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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Составитель:Владимирова С.Г.


УДК 42 ББК 81.432.1



Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов специальностей «Гостиничный сервис», «Прикладная эстетика»,

«Парикмахерское искусство».

Грамматика в упражнениях. Причастие: Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка /Сост. С.Г. Владимирова. – Ярославль: 2017. – 21 с.

Сборник содержит упражнения по наиболее трудным разделам английской грамматики: неличным формам глагола. Упражнения способствуют

овладению грамматически правильной английской речью.


Составитель С.Г. Владимирова С.Г.2





Причастие относится к неличным формам глагола и обладает признаками как прилагательного (иногда наречия), так и глагола. Глагольными признаками причастия являются его способность иметь прямое дополнение, определяться наречием и иметь формы времени и залога. Но время, выраженное причастием носит относительный характер, т. е. соотносится с действием глагола-сказуемого предложения и выражает либо одновременность, либо предшествование этому действию.

Причастия в английском языке подразделяются на причастие I (Participle I) и причастие II (Participle II).




ACTIVE asking having askedaskedPASSIVE being asked having been



Причастие I образуется путем прибавления суффикса -ing к основе глагола: working работающий, работая.


№ п/п


1 Конечная нечитаемая буква -e отбрасывается

to take брать - taking

2 Однако читаемая конечная -е не отбрасывается

to see видеть - seeingto be быть - being

3 Сочетание букв -ie стягивается в букву y

to lie лежать - lying

4 Конечная -y при прибавлении -ing всегда сохраняется

to copy копировать - copying


5 Если последний слог краткий и стоит под ударением, а слово оканчивается на одну согласную, то эта согласная

перед -ing удваивается

to sit сидеть - sittingto commit совершать -


6 Если же последний слог не ударный, то удвоения конечной согласной не


to differ различаться - differingto limit ограничивать - limiting



1 ОпределениеУпотребляется перед

определяемым существительным (левое определение) или после него (правое

определение). На русский язык такое причастие переводится причастием

действительного залога настоящего времени. Правое определение часто бывает выражено

причастием I с относящимися к нему словами и в этом случае переводится на русский язык

причастным оборотом

growing trees растущие деревья

Look at the trees growing in our

garden. Посмотри на деревья, растущие в

нашем саду.

2 ОбстоятельствоУпотребляется в начале или в конце

предложения. В этом случае причастие I обычно переводится на русский язык

деепричастием, оканчивающимся на -(а)я

Reading an English book he wrote out many

new words.Читая английскую книгу, он выписал много новых слов.

3 Часть сказуемогоВ этом случае причастие I вместе

с глаголом to be является сказуемым предложения в одном из времен

группы Continuous. Такие сказуемые переводятся на русский язык глаголом в

личной форме в соответствующем времени

They will be working at that time tomorrow.

Они будут работать завтра в это время.



Форма причастия II (причастия прошедшего времени) стандартных (правильных) глаголов совпадает с формой прошедшего времени этих глаголов, т.е. образуется прибавлением к основе глагола суффикса -ed с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями: to solve решать - solved решил - solvedрешенный (-ая, -ое).

Форма причастия II нестандартных (неправильных) глаголов образуется разными способами и соответствует 3-й форме этих глаголов: to speak - spoke - spoken, to make - made - made, to go - went - gone. 



1 ОпределениеВ этой функции причастие II

употребляется либо перед определяемым словом (слева от него),

либо после (справа). В последнем случае, если нет относящихся к нему

слов, при переводе причастие переносится влево. На русский язык причастие II обычно

переводится причастием страдательного залога на -мый, -щийся, -нный, -тый, -вшийся

the solved problem, the problem solved решенная


houses built построенные дома

the opened book открытая книга

the method used используемый


2 Обстоятельство причиныСоответствует в русском языке

причастиям на -мый, -щийся, -нный, -тый, -вшийся или придаточным

предложениям причины

Well-known all over the world the Russian book on

electronics was also translated into English.

Так как русская книга по электронике известна во

всем мире, она была переведена и на английский


Обстоятельство времениСоответствует в русском языке

придаточным предложениям времени. Такие обстоятельственные причастные

обороты могут иногда вводиться союзами whenкогда, while в то время

как, во время

When given the book read the article about environment

protection. Когда вам дадут книгу, прочтите статью об охране окружающей среды.


