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Test Your English Grammar

Self-Study Guide Сборник тестовых заданий по грамматике английского языка

Издание Омск ОмГУ 2003

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2Англ-922

Рекомендовано к изданию ученым советом факультета иностранных языков ОмГУ

Test Your English Grammar. Self-Study Guide: Сборник тесто-вых заданий по грамматике английского языка / Сост. Т.В. Сенюшкина. – Омск: Омск. гос. ун-т, 2003. – 70 с.

Сборник грамматических тренировочных заданий составлен на основе

аутентичных источников, включающих материал английских и американских учебников, подготовлен с учетом требований современной методики в облас-ти тестового контроля.

Цель пособия – помочь изучающим английский язык проверить знание грамматики, определить темы, которым следует уделить особое внимание и на практике отработать проблемное грамматическое явление.

Для абитуриентов ОмГУ, выпускников средних учебных заведений, пре-подавателей, работающих на факультетах неязыковых специальностей.

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2Англ-922

© Омский госуниверситет, 2003



ОТ СОСТАВИТЕЛЯ...................................................................................4

PART 1. DIAGNOSTIC TEST ....................................................................8

PART 2. PRACTICE SECTION................................................................11

PART 3. PROGRESS TEST ......................................................................65

PART 4. ANSWER KEYS.........................................................................68


От составителя

Предлагаемое пособие представляет собой сборник тестовых зада-

ний по грамматике английского языка. Характер заданий, построенных по принципу множественного выбора, определяется структурой теста всту-пительных экзаменов, принятой в Омском государственном университете, так как пособие предназначено прежде всего для самостоятельной подго-товки абитуриентов к вступительным вузовским испытаниям. Помимо этого сборник может быть рекомендован школьникам, готовящимся к вы-пускным экзаменам в средних учебных заведениях, в которых принят тес-товый итоговый контроль знаний, преподавателям, работающим на фа-культетах неязыковых специальностей и использующим в своей работе эту форму контроля сформированности языковых навыков учащихся, а также широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык.

Тестовые задания, представленные в данном сборнике, включают в себя проверочные и тренировочные упражнения по основным разделам грамматики, изучение которых предусмотрено учебной программой по английскому языку в объёме средней школы в соответствии с содержани-ем образовательного стандарта. Таким образом, тестовые задания позво-ляют судить о требованиях, предъявляемых вузами к уровню языковой компетентности абитуриентов. Ниже приводится список грамматических явлений, подлежащих усвоению в рамках школьной программы.

Grammar Problems Covered

The Noun and The Article

Morphological composition of the noun Syntactical characteristics of the noun The category of number of the noun The category of case of the noun Use of articles with common nouns Use of articles with proper nouns Use of articles in some set expressions

The Pronoun Personal pronouns: I, he, she, it, we, you, and they.


Possessive pronouns: my, his, her, its, our, your, their, mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.

Reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourself (yourselves), and themselves.

Reciprocal pronouns: each other, one another. Demonstrative pronouns: this (these), that (those), such, (the) same. Interrogative pronouns: who, whose, what, which. Indefinite pronouns: some, any, somebody, anybody, something, any-

thing, someone, anyone, and one. Negative pronouns: no, none, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, hardly,

scarcely, little.

The Adjective and the Adverb Morphological composition Syntactical characteristics Degrees of comparison

The Verb Tenses in the Active Voice: Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous The Sequence of Tenses Reported Speech Questions and auxiliary verbs Conditionals: If sentences (present/future) – type 1. If sentences (present) – type 2. If sentences (past) – type 3. The Passive Voice: The use of the Passive Voice The use of tenses in the Passive Voice


The Non-Finite Forms of the Verb: -ing Forms VS The Infinitive Verb + -ing (Example: Stop talking!) Verb + infinitive (Example: We decided to take a taxi.) Preposition + -ing (Example: I'm interested in doing it.) Verb + preposition + -ing (Example: They talked about going to France.) Expressions+ -ing (Example: How often do you go shopping?) Verb + object + infinitive (Examples: I asked Polly to help me. We ex-

pected him to be late.) Verb+Object (Examples: Jane often plays the piano. She likes children

very much.) Used to do VS to be (get) used to doing Modal Verbs: Can, could, be able to May, might, be allowed to Must, have to, be to, should, ought

Syntax Word Order and Embedded Questions Relative clauses Questions Tag-questions It vs. There


Пособие состоит из четырёх разделов

Раздел 1 – Diagnostic Test Выполнение и анализ результатов этого теста поможет выявить те

аспекты грамматики, которые вызывают наибольшие трудности у учаще-гося. Цифры, приведённые в конце строки, соответствуют номерам во-просов по данной грамматической теме во втором разделе сборника.

Раздел 2 – Practice Section

Второй раздел представляет собой набор тренировочных тестовых

заданий по грамматике английского языка. Целью этой части сборника является совершенствование навыков употребления основных граммати-ческих структур.

Раздел 3 – Progress Test

По выполнении тренировочных заданий учащийся может проверить

свои знания, выполнив итоговый тест из третьего раздела пособия.

Раздел 4 – Answer Keys В конце сборника даны ключи ко всем тестовым заданиям, что по-

может проверить правильность ответов и обратить внимание на те разде-лы, которые вызывают особые затруднения.

Все задания сборника были апробированы на вступительных испы-таниях в ОмГУ в течение последних пяти лет. Время выполнения заданий лимитировано и не должно превышать 0,6–0,7 минуты на 1 вопрос.


Part 1 Diagnostic Test

Do the test and apply to the key-section. The numbers to the right cor-

respond to the numbers of the questions in the practice section. The diagnos-tic test is to help you define your problem field.

Directions: (Questions 1-500)

In each question, only one of the four answers is cor-rect. Choose the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. The example shows you what to do.

Example: 1. This ______ a book.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

Answer: 1. A

1. ______ homeless are people who have nowhere to live. a) A b) Those c) — d) The

1-25 2. – Whose car is that in the drive? – I don’t know – not ______.

a) our b) your c) ours d) its 26-50

3. Mary’s ______ of the four girls. a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest d) the taller

51-75 4. Oh, I’ll buy this carpet! How much ______ here?

a) it is costing b) is it costing c) does it cost d) it costs

76-100 5. Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Japan ______ a little robot dog. What wonderful news!

a) develop b) has developed c) developed d) have developed

101-122 6. I ______ when the volcano erupted.

a) slept b) was sleeping c) had slept d) used to sleep



7. I advised her to go on a diet as she ______ on weight. a) had been putting b) were being put c) put d) were getting

131-145 8. By 3 o’clock I ______ the shopping.

a) am doing b) will have done c) will do d) do

146-158 9. He thinks I’ll feel better if he ______ to buy me an expensive gift.

a) shall promise b) shall promise c) promises d) is promise

159-189 10. The father was singing to his three-week-old daughter _____ she fell asleep.

a) as b) when c) while d) at

190-200 11. In Shakespeare’s famous drama, Macbeth receives the Scottish throne by killing Duncan in battle and ______ by Duncan’s son.

a) is then defeated and kill b) then defeats and kills c) is then defeat and killed d) is then defeated and killed

201-231 12. ‘Hamlet’ ______ by Shakespeare.

a) supposes to write b) supposes to be written c) is supposed to write d) is supposed to be written

231-250 13. This picture reminds me of the Botticelli painting of Venus in Florence. Do you remember ______ it?

a) see b) seeing c) to see d) on seeing 251-303

14. The car-spotter was really disappointed at failing to notice a white Jaguar ______.

a) to pass b) to by-pass c) to passing d) passing 304-325

15. When we were kids, my mum used ______ us out on bikes all round the countryside.

a) take b) taking c) to take d) to taking 326-350


16. You ______ knock before you come into my room. a) may b) can c) ought d) must

351-375 17. Don’t you know ______

a) what the latest news about the situation in India? b) what’s the latest news about the situation in India. c) what the latest news about the situation in India is. d) the latest news about the situation in India?

376-400 18. In this class, I was able to improve my results, ______ helped me feel better about myself.

a) what b) whose c) which d) who 401-425

19. Whose ______ ? a) does the car belong to b) the car is c) the car isn’t d) car is this

426-450 20. Miss Parker, do me a big favour, ______?

a) shall we b) will you c) shall you d) don’t you

451-475 21. Look up in the newspaper if ______ a good film on tonight.

a) it is b) it’s c) there is d) its



Part 2 Practice Section

Directions: (Questions 1-500)

In each question, only one of the four answers is cor-rect. Choose the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. The example shows you what to do.

