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Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 264 Port Blair, Thursday, October 06, 2016 Web: dt.andaman.gov.in Rs. 3.00 6 Pages

Te l e g ra m she Daily

The Largest Circulating Daily of A&N Islands

EXCHANGE RATESEXCHANGE RATESRBI Reference RateINR / 1 USD : 66.5699INR / 1 Euro : 74.6515INR / 100 YEN : 64.7000INR /1 GBP : 84.4772

Capital MarketS&P BSE Sensex: 28334.55*Nifty 50 : 8769.15** as on previous dayBullion Rate22ct Gold per 10 gram 28610Silver per 1 kg 49000

Port Blair, Oct 5The Lt. Governor, A&NIslands, Prof. JagdishMukhi visited theDirectorate of DisasterManagement, situated atLink Road here this evening.The Chief Secretary, A&NAdministration, Shri AnindoMajumdar, Secretary, IP, Dr.A. K. Singla and seniorofficers of theAdministration were alsopresent during this visit.The Lt. Governor visitedthe Situation Room /Conference Hall, where theDirector, DisasterManagement, Shri AshokSharma, through a powerpoint presentation, briefedthe Lt. Governor about'Vulnerability profile andDisaster preparedness inA&N Islands', on howTsunami occurs, Role ofDisaster Management,Institutional Mechanism(Disaster Management inIndia), Functions ofEmergency Operation

Centers, role/activities ofIncidence Response Teambesides general activitiesto be initiated at the UTlevel during occurrence ofany disaster.The Lt. Governor alsovisited the State ControlRoom where he was apprisedabout the functioning ofvarious equipments viz.Electronic Display Board,

Lt. Governor visits Disaster Management Department

Directs for ensuring properfunctioning of all equipments

VHF sets, Satellite phones,Hotlines and communicationprocess. The Lt. Governoralso directed the Director,Disaster Management toensure that all theequipments set up for thepurpose of DisasterManagement functionproperly.Earlier, the Lt. Governor wasalso briefed about the

'Information, Education &Communication' materialspublished by theDirectorate of DisasterManagement, which arebeing disseminated toschools, general public andGovt. Departments. During the briefing, theChief Secretary alsosuggested that all seniorofficers of the

Port Blair, Oct. 5 In another majorachievement by theDepartment of Surgery,GB Pant Hospital, amajor advancedlaparascopic coloniccancer surgery wasperformed by a team ofexpert surgeons on27.8.2016. A 62 yr. old lady wasreferred from PHCBaratang with thecomplaints of pain left

underwent thorough investigation with

Advanced laparoscopic colo-rectal cancersurgery performed at GB Pant Hospital

(Contd. on last page)lower abdomen, bleeding per rectum andconstipation for the last six months. She

Theatre workshop toconclude today

Port Blair, Oct. 5 The valedictory function of month long theatreworkshop will now be held at 6 pm at Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Auditorium of the PBMC tomorrow (Oct.6). On this occasion, a play 'Lal Neel Raja Ka Desh',directed by Shri Sandip Bhattacharya will bepresented by the participants of the Workshop. The Director General of Police, A&N Islands, ShriRajesh Malik will be the chief guest and distribute thecertificates among participants, a communication fromthe Director (Art & Culture) said here today.

New Delhi, Oct 5The Cabinet has approvedamendments to the HIV andAIDS (Prevention andControl) Bill, 2014. The Billseeks to safeguard rightsof HIV-affected people, aswell as to prevent andcontrol spread of HIV andAIDS.The Bill also aims toenhance access to healthcare services by ensuringinformed consent andconfidentiality for HIV-related testing, treatmentand clinical research.The provisions of the Billseek to address HIV-related

discrimination, strengthenthe existing programme bybringing in legalaccountability andestablish formalmechanisms for inquiringinto complaints andredressing grievances. Itmakes provision forappointment of anombudsman by StateGovernments to inquireinto complaints related tothe violation of the Act andpenal actions in case ofnon-compliance.Every HIV infected oraffected person below theage of 18 years has the

Cabinet approves amendmentbill related to HIV/AIDS

right to reside in a sharedhousehold and enjoy thefacilities of the household.The Bill also prohibits anyindividual from publishinginformation or advocatingfeelings of hatred againstHIV positive persons andthose living with them. Italso provides forGuardianship for minors.There are approximately 21lakh persons estimated tobe living with HIV in India.Even though theprevalence of HIV isdecreasing over the lastdecade, the Bill will provide

Port Blair, Oct. 5The Port Blair MunicipalCouncil, in associationwith All India Institute ofSelf Government, Mumbaiempanelled by Ministry ofUrban Developmentorganized a three dayCapacity Buildingprogramme under'AMRUT' from Oct. 3 to 5at Dr. B. R. AmbedkarAuditorium of the Council. While addressing thetrainees as the chief guestin the valedictory function,the Chief Secretary, A&NAdministration, Shri.Anindo Majumdarappreciated the effortsmade by the Port BlairMunicipal Council andadvised that an exposurevisit of few officers andelected members may beplanned and theinformation gathered

during the training may berealized by viewing thebest practices carried outat various cities. The ChiefSecretary further statedthat this capacity buildingprogramme has a specialsignificance due to theparticipation of officersand elected memberswhich, he said, will pavethe way for betterdevelopment of the city.In his welcome address, theSecretary, PBMC, Shri.Yashpal Garg briefed aboutthe contents and curriculumof the capacity buildingprogramme. He appreciatedthe participation of theelected members during thewhole session of thecapacity buildingprogramme. At the end, Shri. S. Biju Pillai,Project Officer proposed thevote of thanks.

Capacity building programme under'AMRUT' concludes

CBSE directs schools todisclose fee structure

New Delhi, Oct 5Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) hasmade it mandatory for school managements to disclosetheir fee structure and other facilities in the publicdomain. As per the circular, CBSE has asked theschools to submit a report to the board by 31st of thismonth. All schools have been also asked to disclosethe information on the CBSE's website and also uploadthe data on their websites. It said, this will ensure thatall the information pertaining to the institution school,which is to be provided by the schools for seekingaffiliation with the board, is available in publicdomain.

Port Blair, Oct. 5 An eye screening campwas organized for thebenefit of the generalpublic at the Mar ThomaMission School, Ograbrajon Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. TheEye camp was organized aspart of the Golden JubileeCelebrations of the St.Thomas Mar Thoma SyrianChurch, Port Blair with thesupport of Directorate of

Health Services, A&NAdministration. About 680 people werescreened for variousailments by a team led byrenowned Senior EyeSpecialist, Dr Shibu Varkey,Regional Medical Director,Vasan Eye Care and DrVinitha Rachel Philip, Sr.Consultant, KaveriHospital, Trichi.

(Contd. on last page)

Eye screening camp organised

Port Blair, Oct. 5The District ConsultativeCommittee/District LevelReview Committee (DCC/DLRC) meeting for North &Middle Andaman Districtfor June quarter will be heldon Oct. 6, 2016 at 10.30 amat the DC Office,Mayabunder to review theperformance upto June2016 under ACP 2016-17and various Govt.sponsored schemes. TheDeputy Commissioner,North & Middle Andaman,Shri Arava Gopi Krishnawill chair the meeting whichwill also be attended byhigher authorities from

Banking sector, seniorofficials of Govt. depart-ments and developmentalagencies, a communicationfrom the Lead DistrictManager, SBI said.

DCC/DLRC meeting forN&M Andaman today

Port Blair, Oct. 5The Directorate ofTourism, A&NAdministration isparticipating in IndiaInternational Trade Fair -2016 at New Delhi. The fairis scheduled to be heldfrom Nov. 14 to 27, 2016 atPragati Maidan, New Delhi. The Directorate of Tourismproposes to provideopportunities to stakeholders of tourism to take

part in the forthcomingIITF-2016 as done everyyear. Interested touroperators/boat operators/scuba diving operators etc.who intend to participate inthe IITF-2016 may sendtheir willingness to theTourism Department. TheDepartment will providespace at A&N Pavilion onrent free basis. Thedeputed representative willhave to make their own

Tourism Deptt. invites stake holdersto participate in IITF-2016

arrangements for travel,boarding & lodging at NewDelhi at their own cost. Theparticipants' responseshould reach the TourismDepartment by Oct. 18,2016. The Manager(Tourism) may becontacted over ph.no.233259 for furtherenquiry, a communicationfrom the Director (Tourism)said here today.

Port Blair, Oct. 5 As part of the week longprogramme of GandhiJayanthi celebration byA&N State Social WelfareBoard, a competition for theCreche children of AlAmeen Education Society,Ferrargunj was organized inthe premises of the centreyesterday. Children aged 3-6 years of the centre tookpart in the competition ofrunning, ball counting,basket ball throwing. After

the competition, prizeswere given to the winnersby Dr. (Smt.) PoonamArora, Chairperson,A&NSSWB. Dr. Poonam Arora, whilespeaking, informed thechildren about theimportance of GandhiJayanthi. Ms. MarsehalaDung Dung, Ms. K. GeetaKandasamy and Ms.Madhu Lall, members ofthe Board, also attendedthis programme.

A&NSSWB organisescompetitions for children

Port Blair, Oct. 5 A meeting was held in theconference hall of DistrictOffice, South Andaman bythe Secretary-cum-Director, RD, PRIs & ULB,Shri Udit Prakash Rai withall the Pramukh andPradhan of SouthAndaman Districtyesterday regarding all theissues taken up by the PRImember such as fundavailability certificate,timely completion of workorder, amendment of GIARules and fund release etc. The Secretary-cum-Director, RD, PRIs & ULBdiscussed the issues offund released in GramPanchayats, fundavailability certificate,terms and conditions ofwork order impediments.All the issues werediscussed thread bare andclarified. Secretary RDfurther informed thatregular monthly meetingsare being organized withPanchayats Secretary and

JEs to monitor and speedup the progress of variousrural development works.He also stated that nowmonthly meetings shall beorganized with Pradhansto keep them abreast withthe regulations and orders,a communication from theSecretary-cum-Director,RD, PRIs & ULB said.

