team backcare flipbook

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Meet Jasvir Sekhon from Hounslow Pledge: £1300

Jasvir is 43 years old and works as a Credit Controller with a leading bank. She has 2 children aged 15 and 20. She is running in memory of my father in law who passed away due to a long term spinal injury. She started running about a year and a half ago and hasn’t stopped since. She has completed 4 Half Marathons this year and various 10K and 5K races. Being at the Marathon as a spectator, Jasvir was inspired by watching people run from all walks of life, doing it for their charity/relatives or personal goals. For her, this became the next distance to conquer and why not raise money for a good cause. “I chose Backcare charity because of my experience with back pain. It affected my day to day life for quite a number of years. With the right advice/exercise and treatment I am now pain free. Backcare is a great organisation that helps/ support & gives advice for people with back pain”

Donate generously to Jasvir using the link:

Meet Neil Griffiths from Surrey Pledge: £1300

Neil is an IT Consultant from Farnham who suffered from severe back-pain a couple of times now. His day includes picking up a 2 year old toddler, sitting 8 hours at an office desk then driving a 3 hour commute. As treatment for his ailments he has received excellent care from Osteopaths & Physios but believes in prevention than cure. Running and core exercises help Neil to keep active he is training with care for the event. He ran the London Marathon in 2010 getting a time of 4 hours 7 minutes; however he is keen on beating his own time!

Donate generously to Neil using the link:

Meet Chris Churcher from London Pledge: £1300

Chris is running for BackCare for a second consecutive year. He has a history of chronic back problems. He spent about a year in Physio with Kings College Hospital at Camberwell. He says ‘it was really hard work, many hours doing hard exercises getting strength and flexibility into my back’. He has help and support from his wife at home and from professionals at the hospital. It was recommended he take up running and he hasn't looked back since. He still suffers from back problems and understands that he always will but the important thing is Chris has come to terms with it and has his own tools to recognise when something is going wrong and how he can fix it. Chris remembers those crippling times when his back was bad and taking a load of painkillers and now he doesn’t use pain killers. For this Chris says ‘I am most grateful’

Donate generously to Chris using the link:

Meet Andrew Brammer from Staffordshire Pledge: £1300

Andrew is 41 years old and back pain sufferer. He has long dreamt of running the London Marathon. Far from a fitness fanatic he started with cycling in 2007 from Land’s End to John O'Groats and cycled coast to coast. In 2011, he challenged himself to complete a half marathon. “These years have also been interspersed with periods of significant back pain and It was during such a period in 2013 that I discovered the BackCare charity through their Simplyhealth Mobile App which has given me a better understanding of the back pain that I suffer from, and has helped me to adjust my lifestyle to help manage my back pain”. “In fact, it was in October 2013 when I had been suffering particularly bad pain that I applied for the London marathon. It sounds crazy I know but the pain had been getting me down to such an extent that I returned home from work and took myself straight to bed, where I read that BackCare were after runners to help raise money. I decided that the London Marathon would be my motivation to be more pro-active in following the recommendations of BackCare to help keep my condition In check.”

Donate generously to Andrew using the link:

Meet Claire Macklen from Swansea Pledge: £1300

Claire is 24 years old physiotherapist. As a Physiotherapist, she regularly encounters patients with back and neck pain. She is in a unique position to understand both the physical and psychological problems, together with the big impact this can have on a person’s life. She always wanted to run the London marathon, had no opportunity until she discovered BackCare. She picked BackCare as she relates to the charities work both professionally and personally. “I have always been very active from a young age; I run and play netball regularly. However this will definitely be my biggest challenge as yet!” “Please help me to raise my pledge of £1250, to make a difference to lives of those suffering with back and neck pain.”

