the visitorapril 20th isaac olson, susan reeck-mathe april 21st allyson wehrs april 22nd tyler...

Post on 23-May-2020






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The Visitor Page 1 April 2020

The Visitor CHRIST Evangelical Lutheran Church | 500 Park Street - West Salem, WI


April 2020

Everything is canceled. School is now all online. Worship services are streamed or recorded to be viewed on

websites. Stores are closed.

How long will this last? How long do I need to stay home? Will I catch the virus? If I do, will I be one of

those with minor symptoms, or might I not make it?

Will there be Easter? YES!!!!!!!

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at

the tomb. 2Suddenly, there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and

going to the tomb, he rolled away the stone and was sitting on it. 3His appearance was like lightning, and his

clothing was as white as snow. 4The guards were so terrified of him that they shook and became like dead

men. 5The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was

crucified. 6He is not here. He has risen, just as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay (Matthew


Easter has already happened! Jesus has already risen! Jesus has already defeated sin, death and the devil.

COVID-19 is changing a lot of things, but it can’t change the victory already secured by Jesus’ resurrection!

Whether you get the disease or not; whether you die from it or not, your victory is assured. You are undefeated!

April 12 will come. There will be Easter. We don’t know what our worship will look like, but it seems like it

will be different than our normal celebrations. We might still be at home, huddled around our computers.

Maybe some might be allowed gather, but not the big crowds. We just don’t know.

But here’s what we do know: “He is not here. He has risen, just as he said!”

No matter how April 12 ends up being celebrated, may the resurrection of Jesus fill you with these unchanging


Jesus is the Son of God – you are forgiven

Jesus has kept every promise – you are forgiven

Jesus will raise your bodies, too, at the end of time – you will be

with him.

He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

1 Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version. (2019). (Mt 28:1–6). Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Publishing House.

The Visitor Page 2 April 2020


We gather around the Word to grow and mature in our faith! Join us as often as you can! We are continuing these through ZOOM!







SUNDAY MORNING FAMILY BIBLE HOUR: Check out the website each Sunday for a study you can do with your family.

TUESDAY MORNING MEN’S STUDY: We have just started a study of Romans. Join us as we marvel at God’s love for us.

THURSDAY EVENING LADIES STUDY: We are studying the Gospel of Luke. We’ve completed 8 chapters, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to join us! Please join us whenever you can!

BIBLE INFORMATION CLASS: This class is a wonderful review for anyone wanting to brush up on the basic teachings of God’s Word. It’s also the class designed for those interested in membership in our congregation. Please contact Pastor at if you’d like to join through ZOOM! Enjoy fellowship from the comfort of your home!

Meeting for Thursday, April 2nd at

1:30PM has been cancelled.

Pending Dates to Remember

Palm Sunday, April 5: Services 8:00 & 10:30AM

Maundy Thurs, April 9: Services at 2:00 & 6:30PM

Good Friday, April 10: Services at 1:00 & 6:30 pm

Easter Sunday, April 12: Sunrise Service; 6:00 AM Easter Breakfast; 7:00 AM Festival Services; 8:00 & 10:30 AM

Mon, April 20: Confirmation Examination; 6:30PM

Sunday, April 26: Confirmation Service; 10:30AM Ascension, May 21 : Joint Service @ Christ, 6:30PM May 3 : Pastor Frelitz Installation, 4PM

LADIES AID TOO MEETS THROUGH ZOOM! Tuesday, April 21st at 6:30PM. All Women of Christ are welcome to attend.

Christ Lutheran blood drive on Friday, April 17th from 12:30—5PM. Has Been CANCELLED.