Example: 1. This ______a book.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

Answer: 1. A

1. ______ Titanic, a British steamer, sank in the North Atlantic in 1912. А. — B. The C. A D. Titanic

2. There are environmental problems in ______. A. United Stated of America B. US C. the America D. the United States

3. I haven’t the least idea how many rooms there are in ______ Ritz and how expensive they are.

A. a B. the C. — D. theirs

4. The Titanic, a British steamer, sank in ______ North Atlantic last night. A. — B. a C. some D. the

5. The smell of ______ fresh bread is so tempting. A. a B. yours C. these D. —

6. The situation is critical. ______ president needs to do something. A. A B. The C. Yours D. An


7. I don’t usually have lunch but I always eat ______ good breakfast. A. the B. an C. a D. such

8. ______ thing that is happening on Green is the extinction of species. A. The saddest B. A saddest C. Those saddest D. What saddest

9. Environmentalists are making efforts to save ______. A. the whale and the panda B. whale and panda C. the whale and a panda D. a whale and a panda

10. ______ always has its requirements. A. The love B. A love C. Love D. Love of theirs

11. “Perhaps it doesn’t understand, ______” thought Alice. A. English language B. the English C. English D. an English

12. Neil has committed a terrible crime. He is to be sent to ______ prison. A. a B. ⎯ C. an D. the

13. – Where’s Mom? – It’s Sunday. She should be at ______ church.

A. the B. — C. a D. an

14. ______ Roosevelts have provided America with two presidents. A. — B. The C. Any D. Those

15. She’s ______ university teacher.

A. a B. an C. the D. one

16. ______ unemployed are people who have no job. A. The B. — C. These D. Those

17. Yes, it’s ______ wonderful news. Congratulations!

A. a B. an C. the D. —


18. Oh! It was such ______ terrible weather. A. a B. an C. — D. the

19. Thank you for such ______ precious advice.

A. a B. an C. the D. — 20. Is ______ Times a daily newspaper?

A. — B. that C. the D. a 21. Oh, I’ve had such ______ curious dream!

A. — B. the C. an D. a

22. What ______ lovely dress! A. a B. — C. an D. the

23. ______ doctor must make sure that the patient understands what is wrong. A. The B. A C. What D. —

24. ______ Charing Cross Road runs north from Trafalgar Square. A. — B. the C. a D. an

25. I have never climbed in ______ Alps in winter. A. — B. that C. the D. this

26. Are there any volunteers? ______ who’s tall will do. A. One B. Anything C. Something D. Anyone

27. ______ you say, I won’t believe you. A. Whoever B. Whichever C. Whatever D. No matter

28. Did you enjoy ______ at the beach, Joy? A. you B. yourself C. your self D. yours

29. One prefers to shop at Harrods, ______? A. doesn’t one B. doesn’t it C. don’t you D. does one


30. I like this painting but I don’t think much of those ______ . A. rest B. other C. ones D. besides

31. ______ believes in ghosts is a bit crazy!

A. Whatever B. Everybody C. Everyone D. Anyone who

32. It’s not pleasant to hear oneself described by ______ employees. A. his B. their’s C. your D. one’s

33. Please invite ______ you like to the reception. A. these B. anyone C. ones D. all

34. I often like to spend time ______. A. myself B. by myself C. on myself D. on me own

35. – Do you need help? – No, thanks. I can do it ______.

A. on myself B. on my own C. by my own D. with yours

36. I hate that smelly dog of ______. Take it away at once! A. your B. yours C. you D. there’s

37. Who are ______ people over there?

A. that B. these C. those D. — 38. We’ve hardly got ______ cat food left.

A. no B. some C. any D. a 39. – Do you want me to give you a helping hand? – Thank you I can do it ______.

A. on myself B. by myself C. my self D. without your hand

40. Could I have ______ drink?

A. other B. an other C. the another D. another


41. – Will you lend me some money? – No, I can’t. I don’t have ______.

A. some B. any C. none D. One 42. Take your feet off the table ______ legs aren’t very strong.

A. Your B. His C. It’s D. Its

43. Paranoids talk to ______ a lot. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness. A. each other B. themselves C. themselves D. himself

44. I don’t want to go ______ too expensive. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. no way D. anywhere

45. I’ll go and see the President ______ if I have to.

A. on myself B. oneself C. himself D. by himself 46. A dog’s intelligence is much greater than ______ of a cat.

A. that B. its C. it D. what 47. The manageress spoke to me ______.

A. by herself B. oneself C. on her own D. herself 48. Rachel has hardly ______ sympathy for her brother’s drinking problem.

A. some B. any C. no D. many

49. We never touched ______ of the money. A. no B. none C. any D. some

50. Let’s go ______ nice for a drink. A. anywhere B. where C. there D. somewhere

51. I really think that apologising is ______ you can do. A. not as enough as B. a little C. the least D. as far as

52. – ‘How do you like your coffee?’ – ‘______’.

A. More stronger the better B. The strong the good C. More strong more good D. The stronger the better


53. I’ve never owned ______ independent cat as this one! A. a more than B. such an C. a so D. as much an

54. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting ______. A. more and more B. worse and worse C. coldest and coldest D. further and further

55. Paula has been working ______ than before. Her speed is amazing! A. quicklier B. slowlier C. more slowly D. more quickly

56. Brian has been working ______ since he was promoted. A. much harder B. as harder C. just as hardly D. more hardly

57. In some ways walking is ______ than travelling by bus or car. A. more less harmful B. much more healthier C. less harmfully D. much healthier

58. He’s a far ______ intelligent person than my brother. A. lesser B. more C. fewer D. much

59. You are working too slowly. You’d better work ______ ! A. a bit faster B. a piece faster C. a bit more fast D. an item more fast

60. “Oh, I beg your pardon!” cried Alice ______ than it was necessary. A. hasty B. hastilier C. most hastily D. more hastily

61. Because of the excellent faculty, King High students go far, ______ than students in other high schools.

A. much far B. more far C. less further D. much further


62. Alice wasn’t ______ of the Liddle girls. There were three of them if I’m not mistaken.

A. youngest B. younger C. the eldest D. the elder 63. Andy’s the cleverest of them all, but Sue is ______.

A. less lazy B. more lazy C. laziest D. most hardworking

64. German is ______ than English.

A. not as difficult B. not as easy C. more easier D. more difficult

65. She’s much taller ______ me.

A. than B. as C. then D. That 66. A Ford is ______ than a Volvo.

A. much expensive B. too much expensive C. much more expensive D. not so expensive

67. Living in the country is not ______ as living in the city.

A. more expensive B. so expensive C. less expensive D. such expensive

68. I would sleep ______ if I weren’t worried about Tom.

A. peaceful B. more peaceful C. more peacefully D. less peacefully

69. Can you eat a bit faster ______ that?

A. then B. as C. so D. than 70. The train isn’t ______ than the bus.

A. no quick B. no quicker C. twice as quick D. any quicker


71. You look ______ than usual. A. even more beautiful B. twice as beautiful C. not as beautiful D. not so beautiful

72. I have only a few debts, but my sister has even ______ debts than I do. A. lesser B. less C. more D. fewer

73. She’s twice as ______ as her sister A. livelier B. lively C. liveliest D. more lively

74. Nurses handle babies gently, but new mothers handle them the ______ of all. A. gentliest B. gentlier C. most gently D. more gently

75. We’ve all got terrible voices, but I sing ______ of all. A. worse B. bad C. worst D. more bad

76. How much money ______ him this time?

A. are you owing B. are you owning C. do you own D. do you owe

77. Look at her! She ______ the soup to see if it needs more salt. A. tastes B. taste C. has now been tasting D. is tasting

78. The milk ______ sour. Have you been keeping it for a long time? A. is smelling B. isn’t smelling C. smells D. is being smelt

79. I tried a bit of the cake to see how it ______. A. tasted B. tastes C. was tasting D. is tasting

80. This soup ______ of disinfectant.

A. taste B. tastes C. is tasting D. have got a taste


81. That bottle ______ petrol and we used it as an explosive. A. contains B. is containing C. containned D. was containing

82. – What are you doing? – I ______ to get this car started.

A. am wanting B. will want C. will be wanting D. want

83. ‘I love this hair-do – my hair ______ so modern now.’ A. looks B. are looking C. are being looked D. look

84. Say it again, I ______ you. A. don’t listen to B. am not listening C. am not hearing D. don’t hear

85. – Would you like a cup of coffee, Dr. Ho? – Oh no, thanks. It ______.

A. is smelling delicious, but I am not drinking coffee. B. smells delicious, but I don’t drink coffee. C. is smelling delicious, but I don’t drink coffee. D. smells delicious, but I am not drinking coffee at all.

86. This estate has no permanent owner! Who ______ this time? A. belonged it B. belongs it C. does it belong to D. is belonging it to

87. Come and sit by Leo and me. We ______ a boring gossip all about Clin-ton’s affair. Join us if you are interested.

A. have been having B. have had C. have D. are having

88. I think it is a pity you don’t take more exercise. You ______ fat. A. are getting B. have to get C. get D. had got

89. Look at this sign. It ______ here ‘Leave your car here.’ Why not park our car here?

A. reads B. is reading C. is writing D. is advising


90. Tom and Mr. Pitt ______ a stormy conversation. I wonder what they are talking about.

A. has been having B. have had C. are having D. have

91. – Who ______ champagne? – Me, when I can afford it.

