the 29 chapter of acts…€¦ · the mouse’s tale is a christmas story narrated by granny mouse...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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Read about: Christmas Eve Services

Silent Night Service


Children’s Department


Youth News

Fall Fest

Angel Tree

God Moments

Daily Bible Readings

Right Now Media

Sermon Series in

Traditions & Downtown


Grab ‘n Go Sub/Sandwich


Gift Certificates Available

Missions Store

Operation Christmas

Child Update

Bags of Blessings

The 29th Chapter of Acts…The Ancient Story Continues

December 2019

This month’s newsletter is sponsored in loving

memory of my husband Milton, by Vonetta Grove.

December Meetings Meetings at 7 PM unless otherwise noted.

Monday, December 2nd – Stewardship & Finance Committee, Upper Room Wednesday, December 4th – God’s People in Mission, 7:45 PM, West Sunday School Room

Monday, December 9th – Administrative Council, DF Worship Area Thursday, December 12th – Board of Trustees, Upper Room

Wednesday, December 18th – DF Planning Team, 11 AM, DF Coffee Corner Wednesday,

Presented by Bethany’s

Children’s Department…..

The Mouse’s Tale A Christmas Pageant

for all ages

on Sunday,

December 15th

at 6:30 PM

in the Sanctuary

Music prelude at 6 PM.

Light refreshments will be

served in the Social Hall after

the play.

The Mouse’s Tale is a Christmas Story narrated by Granny

Mouse talking to her two Grandmice. They tell Stevie Sparrow about the Gift of Jesus. The scene flashes back in time to the birth of Jesus in the stable. The animals in the stable act out

the story and sing songs along the way. In the end, Stevie Sparrow learns about the most precious gift God ever gave

us…Jesus. The audience is encouraged to sing songs with the kids throughout the play!

“Silent Night”

A Service of Grace and Healing, Rest and Renewal


December 22nd 7 PM

in the Sanctuary

Are you in mourning and grief this year, while others are celebrating a “Merry Christmas?” On Sunday, December 22nd at 7 PM in the Traditions Sanctuary, we will have a worship service for those who are having a difficult time celebrating the Christmas Season. We will recognize the grief that we are going through, yet we do not grieve as those who have no hope—1 Thessalonians 4:13. Come to experience the sorrow and joy that Christmas can bring this year.

It’s not too late to order! Poinsettia plants will

again grace our Sanctuary and Downtown Fellowship Worship areas for the Christmas season. You may order a plant in memory of or in honor of a person, class, or loved ones. The cost of a plant will be $9 and MUST BE PAID when ordering. In addition to the traditional red poinsettias, you may also order the following colors: white, pink, and marble. Poinsettia Order Envelopes may be found in the Church Pew Card Holders, on the Information Table in the Downtown Fellowship Worship Area, in the church office, and on the Information Center in the hallway outside the church office in which you may place your $9. Please indicate on the envelope what you would want included in the bulletin. Please place the envelope in the church offering plate or drop off in or mail to the church office. Be sure to note your choice of poinsettia color! If you would like to do something other than contribute a flower, you may make a donation to the work of our Missions Ministry in honor of or in memory of a loved one.

Don Stokes teaches our 1,2,3 Sunday School class.

“We are talking about Creation and how God made us. God made us all different. God made each of us special,

and there is no one else exactly like us.” God has a

plan for us!

The children love acting plays,

reading the bible, coloring verses,

creating with craft supplies, playing

games, and so much more! There are many ways to learn about God and our Faith!

December Special Events

December 2019

Nolan Crooks,

Director of Youth Ministries (717) 244-7624, Ext. 24

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:15 – 10:15 AM in the Youth Room


Launch (v.): To propel with force; to set into motion; to initiate; to begin a new

venture; to embark; to enter enthusiastically into something; to plunge.

Launch is a yearly study that will encourage our Youth to plunge into

Scripture to strengthen their faith and deepen their relationship with God while

enhancing their faith journey.

Wednesdays – Youth Connections Meets 6:30 – 7:30 PM

in the Youth Room (will not meet

December 25th) LOVE , JOY, HOPE

Sunday Nights Ignite

Will not meet in December.

