telasocial presentation and lessons learned with the pilot case at icmc-usp

Post on 14-May-2015






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This presentation covers the TelaSocial project, how it got started within the ICMC-USP community, part of University of Sao Paulo. It covers the open-based goals of the project and specific scenarios related to the pilot program at the ICMC, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in Sao Carlos, Brazil. While the presentation covers the pilot case the messages within this documentation does not represent messages from ICMC. TelaSocial is a social-aware Web-based solution for kiosks. It uses an open model and aims for display-based system that does not get data from traditional broadcast. Instead, it uses the Web and promotes participation for public spaces. The project started in Brazil and we are looking for partners to move on in the direction of open education and to help communities with a participatory solution.


TelaSocial + Lessons Learned in the "Social Kiosk"

pilot project at ICMC - USP

Marcio Galli - Taboca, alumni @ ICMC since 2000 tvless

17 years later..

-1993- 3D Animation and Video ( static work charged by minute ) 1995-1997 - Intermidia Labs ( TCP/IP ) the Web, 3D, and videos; 1997-2000 - Netscape and DHTML2000-2003 - Open Standards Evangelism2004-2005 - Web Developer2005-2007 - Mozilla 2008-2010 - Taboca -> TelaSocial Timelapse

PS: I am alumni at ICMC-USP since 2000. I also spent 8 years at ICMC-USP. This slide is here in case you are a student at ICMC - University of São Paulo. Otherwise just jump.

What is this?

It's a black board? It digests the Web? It shows Media? My own programming can go there? Can I touch it? Can it touch me? Is it an AD space? "TV de anúncios " - you name it. Well it's Not Mobile, Not Desktop Well I see you are using a TV display

Is this the Push Web?

TV or the Web?


4:316:9 FullHDDigital TV + Web Broadcasting continuesChallenge - millions of homes will continue to watch broadcast and they may get extra stuff such as Web?( right side )


Any Size. Desktop || MobH264 -> Open Video Remixing Culture, Subtitles to Open Videos.Challenge - missions of users will continue to interact with open standards such as HTML5, WebGL and in social-based services, p2p models and more.

So what is this direction?


Not the Desktop, Not the MobileNot a TV, Not the Broadcast, Not an ImageYes to Ideas, Focus on IdealsParticipatory and to EvolveSense of SocialBring the Web to CommunitiesHack in Social Growth

Old TV with open door by

Let's get started ( 2008 )

+ Video Static - In the Mozilla community we did a video in a loop in a event in Porto Alegre - staff was sick of it, new people was fine to see it once - static video production BTW; + Mozilla summit in Canada had a 24x7 twitter panel for Flickr an Twitter - real fine and open; Safe people? + Pub in São Carlos has 16+ TV panels; At Bus Station in Sao Paulo the use of panels to see the itinerary; Sao Paulo city has no billboards but increased number of Ads with panels in subway and other spaces. TelaSocial started more than 2 years ago. ICMCJr Project by Paulo Kinicky; Prototypes by Felipe Gomes; Open Source in Development, Pilot Programs; New projects with Universities and major conferences in the open industry;

TelaSocial is one playernot THE playerProject energies:

* Proposed to Drumbeat Incubator* Powered by Mozilla* University Projects - ICMC-USP, Education, panel for K-8-88 * Ongoing planning in R&D

-- * Open Standards Stack ( Gecko / XULRunner ) * Open Source Code ( GitHub ) * Open And Diversity Causes: Events

Web stack for a display panel?

Soft. Architecture

What is TelaSocial Technically:

* An RSS reader and aggregator* A RSS visualization display system* A schedule, a calendar-based events mananger* A Widget runtime execution engine


* Core Stack * Linux Scripts

Content Flow Overview

What is the nature of this project?

How much this costs? Twitter channel or an Intranet?Why to run and test ideas like a project puzzle?

Image credits: Patrick Hoesly

Our ideas about this Puzzle

1 - Loop 10 videos in 1000 people ~ for 365 days2 - Loop Twitter open channels for 1000 people in 365 days in varios locations physical3 - Technical geeks calls for medias: Animation, Flash, Videos, Slides, Pictures4 - Around cases: TV, Fastfood, Bar 16 TVs, Flash animation, Powerpoint in other countries, Semana da computacao video, Mozilla Kiosk FISL video 24x75 -Other cases: How we navigate the web; We click to find things; Very individual, sometimes social, sometimes pushed by our cultural environment;

It pays off to do this?

It may give...

* Sensation Awareness * Understanding* Thoughts * Chance for Action

Well now that we did it, show me the heat

Pilot: We seeded and added water

Oh - you call these petals?


.. a week with water and sun During Freshman Week at ICMC-USP a whole week 24x7 with the panel and we recorded images and tested a number of web-based and social-aware scenarios: Content: Event Week Calendar; Alumni Area; Free open Twitter channel; News from USP site; News from Slashdot, oops even a slight hack - party?

Check full report:

Cases: And, e seeded in different halls in the campus A Panel was installed next to a professors rooms area next to the door of a major conference room:

* At an event people were bouncing at the door - the presentation was in another room; Panel did nothing about it! * Post-its notes in there said things like: Useless information, ugly layout, sounds like advertising, spam, our image falls;A Panel was installed next to a security guard at the ICMC-USP Block 1 hall next to a security guard: * Security: "Hey what about that printer? - the students don't know how to use the printer man."

What friends of the project are saying?