Issues taken up by PRIs ofSouth Andaman discussed

Cleanlinessdrive at PTS

Port Blair, Oct. 5 On the auspiciousoccasion of the birthanniversary of MahatmaGandhi, the Father ofNation on Oct. 2, the PoliceTraining School,Prothrapur organized acleanliness drive with aview to sensitize Policepersonnel about theimportance of nature'sassets and inculcate a

Exhibition byIPWCS

Port Blair, Oct. 5 Islands' ProgressiveWomen Co-operativeSociety, A&N Islands willbe organising a fashionshow and exhibition on'Khadi Deshi Wears' withlaunching of the brand'Sagar Kanya' collection atTagore Auditorium, MiddlePoint at 5.45 pm on Oct. 6,2016. The First Lady ofA&N Islands, Smt. PremMukhi will be the chiefguest on the occasion.

Port Blair, Oct. 5 As a part of SwachchBharat Abhiyan, a weeklong special cleanlinessdrive was rolled out by thePort Blair MunicipalCouncil on the occasion ofGandhi Jayanti. The drivewas conducted at W. No-14 on Oct. 2. TheChairperson Shri B.EswarRao accompanied by theresidents, sanitary staffand Swachhta Awareness

Team, started theprogramme with cleaningup the Fish LandingCentre, Junglighat. Anawareness programme wasalso organized wherein theChairperson requested thecitizens to refrain fromthrowing garbages in openspaces and dispose thegarbage at designatedspace / bins to makeSwachch Bharat Campaigna great success.

Special cleanliness driveby PBMC

Durga pujacelebrations

Port Blair, Oct. 5Rabindra Seva Bharati, VIPRoad will be organisingSarbajanin Durgutsav from7 to 11, 2016. The culturalprogrammes include dance(group) & song (solo &group) competitions fromOct. 8 & 10. Meanwhile, Durga puja is

(Contd. on last page)

(Contd. on last page)

(Contd. on last page)

Administration mustundergo orientationprogramme on DisasterManagement for theirknowledge. He furtherstated that officerstouring other Islandsmust do a testing onEmergency OperationCentres at every place toensure its properfunctioning.

ThursdayOctober 06, 20162 Classifieds

TO LET 2 BHK Flat, 24 hrs. water supply with car parking area near Delanipur Community Hall @ Rs. 10,000/ month. Contact: 9933233009, 9531977786

NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION No. MA/2(S)/17/26 dated: 28/9/2016

Sealed quotations are invited by the Divisional Forest Officer, Middle Andaman on behalf of the President of India from the authorized dealers, bonafide suppliers and stockiest to furnish the rates for the supply of River Sand of Middle Andaman Division on as & when required basis during the year 2016-2017. The quotation should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 19/10/2016 at 1500 Hrs. and the same will be opened at 1530 Hrs. on the same day in the presence of such quotationers as may be present at the time. The list of items and terms & conditions can be had from the office of the undersigned at a cost of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) (non refundable) from 03/10/2016 to18/10/2016 on all working days during office hours or may be downloaded from the website of Andaman & Nicobar Administration (www.and.nic.in). Those who are submitting the quotation documents, which were downloaded from the website should pay a sum of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) being the cost of the quotation document by demand draft drawn in favour of the Divisional Forest Officer, Middle Andaman, Rangat alongwith the tender documents. The downloaded tender documents without the demand draft will not be entertained and summarily rejected.

Unique No. 43391 Divisional Forest Officer Middle Andaman, Rangat


Flue c i E glish speaki g Male / Fe ale ca didates with good Co u icatio Skills a d Co pute k owledge Betwee . a & . p

Mi i u Qualificatio th Pass Dedicated a d Ha d Wo ki g Staff e ui ed

Co tact: Paradise Tours a d Travels, Behi d A is Ba k Buildi g, Middle Poi t Pho e: 9 9 , 9 9 9


No. 1-23/GP/GN/HL/2016-17/258 Dated: 23/09/ 2016 Sealed Quotations are invited from Electrical contractors (Society / individuals) having a team comprising of at least one lineman / wireman and a helper, one of which should have a minimum qualification of ITI in Electrical (2 years) or a certificate of competency from any of the licensing board for Streetlight Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) under Gram Panchayat, Govind Nagar, Havelock. The Tender document for the aforesaid Tender can be obtained from the Office of Gram Panchayat, Govind Nagar, Havelock on all working days from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM upto 17th October, 2016 on payment of Rs. 100/-. The tender alongwith EMD of Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees five thousand only) complete in all respect should be placed in the tender box of Gram Panchayat, Govind Nagar, Havelock latest by 10.00 AM on 18th October, 2016. Tenders thus received shall be opened on the same day i.e. on 18th October, 2016 at 10.15 AM in presence of the Tenderers and the Tender opening committee of Gram Panchayat, Govind Nagar, Havelock. The Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Govind Nagar, Havelock reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Quotations without assigning any reasons thereof.

Pradhan Unique No. 43312 Gram Panchayat,

Govind Nagar, Havelock

QUOTATION NOTICE FOR FURNITURE ITEMS No. 10/GPW/Quotation/2016-17/355 Wandoor, dated the 23rd September, 2016 Sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms for supply of Furniture Items for use at Gram Panchayat Wandoor. Sl. No. Furniture Items Quantity Quality Unit 1. Plastic Chair with Arms

[With grip on four legs] 300 Nos. Superior Quality Each

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The quotation should be submitted in the sealed cover superscripted “Furniture Items”. 2. The quotation should be accompanied by an EMD of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Wandoor, South Andaman from any Nationalized Bank or A&N State Co-operative Bank. 3. EMD will be forfeited for non-supply of the items in time. 4. In case the date of opening of tender is declared as public holiday/due to any unavoidable reasons the tender could not be opened on the said date, the quotation shall be opened on the next working date at the same time. 5. The rate should be quoted along with brand name/make of all items. Two different rates for the same items should not be quoted. 6. Cutting/overwriting or fluiding should be avoided. 7. Firms should have sufficient stock of the items and should be delivered the same to the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor within 15 days of placing indent to them. 8. Sample of items should be sent to the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Wandoor by 18.10.2016 at 10.30 a.m. invariably failing which the quotations will be summarily rejected without any further notice. The sample which is lowest will be retained by the Panchayat. 9. Items to be supplied will be as per the specimen and sample duly approved by the Committee of the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor. 10. Samples should be marked with firms name and item serial number. 11. Genuine materials should be provided, if any materials found damaged the same should be replaced or make good by the supplier at his own cost at the time of delivery. 12. The sealed quotations should be put into the tender box kept in this Office of the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor on or before 18.10.2016 at 10.30 am. The same will be opened at 11.00 am on the same day in presence of Quotatiners/representatives, if any. 13. The validity of rate shall be for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the rates by the Gram Panchayat. 14. The Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Wandoor reserve the right to accept or reject any offer in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof. 15. For the terms & conditions not specified in this Quotation Notice, the decision of the Pradhan shall be final.

Pradhan Unique No. 43323 Gram Panchayat, Wandoor

South Andaman

TENDER NOTICE No. 1-1/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-17/782 Mayabunder, dated 30.09.2016

The Executive Engineer, PRI, GP&PS, N&M Andaman, Mayabunder on behalf of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Long Island invites sealed item rate tender (in form CPWD “8”) from bonafide and experienced contractors of appropriate class of APWD/ CPWD for the undermentioned work: 1. NIT No. 31/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-2017

Extension of CC Road from Panchayat Pump House to Blue Planet Resort at Ward No. 07 under GP, Long Island. Estimated Cost: Rs. 12,09,608/-, EMD: Rs. 24,192/- & Time of Completion: 02(Two) Months.

Last date of receipt of application and time = 18.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm Last date of sale of tender and time = 21.10.2016 upto 5.00 pm Time and date of receipt of tenders = 27.10.2016 upto 3.00 pm Time and date of opening of tenders = 27.10.2016 at 3.30 pm 1. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 500/-(non-refundable) in Cash as cost of tender. 2. Earnest money should be deposited Money in Cash/ Receipt Treasury Challan/ Deposit at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/Fixed Deposit Receipt of aScheduled Bank/ Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank, issued in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Long Island. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender document will be 18.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm. Other details/information can be seen on website www.and.nic.in and in the tender forms.

Executive Engineer Panchayati Raj Institution

Gram Panchayat & Panchayat Samiti Unique No. 43467 North & Middle Andaman


Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best Exporter Award for the 8th Time

M/s AQUA WORLD EXPORTS PVT. LTD. represented by its Dynamic Managing Director, Mr. S. Haridas has won the prestigious Award for the BEST EXPORTER FOR CHILLED SEA FOODS FROM INDIA for the 8th time, awarded by Marine Products Exports Development Authority, (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India) the Award was presented to him at the 20th India International Seafood Show 2016 held on the 23rd of September, 2016 at Vishakhapatnam. The function was presided by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Shri N. Chandra Babu Naidu.

Hon’ble Minister for Commerce & Industry, Smti. Nirmala Sitharaman Hon’ble Union Minister Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble M.P. Dr. K.Haribabu

Dr. A. Jayathilak, IAS Chairman of MPEDA and other dignitaries. We are proud that Mr. Haridas is the son of this soil as it’s from Port Blair that he began his Seafood journey.

Branch Office : Junglighat, Fisheries Colony, Sea Shore Road, Port Blair, S/Andaman – 744103

TO LET Accommodation available at Biggi Line, Opposite Telephone Bhavan. Contact : 9434295194 or 242262



B.A LLB : 5 YR LLB : 3 YR.



