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July 2014

Thatcham Newsletter Reg. Charity No. 1112006 Newsletter sponsored by

Greenham Common Trust

Report on WW1 Study Day

Richard van Emden proved to be an inspiring speaker who kept his audience enthralled with a series of

linked illustrated anecdotes about the Great War. The morning session focussed on the families of those

left behind, and the effect the war had on them. Because of the magnitude of the mobilisation, and the

sheer confusion on the battlefield, wives and mothers of servicemen lost or missing in action often had

to wait for several months for definite news. Apparently the scene from many films depicting the era of

the dreaded telegram arriving to give the bad news is misleading, as only officers’ deaths were reported

in this way, with soldiers’ families being informed by letter, usually written by the junior officer in

charge of the platoon. The account of many of the soldiers’ children and younger siblings confirms that

the news arrived early in the morning, and the devastating effect this had on the family.

One lady, who was interviewed by Richard for his book, remembers that her mother never recovered

from the blow. On a visit to her father’s grave with Richard a few years ago, she left flowers with the

following message –

Daddy – thank you for 5 years of real happiness – I’ve missed you all my life. Love Lily.

Stories such as these brought home the lasting effect the war had, and of course some of the children of

those who were killed are still alive. Many remember the effect of the death of a father, emotionally and

financially. Childhoods were lost as mothers had to go out to work and older children had to take on

domestic responsibilities beyond their years.

The afternoon session was about the ‘boy soldiers’, those who lied about their age to get into the army.

This is not as strange as it may seem to us with the benefit of hindsight – the war was popularly

expected to be ‘all over by Christmas’, and parents of boys felt it would be good for their sons to go for

the year’s training, get some good food, and send money home. Births were not as accurately recorded

as they are now, so the word of the parent was enough for the recruiting sergeant, who was paid a bonus

for each ‘man’ who signed up.

Some of the young men enjoyed the war, and many survived it (my grandfather was one!), but many

more begged their parents to put the record straight and get them out but this entailed buying a birth

certificate which was beyond the means of many.

The effect the war had on one young man was illustrated by these two photos which were taken a couple

of years apart.

Report on Art Study Day The day didn’t get off to the best start when we arrived in the room to find it had been used as a dressing

room for the children from Spurcroft School who were partaking in an Easter service in the church

downstairs! After a little strategic tidying, and putting the partition in place we compromised on using

half the room each. A little cosy, it must be admitted!

Colin started on his first talk about Leonardo da Vinci, who apparently was not quite the genius he is

popularly considered. Lots of other mathematicians and scientists were working along similar lines to

him, and several of them were more successful in getting their buildings built, their inventions working

and their sculptures sculpted. Seems he was a good starter, but not quite so brilliant at following

through! As for the famous Mona Lisa, there are several earlier and contemporary paintings whose

smiles are just as enigmatic.

The one theory that could be allowed to be original to Leonardo is that he realised the sun stayed still

whilst all the other planets, including Earth, orbited around it. Pretty clever of him really, as it would be

50 years before Copernicus thought the same, and a century until Galileo convinced the wider scientific


“The Sun Does Not Move” Leonardo 1500

After lunch, we expanded into the rest of the room, which was quite a relief. Colin moved on to telling

us about John Ruskin, one of the ‘pre Raphaelites’ Now I had always thought that these chaps must have

come before the Raphaelites, but it turns out I was wrong, they were Victorian painters who disapproved

of the realism that was creeping into art, and the emphasis on physical rather than spiritual beauty, so

they reverted to the styles of Renaissance painters such as Fra Angelico.

Christ Glorified in the Court of

Heaven – Fra Angelico 1423 Apparently Ruskin also had

problems with the women in his life

as he could not cope with the reality

of their bodies, preferring the

smooth, hairless depictions in

Renaissance paintings. The novelist

Nabokov based his novel ‘Lolita’ on

the relationship between Ruskin and

Rose la Touche.

It was a very interesting and thought provoking day, and we certainly had some myths debunked!

Julie Wall

Well what an eventful year it’s been! We have had changes of conveners for several of our groups, and

the original discussion group have helped a new group to start up. Two interesting new groups have also

been started – kindle book club, a book club for the digital age where everyone downloads the chosen

book onto their screen reader, and then gets together to discuss it. The other new group is triominoes –

like dominoes but three times harder!