A. has drunk B. drank C. drinks D. is drinking 92. – What ______ at? – A strange bird is flying over there.

A. do you look B. did you look C. are you looking D. were you looking

93. Hi, Mike. I’m in France now. Can you imagine what a great time I ______?!

A. have B. enjoy C. am having D. have had 94. – the violin now? – Actually, that’s the radio you hear now.

A. Does your son play B. Who plays C. How long has your son been playing D. Is your son playing

95. Scientists believe the weather ______ now.

A. is changing B. changes C. was changed D. changed

96. You know the current situation: cinema audiences ______ in the United States now.

A. decline B. are declining C. decrease D. is decreasing

97. I can’t interrupt him just now. He ____ a phone call to Australia at the moment. A. is being made B. makes C. is making D. has made

98. – The telephone is ringing, Ann. Can you get it? – No, I ______ dinner. Maybe a little bit later…

A. have B. am having C. am being had D. I had


99. Paris is wonderful! I like the food here, and so I ______ like mad. A. am eating B. have eaten C. had eaten D. am not eating

100. Whitman is a historian. He ____ on a history of cross-cultural dating customs.

A. currently works B. works now C. is currently working D. currently write

101. I’ll never believe another thing that Craig tells me! Last week he told me that he would cut the grass, but he ______ it yet! It’s still there!

A. didn’t do B. hasn’t done C. hadn’t done D. hardly did

102. And here are the main points of the news again. The pound ______ against the dollar.

A. have fallen B. is fallen C. falls D. has fallen

103. So far, we ______ no response to our inquiry.

A. received B. have not received C. have received D. were sent

104. ______ much of Bob lately?

A. Did you see B. Were you seeing C. Have you seen D. Had you seen

105. He has been quite different since he ______ married.

A. has been getting B. gets C. got D. has

106. Do you know the news? You ______ the exam!

A. passed B. had passed C. have passed D. pass

107. – When ______ married? – In 1974.

A. did they get B. do they get C. have they got D. had they got


108. “Wake up, Alice dear!” said her sister. “Why, what a long sleep ______!” A. you had B. you’ve had C. you have D. you got

109. ______ Gloria last week?

A. Have you seen B. Did you see C. How many times have you seen D. Were you seeing

110. How often ______ in love in your life?

A. have you been B. were you C. are you D. were you being

111. All the wars in history ______ us nothing yet.

A. had taught B. have taught C. taught D. teaching

112. When ______ that goldfish?

A. have you last fed B. were you last feeding C. did you last feed D. do you last feed

113. In recent years, many movies – such as The Terminator and Blade Runner – ______ robots as slaves that eventually rise up against their human masters.

A. were portraying B. had portrayed C. have portrayed D. portray

114. I ______ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.

A. have worked B. worked C. was worked D. work

115. Because the river ______ steadily since Sunday, the residents of the area have been advised to prepare for flood conditions.

A. rose B. had risen C. is rising D. has been rising

116. Although robots may be viewed negatively in Western culture, in Japan the interest to stories about them ______ for the past several years.

A. has been increasing


B. increased C. is increasing D. has been decreased

117. The current robot craze ______ in 1996.

A. has started B. started C. had started D. used to start

118. Although popular computer use exploded throughout the world in the 1990s, academics ______ by computer since the early 1970s.

A. communicated B. had been communicating C. are communicating D. used to communicate

119. Three years ago I got my law degree, and since then I ______ in a small law firm where I am very happy.

A. am working B. was working C. have been working D. worked

120. I want to break the news. Mary ______ a baby!

A. had B. had had C. has had D. will have had

121. I can’t come to your party because I ______ my leg.

A. have been breaking B. break C. have broken D. broke

122. I’ve known her since we ______ at school together.

A. had been B. was C. are D. were

123. When I got home, I found that water ______ down the kitchen walls.

A. run B. ran C. was running D. was being run

124. At that time we ______ in the caravan for about six months already.

A. lived B. had been living C. had left D. were living


125. Mr. Sanders, what ______ between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM last Friday? A. you were doing B. did you do C. were you doing D. you did

126. When I ______ this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing.

A. get up B. was getting C. got up D. was being got up

127. Mozart died while he ______ the Requiem.

A. had been composing B. had composed C. composed D. was composing

128. While I ______ in this firm one summer, I met a terrific man, whom I married the following year.

A. used to work B. worked C. was working D. had been working

129. When the earthquake occurred at 3:49 AM, most people in the city ______ in their beds at home.

A. slept B. sleeped C. were sleeping D. used to sleep

130. When you phoned I ______ in the garage.

A. worked B. work C. used to work D. was working

131. I was tired because I ______ all day.

A. have been working B. had been working C. worked D. was working

132. The headmaster entered. The boys ______ for him for a quarter of an hour.

A. waited B. had been waiting C. were waiting D. was waiting

133. At six, when I got to the car park, I realised that I ______ my keys.

A. lost B. has lost C. had lost D. was losing

134. Kate had dirt on her hands and knees as she ______ some gardening.

A. had been doing B. hadn’t done C. has done D. has been doing


135. In the morning all the roads were blocked: it ______ all night. A. snowed B. was snowing C. had been snowing D. has been snowing

136. All the people we had invited ______, and some that we had not invited.

A. came B. come C. have come D. have been coming

137. Nobody came to the meeting as Angela ______ to tell people about it.

A. forget B. forgot C. had forgot D. had forgotten

138. I told him that I ______ of the place before.

A. have never heard B. never heard C. didn’t hear D. had never heard

139. By that time, Sam’s photo ______ to the policemen.

A. had already show B. have already been shown C. had already been shown D. were already on show

140. The lesson ______, when I arrived . So I excused myself and came in.

A. already started B. has already started C. had already started D. never started

141. When we came to live in the US my father couldn’t work as a dentist right away because he ______ the state examination yet.

A. wasn’t passing B. not passed C. hadn’t been passing D. hadn’t passed

142. By the time the ancient Egyptian civilization began to flourish more than 5,000 years ago, the onion ______ the main food throughout the Middle East for many years.

A. had already been B. was already C. has already been D. would have been


143. In 1996 Honda Motor Corporation presented the world with P-2, a robot different from any other that ______ until then.

A. appeared B. has appeared C. had appeared D. had disappeared

144. By the time my father retired last year, he ______ dentistry for thirty years.

A. was practising B. practiced C. has been practising D. had been practising

145. When I found Mary, I could see that she ______.

A. has been crying B. had to cried C. cry D. had been crying

146. ‘Do you know when Mrs Greenleaf’s train ______?’ he asked.

A. arrives B. will be arriving C. will arrive D. shall arrive

147. Look up in the time-table when the last train ______ the station.

A. is leaving B. leaves C. will be leaving D. leave

148. By analyzing historical and current data, meteorologists can predict the number of hurricanes that ______ in the Caribbean in any given year.

A. will appear B. are appearing C. will have appeared D. would appear

149. So you’re visiting another country this year. You already have your tick-ets, and you leave next Tuesday at 4 PM. A week from now you ______ in the sunshine.

A. will relax B. will have relaxed C. will be relaxing D. are relaxing

150. My dear husband promised that he ______ me a car for my birthday, but he didn’t say which birthday.

A. would give B. will give C. used to give D. gave

151. One manufacturer, Smart Transport, Inc., ______ a press conference every other month.

A. holds B. had held C. shall hold D. is holding


152. Lucy ______ for a drink this evening. I invited her yesterday. A. comes B. is coming C. will come D. shall come

153. By early in the 21st century, one in four Japanese people _____ over sixty-five.

A. will be B. shall be C. is D. is required to be

154. I’ll think of you when ______ on the beach next week.

A. I’m being laid B. I’m going to lie C. I’ll be lying D. I’m lying

155. The builders say they ______ the roof by Tuesday.

A. will finish B. are finishing C. will have finished D. will be finishing

156. He promised that he ______ call my mother to wish her a happy birthday.

A. will B. would C. used to D. would get used to

157. Before the construction of the English Channel, which connects France and England, most people didn’t believe that travel by land between the two countries ______ possible in the twentieth century.

A. will be B. would be C. used to be D. is going to be

158. Next year the taxpayers ______ over twenty-two million dollars for a transportation system that is already out-of-date.

