Caideron wont back to Franco. Ho continued there some timo, and married. In 1842, while Espastero was regent, he wont to Madrid, and taught the gospel from house to house, but was obliged to re turn to France in 1845. I u 1840, wheu fifty-five, ho wont again to Lon(ion\ There God raised him up kind fr iends and hcliwrs. l3y means of funds obtained by Dr. J ames Thomson ho wrote and printed a periwiical in Hjianish, which was circulated in Hpain, Houth America and other parts. A t tho timo of the great exhibition of 1851 ho preached in tipanish regu larly a t a place in Leicester 8(iuare. A little work publifihod in 1853, compiled chiefly from paj)er8 written by Dr . Thomaon, Raid : —

" Mr. Caideron is a man of high talent and distinguished Hpanish scholar. Ho has published a work of greul merit on tho SpanlHli language, which tho Spanish govornnicnt has lately ordered to be used in all tho public seminaries throughout tho kingdom. This eminent Hpaniard has iileo l)eon lately apiM)inted profesBor of tho Hpanish language in King 's College, I^ondon."

Among those who belriended Mr. Caideron, and made his position in Ijondon ono of comfort and respectibility, was, I lieliovo, tho lato good earl ol Hhaftesbury.

To trace the progress of God's plan we must next go to Bordeaux in Franco. Engl ish-man who had settled at Bordeaux, had a son nnmod Freder ick . This son wont out, I believe, with a pa r tv ot emigrants to Houth America, bu t did not Bottio there. In the couiso of his wander-ings ho went to Belize in British Honduras , was l)aptiied by tho pas tor of tho mission church thoro on evidence of conversion, and became n moinbor of tha t church . In June , 1847, Mr. Crowo and tho pastor of the church arrived in England to seok sympathy nnd nssiatiince on account of tho treat-ment which tha t strict communion church bad re-ceived from tho committee of tho British Mission-ary Bocioty. Mr. Crowo had ongagod in missionary work iu parts of Central Atnorica whore Spanish 8 spokon, nnd had Iamento<l tha t in tho Spanish

voraion circulated there such words as pennuco tended to confirm Koman Cfttholica in their lalso jeliof. Dur ing his stay in Eng land ho became Bo;iualnted with Mr. Caideron, who hod como to London in 1846. Mr . Caideron had been ongago<l by the Church of England Society for Promot ing Jhristian Knowledge to pu t into correct Spanish

the allerfttions which the revisers nppolnied by tha t Booiety bad reiolved to make in a ilroe vemion of t h e Mow OoTeoaot mad* by « p m o a n a n i M

A m a t . Mr. Crowe found tha t Mr. Caideron took much interest iu the subject ol revision, and felt that tho Spanish verslona needed a more perfect revision than that on which ho had iMwrn engngt<d; but neitlior ho nor Mr, Crowe knew Greek, and I was asked by Mr. Crowo whether I wore willing to become responsible for tho corrcct rendering of tho Greek if Mr. Cttldoron would become resimnsiblo for tho correct exprOHsion of its meaning In Spanish. I met Mr. Caideron and Mr. Crowe several times, and it was agrued tha t if God should pleaso to aid us something should be done. Tho work projmged was only tho correction of chief defects, not tho making of a new version. Mr, Crowo was tho moans of awakening interest in tho project In Scotland. A committee was formed in Ediit-burgh for promoting it, and enough money was raised to make it probable that funds would no t be want ing for tho pr int ing of the work.

I n these events how str iking is tho proof of God'a design to carry out a divine plan I How singular yet how well ordered were tho steps ho took to bring about tho conversion of J u a n Caideron a t a timo when the way of salvation could not bo hoard of by him in Spain I H o w t rue to the t ime needed for tho work Ood had in view his coming to Eng-land in 1846, and Mr. Crowe's coming in 1847 I I t happened too tha t when I met them I waa f ree from any engagements which would have kept me^ from entering on tho work. " Great a re the works of Jehovah , sought out by all those who take pleasure there in ." Ps. cxi. 2. " F o r from hirn and through him andj for him are all things. To hiiu IK) glory forever. Amen . " I{om, xi . 36.



H E L P I N G T H O S E I N N E E D .

""HEUE can l)o no greater happiness, saya a writer in an exchange, than to help those wh6

aro in neeil ; and the world is full to overflowing of such opportunities. There a re always some not far awny from us in need of bread and the com" monost charities of life to whom we may minister of our abuodatico, and have God's blessing on our welldoing. T h e highest record tha t one can make ia " ho wont alwut doing good." There nro various kinds of welldoing tha t fall into this general classi-fication ; but we may do God's work in one way as well OS in another . Whichever thorofore presents itself in the providential onler should bo accopted as demanding ou r attention, and with such cheer-fulness as to win tho confidence ot those to whom wo administer ; for whon it is evident that such Work comes f rom tho hear t , and is done for Chriat's sako, there can bo no a rgument against it. God'a care of tho needy comea largely through human nstrumontali ty, nnd wo are to be the willing in-

s t ruments of i t .

Bu t how fow of us appreciato opporlunitiea of helping those iu need. A majority oven of those who claim to bo tho Lord 's poopio seek to evade tho appeals of tbo poor. Such a dispoaition is no t produced by the Spirit of the Lord , I t ia the pro-duct of Iho flosh. A SHOrod writer says If wo aee a follow in need and withhold our cqmpaatlon a£d bolp the love of Ood dooa not dwell in u t . Then It II t ruo tha t any ot n i may o u m l t f M be in oee4 a l n o i t f t! » a y w o m m t . t ^ p t h e n M f f


fS" rV if,

. ! » I ft

2 TIIK rifiNfALTY OF tilN. WHAT 18 IT?

))V A. J. rilOaT, D.n., 8AK tlAUNAUniMO, (JAt..


r y KKA80W will also l » n oonsumiiiK Uro. Tho X V . lual will tiou liuw unroaaouablo wua thoir Htu^ long rolwlliou ugaiust God. Thoy will thot) wjo that tnUh wb« the highest roadon, that the fear of Qoil wan tho beginning of wlBclom, that ho who trusted hiB own la-art waa a fool. Thoy will forno to theniRolvoH in holl, and confew thuton earth thoy wore moriilly inBane. Thoy will rcoall that God «ai(l " Como lot UH reason together," and thoy turned away from that holy religion which was rational and r ight . Condeniiiod hy reason as well as contcionco, Insliud by the 8cori)ion atiugs of memory and hauntwl hy ghostly inniginatiyns, ail these fuiuiltios will hum and rage like consuming fire. Ttie loot houI will IIhih have a hell in his oWn Ixisoin.

" Mo miseralilo. Which way I lly is holl. My. self am holl."

JJiit once more, Hin itself is a consuming (ire to tho wicked. Wo roail of sinners plucked as hriuids from the hiirning. We ri ad of saints pull ing them iHit of tho fire. If the tongue is a iiro, a world of iuiiiuily, set on lire of holl, surely sin is a consum. ing fire. How it kindles tlio desires and inllamcs thepnssionB! How anger runs its rod-hot share through tho soul ! How glows rovongo liko fer-vent heal I Kin excavates a hottondoss pit in the sinner's soul; sin furnishes fuel for the flame, sin is a ctinsumiug lire. Hin produces guilt so un . l)ean>l)lo that in this world suicido is oflon the only relief. Sin brinits despair so fearful , tha t tho victim sinks into h;»pelea8 idiocy I Sin brings ro-morso so guawing that the subject prays for tho lUmo to extinguisli his being 1 •Sin brings down tho wrath of God, so torribl® tha t rocks and mountains are importuned to hide them from the face of him tha t si t teth on the throne. Hin sets all the faculties of the soul aflamo and burns with tho vengeance of e ternal firo. I f sin laid on the Son of God evoked the bitter c ry , '< My God, My Gwl, why ha«t tliou forsaken mo ? " how will sin on tho ninner to ooiuloinn, and in tho sinner to degrade . Hei)!inite from God forever I This is [wnalty ; this is death. It needs no material flame. The soid on lire with sin is a burning hell.

Then added to the deeds done in the Ixnly will be tho ages of ages spent in hell where tliey can not coaae from sin, where sin has become so fixed and inveterate, tha t by a law of i u own, it goes on forever and

ever, Gternal s inniug necessitatos eternal sufToring. I f memory of the sins of this short life bo unbearable, what will Iw tho condition of tho soul when it recalls ages on ages of rolwllion against God?

Another element in tho sufTerlng of tho lost is their associations with the dovLI and his angels, and other spirits of tho damned.

"Gathor in your mind an assemUiy of all thoso men and women, from whom, whc<ier. in history or fiction, your memory shrinks (n* fiction can roach the reality of sin) gather in mind all which is most loathosomo, most rovolUng, the most treacherous, malicious coarso, brutol, invootlvo, fiendish, cruelty unsoflened by any remaias of humon fooling, such aa thou couldst not endure for a single hour; conceive tho fierce oyoa of hate, spito, fronisiod rage, over flxe<l on theo, looking through and through with hftto, sleoploss in thoir horribio gajio, folt If not aoon, novor turning from ihoo, novor to Iw turned from except to quail under tho piercing sight of hate. Hoar thoao yells of blasphemy and ooncontrntcd hate, aa thoy ooho along tho lurid vaults of holl; everyone hating everyone, and venting their ht ie unoeMlngly. with ^verjr inoonoeivable exprNiloo of nullgnity, w n .

TOE B A P T l B t f y

ccive all this multipllofl, inteiisiflwl, rofleotod on all, around on ovory side, and andd it, tho spociol htitro<l of tuiy whoao sins thou sharost, when thou didst thoughlloHsly enoourugo sin or teach some sin unknown i)eforo, a doathloflsmtss of hate were in itself everlasting misery. A fixednoss in that staio in which the hiirdoned, malignant sinner lies, in-volvnH, without any future retribution from God, cndloHS misery." (Dr. Tust^y.)

Fiiiidly the holl of Jiell Ih that, dread word eternity. Seven times ijt tlie Now Toslanient is tho doom of tho wickf d snid to bo etorna!. Twice (in MiUt. xviii . H, xxv. H , ) of evorlast ing fire, oiicd of evorliwting |iiinibhmiM!t.," (Mutt , x x v . •}(!,) onco oroverliujling dostriiction, (.2 Tlioss i. !», ooco of etorniil judgment (^Hob, vi 2.) mm i)f dernal(Urn-mi<u)n(Mi(rk iii.2!),) uiid oiico Vtiiigeuiice on etornal l i re , (Judo 7.) Js t l iecimdit ion of tho lost rejiresonted by the word i!urklu)«!. it Ih llio blnekooHa of dark nesH forever. ( J u d e I I.) it ri'|»ro.soiitdl by the K lawing worm? Tliioo times (Murk xix. I f . Ki," 48.) Christ tells \ig, " their worm diulh imi ." Is the j)uniftlinicnt of tho wicked nymbolized by fire? It in railed in (Mio plnce mi(|U(>nclinliio firo, and in another etcniuMirt ' . (Mult . iii. 12, ,Judo 7.) b i t rej)'iiti'd hy i1k> liik<! wliieh buriiolli ui l i i lire and briiiiBioiio ? Wc aru tdld llmt tiior.i thoy shall 1)0 tornn'iitod dny mid iiiglu forever mid cvor.


"Sail world indood. Al i ' who can iu-ur

I'\)ruver there to dwell,

Forever tiinkiiig in doHimir

111 ail the jminH of lioH.

The breath ot ' t ioil , hia iitij;iy bientli,

Siipiiiies and fans tho (ire,

There sinners tuntc the nee-dud dealli,

And woul,<i but can't expire.

Conscience, the novor dying worni,

Witii tor ture gnaws the licjirt,

And woo, and wrath, in every form,

Is now the sinner's par t . "

H a v e you never imagined the lost ttoui't^ soliloquy? What lirat impreH.sions on enter ing that dire abode ! And am I in hell ? I,s it after all 11 fearful reality ? Wan the IJible ail iruo ? Were Clod's sorv!uit.s right' ' ' Were God'rt warningB unheeded ? Is there no escape from thlH prison prepared for the devil and hisangelH '!

W h a t gulf impassable ! Wha t higlit immeasur-ablo! W h a t depths un fa thomable ! W h a t pit bottomless! What deep below d e e p ! What ' myriads on myr iads! W h a t b lasphemy! W h a t invect ive! W h a t weeping and wailing and gnash-ing of tooth I What memories of a God ignored, a Christ rejected, and Holy Spirit resisted ! How Sinai and Calvary heave tho soul like an earth-q u a k e ! Banishod of God, rejected by Christ, forsaken of tho Spirit . Morcy gone, hope dojiarted. remorse, despair , guilt , shame and everhwting con-tompt,

" How long ar t thou Kterni tv ? As long as God is God. So loijg endiiro tho pangs Of sin and woo."

Tho lost soul for ages on ages pinks in perdition, and then lifts its eyos to road of duration. That dial plato rosponds forever and ever, forever and ever, forever and ovor.

l U solemn bell strikes ofT tho centuries and the oyclea forever and over, forever and ever, forever and ovor. Tho pundalum of eternity, with appall-Ing monotony, boats on forever and ovor, forever and ever, forovor and over,.

Huohtho penalty of s i n I H.uoh the Scoond Death I


JfY J. 1). MUUI'IIY, MOBEIILY, MO. JiO. ill.

T H E symbtdisn. of the " L o a f , " will Ik, fum,,,, 1 wHmnlored when wo como to treal of "hi

'M.ord's supper" as a church ordinance. The an propriatenesrt of l.romi tor this pur|K)He, all will nJi". mit , and nothing fu r the r is required hei-o than to inqui re briefly int. . the appropriateness of (he nieinorial itself.

I t is j)ertinont j u s t boro to inquire , why,4n the ordinance, thiit wa? to memorialize the donth of (;hri»t, he would make use of such simple nieiinn, as bread, ami iho f ru i t of llio vine ' When wc would periH liiHte iho mnno.ry and name of Wa,!,, inglon, we build a maiii le slmft, more than (ivp hundred fout hiwh. Iliii, to l,i,ve the ftdl l),>iu'lit ot it. I must travel more tliMii n thoimnnd milea, Tlitulevoui, Arab must go all the way to Meoeii, iii order to do np|.r,i | .riuie honor to Mohuiiimed. 'hia prophet .

How impo^Bible it sv„uld lie to inomorinlizo Joseph Smith or t 'onf 'oeiu^ by the nieann of "em-blems," like ilio " loaf, ' and the '•cti i);" Vet lu.w appropriate in ih,. wliicli desiin iniikes of them "f

Hy means which are alway.-) nt hand, hikI a plaeo of nil others ot, (nrUi i.ioKt appropriate ami ncoesHiblo, 1 may " come together iu one plnco," with the church where I ;uii a niemb.-r. iiiui hv m6an.s juHt att coninion an what 1 "eat uiid drink,"' and a place jiisi a^ tainiliar iiji the honi'> in which I live, I may, " a s oft a.- I eat this bread, nnd .Iriak thiH cup, show the L .id's .loutli, until become."

This Herviec, let u l>o rumombered, eaii tuk.-|)Iuce in any par t , or all paitu of tlie world, at the .•<ame t ime—wherever there is a churcti of .Jmis Christ .

I have more thnii once read an arfjiiment (1 call i i a n a rgument , Iiy way of courtesy), which tried to show the unreaHonableneHS of baptism, bc'causo it wa.>4 too cold, or from' some caiuo the water could not be had for the purpose, etc., etc.

Hut 1 H note <.f the fact, that any one who wished to obey ("lirif,t in baptism, always fouixi the way o|.en, and their faith was full of invention and for to nuok, if need bo, in order to follow (.JhriKt.

1 also made a note of the fact that "water" is the univermd element on earth ; there being three times as much o."" it as there ia of anything elst^ 'Hence the appropriatGiiesn of wat^'r for the Loril's ordinance.

I see very much the same thing in tlie symbols used in tho " L o r d ' s siippor." Of nil that man eats, nothing ia ho universal as " bread." Of all tho dr inks made by man, none is so universal as the " f r u i t of tho vino," " t h e juice of the gra|w."

Those widely known ami nnivorsal thiiii'S, our Savlwf •ppropr ia tes as tho ombloms of his bmly and blood.

How devoid of mystery f How full of meaning'/ How devoid of " p o m p and ci rcumstance? " Yet, how profound and tar reaching—looking back to Calvary, looking forward to tho coming Christ.

" A s oft as you do this ." I t is suroly the very least tha t wo can do. Yet , how mighty is the ser-mon which it preacho!< ? " Y e do s/im«—declare my death till I come."

F o r simplicity, Iwth of means and manner, there is nothing that could exceed it, nor is there any th ing that 'could he raoie oxprosBivo of tho olmrootor of Christ , and tho work ho diil.

Having said somothing about tho pmininont and imporlant plnoft which "broad" holds in tho econoniy of tho world, a few words In regard to "bloml." There ia no auoh reality, terrible re«lltv, M "blood." After the flrat ain of our nwe, the

first th ing whioh-iorlefl out, yea , oriofi out so loud, that God hoHrd it , wo-h "bloot l ." " T h o v.dco of thy brothor'a bhxMl orloth unto mo from tho gnmnd." ' (Gon. iv . 10 ^ ,

T h e very flrat act of divine legislation a fUr tbo flood, waH in regard to shedding man's blood, " W h o s o shoddoth man's blood by man shall hia blood Iw shwl; for in the imago of God made ho man . " (Gen . viii. 4-(».

The noxt impor tan t case of blood is in tho j)as8-o v e r where tho Lord sa id ; " A n d when I soo the blo(Ml I will pass ovor you, and the plague shall not be upon you U) destroy you." (lOxod. xii. l.'l. The next , (Jod's law. by which he sotH apar t tho blood as a most sacretl th ing, as sacred as life it-Bolf, and is appropriated by Almighty Ood a.s na-cred to the work of a tonement .

" F o r tlie life of tho flesh i{) in the blood;, and 1 have given it to you upon the alUir to piako ,in a tonement for your m>u1s," etc. (I^ev. xvii. 11-M.

The highest idea that David Imd ol sin was ex-pressed by the phrase "bbxtduuiUinesH." I'siu 1. 14.

'11,„ nwftil account of the .)ow« lioforo God was one of blood. Matt , xxi i i . iio. While the very climax of all their sin was readied when they said: "I l i i i biood bo on us and on our children." I t was this blood. His lilood which he told tliein at the institution of the nupper wiw "shed f<.r many for tho remission of sins."

" T h i s is my blood of the New Testament." I have already said tha t one <d tlie iiiohI terrible

realities is blood. There ia no sight so appallw us ; none that (ills us

with such awe as bloo.l. 'i o see a man whoso face ia all covered with blood u beyond (piestion tho most ghastly and forbidding. Wo unavoidably associate the i.lea of death with the s ight ot blood.

It is tho most fearful of all sights, blood, am the most <lrea<led of all things, death, that (io. has utilized in the great work of salvation.

Tho outer limit of all poiisibility was reache when God gave up his Son to .leath, and when Christ gave out his blood for us.

These two omuipotent facts are j ^ i n t o the form of memorial service in the use (fPRie breiu and the cup in the Lonl 's supper.

Tile lowest stoop of condescension waH reacbei when.Ie8U.s " b e c a m e obedient unto <leath." Phi l , ii. 8.

Thv highest price which heaven could pay for the salvation of God's pooi»lo was paid when they were "purcl iased with his own blotMl." Acts x x . 28.

I t was this blood, " innocen t blood," that smote tho consoienco of Judas . Matt , xxvii . -1. " I have sinned in tha t I have betrayed innocent blood"

I t was this blood which so powerfully alarm^i the feara of tho J e w s when they wero brought face to faco with tho great (inestion, Acts v. 28, " A n d intend to bring this man 's blood upon

' tho precious blood o us.'

Tho ajioatlo calls it Christ." 1 Peter i.

Tho aubject ia practically witbont limit, but enough iahero shown to m«ko ' good tho fact with which wo started, that this question of"hlood"i8 iull of moaning, of might, of awful reality, of sal valion from aln. . , , , . .,

"This ia my blood," said the U r d Jeans at tho supper, "whioh ia ahod for you." , . . , ,

I t is the "old, old ator/ ' which la told when wo "drink this oup." To koop the atory froph in our merotiry, Jcsua ordaiuod thiaaervico, sv^inuile, ao free from all that in any way might dotradt from ifa

" ^ S ' o u p of bleaaing which we hlosa is it not the oommunlonof the blood of Chrlat ?" (ToUoootlnued.) .t;

. P L E A S E E X P L A I N .

\ E A U Bl lO. G R A V E S have aovoral timea J boon requoatedtooxplttlnl Cor. vil, 14, which

roads tliua:! "For tho unlwliovlng husband is aano-t fled by tho wlfo, mid tho unlwlioviug wife ia wmc* t f lodby tho husband ; else wero your children un-clean, but now they are holy,"

You know that this ia one of the main iwinta with 'reabytorians; They boiiovo that bellovers' chil-

tren, if I understand their doctrine, possess by nature tho same holiness possessod by tho pa-renis, thoioforo miy that thoy arc iiroper Hubjecta or baptism.

As much as possible I have nvoideil explain-inir this passage for ffuir I migh t he wrong. I will give you my idea, and it 1 am correct please nay so in your odigranis; if 1 am wrong pleuao explain the passage tolly in ( | u e H i i o n dopar tment of TiIK iUl'TlHT.

My idea is t h i s : That in those days many un-wliovors, iw they are callud, were not t rue to

what we cull " t h o . m a r r i a g e vow," but practiood a<lullary, and when both wore thus thoir children wore children of adulUiry. If, however, ei ther the husband or wife should belicvo in (Jhrist and ad-lero strictly to the Scr ipture teacliings concerning

marriage, thoir cliildren would not bo children of adul tery, but lawful or pure, tha t is, for the Hilieving ones par t , brought into tho world accord

ing to gospel teaching. Kight here I am con-fronted with the fact t ha t Christ sai<l one wh« married another who bad a living husband or wife was an adul terer or ailulteress, and the thought arises if one should be converted lind know tha t the other was loose in practice, there should bo a separation, l)Ut that would not have done, for then tho heathen, the unbelieving, would have com-plained tha t Christianity was breaking up their homes and making their children children of adul-tery. So I conclude that whore persons wero al-r(w1y inarritid and loved each other it was lH)st for th^m to still live together, and the fai thfulness, pr.iyers and Christian influence of tho believing one might bo (iod's instrument in ihe conversion of the other, but if the inlluence of tho wife should ftiil to convert tho husl.ivml or tho husband the wife, if tbe Iwlieving party lived right .iKjfore God with respect to married life, bis or her children would not 1)0 children of adul tery , l)ut children of

t rue wedlock. If I am wrong in my idea of ttio above namei

passage, don't expobC my gross ignorance, but please ox|.lain. 1 have never seen any explana-tion of tho passage except I 'edobaptists , all of which i think is incorrect. Your brother,

E. L. WitHHON. l iyhalia , Miss., Nov, 2r».

n g r r — ' 7 -of 0<hV» word auoh pitlpaMe poB»ertii» held up iw ^ true doctrine that it »Umd« every quo ol ui iu ,.. hand to aoaroh tho Sorlpturea for ounwlvw, ao'that'f^^ i wa can easily detect tho false from UuV iruo^j

Pra^iutt that you may be epareil loug-tq w i x x o rror and uphold truth I w w a l a youw M«lUlng error

for the truth. ' H. H. 00«»ian.1- > Sttiut John, N. B. N o v e m b e r 1 8 8 7 . ^ « IlKMAKKa.—Yot there are nnpilaU in tho BUtcs

and ieven io the South, acknowleiiged to b© "sound in faith and piwitloe, whf> advocate the'" validity of tho baptisms, and ordinaucoa of this growly Armiii; ian Befit. divt

A V O I C E i<UiOM T H E O L D D O M I N I O N . n o G U A V E S :—I look upon the union of tho

two l"i('«'-s making Tiik, U a i t i s t as a wise un ^ dortaking. My paper comes this week la<lon with .rand articlos that are well worth preserving. Dr. Jvost's floriea on "The Penalty of Sin, What is itT are amaatorly production. Dr. Mur,)hy'8 criticism

tho union ol Bapliati. with Froo-Will Baptists of C a n a d a is juBt what wan needed hero. I t ia to bo hoped that tho regular Baptisfa of Canada will not sacrifloo their distinotivo doctrines, to aocure in tho end an unholy alliance, (1 should term It) with asoct thoroughly dlaqualUlod by thoir absurd toaching to have any Scr»rtural existence.

A Frea-wlll Baptist and a Methodist aro some, what alike, save their baptisniB. Thoy hold the d o c t r i n e o f salvation by Works so tonacioualv tha t when vou atorm that oiiadol of rotten boaraB tuo-ccaafully there la a great oraah, and .all ia up with ?i.„,« 'I'here ia no t me wheu we or Baptiala

v contend for tbe faith" than nt


I H A V E read tho Parablea through with profit. 1 Your oxplauatlona are more ia accord with the general timchings of God's word than many ot tlie inethotla of explanation heretofore tulvanoed. Tho )ook woll deaervea a place in every library. '

Ia tho following language correct? "And, then'^ tho Jowiah nation, having lieen for four thousand years God's iieculiar people.-", Par. 1 page 10. .

Are tlioro not some wrong quotationa on page 11 n the language ot l )c . Broadua ? Also'lit top lino

of 78lh page, and on page 290 in first Hue of iiara-giaph after figure 2 ?

I hopo yon will live to diajKwe of several editions, as it is eminently sound in its constructions ot our Lord's teachi«ga. I aee you Kifl out ono little par-able, OS it ia stated or called by Luke V, 80. A question: Did tho Savi ir take f o k waahlitg, aa old piece of Jewish cloth, and put it on thni iiew garment of his kingdom i Many called Baptials aeom to put great stress on feet washing, but ask, for a few nickels toaond tho Bible to tho heathen, and their religious zoal falls bolow zero, if iudoe«l it was over abovo it on that particular.

I will aUjp and not bother you with any more scribblea unloaa I could scribble to a Iwtter pur-pose. O. W . W i i i m

., - <1.


An exchango publiahea tho following touching little atory : —

A poor mother in Lancaahiio, some lihio since, was in sore sorrow. Herhuabund had beon out of work for nnmthl^ntl with a number of littlo chiU (Iron she had nothing coming in but tfio triflling wages of two young girls who had juat Htarted working half-time at tho factory.