B.ED / M.ED / B.Sc / M.Sc


QUOTATION NOTICE No. EE/SA/Tech/NIQ- 33/2016/AN-01-D-0196/2399

Port Blair, dated the 21st Sept.2016 The Executive Engineer, South Andaman Division, Electricity Department, A&N Administration, Port Blair on behalf of the President of India invites sealed quotations duly superscribed with quotation no. & due date from reputed vehicle repairing workshops for repairing of departmental Pick up Van bearing Registration No. AN 01 D- 0196 (Model-Mahindra & Mahindra) attached to T&D (HQ) Section, Hut Bay under South Andaman Division. Last date of receipt of quotation- 1500 hrs. on 21.10. 2016 For further details & future corrigendum if any, etc. please visit our web site www.and.nic.in Unique No.43263 Executive Engineer (SA)

ThursdayOctober 06, 2016 3

For Advertisement &Subscription queries:

Call: 03192-229216


No. PN/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17/3205 dated 20th Sept., 2016 The Executive Engineer, Construction Division-I, APWD, Rangat invites on behalf of the President of India sealed item rate tenders for following work: NIT No. 37/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17 Unique No. 43283 Name of work: Straightening of Diverted Kalsi Nallah Course. Estimated Cost: Rs. 60,27,388/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 1,20,548/- & Time of Completion: 08 (Eight) Months. NIT No. 20/DB/CD-I/RGT/2015-16 Unique No. 43284 Name of work: Providing PVC coated GI mesh fencing to Govt. Middle School, South Creek, Baratang for a length of 550 mtrs. including GI gate column (3 mtrs. C/C). Estimated Cost: Rs. 13,40,518/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 26,810/- & Time of Completion: 04 (Four) Months. NIT No. 36/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17 Unique No. 43285 Name of work: Construction of RCC ring well at Rangat River including pipe line under SD-II, CD-I, APWD, Rangat. SW: Construction of 01 No. CWR of capacity 1,00,000 ltrs. and PCC and RCC pillars along the pumping line from pump house to Water Treatment Plant. Estimated Cost: Rs. 11,04,523/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 22,090/- & Time of Completion : 04 (Four) Months. NIT No. 32/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17 Unique No. 43286 Name of work: Providing and laying distribution line from Haripada Tikrey to Adhoora Pool, Anganwadi to School, Harikrishna Bachar house to Threshing floor to Toofan house under SD-V, CD-I, Rangat. Estimated Cost: Rs. 13,99,719/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 27,994/- & Time of Completion: 03 (Three) Months. NIT No. 31/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17 Unique No. 43287 Name of work: Construction of additional CWR of capacity 1,20,000 ltr. at existing filter bed at Rangat Bay. Estimated Cost: Rs. 9,13,211/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 18,264/- & Time of Completion : 06 (Six) Months. NIT No. 38/DB/CD-I/RGT/2016-17 Unique No. 43288 Name of work: Construction of approach road to filter bed at Rangat Bay (1.00 Km) actual length 600.00 mtr. Estimated Cost: Rs. 40,06,216/-, Earnest Money: Rs. 80,124/- & Time of Completion: 06 (Six) Months. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 1000/- & Rs. 500/-. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender form will be 13.10.2016 upto 4.00 P.M. Other details/information can be seen on website www.andaman.gov.in

Executive Engineer CD-I, APWD, Rangat


No. 15-191/EE/WW/R/MC/2016-17/583 dtd. 27.09.2016

The Executive Engineer (Road Works), Municipal Council, Port Blair invites on behalf of the Chairperson, Port Blair Municipal Council online term rate/ percentage rate/ Lump Sum bids on single bid system for following work(s): 1. NIT No. 15/EE/RW/MC/2016-17, Name of Work: Construction of Road Side Drain and Retaining Wall from Ramaswamy House to Shri Sathaiah (Sada) House at Japan Road, Ward No. 15. Estimated Cost: Rs. 2,94,638.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 5,893.00, Time of Completion: 02 Months, last time and date of submission of bid 3.00 PM on 17.10.2016. The tender will be opened on the same day at 4.00 P.M. 2. NIT No. 16/EE/RW/MC/2016-17, Name of Work: Construction of Road Side Drain and Retaining Wall from Shri D. Chinnaiah House at Japan Road, Ward No. 15. Estimated Cost: Rs. 3,02,123.00, Earnest Money: Rs. 6,042.00, Time of Completion: 02 Months, last time and date of submission of bid 3.00 PM on 17.10.2016. The tender will be opened on the same day at 4.00 P.M. The bid forms and other details can be obtained from the website www. eproc.andaman.gov.in

Executive Engineer (Road Works) Tender ID: PBMC/23, PBMC/24 Municipal Council



Offers valid only for 3 days Advance book your product for Dusshera & Diwali FIRST TIME FOR EVER - HURRY !!!

Model MRP *Exchange Offer

LED 24” 13,990/- 10,999/- LED 32’’ 20,990/- 16,999/- LED 39’’ 29,999/- 23,999/- LED 42’' 33,990/- 27,999/- W/Machine 6.2 Kg. 10,390/- 7,499/- W/Machine 6.5 Kg. 10,990/- 7,999/- W/Machine 7.2 Kg. 10,990/- 8,699/- W/Machine 7.6 Kg. 12,790/- 9,499/- Single Door 190 Ltr. 12,300/- 9,900/- Double Door Fridge 247 Ltr. 24,800/- 18,799/- Side by side Fridge 563 Ltr. 1,09,980/- 79,999/-


Opp. : Junglighat School Ph. : 9679587852/9932493531/233656


S.K.B. JEWELLERY Babu Lane, Port Blair

Ph. 03192-237088 * Old Gold Exchange Scheme * Old Gold Sale & purchased a new gold same rate * New design collection chain, Bangles, Tops & Ladies Rings & Gents Rings in our Showrooms

Condition apply

SITUATION VACANT Sales Executive – 40 Nos. Team Leader – 05 Nos.

(Male with experience) Sales Executive for Rangat

– 05 Nos. Qualification – 10th Pass and above Submit your CV/ Resume with Passport size Photo

Mohan Ford Ph. 8001234800


Durga Puja Bonanza 50% OFF for residence of Andaman from 1st Oct. to 31st Oct., 2016 come visit Diglipur for this Durga Puja and stay with us on our Luxury Cottages. For more details contact us on 9474286787, 271793, 272532

SITUATION VACANT Restaurant Manager – 1, Waiter – 1, Barman – 1 and Cook – 1 for making Tandoori Chicken & Naan at Hotel Appolo, Bar & Restaurant, Kamaraj Nagar, Port Blair.

Contact No. 9933261783

SITUATION VACANT 1. Sales Executive 2. Sales Manager 3. Service Technicians Freshers are welcome

Contact : Kakolil Trade Agencies

Ph. 7797040300, 9476000105

SITUATION VACANT 1. One Assistant Manager capable of independently managing a well established bed & breakfast Estt. at Port Blair. Experienced hands in Hotel Management/ Tours and Travel Industry with Computer knowledge, pleasing personality, able to effectively communicate with guests only preferred. Basic Salary + incentives linked with performance will be provided. 2. Kitchen Helper – 1 Experienced only 3. House Keeping Staff – 1 (Part Time)

Contact : 9434261271, 9933242953

SITUATION VACANT 1. Female Reservation Staff (02) Qualification: Minimum Graduation, good communication skill in English and Hindi.

Andaman Jyoti Tours & Travels Opp. CBI Office (CPWD Building), Ranchi Basti, Port Blair

Ph. 9476029340, 9933279340 Contact between 10 am & 2 pm

SPORTS GOODS Available at

SPORTS CENTRE 1st floor, ATS Shopping Complex, Garacharma Junction, South Andaman


From Mainland How to speak better English

with Grammar Door to Door

Cell : 09933266375

TO LET Double bedroom flat in

Phoenix Bay Mob. 9434266821

TO LET Spacious room available at Junglighat near Mitali Book Shop in the ground floor, can be used for Tuition Centre/ Office/ Godown. Interested persons can contact at No. 9474228998

FOR SALE EECO Maruti, red, AC Car, 5 Seater with Baby Seat attached AN01-F-5789, white board, Reg. October, 2010, good condition. It runs 8000 Kms. only. Contact: 9434281429, 9933282840

FOR SALE Ford Fiesta, Top Model

AN01-H-1589 Single hand very good condition

Run only 13500 Kms. Please contact : 9933224800/ 9933245060

TENDER NOTICE No. 6-2/RMSA/Ten./2016-17/322 Port Blair, dated the 26th September, 2016

Sealed Tenders / Quotations are invited by the State Project Director ,RMSA, UT Mission Authority, Andaman & Nicobar Islands on behalf of the President of India from the bonafide Caterers/ Suppliers/ Co-operative Societies /Hoteliers possessing valid food license and Medical Certificate for the supply of snacks /food items /Working lunch as mentioned below for the participants for various Training Programmes /Seminars /Workshops etc. conducted under RMSA State Project Office/BRC South Andaman and Wimberlygunj for a period of one Year from the date of awarding contract on as and when required basis. Sealed Quotations duly filled in all respects along with the required EMD and other essential documents mentioned in the terms and conditions of the tenders should be submitted to the office of the State Project Officer, RMSA, Link Road, Shiksha Sadan, Port Blair on or before 21.10.2016 upto 1500 hours on all working days. Received quotations will be opened on the same date on 21.10.2016 at 1530 hours in the chamber of The State Project Officer, RMSA, Link Road, Shiksha Sadan, Port Blair in presence of the questioners of their representatives present, if any.


supply Items to be supplied per head

Rate 1. Morning Tea with

Snacks 1.Tea- 100(ml.) 2. Peda/Burfi- 01 No. 3.Samosa/Vada/Veg Puff – 01 No.