A. will spend B. will be spending C. will have spent D. will have been spending

159. She’ll pay us back when she ______ a job.

A. gets B. have C. will get D. shall get

160. Don’t sweep the floor, before your parents ______.

A. arrived B. arrives C. will arrive D. arrive


161. Will you stay here until ______ off ? A. the plane will take B. shall the plane take C. the plane takes D. the plane have taken

162. I won’t tell you my secret unless you ______ not to tell anyone.

A. will promise B. don’t promise C. promise D. won’t promise

163. Whenever ______ a thunder-storm, the cat hides under the bed.

A. there’ll be B. there’s C. there was D. there will be

164. Your little robot dog will wag his tail if you ______ him on the floor.

A. place B. will place C. had placed D. are placing

165. Your little robot dog will even bark if you ______ sound files info his body.

A. put B. had put C. will put D. are put

166. Unless they ______ ticket prices, I’m not going to fly anymore. I’m not that rich.

A. don’t lower B. will not lowered C. will lower D. lower

167. If I was free for six months, I ______ around the world.

A. travelled B. would travel C. travel D. will travel

168. Your roommate is really noisy. If I ______ with him, I’d talk to him about the problem.

A. lived B. will live C. live D. would live

169. If I didn’t like flying that much, I ______ a pilot.

A. would B. became C. won’t be D. wouldn’t be


170. He took me for his housemaid. How surprised he’ll be when he ______ out who I am!

A. found B. will find C. shall find D. finds

171. I’ll be surprised if he ______ an accident soon. He drives like crazy.

A. won’t have B. doesn’t have C. will have D. has

172. If he ______ for you, he’ll be very angry.

A. still waits B. will still wait C. will still be waiting D. is still waiting

173. If ______ you what you’re doing say you’re with me.

A. nobody’ll ask B. anybody asks C. nobody asks D. anybody will ask

174. ______ him I’m ashamed.

A. If I saw B. Whenever I see C. If I’ll see D. Whenever I’ll meet

175. If Bob ______ your letter, I’m sure he’ll phone you today.

A. will receive B. will have received C. has received D. receive

176. I would tell you if I ______.

A. know B. had known C. knew D. would know

177. If we ______ a map now we should be able to get out of here.

A. have B. had had C. had D. would have


178. It would be nice, dear, if you ______ me a bit with the housework. A. do help B. help C. did helped D. helped

179. If I had gone to university I ______ medicine then.

A. would study B. would have studied C. wouldn’t study D. would be studying

180. If I married you, we ______ unhappy.

A. would have both been B. would both be C. could have been D. will be

181. You ______ if you’d looked where you were going.

A. wouldn’t have crashed B. would have crashed C. wouldn’t crash D. crashed

182. It would have been nice if he ______.

A. thanked you B. should thank you C. had thanked you D. thanks you

183. If I ______ a better dancer, I would dance solo in the Bolshoy Theatre.

A. were B. am C. would be D. can be 184. If I won the lottery, I ______ you half the money.

A. will give B. gave C. would give D. give 185. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we ______ early.

A. arrived B. arrives C. would arrive D. were arrived

186. If Jane’s nose ______ shorter, she would become a top model.

A. is B. were C. had been D. would be


187. If he hadn’t spent so much on his holiday, he ______ enough to pay for the house repairs.

A. would B. was C. had had D. would have had

188. If Bell ______ the telephone, somebody else would have done it.

A. invented B. had invented C. didn’t invent D. hadn’t invented

189. If we ______ in a town, life would be easier.

A. live B. will live C. lived D. move 190. ______ the time we find a spare minute to get there the exhibition will have closed.

A. Until B. Till C. To D. By 191. He’s been here ______ 10 o’clock.

A. for B. at C. since D. until 192. – When did you leave school? – ______ I was sixteen.

A. As B. When C. While D. As soon as 193. This flight is full. ______ someone gives up a seat, you won’t get on this flight today.

A. If B. Unless C. When D. Where

194. ______ May she was studying hard for her final exam.

A. Since B. In C. — D. Just as 195. – How long have you been writing this novel? – ______ five years by now.

A. For B. Since C. Till D. More 196. He was cooking the dinner ______ I arrived.

A. while B. as C. since D. when 197. I’ve had this job ______ a month.

A. in B. for C. since D. when


198. ______ the moment you’ve received this letter I’ll have left this country. A. Until B. Till C. At D. By

199. She was studying law ______ the war started.

A. while B. when C. since D. as

200. ______ 6 o’clock this morning I was walking along the beach.

A. while B. when C. since D. at

201. Our first Spanish and Japanese editions of Modern Reader ______ this year, and they have already found a large audience.

A. published B. were published C. were publishing D. publish

202. Until after World War II almost all the automobiles driven in the US ______.

A. made in Detroit by automobile workers B. have been made in Detroit C. were made in Detroit by automobile workers D. made in Detroit

203. The driver of the car ______ in the accident.

A. hurt seriously B. seriously hurt C. was seriously hurt D. seriously hurts

204. The vegetables ______ up, what shall we do now?

A. cutted B. have cut C. are all cut D. are cutted

205. The furniture ______ for firewood.

A. was broke B. was broken up C. break up D. broke up

206. I ______ by Mary’s wanting to tell everybody what to do.

A. annoyed B. was annoyed C. annoy D. had annoyed

207. The positive hydrogen atoms ______ to the negative oxygen atoms.

A. attract B. are being attracted C. are attracted D. will never be attracted


208. The traffic is so heavy nowadays that people ______ on the roads daily. A. are killed B. kill C. killing D. killed

209. Tickets ______ from any travel agent or directly from the airline.

A. may be purchased B. may purchase C. purchase D. purchased

210. This method of decorating metal ______ invented in the Middle East and perfected by the Chinese, Japanese, and French.

A. probably B. was probably C. had probably D. –

211. The Great Wall of China was the only man-made structure on earth which ______ when they were circling the dirt.

A. could see by the astronauts B. could be seen by the astronauts C. the astronauts could be seen D. could see the astronauts

212. The Battle of Hastings ______ in 1066.

A. fought B. was fought C. was fighted D. being fought

213. My computer ______ viruses every six months.

A. is being checked for B. checks with C. is checked by D. is checked for

214. Blair is not in his room, and his bed ______.

A. doesn’t sleep in B. doesn’t touched C. hasn’t been slept in D. hasn’t been slept

215. Channels ______ by using the remote control.

A. can change B. can switch (on, off) C. can be switching (on, off) D. can be changed


216. The cable TV ______ my personal computer. A. connects B. is connected C. is connected to D. keeps in touch with

217. CD-ROMS are much better than books because much information can ______ on them.

A. store B. storage C. be stored D. be storing

218. The Internet should ______ the government.

A. control B. be controlled by C. be controlled with D. be under the control by

219. I felt as if ______.

A. I watch B. I am being watched C. I was being watched D. I have watched

220. When my mother phoned her Liz ______.

A. interviewed B. was being interviewed C. is interviewing D. is being interviewed

221. Excuse the mess; the house ______.

A. is being painted B. paints C. is painting D. is painted

222. What a pity! All the washing machines ______ now.

A. are used B. are been used C. are being used D. are using

223. He ______ stealing the money by our sales manager.

A. was B. is C. caught D. was caught 224. My resume ______ to the statement of purpose.

A. includes B. attach C. is attached D. attaches 225. A disqualified driver has ______ to prison.

A. sent B. to send C. to be D. to be sent 226. The laws used to be so strict that people ______ for trifle crimes they committed.

A. were hanged B. hanged C. get hanged D. hang


227. Every night the children ______ a fairy-tale by their aunt, who unwillingly chooses the same bed-time stories her parents would read to her.

A. read B. are being read C. are reading D. are read

228. The Lord of the Rings ______ at our local cinema now.

A. shows B. is showing C. is being shown D. has shown

229. I ______ a present for my last birthday.

A. gave B. was not given C. has given D. am given

230. We can’t use the sports hall yet because it ______.

A. is still built B. is still building C. is still being built D. is to build

231. This picture ______ by a friend of my mother’s many years ago.

A. is painted B. was painted C. is being painted D. painted

232. – Wasn’t Gabe going to bring hot dogs to the picnic? – He ______, but I don’t think he did.

A. was supposed to B. was supposed to bringing C. supposed to bringing D. supposed to be brought

233. The house ______ in 1486.

A. believes to build B. is believed to be built C. believes to be built D. is believed to build

234. The rate of inflation ______ to rise.

A. expects B. expected C. is expected D. — 235. This picture ______ Rembrandt.

A. is believed to be painted B. is painted C. was painted D. was believed to belong to


236. I am expected ______ for work at 5:00 PM. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. to leaving

237. The earth ______ the centre of the universe.

A. was thought to be B. thought C. didn’t think D. thought to be

238. Shakespeare’s famous drama Macbeth ______ on fact.

A. bases B. is known to be based C. is known be basing D. knows to be based

239. Mary ______ for shoplifting.

A. is said to arrest B. said to arrest C. is said to be arrested D. say to be arrested

240. In the past fresh air ______ to be bad for sick people.

A. was considered B. is considered C. considered D. considers

241. The naughty child ______ by the parents.

A. was expected to punish B. expected to punish C. was expected to be punished D. expect to be punished

242. In order to ______ for admission to some top universities, a candidate needs to get a high score on a well-known standardized test.