One morning at lireaksast time alio found her-Bolf face to faco witn absolute want, though her noighlHira had hoard no complaint, and fow im-agined or atnyod to consider how ahe was cir-cuniHtancod. Sho hud nothing in the houso t.i eat but one alico of broad, and uo money to got more. Sho thought of the children at work who in a minute or two would como all hungry to tho ,loor. She fell upon her knoes. "O Lord,' alio cried. "1 don't care about myaelf, l)ut my heart achofl for the two littlo half-timora who work «> hard at the mill. Do please, make this

bit of bread go far enough to riatlafy them, that loy may not have to go back W) their work orv-Kov. A. J. Kluoaid, formerly of Kentucky, is

1)11 urwuM jj*' »«•• ^ —^ —— they may not have to go back W) their work orv-

Kov. A. J. Kluoaid, formerly of Kentucky, Is now pastor at Fort Smith, Ark. H e haan|OTn gone from ua fifteen jearav, Iij i t , not imo that Bomo good Kentucky church should invito him to return ?-lf«i«<«ni/i««56rd«r. Ho bidooga to Ten-noasoo. dear Hmrdtr, and when hia work Is dono r S a i . . a a T e n n e a a e e will claim him. Sho only loaned hltn to her fcisfer State.

g with hunger." The little children knowing nothing, ot course, of their mother's prayers and tears, a iU stood looking at hen meut a knock carao at tbe door, and there s t w ^ on thestep» with a loaf p f . b n f l in her hand, "iho moat unllkeliest woman In^the neighbor^ hood." . , , 1

"Give him, then, and ever give Thanks tor all that we leoylve j ^

i MAo^ WO tor bill k I n d M love, ^ How Wttoh mort our Ood iboT®. ,


I '

, HOMEl 'HINO A l l O i r r COMMUNION. XT il. M. I^INnLMON.

TT hkd not boon my iatentlon to wrlto a won! on 1 thlR tubjeot for TUB BAPTIBT, and I now wrlto to let tbo roadora of thU |>tp«r know thai my nr-tlolo, " A Chorth Ordinance," pnbliibod October tbo tw6ntf.«eortnd, wat written l u t wintor for tho linitlitt JUfteotor, and appeared in that pai)orr Why It baa been publlahed In THK BAI THT, at tl)I« U t o d a y l d o n o t k n o w , ahd why duo credit was not Klvon to the HapUit n^tclor I do not know. I only know that It waa unfair for tho credit not to be given. Had fhia been done these linos would not have been written. I wish it to bo known that I hare not tbnnt myself into TIM BAI-TIST. Thero were good reasons why I should not.

I t seems, how^or, that the copying of my articio from the Uefltcibr has pro<lucod a woudorful cllbct It has stirrod up quito a number of wrilora, who

ofooursflfoelooniijotent to shod light on (ho com munlon question. One of theao writers styles him-self "Reviewer," and it la eaay to guesa who ho but I will not exprws my opinion. It Is araazIuK how ho assumea that I have aurrondered ray vltfws or done aomething, that brings me into harmouv w l t h t h e B e n l o r o < l i t o r o f T i m BAPTIST on tho mat tor of communion. This is news to me. Ho may draw as many iBforeucos as he pleases, but I am not respooslblfl for them. Nothing la easier than for aomo men to draw illogical inforencea. Thoy can hardly help it when they are bent on carrying a point. *

In bis first column "neviewsr" quotes me as say Ing, " I am willing to adopt i t , " and asks tho printer to "put this in large words," but he leave* out an Important sentence, tbo very language which I asy I am.wlll ingtoadopt, However, I will n . t com-plain, for he quotea me correctly In tho latter part of bla article. He of oourae doea mo Ii^uaUce in the conatrucUon he plaeea on some of my words When I aay, and I am willing to aay it a thousand times, that a charch In celebrating the I*ird'e aau per cannot aend the elemeoia ontolde, " R e v i e w e r " th inkathat lmuatmeanthatonly the members of the local oharch celebrating can partake. But I do not mean any such thing. I mean that tho saorod

elements cannot be sent ouUlde to the world, to another church, whether near or far off, or to a sick member of the church celebrating. Is there any bwly that cannot uuderaUnd me now ? I hop . not, for I do not wlah my reapect for the haman iutol loct to be impaired.

But whi leaohnroh cannot awrf - ' the .lomenU ouUlde," can It not permit and invite brethren "of the aame faith and order" to Join with It l a the

i ^hloka not, f . r he aays, "theae bretbHjnhaveto oome before the churcta and by letter of commendation from a slater churoh aaUafy the church that they h»vo boon b a p i i ^ . and orderly membora of tho church wmmending, and then bo admitted by the nnanimoua vote of the ohorch. I t waa for thU very purpoae-that Phebe waa given a letter, not that ahe might commune with theohurch but t h « ahe might Join it, for Paul would not have allowed her to eat the aupper h U he been preaent, ooroouid my Bro. P. eonaistentiy, with hia prln-ciple: for It would have b«,B carrying tho aaor i l aupper out of the oharch eommunlng."

tbat hla v lewi may bo ful ly ondoratood. A . to

t h e r i \ n r r " i ' ' 7 b e e n there, and I do not compare myaelf with Paul In the maiter of aenn.. ThI . I . the'fl at Um' f h . I e m r heard of PhebeVhavlng a letter of dl.miaaion

Thero la nothing aald about a let»er of diamlaaion ^ m t h e chureh at Oenehrea. H «„y Z n i e

h i T ' i r * Jt woald be g l ^ to

•ho ohnnsli fioiuniuiiing bsforo thoy ORU imiiHltp. Is thoro no olhor way to rooolvo thorn ? How woro' thoy rooolvoil hoforo tho nonlntoroouimunlon ihoory was hoard o( ? It was not iiooonary lo t»ko tho votoof thoohuriub. It umiorBtooil, It was a sortoffl^ymmon Uw among UapliBU, that a church ^olobratlng tko Jjord'a anppor could invito thuHo '-of the samo faith ami ortier" to partako. ThooIoinonlH wore not sent outa 1(1, but vlsUing brothrflii wont Inslilo whoro tho elomoiitu woro illsti Ibutoil. 'I'hls is Ktlll thnnsfin.

My chinch nioinl'nr«hip In hi Ponoylvania, but I have 1)0011 RpondiiiK Ihroi^fourtha of my tlinf> In ToxaH, Tennoflsoo and Koiituoky. and no obstaolo ha8 boon put 111 (ho way ol' my approm-h to thr Lord's table In any at ihoso Btatos. "Uovli wei labors un.lor an ogreKloim mmciko In auptmH'iiff ihat poiwiis onnu(.t ooino tolhv Lord'seuppor with-out bccoruItiK momtorfl of tho church oclobratlng. TIHMO la no linpoMlhllU-' !n (he caso uo moro fha thoro was in yoaii tfoiio by, whoii tho Honior oJitoi olTiiK nArnaiM!omrnunoj,p9,«Il)ly with a hundro<l Uapllst ohuroaea, an.l wa^ a maoibor of but ono.

I think I will now bo nn.lorotood. Ikothren mar r.Juico an.l b., ^la,! ovor whai they oall my change o( vIoWH, lui.l when I say thoro has not boon a par-tlcloofoi a n g o l u v h w a , ihoy havo niy pornilbBion still to rtjoloo.

In ono nwpoct this matter of communion U sa.l and appalling. Thoro are, It Is sal,I in somo of our churchos mtnnbors who have not rommuncd for years. Tboy say (hoy cannot conNistanily ,io so bocauso tho cburchos to which (hoy bolonK do not' put Into practico tho nonintorcommnnlou theory Tholrdovotlonaarcdls lurbodby tho pro»onco of some vUltlng brother or sister who Is ! „ vo.i,} standing at homo. Ala«, a lw! iho po^ltlvo com-mand of Christ, ' I 'h is do in roinomborauoeof mo " is disrsgardod. I will not trust mrwlf to say all ' l think on thlt point.

I suroiy did not intend when I be^an this articio to wrlto at such length, anu I say ai^ain, I would not havo taken up my pon at all if TIIR IUPTIMT had not failed to glvo tho /la/Hisf. Hc/hntor or,.Jit for my rlows on- A (Jhurch," an mil,-llshed in tho latter paper.

H worthy ,if oxconununioHtioi,, to

ho.r own I)u,„,pli«o. A Baptist „hu«,h mrd y u.vuo o«o oxcludu.1 from her m o m W « ; p

t'. Ul hor pulpit, ami still Hho will invito a Z gu. ty of an oilbnHO ft.r which sho would . M I


IIoUHO ill


P U L F I T A F F I L I A T I O N . »Y HKV. J . I,'. KIMnAT.I,.

C I I O U L D H;,pti«tH allow lV.lolmptist8 to occupy O thoir j.ulpits? The .juestion should be ven-t.lutod, 80 that it might bo known liow Baptists stand upon this jKiint. If it in right, from the Bible, not simply from custom, it should IK, p r a c ticGd and (telended. but if wrong, it shoul,I bo foorl^sly opposed. "Principles, not circumstances, should govern Baptists."

If I understand tho Biblo, it excludes from tho churches nil who licliovo in tho doctrine of "Hnlva-tion iiy works," "baptismal salvation," "po<lo. baptism," and J'opon-oommnnion." I H„p,K,8o Baptists would consider tho man who boliovea and practicos all or either of theso theories a heretic, and would therolbro with.Imw fellowship from hitn for that would bo according to tbo Scriptures, and I do believe in complying as nearly as wo can with tho teav-Mings of that good old Book.

"Prove all things: hold fast that Wliicli is good." A man that is an heretic, afVer tho first and soc-

ond admonition, reject, knowing that ho that is

such « subverted an,i Biuneth, being condemned of h niHoIf." " B u t if ho neglect to hear tho church, ^t^ him 1)0 to thee as a honthou manand a publi-

Now I ftgk, con Baptists, according to right principles, invite into thoir pulplta the man who in gul ty of an iiicotisistoncy for wiiich ihiSy would exclude hir.i from thoir fellowship?

" N o person-shall bo adn,iltod to the Lonl'^ suti-

w i r r ' ^ " n « f ' " ' y i ' r a c t l c e l ! , r

Society has,loci,lod to open a Br.uicli Atlanta, (Ja.


For tho proHont thin new Sunduy-school Hupply

'Store will locatcd in tho ocrner r o o m . c o n |

Wintcha hui.l Hunter .troot«. Tbo «tore will b ,

r^u.y to lH.gin l)um„e«.s by Docombor tho fifteenth I ^ ^ c . o t y w , l k . o p a t t h i s p l H c t , . . . a t the Pa o. t I ouHo. Kvory N.vdc.1 by Hun.lay-BoOoLs; .ueliHs Bibles, Lonnon Helps, i w i . l i c l

.'nr.os, I{,.war.l.. a.ui re^uinitos of all ki L - I I them at the same rate, at which t W

WlIHltK TO 8EN1, OIJDERH. After 1),.comber the fifteenth, all MohoolH in the

^..uth ,ho Society's excellent Kundu ehool I apors and LOB.OU Helps for 1888, can I d

^ ' - r o n l o r s direct to Atlanta. Ga. It . i l l 1 '

A1 onle H HIIOUM i.e accompanicd with tho nionev and a,]dre,.od to American Haptiat P u b l i c u m ^^-uny. 1 . , Whitehall street, kt iaula . G a


Tlio .S<K.iety inoei oonlially invites all Sunday. H..I.001 worker, visiting Adanta. to call and see tliL ^^uu.lay.sclioo Supply «tore. You will fimi it g.HHl place to leave baggage, to rest, wrlto letters - g o t what you want lu, Sunday-school helps - m e and us. Take tho elevator on VV it

B . CJHtKnTit, Secretary American Publication Scmiety

Atlanta, (Ja. , December 1 , 18,S7. t

J O H N H I . 5 .

man lie begotten (tjenao, Greek) from L abov;?^,,, oannot see, O r e ; k ; r i . ! E :

of G o d . - " ' " ' " " tho kingdom

(hnno, when connected with cts signifying unto or u i K «l.ouKl bo translated b e g o t f o n . L d ' w l u ^ u ^ d n conjunction with signifying from or

V sn • versos Ivo and six should bo rendered born, as in-dicated by tho wonl signifying „ „ t

L T • o ' - n -"K. Bro Vaughn claims, then, like tho Pi^s-

byternu. elders, it may bo put in tho text thus : blood 01 Christ,

n of tho spirit, lio cannot ontor the kingdom of

of tho inward cleansing, and tlio aignifying of a now lifo, as a now born babe.

J o h n ' , work was to prepare « people for the .

formation o „H oxpre88c<l in his baptism. Woodstock, Ga . MK8. M. T . HOV.

O U I T U A R I j J a .

tmuioa by 11,0 rnuwy' S oAOTVw^I v'i'i'lfJlSi'ili!.

Diu A . D. CoFKMAN.-Bro.Oom«an wM born

I f t h " l i t " teenth,1868. HooamoHouUi lo W o w m b w / l M S ,

and settled In Cairo, Thowiu oouuty, Georgia, where he engaged id the praotioe of modioluo until he wafl ooraiwUed to abandon it on nocouni of fail ; ing hoalth. H e was married to Mixs Bertha Tied denherg, daughter of Dr. 8. A. Itoddonlvtrg of Cairo, Gft., August tho twonty-sixth, 1H8(1. He diod of consumption in Macon, Ga, , November tho fourteenth, 1887.

The subject of tiiis skotoli wan ono of tboso pure, gontlo, uoblo Christian men, whoso aim in lil'o waa to honor God, and do good lo his followmen. Ho possessed au abiding faith in tbo promistw of (3r)<l, and walked in tho footsteps of his Savior ooiitiiu'-ally When diseuao soi/wl upon his framo ho mur-mured not, but boro it nil with calmnoHs and forti-tude. In his intttrcourso with his IblUnvmen he was gentlo in his ways, and loving in his disposi. tion, not only winning frionds, but binding them eloHor and oloeor, a» they oamo oftener ;in contact with him. In all tho businosi and social relntloiiH of lifo to know Dr. Q)fl'man was to love him. Ho was baptized into tho fellowship of a Baptist churoh in Indiana, before ho was twoiity one years of age. IIo idcntifietl hirnaelf with tho tho Baptist church at Cairo, aftor bo felt 8ettlo<l, wburo tlio writer firflt know him, and kmrned to love him. Ho wafl always ready to do anything ho cjuld to a(i?ance tho cause—(juiot and uiiobtruHivo. Yet, tho pastor felt that ho wasononjum whom he couh rely. But ho is gone, bis days on earth are no more, Tliis is tho Lord's doing, and Itlierofore we Iww our heads and hold our peace.

May his lierenved companion find solace in the memory of so g(MKi a man, and in tho hope of joyful mooting "beyond the smiling and weejiing,' where thero is uo sickness, nor death, nor nepura tion, but an unending lifo of blesiedoesH. ,t. m. u,

lioston, Ga. , November 2;j, 1H87.

PucKETT.—SiHtcr Josephine Puckett, daughter of Adam and Lucy Staiubaugh, wa.s born Novem lier Sevontoon. 1842. and died October sixteen. 1S87; was married to J . 0 . Puckett October six-teen. 18(51 ; professed faith in Christ and was l>ai tizod into tho foUowshiii of Pleasant Grove chuirli l)y Kid. James U. Spaulding, in June, 1H7'2, Hister I'uckott was for eighteen years nfllicled with cancer, but was a cheeiful, consistent (..'hris-tian and neighbor to all who knew her. She al-ways resixmded to tho calls of her God and Irieiul;-). She was a faithful servant, up and doing, until she was prostrated upon her bul, where she was confined for seventy days. Slio had ail tho aid that human asHistance could reixler, but ileatli was inevitablo. Fooling tho lovo of God richly in hor redeemed soul. Sister Puckett exclaimeil in her last moments. "God 's will bo done, I have a homo in heaven." Sho then prayed God to prepare a placo in heaven for all tlioso who bail miuislcred so kindly to hor in |ier ufllictioiis. She leaves a husband and lovely liaugliter, with many liieiids, no mourn lior departure.

J , M, Bi; MU'tiot.n.

ANDUKW HAU- .—Bro . Hall was born .Inly the fifth, 1820. departed this lifo October the second, 1887. Waa married to Miss Beulah .lacktioii in 18'15, Bho diod in 1850 leaving three children, Dr. Hall , of Wingo Station, K y . , being ono of thorn. Bro. Hall wiui again married Juno tho seventeenth, 1 8 5 1 , to Miss Lucrotia Mathony by whom ho had nine ohildron born, tour of whom passed away before Bro. Hal l , fivo still living, throe are members of tho Baptist ohurch, the other two religiouNly inoliued but onterlain fears of tlinir qualifications for ohuroh momborship. Bro. Hall embraced faith in Christ in 1845, and united with the Miaiionary Baptiat ohuroh at ThomBons Crook, and waa a member of Center and Sulphur Sjiring Baptiat ohurohea afterwords by reason of moving to dimMrkht HkbUoha itntil 1876, when henudfami l r

jnovod to Graves oouuty, K y „ and ^uuUetl with the Missionory Baptist ohuroh at Cuba, Grayee county where ho lived an eflloiont, prompt am faithful member until his death. Ho was not taken without iKung in oxpootatlon of hie o h a n p , ex-pressed himself as being ready, and gave direotiona for his funonil services by his pastor and burial, and gave adviw to his family cuieerniug the church ho so much lov^i and was ovor ready to labor for and help to tho extent of bis ability.

AHA OO.T, Pastor.

i l l S T O I l l C A l .

THE I'H. AUxMllAt.hj'H I I I S I U K Y 01,'

I IAI 'TIBTS ll'tllll ni» UIIHUHMJ. LirVdlMH.]

vo, Yll. [ N UI'JVlFAVINt; Dr. ArmllBgo's history, which A wm ttunoun.'ftd by tho Haidlgi j.ros* generally— bofoio it wa« l 8 . u c d - with hlgU commoiidtttions, wc have made uo roferosco to his HWrl Wo estoom It a small ui&U«r Uow au author wrllos. so I list ho U e l w wid not olloiwive to aoorreot lute . Hut Dr. Arinltaif*. Is dliforaai. Uo ti«T«3i out of hia way »o (jritloliMi tiia «tyU of u i ouljaeat wwlVw. allbongb it would bo Usrd to toll what It haa to do with a l(»ptl»t UUtory, Tho wriUr orlUctiwHl it no loss a pcmm th»» tho a[)08llo Paul, whom millions of us biillevod to havo b»ou dlvluoly iTisplred. — not only in tho ILoiighto he communicatod, but In tho words ho UHcd, Hero it tho Doctor's ciiticl^mi—

" I t lu thought that Paul never m^storod the (ireok oloinontaily, as his stylo is not after tho c asHio modols, his rhutoric bi'lrig dofoctive, and his llguroH harHii and miJC'id, I'osstlily any tuto" of Tarjua would luvo ruliciiiud his f Syrian peoullarilics and Hebraisms, and Aristotlo might havo suoutxid hla logic."

" O f h l a a p e e e l t a t l i

It Ifl Hupposod that Dr Armitiigd cm draw tho diftinolluii lietween S n i a c pocnliariiies and llebiulHUH ; thouifh to ui It ticcmn thai nrdther Paul nor iho .JowH Hpoke of wrote Hebiew—tho Sjr lao or Aramean wan HO named. Hut liov/ tho most noriTi't Hreek could wrlle or frtik of Jewish forms lasvH, ('.(ctriiio .niir hlmory wittioul Jewish (or ayrlu:) pcculiari'lcB, r&lled llcbraUius, ospcolally where pcrsuin accustomoil t ) u<to 8 y r h c woro ailiiicHHiil, is hoyoiid our comprohonslon. I low-evor, ii9 to I'aul's stylo, hl.< defootlve rhot,<irio and his liUfKh lUtMros wc print tho viowi of mon familiar r l i h (rreek. in oppoiiiloii to Dr. Aruiit ago'i) itweepi'vig crithjue. Conyboaro says :

" fhe icadincH') with which ho cxprwHud bliiisclf in (Ircek, even before eiich an au;llonoo as that upon the Areopagus at Atluu'). sh.iws a command of tho laiiguas{o whl-h n low w tu'd n)t, in all probability, have attaiu"d, lij't not (h'ook baoii tho la iigiiage of hU ehil lliooil. At Troan ho spoko tho llolleiiixtic language', a dialect ot tho (Jrotlk bfnt uiiileiHtood by the common iiooplu of that city. Anil on tho ttdiH in tho tempio at JoriiHaloio. Paul |)i)kc to liu) |)Co|p|e in llm Hebrew <oii|»iie forl i) rio-

tJimldah:, a dialect, of thy Hebrow. | Tho rotnoii of ihlh adaptation in fjlvcn by tho Hposlle hinidolf, whc i i l i cayH: " Kxcopt yo utter by tho tongue words ea')y to bn undorstood, how shall It bo known wliut Is (ipokon?"

(,>ncof the most ofllobratnrl dootorn'of Germany, for dfty yearn profftssorof Orlont»l languatcB, aayi, ITI coiitrait truuchout fttim Dr. Armlt«Ko'a orUlquo:-—

"Noaiidor, upoaklng of tho Introduotion of (Jhrlsllanily 1H Lystra says: "AH Paul was foremost III'speaking, and posseaiied—hb wo may conclude from hU pplstloe, and his speooli at Athena — a peculiarly powerful address, and a high degree of popular blcqueiioo, be was taken for Ilormas. thoir tutelar god of olotinonoe, who thoy Igiiorantly hut rovorently suppusod, had come down from banvtiU in address ihemi Aota xlv , k'i, i

thoeloqaont Mtlmau, editor of Gibbon, •ayatW^^^ : ^ ^ '

" 'On the Arsopagai , tbo qbrUtlau leader Ukoa hla ataud aurrounded on e r t ry aids by what waa noble, beautiful and luteMeelnal l a tbe older worlds tflmplea, of wbleb tb« miterial waa only» •urpawed by tbelr aroblteoturat graoo and majeaty; atalvea. In whkh the Ideal antbroporaor-phlam of the Orwka had almoat elevated tbo r popular noUona of tht d l e l y j by embodying It ' In forma of aueh exqulalte perfeoUon; pahMe edifloea where the rival luiereata of n a n bad t>een discuaattl wllbaeuteueaaatkl veraaUIUy of the bigh* eat Orociau Inlelloet, In all the purity of the Inlmlt. able Attic dialeet, — whoae .oratory bad attained Its higheat triumpba by ' wielding at will tbo flerea democracy.' I t waa In the mldat of tboae elevating assoclatlona, to which tho atudent of Greek literature la Taraua, the reader at Menaadorand of the Greek phllosophloal poeta, oould aeareelv be enUrely dead or Ignorant, that Paulstanda forth to proclaim the lowly, yet antborltaUTO religion of Jesus of Naaareth." i

" T h e opening of It," be remarka, " l a In ac-cordance wltJh the moat perfect rnieaof art,—calm, temperate, and conelllatory. Up to a certain point in tho higher view which bo unfolded of the Su-premo Being, the pblloaopber of tbo Gaitlen, aa wall aa of the Poreh, might lUtaq with wonder and admiration. It aoar«l Indeed, high above the vulgar rellgton; but In the lofty and serene Dlety who disdained to dwell In the earthly temple, and needed nothing from tbo hand of man the Epl-cureaa migkt almoat auppoae that be hoard tho language of hla own teacher. But the next aen'ence which asBortM the providence of Gbd aa the active creative energy, aa the oonaervatlve, the ruling, tho ordainlHg principle, annihilated at onoe tho atomic theory and the government of blind ehanee, to which which Bplcurua aacrlbed the origin and preservation of the unlverae. * Thia high and Im. prcsslve Delly who dwelt aloof In aerene and majestic superiority to all want, waa perceptible In stime mystorloua manner by man; bla all<p«rv«d> Ing providence comprehended tho wbole t fomm race ; man waa In conatant union with the Doity, as an offspring with iU parent ' And atlll tbo Storic might applaud with complalaant aaUafaotlon the ardent worda oi the apostle; bo might approve tho lofty condemnation of Idolatry: " W e , thua of divine deocnt, ought to think mire nobly of our universal Father than to auppose that tbo Godhead is like nuto gold,oral lver ,orat )ne gravea by art of man's device.' But thia Divine Provldonee waa far dlfFarout from the atern and all-contmlling ne< cessity, the inexorable fatallam of the Stoic aya-tcm. While tho moral valne of human actlona was rccogulEod by the solumn retrlbato Judgment lo bo passed on all mankind, tbo dignity of atolc vlrture waa lowered by Iho general demand of repontttuco. Tho perfect man, tbo moral king waa deposed, as it were, and abaaed to tho general level; he had to learn new lefaona In the school of Christ, IcBsoua of humility and consoloua dcfl. cinnry, tho most dircctly opposed to the pHnclplus and the aentimentt) of hla philuaophy. The great Christian doctrine of the reaurreotion closed the ipoeoh of Pau l ; a doctrine received with mockery, perhiifis, by hie Epicurean hearers: with suitranaion of juilgment, probably, by the Stoic, with .whoso theory of tho final destruction of the world by Are, and his tenet of future retributions, it might aih> pear In aome degree to harmonize. Some, however, l)ecamo declared oonyerts; among whom are particularly named Dionyslus, a man of sufYoiimt distinction to be a membor of the famous oourt of tbo Arooi)aguB, and a woman named Damaris, pro-lably of oonsiderable rank and iofluenoe. And U a worthy of note, that b that august assembly,

btisides the actual converts made, there wero other* who, being almost persuaded, said to Paul t < We will hoar thee again of tbis m a t t e r ; ' in a state of mind iierhaps, not unlike that o f ' Fe l ix when ha said to the samo apostle: Go thy w t ^ for tbia time i when I havo a oouTonient season I will roll for th»!i<!ii' ,

i^ooMOLtroait Mwtv watic)



6 T I I H B A P T I S T .

NUnnct* U l|i« m'wmaicfwt AtHfowmlloe or Krrwr

'fliwu limtiiri »«" ••»"««••»'«« tiiM II q»«y •»«> •ll»pl«y«rt b*M>«"« »< the trwth. ~ l> .

CilUVIw'A M ^ i'nbllwhow


sditomal ookn. ,. H.UIUVKH. I,I«P H"!V. J, II. MOOUy, KKV. J. N. irAtjIi, Kentuokr, IIiM. J. lUiHtAi*, UlHdIintppt, AiwoUto

••••OUl. 00MTKIBV1OM, A I F HIVFLT. O.U. . . . HAII lUriianUiiOi .». b. MWUIIV, U.l>.. »'«Whltmttn, n-KT yUif. I) I), T II X'FTT'l'IT, 0 I), J. T. I'KIOB U! X4.UAII.KY. J H I'hlUllw, l».l}. .T T OAkl»y. W llHmitli, (V P" iy>wo. J M Hrlmfl, U»V WM. NUIlTON,U..O.

Mutiorly, Mo, UoorKi

Kodtiiuky KDiilncky

UuMvlllo, Arh KiioxTiil«i, Teun.

Keiiluuky TOUIlOIMtH 'IVniiiwiwo Keiiliioky Touu-iwoo JCiigUinit

NN»in««H OIBPK 8«» MHIH NtrMt. JA«.H,MAIIAKKV iiuMJieiu MimHK«r,


Clnb of Uiu or mora, } MIDU''.™, , I ^

in aenillDB mowUiWJouo n»ra« the iwuiler of oliih will i.iyi«riln>T>Ui.ame at »hB bottom of .hoet. Miul«ten»' •nbucru.Hon* pleiuw predr t»io Bev. or KIdcr rlmlr immM. Aim) iiJ»o« amount opfioiilto oiwii nntno.

