teenage gynecological treatment in kerala | best gynecologist in india

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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TeenageGynecology Issues



Major Gynecological issues among teenagers are:

Painful PeriodsHeavy PeriodsAbsence of PeriodsAbnormal Bleeding


Painful PeriodsPain during periods is a common issue of woman’s menstrualcycle.The level of pain experienced by each woman differs. The pain is classified into Primary Dysmenorrhea and SecondaryDysmenorrhea.Dysmenorrhea is the term medically used for painful period.Primary dysmenorrhea is normal and is experienced by most ofthe woman.


Secondary dysmenorrhea is referred to the pain thatoccur due to some disorder in the female reproductiveorgans.


being under age 20, having a family history of painful periods,smoking, having heavy bleeding with periods, having irregularperiods, having experienced early puberty.

Secondary Dysmenorrhoea is caused by the following:-


Heavy PeriodsDuring periods, if a woman has too much blood loss then she ishaving a gynecological issue called Heavy Periods.The signs and symptoms are: The period is seen to last for more than 7 days She uses more than 6 tampons or sanitary pads in a dayShe changes her sanitary pads every 2 hours.She becomes anaemic due to more blood loss.


She experiences painful menstrual periods due to strongcontraction of uterus wallsThe menstrual bleeding has more blood clots measuring adiameter of more than 1 inch


Absence of PeriodsIrregular periods or menstruation can be absent or missed inteens, but the periods pain should never increase and becomesevere. Although missed periods are common among teenagers, thegap should not exceed beyond 3 – 6 months. Parents must immediately seek professional advice for absenceof period to detect whether the problem is connected to serioushealth defect.


Specific medicationsheavy work out exerciseconsiderable weight loss or gainpoor diet comprising high carbohydrateand fat, and low proteins and ironEating disordersDrug or alcohol intake

Irregular or absence of periods may be influencedby several other factors such as:


Abnormal-BleedingThe reasons for teenagers and adults to experience abnormalbleeding are many. Any girl is said to have abnormal bleeding, if she has the followingpatterns:Unpredictable menstrual cycle – If the bleeding date cannot bepredicted by the woman, she is said to have abnormal periods.Bleeding between periods – Some woman have bleeding twice orthrice in a month.


Very heavy periods – If the menstrual flow andpain is too heavy and severe for her to carry outthe normal activities, she is said to haveabnormal bleeding.Periods lasting longer than seven days – If thebleeding continues more than 7 days, it isconsidered as abnormal.


We Nyle Hospital for Women and Children providetreatment and solution for all teenage and adolescent

gynecology issues.Our Hospital is equipped with world classtreatment facilities and well experienced doctors.Our

treatments are provided at an affordable cost.

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