Working Lunch

1.Cooked Rice -150 gms (rice white ponnie) 2.Chapatti (30 grms each) – 04 Nos. 3.Dal/Sambar (100grms) 4. Mixed Vegetable/Green vegetable(75 grms) 5. Mutter Paneer/Kabli Channa Masala/Palak Paneer/ Malai Kofta-(150)gms 6.Chicken/Mutton Curry/Fish Fry (150)gms 7.Papad(One each) & Pikkle(20 grms) 8.Green Salad (50 grms) 9.Semeya/Kheer / Rassogolla (50 gms) 10.Mineral Water ( ½ Liter)

3. Evening Tea with Snacks

1.Tea – 100 ml. 2.Digestive Biscuit/Marie Biscuit (Good Quality) 02 Nos.

Total in Rs………… Per Person TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1. The Quotationer must possess valid License/Registration to supply food items and attested (Self/Gazetted Officer) copy of the same must be enclosed with the tender. 2. The Quotationer must possess valid medical fitness certificate of the kitchen staff and attested copy of the same must be enclosed with the tender. 3. The rates of morning tea working lunch and evening tea with snacks should be quoted separately ,item-wise and the same should inclusive of all charges like service/transport cost of paper plates, disposable glasses and Mineral water etc. the lowest bidding shall be the total cost of all the three description of Part A. 4. The Item should be of good quality fresh and prepared in hygienic conditions, and supplied at the different venues in Port Blair /South Andaman and Wimberlygunj as per supply order placed by the SPO, RMSA. 5. The Quotation of those who do not possess valid food license will be summarily rejected. 6. A sum of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) should be obtained in the form of call deposit/EMD of any of the scheduled bank in the name of State Project Officer, RMSA, UT Mission Authority, A& N Islands call deposit is must and not exempted for any category. 7. The successful bidder will have to deposit Rs. 16500/- (Rupees Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Only) as security deposit drawn from any nationalized bank pledged in favour of the State Project Officer, RMSA, Andaman & Nicobar Islands within three working days on demand. 8. Attested (Self/Gazetted Officer) copy of PAN Card may be attached with the tender. 9. The tender subscribing “tender for Supply of Working Lunch” on the top of the envelope should be addressed to State Project Officer, RMSA, Link Road, Shiksha Sadan, Port Blair. 10. Any Violation of the terms and conditions of the tender documents will lead to automatic termination of the contract and forfeiting call deposit/EMD and blacklisting the firm. 11. The Purchase committee or any official authorized by the State Project Director, RMSA will have the right to inspect the kitchen and other facilities to ensure proper hygiene in the preparation, transportation and supply of food items. 12. The Tenderer must have the capacity to supply the working lunch on short Notice to the venue at South Andaman. Supply Order may be given for supply of food items as per the requirement as mentioned in Part-A. 13. The rates quoted for Para –A should not exceed Rs. 150/- per day per person. 14. The State Project Director reserves the right to accept or reject one or all the quotations without assigning any reason thereof. Unique No. 43399 State Project Officer (RMSA)


For Advertisement &

Subscription queries:

03192-229216 ClassifiedsThursday

October 06, 2016

Forests are ourgreat heritage.

Protect them

Notice Inviting e-Tender No. 08/EE/OS/ALHW/2016-17/3359 Dated: 26/09/2016

For and on behalf of the President of India, the Executive Engineer (OS), Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works, Port Blair, invites online item rate tender from the Contractors/Agencies having experience for executing similar nature of work:

Sl. No. Name of work & Tender No.

Estimated Cost

(in Rs.)

EMD (in


Date of publish of tender


Last date and time for bid


Date and time of opening of bid

Eligibility Criteria

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1) No. 08/EE/OS/ALHW/2016-17

Construction of Walkway shelter with PVC coated polyester membrane tensile fabric structure from DSS entrance gate to existing STARS Ticketing counter at Phoenix Bay Harbour Complex in Port Blair.

Rs. 34,78,035/-

Rs. 69,561/- 24.09.2016

14.10.2016 at 1500


15.10.2016 at 1100



s hav





ilar n


e of w


The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the website www.tenderwizard.com/ALHW Executive Engineer (OS)

Unique No. 43342 ALHW, Port Blair

NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. EE/N&S/Tend- 29/2016-17/3507

Dated: 03.10.2016 The Executive Engineer (N&S) Division, O/o Deputy Chief Engineer-I, Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works, Port Blair invites on behalf of the President of India sealed item rate tenders from experienced, eligible enlisted contractors of ALHW in class “C” & “D”, for the work of “Attending routine maintenance of Stage - II & III Jetty in Phoenix Bay Harbour Complex at Port Blair for the year of 2016-17” at an Estimated Cost of Rs. 5,02,308.00, EMD Rs. 10,046.00 & time of completion 12 (twelve) months. Interested contractors are requested to visit our website “http://alhw.and.nic.in for further details, terms & conditions. The intending Tenderer fulfilling the terms and conditions may submit their application alongwith requisite documents for issue of tender document upto 1600 Hrs. on or before 14.10.2016 to the Executive Engineer (N&S), ALHW, Port Blair-744101. Unique No. 43508 Executive Engineer (N&S) Tender ID No. 0063-2016-2525 ALHW, Port Blair NOTICE INVITING TENDERS

No. DB/23-2/Tender Notice/PBND/2016-17/3468 Port Blair, dated the 3rd Oct., 2016

The Executive Engineer, Port Blair North Division, APWD, Port Blair invites on behalf of the President of India sealed item rate tenders from reputed firms and resellers of stationery items having ready stock and valid registration of appropriate authority towards commercial establishment under A&N Islands Shops and Establishment Regulation, 2004 for following works: 1. NIT No. 50/EE/PBND/2016-17, Unique No. 43483, Name of work: Running, maintenance and upkeep of South Point & Marine Hill Circuit House under SD No. IV, PBND during 2016-17 SW: Supply of toiletry items for a period of six months, Estimated Cost: Rs. 4,08,960/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 8,179/-, Time of Completion: 06 (six) months. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the Office of the Executive Engineer, PBND, APWD, Port Blair on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only). The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender form will be 14.10.2016 upto 4.00 PM. Other details/information can been seen on website www.and.nic.in

Executive Engineer Port Blair North Division



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Wedding Mart RGT Road near Murugan Temple, Port Blair

Contact No. 9933260428/ 9434293428

AFFIDAVIT I, K. MICHAL RAJ, S/o Shri P.K. Swamy, resident of Chakkargaon village under Port Blair Tehsil in the District of South Andaman, solemnly declare as follows : 1. That my actual and correct name is K. MICHAL RAJ. 2. That my name is wrongly mentioned as MICHAEL RAJ in the Official Documents instead of K. MICHAL RAJ. 3. That K. MICHAL RAJ and MICHAEL RAJ are the same and one person. 4. That hereinafter I shall be known as K. MICHAL RAJ in all aspects and for all purposes. 5. That this affidavit is made to declare my correct name. That the abovesaid statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and the contents of the affidavit readover and explained to the deponent in simple Hindi. Deponent

SITUATION VACANT 04 Female Reservation Executive Qualification 12th Pass with Computer knowledge and Travel

experience or fresher also apply 02 Male Tour Guide Staff for Havelock Island

Andaman Emerald Holidays Marine Hill, Sisty Nagar, Opp. Police Quarters, Port Blair

Andaman & Nicobar Islands – 744101 Mob. 7063955436/ 9476012223, 03192-234012


IME – 9 Tablets Now available at M.K. Medical Stores

Gurudwara Lane, Ph. No. 9732470004

Re-e-TENDER NOTICE No. Tender/DB/SD/2016-17/1030 Port Blair, dated 23/09/2016

The Executive Engineer, Stores Division, APWD, Port Blair on behalf of the President of India, online item rate tenders (In form CPWD ‘9’) from approved and bonafide Manufacturers, authorized Dealers upto 3.00 P.M on 13/10/2016 for undermentioned work:

Sl. No. Name of work Estimated

Cost Earnest Money

Cost of tender


Time of Completion

1. Acquisition of Stock under Store Division, APWD, Port Blair, during 2016-17. SW: Procurement of Bleaching Powder Gr.-I for Chlorination of Drinking water.

Rs. 16,53,708.00

Rs. 500.00

Rs. 33,074.00

03 Months

Time and date of receipt of tenders 13/10/2016 upto 3.00 P.M. Time and date of opening of tenders 13/10/2016 at 3.30 P.M. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the e-Procurement Portal www.eproc.andaman.gov.in

Executive Engineer Stores Division

Tender ID: APWD9 APWD, Port Blair.

TENDER NOTICE No. 1-1/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-17/779 Mayabunder, dated 30.09.2016

The Executive Engineer, PRI, GP&PS, N&M Andaman, Mayabunder on behalf of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Kaushalyanagar invites sealed item rate tender (in form CPWD “8”) from bonafide and experienced contractors of appropriate class of APWD/ CPWD for the undermentioned work: 1. NIT No. 27/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-2017

Repair & Maintenance of School Road from Kaushalyanagar Bus Stand to 12 families Road at Kaushalyanagar Ward No. 05 under GP, Kaushalyanagar. Estimated Cost: Rs. 18,96,837/-, EMD : Rs. 37,937/- & Time of Completion: 06 (Six) Months.