AUVKKTlHiNO llATKB furnl»h9d on «piilio»tlon. Stml money by l^t-offloa Ortfer,Re«Uter©d Loiter, Klpr ;«l

or t>r"fl, at o«r rUk; otUerwl* at lb* «encl«r'». I f auHwer In JiMlred by ronll, wnU utiunp or oarU.

rerwmaJ l»lt«ra or not* IntonUod for tho cUltor uliould be wrltt«n ou Miparato ahcota tliouitU luolowU in tlio name ou-ve!oi>o wltli hai)ln«iHi Settsn. , ,

AJilroiMi»nbu»lu«s»lottor»,aud make Money Ortlora and UinrtsliAynblB.toTu* lUfrinT. ^ ^

uJ»lTngitiiii IttitPrlM oi iuafiMeiit. I. A» Mapttau, we are to nund for tneaopreme anthorliy

of iue word ol uid ss the onlyimd anfflolent rule of faUh iniiH^e. Tlie Blttlo, and the Bible only, A« oppowHl to

Sa hu iiin tri.ntlon lu raatten both of faith and praotloo, mast claUo M bolug a dlaUngiiUiUlng doctrine otonrde-

lUlnailtMi-adoctrine for whloh we are colled eanieatly we . nomlnailcii

'"j.™A9 UapUste, wo are to auind tor the ordlnancea of Ohrliii Hit he BUjnlttoil tiiem nmrn bla foUoweia, the same In nutnlur, u . o r d o r , and in m«a»<n0, nnabanged and iinfltiKiiKoablo till he come. II. AO OHpUsta. we are lu «Uod for a iplrltnal and Iragener-

H I'd oburSh, nud that none «hnll be received Into Ubrlat'i oh jrciiiW bo wolflomod toHii ordlnanooe, Kliout ooofMilci; A p<<r-«>nnl faith In Chrlit, and giving oredtole evldenoe of re ;«uiarMlon of heart,

4;unr«« rolltjr. I'lirt lUplUti believe mat a Chrlatlan ounroh la a Mogle con-(if.'iratiou, ttitd ootnpU'to In lUelf: and the true churcheo of Curlrt »r» the oonatUuenM of hU klngilom. X That, nmler r"

Hnd iiuli»|»ii2d<<nt

gilt X That, nuiler chrUt, each oharoh la abaolntely loverelgu nd iiulmHUdent, g, rhattoeaoti'ohorohchrutooiumltted the aole gnardl-

nn iitn ami ouliol»( theordtuanoos-preaching thegoepel an 1 •,Atii!i<liit«jrliit: DaptUin iind the Lord'a supper,

Tiiul all ounrclirlKhMaud privileges, ai) voting and the |.i>,ti'4«<ir'|>«<r,>(noal<t iHi llmlt«d to the aiiolpllne amljn-ri.'itlictuiii of HACh ohiKob. 5, t'hiit uu xoiiiiilauoe of uooIeutHnVtoAl anthorlty oan be

« mceiriud «uvi> by tt oharoh. 3. riiat each ohuroh alone la Inveeted with all ocole

III \ .Ileal power -puwei- to elect and oomtulaalon and denote III litvti omoera,-power to receue, dlaolpUne and ezolnde III own inoiubooa.

tiiitlinKniMlilnii folliijr of Hlatorleal BMptlaU. Tae aim-rouognltlou of unman •ocietlca ua Horlptorai

oh iroUt-s ijy .»mnntlon, iiilnlaterlal or eccleiilaatlcal, or any iliiauco or uo-opcratlon tUat la anaceptlble of being ap-11 irnnily or logiouUy oouktrued by our iiiemberH or thelra or tiiH worlil Into a >ei!()gnltlonofeo«lo<il>wtlcRlor mlnUterlal einuilty with lUptlatohnrohna.

I>:) not Hciiil uioiioy for miHaions to this olUuo

Boi tliicclory ou olcvoiilh paRo for proper adtlrusrtOH.



J foiKot that you havu hooii chorpii as tho plclt

ot (lit) Hook, Hio cruttu of tho milk. This mouth in

ll)o tiiiio to work Very many MubKcriiitiuiiH will

pxpiri! will' (I'd year. Yon miiBt Hoouro llicRn ic-

tiHwiilfi. Watcli, tor HuiiM aru expiring ovi-ii now.

Tboii <ho iirht of tliu yuar in tho tiiiio to coiilrrxt, Id

luy ill HiippiiRx, HO htiiko bard for uow BiibHcrilHth.

ISOK'K »OW (O aoliclt. thosp who ouKht to IIO Biiii-

Rcrlhcrs. Got ordera for Ohrletmaii booko. I/}ok

ovtir tb« cataloguo or TBB BAPTIST, nod buy your

hooka thifi time from us, and get all tlio frioiidn to

do (ho namn. Great thines aro rxpsoted of you,

and tho oxpcotation will be rontiiiod if you will

otily try hard enough; Don't dlnappoint th»80 who

rcooiunii'nded you. Don't disappoint ihoga who

cominlf)Rion(<d you, and who aro dnponding on you

If thaso nnteoiTiod tho boat don't auccoed then how

nan sucooaa bo attMnod ? Tklnlc of your Important

tntst till you take flro: thou talk nbout It till jon

oomniunioate tho flro to othora. ThU la (bo auro

way to Buooo'iB in QVorythlMurt TVy, TBY AOAIH,


B A P T t g j ^ g iKt t^ f




' r i l K train luft iit ton o'olook in tho morning for

I Uoiiio. ond wo oouM not proviiil on our host,

Uro. I'mroc, to alK)w tho hncknmu to tako uadown

and juit 118 aboiiril, but broke KIH own rest, unil in

hia enrrittgo took lis to tho train, iin«l tickotod uml

chcckod UH through in 11 Pullinan dii'ing car. Tlio

MiiHler who rownnis the giving of 11 oui) of oohl

wiitor will rowiird IJi'o. I'earco.

The ino8t inlorcating point wo jmHuiHl in reach-

ing Itomo wiiH AiiniBlou, tlio rival of Birmingham.

Tho Hiiino inin nunuUtiin in on tiio oiiBt ami the

samo mountain of coal in on tlio WcHt, ami that

will niako AnniHton llio Hh"fKolil of tho Houth,

ilro. Nunniilly in the hlHliop of this In-aulifully

laid out, and well bnili, and growing city. Wo

paHwl Tailiidega, and thought of our fcriu jr lovcil

pastor. Dr. (Jemgw Lofton, and praywl Clod to biosa

his labors hero as ho did in Afomjlliis. When op-

|H)sito .Jaoksonvillii wo wiw tho spiro of tho Baptist

church, and rcnipinbcroil tho text wo used wlicn

we preiichod tlio ilodioation sermon, iwonty livo

years ago, "The Kent Veil," and thought of the

noble l)()dy of Baptists wo then know to lovo—the

Minets ami the Matloys, ami others, all of wlioiu

have passed over or removed.

Our lato and valued iriond, Bro. Shopahiro,

met us with a carriage at the depot at Uonio, and

took lis to Ins hospitable homo, where every com-

fort and attention awaited ns, and rigiit wo!I wo

enjoyed them. It is the Baplist hotel of Koine,

and has IH-OU for one-toiirlli of a century, and Go<l

ha.H blessed this' household as lie dit' that of Ohod-

edom of old, becuise the ark of tho Lord rested

therein, Dr, Meadilen, the pastor of tho church,

and Dr. CJwaltney, the president of Shorter Col-

lege, called, and made plcai'ant a part of tho ovon»

ing with UH, from whom wo learned the prosperity

of the church, and the great sucxesa of tho Colloge.

After an early dinner tho next day tho commit-

tee from Armiiolioe church, deacons Wootcn and

Helman took uh in n very comfortable carriage to

Bro, Lewis Keiman, tiiirtc n and one-half miles,

who resides in Armuohoe Valley noi fnr t'roni tho

church, with whom we rested until tho hf.ur of

meeting tho iit'xt day. Many of tho brethreii re-

tireil Thursday with faint hopes of the mooting tho

coming tlay for it throatcne<l rain, and it was not

until nearly ten o'clock before the dark olonda

hroko away, and the sun broke forth "with heal-

ing iu hirt wings." i t wai u good althoiigli not a

largo congregation that met us that day, but on

Friday afternoon and niglit, anil Huturday all day

tho brethren came in from every direction, and on

Hunday ministers, deacons and lirethreii from three

Htates, and eight diilerent conntieH crowdod that

immonso house and yard. We say immonse, for

it iH hy far the largest house iu North Georgia.

Wo were told that with chairs in the aisles its seat-

ing capacity is one tiiousuml.

At (he rofpiest of the duacons and j'HsUir we dis

cussed tho subject of coinmuniou, itn Nymbolmn and HdaUon to the local church. At tlio close of tho

discussiou wo called upon eyury Baptist in thp

houBo to vole by Htrmding up, if tho word of God,

and cousiatoncy did not demand that membership

in the ohuroh celebrating it wn« not the pt;ere<)ui-

site to partaking of it. And that entire crowd

arose. I f there was one 13aptist who kept hia or

her seat, no «no noticed it that wo could hear of.

The Armuchee church wiis declared solid, aud will

at its next conferQiice meeting vote to obserfo tho

supper henceforth as a fihureh ordinance.

The afternoon's diacourse wa^ on the Judgment

and Reward of the Balnta. VVu shall nni nttempt

to describe tho closing soenes of these inoetings on

Sunday wviiingi songs, tiio hftndshnukingB,

mid imrtiug sceuoa of tho niothera itud fiiUieni in

our laraol purtod, knowing they would meet no

more this side of paradiao. Tliey wero here from

all distances from one to eighty-four miles, and

gray boarded brotiiren said of all tho Oonvonlions,

Aasociationa and ntotillnga they had ever attended

thia one wan ^ho liest of all. 'lliuBe who had

traveled two days to reaph it declared they wero

amply repaid, Tho Lord blessed it with the linest

of weather—a general revival. Deacon Wooten^

with whom wo rested that night before wo retireil

handed us a list of nearly half a hundred iiameti

for THK BAITIHT, and our traveling oxponsos with

the grateful tlmiikei of tho brethren. This is one

of tho greatest ineetingH of our life.

Before they lelt the jiastor and brethren oj'

Hhiloh aluiroh, Cobb county, obtained tho promise

of a visit at II mass meeting with that church next

April, if life and health wore spared. How could

wo help il nt tor enjoying such a meeting iw this

wan, tho inlluenco of which, said "luo of its intelli-

gent deacons to us, will remain ior good over this

church, and tho population of this valley for two

generations to come, Tho standard and substantial

niemberj of this church are tho WoottMis, the H|M)1-

mans, the Kspeys, the Echols, and tho families of

their sons aud sons-in-law. All moro thau usually

intelligent, li!K>i'al, and dovited Baptists, Laud-

mark to the c/ire, Wo consented to bo present at

Huother masts meeting on tho Batnrday hefiu'O tho

fourth Sunday in November, A. D. IDDO, should

we live and remain until that ywu, and who cau

blame us for that?


MOKE than what we iodicato<l wns in the air

when wo left onr desk three months ago to try

tho elfectjj of tho mountain air of Kast Tennessee

and the Siilt breezes of tin) Gulf (and this absence

will account for tho delayed answers to corrcHpoiid-

ents) has become jironounced facts. The llV^tern

lifconltr has pasied into now hands, and Dr. T, T.

Katon,"Tontine" of tho Eeaminer, has mounted its

tripod, and a lovely paper ho will make of it, but

not a soumler or aliler Baptist paper. Who could?

Tho Bapliiil. Ittpxlor at Chattanooga is diroclcd

and publishpd by its former foronian, and edited

by tho pastors of tho city in lieu of its formereditor.

Dr. Kobertson, who retires wearied and worn. Drs.

H. 11. Tucker and Hatcher have been dropped by

the publishers from the editorial stall of the old

Christum Index, Atlanta, Ga. He avers lie did

not losign, and thai ho is not rcsigiii'd to being so

unceromoniously fired out of tho etlitorHliiii ol tiiat

paper. Tho publishers give reasoiiH satisfactory to

themselves, and doubtless to many of tho reiuhns

of tho Index for tho cliango in tho editorial

management of tho pajier. Our old frieiil.

Dr. Weaver, is retained, and the paper is rnuuing

by tho pens of the contributors, etc. Not long or

well can any paper'bo kepi up in this way. It is

like running a lirstclasH church without a ivi^ular

pastor, flepending upon uncertain "supplies."

Two other Baptist pajiors have been started in

(Georgia, and now tho news comes that anewpspor

will bo started in Macon, (Ja , unless tho Indix can

bo bought, and removed there with"' Dr, Tucker

doubtlcsa at its heml, we suppose.

The Bihlkal Hcmder, North Carolina, has again

changed hands An Anti-Landmark editor can-

not run that paper to tho sa(isfaotion of North

Carolina Baptists, for they, as a body, are true to

the principles of their fathers.

AN KX PI, A NATION. W«nln<i« (H«tblan X nnoatliennn*r*i ol Ml wboae

tlni<»wlUes|ilr« witiln tli« rullowliiK fonr wefika, • miaalMC i«

(bnt k«r«*

It your |iap»v IM miArkra y«nr

nlviiilg Nil amnlM timo to CAMAW wltkioiit alnKlneopr, Wn lair wMrnlnK «(««•> •hnll ilrnp Ml nnni>tHlta« « • «n<-• viii^' a. It your |inpi>v In marr llit|i» liiM not «anlri«l von avnir know wthNgr, ntad jrvniihonlQ Wrii'ito Mi»al«>M «>Mll«>

'ift i f

• 4 :



Russian scholar has miido the aaserlion that

India must inevitably belong to KUBSIO. Tho litis

slaiis are fast gaining a stronghold throughout In

ilia. Theroappears to b'l no danger of an immediate

Anglo-KussiiiiHtonllict, but if the iiresAnt Ameer

ghouldlink for British aid, his riya! may ask Kiisuia

for help and then thero would bo ccrioiis eotnpliea

tioDH. Kussla's tactics diu'ing the past ten yearn

have all been made with a view towards getting

control of Inilia and Contral Asia .Slowly she

pimhes on, first governing as a protcotorato under

native chiefs uiitil gradually hIio gets control tif tho

territory. In India dimideclion gradually spriwl

ing among the natives. The grievances of Mutia

rnji'h Dulup Singh, the onsucceshful Ameer aie at

truiiting a great deal of attentlou, and it IH assorted

opciily tliat if Knssia will foot tho bill that IIO.OOO

unlives aro willing to OHpotise liin ciuise. Nuiner

ouH Anglo-Indians would al«o he ready to liirht

against British (Tovornmrtnt. The .igiuuion

India is great, and there is likely to bo, so tho re

|K)rts assert more HeriouH tioiible than that of tho

terrible niutinyjji'.IH.'iT. Tln' Maimriijali tried to

a'curo Knj:laiiirs aid, iind wiion ho ilid not HUCCOCI

ho tiirnetl to Kusbia. Every elforl was made

try to prevent liini from rcuchiiig Kuauiii uflcr he

loft England, but after miuiy liialn lie reaclici

MOBCOW, where ho was receivuil with marked c.on

sideratiou. Ho wan a favorite with tiie late

M. Katkotf, who'gnve him material nid, There

uro 110 doubts thut hol'ore many mouths have piiS8iil

Eiiyhind and Hussia will be ((uiurcling about the

iiiiliiin t e r r i t o r y , M o n l h h j

Ueiid with tliis the chaptir ou tiio K-istcni ( >m'rt-

tioii in "Tho Seven Dispeiisationn."

tis ution


A r.UNFOWDEiv' hai hwn invento.l by a R

A man chemist,whicli if an flucircssfu! in o:iccuti

ill actual war as it has been dunrt; the experi-

luciits, will do away entirely with heavy ariillcry.

Tlio explosive is called, "Slcetovcr," 'iiil tho in

veiitor has nolveil the prohleni of u-,iiig lieavy

slit'ils without tho ucie of wcigliiy jruna. Wlicie

ordinary powder cxiiamis in all ilireciiohn, this

iiuw conipound is said to ex|)iind in only one di

rcction. A projectile can be sent IW I'ar by the UHO

of tlio now explosive aw I'y the n:-i<' oi a heavy gun,

giiupowder and gun cotton. In u description of

tho experiment it IH Bald thiit the mit<Kile WUH ahot

fronni tulw made of eanl-lioani by ihf use of the

"Hleetover" withon'., damage to tiif tube. This

was done to illustrate of what light material guns

conld IM! made, Tho o/lioe of w;ir at St. IVtcis

burg has great faith tliat the new explosive will be

"f great use iu time of war. Trunsp'irtntion will

not bo hindered hy the heavy giin.«, wiiich it has

been necessary to carry liereloibrc; uiid then again,

the new guuH can bo carried td places wiiere the

other guns couhl not bo carried. It is propoMcd to

make tho now guns of aluminum. If thin new in-

vention will do ail that is claimed for it, a com

plete revolution will bo created in tho science of

war. It will bo far more jireferable than ilyna-

mite, as it will not be as dangerous to transport.—

Bemoregt'H Monthly.

Bro. Pendleton's article, A (jliurch Ordinance,

was uopled Into Tirw lUrTiHV during onr absenco

In East Tennoesce lu tlio fall. (>edit should havo

boon given to tho Ji'fi/hfior. If any wrong has

boon done to Hro 1' those columns arc open to

hini, He has no bettor friends than those who

have commented on his article If they have mls-

liiterproted him It Ims boon because (hoy have

ralsiindorstood him. Wo leave the oxaminailon

of his artioln In this paper to thowe who rerlqwod

nl« formtr Arttoloi

And heucolorth wo go hand in Hand (T»K UAV TWTand'the (/tainor) in renewed elforts to build un a paper that shall lie most suwly THK BAtTm-of Tenness^, tho Bauth and Woflt."-,THK BAPrwr, Memphis, Tenn. We think tho combination of the two paporaa step in tho right direction, and we wish LIIII BAI'TIST the largest measure of siic-0P98, But how can it do good to the Baptist cjiuse by presfling its theory of non intercommunion among Brtptiats, wo do not see. Wo hope It will mil a race with the naplist. Hifl»tU)r, and see which paper can do moat for unifying Tennesfieo Baptists, and 111 iH'gging money for tho BuardB of tho South-ern Baptist Convention, nud for our Hcminary. riio iiaper that excells in that will have tho crown, ami ought to.—IMiijiom IkmUl

It is singular, somewhat that Bro. Diekerson will

contlliiii' like Beeehor'H Nt.ble to bark Jkj|o that

same liole so long after tiie game is gone! No pa.

|K'r has done moro, or is iloin^' more to unify tho

denomination in Tennefisoc ou tho Convention, on

missions, and on ministorial education, or is raising

JU'INJ money for them than Tin; BAIT.'HT, Tho

ikrald had not oye t for years that could see how

1 111; BATIHT was doing good liy pressing its ( '')

tiioory of tho non-recognition of alien iinmersious

aa Scriptural, but that it did do good it will not

now deny ail tho Bajitists of the Houtli are willing

to admit, Unity in faith and practice is ipiito as

important as unity in givinj;, but wo have labored

and aro laboring to unify Biiji'IhIh m all these, un-

willing as the Herald i.- to udmit it.

are so often enconragod, begotten again to

a living h(»iie, in our work by the nnex|iectcd

generosity of tho friendw 0/ministerial education'

We have guaranteed the Itonrd of three young

ininisterH for this scsHion, which will ainount to

three hundred and Heventy-tlve dollars, and havrt

been fearing to say to the fourth that ho can come

tho lirst of next .laiiuury. iio is a nolile young

miiiifcter, tho Son of ndevoted mijiister who gave

his life to the ministry, and died leaving his family

destitute. This his son hiis workeii hard to hclj

support his widowed mother and tho younger

hildreii, and has placed them hi clrcumstanrcs

thai his liruthors can keep them iij), and now dc

HiroH to enter college the llrHt of next .laiiuiiry, for

which ho liurt prepared himself. Mow ccinlil wo

refuse him help? How dare wo pledge one hiiii

dred and twenty-live ilnllarH more? This morning

Mrs. I.lzzie Chfiiiey of 'J'cxas Hendu us twenty

lollars ; and we at once reKolvcd to trust (iod and

his cliildreii, and nay, YOH, you win come. Ho,

SiHter C., you have not only given twenty dollars

but, hy tho intliience of your iipt, have secured tho

iHlucation ol another young minister. Wo shall

now appeal to our sinters who read thin to help Uh

raise the balance of the hundred and twenty-live

dollars before the tlrst of .Janunry, I8HH, Whose

name HIIIIII wo write tirsi ?

Rev. H- O, Pfluteooit, who left us some years ago

tojoiu thoOoDgrogationaliite, haanow become a

semi-Anarchist, and atauds for the mayornlty of

Newaik, N. J . on the labor ticket. Rev, Hayues

Loavell, who left us about tho same tirafe to join

the game sect, haa left New England, and settled

in Meridian, Miss,, to run a Cougregational society

there if he caij. We really do not think that city

neeili his "ripened abilities" aa hn colla them.

At the recent Baptist Cougress Dr. 11,14. Way latid had au easay ou tho religious iiewspuper, lu whieh ho explodes a theory which many ueoplo seem to have : " The theory that It oats nothing to publish a paper, that the editor's front yard Is strewn with ((ualls and manna, and that ravous laden with broad and meat, visit him regularly,' and that the clothes of tho editor and hU fatnlly waic not old, — (his theory has not been proved by tho faets."

J.H.Borum has recently visited tho Brownsville

Female College, and Is delighted with the manage-

rnont of it under Kov. ,1. D. Anderson, and says

its prospects are brighter than It has been lor

years past. This wo are glad to hoar. It hiij been

unfortunate iu some respects, which it has cor-

rected, and will keep correct d

Kev. .fohn H. .lames, who hiul hcon pa-tor of tho

ltni>tlst church at Paris, I(y., only three weeks,

was killed November twenly-thlnl hy a runaway

horse. Ahout the Naiae time there comes a tele-

gram Htating that Itev. T. H. WeliHtor has died In

Texas. Wo ore also in roce'pt of the mid news

that l£cv. 10. 10. I>avaull, missionary to China, Is

also dead. A'as, young brethren, alasl — IP'rifcin

/ircnder. To those iniiy bo added two other

lofty, noble spirits, ju»t graduated ami ready to

en'or njion their work, Itro. M. A. Catbcart ond

Bro. C. W. Williams. How mysterious tho provi

leuoes of (Iod 1 Should we not prayerfully seek

for the lesson he would teach us hy theso great


The Niokol Biipdst church of ralestlne, Texas,

has beou built, paiil for ami dedicated. This is

tho cliuroh that Evangelist W. K. I'euu undortooU

o build with nickel contributions, hut paid out

of his own poqket two thousand dollars. A now

pastor has boon ca'led, and Bro. i'enn goes to

Eureka Springs, Ark. Ho Is willing to labor for

any ohuroh on this side of tho river that will allow

him to preach tho whole doctrine, and hot en*

tangle t i m lu a union maotlug.

Wo arc soilciting contribntu-ns to furnish a

room in tho boarding hall of Baylor Unlversity,to

bo commemorotive 0/ tho uame of Ur.,I.U.Uravc8,

and 80 Inscribed. Will friends snnd us one dollar

coiitributionH for this purpose? It will cost tlfty

dollars. Send to tho writer at Waco, Texas.


The building of the First Baptist church, Mem-|ikis, was dedicated ou the thirteenth Instant, Dr. J . « . (iambrell preaching the imrmon. —Cenlral Uaptitt. It Is expected that the sermttn will be preached to-morrow.

Two hundred thirty-two dollars and twenty cents

will be needed to pay tho board of our four

young ministers untU the end of this session.

Who will help a little or more?

Do not wait until you are dropped before re-newing but either renew or write at onoo to con-tinue the paper.

IJ, F Grayson, somewhere In Tennessee, who ordered his paper stopped, will please wjiid us his poHt-otllce address.

In answer to numeious inquiries tVir wholos»lo rales on LibHralisia and The Name Christian wo have dccidcd to olTor them as long this nolloo stands at flvo dollars per hundred, delivered. Wo will deliver one hundrotl of oach to one address lor nine dollars Now who W'LL hqlp us to use thoiu small arms, so {mien t to t i t pulling down of strong holds ? Every pastor needs ono huudrcd eaih in his tleld of labor. Now Is the timo to ordei'.

We will mark each week during December aV.

papers expiring by December thirty-first.


Those miniHters we havo ncrRonally undertaken to nniiport, with the help of our readers, we c i'.!. our minlRtcrs. Wo havo, ro far, only guaranteed tho hoard of throe and elothfs of one, Uro, B., I.'IO.

Amount neeiled for this so"sion, |,'i7fi 00 Received up to December 1, 80

Amount still needed, |223 M Which will average $37 50 par month. Will

you not help raise this ? BiOKiirrs.

Mrs B M Bfttollflr,Cal., 1 Oei Mrs L WTliompson, MIs^., UOO; WmHarklns.Cal., 10 00., '

Bee our explanation of the blue cross lu another


To will what God wUls U the only selenoo that glffl* tt» rwt.


•sifc: 4>

" ' f A l T H E ({UEHTIONH AND A N H W K I W .

What IK Ibo jtropur Uuuliing of 1 Oor. <ju«atloii 7S1. I, 17r "Kor t'brlBt •onl ino not to

biii)tl«e, but to prxnob tbo KO«P<'>> wit I wlihlom ol wordi, loat tba oroii» of Chrliit »boiilrt Iw made of imiio rffnot." l>o«« I'aul mmui to touch timt bap-tl(m,U a non>o88ontt«l otdtnunoe, nnd tbo ICBS praoliottd tbo Iwttor, aoTio tonohf ><

ANAWBU 7'21, W « cannot for o»«,uion»eut ou-

tortttlu tliiB tliought that Tatil wonld, by word or

mit, doproolato lu tho oyoi of lili oouvorti the plain

oominaiulm«nt of ChrUi, anil dUoournge Hi ob-

sorvanoo. What he aayii In Terio lovoutwon nnu t

bo Interpreted In the light of H i oomitotloni,—

tlio oironiuNtuufloa that Intlntnood its utteranou.

The ohurih at Corinth had booonio d lv idod la to party factions. "Some pro/osaod thoy were for Taul, of Paul'II par ty , aonio for Appoloa, nonio f o r I'otor, and aonie In abjnratlon of human londcr-

(.hlp, doolarod thoy wore for Okrlat. Paul, in yiow

of thUwtateof thlufa, thanked (»od that H» had

bapt l ied TO f«w of there, lest thoy ahoiild make

this a ground of parl.<)Auahip.

Paul only nioaok that VHLLS baptism wna oa-

HOBtJal, OH the f a r t of a Ohrlatian, to obadiono*^

the appointed act for the making of a publio pro-

FEHBLON of iaith in Ohr ia t , of aalvatlos through

Ohriat, an important wotrk ind|od, but not the moat IMMORTALITY no4 the aopreme work whoreun io ho wa« or a n y other miaiater la oallod, the proadi-

ing of the gospel in order to iufltieneo men to ac-

cept of Chrliit waa the supreme work unto wh ich he waa a n d caoh miniater now U called.

