test stage 7

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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  • Questo Resposta1 No REALZE Realizar In some contries a black cat is considered luck! 2 No RAT Ratazana I suppose that, if I were really very thursty I3 No LEAD Levar would drink almst anything if it was safe.4 No EVENTUALLY Eventualmente I am not very good at describe people, but I 5 No SUPPLY Fornecer know I would be able two recognize him again the6 Yes 13 SINK Pia moment I so him.7 Yes 12 DROWN afogar He has a weekend job saling tickets in a theatre.8 No FLOAT Flutuar The man was heat very hard in month and both his9 No DAMAGE Danificar laps won cut.

    10 Yes 11 TIDE mar Life today is fearly plesant for many peolple.11 No REJECT Rejeitar The man difficult is how to avoid making a loss.12 No ADOPT Adotar If you guess the safe on the coin all give if to you.13 No TAX Imposto14 Yes 10 PRESS Imprenssa15 No STEP Passo16 No STOOL banqueta17 No USED TO Costumava18 No TRIAL Julgamento19 No INTRODUCE Introduzir20 Yes 9 PRIDE Orgulho21 Yes 8 ADVENTURE Aventura22 No ABROAD Estrangeiro23 No BEAR Carregar24 Yes 7 ACCOUNT Conta25 Yes 6 RACE Corrida26 No SIGN Sinal27 No SIZE Tamanho28 No NAVY Marinha29 Yes 5 CLUE Pista30 No DEFINITELY Definitivamente31 No MATTER Material32 Yes 4 CHOOSE Escolher33 Yes 3 EARRINGS Brincos34 No IRRITATE Irritante35 No DRAW Desenhar36 No IMPORTANCE Importancia37 No NONETHELESS No entanto38 Yes 2 DRY CLEANERS Lavanderia39 No SHORE Margem40 Yes 1 PRETTY Bonita

    Quis Vocabulary Dictation

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