that show his love. we learn about god’s security

Post on 07-Jan-2022






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Quarterly Theme: God’s Security ................................................................ 3An Honor and a Privilege ............................................................................ 4

Scripture Readings ...................................................................................... 5Lesson Overview ......................................................................................... 6Memory Verse Chart ................................................................................... 7Certificate .................................................................................................... 8

Unit 1—Accepting God’s Will ................................................................... 9 1—Noah Accepted God’s Will ............................................................. 11 2—Job Accepted God’s Will ................................................................ 17 3—Gideon Accepted God’s Will ........................................................... 23 4—Elijah Accepted God’s Will .............................................................. 29

Unit 2—God Cares for His People .......................................................... 35 5—The Baby in the Basket ................................................................... 37 6—Moses and the Burning Bush ......................................................... 43 7—Moses Helps God’s People ............................................................ 49 8—The Crosswalk in the Sea ............................................................... 55 9—Food from the Sky .......................................................................... 61

Unit 3—Brave People Who Loved God .................................................. 67 10—David and the Giant ........................................................................ 69 11—Three Friends in the Fire ................................................................. 75 12—Daniel and the Den of Lions ........................................................... 81 13—The Beautiful Queen ....................................................................... 87

We Learn About God’s Security

The children will praise God for daily blessings that show His love.

Director’s GuideFall 2021

Beyond Basics Quarterly Theme—

GGod’sod’s S Securityecurity

This quarter’s theme is learning about God’s security. You can feel secure with God because He protects, provides and cares for you. To be secure in God is not to be anxious or fearful of the circumstances around you. The first unit tells us of four individuals who were secure in God’s plan for their lives. The children will learn that, when they accept God’s will, He will provide a way out of any trouble or danger. God had asked Noah, Gideon and Elijah to do things that did not seem logical to man. Yet, they obeyed and because of their obedience God delivered them from their cir-cumstances. Job was a man who loved God, and, even though tragedy touched him personally, he remained obedient. The second unit is about Moses and his calling to lead God’s people from Egypt. God kept Moses secure by providing for him. Moses escaped death as a baby, and God continued to provide for Moses through his life. He fled to Midian where he was safe from the wrath of Pharaoh. In time God called Moses back to Egypt. Once God delivered His people, He provided for them in the wilderness in a mighty way. Through the lessons on Moses, the chil-dren will learn God is their provider as well as their deliverer. The last unit is about six individuals who were secure in God’s protection for them. They all went up against a situation that could have cost them their lives. They trusted God to protect them. Since they remained faithful, God gave them the courage and bravery needed to stand against their circumstances. It is hoped that through these lessons the children will also learn of God’s security and that, as they grow, they will come to rely upon God to provide, protect and care for them. The Lord is trustworthy and reliable. Their faith and trust in the Lord will allow Him to work in their lives to help them. Today, we have even greater security that is wrought in us when we have accepted the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We are forever secure in the salva-tion He has given to us through faith. Our salvation does not depend on our service and works. Sometimes we do feel inadequate in our service to the Lord. But it is because His Holy Spirit dwells within us we can continue to grow and serve. On page 7 you will find a Memory Verse chart. Use this chart as an encour-agement for the children to say the Memory Verse. Have each child say the Memory Verse at the end of each God’s Word in Me session or you can do this as part of Wrap Up. If the children can say the Memory Verse, let them put stickers by their names. It’s good to memorize God’s Word. When God’s Word is in our hearts, God can help us and deliver us from evil. On page 8 you will find a certificate. Make a copy of the certificate for each child. At the end of this quarter fill out the certificate and give one to each child. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and attentiveness in class. They are building a good foundation in following the Lord.


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Accepting God’s Will



it 1

Unit Objective: To learn God will take care of those who are obedient to His will.

