tcc application

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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the application


A guide to applying online with

Tulsa Community College

Where to apply online


On the homepage there are two places to apply online. (1) is at the top

– center of the homepage and (2) is under the admissions link.


Both links (1) and (2) will route you to this page. From this page you can navigate

information about your coursework, financial aid, and personal information which will be

discussed later on in this tutorial. Your first step will be to click on ‘Apply for Admission’

link to the right of arrow.

After clicking on the ‘Apply for admission’ link you will be routed to a login page. As a

first time user your next step will be to click on ‘First time user account creation’ to the

right of the arrow.



(1)As a new user you will

need to create a Login and

PIN. The Login can be up

to nine alphanumeric

characters (A-Z)(0-9). For

example TCC2010 would

be an acceptable Login.

(2)Next you will

create a pin number

specific to you. This

number must be six

digits (0-9) in length.

(3) Verify your pin number by entering in this

field. This is to confirm that your Pin is correct.

After creating a Login ID and PIN the next step is to select your application type.

There are several application types available and if you are unsure of how you should

apply contact any of our four campuses.

This page is the formal start to your online application. From here you will enter which

semester you are applying for, First Name, Last Name, and the option to enter your

middle name or initial. The red asterisk you see following Admission Term, First Name

and Last Name means they are required fields. You will see the asterisk throughout the

online application.

After filling out your application term and name you will be directed to the main

page of the application. From here you will fill out the remaining sections of

information. If for any reason you need to log out of the system and cannot finish

your application click the ‘Finish Later’ Button and it will save all information you

have inputted.

The first page is a personal information

portion of the application. Remember, all

fields with an asterisk must are required.

It is important to remember that you must

have an email address. Free email

accounts are available through,, and many more.

Next is a page that will ask for mailing information with the option to enter a phone number

as a means to contact you. Remember at anytime you can save where you are in your progress

by clicking the ‘Finish Later’ button.

This page is to determine certain information about your status with Tulsa Community

College. Although there are questions regarding state residency and military duty you have the

option to click ‘No Response’ if you do not want to disclose that information.

The next two sections of the

application deal with your educational

background. There will be a section

for high school and a section for

college. This image shows the high

school page.

Although there are no required fields

on this page we recommend you input

all information regarding your previous

education. (1)It is also important if

you disclose your high school to look

up the high school code indicated by

the arrow. The same is also true for

looking up any previous college or


If you have attended one or more colleges it is important to input all information about previous institutions. You can add more than one college by clicking the ‘Enter or View another College.’

Next is a planned course of study. From here students can choose their academic program. If you are unsure of which course of study to choose, you may speak with an advisor at any of our four campus locations. Although you have to pick a major, you can always change a major at a later date. You can also select more than one program by clicking on the ‘Enter Other Majors, Minors and Concentrations button.

The last section of the application is a list of questions and options designed to see how the college can help you based off of your specific needs. It is important to answer these questions honestly and if you feel uncomfortable answering certain information it is alright to mark the ‘No Response’ button.

You will know when a section of the application is completed when a checkmark is located to the left of the section, much like the one next to ‘Name.’ Once all sections are check marked you are ready to submit your application to Tulsa Community College by clicking the ‘Application is Complete’ button.

-Give the application process 2 – 3 working days to process your information. Once processed, you will receive a User Id which you will use to log into TED Self Service, which is the top link of this page.

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