Last date of receipt of application and time = 17.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm Last date of sale of tender and time = 20.10.2016 upto 5.00 pm Time and date of receipt of tenders = 25.10.2016 upto 3.00 pm Time and date of opening of tenders = 25.10.2016 at 3.30 pm 1. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) in Cash as cost of tender. 2. Earnest money should be deposited Money in Cash/ Receipt Treasury Challan/ Deposit at call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/Fixed Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/ Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank, issued in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Kaushalyanagar. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender document will be 17.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm. Other details/information can be seen on website www.and.nic.in and in the tender forms.

Executive Engineer Panchayati Raj Institution

Gram Panchayat & Panchayat Samiti Unique No. 43471 North & Middle Andaman, Mayabunder

QUOTATION NOTICE FOR G.I. PIPE AND TARPAULIN No. 1-8/GP/BF-II/2016-17/510 dated: 28.09.2016

Sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms and bonafide suppliers for supply of G.I. Pipe & Tarpaulin for use in the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II. Sl. No. Items Quality Brand Unit Rate

1. G.I. Pipe 40 MM Medium quality ISI

Kirloskar, Bajaj, Ajanta, Nizon, Bansel


2. Tarpaulin (Nylon) Superior quality ISI Satisfied Company Per Sq. Ft. Terms and conditions: 1. The quotation should be submitted in the sealed cover superscribed “G.I. Pipe and Tarpaulin”. 2. The quotation should be accompanied by EMD of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II, South Andaman from any Nationalized Bank or A&N State Co-operative Bank. 3. EMD will be forfeited for non-supply of the items in time. 4. In case the date of opening of quotation is declared as public holiday / due to any unavoidable reasons the quotation could not be opened on the said date, the quotation shall be opened on the next working date at the same time. 5. The rate should be quoted alongwith brand name / make of said items. Two different rates for the same items should not be quoted. 6. Cutting / overwriting or fluiding should be avoided. 7. Firms should have sufficient stock of the items and shall deliver the same to the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II within 15 days of placing supply order. 8. Items to be supplied will be in conformity to the specimen and sample duly approved by the Committee of the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II. 9. Standard materials should be provided, if any materials found damaged, the same should be replaced or make good by the supplier at his own cost at the time of delivery. 10. The quotation form can be had from the Panchayat Office by showing dealer certificate, PAN Card and the experience certificate of having supplied of abovesaid item. The cost of the quotation form Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only). 11. The application shall be received on 10.10.2016 upto 3.00 PM at Panchayat Office, Bambooflat-II and after scrutiny, the quotation form shall be issued on 10.10.2016 upto 4.00 PM. The application should accompanied with Dealer Certificate, PAN Card and the requisite documents such CST etc. 12. The sealed quotations should be put into the quotation box kept in this Office of the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II on or before 13.10.2016 at 10.00 AM. The same will be opened at 10.30 AM on the same day in presence of quotationers / representatives, if any. 13. The validity of rate shall be for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the rates by the Gram Panchayat. 14. The Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II reserves the right to accept or reject any offer in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof. 15. For the terms & conditions not specified in this Quotation Notice, the decision of the Pradhan shall be final.

Pradhan Gram Panchayat

Bambooflat-II Unique No. 43472 South Andaman

LOST I have lost my Rajiv Smriti Sanga (General Club) Shantipur, bye-laws, Regn. No. 880 between Shantipur and Rangat NYK Office. Finder please contact: 9476070749

NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. Press-DB/CD/DP/2016/3100 Diglipur, dated the 22.09.2016

The Executive Engineer, Construction Division, APWD, Diglipur invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed item, rate tenders (in form C.P.W.D-8) from the approved and eligible experienced contractors of appropriate class of A.P.W.D. for the following work: 1. NIT No. 24/EE/CD/DP/2016-17

Repair and renovation of Office-cum-Residence of Junior Engineer at Mohanpur under CD, Diglipur. E.C.P.T.: Rs. 19,29,776/-, EMD: Rs. 38,596/- & Time of Completion: 06 months. Unique No. 43372

2. NIT No. 25/EE/CD/DP/2016-17 Repair and renovation of existing toilet block at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Subashgram, Diglipur. E.C.P.T.: Rs. 10,16,117/-, EMD: Rs. 26,224/- & Time of Completion: 03 months. Unique No. 43374

Last date of receipt of application and time : 4 PM on 17.10.2016 Last date of sale of tenders : 4 PM on 20.10.2016 Time and date of receipt of Tender : 24.10.2016 upto 3.00 PM Time and date of opening of Tender : 24.10.2016 at 3.30 PM The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 500/-. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender documents will be 17.10.2016 upto 4.00 PM. Other details/information can be seen on website www.and.nic.in.

Executive Engineer, CD, APWD, Diglipur.

TENDER NOTICE No. 1-1/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-17/781 Mayabunder, dated 30.09.2016

The Executive Engineer, PRI, GP&PS, N&M Andaman, Mayabunder on behalf of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bakultala invites sealed item rate tender (in form CPWD “8”) from bonafide and experienced contractors of appropriate class of APWD/ CPWD for the undermentioned work: 1. NIT No. 28/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-2017

Construction of Anganwadi building at Bakultala under GP, Bakultala.(Deposit work of Welfare Department). SW: Providing IEI. Estimated Cost: Rs. 40,001/-, EMD: Rs. 800/- & Time of Completion: 3(Three) Months.

Last date of receipt of application and time = 17.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm Last date of sale of tender and time = 20.10.2016 upto 5.00 pm Time and date of receipt of tenders = 25.10.2016 upto 3.00 pm Time and date of opening of tenders = 25.10.2016 at 3.30 pm 1. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) in Cash as cost of tender. 2. Earnest money should be deposited Money in Cash/ Receipt Treasury Challan/ Deposit at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/Fixed Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/ Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank, issued in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bakultala. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender document will be 17.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm. Other details/information can be seen on website www.and.nic.in and in the tender forms.

Executive Engineer Panchayati Raj Institution

Gram Panchayat & Panchayat Samiti Unique No. 43463 North & Middle Andaman, Mayabunder

Career Eng. Begins at School! Do you do it to avoid future hurdles? Sensible guidance on current Bri. & Am. Patterns- Gram., usage, speech, writing! (Mob. 973 247 3887)


Special Air Fare Available October Month

October Chennai – P/Blair – Chennai Chennai to P/Blair all dates Rs. 5,500/ - P/Blair to Chennai all dates Rs. 5,500/ - (Limited seats available book hurry) Contact : Vijay Tours and Travels

Shadipur near Mannafull Gospel Church, Shop No. 02, P/Blair

Mobile No. 9679522478, 9474232578, Office : 03192-230219

TO LET 2 BHK rent room available on road side @ Rs. 8000/- per month, fully tiled, car parking near FCI Godown, Mount Residential Colony, Dollygunj. Contact Ph. 7063954886, 9531929819

TO LET 2 BHK Room with all facility with 24 hours water supply, Opposite Garacharma Police Fire Station. Contact: 9474292343 & 9474210770

A Care Building Solution Worried about the leakage? We here to support you Terrace Leakage Bathroom Leakage Wall Dampness Building Crack Internals & External 7 yrs. experience Call – 9531838149/ 9531931060

TO LET 3 BHK near Dena Bank, Garacharma. Contact No. 9434263332, 9933280477

FOR SALE 1 No. Fish Aquarium with

full equipments Ph. 9933280251,

9476081450, Nayagaon

ThursdayOctober 06, 2016 5

Shipping : 245555Women : 1091Children : 1098Coast Guard (Search & Rescue) : 1554District Control Room : 1070 / 238881Ambulance : 102

Police Control room : 100Fire Service : 101Coastal Security : 1093PBMC Control Room : 245798State control Room: 1077/234287Extn : 328 / 231179

ClassifiedsStop Global War i g

Prote t future ge eratio s fro thehar ful effe ts of glo al war i g yredu i g e issio s fro power pla ts,ars, fa tories a d other sour es

You too can help!!

DISCLAIMER Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves about the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any advertisement published in this newspaper. The publisher of this newspaper, does not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the advertisers products and services. The Owner, Publisher, Printer, Employees of this newspaper shall not be held responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and/or damages/consequences for advertisements in this newspaper.

QUOTATION NOTICE FOR FURNITURE ITEMS No. 1-8/GP/BF-II/2016-17/506 dated: 26.09.2016

Sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms and bonafide suppliers for supply of Furniture Items for use in the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II. Sl. No.

Furniture Items Quality Brand Unit Rate

1. Plastic Chair Size 825 mm – Top Height 427 mm – Base Height 430 mm – Base Length 410 mm – Base Width Model: Corporate Straight Back

Superior Quality

Supreme, Neel Kamal Furniture (Heavy duty premium class furniture)


2. Ornate Chair Superior Quality

Supreme, Neel Kamal Furniture (Heavy duty premium class furniture)


Terms and conditions: 1. The quotation should be submitted in the sealed cover superscribed “Furniture Items”. 2. The quotation should be accompanied by EMD of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II, South Andaman from any Nationalized Bank or A&N State Co-operative Bank. 3. EMD will be forfeited for non-supply of the items in time. 4. In case the date of opening of quotation is declared as public holiday / due to any unavoidable reasons the quotation could not be opened on the said date, the quotation shall be opened on the next working date at the same time. 5. The rate should be quoted alongwith brand name / make of said items. Two different rates for the same items should not be quoted. 6. Cutting / overwriting or fluiding should be avoided. 7. Firms should have sufficient stock of the items and shall deliver the same to the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II within 15 days of placing supply order. 8. Items to be supplied will be in conformity to the specimen and sample duly approved by the Committee of the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II. 9. Standard materials should be provided, if any materials found damaged, the same should be replaced or make good by the supplier at his own cost at the time of delivery. 10. The quotation form can be had from the Panchayat Office by showing dealer certificate, PAN Card and the experience certificate of having supplied of abovesaid items. The cost of the quotation form Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only). 11. The application shall be received on 10.10.2016 upto 3.00 PM at Panchayat Office, Bambooflat-II and after scrutiny, the quotation form shall be issued on 10.10.2016 upto 4.00 PM. The application should accompanied with Dealer Certificate, PAN Card and the requisite documents such CST etc. 12. The sealed quotations should be put into the quotation box kept in this Office of the Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II on or before 13.10.2016 at 10.00 AM. The same will be opened at 10.30 AM on the same day in presence of quotationers / representatives, if any. 13. The validity of rate shall be for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the rates by the Gram Panchayat. 14. The Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bambooflat-II reserves the right to accept or reject any offer in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof. 15. For the terms & conditions not specified in this Quotation Notice, the decision of the Pradhan shall be final.