The Message This unit covers four stories of four different men. God called these men for a special purpose. Each one loved the Lord and walked in His ways. These men showed unquestioning obedience and faith to the Lord. Because of their obedience, God took care of each one of them. Lesson 1 is about Noah. Noah was called to build an ark. God wanted to spare Noah’s life because Noah loved God. Noah was obedient to this calling. Lesson 2 reveals to us the suffering of Job. Job suffered greatly. Through his suffering he never cursed God. He remained humbled and faithful to Him. Job did not turn from God, and God blessed him double fold. Lesson 3 shows the strength and courage of Gideon as he led only three hundred men to defeat the enemy army. Lesson 4 talks about Elijah. God took care of Elijah during a famine. These men showed strength and courage in following God. They walked by faith. They had established a relationship with God. They knew the Lord would provide for them. Do we have unwavering faith in our lives? Have we been established and rooted in God’s Word. If we are reading and applying God’s Word on a daily basis, it will be easier to be obedient. Through each step of obedience we will become more established and rooted in the ways of God. How important it is to teach children obedience. Obedience brings forth cheerfulness and contentment. Children should be taught early to be obedient to those in authority. As they grow, they will learn to shift their obedience to the will of God.

Preview Take the time to go over each portion of the lessons. Gather each item you might need. Being organized will make each class session go smoother. Each activity is made to correlate with the main objective of the lesson. By the end of class, the children should have a good understanding of what the lesson is teaching. Read the Memory Verse to each lesson several times. Take time to meditate on them. To meditate means “to think deeply.” When we have a thorough understanding of the Word, we can better teach it.





Familiarize yourself with both songs for Unit 1. Let your own heart sing forth praises unto God as you teach the songs to the children. Being prepared with a joyous attitude and an organized classroom will make each class go better.

Suggested Songs for Unit 1: • “Onward, Christian Soldiers” • “When the Saints Go Marching In”

Supplies for Unit 1


Large cardboard boxWhite paperLarge bowl or bucketFan or hair dryerSmall vacuumBlocksWhite and black construction

paperScissorsStaplerWhite crayons or markersTapeSmall paper bag (Dexter)

Small tree branchesGlue, hot glue gunCrayonsDixie or Styrofoam cupsSmall ballSmall paper bagsSmall rocks and leavesCrackersLuncheon meatPencilsPicture of green landPicture of dry landColored poster board

To the Teacher As we look at the life of Noah in this lesson, we can be assured of God’s care for His children. The flood can represent the trials we are going through. Through the flood Noah was sheltered in the comfort of the ark. We as God’s children can be sheltered in the comfort of His love and peace through each trial we face. The days in which Noah lived were wicked. The times we live in today are wicked also. Many of the last day prophesies of what man would be like are coming to pass. Jesus Himself said man would become just as he was in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37, 38). In the last days also, man would become disobedient to authority. They would seek after those things that pleased them-selves (2 Timothy 3:1-4). Are we not seeing these things come to pass in our society today? “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). Grace is favor. God looked down and was pleased with the way Noah and his family lived. They lived according to God’s commandments. They loved the Lord and were obedient to Him. Noah taught his children from a young age to love and obey

God. They knew obedience to God was the right way. Because of Noah’s righteous and obedient liv-ing, God would not destroy him or his family. God protected them through the devastating results of the flood. God promises in His Word He will take care of those who live righteously (Psalm 5:12). When our lives show forth the righteousness of the Lord and we are living in obedience to Him, God will bring us safely through the troubles each of us face in our lives.


Noah followed God’s instructions to build the ark.

“Noah walked

with God.”Genesis 6:9

Text: Genesis 6—9

September 5, 2021

Learners will participate in activities that teach how Noah

obeyedGod and trusted Him for safety during

the flood.

There had been no rain upon the earth. Yet, God told Noah to build an ark. To man this would not be logical. Would we have a hard time doing something if it didn’t seem logical to us? Doing something differently from how we think it should be done is faith. Noah had faith. Noah did not question God. He just did what God asked him to do. Noah had faith because he followed God on a daily basis. If we do not have a daily walk with God, we will lack faith when we are challenged with trials in our lives. We need to look at Noah’s life of obedience and remember (1) God wanted to protect Noah and his family from the flood. God offered His protection because “Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). (2) It was Noah’s faith that brought him through the flood. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Noah had never seen rain. Yet, he believed God when He told him a great rain would flood the earth and destroy every living thing (Genesis 6:13). Do we step out in faith in our lives when it seems the answer is not clear to us? When we know the Holy Spirit is prompting us to take an action, how do we respond? Do we fail to respond in faith and obedience, or do we do as Noah did—trust in God for the outcome. Let’s walk in faith so that we can discover the purpose God has for us. By faith we will be pleasing to Him (Hebrews 11:6). Getting Started Children need to understand children’s chapel is church. They will learn about God’s love in a special way. Lead them to understand the importance of prayer. Let them know their moms and dads also spend time praying with the church body in the sanctuary. Read Psalm 5:5. We have the assurance God will hear us when we pray. He wants us to pray to Him. Taking time to pray shows God we love Him. Have prayer requests and prayer.

