tecnical e- book

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Tenical e-book Drawing

Drawing of builder

Willian Eduardo Diaz Rahuex

5 T O D I B U J O V E S P E R T I N A

INDEX Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .1 Dimensioning ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Anthropometry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Instruments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Bibliography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Conclucion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .6


This book is very important topics such as bounded is

one of the very important because with them there

sobesmos field measurements and others did as

anthropometry because it is what relates to the

measures of man because with them the measures

and other furniture to use me in everyday life, acted

as the level of electricity because it can see the

strength that is hasi every room or rooms.

REFINE MAP CLASSIFICATION OF DIMENSIONS There are different criteria to classify the dimensions of a drawing, here we will consider two basic classifications, and suitable for beginners in technical drawing. In terms of their importance , The dimensions can be classified into: Dimensions

functional (F): These are essential dimensions for the piece to fulfill its function. Dimensions nonfunctional (NF): Those who serve for the full definition of the part, but are not essential for the part to fulfill its función.Cotas auxiliary (AUX): Also often called "form". Are the dimensions that give the overall dimensions, exterior and interior of a piece. Are indicated in parentheses. These dimensions are not necessary for the manufacture or testing of parts, and can be deduced from other dimensions. Depending on their role in the plan, the dimensions can be classified into: Dimensions of dimension (d): Those that indicate the size of the drawing elements (diameters of holes, width of the piece, etc.).. Dimensions of situation (s): Those that specify the position of the elements of the piece. GENERAL Dimensioning is the process of recording, with lines, figures, signs and symbols, through an object on a previous drawing of it, following a series of rules and conventions established by rules. The certificate is the most complex work of technical drawing, and that for a correct dimensioning of a drawing, you need to know not only the dimensioning standards, but also the manufacturing process of the piece, which implies a knowledge of the machine tools used for machining.

For a correct dimensioning, it is also necessary to know the role allotted to each drawing, that is whether it will serve to make the piece, to verify the dimensions of the same once made, etc. .. Therefore, here we will give a series of rules and regulations, but will practice and experience that leads us to the exercise of proper dimension. Dimension GENERAL PRINCIPLES In general we can consider that a drawing of a part or mechanism is properly bounded, if the indication of the minimum levels used are sufficient and adequate to enable the manufacture of it. This translates into the following general principles:

1. One coat only be provided once in a drawing, unless it is necessary to repeat it. 2. It should not be omitted any dimension. 3. The coordinates are placed on the views that most clearly represent the corresponding elements. 4. All drawing dimensions are expressed in the same

units, should use another unit, shall be clearly expressed, then the dimension. 5. Not narrow down the size of those forms, resulting from the manufacturing process. 6. The coordinates are placed on the outside of the piece. It is permissible to place them in the interior, provided they do not lose clarity in the drawing. 7. Not bounded on hidden edges, except that this would avoid additional views, or substantially clarify the drawing. This can always be avoided by using sections. 8. The dimensions are distributed, taking into account criteria of order, clarity and aesthetics. 9. Dimensions related. as the diameter and depth of a hole, shall be indicated on the same view. 10. Avoid the need to obtain bounds for sum or difference of others, and which may involve errors in manufacturing. FACTORS INVOLVED IN Quotation In the process of dimensioning a drawing, as well as the number of dimensions, lines and symbols involved, which vary depending on the characteristics of the part

and element dimension. All the lines involved in the certificate, shall be made thinner thickness of the series used. The basic elements involved in the certificate are: Dimension lines: lines are parallel to the surface of the workpiece dimension medición.Cifras object: A number that indicates the magnitude. It puts focus on the dimension line. May be in the middle of the dimension line, breaking it, or about the same, but in the same drawing will end criterio.Símbolo one dimension: dimension lines will be terminated at their ends by a symbol, which may be an arrowhead, a small oblique stroke at 45 º or a small circle. Dimension Construction Lines: These lines start drawing perpendicular to the surface to narrow and limit the length of the dimension lines. Protrude slightly from the dimension lines, approximately 2 mm. Exceptionally, as we shall see, can be drawn at 60 ° with dimension lines. Dimension extension lines: Used to indicate a dimensional value, or an explanatory note on the drawings, by a line connecting the text to the piece. The reference lines, end: At arrow, ending in an outline of the pieza.En a point, ending in the interior of the arrow pieza.Sin no point, when they finish in another línea.La

part of the reference line is labeled don the text is

drawn parallel to the narrow element, if this is not

well defined, draw horizontal line or no support for


Symbols: Sometimes the amount of elevation is

accompanied by a symbol indicating the piece formal

features that simplify their marking, and at times can

reduce the number of views needed to define the

part. The most common symbols are:


Anthropometry is a systematized set of technical

measures that express quantitatively human body

dimensions. Anthropometry is often seen as the

traditional tool, and perhaps basic biological

anthropology, but has a long tradition of use in

Physical Education and Sport Sciences, and has found

increased use in the Biomedical Sciences. The

purposes of this chapter are to provide an overview of

anthropometry as a method, to describe a range of

sizes and various proportions or quotients that are

relevant to physical activity and sport science; discuss

issues related to the variability of the measurements

and Quality control in anthropometry and discuss

several applications of anthropometry and the

concept of reference data.

Keywords: determination of anthropometric, body

composition, skinfold, fitness



Body size and proportions, physique and body

composition are important factors in the physical

performance and fitness. Historically, height and

weight, both indicators of overall body size, have

been used extensively to age and sex to identify some

optimal combinations of these variables in groups of

children, youth and young adults in various types of

physical activities . Body size, particularly the weight,

is the standard framework to express the

physiological parameters (eg., The VO2 max. As

ml.kg.-1 min. -1), While the thickness of skin folds is

often used to estimate body composition. It has long

been used to anthropometry to identify overweight

and obesity, and to establish the relationship

between overweight and physical fitness related to

health, and life expectancy. Therefore,

anthropometry is essential as it relates to physical

activity and sport science.



Anthropometry involves the use of reference body

markings, carefully defined, the specific positioning of

the subjects for these measurements, and the use of

appropriate tools. Measurements can be taken on an

individual, are almost unlimited in quantity. Generally,

the measurements are divided into: mass (weight),

lengths and heights, widths and diameters, depths,

circumferences or perimeters, curves or arcs, and

measurements of the soft tissues (skin folds).

In addition, numerous special measurements can be

defined for specific parts of the body, especially your

head and draw the hand and foot. There is a

minimum list of accepted measurements that must be

taken to define a population.

A key issue is the selection anthropometric measurements.

This depends on the purpose of the study and the specific

issues that are under consideration. Therefore, it is

necessary that before the application of anthropometry is

made perfectly logical analysis, starting with a clear concept

of the knowledge sought, and to carry a selection of

measurements necessary to obtain an acceptable response.

"Anthropometry is a method and should be treated as such,

a means to an end not an end in itself." Each measurement

must be selected to provide a specific piece of information

within the context of the study design. Therefore, "no

battery isolated measurements meet the needs of each

study." The corollary is that it is not. Acceptable to take

measurements from measurements in themselves do not

make sense to take an extensive battery of measures,

simply because one has the opportunity

Anthropometry is noninvasive in a physiological sense. All

measurements are external dimensions of the body, or part

thereof. However, anthropometry is invasive in a personal

sense: A person is being measured. In some groups, cultural

norms may limit the dimensions can be measured.

Although anthropometry is highly objective and highly

reliable in the hands of trained anthropometrists, the

biological significance or function of many dimensions has

not been adequately established. The key to effective

anthropometry lies in understanding the meaning or

significance of the measurement problem in order to make

the right choice to enable effective responses to the

questions asked. The measurements differ in their profits,

and some have been firmly established, more due to a blind

repetition because they are known to be useful.

Much of the variation in human morphology is related to

the development of skeletal tissues, muscle and fat, as well

as the viscera. Therefore, the suggested measures are

concentrated in the bones, muscles and fat, and provide

information on skeletal tissue, muscle and subcutaneous.

One should also consider regional variation in morphology,

therefore, we suggest taking dimensions of the trunk (top

and bottom) and extremities (upper and lower). The

combination of the dimensions also provide information on

body proportions, and the physical. The suggested

dimensions are also selected on the basis of site Idealization

and accessibility, although sometimes local cultural

preferences may limit access to some sites of measurement

(eg. The circumference of the chest on the chest, or some

trunk skinfolds in adolescent girls).

The procedures for taking measurements suggested from

the "Manual Anthropometric Standardization Reference,"

edited by Lohman, Roche, and Martorell (26). Equipment

and methods for the measurements are illustrated in the

manual. Some of the measurements are also illustrated in

Malina and Bouchard (31).



The weight and height (H) are the most commonly used

anthropometric dimensions. Body weight is a measure of

body mass. It is a measure heterogeneous composition of

many tissues often vary independently. Although the weight

should be measured with the naked guy, often, this can not

be practiced. Therefore, the weight is often taken with the

individual dressed in light clothing (shirt and gym shorts)

without shoes.

