the aesthetics of paulverlaine and changampuzha...

Post on 06-Apr-2020






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Selected Bibliography

Primary Sources

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16 Marino, Adrian Comparatisme et Theorie de la Literature, Paris, Puf, 1988, p.25

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18 Mukundan, N. Ekanthachintha, Kavitha: Dhvaniyum

Prathidhvaniyum, Kottayam NBS, 1988, p.38


19 Muniyara, Antony Kapadalokathile Manushyasnehi Kerala Sahitya Academy, Trichur,

pp.5-15 20 Prasad, Narendra ‘Changampuzha Chaithathu’, Ende

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France, 90, no.6 : 899-923, 1990 22 Tripathi, K.D From Sensuous to Supersensuous :

Some Terms of Indian Aesthetics, p-19

Online Data Bases

1. Aesthetics online – – 13.08.2012

2. Althusser – - 01.01.2011

3. Vangogh – – 15.09.2010 4. Dhvani – - 12.08.2013 5. Poetics – -


6. Eastern philosophy-http:// www.shodhganga.inflibnet.eastern philosophy-28-06-2009

7. Hippocrates –

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