Saturday, December 14th

Christmas Movie Day 10 AM – 5 PM

in Bethany House

Wednesday, December 18th 6:30 PM

Youth Room

Saturday, January 25th 8 – 11:30 AM

Tickets will be available in the

new year.

Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 2nd

Service Saturday February 15th

God’s gifts are all around us! We thank him for so many things: families, friends,

delicious food, fun games, painting, pumpkins, apples, and so much more. What a blessing

to spend the afternoon with each other. Join us next time!

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward

love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in

the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as

you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

My faith started as something that created the good in my life. I only knew God in the good times. I didn’t know who God was in the deep, difficult times. I only had faith in things that directly benefited me. Through broken parental relationships, cancer, and family loss, God the Father met me in the brokenness; and I came to understand that He is the same in every moment of every day. In a time of great pain, hurt, and tragedy, I opened my heart to a greater love, a greater hope, and a greater Father. At the age of 14, I surrendered my life to Christ. Shortly after, God blessed me athletically, and I was able to create memories that will last a lifetime. My

baseball career took off and became one of the most important aspects of my life. I eventually received, and committed to, on December 2, 2015, a Division 1 scholarship offer from the George Washington University. In this moment, I truly felt invincible and that I had the world at my fingertips. Then came September 25, 2016. I wrecked my car through a guard rail. After opening my eyes, I had never been so grateful to be alive. I went from thinking I had the entire world to understanding it could have been gone in the blink of an eye. For the first time, I understood the preciousness in life. In any second, God could call us home to Heaven and take our breath away; however, he chooses not to. That means that He continues to put breath in our lungs because there is still something He wants to accomplish in and through our lives here on Earth.

I rested in this promise until I suffered a major shoulder injury that put baseball in jeopardy. I underwent surgery, but the post-op questions were not for any doctor or therapist: they were questions for God the Father, the true Healer. With baseball being put aside, I was able to go to Christ unconditionally with nothing hindering our relationship. Through this journey, I prayed to just be able to play baseball again. Injury was nothing new, something I had experienced before, and something that was not going to be the reason I stopped playing baseball. I prayed to get healthy, play again, then be redirected by God. However, God kept convicting my heart that He needed to redirect me in that very moment. Withholding nothing, knowing everything I had pursued with self-ambition had been broken, I committed to the Lord and the Lord’s plan for my life. God had been calling me out of baseball and into ministry. Throughout the past few months and to date, I have been actively pursuing where God is taking me and what He is calling me into. With baseball being sacrificed, I am stepping into God’s calling for my life of growing the kingdom by pursuing a career in Christian ministry. That being said, I ask for your prayers and support through this journey.

“I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Gal. 2:20 NIV Prayer - Dear Lord, I thank you for all the ways you have poured out Your love and grace over my life. I pray to continue being used as a vessel for your Kingdom. Knowing that our greatest command is to love, I thank you for showing us how much we are loved so that we may love because we were loved first. Even when we pursue our own desires, your plan and your glory will always be victorious. I pray that as we live each day, through the highs and lows, that we dwell in the fact that Your love is unconditional, and you are the same God in the light as you are in the dark. Thank you for being my savior, my healer, and my source of life. I love you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Bryant Holtzapple



Just a reminder that the Angel Tree gifts must be returned to

the church on or before Sunday,

December 8th. Gifts are to be unwrapped. Be sure to attach your

angel to your gifts! Thank you!

Change of Address If you are moving, are planning to move, or if the Post Office is changing your address, please notify the church office as soon as possible. The church must pay for all incorrect addresses. We also need the correct mailing addresses of all college students and those attending other schools of higher learning. Thank you!

SUNDAY PARKING Bethany Church members and friends are allowed

to park in the lots at the Burg Funeral Home and

Laucks & Laucks law firm on Sundays. Just pick

up a dashboard card in the church office to

display while parked. The owner of the former

Zarfos properties has given permission for us to

use the paved area near their building for parking

on Sundays. Also, the new Municipal Lot is

available to use on Sundays.

We need you! If you like technology and would like a way to give back to your church, call or email Matt

Olphin (717/244-7624). An IT crew is being assembled to assist in running Sunday morning media

presentations for the Traditions worship services.

Looking for Bulletin and Newsletter Sponsors

You may sponsor the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter in memory of or in honor of someone.