3 Часть сказуемогоВ этом случае причастие II вместе

с глаголом to have является сказуемым предложения в одном из времен

группы Perfect

He had translated the text before I came. Он перевел

текст, прежде чем я пришел.

1. Complete these statements with gerunds. Use the verbs in the box. increase smoking eat do walk swim go run

1. ………………. is bad for your heart and lungs. 2. …………………. too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy. 3. Doctors suggest …………… the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet. 4. Avoid …………….. too many high-impact sports such as jogging and jumping rope. Instead, consider ……………. in a pool every day. It’s an excellent is better than low-impact sport. 5. Many health experts think that ………………… is better than ……………. because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground. 6. Many people postpone ……………….. to the doctor or dentist, but regular checkups are important.

2. Work in small groups. Discuss this poster (pic. 1).

Complete some of the sentences below to help you in the discussion.


3. The message of this poster is... The man wants/doesn’t want to quit… The camel enjoys … The camel keeps... Lighting up a cigarette … After six years, most people can’t resist … I can’t imagine … I can’t stand … This poster makes me feel like … Smoking is… Pic. 1

4. Read this transcript of a radio talk show about voting rights for people under age eighteen. What do you think about it?

Smith: Welcome to Voice of the People. I'm Ed Smith, and tonight our topic is youth voting rights.

Kyle, you're only sixteen. For someone your age, is getting the vote really important enough to fight for?

Kyle: Sure. Without it, teenagers are too powerless for politicians to listen to.

Smith: I don't get it. In the 1960s when military service was required, eighteen year-olds had an argument -"if we're old enough to fight for our country, we're old enough to vote." What's your argument?

Tina: Well, there are a lot of laws that discriminate against us.

Micah: For example, my parents are divorced. I see my father every week. I don't want to, but the law says I'm too young to decide.

Kyle: My city has curfew laws. I'm responsible enough to work and pay taxes, but too immature to stay out until 10:00. That's fair?

Tina: Women, racial minorities, and people with disabilities have already won their civil rights. Now it's our turn.

Micah: That's right. Things are changing, but not quickly enough for us to get anything out of it.

5. Read the first sentence. Then decide if the second sentence is True (T) or False (F).

1. Marta remembered meeting Mr. Jackson. __ Marta has already met Mr. Jackson.23 2. Richard stopped smoking. ___ Richard doesn't smoke anymore. 3. She didn't remember to buy a cake for the party. ___ She bought a cake. 4. She stopped eating desserts. ___She used to eat


desserts. 5. Richard forgot to invite his boss to the party. ___ Richard invited his boss. 6. Richard forgot inviting his neighbor to the party. ___ Richard invited his neighbor. 7. Richard thinks giving a party is fun. ___ Richard thinks it's fun to give a party. 8. Marta likes going to parties. ___ Marta likes to go to parties.

6. Circle the correct words to complete these ideas from a book called Super Memory.

1. Get in the habit of (repeating)/ to repeat things aloud. 2. Never rely on someone else’s memory. Learn trusting / to trust your own. 3. It’s easy forgetting / to forget what you don't want remembering / to remember. 4. Study immediately before going / to go to sleep. You'll remember a lot more the next day. 5. Our memories are filled with things we never even meant remembering / to remember. 6. Make it a habit to pass in front of your car every time you get out, and you'll never forget turning off / to turn off your headlights. 7. Playing / To play games is a fun way of improving / to improve your memory skills.

7. Fill in with the appropriate preposition or particle and -ing forms.

Dear Sir/Madam, As I dine out regularly in good quality restaurants I am accustomed........................... (receive) service of the highest standard. The staff at your establishment could certainly not be accused............................. (provide) this! In addition................................. (be) extremely rude, the waitress who served us was also guilty ............................ (get) our order wrong twice. My wife was also very upset.................................. (be) told that she shouldn't be so impatient. The chef too, seemed incapable............................ (do) anything right. As well............................... (forget) to heat up our soup, he burnt my steak and overcooked my wife's vegetables. All I can say is that he is obviously used..................................... (cook) for very uncritical diners. To make matters worse, the waitress tried to prevent us...................................... (leave) the restaurant because we hadn't left a tip! I'm not interested............................ (get) my 26 money back but I am looking forward........................... (hear) from you in the near future with a full apology to my wife and myself.................................. (spoil) our 25th wedding anniversary.