Enjoy receiving encouragement and prayer requests by participating in our Prayer Chain! Submit prayer requests by:

EMAIL DROP them in the prayer box in the narthex CALL one of the pastors

APRIL Altar Guild Servers

Dona Baker Doris Kastenschmidt Kathy Rudser Joy Martin


Women of CHRIST GROUP 12 & 1

Last Names: Vo - Cl

Confirmation 2019

Examination will be at April 20th at the Monday Evening service. Recognition and promises will be April 26th during the 10:30 service. Please join us to congratulate them on their accomplishment, and welcome them to the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

The Visitor Page 3 April 2020

Remember our website!

April 1st Shirley Rogge

April 2nd

Jerad Baganz, Lynn Johnson

April 5th

Tyrone Hoier, Emily Nederloe

April 6th

Sarah Krause

April 8th

Lauren Gaikowski, Ron Hoyer

April 9th

Trisha Gaikowski, Daniel Black

April 10th

Brian Holzhausen

April 11th

Mark Dahl

April 12th Rod Young

April 13th Glenn McClellan

April 14th Alexandra Strom

April 15th Audrey Garbers

April 17th

Paul Dable, Marrianne Buchanan, Tim Miller

April 18th Jozlyn Kaiser

April 20th

Isaac Olson, Susan Reeck-Mathe

April 21st Allyson Wehrs

April 22nd

Tyler Schomberg, Karl Rhyme, Marion Severson

April 24th Joshua Scriver

April 25th Jody Hoyer, Vicki Degenhardt

April 26th Hunter Miller, Clara Baudek

April 27th Jason Hauser, Marilyn Dahl, Brynnleigh Baganz, Devin Stetzer

April 28th Joshua Niebuhr, Carol Angell, Desirae Lewis

April 30th Bailey Baganz

If you have recently moved,

please remember to inform the

Pastor or church secretary of your

new address information and phone

number so that we may keep

contact with you. Thank You.

Sunday Morning 8:00 am 10:30 am

Monday Evening 6:30 pm

Lenten Services (4/1) on Church Website


Your pastors are here to serve in

all of these areas, so please let

us know when changes take

place! We’d love to take you to

God’s grace; a grace that

doesn’t change even as our

situations in life change!

The Visitor Page 4 April 2020

NOTES & NEWS For the latest information and schedules please go to our website

Sermons Are Available as audio files on our website! Visit click on Resources/Sermons and select the one you’d like to hear.

Thank you to everyone who helped coordinate, cook, bake or serve for the Lenten luncheons and dinners. Special thanks to the Ladies Aid and to Liz McBain for their efforts.

Thanks to everyone who gave

toward the LWMS Home and

World Missions. Ladies Aid support

along you’re your donations raised a

total of $347.46

KNIT & CROCHET CIRCLE WILL NOT MEET IN APRIL. WE WILL MEET ONE MORE TIME BEFOR THE SUMMER BREAK May 3rd @ 6:30PM! Every skill level is welcome! We just enjoy each others company and getting together and relaxing! Location is 431 East Avenue –West Salem. Questions call Katie @ 386-7856

Monthly Bible Readings

The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan offers special features that will help you in your journey through the bible. By reading from four separate places in the Scripture every day, you should be able to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures, as well as enjoy the variety of seeing four different viewpoints. Don’t become frustrated if you fall behind. Each month lists only twenty-five readings. That offers several “free days” each month for catch up if they are needed. Here are the passages for APRIL.