Pradhan Gram Panchayat

Bambooflat-II Unique No. 43459 South Andaman


NOTIFICATION Port Blair, dated the 30th September, 2016

No. /2016/F.No. 13-15/2016-TR.—In exercise of the powers vested on him under Rule 4 of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Inland Vessels Rules, 2016, The Lieutenant Governor (Administrator), Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been pleased to exempt all existing Inland Vessels including OBM driven FRP Boats from application of sub-rule (iii) of Rule 62 relating to positioning of General Purpose Rating for manning the vessel and sub-rule (i) 3 of Rule 125 relating to fitment of Class B Automatic Identification System (AIS) and authorize the Chief Surveyor to grant temporary permit to such vessels for a period of one year from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Sd./- (S. Subhakar Rao)

Deputy Secretary (Shipping)

NOTICE It is to bring to the kind notice of the General Public that in lieu of Durga Pooja Holidays this Directorate has arranged special express bus service to meet the public demand as per the following schedule:

Sl. No. Date Time From Destination 1. 6.10.2016 04.05 am Port Blair Diglipur 2. 7.10.2016 04.05 am Port Blair Diglipur 3. 7.10.2016 04.30 am Port Blair Mayabunder 4. 8.10.2016 04.05 am Port Blair Diglipur 5. 8.10.2016 04.25 am Port Blair Mayabunder 6. 8.10.2016 04.30 am Port Blair Kadamtala 7. 8.10.2016 07.15 am Port Blair Diglipur 8. 9.10.2016 04.05 am Port Blair Diglipur 9. 9.10.2016 06.50 am Port Blair Rangat 10. 9.10.2016 09.30 am Port Blair Mayabunder

Intending passengers can purchase the tickets from Mohanpura Bus Terminus ATR Express. Booking Counter one day in advance from 7.00 AM onwards.

Asst. Director (Transport)


PRESS NOTE It is brought to the notice of the all concerned that as per the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Prohibition of Cow slaughter Regulation 1967, there is no provision for issuing permission for Pig slaughtering by the District Office. Any person desiring to slaughter a pig may apply to the competent authority (i.e. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon) of the area and the PBMC, Port Blair.

Assistant Commissioner (HQ) For Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman (District)

Shyam N Shyam Festival Special Collection

Fancy Tops, Palazzos * Mastani & Suit Pieces * Kids & Gents Wear * With Discounts

Salesboys /girls wanted Contact : 9933250242

SITUATION VACANT Candidate Male/Female with knowledge in Tally contact in person with Bio-Data at M/s Thankavelu Traders, Opp. Ganesh Temple, No. 2, Babu Lane, A/Bazaar, Ph. 03192-233317, (M) : 9932080110

TO LET 1 BHK Flat at Haddo near Municipal Ratri Niwas. Contact : 9933211656, 9933296739

TENDER NOTICE No. 1-1/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-17/783 Mayabunder, dated 30.09.2016

The Executive Engineer, PRI, GP&PS, N&M Andaman, Mayabunder on behalf of the Pramukh, Panchayat Samiti, Diglipur invites sealed item rate tender (in form CPWD “8”) from bonafide and experienced contractors of appropriate class of APWD/ CPWD for the undermentioned work: 1. NIT No. 23/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-2017

Repair & Maintenance of Road from Ganesh house to Steel Bridge at Ward No. 08 under Panchayat Samiti, R.K. Gram, Diglipur. Estimated Cost: Rs. 16,51,277/-, EMD: Rs. 33,026/- & Time of Completion: 08 (Eight) Months.

2. NIT No. 32/EE/PRI/TENDER/MB/2016-2017 Repairing Road from Dinghi Ghat Junction to Dinghi Ghat at Kishorinagar -04 under Panchayat Samiti, Diglipur. Estimated Cost: Rs. 19,28,388/-, EMD: Rs. 38,568/- & Time of Completion: 09 (Nine) Months.

Last date of receipt of application and time = 18.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm Last date of sale of tender and time = 21.10.2016 upto 5.00 pm Time and date of receipt of tenders = 27.10.2016 upto 3.00 pm Time and date of opening of tenders = 27.10.2016 at 3.30 pm 1. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the O/o EE on payment of Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) in Cash as cost of tender. 2. Earnest money should be deposited Money in Cash/ Receipt Treasury Challan/ Deposit at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/Fixed Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/ Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank, issued in favour of the Pramukh, Panchayat Samiti, Diglipur. The last date of receipt of application to purchase tender document will be 18.10.2016 upto 4.00 pm. Other details/information can be seen on website www.and.nic.in and in the tender forms.

Executive Engineer Panchayati Raj Institution

Gram Panchayat & Panchayat Samiti Unique No. 43468, 43465 North & Middle Andaman


NOTICE Notice is hereby given that General Body Meeting of the Seamen Co-operative Society Ltd. will be held on Saturday, 08th October, 2016 at 5.30 pm, at the Seamen Co-operative Society Ltd. Office, New Block No. 1-29, M.G. Market, Port Blair – 744101, A&N Islands. All the members are requested to participate in the General Body Meeting in a large number to make it grand success. President




7th to 11th October, 2016 CULTURAL PROGRAMME

8th October, 2016 : 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm 10th October, 2016 : 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm Competition : Dance (Group) &

Song (Solo & Group) (Participants may register their names at Pandal or may call before 7th October on

Mobile No. 9474206686 All are cordially invited


GRAM PANCHAYAT, BASANTIPUR No. 4-4/GP/BP/QU/STAMC/2016/151 dated: 21.09.2016

Sealed quotations are invited from Electrical Contractors (Society / Individuals) having a team comprising if atleast one lineman / wireman and a helper, one of which should have a minimum qualification of ITI in Electrical (2 years) or a certificate of competency from any of the licensing board for Streetlight Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) under Gram Panchayat, Basantipur. The application for quotation documents can be submitted to the office of the Gram Panchayat, Basantipur on all working days between 10.00 am & 4.00 pm from 22.09.2016 to 14.10.2016. The quotation document will be issued on 18.10.2016 from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM at the office of the Gram Panchayat, Basantipur on payment of Rs. 100.00 (Rupees one hundred only). The quotation alongwith EMD of Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees five thousand only) complete in all respect should be submitted to the office of Gram Panchayat, Basantipur latest by 10.00 AM on 20.10.2016. Quotations thus received shall be opened on the same day i.e. on 20.10.2016 at 10.30 AM in presence of the quotationers and the quotation opening committee of Gram Panchayat, Basantipur. The Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Basantipur reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reasons thereof.

Pradhan Gram Panchayat

Unique No. 43293 Basantipur

AFFIDAVIT I, V. PRASAD RAO, S/o Shri Shahib Chetty, residing at Mazar Pahar, South Point Village, Ward No. 11 under Port Blair Tehsil in the District of South Andaman, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows : 1. That I have been regularized as Regular Mazdoor attached with JE-IV (Water) in Port Blair Municipal Council. 2. That I was born on 23.07.1968 at MITTA LANKA village in the District of EAST GODAVARI of ANDHRA PRADESH State. 3. That I have studied upto Class VI Standard at Mainland but now I do not possess Educational Certificate due to I have lost the same at anywhere as such I have no documentary proof in support of my date and place of birth. 4. That the office of the Port Blair Municipal Council has issued a regularized Order copy vide Order No. 1136, Dated 24.02.2015 inadvertently my name has been recorded as V. PRASADA RAO instead of my correct name is V. PRASAD RAO which is applicable for the all official records. 5. That my correct name as per records are available with me is V. PRASAD RAO. 6. That I am swearing this affidavit for correction of my name as V. PRASAD RAO and declare that my date of birth 23.07.1968 and entering the same in the service records. That the contents above of the statements made in paras 1 to 6 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


AFFIDAVIT I, JABIR SAYED, S/o Shri E. Sayed Alvi by faithu Muslim, Resident of Wimberlygunj under Ferrargunj Tehsil, South Andaman District, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows : 1. That my mother’s actual and correct name is “K. FATHIMA”. 2. That due to inadvertence my mother’s name has been recorded as “Fathima” instead of “K. Fathima” in my Birth Certificate bearing No. 591/92 3. That Fathima and K. Fathima is one and same person. 4. That the purpose to swear this affidavit is to declare my mother’s actual and correct name is “K. FATHIMA” in my said Birth Certificate. That the abovesaid statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information. Deponent

TO LET One BHK Flat, fully tiled, 24 hrs. water supply near Bird Line Mosque, monthly rent Rs. 3800/ month.

Contact : 9933225586

MATRIMONIAL Wanted a suitable match for a 35 yrs. old, well educated, Govt. Employed Girl, the bride should be Govt. Employed or self employed, Caste, Religion no bar.

Contact : Phone 9474280566

TO LET 1 No. 2 BHK available at

N/Gaon Junction near Durga Mandir, Rent Rs. 7000/- per

month. Contact: 9531855589

MATRIMONIAL Bride Wanted for a Hindu, Tamil Male 31 yrs. of age, fair, Ht. 173 cm/ Wt. 70 Kgs. Caste : Kongu Vellala Gounder Expecting a good looking well educated tamil girl with decent family background.