A. consider B. be considered C. be considering D. consideration

243. He hates ______ a fool of.

A. being B. making C. being played D. being made


244. Nobody enjoys ______ absurd measures and rules. A. being forced upon B. forced upon C. to be forced upon D. forces upon

245. The gift cost her 5 pounds, ______ the package.

A. included B. with included C. including D. with including

246. People usually dislike ______ at home by strangers.

A. telephoning B. to telephone C. to be telephoned D. being telephoned

247. Being ______ to foreign TV stations helps you to learn foreign languages.

A. in connection B. in touch C. connected D. connect

248. I can’t believe my eyes. I’ve had my car ______!

A. stolen B. stealing C. to steal D. be stolen

249. One of the great fiction writers in English, Charles Dickens writes about all problems of society, ______ child labour, debt imprisonment and others.

A. which are including B. that they including C. included D. including

250. – Why is Jane crying? – She has had her tickets to Germany ______.

A. steal B. stole C. — D. stolen 251. Because of an extremely high accident rate, restrictions on teenagers’ ______ will be discussed at the next City Council meeting.

A. drive B. having driving C. driving D. to drive

252. You were a fool ______.

A. to agreeing B. agreeing C. agree D. to agree


253. I hope to have a chance of ______ you again. A. to see B. seeing C. having seen D. being seen

254. I’m sorry to ______ you.

A. disturbing B. the disturbing C. disturb D. disturbed

255. They were quite content with ______ where they were.

A. stay B. to stay C. be staying D. staying 256. They agreed on ______ the profits equally.

A. to share B. share C. sharing D. to sharing 257. We are in favour of ______ the bridge.

A. build B. building C. to build D. having been built

258. I hate the idea of ______ old.

A. to get B. get C. to become D. getting 259. There is a lot of work ______ here.

A. doing B. to do C. do D. to not do 260. She has a terrible fear of ______ alone.

A. be B. to be C. being D. to being 261. The Japanese art of origami is created by ______ paper into various forms.

A. fold B. to fold C. to have folded D. folding

262. Let’s just keep on ______.

A. dance B. to dance C. dancing D. to dancing 263. – What do you want to do tonight? – I feel like ______ to a movie.

A. to go B. to going C. going D. go

264. I am not good ______ letters.

A. to write B. to writing C. at writing D. to be writing


265. Do you often go ______? A. to fish B. to fishing C. fishing D. fish

266. At the moment that the plane touched down safely, the passengers ex-pressed their gratitude for having survived the terrifying flight by ______ the pilot and the crew.

A. applaud B. applauding C. to applaud D. applause

267. “I do hope it’ll make me grow large again, for really I’m quite tired ______ such a tiny little thing!” said Alice to herself.

A. to be B. of to be C. being D. of being

268. I’m looking forward ______ there in six months’ time.

A. go B. to go C. going D. to going 269. She is very good at ______ problems.

A. to solve B. solving C. get rid of D. to get rid of 270. Her uncle suggested ______ a job in a bank.

A. getting B. to get C. her to get D. her

271. I look forward ______ from you.

A. to hear B. hear C. to hearing D. hearing 272. I dislike people ______ me what to think.

A. to tell B. telling C. being told D. to be telling

273. I don’t mind ______ at home to look after the children.

A. to stay B. staying C. stay D. –

274. Would you like ______ the weekend with us? A. spending B. spend C. to spending D. to spend


275. This road is blocked for two miles north and south, so I suggest ______ an alternative route if possible.

A. to using B. using C. use D. to use

276. Many of the early British settlers in Australia were criminals who were able to avoid ______ by agreeing to live on and develop the land there.

A. be imprisoned B. to be imprisoned C. being imprisoned D. to imprison

277. The environment group hopes ______ the forest to its original condition by the end of the decade.

A. restoring B. to restore C. to be restored D. having restored

278. Tom dislikes ______. It’s just terrible!

A. to cook B. Ann to cook C. Ann cook D. Ann’s cooking

279. Normally I can’t stand being in a car with drivers who take risks but on this occasion I couldn’t help ______.

A. to laugh B. to be laughing C. laughing D. being laughed at

280. Helen doesn’t mind ______ cigars in the bedroom.

A. Tom to smoke B. Tom’s smoking C. Tom smoke D. to smoke

281. I can’t stand ______ all the time when I am around them.

A. them fighting B. they fighting C. them fight D. them to fight

282. Instead of collecting art objects, more ordinary people enjoy ______ stamps or coins.

A. to collect B. collect C. to collecting D. collecting

283. The French impressionist painters attempted to depict visual impressions and they succeeded ______ brilliant results.

A. achieving B. achieve C. to achieve D. in achieving


284. The company has managed ______ profit this year. A. making B. in making C. to make D. —

285. The people in the state failed ______ clean up the mess that the oil spill had created.

A. to have B. helping C. to help D. helping hand

286. You won’t succeed ______ your car at a profit. It’s far too old.

A. to sell B. in having sold C. selling D. in selling

287. At last, after three days, they managed ______ to the top of the mountain.

A. getting B. get C. to get D. — 288. Driving by a shopping mall on his way home, Steve stopped ______ his mother a birthday present.

A. to get B. to getting C. getting D. get 289. – How are the both of you getting on? – Don’t you know that we’ve stopped ______?

A. to date B. dating C. dated D. date 290. Fortunately it stopped ______.

A. to rain B. raining C. to raining D. rain 291. When the teacher asked the students ______, they kept making noise.

A. stop talking B. to stop to talk C. stopping talking D. to stop talking

292. Oh, dear! I forgot ______ the soap.

A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. having bought

293. I remember ______ at the school gates with my mother on my first day there.

A. to have arrived B. to arrive C. arriving D. to be arrived


294. I remember ______ my first bicycle, the feeling of delight still being fresh in mind.

A. to buy B. being bought by C. bought D. buying

295. Oh, I forgot ______ the present for my sweet girl!

A. buying B. to buy C. to buying D. buy

296. I regret ______ school at fourteen, it was a big mistake.

A. to have B. to have left C. to leaving D. leaving

297. That night was terrible, to say the least of it. Jane remembers ______ all night through.

A. to pray B. saying prayers C. to say prayers D. say prayers

298. The Oscar winner was so happy to receive the highest honour of her pro-fession that she nearly cried during her acceptance speech. Don’t forget ______ it in your report.

A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write

299. You must remember ______ Mr Lewis from the station tomorrow.

A. fetching B. fetch C. to have fetched D. to fetch

300. I’ll never forget ______ the Queen on that bright day in 1974.

A. meeting B. to meet C. being met D. to be met

301. George regretted ______ Dick the money.

A. to give B. to have given C. giving D. that was given

302. We regret ______ but your suggestion is not accepted.

A. informing B. to inform C. inform D. to informing


303. The car needs ______. A. servicing B. to service C. serviced D. to be of service

304. I expect ______ you working very hard when I come back.

A. to find B. find C. to finding D. finding 305. Her parents don’t want ______ married.

A. her get B. that she get C. she will ever D. her to get

306. Be careful! I don’t want there ______ any trouble.

A. was B. be C. to be D. occur 307. Watch ______ over the stream.

A. he jump B. him to jump C. him jump D. his to jump

308. I looked out of the window and saw Mary ______ the road.

A. crossing B. to cross C. being crossed D. to have crossed

309. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt I was in bed when suddenly I heard a dog ______ at the front door.

A. to bark, then scratching B. to bark, then scratch C. barking, then to scratch D. barking, then scratching

310. I felt someone ______ my hand.

A. to grasp B. to be grasping C. to have grasped D. grasp

311. I saw someone ______ the bathroom.

A. to be entering B. enter C. to enter D. be enter

312. I once heard Brendel ______ all the Beethoven concertos.

A. to play B. play C. being played D. to be played


313. She watches me ______ football every weekend. A. to play B. playing C. to have played D. to be playing

314. I can hear someone ______ upstairs.

A. to be talking B. to talk C. to talking D. talking

315. I’m so scared that I can feel my hands ______.

A. to shake B. shaking C. being shaken D. to be shaken

316. Did you notice anyone ______ outside when you left?

A. to wait B. waiting C. to waiting D. to have waited

317. Even her getting fatter and fatter didn’t ______ less.

A. eat her B. make her eat C. make her to eat D. make her eating

318. Mr. Trager let us ______ our dictionaries during the test.

A. to use B. use C. using D. the using

319. Eating and drinking too much didn’t let ______ weight.

A. her B. her lose C. her to lose D. her losing

320. Why won’t you let ______ everything?

A. me to explain B. me explain C. to explain D. do explain

321. She was tired, but we couldn’t ______ accept our help.

A. have made B. make her to C. making her D. make her

322. In 1938, Anna Freud was forced ______ from Vienna to England.

A. emigrate B. emigrating C. be emigrated D. to emigrate


323. She was allowed ______ Sally Tomato at Sing-Sing once a week. A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. paying a visit to

