taxi driver

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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1. The opening shot of the title sequence shows the production company’s name in a red, bold font with a black background. This is done because the audience will recognise the company, as well as the font and background making it stand out more. The colour red is used as it connotes danger which creates tension, a common theme of thrillers.

2. This shot shows the actor’s name, who is the main character in this film. This shot is very similar to the previous with the same font and colours, to create the same effect. This actor is in multiple thrillers and so the audience will recognise him and continue watching. The mood created in this shot is mystery as not much is given away to the audience

3. This frame shows a street at night time where a lot of smoke or steam appears to be coming out of the ground.The white smoke contrasts the darkness of the street which confuses the audience. Also, the audience doesn’t know what the smoke is or why it is coming from the ground, and so they carry on watching.

4. This shot leads on from the previous, with a car driving through the smoke and the title of the film, ‘Taxi Driver’ trailing behind it. The font is bold and the colour of it is yellow which connotes happiness, an anti-stereotype of the thriller genre. This confuses the audience and so they want to know more.

5. This shot presents more names of actors in the same bold font and yellow colour, further creating a juxtaposition in the moods created. The smoke now acts as a background for the titles which is white. The colours are now completely opposite to the colours of the first couple of shots that used black and red colours, creating contrast for the audience.

6. The next shot shows a extreme close up of the main character’s eyes with changing levels of lighting. This shows different levels of lighting, creating more contrast and different moods all in one shot. The audience focuses on his eyes and facial expression due to the extreme close up used.

7. This shot shows an inside perspective of a car driving through a city with a lot of bright lights. However, it seems to be raining so all of the lights and colours are not focused and blurry. The audience can not see properly what the lights are and so continue watching so they can find out what they are.

8. The opening titles still continue to appear throughout, with this shot showing a poorly focused view of lights from the nearby shops and other buildings. The blurriness of the shot makes the lights appear brighter. This is an anti-stereotype of the thriller genre as low key lighting is a convention of the genre, which is the opposite the brighter lighting.

9. This frame shows a clearer, less blurry view of people walking around, creating a busy atmosphere. The credit of the director is shown in a bold yellow font. This is an occurring theme in this title sequence, so the audience stays focused on the titles. The bright lights further create a happy tone, contrasting thriller themes.

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