That Paul enjoined immediate obedionce to tlie

PN /OMIOU of C hr ia t In baptiNm by all bis convortH

you have only to fo l low h im in his miasionary

traveia. I t was the same hour o f the uight that

ho baptized the Jailor at Philippi . Ho f o r m e d his converts overywherc i n to ohurchos nnmediatoly ,

and this could not have been done w i t h o u t bap-

tism. Paul may not have generally administorod

the act with his own hands, this was no t IICOES'

sary , but i t was done tor h i m by o thers .

It must occur to you , Bro R , t h a t i f baptism

was as ossontial to the romissioii of sins AS f a i t h in Chr is t , a n d so essential that without tho act tlioro could bo no retnissiou o r p a r d o n ofnii),

Paul oould not , w i t h a n y sense o f p r o p r i e t y , say " I was not sent to bapt ize b u t to preach tho gospe l" ?

W H A T O T H E R S S A Y O F U S .

IT HAS coat D r . Uobertsou f ou r thousand dol-lars to serve hia brethren ae editor besides

making hla l i v i n g chief ly outs ide of his BUHIUOSS as editor. T o w o r k for nothing and lino one 's solf and give f ou r thousand dol lars Is no smal l sacri-

groundlosa. Lot nil tho frienda u f TIIGI BAITIST

luako a tnithful ofTort from thia to January tbo

first, 1887, Espooially must wo look to th«

"pickiHl tlueo hundroil" for somothlng worthy o:

theiuselvoH uud their high calling.

a n d give four thousand uollars la no smal l FICO TNR one to make for a publio enterprise.

Tho Uaptist Year Book states that tnere were, a year ago, one huadrod a n d twonty-two thousand Ave hundred and forty-three wh i t e Baptists i n Tounessoo. Thero aro now not loss than one hun-dred and thirty thousand . What a field fo r a itaptiat newspaper I W h v , there are nearly twico as m a n y white Baptists i n Tennessee as in Vir-giaia , a n d wo Judge their aggregate woalth is l ivo times ffreator t h a n ours.

Dr . Robertson confesses his f o l l y in reducing tho price of hla paper l lo f o u n d that tho clamor for cheap Baptist papers was A delusion a n d a snaro.

Dr . Robertson has made one of the best Baptist woeklios; a n d he now retires f r o m tho strugglo simply because there are not e n o u g h Baptists in Tonnossoe who ar»> willing to p a y for a Bapt ist newspaper. There as in V i r g i n i a a n d In other Southern States not many will do that.

What a shamo on Teunessee IJaptists ! Como,

brethren, wake up. Don't forget that others aro

looking 00, and talking, and writing, and pub>

Hshing your ehortcominga to tho world. Lot each

ono who ronda these lines eay that ho will never eat

or sleep till ho has sent n subsoription to his paper.

How easy Tennessee papers could live if TonnpHseo

Baptiata would work. How many Baptist papers

have gouu under in Tonnesseo, all for tbo want'of

patronogo. Now, brethren, don't say you are

tired of grumbling. Must these inlerostfl be eaorl-

fioed with no warning word from the editors. Lot

all thoae paper failuroa amsuro our brethren that

(h« itrottvH df the«« etlitoHal oowplaiute is uot



ir I wol'o told thivt 1 must dU' to-morrow,

TliiU tlio next Biiii

WliUili HinkH Bhould boar mo |i«st nl! lour luid Horrow

Kor nil)' OHO,

All Ibo il(<ht foimlit uud nil tlii'Jminioy llirdiigb,

WbftlHboulil I do?

I d'i luH tUiiik tliikt I ntiixild itliriiik or t'.iltor,

Hut Jiii,l im on

Dnlnj; my work, nor (Uiaiigu nor sock UJ alu-r

Au^'bt thitl. t't 1,'uno,

Hut rlso mill inovo ami Invu and smllo iiiid |iray

Kor ono uioro day.

And lying down ut idi;lil for a IttNt 8k>t'iiin«

Hay In IbRt oar

Wbloh htmktjns Hvnr, Lord, wUblii thy keoplng

llow «lioiild I foarf

And wlion to-niorrow brhiKs tlicu noariT utlll

Do tliuu tby will.

I might not blw|> (or awu, but iioacorul, Um.liT,

My houl would llo

All Iho nls;bt IOUK, and when Ibu uiornliij,' Hpiomlor

KI«»hod o'or the nky

I think Uittl I oould anille, could calmly say,

It Id his day.

Hut if a wondrous hand from tho Iduo yonder

Hold out ti Boroll

On which my llfo was writ, and I wllh wondor

HoboUl unroll

To a lonj; century's i>ntl iu inysllo flow,

What should I dof

What oould I do, O Woewod tiuido .and -MaHUjr,

Other than ihlx.

Still to CO on us n jw, not ^lowur, f.isicr,

Nor four to mlMni

Tho roiid, tillhouuU BO very long It Ijc,

VVbilo UNI by Ihcu t

Step by Bti'p, It'idlnK thi'o eloso boHldu mv,

AlthouKb uiiseon.

Through thornfi or llowerH, whothur tho IcMnpi'st hidu thco

Or hoavoort uerono,

AsHUrcd thy frtlthfulnoss cannot bclray,

Thy lovo docky.

lx!t mo kt'cp on abidin;; ami unfi'arin^

Tby will alwuya,

Through a long ocntury's ilponln;; fruition

Or a short day's.

Tbou oRnBt not eomu loo Hoon, uud 1 can wait

If tbou oomo lato.

M A I L R K K O U M W A N T E D .

'PLLLI ftttontiou of tho postal authoritiuH at Wawh-1 i ng tou is called to the postal Rorvico in this section of cottutry. Copies of tho Ap/>ciil mailed in t ime for tho mails leaving tho c i ty I)OHT-ONIOO for dilTdrent directions reach our subscribers a day , sometimes two n a y s , belilnd t ime . O f late tho complaiiitH of dolavs and sometimes laliuro to receive the pai>or have grown to p ropor t i ons of a grave grievance, tiithorto we have foreborne to say any th ing publicly about It, b u t wo sro at last coiupelied, in self-defense, to appeal to tho post-master general fo r a remedy that does not seem to be within tho proviuce of tho local postal people. So far as wo can learu there is no cause of complaint against the otUco hero. I t mni t therelore be on the road. W9 think i t would bo a good work dono if tho department would send out several apodal agents, a n d overhaul tho whole system of wh ich Memphis is the center, or torml-nus< Soiaothiug imiat bo done to relieve us of a n y further loss AUD o n r subscribers of tho dls-ai)poinlmont8oat,I;ravatliig, when so freqnoutly repeated, of not r re i v ing their papers. W o are anxious to give th,. people p r o m p t servico, and to do BO wo m u s t hav rollablo servleo from tho pos-tal dopartuient. — i>peal.

Tho abovo from I ho DaUy Appeal OF tho e^on'd

{DIUNTT will WILL* LT» NIL of the papeni publiehed

in thia city. The buuiuetn-manager of th|»

latuhe infurmetl us that ho wtw receiving nulHa^

oU8 oomplaintB ft-om his patroae. Wo have done

evorytblng in our {)owor to have this |«|K!r reacli

our Bubeorilwrfl by Haturday evening the week

of publication, but to no purpose. Wo republin),

the #rtiolo from tho Appttd to satisfy our friumia

that our jmper is not the only one tImt intis to

reach its subscribor^ in souson. ,1, B. m.


Thfl writer attended tho Milburn- R'JBO dob»tt<

at Osfonl , Arkansai which began Noveuik'r

elghlh. Two quostion? wore debated live day^,

wmbracliig tho design of baptism and the inlbnuco

of the Holy Spirit In conversion. The dobatorn

very unequally yoked Bro. Milburn was roii.

Kistant, methodical and elaborate in argument

while Kid. ROHO ramblci) as U wild n uu in Uic

woods. Ho did not know how to eoiistruct att »r-

gumout, nor did he know how to answer ono

when made by his opp'jueut. Mr. It<j8e lailod to

do auythiuur at all oxoci-t out cajwrs, play thi fool,

aud Uugb at arguinonti ho could uot aiuwer. Tho

imprcsklou made oti every rtlloctliig mind was

that Bro. Milburu's lino " f argument was iuviuei-

blc, and he presented it strongly aud Iniprosslngly.

Some of hl-i «i>oocb«s arose to (ho point of absolute

Kublhalty, carrying with him lil» audionr.o as if by

a Htorm. This is the scoond urushing dofeat

Campbellites have had right reooiiily in t!i»t sec-

tion ot country, aud tho probability is tbey will

uuw bo satiailed.

Tho dry wrathcr ait.l forest tires throughout

Arkansas was dljitros^iug tJroat losses wero tbo

retuU, in bv)th country and towns. Hut th"*

gracious rains have coma at last, and wo trust all

feel thankful.

North Arkansas is a rough country so far a^ iia

laud surface is coucernoi), but it has a splendid

class ot iHSople in it. Tho B«pt^^ts are fully up

with tho times, too. Tho Baptist prcachors are not

ono whit behind tho average of tho best of other

denominations, and they aro as bold ai lions. Tbcy

dit not fear to pieach tho truth, and the faithtul

preaching of it is working a mighty revolution iu

that country. Tho churches, likowlgo, aro sound

in the faith, and give their moral stroiiglh to tbeir

paftor* in advocating tho dcotrinea of the wonl of

Ood. Commendable progress is being mado by the

churches in growing in tho g r ao of giving to sup

port tho ministry. Like some churuhcs in our

older sections of country tlioro is not a toll dn-

cliargo of duty In this nmpccU But tho fuluro

hopeful, and ore long North Arkansas will stand

aide by «ido with uthor parts of tho country iu this

grace also.

Bro. ,1. D. ,1. Kaulkuor has rccciiily moved lo

Barron Fork, and is altcu«f1ng ecliool, aud alxo

preaching. Bro. Browu will move to LaCrox-o

about Christmas, and attend Prof, Kemiard's

Rch(x>l, while ho ilso |iro»c'i to soveral chiirchcs

around. Bro, B^Hn, of Union, wi'l also attend

this lattor school this winter. Thus throe nurriod

preachers, with families, aro ambitious now to do

what thny worn unable to accoinpllRh Iwforo and

get an edncatiwn. Such ambition is surely laudable

and coinmendablo,

Bro . T. W. Wright, f o r m e r l y ol Kentucky , but for «evcral years past a resident of A r k a n s a s , has grown to bo ono of its most ctllclont preacher*.

But soreneai of throat has COMIIELLCD him to par-tially retire from tho work, thoiigh ho rrgroU to do 80. But tUno would fail mo to toll of thoexoil-

lencca of a Wha loy , Miller, Duron , Taylor, etc.,

oto , w h o couipOBO tho ministry of Nor th Arkansas.

They are a noblo olaaa of brothruu; and they en-

joy tho visi ts of Baptist proachars who , like them-

aolvea, tiro not n f ra ld TM " speak out in moetin."

Bro . Forbea in making tho jfrkanm* S»i>IM a much more aeouptable aud profitable paper (ban It hat f o r m e r l y keen. Indeed it U n o w one of tho

aggrenelvo papers of the douomlnatton In thf South. I waa pleaeml iipend a u lghl with BRFI


and bear b im prcaeh a sermon to tho people

of Melbourua, IJe la a gtmial, companloaablc

man and a good proaoher.

I a t > e u t a FOIR^AYA PROAETUUG to the Melboarne

peopia; and a good t lmo of i t we certainly had One good alatar, w h o was a Oampbolllte, came to church one uight to Join. -1 preaobed o n t l ie plan

uf salvation, aad at tho oloae of the aeruoa tho concluded «ho WAI» not saved , and , initead of Join-

ing the nhur«H, BHE h a d better seek nt l lg lnn . ao ahe oamo np to bo prayed for, and , before rotiring

TO HTIA that night , T>ho found tbe.Bavtor prccloua

to her aoul. Sbo, wi th t w o othcrt, afterward

joined the chureh. (I'HO ou t look for Melbourne

church IS very 'encouraging . This it the plao*

where the writer met Kid. Clark Br^den iu a de-

bate a little over a year ago. Tho Carapbell l tea have received but t w o members ainco then, while

the Bapt ists have a b o u t doubled the i rs , having

N^ceivcd twenty odd lhl» y e a r . Ou w i t b tbo de-

batea. B a p t u t a van s t a n d i t longer than anybody elte-

Tho whlnkey demon is tha meanest DEWI we

have in thia wor ld ; and ho U tho ono that w i l l catch the largest number OL Baptists I fear. A

number of Baptiat* of Fulton, Ky., I a m told,

signed a petit4on carried b y N OampbeUite a n d au

intldeJ, a«k lng the oouutjr Judge to grant HOENAO

for aaloona In our U>wn Suoh Baptiata ara

burleiqno on religion. I AM glad Tua BANRIUT

ringii out against this demon of drink, asking no quarter from a n y Eourco. I f i t geta too tight for any drinking, bloated church mombtir let him

<iuit his siunhig , and TBVA hM*l| enjoy the strokes

laid ou tSa baeka of other sinners.

F have been qu i te busy f o r a fow days reading

the p roofs o f tho Throgmorton-Pottt-r Debate.

The book is now going t h rough tho press, and will be a ricn TN.«aj»ure indeed . Tho publishers

t h i n k they w i l l have tho b o o k s completed by the middle o f l>ocombor, and i f they do e v e r y sub-

scribtir shall have his book as a Christmas PRC^NT.

A large number of ORDERS ARC coming iu ou the dollar proposition. Let others order at once If

they want to take tho advantage of of i t for their prof i t .

I have been watching f o r Bro. Moody to PRESS

the chsllengo for a publishod di'b.nto w i t h Mr. Lipscomb. It would fill a nicho in our polemic

literature THAT would supply tho people w i t h tho ablest diacussion o f present issues hetween BAI>.

t i M s and Campbellites. Mr. Liparomb profewos

T" be ready f o r tho work ; and wo all know t h a t Itro. M o o d y is not lacking : so let the arrangc-

nienlH be consuiiimated at ONT-e. H.

to ^Ai^mm.

P A U T l c r i . A R KOTICK-

I ) E I { . S O N S HANDING monoy to THI;* oilb e by onli-

I iiary mai l or by pontal-note must u k c the

themselves. A good bro ther gets mad BCRAU!»O he receives a second notice fo r dues, and writo-S " I

BCNT you a pOKtal-note for the money ." The note did not reach us. A poMal-note i« no .^afer than money , a n d c i ther is at the sondor's ri-.k when not put in a' registered letter. Po«t-oilice orders or registered letters are at our 1 isk but not P HTAL-

noies or unregistered letter*. MOW o f ten shall

wo say this? W e have been losing a goo L num-

ber of remittances o f late, and we can 't afford I t .

I'iease heed th is , and send no more by onliuary


O B I T U A R I T : S .

I? WE were to pabl lah tho long obituaries sent us i t would m i l l the paper. Kven thoao who

aond them would slop the PIIJ'ER becauae wo pub-

iiah so many long obltnariet . JHach one thinka that his Is an oxenpllonai case, and our rulea bught to be A«t aside. NOW wo bog one a n d all to Judge

wisely , AIJD when they aond over tke length we think tho paper catt bear please consider the rules wo have neeessarlly adopted , aud send two centi

for each word over fifty (soo rules u u d e r obitua-

ries), and don ' t ask NS to mako an exception of y o u r EAEE. YO ' I know wo oanH de thle «*cep» la WTM of pubUo OLR denoiul uaUooal TNEA.


O n tbo twenty, third o f November,

Manrkd. 1887, by l i d . 0- L. Ellit, at h i t reai-

deneo iu Martin, Tenn., Mr. O Crewe

and Mi«« Bettio Uaalewood.

We have called Kid. Martin

JoBraboro« Ark, Ball of Fayetteville, Ark. , to

•the care of our ohurob bore in

Jonosboro for the; ousuiug year. i* O.PAKTOH.

Tho I)ost-ofllce addroM o f Eld.

I». 1». SwlBiiall. D D Swlndall is now Dardan-

elle, A r k . , instead of I ta ly ,

Texas. He wishes his currespondentt to remem-

ber that ho has made this change.

A t the residence of Mr. S. Hard in , on Married. November twenty f ou r t h , 1887, by

Eld. H. J . LA'GGO, Mr . A F. Sumrell

a n d Miss Willie U. Ilolliday, both of Panola

c o u n t y . Miss.

A I the F i rs t Baptiat

Br. T;RUTR>I To-nl|,'ht. ohurob to-night (Novem-

ber twenty-fourth] thit eminent Baptist divine will deliver an interesting

lecture . IT w i l l be a treat tu hear thi& man, so GIF I'D and learned, aud all of b is donoiaination

should avail thcuseive« of tke oppor tun i t y . —

Trthune, Home, Qa.

Charles LIWD Bornm , son of James H.

I>I»HI. Borum. at Alvarado, Texa«, Xovcinber

eighth . 1M87 Ho was bo rn M a r c h nine-

tcenth, 18.S4. When ho was thirteen years old he was baptixed b y Eld. G. W. Y o u n g into the fel-lowship o f tho Klim Bapt ist church He lived au

oxeinplary life. "The righteous hath hope in hia death ." J<I.SFI»H 11. ttoHUM.

Tho Rome , Ga., Ttibune NAYS o f our

Our SF-nior. HCNIOR'S T^iopover i n that c i t y :

"Kev . R, B. UeaJden ANNONNC^

t o the congregation at the Baptist church on Sun

d a y [November twentieth] that D r . .1. U. Graves would g ive one of his chair TA!K>I at the prayer-meeting on .Wednesday night D r . Graves is ono of the most eminent d iv ines of tho Baptist de-

nondnation . Ho is a renowned writer o f church

literature aud editor o f TTIK BAIT IBT , a leading

donominaiional paper, published at i lemphls ,

Tenn. Ho is anthor ot tho ( i reat Iron Wheel, a book which gained H.INI much reputation."

.1 B. Ilardie and J.D.Powers

>O«!I FR«IIN TE.vas. recently held successful

KicetingH in Aiviilstiend and Warroii.<bcnd. Cook county Montngue Associ-ation put a NII^FIII'IIIVY in H T b o u n d s drouthy an

that .section IS. Kid. T. ,L MrCandlcsa, to'-merly o f TENNCFSEO, is doinii inisrfonary w o r k in I>cnton

County A»».«ooiation. KBL.,I. M. Ilardie, mission-

ary for Cook county , it* deeply atllicted w i t h a stroke 01 paralyMsi,ami the Mission Board, located

at (iainesville. will soon put another man in the

field. Kid. A. B. Ingram is prc.«ident of Grayson

County Association Mission Board , The Associ-at ion will soon havo a misiionary at work.

It is some l ime since I w ro te Indian Territory, yon . I have been badly af-

llictrd w i t h sore eyes, but , thank the Lo rd , thoy arc gut t ing better. I had a delightful meeting with Fellowship chureh Satur-

d a y and Sunday last, bapti i ing one, receiv ing one b y le t ter , restoring one, and approving ono for

baptiam . There were t w o hundred AND thirteeu

bapiismt reported et our Aaaociatlon, whioli con-

vened a little over a mon th ago. Out ef tke nnm-

ber I baptized forty-five. I have wltneaaed fifty received with lettera T o Ood be all the pralae.

My b ro the r , remember ine In your prayers. May

tho God of all ooinfort and grace be w i t h you It

tho prayor of y o u r brother In labor.


Brooken, Choctaw Nation, Nov. 18,1887.

; . O U R N B W TRAJOTS. , ^ ^

D ANGINO, ancient and modern, in UM f o m of .

adre tm. By Or. J . H . Peajr. A a t o m of IhrtUbg

Inlerett, and a tnbjagt of ImnienM praotioal Im*

porianoe. The eh ib lnn iMd it tbrongb w b ^ thay

begin It. Price, ten oanta. s ^

LLBBRAIILSH, or obartty for error, an alamal

abturdlty. By Judton Taylor. Beoond edition*

.Beviaed and eulartred. Tbit i t one of tbo moat of*

ifect ITU weapont Baptlata can uta. Tbo atylo i t In*

Imitable aud tho dlaouatlon moat maaterljr. Ptloo,

ieneeniifc ' • <» ' ,

TLUT N A M E CHR IST IAN . By J . B. Moody.

More than ten tboutand bavo been soltL Bineo ita

appvarancQ about one half of tbo leading Oainp«

belllte papers have abandonod the original argn*

mcnt, and the othore are gtoatly tnodifitii. I f yon

want t o " t l o p t h o moalht oi thr galneayeie'* on '

this subject circnlato tbit tract. Prioo, Ion cent*.

DEPRAVITY , total, borcdttary and nn ivoml .

By J IL GRIIRO. Reply to Dr . T. W . Brenta. Tho

argument is oonclusivo and the refutation oom«

pleto. Price, ton cento.

A l l of tbo above postpaid for twenty-fivo oent«i

i f ordered during November . Order at onoo, at It

may bo too late.

The law Is glvenlthat wo might bo driven to tho

gospel. Tho goapol IS itovon that wo may bo enabled

ID bboy UIO IT-W.

ITKMB IN V A R l E T i ;

W e can supply tbe Uvot of tbo T h r o Mre. Jnd-

Bons, in nlco cloth binding; good typo, atopodollar

L>er copy. po£t paid . Baptist Book ILOIUO, Moinphis,


The Baptist Layman's Book la ono that ahonld L>e in the hands of every layman in our churobee. We have Just tuceivtd a supply, a n d will be glad to funiish It at seventy-five. oont« per oopy, N ^ raid. AddroM Baptist Book Uoute, MEMIWLA,


WKLL SUITED TO TUI UNADI/CA«P. — " I t h ink you Lave uavciled Campbelliani [ i n tho Goapol in

Water] so that tho reader of common Intolllgonoo

can dct<^ct LU sophistrlei."— R a v . J .K.P .WuuuAi(8,

Sherman, Texas. Price of the Ooapel in Wator,

IS 00. Send all orders to tho Baptiat Book Uouto,

Memphis, Tenn.

Don 't forgot that we ' want tho llvett man or woman in each church to tot as oar agent. 1ST

some kind ftrUnd eond us tho namo of auob, aud wo wi l l VOND our list, eatalogno and toniia. 'Ilils

we mnst havo sooner or la'ER; and those wishing

to do OS a great favor w i l l PLEASE reply to tbia at once, KIVIRG IKO |>otUf filoo address and tho oburcb

of ihc one coaimsndMl.

M a n y ftrong and sharp arguments against ft

[Canipbcllism] aro here presented with greatclear-

ness and force . Persons disposed to keep Op con-

troversy w i t h the Campbellites w i l l find valuablo

help in th is trenchant work [(iospel In Wator],

written with tlio author's known ability. —JOHN

A . BUO.\I>U8. tioxpel iu Wator for sale by tbo Baptist Book House, Memphis , Tenn. $'3 OA

A D D R E S S E S W A N T E D .

KUI E M Gerald, formerly of RIngoos, N. J .

W L Blackwell, formerly at Elmo, A r k .

MRW C E Harr ison , Little itock. Ark ,

D I I Ricl<anI«o», Throckmorton, Texas.

Wo want tbo prosoiit )H)SI-ONI(» of John Gardner, who has been rccoiviug his papor at Chattanooga,

Tenn. . •». B. M.

Eld. Geo. M. Parkor, formerly of Mar ion , A la , ,

wll I pleaco send hit present addrota to t b l t olDoo. ' • J . 8 . M .

Taei, rightly to named at being tho, tpirltnai

tenae of toueb, i t senalttvencsa to fine thadoa of feel ing .

BUUKAU u r W A S M . ropoee to ••UUttb ono now and hf re to tavo OMk

•elTCe'a vaat amount of wrltlog aod irei^lntlblHlgr. Anv ohurob wanUng a paalor or paator waBtiBf e

oburoh, any prealdent or board wantlag a ^atl1o>J teaobor, any (lualllied teaoker wanting a toaool or a po* •iUou In a aohoo), any lamlly wlablag a govenraet, oan make their waaUkaowa Urougb tbttiUureatt^aeaalliic (be (IBM thoy write and epiullx flltaenoaaiafbroaehllao.


• c.iy.v

Wl T h e Y o i i n g S o u t h .


Ta whom all ftommuiitoaUon* for Miia do|iartmont may bo »

ail(lro*«oil, Knoxvlllo, TODD,


I C N O X V I L L K , T K N N , , D K C K M H K l l 1 0 , 1 8 8 7 ,

. P O B T - O F F I C E .

' On iwlioing tho ilato or tbis Jettor yoii

A u n t Nurtw wUl iP>« lli«t It Is Ihanktglvlng Uajr- H

l« rAlninj;. Wo will Imvo DO gorvioo nt

tbo Qhurcli. 1 (itti) think of no inure pIcaHAnt or pro'liablo

-.-rWay oi aitcniliiiK (no any tlion to nommunloato with you

niiit lhi» POiuiiid. I do not roally IhjIIOVO I have Written

to the YOUIIK Houth tbiH yoar; but we havo sont U|> nil

ibe |>ortrnltt(, BAve two In tbo early sprints, whon wo

falloil to KPt the paiu'r. Wo do to much ayiniiathlito with

Hro. rowvll 111 bU trUlH iind iM)r««outlon8; but" when wo

know tbat it U all for Jusus' oako wo foel sunt that God

will glvt) blrn Kruoo nufflolimt for U all. We rojoloo In tho

Vionderfiil work b j hi\» done In Mexico, Wo were so

Klad to bear frnn Undo Tom. Toll bim to pleueo writo

>n H lOD^ Christmas letter, snob as he formerly wrotO.