Yours faithfully, Michael Crawford

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.The Jackal is known................. (be) one of the most dangerous criminals in


the world. ........................ (rob) banks is his speciality, although he also enjoys...................... (kidnap) every now and again. So far, the police have failed.................... (catch) him, and they would be very happy ............................. (receive)any information that could lead to his arrest. The public have beenwarned................................ (not/approach) the Jackal if they see him, as he has agun and he doesn't mind ...................................... (use) it. The last person..............................(try) to arrest him was shot in the foot. Fortunately, weare unlikely.......................... (come across) the Jackal in this country in the near

future. He was last seen.................................... (sunbathe) on a beach in Brazil.

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.The best way ...to explore... (explore) China is by land. Anyone who hasbeen there, will..................... (tell) you what a great experience it is........................... (Travel) round China involves.................................... (cover)great distances as the country is enormous. As a result, some tourists wouldrather................................... (fly), as it is quicker and they consider............................... (sit) on a bus or train a waste of time. For those who don'tmind........................... (take) a bit longer, there is so much..................................... (see) which is not visible from a plane. From a bus youcan.................................. (see) women ............................. (work) in the ricefields. You can even spend some time...................................... (learn) a few Chinesephrases. Few can resist........................... (taste) the local delicacy – bird'snest soup, though you may ............................. (have) difficulty in

......................... .................. (acquire) a taste for one-hundred-year-old eggs!!

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate participle.Carla has been ...interested... (interest) in dancing since she was a little girl.When she put on her own "performances" at home for her relatives, they wereall.................................... (entertain) by the sight of the young girl twirlingaround in her home-made costumes. No one guessed, however, that by the ageof eighteen she would be an......................... (entertain) spectacle for a much largeraudience. Carla's family were.......................... (thrill) to attend a Royal Performanceand to witness their little girl's ......................... (excite) debut. Carlaherself was more....................... (excite) and ................................. (frighten) thanshe'd ever been in her life. Her climb to fame had been extremely........................(reward). And now, here she was, dancing for the Queen. How.............................(please) she felt! But the......................................... (amaze) reviews she received

the next day were even more ...................................... (thrill).


11. Translate the following sentences into Russian stating the syntacticfunction of the –ing form.1. Learning without thought is labour lost, thought without learning is perilous.2. Seeing is believing. 3. Appetite comes with eating. 4. Upon switching off thecurrent the pressure dropped. 5. Instead of using chlorine, they took bromine. 6.A committee has been established for the purpose of coordinating the nomenclature.7. They continued experimenting with the substance. 8. Having access tothe code was symbolic. 9. It is worthwhile thinking over the effects I have justdescribed. 10. Besides being useful in general interpolation technique, the procedurecan be effectively used to approximate the first coefficients of F. 11. Thenew opportunities may make life on this planet much more worth living. 12.They were against postponing the meeting and for going on with the discussionof this problem. 13. We were all for starting the experiment at once. 14. It is nouse speaking of it. 15. Operating conditions differed widely. 16. It is customaryto dry the precipitate (осадок) on the paper without removing it from the funnel(воронка). 17. They could not help seeing the importance of the process. 18. Itis commonly understood that regular queues before a theatre or a cinema are onesign that the show is worth seeing. 19. The purpose of the method is determiningsystem stability. 20. In one's search to understand what happens in this particularcase, one cannot help being influenced by the history of quite another problem.21. We succeeded in building a flexible system. 22. The architects' aim is applyingmore plastics for interior decoration. 23. It may well be worthwhile consideringthe purpose of the investigation. 24. Search theory is potentially applicableto any sort of searching process. 25. Balancing is done by adjusting

(регулировать) the position of the rods.

12. Read the following -ing words and find the Participles:Reading; shortcoming; about asking questions; the student’s asking; their askingquestions; No smoking!; notwithstanding that; granting that; seeing that; considering that; supposing that; notwithstanding; following; barring; excepting; according to; considering; regarding; а 'reading 'student; a 'reading lamp; a 'dancing'girl; a 'dancing girl; a 'drinking man; a 'drinking 'man.

13. Define the syntactic function of the Participle I.1. The man is speaking with him. 2. The man speaking with him looks like Bob.3. The man speaking with him is Bob. 4. Speaking with him is Bob. 5. The studentopening the door is Bob. 6. Opening the door the student said, "Good morning!"7. "Good morning!", the student said opening the door. 8. The student askingquestions, we answer them. 9. The student asking questions speaks English.10. We heard the student asking questions. 11. The student asking questions, wewaited. 12. He was seen running. 13. He seemed to be dying.