Contact : 7063924858, 9474277029


FOR SALE Mahindra Bolero Plus

District Permit H-Serial

Contact No. 9476002900

TO LET Room for rent at Junglighat in main road, one BHK room furnished with Sofa Set, Double size Bed and one Almirah * Navy and Coast Guard family are prefer. * Other also can contact

Monthly rent Rs. 7000/- Contact:

9933278518, 9679565262


Inserted by : CA.Satya Brata Dass (Son-in-law), Seema Rani Dass (Daughter) and family members

We express our sincere gratitude to our relatives, friends & well wishers, who stood by in our grief on the demise of Late Asha Lata Kar, W/o Shri Subash Chandra Kar (Retd. Sub Inspector), who left us on 01.10.2016.

1st Happy Birthday

On 06.10.2016



Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor(i/c) : Kanak Radha Chatterjee , Ph- 229217, 227201 Fax: 03192-227719 E-mail: thedailytelegrams@gmail.comFor distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 229216

6 ThursdayOctober 06, 2016Telegrams

he Daily

MV Bharat Seema will sail for Hut Bay on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 2200 Hrsfrom Haddo Wharf and will sail for Port Blair on 08.10.2016 (Sat) at 0800Hrs from Hut Bay. Passenger tickets for the above sailing will be issuedto the general public on 06.10.2016 from 0900 Hrs onwards at STARSTicketing Counters.Note: Regret to inform that, canteen service will not be availablefor passenger during the above voyage. Therefore, passengerswho wish to avail the above sailing are hereby advised to maketheir own arrangements with regard to food/refreshment duringtheir journey.Due to administrative reasons the announced schedule of MV Sentinelfor Car Nicobar via Hut Bay on 08th Oct., 2016 has been extended uptoCampbell Bay. Now the vessel is planned to sail for Campbell Bay viaHut Bay, Car Nicobar & Nancowry on 08.10.2016 (Sat) at 0700 Hrsfrom Haddo Wharf and will sail for Port Blair on 10.10.2016 (Mon) at2000 Hrs from Campbell Bay via same route. Passenger tickets for theabove sailing will be issued to the general public on 07.10.2016 from0900 Hrs onwards at STARS Ticketing Counters. Similarly booking ofcargo tickets will commence from 07.10.2016 between 0900 Hrs to1300 Hrs at Commercial Wing. All the consigners are advised to bookactual quantity of cargo to be transshipped, as no excess cargo will beallowed.MV Sentinel will sail for Hut Bay on 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 2000 Hrs fromHaddo Wharf and will sail for Port Blair on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 0800 Hrsfrom Hut Bay. Passenger tickets for the above sailing will be issued tothe general public on 06.10.2016 from 0900 Hrs onwards at STARSTicketing Counters.MV Sentinel will sail for Car Nicobar via Hut Bay on 08.10.2016 (Sat) at0700 Hrs from Haddo Wharf and will sail for Port Blair on 09.10.2016(Sun) at 1400 Hrs from Car Nicobar via Hut Bay. Passenger tickets forthe above sailing will be issued to the general public on 07.10.2016from 0900 Hrs onwards at STARS Ticketing Counters. Similarly bookingof cargo tickets will commence from 07.10.2016 between 0900 Hrs to1300 Hrs at Commercial Wing. All the consigners are advised to bookactual quantity of cargo to be transshipped, as no excess cargo will beallowed.MV Campbell Bay wil l sail for Campbell Bay via Nancowry on09.10.2016 (Sun) at 1000 Hrs from Haddo Wharf and will sail for PortBlair on 10.10.2016 (Mon) at 1330 Hrs from Campbell Bay via Nancowry.Passenger tickets for the above sailing will be issued to the generalpublic on 08.10.2016 (Sat) at STARS Ticketing Counters.06.10.2016 (THURSDAY)HAVELOCK & NEIL ISLANDMV Bambooka will sail for Havelock on 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 0620 Hrsfrom Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at0900 Hrs from Havelock.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Neil Island on 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 0630Hrs from Phoenix Bay jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same dayat 0845 Hrs from Neil Island.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Neil Island on 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 1100Hrs from Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same dayat 1600 Hrs from Neil Island.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Havelock 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 1300 Hrsfrom Neil Island Jetty and will sail back to Neil Island on the same dayat 1445 Hrs from Havelock.MV Bambooka will sail for Havelock on 06.10.2016 (Thu) at 1400 Hrsfrom Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at1630 Hrs from Havelock.07.10.2016 (FRIDAY)HAVELOCK & NEIL ISLANDMV Bambooka will sail for Havelock on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 0620 Hrsfrom Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at0900 Hrs from Havelock.MV Katchal will sail for Neil Island on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 0630 Hrs. fromPhoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 0845Hrs from Neil Island.MV Katchal will sail for Neil Island on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 1100 Hrs fromPhoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1600Hrs from Neil Island.MV Katchal will sail for Havelock on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 1300 Hrs fromNeil Island Jetty and will sail back to Neil Island on the same day at1445 Hrs from Havelock.MV Bambooka will sail for Havelock on 07.10.2016 (Fri) at 1400 Hrsfrom Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at1630 Hrs from Havelock.RANGAT & MAYABUNDERMV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Rangat via Havelock and Long Island on07.10.2016 (Fri) at 0630 Hrs from Phoenix Bay Jetty and will sail forPort Blair on the same day at 1300 Hrs from Rangat via same route.


WEATHERRain or thundershower very likely to occur at many places overAndaman & Nicobar Islands. Maximum and minimum temperaturewill be around 30°C and 24°C respectively on Thursday 06/10/2016

Observational data for Port Blair in last 24 hoursMaximum Temperature (°C): 30.5Minimum Temperature (°C): 23.9Relative Humidity (%) at 0830 IST: 091Relative Humidity (%) at 1730 IST: 095Sunrise Time for tomorrow (in IST): 0508Sunset Time for tomorrow (in IST): 1706Rainfall upto 0830 hrs of date (last 24 hrs) in mm: 055.3Rainfall upto 1730 hrs of date in mm: 000.2Rainfall (Progressive total from 1st January 16: 2849.7upto 0830 hrs (of date) in mm

DIVIYUM TALKIESFollowing is our Schedule for Week Sept 30 - Oct 6M.S.Dhoni - (Hindi U) - 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM

M.S.Dhoni - (Tamil U) - 11:30 AMPink - (Hindi UA) - 3:30 PM

Thodari - (Tamil U) - 7:30 PMAdvance Booking Now open for 'Mirzya' - (Hindi) &

'Premam' - (Telugu)www.ticketnew.com

For queries only 8373010002


Port Blair, Oct. 5 The first ever Nature Campwith night stay for schoolstudent was organized as apart of 62nd wildlife weekcelebration by Department ofEnvironment & Forests inassociation with Andaman &Nicobar Chamber ofCommerce & Industries, PortBlair at Mt. Harriet NationalPark, in which 30 schoolsstudents from KV-I, VKV andNirmala Sr. Sec School, PortBlair participated. The campstarted with 10 Km trek fromMannarghat to Mt. Harrietwhich was inaugurated byShri Bhaskar, ACCI Memberand Shr i S.K.Thomas,DFO(SA). The chief guestimpressed upon using suchan opportunity to learn andunderstand the Forest Eco-system and resourcesavailable in it. The studentswere exposed to differentcomponents of Forest rangingfrom flora and fauna and theirro le in mainta in ing theintegr i ty of eco-system,importance of forest in waterresource conservation andeffect of human intervention

Nature camp for studentsorganised at Mount Harriet

Port Blair, Oct. 5A training on Water SportsActivities conducted by theDepartment of Tourism inassociation with the NationalInstitute of Water Sports, Goa viz.Surf Life Saving Techniques -Silver (SLST - S) for Beach LifeGuards is underway at Carbyn's

Cove for 27 trainees. Thetraining on Surf Life SavingTechniques - Silver (SLST - S)for 69 trainees, Life SavingTechniques - Water Sports for154 trainees, Power BoatHandling - Tiller (PBH-T) for 37trainees has already beenconducted.

Training on water sportsactivities underway

Bengaluru, Oct 5Bengaluru's Ishan Pandita hasbecome the first Indianfootballer to sign a professionalcontract with a club in La Liga,the top tier of Spanish football.The 18-year-old on Mondayjoined the setup at newly-promoted CD Leganes, whichsits 11th in the Liga table.Pandita will first turn out for theclub's U-19 side, whichcurrently plies its trade in theDivision de Honor Juvenil, thetop level of the Spanish systemfor youth players. “It 's agreat feeling; it 's a bigmoment for me,” he said fromSpain. “But there's a long wayto go.”Pandita, a striker, has signed aone-year contract with the club.“My first goal is to get somegame-time and score a fewgoals. If I can progress fromthe youth team and debut forthe first team before the end ofthe season, that will be great,”

Pandita signs professionalcontract with La Liga club

Women’s IndiaOpen from Nov. 11New Delhi, Oct 5The 10th Women’s India Opengolf will be held from November11 to 13 with the tournamentreturning to the DLF Golf andCountry Resort as the venuefor the second year running.Announcing the date andvenue here on Tuesday, theWomen’s Golf Association ofIndia (WGAI) also confirmed thereturn of defending championEmily Kristine Pedersen ofDenmark for the competition.Emily won her f irst LadiesEuropean Tour title at the co-sanctioned event here in 2015,when she also won the Rookieof the Year award.

he said.Pandita grew up in the

Kamorta, Oct. 5 To mark the observance ofcelebration of 62nd WildlifeWeek, an awareness rallywas organised by theOffice of the Range Officer,Kamorta Range with theparticipation of schoolstudents, staff of ForestUnit of Kamorta and othersyesterday with the theme'conservation andprotection of Wildlife'. The rally was flagged offby Shri Aslam Majid,President, Nicobar Youth

Association in thepresence of Shri RobinPaul, Range Officer andothers. During this weeklong programme, differentcompetitions i.e. drawing,essay, slogan writing,elocution etc. amongschool students of all theschools under NancowrieZone is being organized atKamorta Island in additionto the display ofwildlife banners atconspicuous places ofKamorta Island.

