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Fax- 0612- 2225977Te1e Gram: ACCOUNTS

CA 61 ~ "& 1Cb1'20 CR 0 t!Ci e;0) cpf Cb 1~ fC't ~ ~ ~ 61 '20 ~ 4 GG11


No:-WM-I/2016-17/- 6068Date:-2...7 /02/2017

ToAll officials of the Divisional Accountant Cadre

Subject:- Regarding representation from the family members' of goverment servants.


It has been observed that some officials of Divisional Accountant Cadre are sending their

representation on their service matter through their family members. The submission of such

representation has been viewed seriously by this office.

2.Enc1osing the copy of Headquarter circular No.26-Staff Wing/20 14 No.1146-Staff(App.-

II)/67-2014Nol.III dated-07.07.2014, all officials concerned are hereby reitrated that the

representation from the family members of goverment servants, in service matter will not be

entertained by this office. Moreover, bringing of any political or other outside influence dircectly by

the goverment servants to bear upon any superior authority to further their interests in respect of

matters pertaining to their service shall be treated as violation of the Rule 20 of the CCS (conduct)

Rule, 1964.

3. The above instructions should be adhered strictly.

Encl.:- As above.

Yours faithfully,(). C"": ~\~

~\()~Deputy Ace ntant General (Works)

~ ~ "Q"eT,"QC;GfT.80 0 00 1 Birchand Patel Path, Patna-800 001


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Circular Ne•. 26- Staff Wing/2014.No. 1146 -Staff (App.-B)/67-2014/yol.lIL

i':~i~t:··'. !'~'.;",.,

Dated:- 07.0'7.2O'J '1.


':",:" : .. All the Heads of Department in·:lA&AD. '. .. ,'.:

Subject: ~Representations .froHl·Govern.ment servants on sePhkema!tenJ'regarding

Sir / Madam,

I am to state that instructions have been issued from time to lime bytl-,C; Govt. of India vide various OMs No. 118/52-Estt. dated 30.04:.1952, 2r)/34/6[~-El:ltt. (A) dated 20.12.1968, 11013/07/1999cEslL(A) 01.11.1999 and 11013/013/201.3·E.stt.(A)-HI dated 06.06.2013 On the above mentioned subject.'2. It has been envisaged in these instructions that whenever, in any matterconnected with theservice rights or conditions a Government servant wishes topress a-claim or to seek redressof a grievance, the propercourse is to address bin/herimmediate superior officer or the Head of the office or such other authority at rheIowest level as is competent to deal with' the matter. Of Iate, it has been observed thatthere is an Increasing tendency on the part of the Gr. B & C staff in the field offices ioby-pass the prescribed channels for submitting their representations and they preferto writedirectly to the C&AG or other senior officers in the Headquarters ignoringthe prescribedchannels. The problem is mote acute amongst the newly recruitedofficials. Apart from this, some of the .officials are in the habit of sending tlreirrepresentations even to the President I PrimeMinister/' other Ministers or Memberso.fParliament through their family members.3. In view of the above, itisreiterated that. only those representationsfrom the serving officials on servicematters, received thn:nxgb, proper channel, wi IIbe entertatned by this office. The competent authorities in the field offices arerequired totake appropriate action on such representations either by l'c:dressing thegrievnnces at their own level or forward the same [0 this OHiC3 alongwllh theircormnentss'recommendations in the subject matter within one month from the daleof receiving the representation. 1.11e official concerned should be intimatedaccordingly and if it is anticlpatfd that the representation cannot be disposed ofwiUhin a month of its receipt, an acknowledgement 01' interim reply should be sent tothe individual. If the official concerned does not receive any Intimation about theaction taken on his/her representation within one month from the dale ofsitbmisslon, he/she mAy prefer a reminder. However, if the competent authority inth.e field office fails to take the requisite action on such reminder also within ';)Jle

month from the date of its receipt, the official concerned may send hi5/h(~rrepresentation directly. to this office, enclosing therewith tfhe copies of the dulyacknowledged representation and reminder by the officeconcerned and stating; thefact. that for want of arty proper action on the part of the. competent authority in thefield office, he! she is compelled to bring it to the notice of the higher authorities inthe C&AG office. . .

4. The submission (If representations directly to the higher authorities byepassing the prescribed channel DJ communication. will be viewed seriously by thisoffice and appropriate disciplinary action. would be taken against those who violatethese instructions, as it can.riglttlybe treated as a conduct unbecoming of a centralgovernment servant, attracting the. provisions of Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the CCS (Conduct)

. Rules, 1964,The representations, from the family members of governmentservants,in service matterswillnot be entertained by this office. Moreover, bringing of anypolitical or 'other outside influence directly or indirectly by the government servants~tobear upon any superior authority to further their interests in respect of matterspertaining to their service shall be treated as violation of the Rule ;'!OOftheCCS{Conduct) Rule, 1964.


5, These instructions may please be o:7i\'.e.l.~ wide publicitv bv dj~;r-i'l",,:,;..tH" on• .L.I J .J... U

notice boards.


~'~{()1\'~(RarlI~f Lhgh)

Asstt. C&A' ~'(N)


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