WM bo|iod our Olminor oousinn would bavo Joined tho

Ycuug South ert) this; but I ««<'»» they «ro waltliigto be-Kln wiib ilio i!C'.v yoar. Havo you any Idoa of ohangInK

i -ork for another ynarf Wo nro pcrfoctly satistlwl aa

His, and Hill satlalled witb nnythlng that you sng-

gCHt. C'brlsttDas is 8li|>ptng up on ua again. I oau

Hcaroojy reallzi> it the year ha" boon ao short. Some timo

back yoH asked the cbildroii of the Young itoutb to tell

you tUelr ages. Hrothor la slxtfcn, I will bo thirteen In

December, and slater i» nine. As regards tho priases you

usui^Jy aend us wo appreciate them very highly; but wo

do ^Mik It Is an liupcaltlon on you to send them. Wo aro

rtatlslletl wltb tho help you render ua in tho atudy of tho

Kible. I think all tbQ portrait worker* will Join us In

asking you not to send the prijtea this Christmas. Our

Increased knowledge of tho lllble m'^re than repaya ua for-writing the portraits. I gueaa you and Undo Orrcn will

notoljoot to kissing Cousin Orrona for us. Uoinember

UH in your prayers. Wo rcjoloo that ao many of tbo

cousins havo come to .Jesus this yoar. Lovingly,

Mindcn , La . TUOMAH M URKUUK,

Ttila la a very kind and thoughtful projiosltlon, my dear

boy. I will bo honest in admitting that I olTored two

pi Uea to tbo ttible atudeiits when there wero hardly two

who remaiuwl faltblul to the end; but when ao many

camo 80 nobly to tbo Iront I t<M)k pleasure in fultilling my

promise, aa well as I could, In olTerlng thejn a prize,

though of lato so many excell that I no longer givo prices

but souvenirs. Ah, our cousins will aoon bo men and

women, and will drop from our ranks. Wi l l they still bo

workersf It Is hard tor mo to realize that you and I'ar-

ker aro so lar advanced In your teens; butmay Ood blesa

and guide my twys into a noble manhood,

1 sorac asking rermlssion to Join tho

A i i u t Nora : band of littio cousins with an entranoo

fee of twenty-Uve cents for tbo Mexican

girls, whlob was given U) mo by an old man when I was

te years old. Ho gave a litllo girl and I twenly-Uvo

cenvi each with the rem irk that bo wanted to seo which

would put It to tho tiest uso. With it I shall invoke Gou'a

blessing upon thoeo glrla, that they may bo succoasful In

tbo groat causo for which they are Utting themaelves, I

am a ilttlo girl twelvo years old. 1 have no parout«,they

l^otb having died w hen 1 was an infant, I haVo a sister

older than I, who Uvea with one ot her undos, I llvo

wltb UHOIO Mortimer and Aunt Hallio Day. They aro

Jual aa fiootl and kind to mo aa u father and mother could

b«. 1 am going to sehool now. My studies aro oompleto

geography, Watson's spoiler, second grammar, mental

arithmetic, algebra, liftb reader and history. I ,.m n

member of Canemreek ohurob, I havo been a professor

for moro than a year.^ Tray lor me, Aunt Nora, that I

mayjM) useful In tho cause of tbo blessed Savior. 1 will

close for fear of tho wastt-baskol. Your niooe,

Malesus, Tenn. KDNA DAY,

Wo gladly welcome you, Kdna. Oomo again and ofton.

fe I t baa been n Inng tlmo atnoo 1 wrote to

Aii i i^ Norn: you Init, I wrot« to you wo aeut you

twonty oonta, Imt I sao that yon gave ua

ofwilt lor ojily ton oonta, so I tbougbt I would wait and

•end tho balannoof otirdtiea ior this yoar by postal ordor.

You will (Iml iueloacd poatal oider for QUO dollar. Wo

I sand our lovo to you, Itnola Orroii and little Orrcna.


Yum Yum, Tonn.

1 am sorry tho I'.bildren aro 80 frequently

Ai i i i t Nor.kj lato with their portraits, and tjmt 1 have

little or no tImo to correct or help thtnn,

Ihoy buyo .been very busy this fall, and our proiraoted

meeting licgan a month ago and lasted two woeka. Then

Hersohcl was .julUt siok sovoral days with pneumonia.

Theso aro tbo reasons they aro lato this tlrao. Wo had a

glorious meeting. Twelve were baptUwl, among Itiy

number a goutleiuan nearly llfty wlih bis two daughters,

younj, ladles. Nearly all tho. eonvorls wore men and

young ladles, W« expect sevorul otuor additions as tbo

results Of tho meeting. Uro. liodmun of Illinois held tbo

meeting, Hro. Moody not being able to ho witb lu iii the

time. In Christian love. M. tj. WINGO.

[ I do not know that Sister Wingo moa.u thm IflUtr for

print, hut It tells Huoh good news that I giro It to onr


A s 1 roiid Uro. I 'OWOU'H letter It miulo

Au i i t Non i : me ibink that Mexico needs m«-o help,

that there Is too much Uomunism thore

yet. Let ii« help to break It down. Again, in hia last

Bontence, "8ond us moro men, lor ilomanism is ' in her

death throes it makes mo rfjolee and also thankHil

that we have such a man as Ilro. I'owell. 1 any to our

Irlends who take THK UAI>TIRTI' and havo never given u- a

letter to oomo in and Join ux. We need )on. I win ,io

a l l I c a n . I ' r a y fo . my SUCCONS. I.ATTO.V W.VLI.


Tho Wide Awake ollors young UUtoiy BtuilcnlM ,, i,ii,.

to memory a« useful na tuu old V^TH.. •• Thirty iluv" liaUi

September "

Come, young folks all, and leurn my rliynii.,

Writ like the ones o( oldon time;

For, linked together name to name.

Tho whole a surer place wHt cliiim.

And Mrmly in your miml shall stand

Tho i.nmoB of those wbo'vo ruled our lund,

A noble list. (Jeorgo WaHhlngton,

.John Adwnis, Thomas Jedorson,

.lames Madison end .James Monroe,

John tiulnoy Adnms, and lielow

Comes Andrew .laeksnn in bis turn.

Martin Van Huron next wo learn,

Then Wlll lum Henry Ilurrlson

Whom soon John Tylci tollowi d on.

After Tyler Jamop Iv, I'olk,

Then Zaohary Taylor rulw; thu l.iik

T J l l d u a t h . Then Millard Fllmore earn.-,

Ami Franklin Pierce we next must name;

And James Ituebanan then appears,

Then Abraham I.incoln tbrougb those years

Of war: and when his lUe was lost

Twas Andrew Johnson llllctl Ills poat.

Then U. 8. Grant and 11. It. Hayes

Aud Jamea A. Uarlleld each bad place.

And ChcsU<r A. Arthur; and my rhyme

Ends now In (Irovcr Cleveland's time.



"Then I 'nul stood up, and, baokonlng with bU iianil,

flttld. Men oj Israel itml yo that frtar God, give nudlonott."

I'aul i» In II syHajoguo nt Autlooh. I hav6 found Antlooh

on tbo map, No»o of tbo apostles wore with I 'aul, Hor.

glus I 'aulua asked bIm to preach nnto them! and I bavo

read W^ sornioii. Tho Oentllos asked bIm to proaoh unto

thom tho nest Sabl.nih, and iitt d'd. The two reasons

I'/iul and llrtniabas gave f.»r ti irnin* to tho Gontiloa are;

" It was tifoessary that tho word ot (Jod should I ra t bava

Iteen s|)0kon to you, but feeing ye put (t from you, and

Judgo yourselves unworthy f,f evoHasiini? life, Jo wo turn

to the (ientlles; for so hath tho Lord oommaniloU us, say.

Ing, 1 bare fet thre lo bi. u light of the (ientlles that thou

abouldst bo for ralvalion uiiui Uio en.ds of the fiarth,"

When tbf) (leutUuB luanl tiiia tbev wero glad, and glorV

Hod Ibe name ef ttio Lord, :ind many bolioved. Tbo Jew»

rnlseil per^eoniion them, und expelled them out

of (beir eonsta. '1 h.ov rcturiird at1«r«ar.l lo Antlm-b.and

gathered tbo f h im l i lrmn.„.f. nH'yst .yed a long lime

with the (lihclpleH iit .vutuieh. iiArrtK Moony.

The c'Mi.Mnd di> mil > \u)ily ^•m;.,- w ttli you, Iliutle.

Look axalii, . Wii» Iturnalins wllb I'liul licref

I'ortrait ans verod also hy l.lUo mi.l ,(„ti„ Moody.

Willie Watta, Liyton Wal l , llcrsu'iel and t»|,ur'

geon WIngo, llcul.ili (Jreeti. .lamou MfKlnney, Jul ia

Daughdrlil, Mill.- (huv is . I ' iukui, I' and Aneio

I.ulu Mi'Uregoi, TiKliI" an<l l.i hi fjHhvclt.

I)n you fiTl Unit • oiil.l n i in in., pray iiioiy or «lve

more, ,iml arc •.iiii t.,! ik.! to ,1,. \\i |.r,.,k ;u it ..1,'Bin in

tho llglit ol (ieiliHciiKWK. and < iilviirv. How tUe IVeusures

and I.1. IWU t« , r rurtii piil,., lilic tlio ni»liii«|it before the

nU.riniiu iiii.iiilido hiiii, iirt iiiiiik nf thii appeal (if tbo

gr>.'.il Pipimiii -t, will' liiiin-!f ii.iii Kicrine/Hl all for (UirlHl

Vf know the graro of -nn |/>r,l ,)08un Clirisit, wli-i,

tlioiinb In • U NM ticii. I 1 )OIII Haki br I 'CUUK* iiodr

tbiit yr. lliroii^h tiid |iiv»riy >'!l/lit l.c rii'li."

A I.Ulo .•nrly-boidcil t;lrl wan walking i.l,mil one .Sii„.

day lilternooii in her i;i nlen \ little n^ l^'hl)nr eallivl lo

ler to .:nn.f over mvl pi ,st,.. r jlu^e,!, l.ul, U|Kin beln«

iirv'ed m oimi', look il up WH I n .I,!iii.. «a.I and Indignant

laof, lu d exoUim ' W l n t ' I I'l.iy ; ; „ , ; , | i)„„-t

y)ii luici.v thill ts ciiMl'- ,l;,y. ;,„,1 Uiiji it'« (in! Only day

bo'» L'Otl' "

After throe weeks o( levero suflerinK

A u n t Jforii j BIstor Trusa of Kudora churoh d lw

November twonty-ilftb, 1887, In her

aoventy-Uflb yoar, Uefore her severe antloUons she mado

•n arraDgomviit with her daughtor-ln.Uw to flnlsh an-

other quUt, Of t»Moh t h w woro to divide the proooeds

equally, ami give tti«n» Ittalasiona; HO the la i t work tho

dear di tor ever did w « i /or ChrUt. 1 send you tho throe

« ser-vitnl in Israel has fallen, H! »0TE. w. K. BUYAHT.

Qertnantown, Tenn. .

Wb Regret to koar that this g o > pld lady Uft usi

M l M t hat ODI/ fallen aMM)) \n J o u i t

O u r Ui l i ie l *or t r« i i i i .

prlzo-book to tho two cousliia wh i win write mo woatest number of loiters during tho jx. "r nlm t r r portraits, answering all the .|Ue«tlonH,Vml t" « ' „

"And seme01 them bdlovpd I u u l ftt Thessaloiileii . and consorted withl 'aul and

, ""•l f f tbo devout Greeks a great multltiulo, and of tho ohltf women not a few." Acts xvll. 4,

Paul la on his mUsionary Journoy still. Ho has left

I'blllppl, and gone to a neighboring town.

Who aro now bla companions C

What la his physical oondltltnf

What docs ho preaohf and whtro and whenf

What re iu l u followed his pro aching f

Name the olassos of his iMlloyera.

What new oli^sii ol fdlnwors worn found in Maoedonlaf

Why did bo leave here and howf


« » o i r VH. | ! « l F I I I M I

Hro. IVnv. ll i>r..iiiiw.Hl ! );4lvfl lux piciur., u, HI>V (,.,« who will niN.. LLVH ,|„llar,. diulii,< tti« yn:.r INH7 for hull,11 S .M.r YPITMK ^MitU .•U^ lu MO,,OO. TUU loltowl K LAVS iiiiitortaken to (tu LLILH. "VTIUK imvo

•Mrs Mattie Klliiii AID NTLUM J, M ii V t!l<mr <:n-ek Muiuiay-'cliool. .MIm. in 113, TJ/IBLO l-ndwoll. KlHU»ld/i, r. *,;N, 8,1 lO; f irai r riid Tlioiiim

MeOr..«oraii,I ni<ilhor Hiul H|.t.,r. Mln.l..,,. La.,5 (W oiile « ,<

ML«.., 6 I*/' MIHS Mary Klt/mill«r, KorUt .wo, IVUI I , .8 10 L,L« O.x, J.,n«Mhon., Thi.m, 6 00; I Ciwlwell. Kl;.U u I V i ^

blmer TrnHii of Kuilorit eliiiiTli (i ft)

LEVS . ^ 'AB IRA 'O . ) ^ ' ' " " ' ' ' ^ ' " ' ' " "F-

, ZeLtle iHJSlur, or.gui. 1 ia, Laiim MeKaU.ieu, .irk, I •m. I We, tlio undnrMigH.Hl, plidKc mirwlvtw tu alve one ilollur I ill Medici? *'>""Kaout" clia ^ ^ ^ I OXIT 1><)1,I,.VK.

Kill O W una Mm <} W IVwtliorcr -Oroirun • Miu. I annul, Uyatl, .\rUi i-'loyd Uia^t Hoi Koo Uyatt"^ «herrouj.«.U , Ada feherrilimi. Sli^rr,.,,"e: 11 « Vmi u TI ias; Ida K I IK 'H I I I , Arlr,; lira-ndiuf llrainli'ti Ai 1 • .VIr« Sentti Willi,. WkII*. Al«.; HaH o j'fehHouVn

Aln. Molllo Mellroy, T., Cunm t^H^ilu,," r| 'l"

Af^riV. Hpura.;.)u WliiKd, Toiiii; Cnrrlu VriKhl.

Mrs M C Hoitooii, Toxn j, 75 t'ommle Uranbisrry, ou,

l^/'Hi^ Mill,, Ksten, Texaa Ow^s f r rS l ? M ' F TEADMAU. Ark . MMy

Kfstiis Kbiides, Tonn ,!ioj Coiiyer.i NurvBll, Tonu.,»). TWKNTV.KIVK (JKNTS,

Mijs Kanay nateliott, Tuan.: IC Doyle. I, T.i Maaalo Uom son, KJa.; C,dvlutlrav,-«, Tenn. ^ ' " " " "

Hl»ior,aoun., i»i Htulah ureen liUi I'ounny Nnrwood ao, •UL S E W . " <J«" ' 'EE«LI,OLO;UA«SLUOARATLO! A n .

• ' I V K C K I I T H P K H WKBK. Uncle Tom, Jr, 60.

U n r Mlas lounry r a m i . We WBiit allpor voung frlonila to belii us witii theirolokols

m?!!! '«<»"» 1" Miairo i ns t l t i t "

j " , f

I-- jiif -'i, • •


T E A C H B B S ' B I B L E S . l i O N D d N B D I T I O H S .

• r i i i e < r o i i | i « l H r ^ l | » l > « b « U « « l I n d e m t o

<tae P M i l i t t " * a i n d a ^ V a r l e t j o f o t h e r

^ M e M a n d i n f o r u i a i l o H i .

r M t l »y|M., »»•«•• . M m OS *>r *>i

i f tSO}^ . Frvuoh Morocco, Lovat i t L i inp ,

l l o m u l C o m o M . O I H E<lgo, |)oeU

iMiId, I I 50.

Froiioh Morocco, I>5v»iit I Jm i* ,

I lo iH" l Coriicra, D iv l i iUy Circ i i i t

o u t K«ulg<i, po«i-palil, $1 76

Mob/ T y p f . Wmo.Mlae by 5.

F io i i cb Morocco, l iOvant G r a i n , Di-

, , „ I ly CJrcuU, U a i i n a O o r n o r a , U n t

fklgo, poHl-paltl, »2 76.

. . •iU.'tS. I 'crsldii MortMJCo.Bcal G r a i n , I loui i t l

Uoniora , Bi lk Sowml , G i l t

I»o«t-i»ftl(!, 50. HlOlOB f j i p f . S T O . S i M W b j f a ^

i> » ' l i f t : * . Frei icb Morocco, I.rt!VaHi, D v ln l ty Cir-

cu i t , l lo t ind Cornc ia , G i l l Eflgo, jwst-

pal i l , 75.

W c li-kvo eclocU-il Iho alylea above nati icd, so that

we coiil.l Itavo a |<oo«l a ^ r l m o n i l>olh aa to HIM of

t viii. aihl i ' r lcc«; uiul .vo can re iomnie i id those

Bibles to CVC17 BtUKlay-HcliwJ Umcher, lUblo atu-

'lent aiul minister aa thU IJKST and cheapoat^clasaol

T\.acherH' Uiblca g i i own lo tho l)6ok t fwlo . W e

golicll VH.tir i iMronago lor thoho Blbloa, n c aee

on or by tho n umbe r , and say, Teachora' Biblca.




o r N o w a n d A p p r o v e d B o o k s


T H E H O M E .


T H E H U N B A Y - S C H O O L .

N 0 T E. TIm> ina}<irlty uf ttMmi Iwrnks liava l»>M>n rm-t and approTwl

ity oonipoieul Ju ium- Tbe lyp« ot emili t>o«k Is eirar and dlstlnot, and alt arn prtiiKKl ii|>on' thu imit paper. llrtKbtatid ullraotive lllusmitiuns ailoni oaoh rolume. fitniii(ly-bouiMt Itiulolboovnni render tbo IK-Mkt very Mrvir>Hbla (Or Snaday* aohool l<tbrtsrlo^ and tb'i kriiibt goltl and silver ttanaylDg on ttmouvers inak tlii-m tho must nutiable Juveolt* books offereil lor prltex at Clinklni,a *<«] other feHUvaU.

N<H)K« A1 TWISNTY OKNTS KACII, A BWlM of twenty four etf«<int little H rao. Voiomoe lj» rlolli,

i i t r a Rtanipliifr, with ehrtiiuuun iho sido. 1-Ivery Psko lilUKtraled.

T K A C I l U S l l t ) W T O I ' U A Y .

Durii iK ' iur U'ltg conncft lo i i w lu i thu I lapi is l

Huok Honsfl wc have received iiuiiierone e l l s for a

l U p l i a prayer book, after d i l igent search

tbroUKh tho caUUigucH of tho p u b IshcrH wi l l . whom wo do l.tislm-K^ wo have at »

book whicl i , t Lcn«h not u ,,r(iyer-book Ukii Iho^c

used bv Episconal ians ttinl Uoniau CVtliolica, U a

book caloniated to a id yo i in« Ohr iH l lan . i n pub l ic

and private worsh ip , and w i 1 tiioet tiic w a n t j ol

our patrons. Tbo title o f t i i o lM)ok is Au l a to

votion, I n c l ud i ng nickorstcth on IVayor , Wat ta

Gu ide to Prayer , and boloct Dovo l ioua i Kierclses.

Tho tit le o f t h U book exp la ins ita chii-actcr and

dcBlKD Bosidea the wholo ftf Dr . WaH 'a nn-

iqualod G l ido to Prav«?r it conln lna the r i . h l y

evanL^ ica i V i ews of Prayer by Mr . Uickersto-h,

wl lh exainplos f rom S c r l p l u r o a n d other sonrccs,

suincicDt lo UluHtralo and ai(l t h o ^ ) u n g Clir ist an

In applyinjr t hem In p iacU(» . The hinta in Iho

I'refacc arc Inva luab le lor social prayer-mijcllr.Ka,

the hcnediu o f wh i ch aro wfinotimes whol ly lost lor

w a n t o f ol)«i-rvinK j .H l "I'cb

out. I«n .o , .320 pp. C lo th , f I 00 Sen. bv iKiel paid, on rc-,eipl of price, by Bapt ist Boob

HOHMJ, M e w h i a ^ _

ROMANISM UNMASKED! T h o plateo of th is book huvo tJoen twios

mystorloualr Ournod. Kn tortrJ ty thf Uu.itn-- U. ylfu:n, uhJ Ih,

1'o'ttst.tiil /Vv" «/ thf world.

I ts Rovo l a t l ons n ro torr lb lo I nd l c t r t i on t s of Pc|)or/.


F i f t y Y e a r s i n t h e C h u r c h o f R o m e ,

^ B y F A T H E R C H I N I Q U Y . I N T R I G U E S , I M P O S T U R E S . A H D C R I M I N A L

I N T R I G U E S o r P R I L S T S . R O M E A N D T H E A S S A S S I N A T I O N O F L I N C O L N . rue/1 i ivin, /•.i.vr7.v,i/7,vr/, AM' tkacil.

• AO insTour Uh-K rr SINCE uniiKii. CANNOT m: ur.i urr.n.

•I IN TO I « n n IM-.K " i ' " " I ' " ' I t n n i iU . <-0Mlr'.v. r«y H) . OM^ p n li, Ksivc ll.i-!. tt l« ;> i,.»P|t1.-le I " ' t . iru o( < «.. . kli.xs, M-n- niul ..l.ji-. H . .I I n,I, ry, I I H Iron le "

ll i- |:it|!.- In,I ^<^y W.HU . . . ..I U (M»t ' ' " ' " W n n m l , . i i l . I i i th i i r l lv , X o l i » f r o f W i l o m i l r y Hlnml. l re-

iMiiiii l iMinni iH n ( i l l rf i i i t i i i l«.

fl vnli.n.our Oil.') iwRri.. r>r!nt«l <>n ol'nr tV .m rii... Ilii-I!ti j LH r. .n ii; ' •

l ;n irt>! ' i l < <ii'' U'f. nnil Ittll n'B'iiii on KIII® J i iii:V. C-;iit ilm< two 1 .ii.trBltji (one.

itl^riMvitiiitf lilm l!i iirlfuliy lulitir/cl <fi" vononiliiK

i* ll-ll T

S e n t lo an'/ a d d r e s s o n r e c e i p t of p r i c e , $ 2 , 2 5 .


T H E B A P T I S T B O O K H O U S E ,

T I I K H O l i J D W O I F r L i n U A U Y ,

M*nima'8 TroUji (Jlfl My I.ltlJc li<iy'«aio y

llofik. Wbat Hsnta Claos Uave,

Bturiwi for I'l.-iy 'Ilnie. ChrUtmiS UlfUtimlc, HrlM I'letiiro lkl<>k. Itrlaht I'ir.ture !•»«<«.. Any tour of the aOovo Uwks

sixty c«nt*.


Tiny Htnrles. Htnlte's H«rap IViok. WI)»-W<-« Htorlaa, Mr Own Htory Book,

s, tr ordorod at ouo ttioa FCR

Htorlna an<l llatorealbr I.illleTroulflasnioA.

Mttto K<iy Itlusli netare H<M>K.

Knxbt Pictures ftar ]U». gotsN Kyw.

I.Utlo Tuuiiny'a Utory Hook.

OIlMy'H KuvoritoCoiapaa-ton.

l»r. tty I'Hf* (lift n-iok. l>-asy'»l'lc'iiro Albuin. Htorfoa for Uttln Ciirly

IXM-LLS. . . UTH« Trot nlKnit's TTO-

tiiro Stiitlofc. . ^ MMVSI ULLLO «LORV

Any fmrolS'iro atrWw'lv^^ lor dlxty-aonta. II ortered at tlio •aniettiue.

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All I'rofus--lT liliiMlr.»t<^l t>y 111" Itost Ar11*t«, IE«p«ii»lly

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O^n^'^rvln. . - JSOWWOWSOT^, Uti le Ne-ldio's M<>n«««»1o. Any fn«r o< the abovi unnied books tof

TTO^EREJ FTL«I>« '>N>O. HOOKS AT r t t i i r v OKSTH KACH,

tSmo. loth. OoMaivl olor Hlmni^ l Oor. .s, Kully IlluS trslM, lOU pp. 1-: «cly-l'riui«t lU'a<ilnx Matter.

E<>TCNTY-ATE oenta,

Amy's Wmli. snd what raniaoflt .

l H h uml Kly;»Tnlo.if TwoTerrleni.

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llifl faptaiii (;hll<lri>ii'» I'lci.l'". Ch imwio f i l i o I'lir-oii^*. OlirlHilan Klll'>li; "f. Mr^.

Drtiifer'S I'RISI'. f;bii<li"«; ItoinilOy

Hii»l<<i' tho Vlrloos.

M ' T H B C I I R L H ' Q E M L I B K A B Y ,

s a s " " ^ S s s r A a m o f a a AnaL

L A D D I K W U U B A B Y . ^

A M M M M I L W «R« iHk4.Tirtflto of Ant* M i r t a c V o y s M a a r a a i l l M I M U

A l i a a i l A : W e f S t i n T I M H ^ o n U M Bridaa, w . A n l > r n % l « M I «

aail oUiMT TOaa. A u t ih fw or ti»« a t a m nanuid Inoka Ikir m a dollar, I f Of*

dared at <metim*. OXK M)U>*R A VCII.UMK.

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Under ihUi Tlile W) lime, M one n u t M m sartea. • aawtar • ibe beet kaown anil moel poimlar bookafor I m m wilitiM SrUi»lrhTOrlle antluMiHsneliM W. ^ O . K t a c i i ^ Q. A . 'entf. Itev. II. O. Adama. K. iftrryat Morris, and ollMis, TU«> hotiks ara weU p r I n M to I t a ' v •>•» on ttOBKtr aDd t<im»ntlr tKmad. and urill )*• fcuud Uia alu Ml and V e t I ttiniry lot bar*' readiiiK. Rscti voluOM flotit oat and Iwet I ttiniry tot Imr*' readtiiK. KMti voluOM flotitaiaa froin MO bi KiO |>aco> o(solid ivMlliig matter, aad t b ^ M* b U well Ulnetrateil.

H»rly the Wanderer, kianeo.

The Afrleao WamlwM*. Talos of lite Wblte Ormk'

ade. Tlie Tnree Adniirala.

Jobn Ueaaa. ( ^ U e n IMya at OiAnM. MarK8Minirtli. MarrtnaiM Uanry. HeJt Walw. oatuo'tlM Panpaa. I'eler lbs VThaler. Kirly Hurt In Ufa. r r ^Wa r kham in Rusala. TIia Three Mldililpaieii. The Ttiree Uommandan. Ttio Three UeaUaanta. Ttie Yonm Kranaa Ttraws.

The wtialDK HblP. will WeatlMTliclDi. The Fiev-lr t;n»a. Travel. War aad RMp.

wreck. Tnie Woe. TIM Nonn iVrie.

T H E G I R L S ' O W N F A V O R I T E B E i t l E S

vUntfonii wtili tHe Itojra' Own Kavorlte Herlaa. HorTiUeof llooor. Ui.lde, Ptitloeopber,

Pricnd. Htillnb. lloliUn with the UuMa. Kasarooad Venn. Himpllnlty aud racloa-

tlon. i M W a MlUculUew: MlUlceat een hor ivntaliu,

.tir -liifi

TIteodura, Alda'•ruliMii. Tlia (3otirt ao.l the <V>tta((e,

Aaat Iletly'H WUl. titlver UafuKs.

Mtohaelmaa Datatr. New Htory

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nia*ter. My »UBler% KeMNUw

"lionnie l/ealeyx l>eft Alona. Very (Mateel. My Motiior's IMaraonda. rCft Kind I t ' ^ t a

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UrHniltn»tnin»'s Hello's. Hurry alMchool. A Htory

tbr lloys. The ll«rti «f IlrUt«By. It.iftir. thp I v r o l ^ . IlolkHy Tb1c«. llollilny.t Hinonii Iho

)luiintr.lns. Johnny Miller, JcllllMuillKlllI, Our \VhU« Vl"l«t. I'liiil Hnw,tr<l'» I'Hptlvtly.

HIOIBII CLIMRJLC*; n r . Tpll tli«Triitti at Once.