Donate generously to Claire using the link:

Meet David Cox from Swansea Pledge: £1300

David Cox is 25 years old and works as an Engineer at the Ford Motor Company. He likes a 'challenge'; up next is the London Marathon (13/04/2014). Despite completing the 2013 London & Cardiff Half Marathons in respectable times, this event would be his mammoth 'challenge'. David’s definition of a challenge - “My father was diagnosed with Wegener's Granulomatosis during the time I was preparing for my final university exams. He was given 3 days to live. Prior to diagnosis, the local GP had been telling him to go for a warm bath! Wegener's Granulomatosis you say? It’s a form of vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels). Damage to the lungs and kidneys can be fatal. The incidence is 10 cases per million per year which makes it hard to diagnose let alone treat. So why Backcare? My father survived. Luckily the disease attacked his 'not so vital' organs/muscles first, such as his sinuses, lungs & back muscles, before moving on to his kidneys or heart. Thankfully his kidneys & heart did not feel the brute force of the disease. 3 years on and he will never work again, but it’s the damage to his back that gives him the most trouble and is preventing him from picking up his paint brushes once more. That’s why I want to support Backcare due to the help they provide for people in a similar position as my dad. My Dads an inspiration, because he just gets on with it. No moaning. Even through the most gruesome parts of the treatment or operations. He knows how to define the word challenge. Hopefully I will be able to in April 2014”.

Donate generously to David using the link:

Meet Heather Ashmore from Comberton, Cambridge Pledge: £1300

Heather is 25 years old Post-Doctoral Scientist by profession. Two years ago Heather suffered a prolapsed disc whilst rowing for her University team. This injury not only put her out of regular rowing/running routine but also made every day activities difficult, especially being a scientist rarely involves being seated. Her recovery was slow and at times frustrating, but about one year ago she felt ready to tackle a new challenge. The marathon is an exciting prospect for her as she had spent the previous six months on and off training due to recurring problems! Heather is well known by her family and friends for never doing things by half measures, so having always wanted to run the London marathon (trying 5 times before to get in on the ballot), this year she decided to request to run for a very worthwhile charity close to her heart, BackCare. Training so far is going really well for her and with regular trips to the osteopath, good nutrition and constant critiquing of her posture; her back is ready to take on this challenge. “Having had back pain at an early age and knowing that I will always have to make a conscious effort to prevent recurring pain, I appreciate how much a charity like BackCare can make a difference. With a charity like BackCare helping not only to provide advice but also fund research into prevention and treatment there is hope for future sufferers. Both BackCare and I would be extremely grateful for you to help me raise my pledge of at least £1300 by donating via the link below.”

Donate generously to Heather using the link:

Meet Jackie Carver from Amersham, Buckinghamshire Pledge: £1300

Jackie is a Primary School Teacher from Amersham. Jackie is an inspiration to us at BackCare having run the marathon before after suffering from back problems. This year she is running for her daughter. “My daughter and I are now busy fundraising. My daughter (age 13) developed Scoliosis in the summer and is awaiting surgery. I am telling everyone I meet to look after their backs and take care!! Having a daughter with back pain has really made me think about all those heavy bags children take to school and all the hours we as a nation spend in front of computers and TV screens!! A few years ago I also had a DVT in my left leg so I am one of those rare people who never sit down! This will be my fifth running marathon and I will do all I can to support my daughter through the surgery (gosh I would have it for her if I could) and will do what I can to spread the word about the charity and raise money! It is also good to be running for BackCare as this has given my daughter a purpose (i.e. to be my supporter and trainer) and can take her mind off the surgery”.

Donate generously to Jackie using the link:

Meet Natalie Woffard from Cheltenham, Gloucester Pledge: £1300

Natalie is 26 years old and a school teacher by occupation. She is running the marathon for BackCare for the second consecutive year. “So far, I am really enjoying the training, although sometimes my duvet seems infinitely preferable to the rainy dark pavements of my Cotswold home town! What keeps me motivated, though, is the fact that I am running for a close relative who had suffered from back pain throughout his life. He has experienced dreadful pain and, worst of all, was not able to indulge in the many active outdoor pursuits he so willingly participated in. Fortunately, he has received a good deal of help and the pain has become less frequent and severe. I am running for BackCare because of this close link with my father's back pain. I strongly believe that exercise improves all lives, including those people with back pain, and therefore feel it entirely appropriate that I get moving to raise money for this cause!”