Height or height is a linear measure of the distance from the

floor or flat surface where you stand, to the top (apex) of

the skull. Is a composition of linear dimensions contribute

laque the lower extremities, trunk, neck and head. Height

should be measured with a fixed stadiometer. If a mobile

anthropometer, an individual must maintain

anthropometric, so that it is properly aligned while the

other subject positions the subject and take the

measurement. The individual must be in an upright position

without shoes. Eventually, the weight is distributed on both

feet, heels should be together, your arms should hang

relaxed at your sides, and the head should be in the

Frankfort horizontal plane.

The height and weight show a diurnal variation, or variation

of the dimension in the course of the day. This can be a

problem in the short-term longitudinal studies, in which

apparent changes might simply reflect the change,

according to time of day, in which the measurement was

taken. For example, height is greater in the morning, when

getting out of bed, and decreases when the individual

assumes an upright posture and starts walking. This

"shrinkage" in height occurs as a result of compression of

fibrous cartilage discs between the vertebrae. With the

force of gravity imposed when standing and walking, the

discs are compressed gradually. As a result, may decrease in

height an inch or more. The loss of height is limited to the

spine. This is recovered when the individual remains in bed,

or on a flat surface for about 30 minutes.

Body weight also shows a diurnal variation. The individual is

lighter in the morning, specifically after emptying the

bladder after getting up. After the body weight increased

gradually during the course of the day. This is affected by

diet and physical activity. In girls and women who

menstruate, the variation in menstrual cycle phase also

affects the diurnal variation of body weight.



The "sitting height" as the name implies, is the individual's

height, while the same sitting. Is measured with an

anthropometrical, and is the distance from the seating

surface to the top of the head while the guy in the standard

position. The subject sits on a table with legs hanging freely

and directed forward. The hands should be on the thighs

and the head in the Frankfort horizontal plane. The

individual is asked to sit as upright as possible.

This measurement is particularly valuable when used in

combination with height. The height minus sitting height

provides an estimate of the length of the lower extremities

(subisquial length or leg length). Most of the diurnal

variation in height that discussed previously, occurs on the

trunk and therefore influences the height and sitting height.

WIDE or diameter of the bony skeleton


Generally, measurements of bone width or diameter are

taken through specific marks on the bones, and therefore

provide an indication of the robustness of the skeleton.

Here, we describe the four widths or diameters of the

skeleton most commonly taken:

• "Diameter biacromial" measures the distance from one

side to another, between the left and right acromial

processes of the scapula, and therefore provides an

indication! diameter of the shoulders.

• "Diameter Biileocrestídeo" measures the distance from

side to side between the lateral parts of the iliac crests, and

therefore provides an indication of the width

of the hip. Both measurements are taken from behind the

subject, using the high end of anthropometric sliding gauge.

The position of the subject is the same as when measuring


• "diameters or widths of the humerus and femur"

measures the distance yourself from side to side, between

the condyles of the femur bone (bicondylar diameter). and

between the epicondyles of the humerus (diameter

biepicondíleo) provides information on the robustness of

the skeleton of the limbs. The first is measured from one

side to the other side of the more outgoing and more

medial the femoral condyles, with the individual sitting with

knees flexed at 90 ° using a "sliding gauge broadleaf" (type

gauge GIVS ). The second is measured from one side to

another, between epicódilos the humerus with the elbow

flexed to 90 °, you can use a small slide gauge or a "broad


Drafting instruments

The rule T.

The rule T gets its name from its resemblance to the letter

T. It has two perpendicular arms. The cross arm is shorter.

They are made of wood or plastic. It is used to draw

horizontal parallel lines quickly and accurately. It also serves

as a support to the squads and to align the format and

proceed to fixation.

The parallel rule.

An instrument for measuring and drawing straight lines, its

shape is rectangular, flat and has at its edges recordings

decimeters, centimeters and millimeters.

They are usually wood or plastic. Although clear plastic

preferred to see the lines to be drawn. Their lengths vary

according to usage, ranging from 10 to 60 inches The most

common is 30 centimeters.

The squads.

The brackets are used to measure and draw horizontal,

vertical, inclined, and combined with the rule T lines are

drawn parallel, perpendicular and oblique.

Graduates can carry centimeters and millimeters.

The brackets that are used in technical drawing are two:

- The 45 degree which is shaped like an isosceles triangle

with an angle of 90 ° and two of 45 º.