Our study day programme has really taken off this year. Back in November there was an excellent

singing workshop, where we learned a lot about how to breathe, and how to make the most of our voices

and make sure they last as long as we do! We also had practical sessions, and learned new songs, some

with harmony. We had an interesting day on Art History, challenging perceptions on Leonardo da Vinci

and the Pre-Raphaelite movement, and another on the First World War, focussing on the families left

behind, and the boys who went to war too young. Both days were thought provoking and enjoyable.

We have two more definite dates planned, one at the excavations at Silchester on 31st July, and one on


September about light classical British music. Both are led by excellent tutors, and promise to be

educational and entertaining.

I have continued to speak for the U3A on the Lifelong Learning Forum, and we had a very successful

day on June 14th

celebrating the start of Adult Learners’ week. Our stand was well attended with lots of

people taking an interest. Thanks to those of you who came along to help or to visit. I also went to the

Mayor’s civic reception and the Mayor Making ceremony to represent the U3A.

Our open meetings have again been graced by excellent speakers – please keep your suggestions


The Christmas meeting was great fun, when we were entertained by the play reading and singing groups.

The technology rather let us down, but fortunately Ann had it covered and brought the paper song sheets

along! We have now (I think!) got it all sorted out, and have bought a new projector for backup. We

look forward to a higher tech party this year!

Our social events were also well attended – we had an excellent Summer Luncheon and the blues were

well and truly beaten in March.

I must say thank you and farewell to some of our committee members – Hilary has been welcoming new

members for a couple of years now, and is stepping down to concentrate on other commitments. Judith

has been my right hand woman organising the study days, but again finds herself somewhat over

committed. Thanks to both of them. Jane stepped in again as secretary as an emergency measure after

Christmas, but he has handed over the reins to Doreen Hodgkin. I’m pleased to say Jane will be staying

on the committee as social organiser, and taking over from Hilary as new member contact. Anne Sharpe

will be the committee contact for conveners, and will keep the group details up to date, and Peter

Lavarack will be rejoining the committee after a couple of years off. Also Ernie and Joan are stepping

down from their vital role of tea making at the open meetings, but have said they will continue until

March. They have been refreshing us all brilliantly for the past 10 years, so it’s probably time someone

made them a cup of tea! Please let me know if you would like to take this over.

Speaking of ten years, our U3A is ten years old in April, and we would like to do

something special to celebrate. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let us

know – especially if you are an original member.

Thank you all for your support during the past year and for making my job so

rewarding – I am now entering my final year as chairman – would you like to be

next? It’s really quite fun!

Art Group 1

We meet alternate Tuesday afternoons at the

Baptist Church for 2 hours. We usually have a

topic each month and in July we will be trying

our hand at boats.

For anyone interested we do have a waiting list.

Since we use the coffee shop we can only take a

maximum of 12.

Contact: Pat Howard

Art Group 2

The fortnightly sessions are progressing well

with all members producing good and

improving work mostly in watercolour but with

work in pencil and monochrome also being

much admired. It is also encouraging to note

that numbers are increasing but we still have

room for more in our spacious room. First

timers are provided with all necessary

equipment to start them off.

Contact: David Nicholls

Computing Skills Group

We continue to meet at the Kennet School on

the first and third Friday afternoon of the

month during term times.

Numbers have been down recently. I don't know

if it's because there are more groups on a Friday

or people just find 4pm an awkward time.

Perhaps we are not doing what you want to do.

If so please tell us.

We now have access to email which we didn't

have before (because of security), so if people

are confused about attaching files and reading

attachments do come along and we will do our

best to help. If you have a specific problem

please ring or send an email beforehand so that

one of the 'helpers' can investigate.

The dates for the rest of this term are:

Friday June 20th

Friday July 4th

Friday July 18th

Contact: Ann Walter

Craft Group

The numbers at the Craft Group have gone up

considerably since we moved into a bigger room

at the Thatcham Baptist Church, but I think we

still have room for more if you are interested.

As well as our ‘knit and natter’ sessions we have

had another enjoyable session with Julie Wall

teaching us the Log Cabin patchwork. I know

the members enjoyed this and several have

taken this onto other projects with is really

good. Crochet has also been tackled - thank you

to the ladies who took on the responsibility of

helping people who are new to crochet. At its

basic level, it is a simple skill, quickly learned,

and members were able to turn out basic blocks

by the end of the meeting.

Coming up in June we have a modelling clay

session, and in July we have a visitor showing

scrapbooking and card craft. We also have a

session or two with Christmas in mind, so there

is a lot there for everyone.