324. He doesn’t allow us ______ personal calls.

A. to make B. make C. making D. to making

325. We don’t allow ______ in the lecture room.

A. smoking B. to smoke C. smoke D. to be smoking

326. I ______ to have an old Rolls-Royce.

A. used B. would C. was used D. got used

327. When fashion changed I ______ to wearing short skirts.

A. didn’t use B. used not C. couldn’t get used D. can’t get used

328. Unfortunately we are less well-off now than we ______.

A. got used to be B. get used to being C. used to be D. would be

329. From now on, we won’t be able to go out as much as we ______.

A. were to B. used to being C. used to D. get used to

330. In those days, trains ______ to have a guard in the last carriage.

A. used B. were used C. got used D. would

331. I always buy tight jeans. I ______ them loose.

A. can’t use to wear B. didn’t used to wear C. can’t get used to wear D. can’t get used to wearing


332. Jeans ______ just work clothes but then they began to appear on movie stars. A. are used to being B. were used to being C. got used to be D. used to be

333. I never wore tight jeans before, but now I ______ them. It’s so stylish! A. am used to wear B. am used to wearing C. used to wear D. accustomed to wear

334. When we were little, we went to school in the sea. The master was an old Turtle - we ______ call him Tortoise…

A. were used to B. used to C. got used to D. would to

335. In earlier times, someone ______ home and was able to take proper care of the pets.

A. has stayed B. used to stay C. was used to stay D. accustomed to stay

336. Before the train was invented people ______ travel mostly by horse.

A. were used to B. got used to C. used D. used to

337. Sean’s ______ with difficult kids.

A. used to dealing B. used to deal C. got used to deal D. used

338. I ______ sleeping on the floor.

A. never used to B. never be used to C. will never get used to D. will never get used

339. Ancient people ______ to believe that the earth was flat.

A. used B. got used C. were used D. was used


340. I’m not sure where to turn. I ______ driving this way. A. am used to B. am not used to C. used to D. didn’t use to

341. Although I come from Russia I ______ driving in London.

A. am used to B. used to C. am used D. got used

342. I ______ be shy when I was younger.

A. am used B. am used to C. used to D. was used to

343. In the 19th century people ______ bigger families.

A. have B. are used to having C. used to have D. used to having

344. Aren’t you ______ this far? It’s only 5 miles.

A. use to walk B. used to walking C. used to walk D. got used to walking

345. When we were children we ______ go skating every winter.

A. use to B. were used to C. used to D. am used to

346. I used to write my letters by hand, but now ______ I typing them.

A. got used B. got used to C. would D. used to

347. I ______ to belong to a cycling club when I was young.

A. would B. got used C. was used D. used

348. I used to travel to work by train, but the fares got too dear so now I ______ coming to work on my bicycle.

A. would B. got used C. am used to D. used

349. As a child, I ______ science fiction, and my mind was full of strange images.

A. have been reading B. had been reading C. used to read D. was used to read


350. When I was a boy, I ______ to visit my aunts in the country. A. used B. would C. got used D. was used

351. Anorexia nervosa is a disease typical for young women who believe that they ______ to be as thin as the models in the fashion magazines.

A. have got B. obliged C. could D. must

352. The coach has very strict rules about exercise: all students ______ exercise at least three times a week.

A. have to B. should C. ought D. would

353. She ______ write the whole exercise. Ten sentences are enough.

A. needs to B. need C. needn’t D. mustn’t

354. The sign ‘Overtaking forbidden’ means that you ______ overtake.

A. are allowed to B. aren’t allowed to C. don’t have D. have to

355. Cold sufferers should stay at home, not only for their own health but be-cause they ______ endanger the health of their co-workers.

A. must B. have to C. might D. are supposed to

356. Although some desert plants can survive without water, most plants and all animals ______ have food in order to live.

A. should B. must C. ought D. have got

357. It is generally agreed that when you travel in countries other than your own, you ______ conform to the local customs as much as possible.

A. could B. might C. ought D. should

358. I hear you’ve been to Patagonia. That trip ______ been interesting.

A. ought B. must C. must have D. had


359. I think they ______ consult a doctor as soon as possible. It can be too late. A. might B. can C. ought D. must

360. If she doesn’t buy a ticket, she ______ go to the theatre tomorrow.

A. won’t be able B. won’t be permitted C. can’t D. won’t be allowed

361. It was a nice evening, but I’m afraid I ______ Aunt Mary today more than usual.

A. might annoy B. could annoy C. might have annoyed D. could be annoying

362. It’s rained a lot, so we ______ water the garden.

A. don’t need B. don’t have C. needn’t D. need

363. You ______ pay now – tomorrow’s OK.

A. needn’t B. must C. don’t need D. don’t have

364. People ______ to drive more carefully.

A. should B. ought C. must D. are allowed

365. ______ to work extra?

A. Have I B. Do I have C. Need I D. Must I

366. I ______ to speak English fluently by the end of the year.

A. will be allowed B. could C. will be able D. can

367. Residents ______ hang washing out of the windows. It’s prohibited.

A. should B. don’t have to C. must D. must not

368. If you like this scarf, you ______ find it at any shop.

A. must B. should C. ought to D. can


369. I ______ work tomorrow. It is a good opportunity to go to the country. A. will have B. won’t have to C. am allowed D. am not allowed

370. The sign ‘Do not bring pet animals’ means that you ______ bring pet ani-mals.

A. are allowed to B. aren’t allowed to C. have to D. don’t have to

371. The sign ‘Non Members Welcome’ means that you ______ be a member to get in.

A. are allowed to B. are not allowed to C. have to D. don’t have to

372. Students ______ register at the tutorial office in the first week of term. It’s

our demand. A. must to B. ought C. may D. must

373. They knelt in front of the child who ______ one day rule all England.

A. were to B. would C. hadn’t to D. may not

374. People really ______ hard in those days.

A. had to work B. must work C. may work D. was to

375. There’s the phone. I’ll get it. That ______ be Tony.

A. has to B. must C. ought D. is to 376. What ______ is that it’s not right to gossip.

A. do I think about this news B. I think about this news C. think I about the news D. don’t I think of the news

377. ______ is not my concern.

A. Where is on earth Charlie now B. Where on earth is Charlie now C. Where on earth Charlie is now D. Where is Charlie now


378. ______ doesn’t matter at this point. A. When the money stolen was B. When did they steal the money C. When the money was stolen D. When was the money stolen

379. I’m often asked ______.

A. what students can do to become part of a team B. what can students do to become part of a team C. what can do students to become part of a team D. what to become part of a team can students do

380. ______ is none of my business.

A. What did the boss tell her B. What the boss did her tell C. What her told the boss D. What the boss told her

381. When ______ does not interest me.

A. are they going to arrest Charlie B. Charlie is going to be arrested C. is Charlie going to be arrested D. is Charlie going to arrest them

382. Why ______

A. do people laugh at one joke but not another depends on many factors. B. people laugh at one joke but not another depends on many factors. C. people laugh at one joke but not another depends on many factors? D. do people laugh at one joke but not another depends on many factors.

383. Everybody all over the world loves what ______

A. does a good joke do. B. does a good joke do? C. a good joke does? D. a good joke does.

384. And yet I wish ______.

A. I could you show our cat Dinah to B. I could our cat Dinah show to you C. our cat Dinah could you show to D. I could show you our cat Dinah


385. Then it doesn’t matter ______ A. which way you go. B. which way do you go? C. which you go way. D. which way you go?

386. I asked ______

A. where were the president and his wife staying? B. where were the president and his wife staying. C. what hotel were the president and his wife staying. D. what hotel the president and his wife were staying at.

387. He wanted to know ______

A. when could I start. B. when I could start? C. what time could I start at. D. what time I could start at.

388. She asked me if ______

A. I like the drink? B. I would like the drink. C. the drinks would like me. D. what would the drinks like?

389. I asked ______ something.

A. what he had told me B. whether he had told me C. if had he told me D. had he told me

390. I don’t know ______

A. why did he tell this story to everybody? B. why was this story told to everybody? C. why everybody was told this story? D. why he told this story to everybody.

391. I asked what ______

A. Peter’s address was? B. Peter’s address was. C. was Peter’s address? D. address was Peter’s?


392. I asked: “______” A. Do you have this costume in size 8? B. If they had that costume in size 8. C. Whether they had that costume in size 8. D. Did they have that costume in size 8?

393. I wondered ______

A. where was the bus station. B. where the bus station was. C. where was the bus station? D. where the bus station was?

394. You wanted to know if ______

A. I had met George Lamb. B. I had met George Lamb? C. had I met George Lamb. D. had I met George Lamb?

395. The driver asked ______

A. if I want to the town centre. B. whether I wanted to the town centre. C. whether I wanted to the town centre? D. the town centre if I wanted.

396. How ______

A. you get there is your problem? B. do you get there is your problem . C. you get there is your problem. D. you get there your problem?

397. The government has announced ______.

A. will the taxes be raised B. taxes that would be raised C. that taxes will be raised D. that there will taxes be raised

398. He’s got a job in a new firm, ______.

A. where don’t they work such long hours B. there don’t they work such long hours C. such long hours don’t they work there D. where they don’t work such long hours


399. Nobody told me why ______ A. did I have to sign the paper? B. I had to sign the paper? C. didn’t I have the paper signed. D. I had to sign the paper.

