the age of exploration objective: to understand the most important aspects of exploration

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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The Age of Exploration

Objective: To understand the most important aspects of Exploration.

1. Christopher Columbus

A. 1492B. “The most important

event for humanity since the birth of Christ.”

C. Ends isolation of North & South America from the “Old World”

II. Native PeoplesA. Very Civilized: Maya,

Aztecs, and Incas1. used complex calendars & mathematics2. elaborate political/social structures and cities3. massive and impressive architecture

II. Native PeoplesB. Conquered with ease

1. Europeans had advanced weaponry2. Europeans had diseases that nearly wiped out Native population - esp. smallpox

II. Native PeoplesC. “The Black Legend”

1. harsh treatment of Native Americans by the Spanish

III. European Dominance

A. Exploration and conquest

1. Social unrest 2. 500 years of European domination in world politics

IV. The Columbian Exchange

A. the enormous widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, human populations (including slaves), communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres that occurred after 1492

V. The Atlantic Slave Trade

A. Why Slavery? 1. Shortage of labor 2. Needed to work on

large scale plantations 3. 100% Profit

V. The Atlantic Slave Trade

B. Where did they come from?1. West Coast of Africa2. Supplied by rulers who wanted firearms or other goods3. Kidnapped in slave raids organized by Europeans

V. The Atlantic Slave Trade

C. The Journey1. Kidnapped2. Marched to slave ships3. The Middle passage

V. The Atlantic Slave Trade

D. Effects of the Slave Trade1. 400 years2. 15-20 million Africans shipped to the Americas3. Human Cost

a. many died on ships

b. people deprived of freedom c. descendants forced to live in servitude

d. years of prejudice

V. The Atlantic Slave Trade

4. Effects on Africa a. captured strong

young people b. divided people of

Africa - waged war to get slaves

c. Africans built economies of American

colonies d. African Diaspora - e. diffusion of African


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