We meet on the 3rd

Friday of the month, 2pm at

the Thatcham Baptist Church. If you are

interested in coming along, please get in touch

with me on the number below.

Contact: Jen Fielding

Quills – Creative Writing

We apologise for any offence caused to those of

you who are true-blue poetry lovers!!

Literature is our game

but we're not looking for fame.

Our pens are at the ready

though our rhymes a bit unsteady,

so if you'd like to try your writing skills

why not join the group called Quills.


Contact: Catherine Hamblin

Discussion Group 1

We continue to meet at members’ homes on the

second Monday afternoon of the month. We

have had topics on many subjects, some more

lively than others! In August we are holding a

buffet lunch and, weather permitting we will

enjoy that meeting outdoors.

Contact: Jacquie Manley

Discussion Group 2

We have had some very interesting and

thoughtful discussions and so far not too many


Our meetings are held on the first Friday of the


Contact: Joan Prince

Gardening Group

The gardening group is continuing to thrive with

the addition of several new members, and our

membership now totals forty-four with high

attendances at events and meetings.

Last month we spent an enjoyable afternoon

visiting Greenlands an NGS garden in Cold Ash

where we enjoyed the garden and the almost

obligatory tea and cakes. This month we are

having a tour of the Lavender Fields near Alton

and luckily we shall be having another cream

tea. Next month's visit will be to the NGS

garden Barnwood near Theale, again with


We have a full schedule of garden visits and

other events lined up and members continue to

be inspired and enjoy the great variety that the

group has to offer, not forgetting the excellent

cream teas.

(Report by Celia Roberts)


Valerie Jackson

Carole Offer

Celia Roberts

Mary Parker


The genealogy group continues to thrive. At

present none of us have found a connection to

royalty, although a few skeletons have been

unearthed. That's the beauty of family history

there's always something new to discover.

Contact: Isabel Trent

Kindle Book Club

Our newly formed e-book club has made a good

start. So far, we have read 'Picnic at Hanging

Rock', 'The Rosie Project' and 'Gone Girl',

which has lead to some interesting and lively

discussions. We are compiling a list of 'good

reads' so that we have a range of titles (and

genres) to choose from. If you would like to tell

us about a book you've enjoyed, do get in touch!

We are a small group, so would welcome new

members. We update the U3A website each

month with the book we are currently reading. If

a title takes your fancy, you are welcome to

download it (or get hold of a hard copy) and

come along to a meeting, to see if you would

like to join us. We meet at 2pm on the 4th

Thursday of each month, at the home of a

member. For more information please ring one

of the numbers below.

Contacts: Deborah Buckland

Sue Gammer

Knitting and Cross-stitch

This group meet every first Tuesday of the

month in a member’s home. We work on our

own projects with much laughter and talk whilst

helping each other and passing on tips.

Contact: Ann Hazelby


We meet at least once a month on a Thursday

afternoon and would welcome any new

members who have some - even a little -

knowledge of Latin already. Do also ring if you

would like to join a new Beginners’ group.

Contact: Dorothy Goode

Bon Appetit Luncheon Club

Since the last newsletter we have returned to

three venues which we have visited previously.

We went to the Butt Inn at Aldermaston in

April, to the Cottage Inn at Upper Bucklebury in

May and most recently in June to the Calleva

Arms at Silchester. At all three we had excellent

food and service, the staff being friendly and

welcoming. In addition, the prices were very

reasonable at all these establishments. We

enjoy each other’s company and I am grateful,

as always, for the support of all my members.

Contact: Elaine Fletcher

Second Helpings Luncheon Club

Our group continues to sample Thatcham

cuisine each month. We had our first delicious

meal at the Taj Mahal last month and everyone

enjoyed their visit and asked to return soon. As

it is summer, we are visiting the outskirts of

Thatcham next month when we meet at The

Berkshire Arms to share another meal amongst


Contact: Jane Head

Third Course Luncheon Club

We have been meeting each month since May

and had some lovely meals out. One was

interesting - it took a long time but all was ok in

the end as they gave us a big discount!! This

month we are at the Bell, Boxford, and next

month, the Four Points. We are going to try a

different Pub each month for the year and then

we may start using ones we have been to before.

We do have a vacancy for two people so if you

are interested please give me a call

Contact: Karen Eggleton

The Munchers Luncheon Club

We meet on the 4th

Friday of each month for

lunch and have had some enjoyable gatherings

at venues around the Thatcham and Newbury

areas. We usually have a regular turn-out of a

dozen members each month so everyone is able

to chat to each other and catch up on news.

