tema 1- emotional self-awareness (habilidad de reconocer nuestras emociones]

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Inteligencia Emocional“It is our journey, it is in our hands”

Friday, August 26, 16

Las capacidades necesarias para incrementar nuestra Inteligencia Emocional

• Self-awareness [Reconocimiento de tus emociones]

• Self-regulation [Auto-regulacion de tus emociones]

• Social awareness [Reconocimiento de lo externo que nos rodea]

• Relationship management [Manejo de las relaciones]

Friday, August 26, 16

La Habilidad para reconocer tus Emociones

[Self-Awareness of your Emotions]

Friday, August 26, 16

La Habilidad para reconocer tus Emociones[Self-Awareness of our Emotions]

• El punto clave (keystone) para la consecucion de la Inteligencia Emocional es tener “self-awareness of our feelings” (conocimiento profundo de uno mismo; de sus aspectos emocionales). Cuando fue la primera vez que nos han hablado del concepto de “Inteligencia Emocional”? IQ? or IE?

• El reconocer y entender tus propias emociones te dara el poder de poder de controlarlas, en lugar de que nos controlen. Y por que es tan bueno controlar nuestras emociones?

Friday, August 26, 16

Que puedo lograr como resultado de reconocer mis emociones?

• Cuando entiendes mejor tus fortalezas y debilidades en cuanto al manejo de tus emociones, tu estaras mas confiado de lo que puedes hacer y de lo que aun debes prepararte para hacerlo mejor. Entender nuestras emociones nos ayudara a tomar mejores decisiones o navegarlas mejor.

• Incrementara tu habilidad de empatia

• Hara mas facil expresar tu liderazgo e influencia

• Te dara mas balance en tu vida.

• Lo minimo que hara por ti es “tener mas conciencia de tus emociones”.

Friday, August 26, 16

Nosotros somos duenos de nuestras emociones, no solamente un vehiculo para

que nuestra emocion “aflore”

• A veces pensamos que nuestras emociones, aquellas que nosotros sentimos, son el resultado de las acciones de terceros o de situaciones externas. Puede ser, pero nosotros tenemos la decision de como sentirnos.

• Lo que debe quedar claro es que las emociones son NUESTRAS. Nosotros somos los duenos de como nos sentimos y de poder ajustar “el volumen” de nuestra emocion.

Friday, August 26, 16

Nosotros somos duenos de nuestras emociones

• Debido a que las emociones son NUESTRAS, entonces podemos:

• Estar alerta de nuestra emocion

• Poder identificar especificamente nuestra emocion

• Calibrar nuestra emocion

• Expresar nuestra emocion

Friday, August 26, 16

Reconociendo nuestras emociones: Emotional Literacy - Alfabetismo Emocional

• Emotional Literacy: The ability to express feelings with specific feeling words, in 3 word sentences. (S. Hein, 1996)

• Normalmente las personas que no tienen experiencia de pensar en las emociones no pueden definir mas de 10 o 12 emociones.

• Hay que construir el “emotional literacy”

Friday, August 26, 16

Friday, August 26, 16

Emociones vs Juzgamiento

• Feelings vs Judgements (I feel ..... vs You make me feel ....)

• “I feelings”- Tengamos clara la diferencia entre nuestra “emocion” y un juicio de valor de una persona o una situacion

• Requiere practica para identificar la emocion del “diccionario de emociones”, confirmar que es lo que estamos sintiendo y saber comunicarla bien a fin de poder solucionar temas o sencillamente crecer.

• Digamos la verdad- Nuestra sociedad nos refrena de expresar adecuadamente nuestras emociones. Es acaso esto la razon de tanta desgracia de “rampage” que sucede inclusive en paises de avanzado desarrollo. Conversar de casos de USA y en Latin America.

Friday, August 26, 16

Literatura de las Emociones

If you are interested in working on your emotional literacy, the first step is to start using simple, three word sentences such as these:I feel sad. I feel motivated. I feel offended. I feel appreciated. I feel hurt. I feel disrespected.