1 1:1-8 1:1-17 72 1-2

2 1:9-20 1:18-31 73 3-5

3 1:21-34 2 74 6-7

4 1:35-45 3 75 8-9

5 2:1-12 4 76 10-12

6 2:13-17 5 77 13-14

7 2:18-28 6:1-11 78:1-39 15-17

8 3:1-19 6:12-20 78:40-72 18-19

9 3:20-35 7:1-16 79 20-21

10 4:1-20 7:17-40 80 22-23

11 4:21-41 8 81 24


12 5:1-20 9:1-12 82 1-3

13 5:21-43 9:13-27 83 4-5

14 6:1-13 10:1-13 84 6-7

15 6:14-29 10:14-33 85 8

16 6:30-44 11:1-16 86 9

17 6:45-56 11:17-34 87 10-12

18 7:1-23 12:1-13 88 13-15

19 7:24-37 12:14-31 89:1-18 16

20 8:1-13 13 89:19-52 17-18

21 8:14-21 14:1-25 90 19

22 8:22-30 14:26-40 91 20-21


23 8:31-38 15:1-28 92 1

24 9:1-13 15:29-58 93 2-3

25 9:14-32 16 94 4

The Visitor Page 5 April 2020

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in

this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not

have room enough for it. (Malachi 3:10)

February Financial Summary

Needed Monthly to meet budget $ 39,128

February Income Received $ 34,804

January Expenses $ 24,547

Income (vs) Expense $ 10,258

Outstanding Debts

Church Mortgage $ 155,652

Church Commitments $ 0

Church line of credit:* $ 0

(* We borrow from here up to $75000, when we can’t pay the bills)


Pastor Galen Riediger

Ph: (608) 786-1250, Ext. 113 Ph: (608) 512-0028 (Home) E:

Church Secretary – Katie Rasmussen

Ph: (608) 786-1250, Ext. 114 E:

President – Dean Buchanan

Ph: (608) 386-7222 E:

Vice President – Jim Witte

Ph: (608) 451-2613 (call or text)

Christ-St. John’s Lutheran School

Ph: (608) 786-1250 Web:

Principal – Nate Livingston Ph: (605) 520-1281 E:

LHS Principal – Paul Wichmann

Ph: (608) 799-2083

The Visitor Page 6 April 2020

Pending School Calendar for April

5 St. John’s Confirmation 10:30AM


9-13 No School – Easter Break

14 Classes Resume

14 CSA Meeting 6:30PM

19 Joint Band Concert 2:00PM @


26 LES Band Registration 2:00PM @ Luther

26 Christ Confirmation 10:30AM Service

Using SCRIP is EASY! Buy CSJ SCRIP cards for stores you already shop – spend them like gift cards - help fundraise for the school! Find out how; call Lisa Black to sign up or ask questions; 786-1250 x100 |

The Times, They are a-Changin!

Those Bob Dylan lyrics and many other songs have been going

through my mind during this incredibly dynamic time in our

country. As I write this, we are preparing to close school for two

and a half weeks due to the Coronavirus outbreak. By the time you

are reading this, I can’t even begin to guess where our society will

be. Will toilet paper be back in stock on the shelves? Will the

grocery stores be fully stocked again, or will they continue to be

bare? Will we be back in school?

As Christians, this time in our country is an amazing time to let our

light shine and show where our trust should fully lie. Yes, society

changes daily. Our Savior does not. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” The

same Jesus that we have been following up to Jerusalem during this

Lenten season is continuing the work he has always done of

preserving us. We will still follow him to his willing death for all of

our sins and we will celebrate his glorious resurrection on Easter


So how do we act at this time? We pray continually. We trust in God as our maker and preserver. What a

wonderful time to come together as families and grow in the Word. Take the time to talk about this time with

your families and why we put our trust in God. Read Psalm 27:1, “The Lord is my light and my salvation—

whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

We take the necessary precautions and follow the advice of our government leaders. Pray for them, that they

make wise decisions to protect us as a nation. We don’t know if we will continue to be able to worship together

as congregations, but we have a multitude of ways we can still worship with modern technology. Through faith

we simply trust in God to take care of us and we let our faith show to everyone around us.

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according

to his purpose”, Romans 8:28.

May God be with you and your families as we navigate through this uncertain time.

-Nate Livingston

Christ-St. John’s Lutheran School Serving: Christ Ev. Lutheran Church, West Salem & St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Barre Mills

Teaching Christ’s Love.

Pre-Kindergarten – 8th


The academics are challenging. The teachers are nurturing. The lessons learned are for a lifetime.

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