teaching and learning with web2

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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teaching & learning

with web2.0 tools

Daniel MittlemanDePaul University CDMdanny@cdm.depaul.edu


ideas & suggestions

4 employing social

media lol!

but first,

a commercial

This PowerPoint is available at www.slideshare.net/dmittleman1

Problem Seeking

What is teaching with social media?

And why might you care?

Using social IT to complement delivery of course material and student

interaction around course material

This includes tools embedded inside a learning management system as well as

public Web2.0 products.

Supporting same time student exercises with a team collaboration


Supporting out of classroom team project exercises with a team support

systemSupporting knowledge construction

with a collaborative authoring system

Supporting closed ended instructor knowledge acquisition with a survey


Supporting discussion with a blogging system or messaging system

What is teaching with social media?

Supporting interactive thought stimulation with a clicker or polling


Supporting open ended knowledge creation with a group support system

Notice: There are many different kinds of social media tools

Simple Design Model

• What am I trying to achieve?

Pedagogical Goals

• What kind of tools do I need?

Design Goals • How will I

configure and use?

Program Goals

My Research Stream

• Within domains of problem solving, knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, and learning

• Collaborative problem analysis (programming)

• Collaborative solution design (using a pattern language approach)

• Design of collaboration tools (UX focused)

• Social Media design, use, and implications

Many teaching environments

My Teaching Domain• College of Computing and Digital Media

• Both Grad, Undergrad, and mixed courses

• Blended with in class and online students

– We use as our LMS

– Online students may participate in real time;we use

– All students have access to different time view of the class (we use a home grown solution).

Simple Design Model

• What am I trying to achieve?

Pedagogical Goals

• What kind of tools do I need?

• Where am I doing this?

Design Goals • How will I

configure and use?

Program Goals

Some specific course uses

Team project planning

Data gathering

Class discussion

Collaborative authoring

Collaborative design

Design crits and peer feedback

Class Discussion

• WordPress blog for online discussion

– Levels playing field

– Current events incorporation

– Grading is a bitch

• Wordpress is easy; TypePad is easier; Bloggeris easier yet; and Posterous is easiest

• Find partners and mount a single blog across several courses/universities.

Data Gathering• Three approaches

Pros Cons

Social Sharing

• Teach community service/participation

• Use class wide and with teams to store knowledge

Collaborative Authoring

• I use

• I use wikis for team authoring, rather than Google Docs or Zoho Writer

• I Teach reciprocal authoring methods

• Wikis can support online debates!

• Treat wiki submissions as public to the class

– Models good writing behaviors.

Crits and Peer Feedback

• Process adjustment, rather than new tools

• Use Pinterest or similar that permits object related feedback and discussion

• Model and promote desired work behaviors/work product

Same time Video Techniques

• Place preview monitor in front of you

• Keep student names on paper in hand

• Know the cone of your stage

• Use in-class students as confederates

• Virtualize your breakout work, if in-class students have technology

Social Media Classroom Basics

1. Let the pedagogy lead

2. Give up some control

3. Pick the right sort of tool for the task

4. Pick the right product within the category

5. Don’t assume students get social media

6. Notice I’ve barely mentioned Facebook or Twitter!


• Google for Educators

– http://www.google.com/educators/tools.html

• Zoho Collaboration Apps

– http://www.zoho.com/collaboration-apps.html

• WetPaint Wikis in Education

– http://wikisineducation.wetpaint.com/

• CyberSmart Curriculum

– http://cybersmartcurriculum.org/tools/

Daniel MittlemanDePaul University CDMdanny@cdm.depaul.edu

ideas & suggestions

4 employing social

media lol! EDRA43Seattle

June 2, 2012

This PowerPoint is available at www.slideshare.net/dmittleman1

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