te a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g a c ti v i ti e s – s

Post on 22-Feb-2022






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Teaching and Learning Activities – Stage 1 2021 Term 4 Week 2 Please complete all activities in your homework book or a workbook you have at home.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayTask Can you go for a walk

with someone in yourfamily?

Organise a special sitdown meal with yourfamily.

Can you FaceTime arelative and read them astory?

Sit under your favouritetree and read.

Can you play a game withsomeone in your family?

Morning EnglishPractise your MagicWords if you have any.Please email the school ifyou need the next levelsent to you.

SpellingSound Waves kids onlineYear 1: sit375Year 2: stone880

This week we have twofocus sounds:Unit 30 z, zz, s, seChant: Zebra in a zoo, z,z, z.and s, siChant: Measure thetreasure, s, s, s.

You can listen to thesound of the week byclicking on “sound info kit”

EnglishPractise your MagicWords if you have any.

SpellingPractise reading your listwords and write your 6words using the strategyof Look, Cover, Write andCheck.

Year 1:Complete Sound WavesUnit 30 Page 1Year 2:Complete SoundwavesUnit 30 Page 1

Upload a copy of yourspelling work to GoogleClassroom.

EnglishPractise your MagicWords if you have any.

SpellingPractise reading your listwords and write your 6words using the strategyof Look, Cover, Write andCheck.

Complete weeklysegmenting of yourspelling words usingeither Sound Waves kidsor the attachedworksheet.

Play a spelling game onSound Waves kids.

EnglishPractise your MagicWords if you have any.

SpellingPractise reading your listwords and write your 6words using the strategyof Look, Cover, Write andCheck.

Year 1:Complete Sound WavesUnit 30 Page 2

Year 2:Complete SoundwavesUnit 30 Page 2

EnglishPractise your MagicWords if you have any.

SpellingAsk someone in yourhouse if they can helptest you on your 6 spellingwords from this week. Ifno one is available toassist you, write yourspelling words out usingthe Look, Cover, Writeand Check strategy.

Play a spelling game onSound Waves kids.

ReadingDid you know that petsneed to be cared for tofeel safe and happy, just


at the top of the Unit 30page from Sound Wavesonline.



Brainstorm 7 wordscontaining the ‘z’, ‘zz’,’s’,‘se’ letters, and 3 wordswith the ‘s’, ‘si’ letters.Write the words in yourbook & underline theletters making the focussound.

Read your spelling

Writing: Things thatmake me happy

This week, we arefocusing on how we cankeep our minds andbodies happy and healthyby thinking positively anddoing things that make ushappy.

Click on the link inGoogle Classroom towatch the video “MyHeart Fills withHappiness” written byMonique Gray Smith.


As you are listening to thestory, think about some ofthe things you like to doto make you feel calmand happy.

Use the template belowto draw and write aboutsome of these things. Youmay choose to select oneor you may like to writeabout all three activitiesthat make you happy.

ReadingOne way to keepourselves feeling positiveis to say sorry when wehurt someone or theirfeelings, even if we didn'tdo it on purpose.

Login to GoogleClassroom and listen toMrs Bedingfield read thestory called “Sorry”.

If you cannot watch thisclip, pick a book onWushka to read andanswer thecomprehension questionsat the end of the book orread a book you have athome.

WritingThere are lots of differentways to let someone knowyou are sorry. Choose acharacter and pretend youare the rabbit or the bearin Mrs Bedingfield’s story,“Sorry”. Write a letter ormake a card to say sorryto your rabbit or bearfriend. Don’t forget to saywhat you are sorry for. Tryto aim for five or moresentences.

ReadingSoon, we will return toschool. You might havemixed feelings aboutcoming back, but lots ofchildren will too, just likeyou. Click on the link inGoogle Classroom towatch the story “TheKissing Hand” by AudreyPenn.


After listening to the story,write 3 ‘I can …”sentences you couldfollow to help you feelcalm when you comeback to school, forexample, “I can sit withmy friends.” If you cannotaccess the video clip, youcan still write 3 sentencesto help you when youreturn to learning atschool.

Extension: Write a letterto your teacher or friend tolet them know what youare looking forward todoing when you comeback to learning at school.

like you? Read theattached text “TakingCare of a Dog” andanswer thecomprehensionquestions.

Extension: Make aposter similar to thecomprehension activity,showing how to take careof a different pet.

Writing:Using the writing promptbelow, write a story,pretending you are thechameleon.Open your story by tellingus what you are saying.Once you have hooked inthe reader, describe whatyou see, hear, smell andfeel.


list words for the week.Select 6 words from yourlist to practice writingeach day. Write these inyour book.

ReadingSoon, we will return tolearning at school. To helpkeep ourselves andothers safe from germs,we can wear a face maskat school.

Watch the clip “MaskedHeroes” to learn aboutwhy wearing a mask isimportant.


If you cannot watch theclip, read the stepsattached.

Complete the “Wearing aMask Read andSequence” activity. Youwill need scissors andglue for this task.

Use the template todesign your own facemask by adding picturesof your favourite thingsand colours.