14.Read the following words and find the Participles:He worked; he has worked; the wounded; retireds; old-fashioneds; illustrateds; unwanteds; coloureds; disableds; young marrieds/ newly weds; blue-eyed; provided (that); granted (that); granted.

15. Is the word in bold a Participle or a finite verb?1. The student was asked a question. 2. The student has asked a question. 3. Thestudent asked a question. 4. The student asked the question did not know the answer.5. The question asked proved difficult. 6. Asked the question, the studentdid not know the answer. 7. The question asked was difficult.16. Define the syntactic function of the Participle I.1. The engines produced… 2. The engines are produced… 3. (When) asked thequestion, the student did not know the answer. 4. The student asked the questiondid not know the answer. 5. The work finished by him, we left. 6. The work finishedby him was difficult. 7. I want the work finished. 8. The work finished, weleft. 9. He was reported killed. 10. He looked scared. 11. You seem to be interested.

17. Find the participles in the sentences below.1. Hydrogen is the lightest element known. 2. The technique employed uses asingle probe. 3. The quantity of electricity flowing is directly related to theamounts of material transformed at the electrodes. 4. Everything depends on theproportion of the two substances being distilled. 5. The complexity of the techniqueinvolved increased considerably. 6. The rate of a reaction depends on thespecific nature of the substances involved. 7. Energy loss has been considered inChapter II. The processes involved are ionizing collision and atomic excitations.8. This half life is a characteristic only of the particular nucleus concerned. 9.None of the authors concerned had based his experiment on the method discussed.

18. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participle.1. Coming events cast their shadows before them. 2. What is a friend? A singlesoul dwelling in two bodies (Aristotle). 3. Another factor influencing the level of50detail (степень детализации) is the progress reporting requirements. 4. Usingthe energy of the atom, we produce electric energy at atomic power plants. 5.The empirical evidence is lacking here. 6. This requirement is not restricting,however. 7. The linking of the molecules is much more flexible, consisting of adhoc bilateral or multilateral interfaces. 8. It is quite possible that goodness, beinga property of a man, is not conditioned by nature. 9. At 210° nitro-diphenyl isformed, indicating that phenyl elimination (выгорание) does take place at this


temperature. 10. Electronic computers perform both arithmetic and logical operations, making it possible to control the process under rather complicated conditions. 11. System design progresses through several stages, becoming moredetailed in each stage. 12. Growing science accumulates examples of quantitativerelations. 13. The yield (выход) was 12% of the dried wood, varying withthe amount of hydrochloric acid (соляная кислота) used. 14. When being pure,water is a colourless liquid. 15. This tube is very similar to others, save being abit wider. 16. Considering the limited scope of the method, it has yet been usedby comparatively few workers. 17. The syntax and semantics of these languagesare very sophisticated, making the translation to machine language a complexprocess. 18. The chemical and physical properties of these dimers (димер) arebeing studied. 19. Sometimes such experiments, even if performed only in theimagination, are convincing even to mathematicians. 20. Strictly speaking, thisfinding (полученные данные) means that this hypothesis cannot be rejected.

Find the Past Participle. What is its function in the sentence?1. Danger foreseen is half avoided. 2. One cannot shut one's eyes to things notseen with eyes (Ch. Morgan). 3. The results obtained disagreed with earlier data.4. Statements, in turn, are strings of symbols from a given alphabet, composedof letters, digits and special characters. 5. The set of basic operations provided isnot, in general, suited to the execution of commonly needed procedures. 6. Thestrategies available in the dynamic situation are complicated functions of information received and actions undertaken in the preceding stages. 7. It was astandpoint shared by many philosophers. 8. Syntax is another major difference,as indicated in the proceeding paragraphs. 9. Ethics is concerned with moral dutiesof a man. 10. Nearly all the assembly line problems as documented in theliterature were solved by this method. 11. Science accumulates examples foreseenand verified through practice. 12. A natural consequence of such behaviorshould be decreased time for problem solution. 13. Ethics is closely connectedwith feeling. 14. A "plist" is a list of column names in the order required en52closed in square brackets [ ]. 15. This expedition failed because undertaken inwinter. 16. Thus influenced, the author yielded. 17. That lesson, once learned,was never forgotten. 18. Logicians are concerned with inductive logic. 19. Theonly evidence (we can have) consists of the reports yet unpublished. 20. Whenproperly carried out, microwave determination of depole moment should be ofconsiderable reliability. 21. The model suggested described adequately thethermodynamic peculiarities studied by Dr. D. 22. The child lacks the experiencerequired for practical action. 23. Once designed and if designed properly arelational database is very flexible. 24. The difficulties posed by this problemare generally recognized. 25. Stated bluntly, a different set could be selected forthis purpose. 26. The basic solvent used prevented lactone information. 27. Wealso discuss experiments connected with some related questions.