Juliana: Large fonts ticker view for a 30 meters view!Fran: used twitter to talk to students - she uses twitter to create connection points with students already;Rudinei: Need link to project on what is this; Solange: Need dates and better calendar view; José: Can this show stock options?, videos? Others: + Layout noisy - too much text?+ What was the text again? I could not read + Videos - whatever is it! - it calls attention + Alumni : Sent greeting messages in the panel!

Questions and Perceptions

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Horizon

Horizontal Box: WorldCup - wait it's HD! god woldcup is coming;Horizontal Box: Is as powerful as a TV broadcast - put a SOAP opera is fine but something bad can really hurt Horizontal Box: Darn it ! is it a Reality Show now? Horizontal Box: Hell it! you talking a advertising forum?

What are our perceptions?

+ We look around, we compare+ We look in Images. Do we think in Ideals

Perceptions: Images and Ideals

Perceptions: WallsWhat a technology?

Perceptions: WallsThat's a geek in there!

Perceptions: WallsAnother geek hall next to staff people - public investment pushes good food.

Perceptions: WallsThe border of the TV is a hall? why? why a thread? and why again that printer?

Perceptions: WallsIn Lab Caves we found painting

Perceptions: WallsAny base is a platform for a growing petal?

Perceptions: WallsWait - this is not vertical or horizontal?

Perceptions: WallsEven in the transparency

Cases and Future: WallsAnd the winner is...

What we think so far..

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Horizon

Black board is horizontalTVs are horizontalposting boards can be both and are in useads are A4, A3 are everywherePanel is not satisfactory ( ICMC-USP )

TelaSocial Challenge - Look at this picture from another angle: Not paid programming. Not using values from mainstream TV industry or AD industry. And maybe not believe that what was in the "TV" is the truth.


One thing is to make something we can do it now - we have some sources we have the people already communicating - the intranet is ready. This is

"Cotidiano" is AGILE

Another thing is to have this open-based board and local power to community that we know we will step in weird things - not a big problem with the open but this is

NOT AGILE - it can be slow in some organizations

Wait! there is the side B in my discThings are not Black or WhiteWhat are my options? * A is Agile, A is A grade in the grade structure of university scenarios - we love to give As. We have a model to put it now! But, Professor Santana mentioned something at the students award cerimony. We want to get better in value other things aside from standard grade. In the grade filter, an analogy for content ranges: * B is to be nice ( slight open ) * C let's see ( quite open ) * D is darn it ( are are overboard ) * E is error ( you did wrong ) * F is fail ( you failed ) * G is save me God ( you are out of here )

What are options of B,C,D,Etc. ? * Let they talk total? * Involve communities and realities * Create awareness and possibilities for cross-relationship of the internal developments ( academiy and tuition ) with life long and interested parties beyond physical range of campus* Even communication and marketing ( self propaganda ? ) * Boost communication pipelines:

Side B in my vinyl, tracks* 3:45 Clean and Standardize the pipelines * 5:34 Optimize the chain * 2:00 RSS Beat * 3:15 Events Department Sirloin * 4:15:Video/Image Department Sweet Pineaple * 3:10: Remove the fossas AKA Reduce Reuse Recycle ( hidden not reusable work )

At ICMC-USPTracks become Criteria

Workflow relationshipContentInteraction Susteinability and Governance

Criteria: Workflow relationship

System reflects the workflow of information within the local community - department first, working groups, employees, and the wider community.

Criteria: Workflow relationshipI look in the mirror and I know someone else is next to me too.

Feedback says: problems with Latec characters which is not human readable and also dimention and positioning.

Criteria: Workflow relationshipRSS ( main ) //

RSS: ( Agência USP )

From :

Criteria: Content ChannelsBy Media ( We geeks use this model )

Video or Animation; Vector Graphics, Canvas, OGV, HTML5-based widgets, WebGL

By Subject ( get the TV programming, NOT )

Job and internship opportunities, awareness about open causes, conferences adaptation, alumni channels, food, stock options - programming changes by week - you do your baby steps - no hurry to push. By Rights

Creative Commons, CC0, folkscasting

Criteria: InteractionInteractivity

* TouchScreen is when I touch the panel * TouchingScreen is when the panel touches me

Controlled interaction: Intranet and user account based; Social Interaction: by channel - we can enable based on calendar - choreography rules; Identification and threading: we tested QR-code in the panel as a means to show cases where user can capture information. It works for new phones. For social-interaction we tested with Twitter and other systems.

Criteria: Sustainability + Governance

If the software project dies what happens? Less duplication of contentAdd strength to workflow and communication Standards-based improves involvement for customization Add social strenght over time - hope and goal for TelaSocial infra-structure. API wants to facilitate that.

What others are doing?

Case of FISL proposal ( event with 8K participants in 3 days)

They have already the channels:

* Twitter ( people streaming ) * ( people streaming ) * Flickr ( In the wild too, people picture streaming ) * TV Software Livre ( controlled video streaminng ) * Radio ( controlled audio streaming )

Cases and Future:

Q&A and Future mgalli @

@ICMC: Upcoming Course - Customize your Own Social Kiosk with Web-based Standards; Student projects for ICMC customization - ask professor edson@icmc to get involved;Improve the Events/Agenda Widget; Call for other widgets devolopment;@TelaSocial: Contests for Customization and Nich-based Social Causes; Upcoming major open-source conference to use; Get started in K-8+ schools@Mozilla: Continue to break down software component values as an API for a wider range of Web developers - first in Mozilla platform - Jetpack API - Proposal project with Armando Neto.

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