that’s me!€¦ · that’s me! three models of social recruitment: which one suits your...

Post on 17-Jun-2020






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That’s me!

Three Models of Social Recruitment:

Which one suits your organization?

Review purpose of our meeting today 1 The Three Bigs in Social Recruiting 2 Job Distribution 3 Getting Social 4 Take Aways… 5


Review purpose of our meeting today 1 The Three Bigs in Social Recruiting 2 Job Distribution 3 Getting Social 4 Take Aways… 5


3 Key Platforms: (1) Linkedin

• Job Board

• Professional Network

150M+ Members


• Recruiter Profiles, Company

pages etc…

3 Key Platforms: (2) Facebook

900M+ Members

• Personal Network: Friends, Family, Old schoolmates…

• Facebook users keep track

of friends, family etc. and

keep others updated on them

Opportunity to leverage personal networks for job search – who would you ask

for help?

3 Key Platforms: (3) Twitter

• • Network on Twitter with people or things who you

share interests with

• Use Twitter to network with people at shared events

of interest (or attendance)

• Create lists to sort the people followed into categories based

on interest

• May have met some followers

and some following: Different!

• #SEARCH!!!

“1.6B Search queries a DAY on Twitter” ~ TechCrunch

500M+ Members

Review purpose of our meeting today 1 The Three Bigs in Social Recruiting 2 Job Distribution 3 Getting Social 4 Take Aways… 5


LinkedIn: Post Jobs

Facebook: The New Company Website…


Use Jobs Tab to promote, network and brand


Use Technology and Social to Build Awareness


Partner with Marketing to have a Presence


Twitter: Job Distribution/Brand Promotion


• Managed by TweetMyJobs

• Automatic feed

• Efficient, hands off

• Optimized for search

• Only Jobs postings: 120/mo

• 2011: 41,000 redirects

• Job seekers driven to careers site

How can you generate more views?

Baby Step! Twitter: #Distribution

• Charles Schwab: No branding!

• Managed by TweetMyJobs

• Automatic feed

• Efficient, hands off

• Optimized for search

• Targeted Distribution

• No branding

• No conversation

• No exposure

Manual or automated: Set expectations!




Introductions 1 The Three Bigs in Social Recruiting 2 Job Distribution 3 Getting Social 4 Take Aways… 5


Linkedin: Recruiting Profiles & Group Postings

Twitter: Build Community and Brand

• Managed by GEICO

• Correspondence with candidates

• Personalized

• Job Postings cross promote @GEICO_Jobs

Job Distribution Different Purpose

Branding SEARCH

Facebook: Two Way Dialog

Surprising benefits to consider…

• Social creates a channel for candidate/recruiter communication, again…

• Uncover gaps in interview/hiring process

• A unique opportunity to share company culture

• Community helps each other

• Tapping into a new pool of candidates

• Highly engaged candidates – even when passive

• Increasing referrals

• Building brand awareness


Review purpose of our meeting today 1 The Three Bigs in Social Recruiting 2 Job Distribution 3 Getting Social 4 Takeaways… 5


Don’t get stuck in the boardroom!

Understand your limitations

• Is your industry regulated? (FINRA etc)

• Are your decision makers just uncomfortable? Why?


• If your Marketing department is there already – build off the footprint

• Usually job distribution is a “safe” starting point if there are concerns

If you want to engage in dialog…

Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn:

• Company Awards

• Company and industry news

• Jobs!!

• Photos of associates

• Helpful job search tips and articles

• Open up conversation

• Shout-out to events attending

• Correspondence with candidates about the application/interviewing process

If you plan to distribute jobs…

On Facebook:

• Consider user experience

• Make sure you are sharing jobs WITH your brand

On Twitter:

• Make sure you are hashtagging: #Jobs #Job etc…

• Delete jobs once they have been filled

• Delete and refresh your jobs (think of a traditional board)

• IF you are distributing more than 2-3 jobs a day, consider separating out any job tweeting from the conversation

Mira Greenland, Director Sales and Business Development Twitter: @MiraGreenland Email: Phone: 508.787.5711

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