Rally marks observance ofWildlife Week at Kamorta

Eye screening camp...(Contd. from page 1) Advanced eye testing equipments like acctorefractometer, slit lamp, indirect ophthalmoscopy wereused in the camp. Free spectacles were dispensed andnecessary eye medications were also dispensed free ofcost to the patients. The Pradhan and other PRI members of the area visitedthe camp. People from the nearby villages, especiallythe poor people benefitted from the camp. During the valedictory session, Rev Abraham Thomas,Vicar, St. Thomas Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Port Blairexpressed gratitude the doctors, a communication said.

Science & craftexhibition

Port Blair, Oct. 5The Kamaraj EnglishMedium School, SeniorSecondary, Brookshabadwill be organising a two-day science & craftexhibition on Oct. 7 & 8,2016 at 9 am in theschool premises. TheDeputy EducationOfficer, South Andaman,Shri H. Nathaniel will be thechief guest on theoccasion.

on forest by Shri Jaison John,Forest Ranger(MahatmaGandhi National Park) andShri Abdul Rasheed, ForestRanger(Mt. Harriet NationalPark). The school studentswere taken for bird watchingwhere they were informed

about basics of bird watching,uniqueness of bird diversityof these Islands, potential fordeveloping bird protectionunits from student communityto stop illegal poaching andhunt ing of b irds, acommunicat ion f rom theDeputy Conservator ofForests, Wildlife Division,Haddo said here today.

USG abdomen, contrast CT Scan abdomen, upper andlower G.I. endoscopy and it was found that she hassigmoid colon cancer with a single metastasis to rightlobe of liver. In consultation with the Medical Oncologist,a decision was made for the patient to be taken forlaparascopic surgery and procedure followed byadjuvant (post operative) chemotherapy. A team of experts headed by Surgical Specialist Dr SajiVargheese, MS; M.Ch; and Consultant (Anaethesiology)Dr AL Janardhan, MD and assisted by Dr S Patra, MS,Associate Professor (Surgery) and Staff Nurse SmtiBhuvaneshwari performed an advanced laparascopicsigmoidectomy with end to end anastomosis throughtwo 10 mm ports and three 5 mm ports which lasted for 3½ hours. The patient recovered very well, started on normal dietand now is on treatment with Medical Oncologist DrAbdul Shahid for adjuvant chemotherapy and is doingvery fine, a communication said.

Advanced laparoscopic..(Contd. from page 1)

Prayer for IndiaPort Blair, Oct. 5The Andaman & NicobarIslands Telugu PastorsFellowship will beconducting prayer for Indiaon Oct. 8, 2016 between 9am to 3 pm at GethsemanePrayer House, Lamba Line,a communication said.

MV Swaraj Dweepto sail for Chennai

on Oct. 7Port Blair, Oct. 5MV Swaraj Dweep will sailfor Chennai at 4 pm on Oct.7, 2016 from Haddo Wharf.Excess baggage will beloaded from 2 pm to 4 pmon Oct. 6. Embarkation ofpassengers will commencefrom 1 pm to 3 pm on Oct.7, a communication said.

Port Blair, Oct. 5 In view of Durga PoojaFestival, 2016, theDirectorate of ShippingServices will provideadditional vehicle ferryservice during night hour

Additional vehicle ferry serviceduring Durga puja

between Chatham &Bambooflat from Oct. 8 to 10,2016 for the commuters ofBambooflat and its adjoiningareas. The ferry services willbe operated as per thefollowing schedule:-




-- CHATHAM 2130 Hrs 2145 Hrs BAMBOOFLAT 2150 Hrs 2205 Hrs CHATHAM 2220 Hrs 2235 Hrs BAMBOOFLAT 2240 Hrs 2255 Hrs CHATHAM --

The above timings aretentative and may changesubject to speed of thevessel, weather condition,

availability of berth etc.which are beyondthe control of thisDirectorate.

Mayabunder, Oct. 5 Together with the rest ofthe country, the 62ndWildlife Week is beingobserved from Oct. 2 in theNorth and MiddleAndaman areas by theWildlife DivisionMayabunder, Departmentof Environment & Forests.Banners have been placedin various places in theDistrict with interestingfacts to educate thegeneral public. Considering theimportance of wildlife theDivisional Forest Officer(WL) Mayabunder hasaddressed the Gram Sabhameeting at Mayabunder onOct. 2 and explained aboutthe importance andbehaviour of wildlifeespecially salt watercrocodile which are foundon coastal areas andsuggested the measures tobe taken for safety of thepeople especiallyfishermen who venturesinto sea.On Oct. 3, a rally wasorganized by the WildlifeDivision at Mayabunder

which was attended bystudents, local public,workers, staffs and officersof various GovernmentDepartments. Shri Thomas Varghese,Divisional Forest Officer,Wildlife Division,Mayabunder appealed toone and all to conserve thefauna and flora of theseIslands. Besides, variouscompetitions like essaywriting, drawing &painting on the subject ofbiodiversity, wildlife &environment will beconducted among thestudents of differentschools from Baratang toDiglipur on Oct. 7, 2016, acommunication from theDFO (WL), Mayabundersaid.

Observance of Wildlife Week byMayabunder Wildlife Division

sense of responsibility in every citizen to protect/conserve it. Under the overall supervision of Smt.Geeta Rani Verma, Principal , PTS, the enti repremises and building area PTS i.e. mess, barracks,drill hall, parade ground, armoury and surroundingwere cleaned up while adopting eco-friendlymeasures . Altogether 155 Police s taff in allranks including recruits have actively participatedin the 'Rastriya Swatchhta Diwas', a communicationsaid.

Cleanliness drive ..(Contd. from page 1)

essential support to National AIDS Control Programmein arresting new infections.Cabinet approved MoU between India and EuropeanUnion on water cooperation. It aims to strengthentechnological, scientific and management capabilitiesof India and the European Union in the field of watermanagement.The Cabinet also approves MoU with the African AsianRural Development Organization for capacity buildingin the field of Rural Development.

Cabinet approves..(Contd. from page 1)

being celebrated by Sri Sri Mahakali Temple Committee,Garacharma from Oct. 5 to 11. Similarly, Sri Sri DurgaPuja Committee will be celebrated Durga puja at Chouldarifrom Oct. 7 to 12.

Durga puja ...(Contd. from page 1)

Philippines before moving toBengaluru in 2009.

Oct. 5Professional mountaineer ArjunVajpai summited Cho Oyu, the6th highest mountain, onTuesday to become theyoungest in the world to climbthe 27,000 feet peak. The 23-year-old reached the summitbefore dawn along with hissherpas and anotherexpedition member after

leaving from Camp 3 aftermidnight. With the Cho Oyusummit, Arjun has climbed fiveof the 14 highest mountainsin the world that towerover 8,000 metres andholds the world recordfor the youngest summiteeron Mount Lhotse,Mount Manaslu and MountMakalu.

Arjun Vajpai becomes youngest tosummit 6th highest mountain Cho Oyu

Power breakPort Blair, Oct. 5The power supply willremain suspended inconnection with urgentmaintenance of TirangaPark transformer structureat Aberdeen Bazaar, PortBlair from 7.30 am to 1 pmon Oct. 7 and from 7.30 amto 3 pm on Oct. 8. The areasto be affected areMohanpura, Babu Lane,Aberdeen Bazaar fromRatnam Market to TaxiStand, Aberdeen Thana &part of Gurudwara Lane.

Cleanliness driveby SKSSF

Port Blair, Oct. 5Samastha Kendra SunniStudents Federation(SKSSF), Andaman StateCommittee conductedcleanliness drive 'CleanAndaman' at Bambooflaton Oct. 2. The strong beliefthat the Prime Minister'sinitiatives need to besupported by publicbehaviour has motivatedthe organization toconduct a cleanliness driveat Bambooflat jetty.

Gandhinagar, Oct 5Border Security Force (BSF)has captured a Pakistaniboat with 9 persons onboard from Sir-Creek area ofKutch in Arabian Sea. Thisis the second instance in aweek, that Pakistani boatcrossed in to the India water.Earlier Indian Coast Guard

had seized Pakistani boatwith Pakistani nationals onboard on last Sunday.According to BSF sources,the Pakistani boat has beennabbed this morning by itspatrolling team. Securityforces have startedinterrogations of the arrestedPakistani nationals.

BSF seizes Pakistan boatwith nine people

Port Blair, Oct. 5 A training programme inthe trade 'Coconut Shell &Wooden Handicrafts' underSAGY was organized atCommunity Hall, Ferrargunjfor the unemployed youthsfor a period of three monthsfrom July 1 to Sept. 30. About17 youths of the village werebenefitted from theprogramme. In thevaledictory function held onSept. 30. Shri.Muneshwaran, Pradhan,Gram Panchayat, Ferrargunjdisbursed the certificates tothe successful trainees and

urged the youths to take upincome generation activity.Shri Ajit Anand, AssistantDirector (Tech), Directorateof Industries called upon theyouths to come forward toavail various incentivesprovided by the departmentto set up their enterprises forwhich department willextend its whole heartedsupport. The valedictoryfunction was concludedby vote of thanks bySmti. SunithaKumari, IndustriesPromotion Officer,Directorate of Industries.

Training on 'coconut shell &wooden handicrafts' concludes

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