New Members always welcome!

Contact: Ann Minks

Tuck In Luncheon Club

Since our first lunch in January our membership

is steadily growing. So far we have visited the

Travellers Friend, the Rowbarge, the Butt Inn,

the Rampant Cat and the Coach and Horses. We

meet on the third Friday of the month and if

anyone else would like to join us they will be

most welcome.


Sue and John Gammer

Mah Jong

We meet in the dining room at Nevil Court on

the first and third Wednesday of the month

from 2.15pm - 4.15pm. Our Members vary from

the experienced, to those who haven’t played for

many years and now find they wish to play

again, to novices. The meetings are well

attended, usually averaging about 22 members.

We are a friendly, cheerful group, who enjoy the

challenge of playing MahJong.

Contact: Marilyn Downing

Music Appreciation Group

The Music Appreciation Group has continued to

provide a variety of listening for our members.

Recently Bach has been prominent but

every meeting brings surprises, from historical

recordings to a CD of young artists who

appeared at this year's Newbury Spring Festival.

Contact: Richard Hyland

Snaps Photography Group

This enthusiastic photographic group meets on

the second and fourth Wednesdays of each

month. We continue to put our newly acquired

knowledge into practice both indoors and out,

and members, whether regular or occasional,

will continue to be welcome.

The indoor meetings are held in the Thatcham

Town Council Chamber starting at 10am. For

more information please look at the website - - or contact one

of the conveners.

Contacts: Iain Dunn

Tony Collie

Play Reading Group

We continue with full membership to enjoy our

readings and subsequent discussions. If enough

interest is shown for a further group to be

formed we can certainly consider that


Contact: Judy Benwell

Rummikub Group

Second Wednesday afternoons of the month

2.15pm to 4.15pm at Nevil Court.

We continue to enjoy our Rummikub games

afternoons at Nevil Court. We usually have 12

or 13 people attending and so have plenty of

room for new joiners. The emphasis is on

having fun and, between us, we are happy to

pass on how to play to anyone who has not

played before. Please contact me if you have

any questions.

Contact: Wendy Jarvis


Scrabble is flourishing - we now have about 20

regular players and most months about 15

players attend. Our venue Nevil Court is perfect

with lots of space for a large group.

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at

2pm. The fee is now 50 pence per session which

is a donation for use of facilities.

Contact: Angela Robinson

Songsters Singing Group

The singing group known as “Songsters” meet

on the first and third Mondays of each month at

2.30pm in our pianist’s home. Numbers are

restricted due to lack of space and there are

currently no vacancies. We sing a selection of

songs old and new, popular and classical. We

are singing for the Blind Club in July and have

been invited to attend ‘The Big Sing’ on the


of July at South Hill Park Arts Centre

involving several U3A singing groups from

Berkshire. Any member of our group wishing

to attend this event, please contact me for an

application form and details.

Contact: Rita Bottomley

Adagio Singing Group

The group continues to grow and is now

producing a very healthy sound. We have been

working towards a joint performance with the

Songsters for the Blind Association in

Thatcham. Later on in July, some members will

be taking part in ‘The Big Sing’, at South Hill

Park in Bracknell with other U3A singing

groups in Berkshire. We will continue our

activities throughout the summer, so if you think

you might like to give us a try, do drop in. We

meet fortnightly on a Tuesday afternoon from

2- 4pm at the Old Bluecoat’s school.

Contact: Lynette Harper

Snooker - 50 Break

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of

each month from 2-4pm at the Crucible

Snooker Club, off Hambridge Road in

Newbury (enter via Race Course Station

approach road). The emphasis is on fun and

social gathering. The order of play and tables in

play is dependent on member numbers on the

day with no sitting out. To add a little spice

there is a monthly ‘highest break’ award, plus an

ongoing ‘singles ladder’- these provide a

competitive challenge for those who want to

participate. Membership of the ‘Snooker Club’

is necessary following the first visit so come

along and give it a go - equipment is available at

the club at no extra charge.

Contact: Roy Lawson


We are slowly improving our Spanish

vocabulary using CDs and books. Although our

progress is slow, we are all enjoying the journey

(and the chat, tea and biscuits!!)