Donate generously to Natalie using the link:

Meet Tim Ford from Leicester Pledge: £1300

Tim is 43 years old and the Associate director at Curve Theatre, Leicester. Over 15 years ago he suffered a major back injury and was unable to move/walk for a long period of time. He suffered many long episodes of back pain and day to challenges at work. “One of my shows was even spent directing on my back much to the pleasure and understanding of my lovely acting company at the time”. Over the years with much support and patience from experts, friends and family Tim has managed to find a day to day strategy of dealing with his pain and have managed to strengthen the muscles in his back to prevent any further injury’s occurring. Following the death of his father and his need to want to do something to make a difference Tim started to run, in May of 2013 and completed his first Marathon in Edinburgh and was instantly hooked despite the intense training schedule and pain he put himself through. His whole lifestyle has now changed for the marathon since the past 12 months with new diets, new clothes and early morning training sessions and days of walking around the theatre at a snail’s pace following his long Sunday training sessions. “I am a highly motivated person and runner and am fully committed and determined to making it through my second marathon in London 2014 for BackCare. There are 80 million chronic back pain sufferers in Europe, including 5 million in the UK. These people are mostly destined to be in pain every day for the rest of their lives. Knowing that we can make a difference inspires me to run for BackCare. Please support me in my pledge to raise at least £1200.”

Donate generously to Tim using the link:

Meet Toby Joiner from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire Pledge: £1300

Toby is going to be 40 in March 2014 and an Airline Pilot by occupation “I only fairly recently took up running but it has been a busy few months since then. I have now completed five half marathons and several 5km and 10km races and decided it was time to have a go at the full marathon distance”. “I am forty in March 2014 and it will be a perfect start to the new decade if I can put in a good performance and raise some good money for Backcare.” Whilst to date Toby has been very lucky with his back, his father has suffered for almost as long as he can remember. His father played basketball at a professional level until problems with his back meant he would never realise his full potential. Toby remembers his father wearing various braces and supports over the years and then finally an unforgettable Christmas twelve years ago he spent in hospital following surgery to fuse a couple of discs. His father’s back is much improved these days but the problems do still endure. “It is clear that the work BackCare does is essential to help future back pain sufferers perhaps not have to suffer for quite so long. I know that whatever I can raise is only a tiny amount compared to that which is needed by BackCare to continue their great work, but I hope at least I can help. I am aiming to comfortably beat the four hour bench mark for the race, and my dream would be three hours and forty minutes.”

Help Toby achieve his time by your support. Donate generously using the link:

Meet Zack Harris from Camborne, Cornwall Pledge: £1300

Zack lives in Camborne and is a lorry driver by profession. “Hi, my name is Zack Harris, running my first London Marathon in memory of my dad who lost his battle to cancer. As someone who has a bad back please sponsor me.”

Donate generously to Zack using the link:

Meet Paul Horner from London Pledge: £1300

Paul is a commercial music director for the popular music group. As a double bass player in a former life Paul has a badly exposed back mainly due to stresses and strains of lugging the most unwieldy of instruments around London on various public transport and the many hours of wrapping himself around the instrument to practice. “It took a few years to catch up with me but inevitably it did and I've had lots of orthopaedic support and treatment over the years to manage it and keep it under control”.

Exercise has been a key part of managing his back problems “it’s great that I can run to fundraise for a charity with a close personal connection. Though I've run regularly for leisure for many years, I only completed my first 10k last May. Since then I've caught the bug, kept upping the distance and I'm looking forward to the personal challenge of pushing myself to run the big one”.