- The squad of 60 ° bevel also called shaped like a scalene

triangle, whose angles measure 90 °, 30 ° and 60 °.


Instrument in the form of triangle with three unequal angles

of 90 °, 60 ° and 30 ° and line drawing is used for drawing

angles or parallel lines perpendicular to the other given. It is

usually an auxiliary of the fleet.


To measure distances in a straight line scaler is used, which

is graded on different scales pushbar, used to calculate

distances reduced or enlarged. In this course we will use a

scaler with the following scales: 1:20,1:25, 1:50,1:75, 1:100,


There are several types of scaler:

- Scaler for architects

- Scaler for civil engineers

The compass.

It is a precision instrument that is used to draw arcs, circles

and transport measures. It consists of two articulated arms

at the top which houses a cylindrical piece which called

mango drink and drive with the index finger and thumb.

One arm has a adjustable steel needle with a screw and a

nut on a wheel. The other arm has a device that allows the

placement of pencils or other accessories.

Compass Classes are:

- Compass Part: the normal rhythm that may be placed

accessories like pencil or pen.

- Compass dry ends: it has sharp points on both ends of

steel and serves to take action or move.

- Compass mustache, is characterized by maintaining fixed

aperture radii. The opening of this bar is graded by a screw

or threaded shaft. It is used to draw circles and circles of

small dimensions

of equal radius.

- Compass pump: used to draw arcs or circles very small. It

consists of an arm that serves as a vertical axis so that the

pencil holder revolves around him.


The pencils are essential for writing and drawing. They

consist of a graphite mine and a sheath of wood. They can

be round or hexagonal cross section. To draw a hexagon are

better because they facilitate the attachment between the

fingers and prevent it from rolling to leave them on the

drawing board. The pencil leads has several degrees from

the hardest to the softest. Hard lead with fine lines are

drawn in gray and bold lines and softer black color. They are

classified by letters and numbers. The H comes from the

word meaning hard drive, the F stands firm and the B black

meaning black. The hardest are: 4H, 3H, 2H and H. The

intermediates are: HB and F. The softer are: B, 2B, 3B and



The erasers are used to get rid of bad strokes, bugs, stains

or traces remaining. They are usually soft, flexible and light

colors to avoid stains on the paper.

Before deleting make sure it is clean and if we delete small

parts, surplus lines or lines close, we use the auxiliary staff

cleared of steel sheet.

To eliminate the role of graphite particles using a spray

rubber pad inside called smudging.

Pencils or pens.

The pencils are metal or plastic housing inside the mine or

mines by a spring slide out, which will be used to write or

draw. The mines are of different hardness. Leads to

sharpening pencils for the mine and its guard.

Mechanical Pencil

This mechanical pencil 0.5 mm has a mine that does not

require sharpening. You can make very fine lines and

precise if it spins enough to draw. To draw thick lines,

vigorous, repeat the track. The accessories in the drawing

are as important as the instruments themselves, as they

come to be the auxiliary or supplement to a good job.

Brush drawing

- Brush for drawing, which drafts shake waste and powders,

without risking hands to remove stain or damaging the


- Flannel or cotton cloth, very useful for cleaning tools and

China ink stroke, and to shake waste rubber and talc in the

absence of brush.

Delete template

Use a square with holes to erase a drawing precise areas

also serves to protect the surface of the drawing will be

erased with an electric eraser.

Drawing board.

It is a drawing tool on fixing the paper for drawing. It is

usually constructed of wood or plastic smooth and flat,

straight edges allowing the displacement of the rule T. The

size depends on the format to be used. The format is

sufficient school size of 40 inches tall and 60 inches wide.

In the workshops, technical drawing, instead of boards, built

tables are used only for this activity, the size and angle


The conveyor.

It is an instrument used for measuring angles or transport.

They are made of plastic and are of two types: in a

semicircle divided into 180 degrees in a circle and full 360 º.

The numbers are arranged in two graduation so they can be

read from right to left and from left to right, depending on

where the opening angle.

Pencil or scraper Tuner

After cutting the wood of a pencil sharpener with a knife or

mechanical, should sharpen the pencil graphite rod and give

a long tapered tip. on its surface has pieces of fine lines

where the pencil scratch to tune.

Soft eraser

The soft rubber or artist, who called Nysón milk and is

useful for cleaning paper or cloth frames and dirt left by the

fingers that hurt the appearance of the finished drawing.

There is also a spray that is cleared for further abuses by the

sweat graphite left unintentionally.



Is all that is related to technical drawing each plane can do this construction for a project and the tools we used to we can get well and put everything on the plane.

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