Work in two groups. What participle constructions are there in the


text? Translate the text.When considered dynamically, the biosphere appears an arena of complex interactions among the essential natural cycles of its major constituents, with continuous fluxes of these constituents entering the biosphere, or being released byit. Once brought into being by evolution from an inorganic environment, the livingmatter has profoundly altered the primitive lifeless earth, gradually changingthe composition of the atmosphere, the sea, and the top layers of the solid crustboth on land and under the ocean. Since then, if one were to ascribe a single objective to evolution, it would be the perpetuation of life. This is the single endwhich the entire strategy of evolution is focused on, with evolution dividing theresources of any location, including its input of energy, among an ever increasingnumber of different kinds of users, which we recognize as plant and animalspecies.

Revise the materials and make up the test:

1.She turned to me for help,  how to deal with the problem.

o not having known

o not being known

o not knowing 2.I want my phone number  because people often get the wrong number.

o being changed

o having changed

o changed 3.I wonder what Doctor Brown thinks of the medical problem  now.

o being discussed

o discussing

o having been discussed 4.Jerry shivered. The wind  from the north was bitterly cold.


o come

o having come

o coming 5.I heard him  something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to


o shouting

o having shouted

o shouted 6.As a taxi-driver before, Leo knew every corner of the town.

o Having worked

o Working

o Worked 7. Unwell, Len decided to stay away from classes for a few days.

o Felt

o Having felt

o Feeling 8.To see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car.

o Wishing

o Wished

o Having wished 9.Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke  through the roof of one of the houses.

o come

o coming15

o having come 10.Thank you for the information, - Mandy said  what to do next.

o not known

o not having known

o not knowing 11.Desmond wondered who it could be.  to the door, he flung it open.

o Come

o Coming up

o Having come up 12.Going back to his office, Fisher had a  feeling of strong anger and mild grief.

o mixing

o being mixed

o mixed 13.A white shawl  around the girl's shoulders made her look like a Greek goddess.

o having been wrapped

o wrapped

o being wrapped 14.Control of his car on an icy road, the driver hit a tree.

o Having lost

o Losing

o Being lost 15. By her appearance she looked like a person whose life was hard and full of



o Judged

o Having judged

o Judging

15.She turned to me for help,  how to deal with the problem.o not having known

o not being known

o not knowing 16.I want my phone number  because people often get the wrong number.

o being changed

o having changed

o changed 17.I wonder what Doctor Brown thinks of the medical problem  now.

o being discussed

o discussing

o having been discussed 18.Jerry shivered. The wind  from the north was bitterly cold.

o come

o having come

o coming 19.I heard him  something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not

to hear.

o shouting


o having shouted

o shouted 20. As a taxi-driver before, Leo knew every corner of the town.

o Having worked

o Working

o Worked 21.Unwell, Len decided to stay away from classes for a few days.

o Felt

o Having felt

o Feeling 22.To see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car.

o Wishing

o Wished

o Having wished 23.Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke  through the roof of one of the houses.

o come

o coming

o having come 24.Thank you for the information, - Mandy said  what to do next.

o not known

o not having known

o not knowing 25.Desmond wondered who it could be.  to the door, he flung it open.


o Come

o Coming up

o Having come up 26.Going back to his office, Fisher had a  feeling of strong anger and mild grief.

o mixing

o being mixed

o mixed 27. A white shawl around the girl's shoulders made her look like a Greek goddess.

o having been wrapped

o wrapped

o being wrapped 28.Control of his car on an icy road, the driver hit a tree.

o Having lost

o Losing

o Being lost 29. By her appearance she looked like a person whose life was hard and full of


o Judged

o Having judged

o Judging



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ратуры: Лексико-грамматический справочник / М.Г. Рубцова. – М.: ООО

«Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2002.

11. Учи английский онлайн – Говори свободно на английском








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