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uY I wo of the ahOTo named books sent for two doUara and UilrtyflreosnUi t iu iterod at oae Uni«

Uspilst B'K.k H "u t e , MompWa .

D i : ! « 0 M I I « 4 T 1 0 ? l ( A l L S E R W O M S — F I W T V O I ^ U M C .

BY J . R. OBAVM. e (Kt«ganUy boaod lu o l ^ . ) •

Thla flnil v o l ume oonU lna tho a l l foUowing De-

nominaUona l Se rmons :

1 . T h e A c t o l H » p H « » » >

'4. T h e H > n i b o i l ) « n i o f n « i > l l i i i » . r i ie RrlHtlo.1 ..I l»«|»l««to • « • w U u i l

4. l l . r f .ord 'HMm.p«r •« r h n r r t i OnllsiBiace. S: Wir« l I* I M . . •»«••"»« I ' l tw-rtbl . jrT

C o D R C l e n c e t W h a t M l Soiiil for a copy for you r lll.rariea. P r ^ ^ . W nto

A<'«lr(«4» Bap t u t BwV Ko'kw'. Mrmn l i i " , T m n .

•l-lin IllM'tllklt l>l<'ll t'hllllr(!ll. N./TK.-^v. r liiii:lihM. Volume- of H«.rics have heeh

Any thi««M.flti.!nhov.. n.«ino.l l»<ia»l .r ouo dollar, If or-iter<!.l Ntono tim«.


•«..<.> <!loth ( .•vers prinlo.. In Hold, HlWcr find BlMk, n iVh.A ralV. . each (t'«,k .•ontatnlr.K 1« paK«aof Oloecly " " " " " ' (i i i i i lH Kes.lliiK M.tler


llraiiiiy'* Wonilorful Ciialr.

lUppy Holidays.

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itotiKof Kcllxitucl I.IH HistJir.

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Million Volumca of this

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Wnio., Mlr.e, Ololh, Klegant, Fully

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IhB rainpas. Krary Woh a K-ing,

Any?hroeo."lho alwvo named hooks tor one dollar and eighty wrnta, if ordered at one time,

llnjipy lioine. il»-liiii In Hwltserland, llurulo Wife. llollil.'iyS Abroail; or,

Itlgkt at hast. III the Jtin,(lfl.

I/ iuUk llroailhumt. I.ucy'sCampulKU. .My Orandio'ithor's

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laud. IMotiireaofUlrfUllB. •K^huol Days it) Farts. .

• »i>rle« have

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Mil Jltulaeand Uer Cbioka.

ITANDH. . TsaolTlieia. ^ O N H I T N U T . )

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

This powder asvor vMlea. A m a m l otjpi"

noTaieal tfian be sold la ooMjpeUUoa wfth the rtiiWWfla ^








C O L O H E v l u Y T i r a O .

32 COLORS-IO c e n t s EACH.

Eomember, thoso ore the only Pure, IIani>. loaa and UnadnlteratoU Dyoa

Bowaw of othar Djoa, beoaoM often Poi-•onotw, Adoltflrntc Weak and Worthlaig.

tmrrnnf thf»0 Jtuf tn eolar mor* a«odi, pncknffo for pachap,-, than nnv hrlUlnni an4 auruble cvtora, HampU Cutu *

THE DIAMOND PAINTS. GOLD, SILVER. BRONZE and COPPER For (itidiB_ <l«ll«n, (IK Kqnd to itnr~<

^"" »"•<»< «'>r Khonljfni. s.'Sl.lffl

E l y ' s


Uonnfe* the K/uwl A l U y :

rnlntind inllnni-iiiNllon, II«. n I |i Nwr**, R«>itforr' « n «> ol VauM nn«l Nnieli,

00, UttrUi<t«a, VL

T r y

W 6 arobolng iauglit iiovor (o bo ilio-appolnUxi but to prn!B«.

Never give up while tbcao Is hopo, bat hopo not Uoyotul reason.

Illght iiitonUon la to the actlniiR of a man what ihn anul Ir to 'the botiy or 'ho root to tli« troo.

Ooil aniilM A Ohi-lslUii nothing bu' wllh adoolRn togivo hlin soniolhing betlor.

A flold rcoiilros throo (hlngs, ralr weather, good noeil aud a good bus baiidman.

Trust hiR rioh promlwM of grH' J, 8o shall it bo fultUlod In theo. O'mI never yrt forsook at uood Tho soul tliat trusted him imlwsiK

"ItlcMcd are tho ni<>ok; for thoy ahali luherll the oarlb." Wo «rtt tlio tn«fk; ttiomforo, rosolvotl, Uio oarU> i< oun.

When thou art obllgoil to npoak, ho dure to iipo«k the truth; for Kjiiivoo*-tl«>n i« halfway U) lyiiiK, amJ yiiig {« the whole way to loll.

ri«o'» Iloniedy for Catarrh is agrot;. able to nsa It la uot a llqiiJd or a snnfl". 60a

That which iaako» lieavon sofull'ot' oy i« that It i« above all fear; and ibat wblcb makes boil full of hcr'or ia ihat It l« »wlow all hoj H,

Hood'a Sa saparillacures caiarrh by expoiling impurity from tho htood, which is tho cao«o of tho complaint. Give it a trial.

Tho doing of tho wlllofnoil Iwvcs no tituo tor disputing ab(>ut his pl«n.

I have four goo.1 reason* for Iwing an abstainer: my liLud Is cl ar' r. inv health .is l ottni-, my heart Is lighter, m") purto is boavlor.

Nothlngr luakos the world kcoW bo spaolcus as to hnvo filondi iit a dis-lamr; thoy make the latitudcit and longitudes.

Tho golden iH-ams of truth, arid the silken conis of love, twis'iHl togelh r, will draw men on with a f»we«!t vio-onco wlicthor ihoy will or not.

If a man 1« faithful to truth, truth will Ih! faithful to him. He neci have no tears. HIb huwhs is a tUicnUuii of time.

Our blti8jit!diwt(s—ftisd wc luay not '»iins thai b'osscdncH*—if, tuAi our tiOiwuiOH aiv Irua«ui'd in n persou, aud are tbertioro, lnoxhaus!li>lt>.

Tlio Ixxit government Is not that whicb roudire tho ludlviduah bap. j.Ifst, bul that %vhlch reudurs llio j;njat-ost uuii4U'r happy.

The Pocrot of nil tculy etlWtual ser-vice in Joy in the Lord, Kud b&viin; cx|Htrimoj)lal acjutiuliinooaad tojlow-•Ujip with ti<Hl hlaifclf.

A W O N D E R F U L FitKAK OJf n a t u r e .

U somctlmea cxblbitea fn our exhibitions. When , , g. .^ •uuo 01 tho i>eo..lUr freak, damo T ««ro <»ceasIo«tJly Indiilgw In. o«r

man. "Who iaso /oarftally and wonder fully made." Tho n,y«terlr^ of Ws nati-re havo been tmraveled by r J

H , V I W of uuiuio. a,H, through"

h!a knowlrdgo of those mysteries be bai been al>'o to prepare his "Golden Mcdicai U!«.:overy,"whichls asuec6c for all bl«o<l tainta, poi«,n, andhu-mor. iu.h as .crofula, blotches -ruptlon^ swellings, tumorT ulorrs and kiudretl affootions. duiggiN's. '

IVrfect hymrnelry never produces tbodP'ct of vastuo-it. U U only bv studying tho del aiil« thai wo (v-mpre-hcnd tho charactor of the whole.

the C u r e !

.A I, .;Mh mwtrll unrt •w. -V'",'.'" ' KMirii iinrt- m

buckeye beu foundry.

WAIIHAHTKH, CnUlngue wnl fr»«. VAItDUZEN & TtlT, Cineisntli. a

1 V I 3 2 9

MoShana Btll Fomdnr „ Finest Grade of Boll®, CBrtu ASI, Pie«t4i tor ('HtrKCHBsTk*.

-•"siwoji-IN UkLB- TO TM« C»T»HISUt WITH BOO Tm« ^

1 a t tiiuuw us CHURCH SCHOOL riRt AURM

BELLS ^''•"'mSU''.®!;''!?! '^ni tor j-wiogua. W. MKl,!. A CO.. Illlubero, O,

ThsflREAT r i r U T C H U i i C H L l u n l riiiNK'a ii.flMtw. f.„

OM <>f Oir.uWt Iho inu« r.'M!:' ii«i iVbTKiSl; "t thUKhM, SlotM, Show low., ll.nk. Th.«l.e.. n<.pot...le. Ntoin i -'"•nt de.lKm 1 clrriiUr anil »silm«le ^ l,il».iil — ....lai.c., ifTIKHB, etc. nCW* lift of rooi ,(>t clrriiUt tnil <»lm>lc ^ l.llftti <hk™ii> y. thtirchu inr| iim

1.1'. ruiMK, ai Piui at, N. W

1 I

The fnture of society is in tlio bands of mothers. If tl o world waa loft thrsugh woman she alono can save

No organ of our system is morn In-timately relalod to gowi fooling than the liver, none so easily biwomcB un. healthy; to regulate it and keep it in a healthy condition, u»o l)r J. H . iio-Ijoan's Liver and Kidaoy Balm.

Grace not improved will bo impair-«d. Hast tlTon faitb, lovo, z al, hu mility, but no stronger than many years ago? Tiiou hast b«i?fen hllo; and better bo sick than idle.

I have not used all of oi,o buitlo yet. Isuffereil from catarrh for iwelvo years, experiencing tho nsuscatiug dropi^nfe in the throat, p 'culmr to that diseaw, und my noso bled ahuos' dally. I tried various romudins with-out bent tit until last April, when I saw Ely's Cream IJalm, advertised in the Boston //u(f</el, I procured a bot-tle, and since the flrst days' ubo have had no more blcedlng-tho soreness is ontirHy gone -I ) (} Davidson, with the Boston J{uif,/ee, formerly witb the Boston Journal,

Wo never road that Joshua's hand was weary with wicldiuf, the sword but Morrs' hand wan weary will, bold ng tifo rod. Tho m.uo spiritual tho duty, the more apt are wo to tiro

All wo !iko shcop have gone »-<irav; there U, (Lorcfor , no hopo for iu>y of

I "8 but in a sin-twaiing Savior; stieli a one we bavo,

Bccaute t'hriHt loves us ho oialn s ue, and desire to hava us wlioMv yieldetl to his will, to that Iho opr>ra-tions of lovo In and fur Ui may fiud no hindrannn. ^

Ho that abiikth ir U'uift bringeih much fruit. Tt,o proccscs of grace rtquire time. Paiicnl continuant in welldoing is tho amdition o/ inherif-ing the largest promises of tiie Tn due tea«on you Rliill re^p

A faol.lon fc:; !h:j!« CMn|H»sltlon on a Pasnago ot S.j. iptu.o is not a ^rmon. A faultless composltiorTn .a bcnpturo ti-xi, well doHvered U not a g,>od Simmon; it U shnpiy , tr.Hxl .jHcch. The animus with which ho work is gives it it, distinc-

live cbaraclc.- as prvachi^g. Without m n U a dead, liNojs pr'LluSo ' S intellwi «..d is not ho prcaohing (iotl idds us pre»c,h It mun have an o«Koiu!ai olomeut. an unoUon fr< ni oi. ^



Breeder o/(A..;.! 0.0.)

JERSEY CATTLE. lierailM.t«a by ti.« llt.i„i»ra Yonni;nn»i.


And tli«|Torm«n(or Ball, 81C»NAl,H.TOIIIIBNll)B.rKo. ITTra

M P P s ^ '

When tho stomach lacko vigor nnd regularity tlicrc will bo a tUtukmco heartburn, nau ea, sl^kbeadache, nor-vousno-s, uso Dr. J . ' II. AloLinn's StrengtheniDg Cordial aud Blood Pu-finer, to give tone and Regularity lo the stomich.

When our divine Master says to un 'Oast your care «»n me," hodoct uot re-

ICMO MS from ipgiilmato daty or tho Joy of doing it, Uoalms to take t ho ucrt lPBs lire out of UB by taking "iVfS? anxiety out of our heart*, and pu t w tho ODie of trust In Ita place, doctrine of tniit !t a wonder

Whcu wft meet wlt'i the littlo vex-ations incidontflof life by which our quiet is so often disturbed it will pre-vent many painful t nsati ms it wo only consider how insignitlcHiit tiiev will appear twelve niontliH hci.w. '

Tho lark uw* u|. sini.'inii towards i oavon ; but if hIio stops the moti.jn of hui wingii, then straightvpi»v nIj,. jalh 80 it is with hill) vvhc» pray^ nt>f IVaycr is Kn; movement of iho v.-iufrs of tho m)ul; it boaiS ono heavenward 'mi without prsyor wc, '

Practice to make Cod tliy last thought at night whcu thou sh-cpc-s!, aud thy lirst thought when thou wak-est, 1,0 ih.ill thy fancy ho sancliiUd in tho night, and thy UMdorstsndi.i;! ho rectill.d in thoday, so shall thy tost be pcscetul .11 d thy labors prosin wus.

Storm Cslcndor and wcalher tojp-caslHtorlSbS, by Uov, Ir! li. Hicks, with ex(>Uiitt ion of the "Cre.U Jovia:. IVriod," 01.011 wiiioh our i'lauct now ontorlni/, inailyd to .ui> rtddrois

VVritu plainly your Name, Po.,t t Jtllue, and 8la 1'.

TiiKl)t<..I H. McLka.v Mai,k ink Co, Si. L tultf, Mo.

if Iho mind is bunttowardii G<'d with a 'trong mirptse, wha'ovcr bit-tor iHlides it in this present llfo it count.! swot, all that nnnoTs it It reckons roet, and it long, to pass cVen thrrugh doiith, that it may cvon more tjompietely possess Itsglf of ilfo It dosIrcB to iio utterly aunlhllaled bn-low, that it may •'-tnpleioly pos-cess I»ji'ilf Mf nrr. . / I-""


11.suits from iini>er<eotdigestion. The cause iios in tho torpidity of the liver. A n-«u!ar h«bit of the botly can I.k> Mjcurod by faking Simmons Liver i£cgul;uor ;o aid digesUon,to stimulate tho dull and Hiuggrish liver, and rid the bystcm of excessive aud poisonous bile. Tho KtL' ulator corrects acidity of tho stomach, cures dysi>epsla aud insults -rguiarify of tho bowels alike, free troin laxiiy f r stivrnrss.

If wc do not to "speak of him," let us l)ftwaro of plaus.bly por-' uading ourselves that it is Iwcausc wc •40 not waut to sjwak atM»ut ourselves. F..J t US, and own Ihat the vtiscl does not overflow bccauso it |c uot vcr ». !

MINK ot htalih to ijo tound iu Dr. It. V. Piorc 's "Kivoritc Pre^iiription," to I ho merits id wfdch, as a rcm«xly for locale weakne 8 and klndretl atlec-tion«, thoiioantJs tc«!Mfy.

.Ii'sus saith, 'liiiKea arc they that have not seen and yet have believed.' A warm heart I® a safer guldo than a c >ol brnin. It is nobler to bo deceive*! ihrou){h ovcr>truHtfnluess, than to Imj kept fn.)ni personal harm through ovi'r-su(!pido'i',ue'««. V«l, aH a rul-, he who trusts In lew IL»»»lo to bo de-''oiv* d than > o "who yields only to ev-idcnco which (inivincO'i his own un-ill"(-landing; (or the Impulses of a loviug hc»ri direct ono more wisely than can Holflnh calcnlatlons and tho exhibit of sur.h a spirit cnmmoudBone ii.utiir •<• < (

"NIP I H K E V I L IN i HK BUD . " Blop that cough in its first stages I bo-foro RHrlous oonsequenoes ouAne, Dr. .1. H. iM[«'Ijo»n'» Tar Wluo Lung Balm la an dlfnilvo rgme<.tyi «r» wjut* k

LUNtJ iUOl'tij.KS A M ) WAST-ing dIseasiH tan bo cured if properly tristed In tlrao. aa shown by tho fol-lowiuK statement from D C Freeman, Sydney : " llsvlng bcou a groat suf-ferer from pulmonary attacks,- and gradually wasting away (or the past two yearsj it air>rd« mo picaaum to testify that Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with H m n and Soda haa given mo groat rollof, arid tehoorlully rccommcua It to all tuflbring In a Rlmllar way (o niysolf. Iu addition, I would say it I9 vorv idnaAant M t«Ji«."

A*. - i. ,, .

-riivro IS HothtoK iwvre iub>i«riih)a |iian |M>s4lii«lM», no d«r«n|!<(iBiaiit nf tk* ayaiuni whtflb m uatta oaa fnr a>K:ia} enlny umdi w tba mixl aut!<<« ot life. If it everr day at nearly lb« Mmu ttme mi may MOtf/ ebarite it tn Slalaria. ami Isnfwn 'r'ii Antidotu will tmuicdtaii<isr r<>. ti«rayou. Don't atln* t>reJudlMi to |ir»»-loaK your suQertn . thi; tuedloln u «uil tioouro-l. , .

j ^ H E B A P T I S T . .i j

How few U o )iK'< i>s>.f?il with (ho nwponslblo gifi of geidus can trutb-fnlly say wiiu Waltar Biott—"I trieti to unsettle nn man's faith, to corrupt no aian's prlnclnles, au<t I have writ ton nothing which on my dealhbt il I should wiah blotloil tut."

i m N O T CaiTlED It seems » traugc that it tirec farj

tnt>orsu»de men lh|it yon can euro their disease by offering a premium to thonian who falld to iccnivo Iwnctlt. An.l >ct Dr. Sago undouModly cur^d thousiands of caaesof obstlnat- catarrh with his "Catarrh Remedy." who would never have appllwl to him, if It hsil not been for bis offer ol the above Buin for an Incurabiocase. Who i» the ticxt bhIdT tor n-M' or cash ?

(}lvc me ttuo. ii ; F.i.!. f,cnst>of nwl; spcoiul, dcslro W got; third, belief that Qxl has In store; fourth belief that, thou;sh he withholds for awhile, he loves to be asfcisl; a-id fifth, Iwlipving that aikimj will ob-u«n. (Jive me those links, and tlte chain will reacli from earth lo heav-en hrlnglniT heaven all down to me, or Iwariiig ino onintr.

ii> » — Mak« \o MisTAKit—If jou have

made up your udud to boy IIo.urL Sirsaparilla <)o not bo fnJunct! to take any other. Hood's Sarsap irilla U peculiar m«Hclne. possessing, by virtue of iu peculiar cnmbiuatlou, proportion and proparation, curative powvr supetior to any other arti<,te of the kind before the people. For ail affections arising (rom Impure bloo i, or low state of tho system It is un-equaled. Bo sura to titxHi's

Jj^^'i-'s Living Aok Fou ISSS mat ajiitjo soon e atr^

opon ita forty.flfth yoar. U isthoonlv ttUsfactonly frcsband complote ,-on». pilatlon of tho best perioilical Mtera-luro of the world, and henw Iu long coatlnut snccesa. Iu (ho multipliriiy

Mblo to U,o American njidcr. as It

with ho best literature of the day. I l l ^^^ ot ">0 "'o^t eminent living writera. lU prostwct-"for 1888is^well worth . u J a U o ^ L ^ectingoao'a reading matter tor the Z Z . ^^wccd clul>blng rates with other pcriodloals art! glv«n, and

tr^ »h«ii'l«rTcnIn< numbers

Mao a ah. n, i,,, ^^ UC.4I. 1 he aamo caro.i which is iHcaaflM of Ood'a love to man la the measure of miu'i hatroii to God When the slnloss One cams to thU lost world with blwMngs In both hands, thoy "hated him without « c»u»," uay.more.tbey revranlcd hU lovo with tUeir hatr-Ml. Nevertheless the right-w.,9 One held 011 hU way. ami boeatae 'obedient unto death, even tho death f.f thocros«." <PJdl,n.8)Thohoarl, which ehou'it have Wflcomod him were flllcd wth agaiuu him, and the rulers who ought to hav«cr««.,«,i l- tm dPome<t him «o the death of a stave Yf t even in dying he delighted todo his Father's wilK 'by whl<.». will we hav«. l»e«u sanciiile<l thmsigb the otlrring of the oj ChM' i for aii."


M ^ P E R F O T M M K » o Amnfflijg. lima. Ahaa or fhcBpi^atWi

A U N I V E R S A L INIKUKST Will be felt in the article which Mr. Qitcistono haa wrltton oxpn^ssly for

i®.., The subject or Lis great atnesman is tho "Futttro «f«ho English-,peaking Race.," and ^ • p«per is eald to bo rematk.bly lacid aad auggBstivp,

Anywheic, tVurjwtioro, nato evil, ^OMfalwhood.defy aolf, trust Iu tho Wfd that died for you, t«allaQ the ••rcy that wait* for you, otMiu your »««rl (0 the graco lh»t la snilloiciit for JotJ; and then, though all uuherablcd *r myitlo Wlooor blaalng apparUIon, we unacen Ono reelprooatm your flilal w ' w a g t , and mMlfeats himself to

MmT idf*'"'

For cure ot i s„», neuralgia, in its various phases of «clatia, Uc <. Jidouroux. soml-crania, A-., use Sal-ration Oil, thr greatest Vain-car* 00 «'ar' h. Prifc <*ni» a bot.le.

Thegrxatiii.wiotiiy of l;r. Bull's Cough .Syrup to all other cough reme:-dics, i;. at-cito.! by the immense de mand for t'lmt nid '<sttblisbiHl reme«»y.

Liarn, t» Mudvii., ifac ttue wisdom. Sftt yon bush ailanio wift, rxisc*, like the burninif Inish of Mn^a. Listen and then siialt Lear, if ihy soul bo not dpaf, how from ont it, wft and clear, sppslc? » . thr.,> < . » \!.,.?t'hty,

Ti.K i.()L;i».v\S And tic colder wiatar wtvather are

now rapluly apprcaching. Tho joyful Mt<on l* oignrly anticlpateid by ;roong f. lks In thorsnnds of hoin»*; but. in near'.y all therr- an? 01 u or more ouUr one* to whom the cold \rave< and the stcrnm mean reaewtd sutTering from rhonmatic bark or limbs. It le not clainiisl Ihat H«>od*s Sarsaptrrill.t is a poiitive Bpecifie for rheumatism. W e doubt If thoro U or ctn bo snrh a a remc«lr. But the n^niarkablo sQccoas llcod't Saraaparilla haa had in curiny ibis affiH'iion is suffldent ra<tsoa for those who sr» lufcriug to irj- thii :>ecuJiir m»wliclB?.

Old a?c is tfnj tjigtii of Hfo, as- nighi is the old ago of the day. Still, lilgbt Is full of mairnitkence; and for many it is more brilliant than tl»e day.

It l)elongs to tho nature of the Bible that it was written for all mfn of evory cUnio. and for th** experience of p *-!* single butran hoiH,

^QimM % # l L L l R R E e U L A R m E S

P E C U U A a - T O H E R ' S E X . APttamaxsr R E c x o u c r a a A N D P o W E I t f m Tqmic.

C M & A G O K v O T - J G U F E

»i>rr(r««tlrnn*TMtl>« * rnniMn mtwly rwww

ARBUCKLES' * PWJkiUM of OOFTSB u A • or (UEceUenoe.

ARIOSA ' f f ^ r ^ n ? Is kept in mi flrst-claaa

atovMifrom tho AtlanUo to tho Paotflo.


COFFEE li nsnrar good wh«n expoeed to tho air. Atwam boy tttlabnuul In htnneUoaUy • m M on® P O U M O P A C E A O E a

C A T A R R H I i ^ M w r f i - i . ' i - i i a a : 1 U*l«ww

l-^WTiiikeyllak. Ite M rM Cl tKWM Wttii

JL lOTtKnnjnr. MA — WWWMhalTK

•V iv' I V ,


14 T H E B A P T I S T .

1 5

<)»liTI.»«liN'.-Pl««'»«l>''l'WlW»'l»« l>ntUc« Of Ita. II. Jamu' OAIIIIAI»*1«Mo4, oiU'iMcnitl t'lllxiu! .)tDt-in»nl, fir * IHfii>l vt mltit whu In nnl <i»(mii.«l <41 •aii u jfiur modtolovit I'urwl u)« i>( OoiiauiiiiiMwn iiomBthM* y*«rii ip , I »»nl liliii t<>„W,v • unlmtl nttMii iwunitii wliU« UkiiiK Hit tlr>( I Um, mid I knuw II In Jiml tUn tlilliK ritf lilm.

I . Ihreo Ixil-ll<.«n. ltiiUy, J V. HIM.U rviirohurir, Aiiiler«>ii U"., Ky,

A l l E N T S S '*ul»l >or lliu lll-larr u[l!liilhtlniiU )jr Alilioll. A (rami efiaiiTO. A H Iwii-it llio iwpular iifk'.i !•( (I r\. I.IIwIaI • rs» HI IIIU |Ht|)UIAr )lilVt< i>i ft < •• iJM"-"»«

loriiu. Tilt MllKlnuP. pnixTii luoiill.iu 11 «• >M1I) of lliu t»w vrrtt rtllgluiK wtirkt ut llio MUIIiI. (Imatr <uo-CM»I1I"T known hj'HKOIIU. IVinin fr.Hi, A Ou., rulillilivi'n, IKIIII, MaIIIV.

. . „ NVMI'I.KS iritlji; I (1.111 VDWWI'* ( r I»r.Hi-ott»

lafclrli' Ui'llii, Uriiuli (It,etc. I«»it> «K><liM ^•llllll'll ior i;l < lrli» O'H' Mi«. aulciltB«U)«. Wrlloi' iiiicr f'"' 'iiiniH Dr. tkioU,Hl< HmiiiJwny, N. Y. lit I'i I .'17 ««>W «nA puiiii* Hfivciiona ir'tp Iiiiur«»,iU', »iui iilft u'U ^mvlt (UrtU furMlJIlU I'ub. OaiUX. <V

1 It 4i auw

1887 H o l i d a y K x c i i r H l o i i s .

On account of the IIolU1&y» a rato ol oi>e ami oiin-tblnl faro for the round Irlp will bo niailo bitwnvn HtatlouB oil thf Gull Uoiito (K. C., F i . 8. & G. R . n . K. U., B. & M It K., K. V.C.AB. KvO

TickotB will bo BOM on Dec. 2;M, 24fh and SWtb and on Dcc. :i()th, aint jtiid Jan. Int. good for loluru pafHigo until and Including Jan. :U, 18X8.

Thin rwluctlon will 11 .t bowevor apply between Htatioiifi wborn tho regular round trip rate is 25 ol*. or iBt J . E. LOCKw'oin), 0 , P &T.A.

Ktumas Uiiy. Mo J . W.Ukkioh, T . p . A , Ft. BcoU, Kun]

l l o l i d i i y l i s c i i r s i o i i M

• ' i ^ P Y OOOD8. HRISTMAt - :an«,



l U D O E f A i A H ^ ^ m ^ ill .11

A f t T U M A TAfTft A.><TMMAU.%i. M O I n i W l M niiiieii |,«viT IAIIK In fur.-. Amrontwhoi»«nt«tolitMMllfcW 1 nn »«ihI uii •difntt *nit WB will m«ll Irul Imllle e ' D e e > lk.TAn mu>8., llaclumur, N. Y. F K C E * ic:

A D I I i n I'ni'u'?.! M lU?/* Wllf ' Zip ViRS R I I I l U l i l B3.JAS. J. MOlDii. WIUIAMSDURQ, 0.