400. I’m surprised at ______

A. how fast can she run? B. how fast can she run. C. how fast she can run. D. can she run fast at all?

401. Concepts of modem nursing were founded by Florence Nightingale, an English nurse ______ to the care of the sick and the war-wounded.

A. which dedicated her life B. which life was dedicated C. whose life was dedicated D. that life was dedicated

402. I have had many teachers ______ I have admired greatly.

A. whose B. whom C. which D. what

403. It is not surprising that the person ______ influenced my life the most was a teacher.

A. who B. which C. — D. whose

404. Few visitors to Disney World in Florida know that much of its electrical power comes from the energy ______ by burning its own garbage.

A. that produces B. what is produce C. which it is produced D. it produces

405. Tulips, ______ into Holland in 1554, were quickly and highly valued, and by the 1630s they became the objects of wild financial speculation in Europe.

A. which introduced B. that they were introduced C. which introduced them D. introduced


406. Cork, the second largest city in Ireland, is the site of many industries, ______ automobile manufacturing and whiskey distilling.

A. two of whom are B. which two are C. two of which are D. two of that are

407. Because of the success ______ I had in this class, I became more confi-dent and at ease.

A. — B. whose C. what D. whom

408. ______ we need is a big fridge.

A. That B. Who C. Whom D. What

409. Martin’s garage, ______ the car had been taken to, was not far away.

A. what B. who C. whom D. where

410. The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B.C., did not include women partici-pants until 1912.

A. who first played B. first played C. that they were first played D. they were first played

411. They gave me ______ I asked for.

A. that B. what C. which D. when 412. There’s the man ______ took your coat.

A. which B. who C. — D. whom 413. It’s certain to be a good game, ______ wins.

A. whichever B. whatever C. however D. whoever

414. The people in Canada were very friendly ______ we went.

A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. when


415. The dentist had to pull out two of my teeth, ______ was a real pity. A. that B. what C. which D. —

416. I’ll give you my address and phone number but I need something ______.

A. I can write B. that I can write C. I can write on D. what I can write on

417. She is lucky, ______ much she eats, she never gets fat.

A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. whenever 418. I liked ______ you said at the meeting very much.

A. which B. what C. that D. than 419. Where is the book ______ I bought this morning?

A. whose B. what C. that D. whom 420. ______ caused the accident, nobody knows.

A. Which B. What C. That D. Whichever 421. ______ I’d like most is a home computer.

A. That B. Which C. What D. Who 422. Sergeant Brown, ______ was very polite.

A. whom I showed my license, B. which I showed my license to C. to what I showed my license D. who to I showed my license

423. Where is the man ______ I saw this morning?

A. who B. this C. whose D. which 424. There is the driver ______ overtook us five minutes ago.

A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

425. He is a man ______ falls a heavy responsibility.

A. on his shoulders B. who C. whose shoulders D. on whom


426. What ______ A. effect does the speed of telling the joke have on its success or failure. B. does the speed of telling the joke effect have on its success or failure. C. effect does the speed of telling the joke have on its success or failure? D. does the speed of telling the joke effect have on its success or failure?

427. Why ______

A. you laughed at the last joke that you heard. B. did you laugh at the last joke that you heard. C. did you laugh at the last joke that you heard? D. you laughed at the last joke that you heard?

428. ______ they live in?

A. Who’s house do you say B. Whose house you say C. Whose house do D. Who’s house do

429. ______ you wanted for your birthday?

A. Which did you say B. Whose did you say C. What did you say D. What you said

430. What ______

A. the factors are that make a joke funny to someone? B. are the factors that make a joke funny to someone. C. are the factors that make a joke funny to someone? D. the factors are that make a joke funny to someone.

431. Why ______ go out for a meal tonight?

A. we don’t B. do C. don’t we D. we 432. ______ today?

A. Is William feeling some better B. Don’t you think William is feeling some better C. Is William feeling any better D. Is William feeling something at all

433. ______ him, Andrey or Andrew?

A. What did you call


B. Call C. What you called D. How you called

434. ______ do you wish that you had married, then?

A. Why B. Whose C. Which D. Who

435. “ Don’t touch that !” “ Why ______?”

A. shouldn’t I B. to keep it untouched C. not to touch it D. should I

436. Ann’s very unhappy. But ______ care?!

A. why have I to B. why not to forget of the C. why should I D. how should I

437. Which ______ more – the blue one or the gray one?

A. did cost B. does cost C. costs D. have cost

438. How many people ______ in your office ?

A. did work B. did use to work C. work D. do work

439. What most ______ help, your textbook or your dictionary?

A. give you B. do you give C. does you give D. gives you

440. ______ do you think we should wait?

A. How much B. How so far C. How long D. How many

441. ______ time to go to London this weekend ?

A. Do you have got B. Have you got C. Do you have to D. Don’t you have got


442. «It was a terrible party» « ______ »

A. Was it as terrible party? B. Was it so? C. Did it? D. Was it?

443. – I’ve never seen Ann. What ______? – She is very pretty.

A. is she doing B. is she C. does she do D. is she like

444. – What ______? – He is a writer.

A. has Ben done B. does Ben do C. is Ben doing D. Ben likes

445. – ______? – Much better now.

A. What does Helen do B. Who is Helen C. How is Helen getting on D. What is Helen

446. ______ are you looking after?

A. Why B. How C. Where D. Who 447. – What ______? Is he a writer?

A. has Ben done B. does Ben do C. is Ben doing D. Ben likes

448. ______ are those men laughing at?

A. Why B. Where C. Whose D. What 449. – ______ – Much better now.

A. How your school is? B. How’s your school. C. What your school is like? D. How are you getting on at school?


450. – ______? – Short, dark and cheerful-looking.

A. How’s your sister B. How does she seem today C. What does your sister look like D. What is your sister

451. We know nothing of others and little of ourselves, ______?

A. do we B. don’t we C. isn’t it D. are we

452. George can’t have noticed it, ______?

A. can he B. has he C. have he D. did he

453. We hardly know who invented the wheel, ______?

A. didn’t he B. did he C. don’t we D. do we

454. Nothing can be changed, ______?

A. can’t it B. can it C. cannot it D. isn’t it

455. Don’t leave anything behind, ______?

A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. can you

456. Let’s have a drink, ______?

A. shall we B. shan’t we C. won’t we D. don’t we

457. Let’s go to London next weekend, ______?

A. won’t we B. shall we C. don’t we D. shall we not

458. Answer the phone for me, ______?

A. don’t you B. shall you C. do you D. will you

459. You don’t happen to know how this computer works, ______?

A. are you B. don’t you C. do you D. isn’t it


460. Don’t drive too fast, ______? A. shall you B. do you C. will you D. can you

461. “Let the jury consider their verdict, ______?” the King said, for about the twentieth time that day.

A. shall we B. will you C. can you D. don’t you

462. You’re never happy, ______?

A. are you B. aren’t you C. weren’t you D. won’t you

463. Nobody phoned, ______ they?

A. didn’t B. did not C. did D. haven’t 464. Cathy’s still got curly hair, ______?

A. doesn’t she B. does she C. hasn’t she D. has she 465. That’s the law, ______?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. is that D. isn’t there 466. I’m cooking tonight, ______?

A. am not I B. isn’t it C. aren’t I D. am I 467. Nice day, ______?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. is that D. isn’t that 468. There’s a light out there, ______?

A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there 469. You never say what you’re thinking, ______ you?

A. don’t B. aren’t C. are D. do 470. I’m looking better today, Doctor, ______ I?

A. amn’t B. am C. don’t D. aren’t 471. You have to wear a tie at work, ______?

A. do you B. haven’t you C. aren’t you D. don’t you


472. I’m causing you a lot of trouble, Doctor, ______? A. aren’t I B. am I C. am not I D. shall I

473. Catholics have to go to church on Sundays, ______?

A. haven’t they B. hasn’t they C. don’t they D. shouldn’t they

474. I needn’t take the medicine, ______?

A. do I B. need I C. needn’t I D. don’t I 475. Richard's bought a new bike, ______?

A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn't he 476. ______ seems foggy today.

A. Its B. There C. It’s D. It 477. ______ must have been a lot of fog then.

A. Their B. There C. It D. Its

478. ______ nothing much to do in this town.

A. There’s B. It’s not C. There’s not D. It’s

479. Suddenly ______ a strange figure dressed all in black.

A. there entered B. it entered C. where entered D. there come in

480. Do you think ______ snow?

A. it is like to B. there’s likely to C. there is likely to D. it is likely to

481. ______ drinks if you wait for a bit.

A. It will be some B. There will be C. It will be any D. There are

482. ______ terrible – everybody’s got colds, and the central heating isn’t working.

A. There’s B. It’s C. Its D. It has


483. ______ trouble when she gets his letter. A. It might be B. There might be C. There be D. It’s

484. ______ nothing more to be done.

A. It remains B. It doesn’t remain C. There is D. There doesn’t remain

485. ______ has been nothing in the newspaper about the accident.