Your tribute will be included at or near the front of the document you sponsor. The cost is: Weekly Bulletin $15.00 and Monthly Newsletter $15.00 for a partial sponsorship or $100 for a full sponsorship. Several

partial sponsorships are needed for the monthly newsletter to cover postage which runs approximately

$100. You may arrange for your sponsorship by calling the church office.

2020 Offering Envelopes may be

picked up this month (please help the

church save on postage!). They will be

on tables in the hallway between the

Sanctuary & Downtown Fellowship Worship Area

outside the church office. If you do not currently

have envelopes but would like to have them, see Jen

in the church office.

1. The sudden coming of salvation Matthew 24:36-44 2. We have escaped like a bird Psalm 124 3. Command to be fruitful; sign of

the rainbow Genesis 9:1-17 4. God will save the people Isaiah 54:1-10 5. The righteous shall flourish Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 6. God’s promise to be gracious to Zion Isaiah 30:19-26 7. A voice crying in the wilderness Isaiah 40:1-11 8. Prepare the way of the Lord Matthew 3:1-12 9. God comes with judgment and strength Psalm 21 10. Gentiles are also called to the

obedience of faith Romans 15:14-21 11. God’s covenant with Abram Genesis 15:1-18 12. God lifts up those bowed down Psalm 146:5-10 13. Prepare for the Lord’s coming 2 Peter 3:11-18 14. Hannah sings in praise of God’s fidelity 1 Samuel 2:1-8 15. The forerunner of Christ Matthew 11:2-11 16. Hope in God Psalm 42 17. Prepare for the Lord’s coming Jude 17 – 25 18. God’s promise to Zion Zechariah 8:1-17 19. Show the light of your countenance Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 20. David prays for God’s faithfulness

toward Israel 2 Samuel 7:18-22 21. The one who comes from above John 3:31-36 22. Our God near at hand Matthew 1:18-25 23. My soul gives glory to God Luke 1:46b-55 24. God with us Luke 2:1-4 [15-20] 25. The Word became flesh John 1:1-14 26. Jesus laments that Jerusalem kills

her prophets Matthew 23:34-39 27. The beloved disciple remains with Jesus John 21:20-25 28. Continue to do good while suffering 1 Peter 4:12-19 29. The slaughter of innocent children Matthew 2:13-23 30. Answer us when we call Psalm 20 31. God grants a discerning mind 1 Kings 3:5-14


If you are heading to the hospital or if something big is on the horizon for you,

please stay after worship and gather in the front of the Sanctuary so that Pastor Ron,

Pastor Mark, and Pastor Larry can pray for you. This is our ministry to you!

Articles for the January

Newsletter are due in the church office by December 15th.

Luke (1:34) "How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" (1:35) The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. (1:36) Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. (1:37) For nothing is impossible with God." (1:38) "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.

Mary didn't understand how this could happen. Perhaps she didn't believe that it would happen. But, she was willing to accept it if it did happen. It was no easy thing that was being asked of her. It would completely change the plan she had for her life. It would also be so much more difficult than she could ever know - the pain of seeing her son die on a cross. But it would be more joyous also than she could ever know - seeing him rise again. To open ourselves up to God is to open ourselves to such things - to deep sorrow and joy; to death and to life. Yet in God, sorrow and death are never the last word. In God there is always joy and life - there is always hope. We may not always understand what God is doing through us, but as we trust and follow him there is hope and life. May we find hope as we wait upon the Lord’s coming this day and this Advent Season. Seek a Passion for God, Compassion for Others, and Refashioned Lives,

Bethany Church has purchased a subscription for RightNow Media for the purpose of training leadership and

volunteers and providing on-going Bible Study materials. What is really exciting is that the whole

congregation (members, attendees, and anyone associated with Bethany) will have access to the RightNow

Media website. There are literally more than 10,000 videos to choose from. It works much like Netflix, and

there is no additional cost to you. Some of what it includes: training videos, children's TV programs, Bible

Studies, Christian Conferences, Leadership Material, and so much more. We can use these online Bible

Study courses here at the church; and if a person misses a class, they can view it at home any time they want.

You can also use the Bible Studies as an individual, couple, family, or Bible Study group in your own home.