Wiggle Buster (Game)

The objective of Wiggle Buster is that the children will learn to trust an adult who is in authority. If the adult is not asking anything wrong of the child, the child needs to learn to obey him. This obedience will carry over to God as the children grow. You will tell the children that today it will snow and be windy in the classroom. They need to obey your instructions even though it does not seem logical to have these things happen. The following items will be needed:

• Large cardboard box • Fan or a hair dryer • White paper • A small hand vacuum • Large bowl or bucket

Have ahead of time the large cardboard box. Tear or cut the white paper into tiny pieces. You will use this for snow. Keep the snow in a large bowl or bucket. God told Noah to build an ark. What is an ark? Why did Noah have to build the ark? The ark was going to protect Noah and his family from a flood. Noah wanted to be protected from the flood so he listened to God.


What do we do to protect us from the different weather? If the weather is hot and sunny, what do we do? Running through a sprinkler or going for a swim helps cool us off. What do we do to protect us from the snow and the cold? We wear more clothes in the cold weather so that we will be warm. God has provided us with wonderful ways to protect ourselves in the different kinds of weather. Today it is going to snow and be windy in the classroom. The children will have a hard time believing this. Instruct some of the students to get inside the box (ark) so that when it snows they will be protected. When all the children are inside, take the snow and dump it all over the box and the other children who are not in the box. Oh no, it is snowing. Stay inside the ark so that you will be protected. Now tell the children to trade places. This time turn on the fan or hair dryer and blow it over the box and on the children who are outside. Oh no, it is windy out here. Stay inside the ark, so that you will be protected. When you are finished, ask each one what he was protected from. Why were you protected? You were protected because you obeyed. Noah was protected because he obeyed God.

Celebration Praise (Music)

The purpose of Celebration Praise is that the children will have an oppor-

tunity to learn about being faithful to the Lord through song.

Use “Onward Christian Soldiers” and “When the Saints Go Marching In”

for Unit 1.

Sing both songs for this unit. Sing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” several times. Today’s lesson is about Noah. Noah was a soldier for the Lord. He kept working on the ark even though people did not believe that it was going to rain. Noah believed and obeyed God.

Real Life(Lesson)

The objective of Real Life is that the children learn to obey God even if they don’t understand why. Obeying will give us faith and living by faith pleases God.


For this lesson you will need:

• A set of blocks • Box used for Wiggle Buster, cut one side of the box open. • White heart RL1-1 (Beyond Basics Visuals) • Black Heart RL1-2 (Beyond Basics Visuals) • Rainbow RL1-3 (Beyond Basics Resource Book) Remind the children to listen while you read from God’s Word. Have them open their Bibles to Genesis chapter 6. I am going to read verses 5 through 8 and verses 13 and 14. God saw that all the people on the earth were evil. Hold up the black heart. Do we know what evil is? Evil is doing anything that is against what God would want us to do. Evil gives us a black, dirty heart. God was sad to see that man did not want to obey Him. Because God was not happy with the way man acted, He was going to destroy the earth. Do we know how God was going to destroy the earth? There was one man and his family that made God happy. Hold up the white heart. Do we know his name? God was happy with Noah because he obeyed God. Obeying gives us a clean heart. How can we obey and have a clean heart? Because Noah obeyed God, God wanted to save him from the flood. Do we know how God was going to save Noah? Discuss that, when we trust God, He helps us out of troubles and gives us a happy heart. God told Noah to build an ark. At this time direct the children to the blocks. Pair the children in groups of two or three. Give them several minutes to build an ark or a shelter with the blocks. What kinds of things do shel-ters protect us from? Man will build shelters to protect him from dif-ferent kinds of weather. God wants to protect us from bad things. When something bad happens, we need to pray to God to help us get through the bad times. We need to pray that God will keep us from evil. God will destroy the evil but will help the good. When the ark was finished, Noah, his family and all the animals went inside the ark. At this time you will need the box from Wiggle Buster. Choose one child to be Noah. Line the other children up in pairs and assign each child an animal to act out. Have Noah lead the animals into the ark. Have Noah get inside the ark. Have the children sit while you sit in front of them. When everyone was safe inside the ark, it began to rain after seven days. It rained for forty days and forty nights. The water covered up all of the earth to the highest mountain. Finally, the rain stopped. The ark came to a stop on top of Mount Ararat. After many more days of Noah’s being in the ark, Noah sent out a raven and then a dove. Have the children flap their arms like birds. The dove came back. Noah sent out the dove two more times, and the