1 SH 41 ilec 10, HI


Tlioqntokiwt tn nil (H) nln In Mlildln.Teiiu., and her K«mouii Hiiminer ItNorm anil the iMdiDg UnlvtnlliM aoil CuIIckm of tho Hlat«.

ThebMl nniit« tn Allnntn, Mmdii, .liinlc> wm nii>. Mill tho Klnrlilii OninKn HpIU V.lii MeKaniln and UlmllMnmHiii.

1 Ik iMMt iunt« to Atlanta, Mnnnu, Anmiiita, C)harltnl4>n. Hnvnnnnlij HiUoIkH, Kunxvlllc, Mrlstol, Rioliniond, tlo folk, •NVni'hliiKlun. Via. MoKeiiiln and (iliitttniukiKO.

( h i r S p e c i a l t i e s Tnron«h Citrn

Whioh h»vo run lor YOHn ovor UiIr mu<o Ik'. iweon Atl<nti, (nittltntiutiKH, NnHliTllle, .MempblN and UttU Itock.

q V I C K T I M K By reMon of porroot troUlntf-iitw k, rf>Rii>

baliaitotl, n«li'bitrod track ai.d ko<kI cuddlO' ttona.

U n i C H : T I M U l i O W I I 4 T K 8 L O W H A T H S

Paotll-BMaiiMorouriiDraenM tMiaiiiMi. Urn fnr handling Ik,

TbfM tnitni dally betwcfii KaiibvUla, UbftiianooftA, AtlDulaand (itiulKVilla,

Two tmlni da» jr ' ' uhli and tho WmI

_ . uiiiiinviiia. Two tmlni dal r brtwwn MHihvtlio, Main»

nhli and tho WmI, UonntotUmn OIIHHI. OoiiMeutlouH iiitrr.

And tnadfl lu all •iMptiD tin all niRlil ira'ni. «air mint.

/<« ftirthar

t.'liiMiBM Hare, (iliHiiiinN Kitny. [HilK. 'I'lirouab 'arlpr nam on

KdOrMi ir InibnnaUpn oali on or adtlfw W .T* UAHllkv. O. V. 4 T a T ^ . . NaahvltliiTaaB

ITKMy. What rmi'trd will bfnvnn iiold oC

youto-dttjr? Whoovor roiisls triKb l)ooomoB

hardonod by that act. Eirort and o*ro for tiio futiiro ftio

not prohibited —but anxioty. V hoinoiit spocoli in Io«m I'lV.'oHvo t )

(mTcoine ovil (ban u civil lonijuo. Tho rxjaurroclion of ObriHl i« liioas-

diiranee of oum, Hiieaking witiiout tbinkiuK IBBIIOOI-

liig without taldiig aim. iMvn is an alcbomiet that traoan hh-

inutu i)OiBons into food. God faila not to sow blcR«iiiK« in

ibo long furrowB. Uuiiiblo iovo, and not proud Rciouiso,

i{cop» tho door of hoavon. L'jl all Hc-cn cnjoyniontH lead to the

iiiihcrii fountain from wbonco they flow,

IVayer Ih tlio outlet of tho Baiiils' sorrow, and tho Iniotof thoir hupporl« and roniforta.

Kow arc wl»« enoiigii U) profor wholcsouio blamo to trcarlioroutt |)rai«Q.

Th»i roaiiy-ation of <]o<t'n prosonco is thu one sovereign rcinrdy aKaiiiKi toniplatlon.

Profanity is a disgUHling hIh. It A loud advurtUemont of coargciuviH and vulgarity.

Don'i think ChriH died for tho gootl — ttioro aro none. Ho died for tlio ungodly.—Uoin. v. fi.

Tho realisation of God's prosonco is tho one Bovereigu remwly aKaiimi temptation.

Life appcarB to mo too short to Im) spt'Ht in niirslng aniinosity or regis-toring wrong,

" I t la worth a thousand pouml.i a year to have the habit of locking on tho bright aide of th ings ." - />r . John-son,

Ooii's «ti0 igth in liito a wi-ll of wa-t r that, never run-* dry—a livini; well whorfi wo c4n al\va>M reiiow our fitrongth.

To prow old id quite natural; l)oin4,' natural U in beaut i ful ; if wo grumble at it, wo nilHs tlie losRon, and lose all tho beauty.

Boino one hau woll said tliat while we cannot control our drcum-itancoH, yet wu can control what we bhali do in theoircumstaucoa.

l i ighost truth will not save mo fur.^ tber than as it brings mo to tho Savior tiiat ho may glvo and I may got etur-n*l life.

"This eamo Jesus," Is ono of the cblef watchwords of my faith. 1 eon-stautly rocnr to it, and I think It will ba ray comfort !h tho dark valley.

Tho hlghts of earthly promotion and glory lifts us uo whit naaror lienven, It la easier to stop thero from tho lowly valo of humiliation and sorrow.

Borrow is not selfish, but many per-sons aro In sorrow entirely solflBh. It makes tboui so Important ii;i their own eyes that thoy seom to have a claim on all that people can do for them.

Tbo tloutoat dlfflonltie* when over-come by grace dlviiio, may be IrAns. formed Into atopping slonos loading upward to ih* aUalnment of tho per-rnnl llftt.

Tbo plaoo of a man beforo tho pure, all'TrltneasIng Hplritof God, and In Iho ostimatlon of those who aro heaTonly tnlndcd,' dotormliiatoa his pUoQ In the world. All true roUttona


You now lay yourself out not for mncli rfsl, init for graat patience.

It is a «igH of infancy when only a few beings iutereft us.

Wo must • never separate faith lu Ohrist'a iitouhig death from th« Heces-sHy of communion with his risen life.

True impniarity Is not viopularlty wbicli IH followpd aJt«r, but tlio pop-iilariiy wliinh loliows after.

Novi>r lay loo great a strrss upon your nuc'fuliioHB, or perhapi» Gad may «how you that he can do without you.

T l o liroad o( life U lov•; the salt of l i to iHwork; the hwcotno^is ol life is poetry ; the water of life is faith.

No nu>noy i« l)otlcr Bpcnt than wliat liid out for doineBtic sallslac-tion.

It Is a n'proac.ti tti 1>P In tlie bondd of rtin, but to lio in tlio Imnds of prison for tbo lako of (^i.riht is a groat glory.

On a Nun-ilial wl.icli Btauds upon tlu! pier at Brighton i t inscribed this most hopofnl lino; "T i s always morning woiiunviiero in 'ho world."

If tlioii wouidst find much favor ami i-caci wiih (iod and man. be very low in thine own eyes. Forgive tbysoif lltllo and otliorn niiic'i.

Wo may loso heaven by neutralitv R8 well as by ho«iiliiv ; by wanting oil an well a« iiy drinlilng poidon. An uiiprotllablo hcrvant shall as much be puiiiaht'ci an a prod'gai »on. Undone duty will undo our SOUIh.

riioy that did nat manna hungered a.{ain, ilU d at lat.t, and, with many ot ^Ltnii, God was not well plea<>04l wiieipaa chey that feed on Christ by Ic.iiii bIiaII never hunger, and shall (lie no inoip, ami with them Go<1 will tio Cllf.'v. r w j't tllrt'lMfyl.

.Irtiiisllid waH Ibo prison who put Hii eilgintr aronni! hiw garment ami a ring upon bin finger. They ai,ked bliii, "Why did you besiow all the d(v orytioii anil oriiamcnl on the b-ft httini, whil-Ht ttiii right is suiierior?" ilo HI Hwiif d, "Siitn;ient for tlie right IH I he (•niauient nf being right."

Tbev dial are in God, being united to him througli ChrlBt, can never by Muy \)ow»'r bo Bfparated from him. I)'>uth, tliat l i Ihr great dlssolver of all other iiiiioiiR civil and natural, Is so far from untying IhlA, that i! consu-iiiHtcB i t ; it coiiveyH tho soul into tho ne.trofit and fuilect enjoyment of Gwl, who is itfl life, wl.ero it shall not need to doBlro art it wvro from a distance: it nliall 1)0 at tho spring-head, and shall bo Hatlbilod with this lovo for> 'Vor<

A father roprimanded his son, who had commenced the habit of smoking. " O u r minlHtflr Hinokes, and bO does Deacon 8, Deacon B and Deacon 0 . If it In not wrong for them to smoke It coitalnly cannot bo wrong (or ino." What could tbo father say ? What he did sav was at tho prayor-inectlng soon af ter ; and hio remarks woro so vere but Just. The mlnistor and deacons saw Iho pernicious iullnonco of their exsmvilv, and at once aban-tloned tho huult. Aro there not other minlsto.d and ehuroh members who indulge In Iho Injurious practice of smoking whose rxample Is producing a bad eflbct upon young men around them? If no shall thoy eontlnuo tba

j)rautioo? But that t i n ' s argument and omwiiisloii woro i pcnloua. Iltght conduct Is right not betatiM of what ulbora do but noeaatin U U right. Soioo people may bo able aud permitted to tlo what othira are not. That ton ' t action was virrong bocausn he bad no reason by whlob beoould ju i t i fy wl^at hod ld .

»"».f»»»t«loi«t4 A.

I I V E S T I O S a f iiieltiuit Kiu) KiriUnu ot itarli Itwl ran ovtr Um <y>unt7 wlilurai ttpvaUaa tta tluilr I iiMM, nr i tor <hm can it* nlllMr t**, ywHif nr (i!dj ra liWUl •bint; ni»ii«i' UtulUl nut nMdMl; ftm Mt* ttlrtnl tm. Chi M lu and ninrii fi> im «n<r«i« will ntwi grua frt*, maiMbm »(amt valiM ImportMcc (a yuo, thtt vUf tfut you III bu»ti»ti. whkfi will Itrliurm In iwm ^ ^ rlKht th«i< tnythlini: «lw lo lb* worM. iinwl uiiiflt!«». AiMrMt tm a * Cu., Aa^iuu, tutu*, r w t - n

tin nloir lH)ok baaapnear.ti fur a lokn Uim Ihun S o u p & (liimi H (or the l i t t le Onfit.

>r i,iiitT>id>ii. waishK X KAtafirr t. jt%u. 130 or the aHTAtit**! n| »w««( »>»(;« U.t (b*

Klnilerfarteit or Primary •.•tiool. Ij»r«f inmi. iHtrno pn^on. Hn» print. $•»,« . r i i i K i o B e l l s . ilie v«ry |iruttlcfit uiuleAtlca* ol t,brMiaa* n7»r«(taif. Ju«t oal.

Kwnrd*.) J. It. K'.udrUk a».| IT U RlfM.>( Vnwa.' OolI«K<.. HodneJ aiiil aup«rlar eolkc-tlOD. O l d S w e e t H t o r y . V^-JM'^i;; : . vloo ror Huu(la\ -»nUool.'<,bi<ctii aD>i Inapiriai HH U IIIR'rili>AY « r OI!« L«KB nl*<inf;brUtm'Mi).<rvlce. Ht>m<t t*r Llataf i'|trl<(miui <'iirolnI L e o n a r t r N Ma.s.s I n E . Jr T.! Huc( ea«, eiuty itnd a k>ioiI mn«fc.

( • I . - . rxir* too.1 eol-e mfo-^' Any rt<x>k Uai.eit tur KAtatl '''ti*e.

M e m p h i s D i r e c t o r y . Ol l.«a(lia|c BaalanM rtrm*.

W O O D S & W O O D S . A g r i c u l t u r a l I i i i p l e i i i e n I

B u g g i e s a n d H a r n e s s .

W a g o n ^

: m Becond Htrrat

E a g l e B o i l e r W o r k s .

S H E A & M ^ C A K T U Y . M»nuraciurflrH,.Slatiouary aad Marine

Boilers, Oil and Water Tank*, Hrocchiug. Sniokeeiack^, Heavy Plate Iron Work of every descrip-tion Bpecial atlention paid to plan-tation work

I40 lo 14« rrmm$ Hlr»*l.

W O O D U U F F & O L I V E R B u g g i e s , C a r r i a g e s ,

W a g o n s . H a r n e s s a n d S a d d l e r y .

378 to 380 B'ront Btroet

E V E R ' r S O N & € 0 . CMMrnl

C o n i n i l s s l o n M e r c h a n t s . sa l r r M t HItrMC

Bpecial Attention glvea «o Consign-ments.

Iteferonoo: Gflrraan Bank. Memphis.

j u s a i c E & C O .

C o m m i s s i o n M e r c h a n t s And Dealer- In

F e e d , P r o d u c e , G a n l e n a n d F i e l d S e e d s . , ^

• BhU* Il*«»kl<. Ttaa. T.I»»k«o. «•

I L H . W . G O D W I N . D r y G o o d s , N o t i o n s , E t c . , N E W A N D D E 8 I B A B L B GOODS

A T W I D E - A W A K E PBICBP. • StrM*.

P R A H GIN G O . ISO i ^P i Jk* Muiriua. TUIM.

r u n m m S S S i S i j m w n n i H

C l a s s l c i i l P i a n i s t , ••<'tl»n. ii nil rtvi. u llntl rate •* >miw«'..


V, H, OlWoK A ' o. SBT froBiway, Sew Vor». 1 17 'i SH ile« .s irr


A n n r v t* Im> HfiallliTrtf tkf U i t r meU

I (I'-ll tk.F KMM^i no* Art »-»»|.»_rtji fKllwwteK hjimfitiMimt ««I t»l>w»

II»«4»HM-. WVflkMw. r«t» tiM-i>.«>a» -I •!»• »«Mrtt. mM

- I ClnHt*, wHIi •«taifi»-

M*t> atMl BurwrK, "I tui»* « ttM-Uwfciki -l mV- t MMr >

|.»n ib»RHa» • •wiFl"' WW! KUlMmffi' I <rh<i rr.m-Ml I Qlil*tari BO r«fl twwfll «a|tl I • 4<>-«» !»«!»• »»»BirosM. I jv« • Tkb prvMraito* cnn«l •>«, I atuM utjr a i« llM Mill iB«li«ln' I •««M itt«*itart<( fcrr la mr ca'i.~-«» Hli:*»». lr<J.

' asroxi-li'OK»riJ»r-«» Bu <wr Z.ramp »»4t« 4 wrapi^r.

J l . a . M l i a i * m h t f - l. >». ^ neptUt'-n. f isft,

I M R E F I T S I Wfci»Ti*««•#I ' l l*•MBJr «• rM ttm»


JtSiSHaZai. ' STet r- - -• . i L l . Kowri uu>«i» i M: i w u

r V«»k.

c o m m o m - s c s o E c a t a s m H c u s e

i« jBaoowtf. Mtab. .•tiialiiiM trwtbcaaa at a dim* fwna CMUUt*!. I atyawMa. unmriua*, AMkaaa. Bar rt-rir»ti« K<w aMi l^mti. lorTir<n»tUt',aa>9S»M !Ra«k a»l ToUaviMaM fnWL

MAKE A SI6N Wartk Jietmy-fa* Cents.

i o a C K X T

l l S B i T S W I U f f E P . S a m p l e s f r e g . Ji. w . m r o A U E K s t i L . ^ ' v , o -

t »37


Bunlw la CM V. 0««r I M Cftctul Mhr Km-A tnUKt ftrtKn UtJirrj. I: m^r Ittacti. *!»«»«,•« ttctan Ualvrr "IW «<alMt« ItMka «ar WVA. A IM-W t mtm* MutQ>Y\ Mt ftrM wn V* ami AUKXtti WAWirftO. A IWV fee ll>r •••M* lo Makv BMpf. An^rax*^- Trnm <«*]r

TM UKxar MU, n.TausHW4i ouu xoaw**. <.•».

T h e H i g b o e S c h o o l . FOR YOUNG LADIES.

•«ad», LMMlM4l»le A iMuMMlat! Ntiu, m K M r a i m . r m m t .

laevrfdtua «| ih r>aiU«2at» PriTUcsc*-Hvw BaiMlBK*,

rac l l l t in i . Excctlrnt ra ra l l j r .

OmUognaa of antwial ij.t'trMl now rvaajr 0)m«paiMl*iimnvli«l. Addreti^

Mim JEN.Sy M. UIUBRK. Pnacli«(l. llStl Mon^vkla. IVno.

BITS O F THINGS. When Christ abide* In a human

befcrt, b c U In it as an Immortal ho|«e. I t ia right l i r ing which prpparcn

for aafe or even Joyous dying. No oae knotra how to leach

mora l l t j eflectlTely without rcligton. Ood noTcr dcalroyt «inn«rs. till he

•e«s Ibere b uo other way w ^ them. tVi wilt what A i i w f H s t a tba only

•cleaoe tha t give* us nia(.< Many a man baa rnlnotl bi« oye*

n g h t l a a bar-room looking for work. Hone a r s t o narrow and ignorant

and Mgotsd aa tbow wbo i b u i tbeir « tM 10 tplr i laal tb ingf .

"mii rnia t iMAsteMMiirM, b b m lSitmgbU:U U the Mtorv of

tboHglit to flad iia wl^y lato a i ^ a . Me Ibat utvcr cba t i g^ aajr of faU

opiolona f.«rer eorrectei any of bli nnictalcM.

Af Lf i n s in a, difeaw of (be «>ul be-lote H t.«ix>aii» a s error of Jbo ouder-s^athliflg. ,

A ^ e w o r t b y cbaraelertftlc of the gcjiuiiie M i r v r r 1% that be always pr»r* ai!,d never falntt.

Han lootrth on the outward f ^ ' i ^ w w . l ' u t t h e L . rd lookcth on

I fc l fc rn i i j ,bat I* in hin,«?ir, and that makelh no acoount '»! y high!ofi ionor .

fhcn? It a Llicher, sweeter life just • Ubii, your rewb, dear child of God : »«#<! It and t*ca>n>e more like (fod.

How dideretit are the tufleriDgn of tbo rfftcer aud tbow of ibe laint ' The f«ji mcr arc an ©cllpss of the maon, by which Ifie dark night becomes still slacker and wiider; the latter are a ^ U r ccin>*c. which oools oil the hot fJty acd CMU a roroanlic shade, and

•hft'ein ILe oighiingaJ^ beitin to w a r U a

T(A true hero i« tbe great, man of «!a{y, >.c wboie soul is armrd by :ruih and teopporlcd by the fmile of Gorl, be who inrets lil*'» perils with a cautious but ttar.qail spirit, gathtm •streaijlh by f tc icg i!» itorm«, and

if ill- ». .-jiij3<i 1-) dic, a Chris tiAi. victor at the |>Oet of duty.

G' o-' io ite »«lic:«l I VM, the acid tf life ft t f t r ttie iwectiiCM of grarf.. J p j ifc ail tLc licher for having » bickgr- uiiJ of sorrow, r^et all tbc mure rv-stfuJ aMe»- wearints^. Sin even enhance* the brmuty of rlghteouf-ne«». The worN ol wrangles, unreei atsd sbame if ba«l, terribly bail, when s'udittl alone; but G a l maoagci" to S^t ininifDW jiiood out ot it for his a in t s . Satan himself is forced to in-cK-aj* tije felicity ol the r«doem,ed, Tlie fare of Je»srs impai t< all the mort; • bttT from I tie • xpomrc of tho visage 'f t '.e prince of evil. Compare his kirii'dom with the kir.gdom of Go<l if ore wcold fpprccUle the good and b.?£utiful. Gr ia t tribulaiioo will not

.1 g 'e i t rd wLen we t n«tr tbo rckluiH I c u r . il liff.

i i>. \bU \II ' l JUNtUl lE lA 'CUiJKI ) o !bc EJi o r : -P.can; iuforui your readers that I

have a iK/iltive rern«ly for the at>ovc aaiucil di»ea*.e. By i*« fiiuily use thou«and« of hottcless cases have been i«rmancnlly curcid. I shall be glad lo ««nd two bottles of my remedy KKUK to any of your readers who have cou-futnption if they will send mu their Kxprces and P. O. add i^s .

Itespectfully, T. A. SIXXJUM. 'M. C., 181 IVarl

Kt., Now Yorlr.

j ^ g j E B A P T I S T ^

^ r n c H t ffu i.o aro seek-ing loctTcct goo<l by trying to analyze the reasons why God In specific cases doea and in other* does not answer prayer. Thoy practically argue In such B way as to load to the conclusion lhat answered prayers oomo aa a re* wanl of morllorlons asking. Such •peculation is lioth erroneous and dangerous. I t Is ours simply to pray in faiili, and to leave tho nisulta to wifdom and goodness of God. Pray-er's imwer and efieet cannot be reas-dnetl out. Dr. Plenion woll says: " I have made up my mind that thero am Mine things in ihe mind of God that I cannot gel ir lo mine. Uence I do not alteuipt lo reconcile Iho two revealetl truUia—tbat God l i oucbangetbl*, •Ji^ that prayer obangoi blm."


• m i P H U l T I M N .

t^ootk. Xti taaartal aid osiaiwdal e i i n n a

fear* gaiaed aa eaTtabto w ^ a t f o e Iw lhair a«eiirac!y.

Its tdsimpb sil—as aoMala Apil aoMoats a lapoftaat aoMimMMB all ever UM world.

Its nisisollanMai asleotloM eabtraM 0*« articles cf intarsrt la UM lltsnry. •elMiUtc and ait worid.

l u edtturials a n broU. tibwal aa t onnprehmsive wni laelada •"wsMlaaM wlitcli a: peals to tka tbouglit « aa ia* t ^ i f cn t paopl*.

lUMvsitaoM asa a ailiUataialaMit of tbU Mctkm.

TIM Paauo Lsveaa is aoti Ivtaxcludss f ^ u lis oolamda that rl I tMi whk^ only gnrtiry mmhU •m*> titca, whll« It <l««r£lta soetety. It to a otean, pur« paper, int«ad«4 f«r kcase «!»• das aind not tao ilaiss.

Tba Lanaaa Is tka Mbcral alvoeato of th« rifbt* of tbe peopto and of er^ry •MrreaMnt ar i -iteryrias^ eo(naa8i;cla*, iM> cluiT<{eal. • «ltur J. political, social or m m l , ealculatsd to prosas>s tM geaaral weltara of tbU laotioa.

raicaa n svaaoairrtavi Daily, per montll... Dfiily, one yea'..-. Weekly, one year.,

O. 0 . LOCKC,


I M A V H B S A L X I I , I M V w > r t i f t a

ir« ft*tc(m*iltiHhiath4tiOAUTr<^<»urwrt OA SJ.'VT Be SOBPASlfEP amd PKWKB

aJwav* atlAtW AtSIM UK ST. • .B. BATES S.O.TOOR

S . t . T O O F k C O .

S t e a m P r i n t e r s , L 1 HOGRAPHERS,


Blank Book Manufacturers No. ' i t e 8 e c o H « f t r u o t ,

W^mpkaa, T«it«. '••«l«r» af MtlaiaM. aliK.rfall, fn?

m .

H e n t c ^ n & | Coin|Miiiy

871,373, 376.877 aad im»

Ifain Street.

MRMPfl lS .

Tbe Largest ilouse it. the South I Wholesale and retail dry goiotis

notions, shoes, clothing, Millenry oloaks,

0 A H ? B T 8 A N D Q^JKENlWAttE

We fell every article worn b> man, woman and children, and the materials to make them.

Every article warranted up t j the hlghent standard of exoolloncc, and -lid at uricea as low as Is coi.«i«teni

i l r dealinK and good quality Merchant s who do not viilt thr

>;ily ahonld aend i s a trial order— those wbo comt t j Monphla should call and see our won k r fn l establish ment.

Hotels, housekeepers and families iboHld send for our ealalogue — mailed free.

Wo are nolo agcnls for Batlrick'. .elebratcd pattern aud Ilall'i Basaar dresa forms.

so! with

P A T E N T S |cave«u,ami Trade Mark«obt«lno<l. and nil i'at«nt baiiln««i eondnnted for Mo^eniUi

Onr oai«n la «ppoalt« IT. H. rrnitmt •Mep, We haveiio iiiit>-aitAD''leA. all lioti-nee* direct, bonce cao trioaaot patents bim> n«Mlii leas time and at I.«M Ottllianlhone remote (Imiu tXTaihlnAton.

Send tnodgl, drawl' g or photo, with dea* eripuon., W«ivlvl4eTrt>at«aUblnnrinot,friw otcharge. Oar (iM not dno till patent Is •ecared. A book,"How U> Obtain Patenta," with

reierenxa to actual o tenU In yonr Htate, county, or town, tent free. Adifremi

€.A.IIII0W*<;0.. Uppoalte Patent OOce, Waahlnft -a, l>. 0.

HUMAN NATURE. ir you aro Intorestod tn the study of Unman Nature and Ohariwler and ttio linprovn.

mcnt of yourself and others in any WAV we will M glafi to Bond yon fro! a b*oK ntitn. tier or tho Phrcnolosloal Jouraal and Holenoo of Ilaaltli, a woll known inAKaglno.whloii hai tM'ci |iut.llsbed%r fifty years, and la tlovoled to all that will improv > moii MooUl y Morally or I'byslnnlly, with a departmont ospeelally rttfVoted to Chlltl Culture In atl Its ' '"rhts'ls In evert way one of the most ImporUnt publloatlons Issnod, and ooouplos « field peculiarly Its own, and no tblnltlnR person oan afford nAl to read U.

I'aronle stiouM road tho Journal, that they may Iwtter make tho mo»t of tboir ohlU dron. Young people should read It, that they may make the most of tMomse voe. All who Tvoaltl holp ih>msi.ivos or others to lie more happy and more useful should roat It.

pultllsliwl monthly at 12 a year, SO oenta a number. • 8iiMT Fbb«.-A list of books on I'hrgnolqgy, I'bTslognomy, H/aith, K-luoatlon, llorc

dlty otc; A itlress FOWLKR * WKLL-fUO., PubFlshers, 77ft HroadWay, Now Yoflc

talat nneMiimvr

l I R M r m S AFFAUtH.

Tho oongragktion of tho P i rn M«ith

odUt ohoroh will bo minUterod to.

dur ing the next yo»r by Wwotti-

Moore. ThU ohuroh has raoently bo '

gun « splendid atone bulll lnK.

Tho audlcnoe room of Uw First

Daptlat eliurob U nbout Romi)let«d,

•nd will )>o dedlaated on Dcoembcr

olovouth. Dr. J . 1). titmbroll of Jtok>

son, MIm , hM boeu InvltO'l to pje«oh

the aermon. Tbli la a handaoino

building, y , , ,

Bishop Qalntard, aftor a Suropoan

trip, baa rotqrnod to the olty. Ho will

apand a ftw days In tho qlty m the

gneatof Dr. Burford, and about the

middle of Deoembor bU faul ly will

Join him. Ho apiHiaw quite roitora d

In baalth and oheerftiludsi by bis tr ip


laeport la lo the effict that appjl-

nailon for a obarler for the Jay Oonid

Unlveralty, to bo (wlabllshod In thU

oUy, la aoon to be fllod» It la In good

hands, some of our bait peopio being

among the prospootlve Incorporator*.