Please visit and complete your profile to

sign up. You can also text “RIGHTNOW BETHANYUMC” to 41411 to register. If you have any questions,

please contact the church office.

How often we prepare for Christmas by decorating, baking cookies, and buying gifts. These are all wonderful and joyful things. Yet, how often do

these very same things leave us tired and joyless? What if we, at the same time, prepared for Jesus this Christmas? How would our Advent and

Christmas be different if we prepared for Jesus? During Advent, we will look at the life of John the Baptist and how he prepared for Jesus’ coming so that we might better prepare as well.

The Babcock family, Devin, Gwen, Kaeden, & Rory, had a family fun day at Pinchot Park!

In July, Sara Hannigan travelled to the York County SPCA. Hannah Beard treated Sara to some “behind the scenes” special treatment! Although Sara cuddled several furry babies, she didn’t bring any home.

Jerimy Doucet, son of Jonathan & Brandy Grace, graduated from Air Force Boot Camp in August at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas! Congratulations!

Becky Hickey attended the sixth anniversary of Stitching History, a gathering of those who hand stitched and appliqued a replica of the American Flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the poem that became the words to our National Anthem.

Byron & Jen Daugherty enjoyed a day at Dutch Wonderland with their family. It was great to spend time together!

The following groups meet on a regular basis. Please join us! GROUP MEETING TIME/LOCATION CONTACT

Women’s Bible Study

Sundays @ 9 AM Upper Room (will not meet December 22nd & 29th)

Kelley Williams 717/244-7624

Mere Christians Mere Christianity

2nd & 4th Sundays @ 6 PM West Sunday School Room

Kelly Chronister 717/244-7624

Sunday Men’s Group

Sundays @ 6:30 PM Social Hall Annex (will only meet December 8th)

Pastor Ron 717/244-7624

GriefShare Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM

Social Hall Annex (concludes December 10th) Pastor Larry


The Encouragers God Was Here…..

2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 10 AM Bethany House (will not meet in December; Christmas Luncheon on December 11th @ 11 AM at Lion’s Pride)

Carol Urey or Diane Strobeck 717/244-7624

Women on Wednesday One Thousand Gifts

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM Upper Room (will not meet December 25th & January 1st)

Terry Moran 717/244-7624

Men’s Fraternity A Savior is Born

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM DF Coffee Corner (will not meet December 25th & January 1st)

Pastor Mark 717/244-7624

Pastor’s Bible Study Believe

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM Social Hall Annex (will not December 25th & January 1st)

Pastor Ron 717/244-7624

Youth Connections

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM Youth Room (will not meet December 25th)

Nolan Crooks 717/244-7624, ext. 24

Breath of Heaven Yoga Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM

Bethany House (will not meet December 25th & January 1st) Deb Jackson 717/244-7624

Celebrate Recovery

Thursdays @ 6:30 PM (dinner at 6 PM) Social Hall

Michael Wilt 717/244-7624

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ 7 AM

Bethany House Thomme Conley


A Fellowship Meal is offered from 5:30 – 6:25 PM,

followed by classes for children, youth, and adults

from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. The cost of the meal is

$3.50 for adults and $1.50 for children; with a

limit of $15 per family. Please be sure to sign up

for the Wednesday meal by the Sunday before.

There will be no Fellowship Meal, Kid’s

Connections, Yoga, Sanctuary Choir, Praise Team

Rehearsal, or Bible Studies on Wednesday,

December 25th and January 1st.

Thursdays, 6:30 PM in the Social Hall (Dinner at 6 PM)

Has Christmas lost its significance? It's one of the most familiar stories in human history: the birth of Jesus in a lowly manger in Bethlehem. A Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Yet, how can we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior in our frantic, consumer-driven society? How do we make sure the Christmas holiday remains a Holy Day? You will experience cinematic short films that capture events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. Then Pete Briscoe will open up scripture to bring us back to the roots and heart of our faith in Christ.