Grammar - SynonymsSynonyms are differentwords which mean thesame thing, for example,the word shut has thesame meaning as closed.

Complete the worksheetin the pack titled “HappyWords” and think of asmany synonyms forhappy as you can.

Extension:Use two or more of yoursynonyms to write aparagraph aboutsomething that makesyou feel happy.

Upload a copy of yourletter or card to GoogleClassroom. You can writeor type your letter.


Log in to GoogleClassroom to watch thevideo demonstrating theformation for this week’sfocus digraphs ck & ng.We are also practisingnumerals 5, 6 and 7 thisweek.

Complete the handwritingsheet below.


Break Break Break Break Break Break

Middle MathematicsCard, Dice and DominoGamesSelect a game from thegrid to play with yourfamily today.

Mentals:Complete the Year 1 orYear 2 ‘5 Minute MathsRevision’ for Monday.

Clocks:Click the links below towatch Annie and Mobyteach us a little aboutreading clocks and tellingthe time.

Time to the hourhttps://www.yout-ube.com/watch?v=7faFQViEBU4

Time to the half andquarter hourhttps://www.yout-ube.com/watch?v=Ga2VuwJkAMU

Complete the What’s thetime and digital timeworksheets of your choice- hour, half hour andquarter hour.

MathematicsCard, Dice and DominoGamesSelect a game from thegrid to play with yourfamily today.

Mentals:Complete the Year 1 orYear 2 ‘5 Minute MathsRevision’ for Tuesday.

Number of the Day:Roll a dice 2-4 times tocreate a 2,3 or 4-digitnumber. Use this numberto complete the numberof the day worksheetbelow:Year 1: 2 or 3-digitnumberYear 2: 3 or 4-digitnumber

Clocks:Click the link below toplay the optional Tellingthe Time gamehttps://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time

After playing the game,Choose a time to writesome clues about.

MathematicsCard, Dice and DominoGamesSelect another game toplay with your familytoday.

Mentals:Complete the Year 1 orYear 2 ‘5 Minute MathsRevision’ for Wednesday.

How long things take:Completing any task takestime. Some tasks maytake longer to completethan others. Tasks cantake seconds (blinking),minutes (putting onsunscreen), or hours(sleeping).

Some tasks can only becompleted at certain timesof the day (eating lunch atnoon).

Using the task pictures,complete the How longdoes it take? worksheet.Cut the pictures out andglue them into the correctspot on the table -seconds, minutes, hours.

MathematicsCard, Dice and DominoGamesSelect a game from thisweek to play again.

Mentals:Complete the Year 1 orYear 2 ‘5 Minute MathsRevision’ for Thursday.

Number of the Day:Roll a dice 2-4 times tocreate a 2,3 or 4-digitnumber. Use this numberto complete the number ofthe day worksheet below:Year 1: 2 or 3-digitnumberYear 2: 3 or 4-digitnumber

Upload your Number ofthe Day work to GoogleClassroom.

Calendars:Calendars tell us what dayand month it is. Acalendar is a great way tokeep track of whathappens during eachmonth.

MathematicsCard, Dice and DominoGamesSelect your favouritegame from this week toplay again.

Mentals:Finish any mentalsquestions which you mayhave missed this week

Calendars/Seasons:Click the link to listen toAnnie and Moby learnabout different seasons.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxA86R06ny8

Using the information inthe video and things youalready know, completethe 4 seasons tablebelow. Include the monthsof each season, theweather and activities youcould do in each season.

Complete the Changingwith the Seasonsworksheet by colouringand decorating eachpanel of the tree picture tomatch each changingseason.


Upload a copy of yourcompleted worksheets toGoogle Classroom.

Log on to Mathleticshttps://login.mathletics.com/Complete 2-3 tasks thatyour teacher has set.

Clue 1- minute handClue 2 - hour handClue 3 - What are youdoing? I am….

Use the clock and flaptemplates below to createsecret times. See ifsomeone in your familycan guess all your times.

Log on to Mathleticshttps://login.mathletics.com/Complete 2-3 tasks thatyour teacher has set.

Continue practising yourhour and half hour time bycompleting the All in aday's work! worksheet.Draw the hands on theanalog clock to show thecorrect time, then writeand draw something youdo at that time.

Log on to Mathleticshttps://login.mathletics.com/Complete 2-3 tasks thatyour teacher has set.

Watch the YouTube videobelow to learn aboutcalendarshttps://www.yout-ube.com/watch?v=ILCRuXriKMU

Use the month ofSeptember on the Usinga Calendar worksheet toanswer the questions.

Extension: Complete theblank Using a Calendarworksheet. Add theinformation required tocorrectly answer thequestions.

Play The Calendar Gameon ABCYAhttps://www.abcya.com/games/calendar_word_problems

Log on to Mathleticshttps://login.mathletics.com/Complete 2-3 tasks thatyour teacher has set.

Upload a copy of yourSeasons work to GoogleClassroom.

Log on to Mathleticshttps://login.mathletics.com/Complete 2-3 tasks thatyour teacher has set.