Donate generously to Paul using the link:

Meet Juliet Brown from London Pledge: £1300

Juliet is a 42 year old mother of two and lives in London. She work as a Pilates instructor and tries to keep fit and as healthy (and enjoyable) a way as possible with a good balance of different activities in addition to running in Greenwich Park and along the River Thames. She ran the London Marathon in 2011 – “it was one of the greatest days of my life - and I am so grateful to BackCare for giving me the opportunity to run it again.” Julie is keen to raise money for BackCare as in her opinion “I have seen so many people suffering with back pain who have come to the pilates studio. It seems like the modern lifestyle - particularly spending time hunched in front of a computer screen, slumped on a sofa or sitting for long periods in a car are really not what our bodies were designed for. Gentle stretching and mobilisation movements - such as those advocated by BackCare are simple, quick and effective at keeping the spine happy and healthy”.

Donate generously to Juliet using the link:

Meet Jane Dougherty from Cheshire Pledge: £1300

Jane is 22 years old and works in customer service in Cheshire. Although she has no serve back problems herself, she has a close friend suffering from chronic scoliosis. Jane has been training for approximately a year and completed Cheshire half marathon in practise for the London marathon. “I chose BackCare to help and raise money for anyone and everyone suffering back pains like my friend.” Please support Jane and donate generously using the following link

Donate generously using the link:

Meet Sandy Joyner from London Pledge: £1300

Sandy is 23 and has recently started working in the Charity sector. “In doing so, I've been blown away by the different ways people fundraise. I have friends and family who have severe back problems which has taught me to look after myself to prevent any problems in the future and exercise is a huge part of that.” Sandy plays football regularly alongside other sports and has been for years and it’s his first attempt at an endurance event at the marathon. Being able to fund raise alongside training makes Sandy the experience all the more worthwhile, so please, donate! You can support him and donate generously for Sandy using the link below.

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Meet Michael Jones from Worcestershire Pledge: £1300

Mike Jones at 48 will be running his first marathon this year. He has been reasonably healthy and fit all his life, being very active in many sports as a youngster and continuing at a more moderate level as an adult; but despite this Mike like many others, have suffered aches and pains that eventually led to the need for extended chiropractic treatment and physiotherapy for his back and neck. For him, there was not a single injury that changed his life but relatively minor discomforts that crept up on him as a result of everyday life leading to bad habits; poor posture at the desk, driving long distances with badly positioned seat and performing exercises with poor technique. “For me, the problems were avoidable, had I been given better information and proper advice at a younger age. They are still relatively minor and I am able to get on with life; but for others, catastrophic injuries can change their lives over-night. My sister is a nurse. She is small (about 5’2”), but in her early working years was expected to lift and support patients and that took its toll on her spine. She has had 2 serious operations that have helped, but she still lives with daily pain and is ever thinking about that accidental movement that could result in her being unable to move. She doesn’t complain, but sometimes the strain is written on her face. Thankfully, with increased research, education and resultant procedures being introduced into work, sport and life generally, we are seeing changes that are reducing the likelihood of these conditions being repeated. I personally consider the work of BackCare to be extremely valuable and worthy of everyone’s support. Anyone who would like to sponsor me can do so by using the link shown below.”

Donate generously using the link:

Ian Baker from Enfield Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Joanne Wakeling from Reading Pledge: £1300 Donate:

Paul Ferdinand from St Albans Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Ailish Toomey from London Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Aravind Menon from Bromley Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Dean Shepherd from Kent Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Matthew Ager from Preston Pledge: £1300 Donate via:

Malcolm Edwards from Salisbury Pledge: £1300 Donate :

Charlotte Mardell from Salisbury Pledge: £1300

Donate :

Rawdon McMaster from Hampshire Pledge: £1300 Donate :

Michaela Cutmore from Ilford Pledge: £1300 Donate :

Claire Hunnable from Essex Pledge: £1300 Donate :

Benjamin Guest from London Pledge: £1300 Donate :

Ibolya Toth from London Pledge: £1300 Donate :

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