Make Sundays less hectic as you head out of church for the day. If you like to “eat out” after church, then grab a sandwich for supper. The fixings are wrapped separately; no soggy

sandwiches! Place your order by the 3rd Sunday of the month (December 15th). Order forms will be located throughout the church or order in the church office. Pick up and pay in the Kitchen as you leave church on the 4th Sunday of the month (December 22nd). Enjoy a sandwich before heading out for that last-minute Christmas shopping! Be sure to note your time of pick up on the order form (9 – 9:15 AM, 10:15 – 10:30 AM, or 11:30 AM – Noon). Orders may also be placed online at Questions? Contact Cinny Attig (717) 244-7624.

Check out our new options!

9” ($4) & 12” ($5) Subs

Italian, American, Turkey, Roast Beef & Sweet Bologna Subs

Pretzel Sandwiches - $4

Ham & Cheese, Sweet Bologna, & Roast Beef

Kaiser Roll Sandwiches - $3

Turkey, Roast Beef, Chicken Salad, Ham Salad, Egg Salad & Tuna Salad

Subs & Sandwiches Sponsored by the Missions Committee

The Missions Committee continues to sell Giant, Weis Markets, and Jerry’s Great Valu Gift Certificates as a

fundraiser for Bethany’s mission obligations. By purchasing the certificates, you are not only doing your

grocery shopping but also supporting your church. Everyone has to eat; and if you shop at Giant, Weis, or Jerry’s, this is a win-win! Giant Gift Cards can also be

used at the gas pumps. See Jen in the Church Office to purchase. Several denominations are available ($100,

$50, $25, $20, $10). You can even have a standing order each week. Just let Jen know what you would like. The Missions Committee thanks you for your

support in this fundraiser!

Need some Christmas gifts? Don’t

miss the Missions Committee’s stand

in the church office beginning

December 1st. We will be offering

jewelry from Uganda, jewelry and

items from Sierra Leone, homemade fudge (available in the

church office & Social Hall), and beautiful Christmas

Ornaments. Our “store” will be open in the Church Office

through the end of December. Benefits the missions of

Bethany Church.

Here at Bethany, we

have many people who

are in need of

transportation. Can you

help? Some cannot

currently drive because

of physical

limitations, aging, or while recovering from surgery.

If you are willing to help them get to church,

doctor’s appointments, the grocery store,

etc….please contact Pastor Larry Parlett or Jen in

the church office (717/244-7624), and we will add

your name to a list of volunteer drivers.

Praise is given to God who blessed us enough to

pack 825 shoeboxes with gifts representing our

tangible LOVE for each child.

825 (x7) Gospel Opportunities for sharing Jesus’

love with children and their families is reflected by

our boxes. Thank You, All, for your active role in

this ministry! You are a blessing to Bethany, and

just as importantly, to each child receiving one of

Bethany’s packed gift boxes. More information will be forthcoming after the new year.

Are you or a loved one experiencing a short-term illness,

injury, or convalescence and are in need of a piece of medical equipment? The Medical Equipment Warehouse continues to be of service to Red Lion and surrounding areas. The Lord has helped us to serve others by lending out Wheelchairs, Scooters, Walkers, Rollators, Canes, Crutches and other items for long or short-term use. Just contact our secretary at (717) 244-7624 for a list of contacts from our group who will try to fill your need.

Would you like to feel the joy of serving both your church family and your community while taking only a small amount of your time? Please consider joining our group. The need for this ministry has grown so rapidly that we

are now seeking additional members. To learn more, contact John Cunningham (717) 244-7624.

***Looking for donations of wheelchairs, knee scooters, and bedside potty chairs.***

What is the meal ministry? When a member of our church family is walking through a storm….maybe a surgery, an injury, a sick child, a loved one’s passing, or some other unexpected stressful event, our team is there helping to choreograph a delicious meal. The receiving individual

(or family) is so very grateful for a meal as it gives them one less thing to worry about for that day.

If you feel God tapping on your shoulder saying you can do this, we welcome you with open arms to be part of this fabulous team. You don’t need a culinary degree, just a heart that can prepare a simple meal, for someone who will appreciate every bite. To join our team, call Jere at (717) 244-7624.

Thank you to our Meal Ministry team for all you do and the love you share!