Break Break Break Break Break BreakAfternoon PDH

This week you will belearning all about theimportance of sleep andrest for your body andmind. You will becompleting a sleeproutine checklist and asleep reflection taskthroughout the week.

Click on the followingYouTube link to learn allabout sleep and exploresome of the benefits ofsleep on your health.


Think about why we wakeup when it is light and goto bed when it is dark?

How does sleep help youto remember what youhave learnt after a day atschool?

What are some sleeproutines you currentlyhave before going to bed?

Use the template below torecord your sleep routines

Science - MaterialWorld

This term, we arelearning about whatchanges occur whenmaterials are combined.

Have a look at the threepictures attached. Whatdo you notice about thepictures? What is similarand different in the threepictures?

Complete the worksheet“Looking in the Bowl”. Ifyou have the ingredients,you might like to mixthem together to seewhat the bowl would looklike before you draw it.What did you find out?

Upload a copy of yourwork to GoogleClassroom (optional)

Wellbeing Wednesday

Go on a walk with yourfamily around thecommunity or exploreyour backyard to completethe Outdoor MindfulnessScavenger Hunt.

You might like to watch amovie that makes youhappy, like Trolls or Singor complete themindfulness colouringincluded in the pack.

Whatever you choose todo this afternoon, makesure it makes you happy.You might like to post inthe stream in GoogleClassroom what youchose to do. (Optional)

Creative Art - Mindfuldrawing

You will be learning allabout taking some time tobe present in the moment,take some deep breathsand enjoy a few momentsof drawing.Click on the followingYouTube link to watchstudents complete theirmindfulness drawings.


Once you have finished,choose some quietbackground music tolisten to whilst youcomplete your owndrawing. You can useyour own piece of paperand set a timer for 3-5minutes or use theattached worksheet.

Reflection:•How do you feel aboutdrawing in your free time?•What did you noticeabout the shapes thechildren were drawing inthe video?

Family Picnic

To finish off wellbeingweek, plan and participatein a family picnic.

In planning for the picnic,think about the following:

- Where are yougoing?

- What are yougoing to eat?

- What games willyou play or whatwill you do?

- Who are yougoing to invite?

Design an invitation youcan use to invite others toyour picnic.

Go on your picnic. Thiscan be today, over theweekend or some time inthe future.


for the week. Add 3 extrathings to the routine youand your family do.

•How do you thinkmindfulness drawing mayhave a positive impact onyour health?

Some other interesting sites you might like to look at throughout the week (just for fun):

Taronga TV - listen to keeper talks and view live cams from the zoo https://taronga.org.au/taronga-tv#animalantics

ABC Education - https://www.abc.net.au/tveducation/programs/primary/

NSW Education Livestream - various topics at 10am daily -https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/learning-from-home/learning-at-home

Some useful links for indoor physical activity each dayPE with Joe: Every weekday Joe will do a PE lesson that goes for 30 mins. Search YouTube for past day's lessons.https://youtu.be/-8o8wMgAT-Y

Cosmic Yoga: Search Cosmic Yoga on YouTube and choose one to do. They range from 5 mins to 30 minshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-BS87NTV5I

Family Fun Cardio Work Out Home exercise for kidshttps://youtu.be/5if4cjO5nxo https://youtu.be/aHVR2FnTpdk

Exercise for kids GoNoodlehttps://youtu.be/oc4QS2USKmk https://family.gonoodle.com/

Get Active@homehttps://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/learning-from-home/learning-at-home/activities-for-your-child/getactive-home


Year 1 Worksheets

Spelling – Monday-Friday

Year 1 Worksheets

Spelling – Monday-Friday

Year 1 Worksheets

Mentals – Monday-Thursday

Year 1 Worksheets

Mentals – Monday-Thursday

Year 1 Worksheets

Tuesday - Mathematics ~ 2 digit ~ ~ 3 digit ~

Year 1 Worksheets

Segmenting - Thursday Extension Words

Year 2 Worksheets

Spelling – Monday-Friday

Year 2 Worksheets

Spelling – Monday-Friday

Year 2 Worksheets

Mentals – Monday-Thursday

Year 2 Worksheets

Mentals – Monday-Thursday

Year 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Mathematics ~ 3 digit ~ ~ 4 digit ~

Year 2 Worksheets

Segmenting - Thursday Extension Word

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Spelling – Monday - Friday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Monday - Reading

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Monday - Reading

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Mathematics - Monday - Friday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Mathematics - Monday - Friday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Mathematics - Monday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Mathematics - Monday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Mathematics - Monday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Monday - PDH

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Writing

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Grammar

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Science

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Tuesday - Science

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wednesday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wednesday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wednesday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wellbeing Wednesday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wellbeing Wednesday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Wellbeing Wednesday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Handwriting – Thursday

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Thursday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Thursday - Maths Extension

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Thursday - Mindfulness Drawing

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Friday - Reading

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Friday - Writing prompt

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Friday - Maths

Year 1 & 2 Worksheets

Friday - Maths

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