
Post on 05-Mar-2016






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English test


I. The Article Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones: +/- articleLife can be very hard for the poor.

She is learning guitar.

What an awful weather!

When I go there, I always order fettuccini served with amazing pesto sauce.

The children are at school.

He went to bed to check if the children were sleeping.

We went to the Maggies last night.

Do British people shake the hands when they meet?

In the summer Ill buy a new car.

It was a beautiful day. There wasnt cloud in the sky.

II. Word FormationAdd the correct prefixes to the words in bold. 1) My husband lets his .......-wife run the show. It's driving me crazy and we fight about it constantly.2) At the meeting, no one interrupted the Prime Ministers .......logue about education.3) If there is any .........understanding and discord between you and Mary, I can't blame her for it at all.4) If you're .......lingual and interested in working with the media, public speaking or other volunteer opportunities, let us know.5) Protect your devices with the best free .........virus on the market.

III. Phrasal verbsbe about to be after be against be awaybe inbe overBreak down break upbreak outbreak offbreak intobreak in (on)

1) After threats of torture, they broke the spy ________2) I was in a relationship with a guy for 3 years. Then out of the blue he broke _____ with me.3) Is your boyfriend acting like a total fruitcake? Hes jittery, slams his laptop shut when you walk into the room and now hes having lunch with your sister. Dont panic, hes not going mad, hes just _______ propose.4) I'll be _____for the next 5 days.5) A horrible thing happened to me today.....a thief broke _____ my house.6) How can I prevent my dad from smoking? He's _____ the hospital right now.7) The plague broke _____ in the village of Eyam in Derbyshire, brought on a shipment of old clothes sent from London.8) Britain is _______ propose changes to European economic policy.9) Negotiations between the two countries were broken . . . following the murder of the ambassador.10) The police are _____ him.11) I wish the wars were all ________ . 12) He broke ______ the conversation to remind us it was getting late.

IV. Translate into english.

1) Australienii sunt oameni buni.2) Prima fata din grup a inceput sa vorbeasca.3) Barul lui Tom este un loc foarte interesant.4) Un domn Johnson vrea sa vorbeasca cu tine la telefon.5) Sunt putine sperante ( aproape 0 ) sa-mi gasesc cartea.6) Am cumparat cateva carti luna asta.7) Am cumparat o casa. Este mare. Fratele meu mi-a zis ca este o casa mare.8) El s-a dus la biserica sa se roage.9) Vrei sa vezi o poza a satului in care am copilarit ?10) El si-a uitat bagajul cand a plecat cu trenul.

V. Answer the following questions:

1) What are your hobbies?

2) Whats your favourite food?

3) Are you a pet lover ?

4) Can public transport compete with the private car?

5) Which do you prefer: reading books or watching movies?

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