Thank you to all the volunteers who made “Snuggle Blankets” for the Lehman Crisis Nursery and

Community Reach. You put smiles on a lot of children’s faces! -Karen Oswald Dear Friends of Bethany UMC, Thank you for your generous contribution and support of this agency. Your help enables us to continue serving over 300 families residing in the Dallastown, Eastern York, and Red Lion school districts in York County. Sincerely, The Board of Directors, Staff, & Volunteers of Community Reach Thank you to all the volunteers who helped prepare and serve the food at the Community Meals at St. Paul’s. Also, thanks for all the delicious desserts that were donated by our Bethany volunteers. You were all much appreciated! -Karen Oswald Dear Friends, Thank you! The dear people you just helped with your gift to UMCOR may never have the opportunity to meet you, but if they did, I am certain their response would be—thank you! Through your financial support, you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships as UMCOR responds to increasingly frequent and destructive storms—sharing 100% of donated funds with those in need! Together, may we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate genuine love for our neighbors. Grace and Peace, Thomas G. Kemper, General Secretary & Roland Fernandes, COO and General Treasurer I would like to thank all those who helped with scheduling and hosting for the new church directory. Thank you, Jen, for all your patience and hard work pulling it all together. And lastly, thanks to all our members and friends who participated in the photo sessions that made the directory possible. -Karen Oswald Hello, My name is Joy Parmar. I am from Sokhda, Kheda, Gujarat, India. You are doing great work in the world. We appreciate to you for your work. And we have to say thanks to you and your whole Operation Christmas Child team for this amazing work. I hope again and again you all do this work for us and taking bless from God. Again thank you so much for this gift. God bless you and your family, your whole team. Thank you so much!

• Applesauce

• Canned pineapple/

mandarin oranges

• Canned sweet


• Boxed/canned

potatoes (all types)

• Canned vegetables

• Canned sauerkraut

• Other canned fruits

• Frozen turkey/ham/


• Stuffing

• Gravy & broth

• Beets/cranberries

• Cranberry sauce

• Cornbread mix

• Other bread mixes

• Brownie Mix

• Cake Mix

• Cookie Mix

• Other dessert mixes

• Coffee/tea/cocoa

• Gelatin/pudding

Bags of Blessings


Please drop off your donations to

Community Reach, Inc. at the

Ruthann Young Center:

15 First Avenue, Red Lion, PA

(717) 244 – 6934

*** You may also drop off your donations inside

the back door of the church.***

Check out the educational programs offered at Community Reach at

CHURCH CONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES The meeting was called to order on Monday, October 14, 2019 at 7:32 PM. In attendance were: Kirby Hickey, Brad Henshaw, Bobby & Chris Gohn, Pastor Larry Parlett, Donna Olphin, Pastor Ron & Marcell Doverspike, Wade Elfner, John & Nancy Thompson, Joe & Karen Oswald, Jim Miller, Brenda Evans, Nancy Harrison, Pastor Mark Williams, along with members and friends of Waters Edge UMC and Pleasant Grove UMC. Rev. Dr. Charles Salisbury, our York District Superintendent, presided over the Church Conference and opened the meeting in prayer. He also shared a devotion. Pastor Charlie explained about the Bethany Extended Parish which includes Waters Edge and Pleasant Grove.

Minutes from the November 19, 2018 Church Conference were approved as presented.

The 2018 audit was approved as presented.

The 2018 Church Trustees report was included in the Church Conference packet for informational purposes only.

Bethany’s God’s People in Mission, along with volunteers from St. Paul’s UMC, Zion UMC (Red Lion), Emmanuel UCC, and Zion UMC (Freysville), have continued to offer a community dinner for people in our area who need a hot meal. It is held at St. Paul’s UMC on First Avenue the second Monday of each month. Boy Scout Troop #28 also helps serve and clean up. We are in need of volunteers to be on standby each month or when it is Bethany’s turn to prep and serve the meal, purchase food, bake desserts, and fellowship during the meal. For more information, please see Jared Olsen or Karen Oswald. There will be sign-up sheets throughout the church. Your help, as always, is greatly appreciated!

The following names were presented as Lay Members to Annual Conference from Bethany: Kirby Hickey, Joseph Oswald, and Thomas Conley (alternate). All were approved. The following names were nominated by Church Conference as York District At-Large Members to Annual Conference: Terry Robinson, Richard Fritz, and Linda Joines. Motion to approve this nomination was made by Donald Saylor with a second by Jim Miller.

