the apjb wave: the jb + chapter edition

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October 2013


JB + Chapter Edition

JB + Chapterstories


Peez-Zvetina the new IJR!

JB + Chapterstories

JB India, An Integral Part of our Chapterby Dhvani Kothari, NJR India

India CISV India has been supporting juniors (Now JBers) for a very long time since its inception 2005. They have been very supportive in getting the Junior Branch started, motivating the junior, guiding them, helping them with resources, and supporting them all the way through. They have always shown their support whenever we ask for them, be it �nancial, moral or worldly advice!!!! CISV India is like one big family we do not distinguish between the JBers and the chapter. For most of the activities everyone participates equally.

The JB this year decided to do its �rst Mini Camp, which was supported by the chapter. We had record of 65 kids of different ages attending it. We split the kids in age slots and did village like activities for the young 10-12 year olds, and step up activities for the 12+ kids. The chapter booked the same school for us where we have our village and step up camp and some of the chapter members were staff and facilitator. The chapter risk manager also helped us out with conducting mock drills. The children who attended the mini-camp most of them have become part of the JB. The success of the mini-camp was quite evident when we conducted the “Peace One Day” on 21st Sep-tember 2013, in Mumbai. A lot of JBers came up for this event and what was interesting and ful�lling to observe is the enthusiasm in which they participated.

We had planned to sensitize the people on the promenade of marine drive in Mumbai about “what peace meant to them”. The JBers were all trained as to how to approach people and get them to share what they felt about “peace”. They did a fantastic job by in-terviewing at least 150 people. They enjoyed the activity and thereafter the chapter helped

plan a dinner for all, which was great becausethe JBers bonded well together. At the dinner we were planning the next mini- camp and we already made groups of people in charge of different things for the mini-camp. The chapter also aske the JB to do a pro�le-raising event for the chapter, which we readily agreed to with chapter support on 26th October the chapter also asked us to make an audio/video presentation on CISV, to be circulated in schools and educational institutions.

Even for planning events they take initiative and involve the JB. In fact even on the board of the chapter they have made sure that there is one JB representative and they make sure to keep themselves updated with everything happening in the JB.

In India we have a lot of MOSAIC activities done by the chapter where the JBers are a very important part. In the past year we have been doing a lot of MOSAIC work where we have gone to an orphanage the JB had a chance to shine out as we conducted activities with the orphan children along

with the chapter support. We brought some fun ele-ment in the visit. Events like this happen about 3-4 times a year and the JB is always involved in the planning as these events bring the chapter and the JB together.

As the JB also we try and make sure that we help the chapter as much as we can and make sure that we are represented in large numbers whenever there is an event planned by the chapter. For exam-ple the chapter is planning a welcome party for those participants who went this year and we are making sure that we also go in large numbers, as there is unity amongst the JB and chapter. We are also helping CISV India plan for their 60 years anni-versary by contacting as many people as possible and bringing awareness about the organization amongst our friends and in our schools and colleges.

We also have a “Whatsapp” group where we have the JBers and the chapter members called the “CISV Family”. This makes sure that we are all con-nected at all times. Therefore we keep trying to make sure that CISV India works like one big family where we involve each member in each and every planning and organizing, be it the JBers or the chapter members.

Vietnam Why I Love My Chapterby Quang, NJR Vietnam

Why do you love CISV?

That’s always a dif�cult question to answer, not because you don’t have an answer, but because you have too many. The same happens when you’ve been asked: Why I love my chapter?

Vietnam First thing, CISV is meaningful not only be-cause of the interesting activities, but also be-cause of wonderful CISV people. And there are many many people like that in our chapter. There are wonderful parents, who always support the JB, give advice and consult us on our activities. As an Asian country in�uenced by Confucius, Vietnamese parents always have high expectations for the young-er generation, always expecting them to do things �awlessly. But by understanding the CISV method of learning by doing, CISV parents learn to accept our mistakes, and point them out later, for us to re�ect on and improve our leadership skills. By doing so, the CISV method proves that it has an impact on not only the youth, but also the seniors.

Through the years, we've been recognized by Peace One Day as the biggest and the most in�uential organization in Vietnam that organizes Peace Day.This year, we hosted “One day, one goal”, and “One day, one dance” for Peace One Day. The day was great, 100+ people attended, and all were very happy and ready to take action for a more peaceful world.

Also, we were interviewed by VTV 6, the Vietnamese National TV Channel for the Youth, and it was aired on the "golden plot" of airing schedule, the time of the day that has the most viewers. In my opinion, this year we have made the biggest impact on Vietnamese so-ciety by hosting Peace Day, since 2009.

OUR NEW IJRHave you heard of our new IJR, Anjo? We had an exclusive interview with him and here’s what he has to say to all of us in the AP region! How long have you been working with CISV? “I've technically always been a member of CISV, my parents met as leaders at a Village. After participating in a Village in 2003, my next program and JB involvement began in 2009.”

What was your favorite position or experience?“While it's impossible to pick one project, most recently, being a part of the team organizing Right On (tumblr, facebook) has been very inspring and gratifying. We're looking forward to Steps #5 and #6, which are coming up for the rest of 2013.

In regards to positions, I've always found the one-on-one working relation-ships with my LJR/NJR/IJR partners outstanding. I'm a big fan of the system of two-year terms and a new member joining each year. As is said in Germany, "you grow with your responsibilities." Since most Junior Branch planning happens online for me, organizing Junior Branch workshops and trainings in person is also always rewarding.”

What song best describes your personality?“Tough one – how about the intro and outro to the German news show Tagesschau? Why? Because it's short, to the point, and gets your attention without being too alarming.”

You �nally get to win the lottery! What is your �rst order of business?“I invite friends for dinner at my favorite Ethiopean restaurant in Frankfurt. So good. If you come to Frankfurt, we'll probably have dinner there.”

What's your version of the PERFECT sandwich?“Let's see – Could it be a wrap? I'd like some grated carrots on there, possibly some hazelnuts. Cheese and curry, too”

If you could choose two celebrities to be your parents, who would they be and why?“Baseball statistician/writer Bill James and Calvin's mom (from Calvin & Hobbes)! Calvin's mom puts up with (and sometimes supports) Calvin's ill-advised projects and schemes, and Bill James' style of baseball analysis is applicable to other �elds, while also being entertaining.

A great grandfather (maybe great great-grandfather?) would proba-bly be Pete Seeger, though I don't have much of his musical talent. That said, I would not trade my parents, or grandparents. (laughs)



AGE 21









This issue was brought to you by:

Your APJB Team

Samantha LimSo�a GomezCiaran Cook

Kevin Chandra


Anjo Peez-Zvetina Dhvani Kothari

Quang Tu

Do you want to be featured in the next issue of the APJB Wave? Do you have the CISV spirit that our team is looking for in putting each issue of the wave together?

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