I t has been an open socret for months

that Mr. Qonid folt mora than a tom-

porary intarett In Memphis. Nash*

Tllle haa har Vanderbllt, why may

not Memphis have a Gould 7 ' A five

million endowment would bo tho

real handHomo thing.

Some of tho olty ptpors are dlicnsi

Ing the question of better sldonalks

tor the olty. Certainly they aro much

needed. Padeatrlanlsm is very un-

plaisant at present In many parts on

aeoouot of the rough and brokon side


A bill has bean filed In chancery

against the Taxing District offlclals,

to restrain them from nsing money

oolleotod for any spoolflo parpoae for

any other purpose. Al l taxos are

levied for apeolfic purposes; aud it is

claimed by the complainant i n the

bill that tne apeelflo taxes are need

foa any purpose for which money is

needed. This cause Involves Impor

Unt polnte of law, and wil l bo looked

to with mncb Interest by all oonocraoc'.

Mr. W . Van Benthuyaen, president

of the Memphla bridge company, aalt

to reporter before ho left the city li

regard to tho bridge enterprise i —

•*I wil l tell you thia anuch, an ot

ganlsatlon haa bean perfected, aud Ih

people of Memphla are going to havk

a bridge over their great river mncl

earlier than thejr axpeat. The conj

panlea having the right from eongre»

to build a bridge ovar the Mlsslsslp))

rtver at Memphla are under the cor*

trol of the aame persons who re<oi

ganiaedand established tho Pougl.-

keepale bridge company,which la nov.

building the longest bridge In th »

eountry, over the l lndson rlvor Kt

Pougbkeepale. That bridge i r two

thirda completed and paid for; an<

tho money ia en hand to comploto t

in every particular. Contracts whi

bo made immediately for the Mem

phia bridge. O f course plera^cannoi

be pnt in until tho next low water, ns

the calsaona oould not be put down ]<

the face of a rise in tho river, but a

the preliminary work will be ptoparrit

at once."


1Mi iBparliir mwllewB Dfurwt In rollltuiK o( tiuiiiM lrlllalvthult^]Dkrtcrcf « ewlury. If U Hkxl lijr

IhK Unltwl 8U(m Ottvenimmt. KndomV. Iiv thu hnMii of tiMi tf Mt i'nlvwn)tle« m thn Slr«n<i>«t, I1lrt' t •od nuHH llMlltfal, Dr. l»rUw'« tk* oiilj lUklii* I'owdtr (Juit <twi« hut niuutln AmuiwiU, Ui«»«f

m. Aold niilr III Cant. I'lllt'K HAKINO rOWDGUCX).

»««• vomi. CHICAIIO. «t. i.(»>u.


f H o w t o Cure S k i n ^ f i S c a l p

D i s e a s e s

w i t l i t h e

C t i T t c U F \ ; \

R E M E D I E S . fTOKTUKINO, DWrlUURINO, mMU^ X toaly ard plicpljrdtMiudofttiealilu.tet «p<l blood « nil )on of hair, ln>m tofancy . . old Me, ar* oiired by (h« Cntionra Kein»ilo«.

Cnfloora RetolTont. the N»w Blood Purintr clMUtu* ih« blood And |Mir«i»r«iion nt dlaciuH •QiUWio eleolb&bk sud nun nraoveo t caaii«.

Cutlonrft, tbo great 8klnCure,Iritanlly il-l«j» Itchlna 4art Innfttnmatloii cl««ni the Hklu UDdseal?«ifaraiita, ^cliel aud dons,and re-•toroathahttir.

CuiloQra rtoap, an BxqaUlle Hkln Hpniitlftor, I* lt>dt«peailbl« In traatUiitklu dli>e«8«>i),lial<y buiuora. ikto blemUhea, chavwd and oUy Bkln. Cutlaura Kemedtaa nrHtlin great akin b«aatia«rs.

WoU) evoiywhero. Prio«.0ulloiim,80c: HoAp, »»o; Ue*o)Trnt, |]. Pronnred bv tho i?ottcr Drag hOd (. hemloa) Va>., IMton,

Hflnd f.>r How toCur«Hktn tUcaaca.

TIUTKn with the lovaUeat delicacy ta the IllltJclu iMUie.) Jn Catlflnra M«dlcaled hnap. lUSTirSHfto 1»

Tutt's Pills T«pnnr«>li« how«Ia doea not maho

««•«••> In woMo T H E R E M E D Y •"•"•« »C» on It: Tntt'n Mver PUIh nrt directly on that orxNn. panaInK a fmv flow orhl la , without wlilrli, tfie boa. •lBar«alwa>aeouatlpat«<l. Priee.aan.

S o l d E v e r j r w l i e r e .

Ol l lco, 4 4 M u r m y S t , N o w Yorlc.

pbyalolau omte said that If every one Know tho value of buttermilk as a ' drink it would be more fk^eely par-talken of by people who d i i nh ao ex* ctttalvoly of other boveragea, and fur-ther compared Ita cffeots upon tho aya» (em lo the oloanlng out of a cook stove that haa been clogged up with aahee that have nlftod through, lllling every crovloe and crack, taylng (hat tho hu* man aystom is llko the stove, aud coU loots and gathera refuse realtor thai I can in no way hn exterminated fromM tho syatam so strcotunlly aa by drink-ing buttermilk. I t la also a remedy for IndlRostlon, soothes and quiota tho nervos, and la very aomnolent to those who aro troubled with slct^pleasneas Its modlciual qualities cannot lio over rated; and It siioukl bo freely used by all who can got It. Kvery ont» who I values good health should drink but> termllk every day in warm weather, and let (ea, roffee and water alone. For tho bonrtlt of those whe aro not awaio of It, the first procota of digos tlon is gone through, maklug it one of tho oaslsst and quickest of til things to digest. I t makes gastrio Juicc, and coutainb properties that readily as simllalo \yiih It with very lUtlH wear upon tho riigPRiivcA-^Hns "


I t i« related of Franklin that from tho window of hU otilce In rhiladel-pliia, he noticed a mcchsnio, among a numtwr of others, at work on a house which was boing nrflctctl noar by, who i had a kind and ohoerful smile for ev> I ery one ho mot. Let tho day bo ever j so cold, gloomy or sunlosH, the happy smilo dance<l liko a snnboam on hit i choorfnl couutonauce. Mootlnic him one day P'ranklin rcqnefctod to know the socrct.of his constant happy flow of spirits.

"It's no ssorct. Doctor." tho man | ropliod; "I 'vo got one of the bast of wives, and when I go to work akc always givffl me a kind word ot en-couisgoatcni and a Dlesslngwlth her I psrtiug kiss; and when I go home Bbo is suio to moot mo with asmllc ar d a ki«8 of welcome; and theu tea

' S and aji we chat nd sho has been

A Great Victory " II. _ I I

A T o r r i b l o C i i « o o f 84>rt>fuia

O u r o d b y

Hood's Sarsaparllla " In tho winter ot isT® I w«« attackM «Uh

HcrofitiA In ono at the rnnat atfgraTiUIng riimn. At ono tiino I liad no less Umn tlilrtevn nlwcosaes ovor and artmnd iny ncck andilinwi contiiiuaUy cxudlnR nn offciialyo ni,i«s of Woody matter dIsKuatIng to bohold, aihi almost Intolerable to ondtiro. It Is tmpossibi,. to fully doscrlbu my aullojlng?. na tho c.^n was coropUcatPd with aironlo CaLtfrh. Aft.r Uiroo yours of ndaory, havlnn l>con tiwimd by thrwj jiliyslclans, I w(ui worso than orcr. Mn.nlly, on tho rocommeudallon of w. ,) llmitloy, drugjriat. of Wkjwrt. 1 was liuluci-.i 10 try Hood's Sors-ipartUa. Aud now, after tuvlna tftkon tweWo bottloa, within the

lH)5Utlfuily l o s s . ' d o n«t.kiufw wLt It may ft»vo done for oUww, l)utl do know that In mjr oaao, Itoodia Baraacartlla h u urovlldMi.

ivlih'nw Bo IhA „ Aa an ovlili'nc«i«( n\j CTstlhutoTsond Uioao facta unaolldUHi, and I am ready to verify the anthentteliy of this euro, by iwraounl oorrcsiiondenoo wlih

This statoment Is conflrmod by AV. J. Hum. ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. V., who calla tho euro a ffreat vMcry for Hood's 8aria|wrill.v Bond for book glTtnR statements of many curux*

Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all dratodsts. |i {tlx tor is. Uado only by a I. HOOD ft CO., Lowell, Mass. 1 0 0 ' D o s o a O n o D o l l a r .

is sure to bo read n tho oven log I i


EXHAUSTED VITALITY. A. JUreat Medlral Werk for VounB and

Middle-Ased Alen.

doing so many IIiUq things through tho day t> ploase mo, that I can not llud it In my tuind to spoak ao un-kind word or glvo an unkind look to any bod v."

Aud Ftankl in adds: "Wha t an ln> lintjnct?, then, hath troman over the heart of man to soften it, «ud niako It a fountain oi cheerful andpu ioe ino lions I Speak gwntly, thon. A ha;-| py siulla and kind word of greoUnu after the tolls of tho day aro ovor cost noihlug, and go far towanls making home happy and pcai'oful."


Baltimore, U KMt ilalUinore Htreet. Jf«w Vnrlt, III fPiftU Ave. Washluglun, WT H»rk»^Bpaoe. IDOU

X - M A S MUSIC tonUll^nftw Oarnhibr

rrar, Dankn, rf, «Vin»tf|ln,

KIOW THYSELF.. >1I«reTliao Ono DnUUn Copies Sold.

The above" aecms nean that u bridge h u been begu'ii. Well, let I)

to inea

uii. W«

jl)e oompleted aa rapidly aa possible,

p t o enb f r Tf IfiSTi t im iiabpim.

U fara^ upon Homua and Phnliwl Dnbmtr, IW» . trim UmIIm^ Bmn nf VoatN RxhaiuM VlUUlty, I-Kil Manbiiud, ImiMlml Vifot awl tmpnriMe* of tlis niood, and Um aalnid mttmm oonaMinmk thanwii. Contain! Mpatat, rolHrtanlUl iimbmaiwl btndlmt, full ailt, Wamntad Uw baM potmUr BWidloal tnatlM imMlahnI la tha Xa«Ilah lan«n«|a.' PtlNaal;raib» mall. poatraM. ud anniMalad In a plaht irrainnr. tU ImtnMn panptuM pnapaolua fH* II rnq Mad bow.


WM. II. PA I tKBR .M .Caaw lUaa Pfcr*

A youiig mdii m tiuaiuoss, who bad

Just boen ccuverted lo Ohrlst, callod

on his pastor to tell him of hla strong

deslro to labor for tho Master, and

with the vague notion that this fooling |

was somehow a call to tho ministry,

" l lavo you evor thought," asked tho

pastor, "that some men are called to

make money for Christ, prcolsoly at

some dthers aro callod to. proaoU for

Christ?" I t was a new way of look-

Ing upon a buslnosa caroor; and the

yonngmanwon tbaok tohls store to

ponder tho duty of making money for j

Christ. Dut, why nol ?

I'orrlm proimrod br R. R. tfUxford. u pp. filnmnilr rrlntml In color*, Prloa-floir. each, or ^it. a .Iinun by mall. poatpaldiSlparuOlir ea»n«a not prrpahl. - ANawufni

jtoo. eoDif* finair barn

>f ItxapunilTo II

frimltif ttetthtr 4

il OhrlatBuu Hor-itinf ofnewantl

. lonTaed Oamla a.neat tntarMllnit a«i Prtoa. aama aa fur (aitl«»-

anttmtmt StliHmi' Uu muHe It oH ' ftfrmttH Strvtn. mktit

aon^ aa Santa Claiia' .Hla-By BonilMmeiBoet. ,,, aama anlh«r«. Ajix Sanilar-tjix nnnilar-Can t>« w?"

a im 10 UirM weaha' tints. Pricr. Sfria. , mail, poatfi^

M f i t e l l s h S ^ ^

The JOR ie i i i i i l l Oa OO..OIiiolniiali.O. M I t laal IMH at , Maa VsHi CN*.

Water courae« and marshoa aro tho

auodes of lover and ague; Laxa-

dor has proved a most valuablo pr«.

vontatlve of malaria and an efllnacloua 1 remedy In tho Ireatment of malarious


Nothing atupefylng or dangeroua,

no landanum or Opium, ontera Into

the eompoaltlon of that famtd ro lady i

; f i t , BdU'i Btby Byrup. ^riee ^ eta.

BI I L E Y ' S C ' «


9i|t<l»lKnii. • hti,

itlaflaotion i Cain-

(tn«A |irloflll(tfrc«. BAILEY RBPLIOT0II CO., ll3Wood8l.,Pmtliurfili.Pa

llMiaaeow ..

CORSETS t yiwjiiStiwsriMe*, Ask^SriSidJSRtSa^


THE TEMMESSBE BAPTIST. 183S---TH£ BMPTIST $t£Um t8?»-4ms0imr£0 JlffJ l 1887,

B t a n d y o l n t h u way» , o n d a t w a o d i h a id natha- wfaieii arB t t o good wm^m. and mmBe thmnnti^ mm^ M ^ q f ^ itfr yrnry y f ^ i ^ —Jtmaalrtr

O l d H e r i c s — V o l . X L l l . M E M P U I S T T E N X . , D i f f i i B E R n r i s S r


^ e w S e r i e s — V o l . 1 . X o .

m 1 1 L 1 1 T .

T H K O F H E A L T H .

1;Y T. lU.WITT TAl-MAt-.n.

•Til O'Vi t «'! Ike UiinH.«b liU l iV4 ' r rr i .> »ii i:;.,

' J^ ' l IEUE H f&»hii>u in scriucwics. A cotojMkni

1 lively snuill psr! of the IJible is ojj for

texts. Mirtt pa«sag«J r,f .'vripnjrt<. «h»;jn an

nouncctl at tlic o|K'niiig of wni ' ins . inimeJiiilely

divide themsolvwi* into old discussions that we hare

bean! t"n<nt Ixiyh^xKl. and ibe i-flcc! nu us l« »»par-

i(ic Thcandiior gueasw si ih f *teri juM what Use

preacher will say. There atn? very iiniv.rUal cbap-

t«;rs and versoe lh« l have tiever preached

from. Much of Jif^'tinio I am deeding to ao-

lockinK these C'jld c h « u and bla.'Stinj; oj«ii tbf j«

(juarrie^i. Wo talk al>oul the heart, and preacJj

about the hcArt, and sing ab<njl ihi? he&rl, bai i f

you refer to tho phy-sicai or^aQ that is called t i e

heart, it has not half so much to d« « i th fj'irilual

health or di<wa«i. moral esalut ioa or fi}«ritual d ^

pre®>ion aa the or^au to the fN>nf3dcrali<»n oi

which .Solomon call? us in the tfxt, when lie de-

scribes sin progressing "t i l l a <iart strike t h r o u ^

his liver."

Solomon's anatomical and phjMc.ltgical disooTer"

i«!8 were so very great that he was nearly tiree

thousan*! years ahead of the erit-ntisls of this day.

He more th«ii: tiu" tJiouwind vear? befTe I'^rist,

seetne*] to know al»oul the circulation of the

which Harvey discf^vertsl gixtfcn h«D<3r<*J and

nineteen ycJirs after Chn«t , for when Snhiaji.a. ia

Ecclesiastes, describing the human Ividy, fpeaki of

the pitcher at th<< fountain, he evidently meaosibe

lhre(> canals leading fniiu the heart thst recieve

the blood like pitcber«. When he fjwak^ io Ecde>

8iat«« of the silver c<ird ot life, hf evidently jacftO«

tho spinal marrow, abtint which in our day !>» .

Mayo anil Caq>enter awl I>AUfMi ai»d Flint a»d

IJrown3^ci{uar<l have esj»eiim«nte»l. And Sokttaon

roeordeilin the Bible thousands »ifr«ir# l«f(i>resdeo*

tistn d!600vere<l it, that in his time the f^Hiia! nqcd

relaxed in old agf, pnwlucing the tremors of h*»d

and head: "Or the silver con3 be Uxwd."

n u n t h a tak« tlif- d i a ^ t m tbt JUatsktt^ a f (Jbr i jaw mtte aecttttoaacd tia rise i n lib» awxm^F

kidv- i f i&b, oaw w!r4f bar* oir|»< Snp tc, |my «Bd stag "B id ie ia jaK 'tie

the «rstt«a b j m {iSiyiiscaus. i "" jitv fricad, tiw K« t . Dr. Josspli H . Ja««s

Lake wi^ * asni

pbjocad t&nu. and tdfe 3i i i jKrx i i Ssuaamtssa * back. » n t i i i « i " M a s , ll 'sod mi Pkjwkal.* in

iB^ka tk ja c4thtv vxoia^s b j ia a&tl wkidi he tkiowm ife<»w>4iim«t tbe maae tUagit mmj

wiae, aod biisgtj- * U> a|)f<t«r '.c tii&rmit f>««pi«. i f« "Af la r tiw

iwarjsR ibt^ gaspdl, i iau tfce ww* fed. aasd | fprwii tiattk « • ih* M o k m , in I83». 'fat«wt«tt Om

Tecordi i h t dk t ^ i h i vevmpi mmxx i n m | Freoeik aad ^ a r i i s i am oa thne An» side, *mi Om

a»»d tba exxiagai^sa m slNkJhefpw j Att«r ia i» va tb» odter. ao xtitattrMaa to tke

hy tiK' vajaide, aoA k^ »« ka'>« iMf ike [ ti>e a^^lSeaMtjauraavt^^ bytbevkton. z i i ^ <d lis, dyiBi: t2»e j A A? ciipiitsa i.f t ^ aiarcli otf eaeb a rM j w giwat

I by Sara ix«re!fuBd«Bi» of t!i« XMaisa 3lMMt. ooe o f «5iimalie trf tbe sf^taal ewnittioo tfeal dwea im- \ wJieaa trsi tied «illi tbe sasdrfssfol fciat, Ibe other

clsfcje also aa ewsatas* i V f^jaad f«diUw«cs | wink t W deGctt«d. Tbe diiifeiMK* l a views and

iooomp^. Wbttslh* f O^cftw* ia fr33 dead frata eXwsiiTe hcatasf bad; voadkaMe. T i » for jmt are said to be asarckiitj; sonwjdejed ai Isamj^;*, aai rttilif lie Fwf:l» ol | ikrcw^b a heaatital a a i inxanaa l oiMatfT dmnag %«siB, d n v j ^ d«a>l« oetra ha <«jeatiT » | ilse day. aaij at aigbt moamfaof mhettt tbey am <kf«at ia hiaSe, aikd CmrSmi W^iey ts^n?.! a | witli aa abasKbace oftbe bast proviswaK

r«MiU of HeaiT Ibe Ea^ik't t^nbis^K it J jumI atll «>rtt af nirai daiatat*. Then^ a aotliiog o f

j i u t the l»»iy aiv jyaaaise f war a i » « t the cxeept ita st iaaloa simI

tw^Ios, Jin»l * i»« i taii i i tbe aiOj j j «* f ejDnferasetsi. On tiie ekle dTtbc poor Auttnua it

raw roa will ihriU tW a» j h } « « tae twv^rw. I a hi* fetter tbe aauae date,

r t t t ^ ake tbe i l a t i h t n are m i f i lT ' d e s c n ^ tiw plMta. ami a m i t h ovtr tbe swae

IB t3» hum«abe4j-H&« b«urt a » i t i s e imr ; raadst!»e»rtl*reaa Sad wwd^ to aet Iwrth

ihe htaxi ibe f jrBtmf >f aS l iwfracw, l W | tbe »»&TWf. ! «pa t ioM» , a » i diicUJl ax i s t i ^

foniwis <ffaU the Y«>a may k a w t&e Iwau ^Mssaad biaa. U ltat p icannt tbe f b m m

filfc^J wiJjj all i a U A W t n a l h i ^ ifae wiOi all f waw iRtoi«s»ble t « the lattw. What asaaie all tbe

raoikal app«aatKw. aa.i ih- rs^sth aH «l®-ldi®fr5«c*?aAi lbe>wri» l f t t . Ow^eooititioiioaiy.

and tbe ku ^ i with ali iademiw- afc-J ; Tls^ Fkw1» are tJ e Austnaaa been

b«irt with all *ad r « " a daut ? .wfoatwl. Tbe e.>nii«»t may ft»nT»y a diatiactive

thr « g h t b c i i w . ' i i l e a . s b e l * wbkb moral imprnssioaa mSket Fsrjrt, I d Cbrifiian f-iv' pV avwii t>c saiMjtke t iat i tbi^ *t5ekwcy <>f tbe -a»Wier.'*

:hev a i t *11 wr-ng wixb fel. b « a » i e t»»y S s my ^ brwtlwr, t b r o a d y«« w tnavcKog

Wilis dc{s«a»40 of spieita. Many a coaawCTattvl J ii ^ m t road y.«i h a w iraveUai: a ioag

mas has fsotd jpiritttai »jEy h t ( ' > zp ^ ain! hit l-at the diiSMvace i» yoar pbytkal ( w o d t ^

h ,peofbe«*«£5 {«t4sedc«4, aad k w r i f ssoke® it awl ^ re.

chio deep ia the « f ^iejocri, fc»» d : S j^vttsy a have gtvea of yo'irwlf are as widely diffisr.

" M y b f a n i« aot tight wiifa a c i 1 t i m k I ; w-t aw rep.>rtt i s l ^ m i m T m n from tbe

uju-t have ^ ^ » mzi i tkf , and o f a ; tw*. wrrwipoodeata. Ed«mrd Payson, aniBetim<«

cb iy l i ^ t I a « a child dar5;at3». X o «>t»e ^ ^ £ar a p «a the mooot that it seeatcd aa i f tbe ceo-

caa feel a5 gloMiy a i I ifi«i aad Iw a Chrisiiaa.''f t n i ^ t a l ^ a w i»f earth cooM no kng«r boW him.

Aad be has goae to bis m h t h u t fof oMe«jatio(t.! arHsetimea tbnfii^b a pbyweal diaonkr w«a ao £ir

v.. aadhebafCoB^cteJ FUvelV a»d 1 d o « a tba» it wWa^ i aa i f olfae* world would

In the text tie reveals the fact that he had «tudie«l aud B a s t « # ao^i i t a i a»d i « h l aod ' do i cb y m . tJkwions Wiltiam Cowper was aa f o ^ .> 1 I r . L . . ! i:...^ . . t 1 1 1 1 ' l u aiul Imd vrill ha. la*«i) in lh« r%rta>

that largest gland <if the human syslem, the liver,

not by tho electric light ol the m«lcrn diajwrtinp-

roDm, but by the dim light of a comi»arstively dark

ag«, and yet had aoen its important function in the

(Jod-builtcaMleof the human l>.*ly :it«cario«oelJ«,

read and prated, aa^ prareJ a a i p r a « d , aad a« a w d o w U be. aod he will ha, loved ia tbe Cbris-

w « 4 and m^i »ml gt«aa«d a&d giwaiwl; tiaa c b w b a» toag aa it «i»gt tbe byaui l<«giiiniog

aod citwaed. My h t t ^hn . i v w iwaMe b w>t * i t k ; -Thn* » a Foantain Filied Wi lb B l o ^ * aad bia

Ibabeart it i t aga i ^ rk d i « m k r or a l e b e m oi" byain besiania-. -Ob . for a Ckiaer Wa lk W i t b

t b e l i f w . Y o o t « « d a p h ; i i e i a a » < « t k a » j w s d e , G . > d r M^ l b f e byaan lw^ " W b a t Vartowi

elongated, branching tabes, a divine workmaadbip , (Je^f^poaa. It is wA a wa tha i bferts oot yo«r , HiadraiKea »e Meet " and bta begbion^,

in central, and right, and left lobe, an<l beptic a r ^ beaveo, bat hfleL It wo« onlv yefl««« s «K3o«i Mawo in a MvateriotM way." Yet ao m b e

tery through which (»od oonducts thecr iawn tide*. aui fut% j^r tu«« t» . aad raaA** ywur; oTereose of n»ekticb«»ljr. or Maek bile, t ^ it waa

Oh, thia v i u l organ is like the eye of in i b a t » ^ ^ boi mwips y^^r sooi ta dejectiom | oalv tbrtxigb Ibe mistake o f Uie cab ^ i w , wbo

it never sleciw. S^domon knew < f it and had no^ fowbodioga. TVe I>e«l w » f t « y^nt- Ue b w , look bim to a wroBg place, i n a t ^ of the n m

tiowl, either in vivisecuon or post toorteni. what fuled lo deaswil yo«r Hcbaiaeter. afcl he does tbe bank tbat be did «» l c-mbhsiI soidd®. ' . . . . .... . n I ail MMtitilir *l

awful attacks ain and dissipation make it,

until with the fiat o f Almighty God i l bids the

liody and soul separate, and the one i l c o B ^ a w k

to the grave and the other it ecnds to tb^ jndgmeot.

A javelin of retribution, not glancing off or making

a alight wound, but piercing it from «ide to t ide;

" t i l f t he dart atrike through tbe liver." GakA and

Hippocrateaaacribe to tbe liver the lofe* of the

. world'a moral depreaaion, and tbe word oadbocboly

means black bile. I preach to yon tbia morning tbegnipel of be»1tb. y *

I n taking diagDoaia of dtaalMwe of the airal, jroa a n j o i M m M aow


» e x t ' b » t l i i « g f b r b i m - b e n . » e - y . « p m ^ of ! Spiritual o m i i t l e . « « h u l y a ^ the

• i a d . wbea he aav. TO. aie .OS right witb Gixl. w h e . b e ; to Ibe at the

. a « i b a l j ^ w i l l « « r g f i t » heave., he Iks. time beU. the p ^ W o f tbe body « d tlie pule.

Y o . are j - l a . o f heaven « t h « « b of Ibe •m»I. aiid ^ « « i d ' ' ^ t« b i ^ 1 ^

thereabeady B e l S a l a » i a d i a * tkat b» cwao t i a»d i l i««l ici»e ia w e d * t ive lha t . aad I f

k e e p j t « o « r t « f l h e | « « a w d l l M N l o f C W » . b - s | » r t t ^ g i w t h a t~« t

d c m i w d that the s| i t«ahaUaotbr ia« y m aay

h a v e w i l h i a g W p i a U y i > « r « n d ^ a p p l e . Yo« the dew ! , y m wwa

earthly aad a d i r iae pceaenjktMi aA tke aatae l i n e

- « d « M e« Bot Mdy the ef a * ^ bat

t h e p h a m a m e f b e a v m . Ab, thai ai t W Uw l of d ( M ^ I w B B t « t i i g r M M t « h M i l

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