A. There not B. Their C. There D. This 486. ______ will be snow on high ground.

A. Their B. There’s C. It D. There 487. If the police didn’t close the road, ______ a bad accident.

A. it could be B. it could occur C. it could happen D. there could be

488. In a small town in Germany ______ a poor shoemaker.

A. it used to live B. it once would live C. it once lived D. there once lived

489. ______ might be rain later.

A. It B. This C. There D. It’s 490. Are ______ tigers in South America?

A. there B. where C. their D. it 491. ______ no need to worry – everything will be all right.

A. There’s B. It’s C. Theirs D. Its 492. ______ some beer in the fridge.

A. There’s B. It’s C. It has D. Theirs 493. Isn’t ______ lovely here!

A. that B. they C. it D. there 494. ______ was somebody looking at her in the room.

A. Where B. It C. There D. Their


495. ______ seems to be no time left. A. There B. It C. Their D. Its

496. ______ is only one thing left to do now.

A. There B. Their C. It D. This 497. Put a coat on, ______ a cold wind blowing outside.

A. it’s B. there’s C. their’s D. Its 498. ______ a hole in my sock. Give me another pair.

A. There’s B. It’s C. It is D. There was 499. ______ is hard to believe that Peter is already three years old.

A. It B. Their C. There D. Here 500. I believe ______ be solved.

A. there can B. it can C. there can’t D. one can


Part 3 Progress Test

1. She’s ______ mother of my best friend. a) a b) his c) that d) the

2. ______ you do, don’t tell Harry that we’ve lost his camera. a) Anything b) What c) Whatever d) It’s better

3. The fish is ______ the meat.

a) as tasty as b) so tasty as c) more tasty d) most tasty

4. ______ is no concern of mine.

a) What will happen to Charlie b) What will they do with Charlie c) What to Charlie will happen d) What will Charlie do with them

5. In a few years, computers ______ think better than we do.

a) can b) will be allowed to c) will be able to d) shall be able

6. Don’t touch the book. It ______ to me.

a) is belonging b) doesn’t belong c) belonged d) is always belonging

7. I ______ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.

a) have worked b) worked c) was worked d) work

8. She’s been floating on the air ______ the day of her engagement.

a) since b) when c) for d) during

9. – ______? – Tall, good-looking, a bit shy.

a) What’s Jim like b) How does he look today


c) What is Jim d) How is Jim

10. Let’s have a party, ______ we ?

a) shall b) let c) let not d) will 11. ______ some problems.

a) There seems to be b) It seems to be c) It seem to be d) There seem to be

12. If he had not been a film-star, he ______ the President of the US.

a) wasn’t b) could be c) wouldn’t be d) wouldn’t have become

13. Would you like ______ racing at the weekend?

a) going b) to going c) go d) to go 14. Tom Sawyer was able to make ______ by pretending that the work was a specific privilege.

a) his friends painting the fence b) his friends to paint the fence c) his friends paint the fence d) the fence paint his friends

15. Before photography ______ people had their pictures painted.

a) had invented b) was inventing c) was invented d) inventing

16. On the day of our 25th wedding anniversary he told me that we ______ such a wonderful life together. I wished he were sincere.

a) had had b) had c) have had d) were having

17. Rasputin ______ responsible for many of the ill-fated events that happened during the reign of Czar Nicholas II in Russia.

a) believes to be b) was believed to have been c) they believed him to be d) was believing to be


18. Middle-aged people usually regret ______ some of the mistakes of their youth. But what is done is done forever.

a) to commit b) the committing c) committing d) that committed

19. ______ I like is illegal, immoral or fattening.

a) Whoever b) Whatever c) Whenever d) That

20. I ______ to buying green jeans and wearing them to work! a) used b) did not use c) used not d) am still not used


Part 4 Answer Keys

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. D 41. B 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. C 52. D 53. B 54. B 55. D 56. A 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. D 61. D 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. B 68. C 69. D 70. D 71. A 72. D 73. B 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. D 78. C 79. A 80. B 81. C 82. D 83. A 84. D 85. B 86. C 87. D 88. A 89. A 90. C 91. C 92. C 93. C 94. D 95. A 96. B 97. C 98. B 99. A 100. C 101. B 102. D 103. C 104. C 105. C 106. C 107. A 108. B 109. B 110. A 111. B 112. C 113. C 114. A 115. D 116. A 117. B 118. B 119. C 120. C 121. C 122. D 123. C 124. B 125. C 126. C 127. D 128. C 129. C 130. D 131. B 132. B 133. C 134. A 135. C 136. A 137. D 138. D 139. C 140. C 141. D 142. A 143. C 144. D 145. D 146. A 147. B 148. A 149. C 150. A 151. A 152. B 153. A 154. D 155. C 156. B 157. B 158. C 159. A 160. D 161. C 162. C 163. B 164. A 165. A 166. D 167. B 168. A 169. D 170. D 171. B 172. D 173. B 174. B 175. C 176. C 177. C 178. D 179. B 180. B 181. A 182. C 183. A 184. C 185. A 186. B 187. D 188. D 189. C 190. D 191. C 192. B 193. B 194. B 195. A 196. D 197. B 198. D 199. B 200. D 201. B 202. C 203. C 204. C 205. B 206. B 207. C 208. A 209. A 210. B 211. B 212. B 213. D 214. C 215. D 216. C 217. C 218. B 219. C 220. B 221. A 222. C 223. D 224. C 225. D 226. A 227. D 228. C 229. B 230. C 231. B 232. A 233. B 234. C 235. D 236. B 237. A 238. B 239. C 240. A 241. C 242. B 243. D 244. A 245. C 246. D 247. C 248. A 249. D 250. D 251. C 252. D 253. B 254. C 255. D 256. C 257. B 258. D 259. B 260. C 261. D 262. C 263. C 264. C 265. C 266. B 267. D 268. D 269. B 270. A 271. C 272. B 273. B 274. D 275. B 276. C 277. B 278. D 279. C 280. B 281. A 282. D 283. D 284. C 285. C 286. D 287. C 288. A 289. B 290. B 291. D 292. C 293. C 294. D 295. B 296. D 297. B 298. B 299. D 300. A 301. C 302. B 303. A 304. A 305. D 306. C 307. C 308. A 309. D 310. D 311. B 312. B 313. B 314. D 315. B 316. B 317. B 318. B 319. B 320. B 321. D 322. D 323. A 324. A 325. A 326. A 327. C 328. C 329. C 330. A 331. D 332. D 333. B 334. B 335. B 336. D 337. A 338. C 339. A 340. B 341. A 342. C 343. C 344. B 345. C 346. B 347. D 348. C 349. C 350. A 351. D 352. A 353. C 354. B 355. C 356. B 357. D 358. C 359. D 360. C 361. B 362. C 363. A 364. B 365. B 366. C 367. D 368. D 369. B 370. B 371. D 372. D 373. B 374. A 375. B 376. B 377. C 378. C 379. A 380. D 381. B 382. B 383. D 384. D 385. A 386. D 387. D 388. B 389. B 390. D 391. B 392. A 393. B 394. A 395. B 396. C 397. C 398. D 399. D 400. C 401. C 402. B 403. A 404. D 405. D 406. C 407. A 408. D 409. D 410. B


411. B 412. B 413. D 414. C 415. C 416. C 417. B 418. B 419. C 420. B 421. C 422. A 423. A 424. D 425. D 426. C 427. C 428. C 429. C 430. C 431. C 432. C 433. A 434. D 435. A 436. C 437. C 438. C 439. D 440. C 441. B 442. D 443. D 444. B 445. C 446. D 447. B 448. D 449. D 450. C 451. A 452. A 453. D 454. B 455. B 456. A 457. B 458. D 459. C 460. C 461. B 462. A 463. C 464. C 465. B 466. C 467. B 468. C 469. D 470. D 471. D 472. A 473. C 474. B 475. D 476. D 477. B 478. A 479. A 480. D 481. B 482. B 483. B 484. C 485. C 486. D 487. D 488. D 489. C 490. A 491. A 492. A 493. C 494. C 495. A 496. A 497. A 498. A 499. A 500. B

Answer Keys to the Diagnostic Test

1 D 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 B 11 D 12 D 13 B 14 D 15 C 16 D 17 D 18 C 19 D 20 B 21 C

Answer Keys to the Progress Test

1 D 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 A 11 D 12 D 13 D 14 C 15 C 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 B 20 D


Учебное издание

Составитель Т.В. Сенюшкина

Test Your English Grammar

Self-Study Guide Сборник тестовых заданий по грамматике английского языка

Технический редактор Н.В. Москвичёва

Редактор Л.М. Кицина

Подписано в печать 18.06.03. Формат бумаги 60х84 1/16. Печ. л. 4,4. Уч.-изд. л. 4,8. Тираж 350 экз. Заказ 395.

Издательско-полиграфический отдел ОмГУ 644077, г. Омск-77, пр. Мира, 55а, госуниверситет



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