This may feel strange at first, since not many people do this. But it gets easier with time, and as you find other people who you can share your true feelings with. (See also emotional honesty)In my experience, sometimes just by naming a feeling, we begin to actually feel the feeling. It seems that by naming the feeling we help our mind access the emotional part of the brain where feelings are stored. This step of identifying the feeling by name is, I believe, essential to a high development of one's innate emotional processing abilities. I also believe that most of the literature on EQ and EI fails to acknowledge the importance of this and of the importance of having a rich emotional vocabulary.

Friday, August 26, 16

Identificando nuestras “hot buttons” y la tendencia en nuestras emociones/reacciones

• Todos tenemos “hot buttons” (algo que sucede y nos saca de quisio, y no podemos pensar racionalmente)

• Reconocer nuestra tendencia de emocion y de reaccion

• Autoregularnos (self regulation)

Friday, August 26, 16

Recomendacion de los Expertos

• Las personas que son inteligentes emocionalmente separan el tiempo adecuado para crecer en self-awareness (el reconocer sus emociones). Una forma de hacer esto es el de reflexionar y meditar sobre ello.

• Tener un espacio de reflexion significa crear un ambiente lo suficientemente calmo en el dia a dia, lejos de las correrias del trabajo y de la familia, para poder darle pensamiento profundo a un crecimiento personal, que finalmente repercutira en la vida laboral, personal y familiar.

Friday, August 26, 16

Reflecting on emotions and how they workNotes taken from ChuckWolfe

• It is important to understand how we feel (and how to have more control) and how others are feeling (so we can influence them). It is a skill that can be learn: Emotional Ability.

• How I am feeling and how I want to feel? How would be more ideal to feel? So I can get the things that I want done. It is all about taking control about your emotions.

• http://emotionroadmap.blogspot.com/2011/10/improve-your-relationships-with-your.html

• Abilities: (a) Identify my emotion - for example I feel unrecognized by my boss and insecure about my relationship with my boss. Then listen to him and ask clarifying questions. You can end identifying that there were some things that you or him/her was not doing right. Therefore, have a constructive conversation with your boss. (b) How would be ideal to feel? I want to feel secure with the relationship with my manager. How I am get from insecure to secure? Answer- a better relationship, help my boss to be clear with me, put together a plan. Periodic review of the plan.

Friday, August 26, 16

Reflecting on emotions and how they workNotes taken from ChuckWolfe

• Look for a motivation to pursue this emotion ability improvement journey. With doing so, you will come up with strategies to create the feeling you want.

• It is always more fruitful and enlightening to have “healthy feelings” than “negative feelings”.

• If I want to change how someone feels about something/someone/or me, then I need to understand the other person’s emotions and how to speak to the person to get traction.

• People that think more frequently about emotions can pick more quickly the emotion being felt and manage it. It is all about awareness and reflection.

• Don’t take things personally. It is not all about you!

• Try not to be judgmental - A very difficult task.

• Don’t live up to the expectations of anybody (parent, spouse/partner, someone meaningful in your life, etc). That does not mean you disrespect them.

Friday, August 26, 16

Reflecting on emotions and how they workNotes taken with ChuckWolfe

• Recognize when you are pushing too hard. If you force the wall, you will pass the wall but will leave bricks behind.

• Take accountability on things you did to get into the situation you ended

• Avoid situations that can trigger your hut buttons

• Be careful when you are getting to the boiling point. Pull back and take some time. Be reflective.

• Recognize when you need some time-out to avoid exploding

• Manage the way you “stop” people in discussions: “Does that sounds right”? “Do you see a point of agreement here”?

• Delusional Uniqueness- like you are the only one that is going through that situation

• Sometimes feeling angry is appropriate.

• Change negative emotion, violence, hate into optimism, giving, loving.

Friday, August 26, 16

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