Contact: Jane Head

Theatre Group

Since the last Newsletter the Theatre Group has

had a very successful outing to Richmond

Theatre. We saw a play entitled ‘Perfect

Murder’ ‘starring Les Dennis, I think I can

safely say it kept us guessing until the end. We

had very good seats towards the front of the

stalls. The weather on the day was lovely and

some of us sat outside a restaurant beside the

Thames and had lunch - lovely! Our next outing

is at the end of July to Bristol to see Singin’ in

the Rain. If anyone is interested in joining the

group please contact me on the phone number

below or email me at

Contact: Valerie Jackson

Travel Group

So far this year we have enjoyed trips to the

National Trust property Baddesley Clinton,

Longleat, Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens and

Swannery, and a steamboat cruise on the

Thames. All have been thoroughly enjoyed and

we still have Hever Castle to look forward to

and our residential to Suffolk. (See website for

more photos

Chesil Beach viewpoint from AbbotsburyGardens

Contact: Ann Allen - 01635 867708

Edith feeding the swans at the Swannery


Triominoes is a new group that started in April

with seven people playing. We meet in our

home and think we could stretch to another four

or five people. We meet on the 4th


of each month, 10am - 12pm. Coffee or tea is

provided for 50p a head which will be donated

to the local air ambulance service. We look

forward to seeing more of you soon. If we get

too big we will have to look for a new venue but

we’ll sort that out if necessary.

Contacts: Bob and Dot Wetton

Walkers Group

The walkers’ group is growing in numbers

although the last two months walks have seen

smaller groups of walkers because it has clashed

with the Travel Groups day outings.

The monthly walks are on our web page and

continue to be led by members of the group. Do

come and join us - we walk on the second

Thursday of each month starting at 2.00 pm.


Joan and Mike Collins

Vintner’s Dozen Wine Appreciation

We have enjoyed another session of very good

hospitality from our members and tasted many

very interesting wines from a variety of northern

and southern hemisphere countries, and a

number of different varieties - red, white, rose

and sparkling. In August we hope to enjoy our

usual summer barbecue, and hopefully the

weather will be kind.

As always we meet every month on the first

Monday of the month in a member’s home.

Contact: Peter Lavarack

Cheers Wine Appreciation

This group continues to meet on the third

Tuesday evening of every month in a member’s

home. The format is very relaxed with a mixture

of wine tasting and general discussion. An

evening meeting has proved to be very popular

as it leaves the rest of the day free of any

interruption - members have not been put off by

late finishing. Our membership is full at present

but for interested U3A members there is always

the opportunity of starting a third group.

Contact: Roy Lawson


We meet on the last Wednesday of the month

in the dining room at Nevil Court for about two

hours, starting at 2.15pm.

We are a nice friendly group who enjoy a game

of cards and a cup of tea. Anyone is welcome.

Contact: Pat Howard

I don't suppose you lot are the slightest bit interested in what I've been doing but, as I have to write something, I shall tell you. Having collected all your subs and entered the info onto a spreadsheet and into a receipt book I passed it all on to Sue, our treasurer. There are now 328 of you and I have just worked out how many newsletters we need so that you all get to read one if you so wish. 273 is the number I came up with so you can work out how many of you are couples. When the newsletters are produced by Ann and printed I shall note who gets one at the open meeting and then create labels for those not attending. Having folded the remaining newsletters and put them all in envelopes, stamped and addressed them, I then go and jam up all the local post boxes and think, “Yay all done till the next time!” Ann-marie

From the Editor Please could I have all contributions

for the next Newsletter by the end of

the 3rd

week of October? Thank you.

The indefatigable Jane Head arranged another of

her popular afternoons which drew a sell-out

crowd to the Frank Hutchings Hall where we all

enjoyed an appetising lunch. Jane would like to

thank all the people who helped and those who

provided tea and coffee.

The entertainment was provided by Ken Fitt who

impressed so many people when he came to sing

and play at the General Meeting last year. He is a

quite remarkable gentleman for any age with his

skill, enthusiasm and knowledge. How can a man

born in 1927 have so much energy? He gave us a

splendid, expert session on the subject of

Twentieth Century Popular Music in Britain with

vocal examples of many styles and also clarinet

and saxophone solos.

Thank you Jane - it was a lovely get-together in

every way.

Report by Richard Hyland



The Village Agent Scheme is a scheme aimed at

getting the right services to the right people and

aims to put older and/or socially isolated residents in

direct contact with various community, voluntary

and statutory organisations so those residents can

get the help and advice they need and to enable

them to participate in the activities available in and

around their community.

Jackie Shore is one of three Thatcham Village


If you or someone you know would like Jackie to

help please contact her directly or contact the

Village Agent Coordinator on 01635 49004.

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