second time it did not come back. There was enough dry land for it to rest. Noah, his family and all the animals came out of the ark. They were on dry land. If we are obedient to God, God will keep us safe. God promised never to flood the whole earth again. Do we know the sign of God’s promise? A beautiful colorful rainbow is the sign of God’s promise. When do we see rainbows? We see rainbows after it rains. Conclusion Noah had faith in God. He knew God would do what He said. Sometimes it is hard to believe things will turn out okay. If we love God and try to do what is right, God will always help us. Have the children color their rainbows.

God’s Word in Me (Memory Verse)

The objective of this activity is to teach the children Genesis 6:9, “Noah walked with God.” You will need:

• Memory Verse marker MV1-1 (Beyond Basics Resource Book) Help the children open their Bibles to today’s Memory Verse. Tell them the verse is Genesis 6:9. Read the verse. Have the children repeat. Explain what each word means. Who was Noah? Noah was a man who obeyed God. How do we walk with God? We walk with God by obeying Him. Who is God? God is our Creator. To walk with God is to obey Him. What are some things that God tells us to do? Give each child a Memory Verse marker. Instruct him to put the marker where today’s Memory Verse can be found.

In Other Words The objective of In Other Words is to understand today’s verse by walking together. Have the children form a line by linking their arms with each other. Instruct them they are to walk together around the room several times. If a child seems to walk too slow or is too much in a hurry, remind him to walk with the rest of the group. When they are finished, explain that it is always nice to be able to walk with someone. Friends will walk with each other and help each other. When we are obeying God, He is our friend. He will walk with us. This means His Spirit will be close to us. When we do not obey God, He will not want to walk with us. God loves us so much He wants to walk with us. Doing what God wants will make us happy. Let’s say the verse one more time together.


I Made It Myself (Craft)

The objective of I Made It Myself is that the children will learn to want a clean heart by doing right. For this project you will need:

• Heart pattern C1-1 (Beyond Basics Resource Book) • Black and white construction paper • Scissors • Stapler • White crayons or markers

With the heart pattern cut out a white heart and a black heart for each child. On the white hearts write the word obeys. Discuss with the children the things they can do that show obedience. Write some of these things on the white hearts such as love or kindness. These things will give us clean hearts. Using the white crayons, write the word disobeys on the black hearts. Discuss what shows disobedience. Write some of these things on the black hearts such as hate or selfish. These things give us dirty hearts. What kind of heart do you want? When done staple the two hearts together.

Every Day with Jesus (Devotional Guide)

Prepare one copy of week 1 devotional guide for each family. Let the parents know the children learned about Noah and the flood today and Noah was an awesome example of faith and obedience to the Lord. Encourage the readings of the devotional so that the children will be reminded of the con-cepts in today’s lesson.

Wrap Up (Closing)

Take this time for review. It is important for children at this age to have repetition. Ask questions about the lesson. Who was Noah? What did God do for Noah? What is obeying? How can we obey? How does God take care of us? Go over today’s Memory Verse. Praise children for their attention in today’s class. As they leave, tell them you are looking forward to seeing them next week.


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