Lay Leadership Report The recommendation for the Administrative Council to have the authority to deal with vacancies during the year was approved with motion by John Thompson and second by Wade Elfner. The recommendation does not apply to Lay Members to Annual Conference. The names in bold print presented in the Lay Leadership Report were voted on and approved.

Report on Membership Five people were received into membership this year by Profession of Faith; one was received as a Transfer from another denomination. Nineteen names were presented that had been removed from the church rolls by withdrawal, transfer, or death. Four names were approved for year one of the two-year removal process.

Annual Parsonage Inspection The annual inspection of the parsonage is a cooperative responsibility between the Board of Trustees and the Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. The Parsonage at 1042 Woodridge Road is in good condition currently. Laity must go through the Parsonage. This was a valid inspection. The report was presented for informational purposes.

Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Committee The 2020 Lead Pastor package was approved as presented on motion by the SPPR Committee and second by Jim Miller.

Pastor Salary Soc. Sec. Health Savings Acct. Housing Pension Contr. Cont. Ed. Doverspike $68,432.93 $5,464.62 $3,000 n/a $8,633.66 $5,000

Cell Phone Stipend $1,000

Travel: Reimbursement rate is set annually at the current IRS reimbursement rate.

The SPPR Committee has assessed the fair rental value of the parsonage at $9,600 and has set parsonage exclusions the pastor must report to the IRS at 20% of base salary.

The Visitation Pastor package was approved as presented.

Pastor Salary Parlett $10,506

Travel: Reimbursement rate is set annually at the current IRS reimbursement rate.

Report of the Lay Speaker A written report from Robert Gohn was presented. Bobby was approved to continue as Lay Speaker.

Candidates for Ministry None at this time.

Pastor’s Report Reports from Pastor Ron Doverspike and Pastor Larry Parlett were included in the Church Conference packet.

Other Business Pastor Charlie noted that he would complete his District Superintendent duties on June 30th. His successor will be selected by the end of January and will shadow him for the remainder of his appointment. Pastor Charlie looks forward to serving at a church again beginning July 1st.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Pastor Ron and adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Daugherty Recording Secretary

Online giving is so much more than just online! Our giving tools provide the ability to donate on our website ( or The Blast, through a mobile app (search for Easy Tithe in your App Store), from our Giving Kiosk (located outside the church office), and Text Giving. After creating an account, you’re able to give a donation or schedule a series of donations (scheduling not available for text giving) directed from your checking account or debit/credit card. How to Contribute by Text: ➢ Please send a text message with the dollar amount in

the text (example: $20) to Bethany’s text giving phone number ~ 717/801-1430.

➢ If this is your first time using Text Giving, after texting the dollar amount, you will receive a message saying “please complete this one-time registration to submit your gift.” You will need to complete this one-time registration even if you have already set up online or mobile giving.

➢ A secure short form will either be presented or you will need to tap to open the form and fill in your billing information. ➢ Tap the “GIVE” button to submit. ➢ After this one-time billing setup is completed, giving is as easy as sending a text message. Please try it out! We hope you will find this a convenient and easy way to give!

Many of you get this and more just by using your credit card. Along with our current weekly envelope system and Giving Kiosk

options, we are also able to take credit cards in our office – and you can even authorize weekly or monthly charges (you just need to fill out a short form for us [found below]). You can even use your bank check card. You can also set up automated withdrawals

from your checking account through your bank’s Bill Pay.

Bethany Stewardship and Finance Ministry Team


NAME: (please print)________________________________________________________________

First Middle Initial Last

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ___________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ___________________

SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________________

Please charge my credit card/checking account for $_______________________________________ for the following service/donation (please check the proper box):

❑ one-time purchase ❑ one-time donation ❑ regular deduction of $___________________ on a:

❑ weekly basis ❑ bi-weekly basis ❑ monthly basis ❑ quarterly basis

This donation will continue until I notify the church (in writing or in person) to discontinue, which I may do at any time without further notice.


NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: ________________________________________________

CREDIT CARD NUMBER: ________ ________ ________ ________ EXPIRATION DATE: _____/_____ VALIDATION CODE ON REVERSE OF CARD: _______

ACH TRANSACTION Routing Number________________ Checking Account #__________________

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